#give or take a few exceptions
kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Okay, first of all, I don't buy ANY of this.
You can tell, because Dylan's acting is spot-on. SOMETHING'S off. His attitude about all of this is WAY too laid-back, and his sudden ability to remember what happened and make the connections is TOO convenient.
Like, the Nogitsune is doing a good job, and it picked a good host, because Stiles is crazy smart, and he was really close to figuring everything out, and in any normal situation, everyone would be quick to trust his brain and his ability to make the connections, which is why they're trusting him now (though points to Scott for the wariness he clearly does have, even if he is going along with the whole thing). But like I said, it's TOO convenient. Suddenly Stiles just happens to be back, and happens to have some semblance of what's wrong with him, and is able to produce all of this evidence all of a sudden? No. Absolutely not.
And as far as the attitude goes, yeah, too laid-back. Yes, Stiles is a problem-solver, and yes, he uses humor and wit to cope and move on from traumatic events, but he has been REELING these last few days, and you're telling me all of a sudden, he's worked through it and he's more or less fine and is able to put two-and-two together and solve this case? No. I don't buy it. And I really hope nobody else does either.
With that out of the way, I waited a hot second to start a post, so let's react in order of events shall we?
As a general overarching thing, can we just reiterate how LOST Scott is without Stiles? Like, dude is so monotone and so just, like, mopey and lacking motivation and clearly hurting and upset. Like, he's trying, because he obviously wants to save his best friend, and he wants to save the town, but you can just TELL that he's missing a piece of himself without Stiles with him. He's lost his usual optimism, he's so stoic and impassive, and he just generally does not look or seem like himself. He just seems so...numb. Kudos to Tyler Posey for his acting on that, because it's really heartbreaking to watch, but it also makes me love and appreciate the Sciles relationship even more than I already do. Poor Scott. Poor Stiles. Please fix this so that you two can be together again. :( :( <3 <3
That said, Scott taking Isaac's pain? My heart. That hurt him so much, but he was willing to do it in a heartbeat to try to help his foster brother (also Allison's "I tried to tell them he doesn't have any" and Melissa's "He's got us." I CANNOT!! This little family. <3). Also, I really appreciate how well Scott handles Allison and Isaac's relationship in this moment when they're all at their lowest. Like, instead of being angry or hurt, like he has been previously, he's kind of come to accept it, and in a way, I think he's kind of grateful that the two of them have each other. The little soft touch to wake Allison up, the surprise when she grabs his hand that quickly turns into understanding about how desperately she needs comfort when she's so worried about Isaac, how willing he is to be that platonic comfort she needs knowing and understanding that worry...it's REALLY good, and I really appreciate that about Scott and his character and growth.
Since this is the next obvious segue, I find the different ways everyone is looking for and reacting to Stiles' disappearance soooo fascinating, and also frightening in some ways. Like, Allison is angry and was quick to blame Stiles ("Did Stiles really do this?"), which means she clearly cares less about the distinction, but then Scott (OBVIOUSLY) was super quick to shut that down ("The thing inside of him did."), because as far as he's concerned, Stiles didn't do sh*t (because he DIDN'T)--his body is just being used to do it. You see a very similar dynamic with Chris and Derek. If Chris finds Stiles and it's the Nogitsune, he basically admits to the fact that he will kill it, no hesitation. Meanwhile, Derek is clearly much more protective of Stiles and is a lot less willing to kill Stiles to get to the Nogitsune--more on Scott's side in that regard. Add to that Ethan and Aiden attacking Stiles the second they saw him, literally only stopping when Scott Alpha roared at them (because ALPHA!), plus Kira's mom ready to kill the Nogitsune in the hospital last episode, and you've got an interesting amount of people who don't seem to care that Stiles is STILL IN THERE. I guarantee you that's gonna make for some interesting dynamics later, because I also guarantee you that no matter what, Scott WILL NOT kill Stiles. He'd rather die than do that...which makes me worried, in a lot of ways, because it means Scott is probably accidentally gonna let a LOT of bad things happen to avoid losing his best friend, but I kind of don't care, because I love that he would let the entire world burn before he'd let anything happen to Stiles. FRIENDSHIP GOALS! <3
Meanwhile, our other three parental figures only KIND of know what's going on (based on how she's reacting, I'm assuming Scott hasn't told Melissa about the Nogitsune, and he OBVIOUSLY hasn't told the Sheriff (because suuuure Derek, that's a SUPER easy conversation to have with STILES'S FATHER. For crying out loud...), and Rafael is only just now starting to be enveloped in this supernatural world. (of COURSE Katashi's dead, because we can't just have nice things or people in this universe anymore, apparently), so...I'm sure all of that's gonna come back to bite us somehow in the end.
But Scott and Stiles are gonna let the world burn for each other, so WORTH IT, because FRIENDSHIP GOALS!! XD <3
What am I missing?
HE BETTER F*CKING BE OKAY I SWEAR TO GOD!! (Actually I kind of already know he is because I know he's in later seasons and in the movie, but THAT'S NOT THE POINT!!)
You cannot give me those scenes where he obviously SO DEEPLY cares about his kids and then be like "anyways he's shot with an arrow now."
Like, sure, dude's a hard*ss, and he pushes them and yells at them all the time. But he also so clearly cares about them sooo much.
His worry for Stiles, and the happy little shock when he shows up at the trail, followed by that small little smile I just...
And then the card for Isaac! The way he tells all of them that they better write a heartfelt message about how much they love him (because they SHOULD, because how could you not love Isaac??), and how much he clearly means it (also as an aside, of COURSE Danny was the first one to jump up, I love him. <3).
I just...
As a happy little aside, the way the couples/love interests save each other I love it.
Ethan tackling Danny and not actually being able to fully explain, so just going with the "I missed you" and then that cute little make-out session I LOVE THEM!!
And then Scott grabbing Kira and swinging her around, and how she wasn't even fazed and just immediately got all excited about how fast she was, and Scott couldn't help the way he smiled a little at her endearingly even though he's, like, worried and upset and supposed to be saving lives because it was SO cute and adorable like I just...I LOVE SCIRA!! <3 <3
So anyways.
That was a long post.
My bad.
Cute Danny and Ethan gif because they're adorable and I want a happy gif. XD
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(Okay but the way Danny just immediately kissed back I CANNOT! <3)
Update: I'M TELLING YOU IT'S NOT F*CKING STILES!! THIS IS ALL JUST PART OF THE PLAN!! THE NOGITSUNE IS PUTTING ALL OF ITS CHESS PIECES ON THE BOARD AND TAKING YOURS OUT ONE BY ONE!! And it WILL get checkmate (don't mind me, I just recently read a book with a bunch of chess game metaphors in it), and you WILL LOSE! And I KNOW you all see that, so PLEASE DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!! PLEASE FIGURE IT OUT!! PLEASE!!
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theloveinc · 8 months
wouldn’t it be fucked up if I wrote something abt being one of the women toji stays w/ after the death of his wife except… he brings little megumi and little tsumiki with him to stay with you? Wouldn’t that be so painful and I absolutely shouldnt do it?
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sofoulandfairaday · 10 months
i can't decide which i like more:
the idea - very much canonical and in the author's original concept and view of magic - of the dark arts taking a toll on one's exterior and looks. tom riddle sacrificing his beauty willingly in the name of eternal life, black magic as something that innately corrupts. bellatrix escaping from azkaban with the barest vestiges of her ancient beauty. going from one of the most beautiful women in england to a shell of her former self and no amount of dark magic being able to fix it. and she just. doesn't care. goes from pretty, proud and vain in her youth, to the feverish, fanatical glow harry sees in the department if mysteries. finally she sheds the petal of the rose - look like the innocent flower, her master had once said - and only the thorns remain. the parallel with voldemort himself. the idea that they like each other better now, the only ones to like their respective new appearances better. bellatrix because she can taste the power radiating off him, because she knows how resentful he was of his old face. (oh, he's never said anything explicitly, he would rather be flayed alive than speak of his filthy muggle father to her, but she knew he didn't like himself, took no pride in his aesthetics, it was most unusual, really.) the dark lord because he's reminded of her sacrifice - she was the only one who didn't denounce him, who tried to find him - every time he looks at her. she gave up everything for him: her reputation, her family, her freedom, her health, her beauty, her youth.
the horcruxes are an isolated case. not all prices to pay for power are physical. some dark magic sucks at your humanity, your emotional regulation, your empathy and gives back superficial little gifts. its roots are far from the deep anger, desperation to cling to life of an horcrux. these are ancient witches' remedies to be the most envied in the village. the idea that rotten cores hide behind the prettiest faces. and bellatrix was always vain, always took immense pride in her beauty, her black, pure features. when she escapes from azkaban she tries everything in her power to be herself once again. she still drips with obsession but gradually regains all of her beauty too. cruel people can still be beautiful. gorgeous people can still be inhuman. and yet there is something so human about a woman making her way through the ranks of a very militarised group and still caring so much about what she looks like, still having insecurities, being preoccupied with mundane things like age and decay - and hating it because he would hate it, he hates weakness, and still not being able to help herself. the dark lord was always a collector of shiny things, was he not?
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graysanatimony · 2 months
Ok so I had another dream about joker out and I wanted to share it, this won’t be a regular thing I just thought it was a cool dream
So kris and Bojan had a another Damon photoshoot together and like kris had really cool wings on and like a white button up shirt that was like only done up halfway and trousers that were like really fucking tight in the ass but like looser at the bottom that were also white and the pictures of him with the wings on on he was alone and there were some with out them alone too, like in a tree for some reason and just crouching in a field
then Bojan had some pictures alone where he was in the same thing but all black and no wings but he had like a crown and some of the pictures he was lying down in grass like some of the other Damon ones
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^like these ones just the fact he’s lying down is the similarity
and others he was like leaning on brick walls outside looking hot as fuck and kind of like the guys at the start of west side story 
Then in the ones together they both had crowns on and in the same black and white clothes and they had some lying in the grass together and in one of them kris had Bojan against the wall but he was kind of beside him rather than like it looking like they were about to kiss or something 
 and kris posted them and THE FUCKING CAPTION said something about like “my love” or “love of my life” or something equally as gay and then tumblr just exploded, everyone lost their collective shit
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spectra-bear · 11 months
Somebody in my inbox isnt liking me rbing these recent posts, so, if it isnt obvious, the door is right there, feel free to block me
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gwensy · 18 days
the "christ you are extremely fucking selfish, die" meme but for evil internship ... is this anything
OH MY GOOODDDDDDDDDD. OH MY GOD OH MY GOD hold on let me find the original i need to redraw this so badly
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whomeidontknowthem · 22 days
Eyes on me – an interactive whump story. Part 5.
Previous part. Masterpost.
Content: institutionalized slavery, imprisonment, dehumanizing language, it/its for an inhuman whumpee, pet whump, whipping, blood, physical abuse, withholding of food, training, torture, intimate whumper, carewhumper, mentioned pet death, tell me if i missed something
Lord Teelo didn’t strike. 
He lowered his arm, eyes never straying from holding the creature’s terrified gaze. The room reeked of blood, now streaming down the lord’s fingers in a warm waterfall. He worked hard on pushing his fury back, taking it under control as many times before. He was in control. He would show it, careful and persistent and levelheaded. He would make sure it remembered the lesson forever. The crop was not meant for punishments, it was too short, too soft – he hadn’t meant to punish it. He was going to be a kind and gracious owner. It had left him no choice!
He opened the door, finding the redheaded guard still in the corridor.
“Get a proper whip,” he ordered. “More chains – gods damned handcuffs, whichever idiot thought of leaving it like this?! And a knife, scissors – or whatever, something to file its atrocious claws.”
The guard stared at him, not in the face – at his arm. Lord Teelo felt it – the consistent drip-drip-drip of his blood. He didn’t feel the ache yet. Nothing but the quiet, cold fury he couldn’t wait to unleash at the world. Haltingly, the guard started, “Should I bring someone to take a look at–”
“I have told you what you should do,” his voice came out as a hiss.
“Yes, my lord,” the guard saluted and hesitated only a moment before running down the corridor. 
Lord Teelo closed the door with a loud crash. He paced inside, steps echoing around the room, as the pain slowly started to radiate out. He hated it. Oh how he wished he could slice the thing’s skin just this moment, not waiting for anything and anyone. He picked up the crop once more, stoped before the creature – it cowered to the very corner between the wall and its cage, never letting its eyes away from him. Oh, now it was looking. It dared to look! 
“You think yourself smart?” the lord hissed. “Think you did something good for yourself? Oh, no, you’re gonna regret this. You’re gonna regret this so much.”
The pain seeped into his consciousness with every heartbeat, radiant and nauseatingly familiar. He held a handkerchief to the cuts until it filled with deep red. He threw it away – it landed in a wet disgusting lump on the table, by the bowl of wet disgusting meat. Oh how the lord had tried to be a nice host, how he had tried to accommodate this, this– 
“Damned, ungrateful, hateful beast!” Lord Teelo roared. The glass of the bowl nearly slipped from his bloodied fingers when he grabbed it, and then shattered to thousands pieces to the side of the creature’s head. Its dinner fell onto the floor, useless. Oh, it wouldn’t get any, it would have to work, to beg for any crumb from then on – it would regret, regret it so much!..
The door slid open soundlessly after a short knock, letting in the heavy footsteps and the clanging of metal. The lord turned on his heels, facing the guard. “And why in the world have you not brought a damned healer!” he hissed. “Can’t you see I’m bleeding out!”
The guard blinked. “But you have–” 
He was struggling to breathe, chest heaving with effort. The blood was still warm down his arm, still bright on the broken glass and light wood of his floors. How could the idiot not understand!
There were chains in the guard’s arms and a leathery length of the whip. Lord Teelo snatched it and demanded, “Chain it up!” The guard hesitated, opened his mouth. “NOW!” 
He did. The lord watched as he came to the beast, careful with his steps, cautious of it. It squeezed itself deeper into the corner. Lord Teelo could see it shaking. He was delighted to see it shaking. The guard reached out, the first cuff prepared, and Lord Teelo watched from a step away as it lifted its hands up, close to its chest. Its teeth were bared, pupils wide and eyes wider. It tried saying something, but what came out was only a mess of sounds with no meaning. 
The guard squeezed its arm even as it tried to avoid it. It whined and fought back, tried getting out of the grasp, tried pushing him away, tried and fought and struggled as he cursed under his nose. Its claws went through the skin of his palm ripping out a sharp hiss. It managed to raise its hind leg as the cuff clicked around its wrist, its claws scratching against the metal in an effort that only delayed the inevitable. 
Lord Teelo had little patience left. He stepped forward, connecting his heel with the middle of the creature’s tail. It yelped, flinched backwards – its head connected with the wall, and before it could regroup the second handcuff was in place. After that, restraining its legs was only a matter of time.
“Turn it around,” the lord ordered. Chains clang as it fought in an ever increasing panic. “To the wall, yes… yes, just like that.” The locks rattled, forced closed. The guard let the key fall onto the ground, forcing the creature to kneel. It hid its tail between its legs, whining as its head was pressed into the wall. “Is the chain short enough? Will it be able to move?”
“I don’t think so, my lord,” the guard answered. 
Lord Teelo played with the whip, trying it out. “Good. Go fetch the healer– wait. I need – something sharp, something – to secure on its tail. See how it hides it? I need something it can’t hide from.”
The guard looked puzzled. He eased his hold in a test, and the creature threw its whole weight backwards, fighting the chains. They held. Kneeling, with its tail hidden and only back visible, it looked strikingly like a human. “Perhaps clothespins, my lord?” It wasn’t what he had in mind. What he wanted – it wasn’t that. Not this easy, tame solution.
“It would work,” he drew out. He would go to the smith when he had time. He had an idea, oh, that would be a genius idea. “Just this once."
He flexed his left arm and rubbed his right. It hurt as all deaths, but it had stopped bleeding. He failed to crack the whip the first time but managed it the second, inches from the creature’s back. The guard bowed, taking it as a sign to leave. 
The creature mumbled and mumbled more, sounds a meaningless mush falling from its tongue. If Lord Teelo was generous, he could see it as an apology; he would not even entertain the possibility of giving in to it, of course. 
The second crack was right by its ear. It flinched and curled up further but couldn't hide.
It wailed when the whip connected with its back – so loud, so quickly, taken by surprise. Lord Teelo bared his teeth in a smile and struck again, violent purple already flowering on the gray of its skin, and struck again without waiting – three, four, six, twelve hits in a row, as it flinched and writhed and cried out.
He paused afterwards, and saw as it tensed, first, its whole body shaking with the effort of breathing, hiccupping in what sounded almost like sobs. He waited, watching how it trembled more and more. He let it marinate in the anticipation, the fear coiling and coiling with no release, the stinging of its sore back growing as its patience ran thin. 
When it raised its head, just barely, as if to look, the whip snapped through the air again. 
It screamed out. He didn’t give it time to recover. 
The lord hit it with no pattern, pausing and continuing at his leisure, until his arm grew heavy with pain and the creature nearly silent. Lord Teelo could only hear its labored breathing, air forced out of its body with every strike. Its back bloomed with purple that gave way to red when the skin opened, the new lines covering the rainbow pattern in an unstructured, repulsive mess.
Oh, he nearly pitied it, trembling pathetically in the corner. Then he rubbed his arm and the sharp pain was enough to remember why he didn’t. 
He struck for the last time, lazily, with his left, and then a few more for a good measure. When a polite knock announced the guard’s return, he felt pleasantly tired, like after a good work out. He called out for the man to enter. 
The guard did and the healer, an old woman the lord knew for most of his life, followed in. She looked the room over with stony, unreadable expression, and Lord Teelo met her gaze with a nice enough smile. “You’ve got your toy,” she stated and that was all the attention the creature got from her. 
She made a quick enough work of the wounds: cleaned and bandaged them up after applying that miraculous numbing cream the lord appreciated since early childhood. The creature would appreciate it even more, he thought, glancing at the pathetic thing. It had shifted at some point, stretching its legs just a bit but keeping its head hidden. Its body shook violently, trembling so much it in itself looked tiring. 
“Should I look it over?” the healer suggested, all business. 
The lord huffed, “What would the point of a punishment be then?” 
The woman looked him over with that annoying, unreadable gaze. “Call me whenever you change your mind,” she bowed and left when he dismissed her. 
Lord Teelo tried the clothespins with interest, forcing the spring to coil and then letting it go softly around his finger, just a tad, until it started hurting. “Good enough,” he concluded finally and got up. 
The creature flinched when his boots stopped by its form but didn’t try anything. “Poor thing,” he drew out and crouched, ran his fingers along its back lightly, brushing fingertips over the painful ridges of future bruises. Its breaths hitched, but it didn’t make a sound. “And all you needed was to not act like a brainless brat to avoid all this. You have no one but yourself to blame, silly thing,” he told it. It didn’t answer, shivering under his touch but not attempting anything stupid. 
“But maybe you can learn,” he hummed and moved his hand down to where its tail started. It tensed even further, if it was possible at all. “Let’s just make sure the lesson sticks, huh?” It curled up even further as he tagged on its tail, releasing from under the creature’s body. He flickered it back and forth and rubbed between his fingers and was satisfied when it sobbed and shuddered but remained motionless otherwise. 
“Like this, yes,” he muttered. With the softest touch of his second hand, he stoked its head. “But look at me now. Eyes on me,” It didn’t understand. He caught a fistful of its fur and tagged. “Eyes on me.”
Too drained to resist, it lifted its head as he guided it. “Eyes on me,” he demanded again, and it either guessed or truly learned – its gaze settled on him, focusing to the best of its ability – and, oh, what a pathetic mess it looked, eyes bloodshot and wet in ways he’d thought only a human's could be, dark lines from where it pressed into the floorboards marking its cheeks. There was something red around its mouth – did it bite itself, the poor thing? 
Lord Teelo clicked his tongue, smiled softly and released its fur. It settled back instantly, curling up again. Its tail remained in his hands. 
He picked up the first pin. 
It must have assumed at first that he was just playing like he had been, – at least, it didn’t seem to tense up too much, nor expect the sharp pain when he released the spring around its tail. It shuddered, head whipping up, staring at him once again. He smiled. Picked up the second clothespin. 
It tried to get its tail free – oh, it tried as much as it could without hurting him, but he tightened the grasp and played with the pins as it couldn’t help a new whimper, and hushed it and urged it to sit still. “That’s for you to remember the lesson better,” he told it pleasantly. It must have cried, body shaking again, and tried to kick just once, the movement stopped halfway through by a short chain. 
Lord Teelo wondered how many pins would be good for it – should he go with the whole set the guard had brought? He settled on five, at the end, a nice even number not even halfway through what he had. He was feeling rather merciful and forgiving, and it sounded just so pathetic. 
He called the guard in to urge it into the cage when it was done. It didn’t even try fighting, following the man's tagging and pushing until it was inside, drawing its limbs close and curling up to fully fit. Nearly immediately, its fingers itched towards the pins, human-like thumbs ready to work on the problem. Lord Teelo snapped his fingers to get its attention.
“No,” he said, words dripping with finality. He reached through the bars and tagged its tail outside. “The clothespins stay here for the night,” he told it. It probably didn’t understand – there was so little thought in its eyes. He let go of it hoped for its sake it understood what he meant. He didn’t want to have to punish it so soon for their lack of common language. 
When he went to sleep, the shaky breaths and the rare clanging when it tried to settle more comfortable sounded like a lullaby to his ears.
In the morning, his arm stung mercilessly and unendingly, and no melodies of birds and gentle sunrays could make his mood better. He turned lazily, letting his eyes fall onto the cage. The creature was curled inside of it, eyes shut tight and ears flickering restlessly. Its tail fluttered too, freed at some point from the pins, one of its hands curling around it protectively. 
Lord Teelo felt stuck between endearment and irritation. He moved and the cuts on his arm ached, and irritation won. 
“Hey… you,” he called and realized he hadn’t come up with a name. He should think about it as some point, he decided grimly, and banished the thought of the last pet he’d named, back in childhood. That was a just a cat, a stupid spoilt creature with too much attitude. The lord remembered the way it looked, painted red and unmoving, after crossing one too many lines. 
The creature didn’t move at his call, either. He picked up an extinguished candle from his bedside table and threw it towards the cage. “Hey!” 
There was no reaction. With an undignified groan, he forced himself on his feet and towards the cage. He rattled the key across the bars, the way that always seemed to get the creature’s attention.
It didn’t react. It was outright ignoring him! 
Had it learned nothing?!
He reached through the bars and tagged on its tail, finally getting some response in return – it flinched weakly and grimaced. Slowly, its eyes fluttered open, but didn’t settle on the lord. They looked as if through him, unfocused and dizzy, and a pang of worry cut through the just rage when they closed back and its chest heaved, struggling for breath. 
Something was wrong.
He reached through the bars and towards its forehead, forgetting for a second it wasn’t a human. The skin under his fingers was blasting hot and sickly wet. It moved closer to his fingers, all but nuzzling against him. 
Something was terribly, terribly wrong.
Updates every 7-10 days (depending on how much time I have and how obvious the poll result is) (unless something goes wrong and it takes me too weeks to get myself to write something. I'm so very sorry about the delay!)
@isikedmyself878, @fraugustends, @otterfrost, @fuchstastisch, @3-2-whump,
@the-lone-youth, @will-o-the-wips, @catnykit, @granny-aaravos, @mj-or-say10
Tell me to be tagged in the new parts!
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hulloitsdani · 2 months
The ways in which I can make book 4 a bad time for Kiran Fire Emblem
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1pcii · 9 months
wanted to start sharing some of my playlists cause they're getting to a point in pretty happy w them so I wanna start off with my one for the strawhats!
as the title suggests its still a huge work in progress but since it's also my only chronological/one you have to listen in order I also wanted to explain it a bit!
the first and second song from the opla ost are mainly to 'set the scene' so to speak, opening with 'my sails are set' which is set around post-arlong park which I feel perfectly captures the melancholy but also hopefullness nami (and almost all strawhats) was feeling about their past circumstances and joining Luffy. she is also the driving force of the ap arc which is the first major arc and what jumpstarts the rest of the plot.
'welcome to the grand line' moves both the story along to them being in the grand line aswell as establishing a more upbeat tone which is important for the next song.
now THIS IS where I start geeking out, for those who don't know, The Mechanisms are a steampunk concept band! following the story of a crew of immortal space pirates, each album having it's own storyline to it. 'our boy jack' is a revolutionary song against a corrupt monarch/government which I think first the alabasta/enies lobby saga so we'll. 'Jack' being Luffy and the song being from Zoro's POV. the references to fighting giants (little garden) being hunted (baroque works) drinking and sacrifice (dammit zoro) and having utter unwavering faith in the protagonist is just. so good to me. listen to The mechs, they're so good 😭.
'im going to be king of the pirates' is just another progression song tbh. I though it fit ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
these next three songs I put to represent the timeskip, 'get the band togeather' being the crew departing back to sabody/generally referencing how they were all doing their own thing for those two years but are now back with Luffy! 'planetary (GO!)' basically just being a high energy song hyping up their new adventures.
'wealth fame and power' title-wise carrying that same energy (and also another transitional song because the next one is just. such a huge tone shift)
now this one. THIS is the one I was most exited to add, if you don't listen to any other song PLEASE listen to this one. it's so dear to my heart I love it. 'Steamboat Shenanigans' is by another steampunk concept (/pantomime!!!) band I like called Steam Powered Giraffe. the scenario I imagine behind this is just, a purely domestic day on the thousand sunny. maybe a bit more Franky and Brook focused since the two main running motifs are music and the boat(/robotics behind it) itself. GOD it's just, such a fun song. makes you wanna smile and dance, I love it.
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daughterthethird · 5 months
can i get my girl as a cat? /nf :3
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*places her gently in your hands*
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Warrior-fication under the cut:
Olive is a kittypet who sometime gets into scuffles with the neighboring cats, resulting in her scars. She’s fascinated by whats beyond the forest edge, and she would often trek through the forest, yknow, just to hunt a mice or two. This would then obviously result into chaos once border patrols caught sight of her. They chased her away—but not before she manage to get acquainted with one of the clan cats (Edric!!!). They then went on to have a few secret meetings here and there and the rest is history 🫶
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Don't cry. Radqueer community is dying, ok?
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demolitionistic · 5 months
How to "take really good care" of someone 101, courtesy of Ming
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Step 1: Dump him on the floor in his own home
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Step 2: Passive-aggressively slutshame him
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Step 3: Insult and undermine him when he almost calls out your behaviour
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Step 4: Guilt him into apologizing. To you.
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Step 5: Leave him hurt and insecure and confused
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Step 6: Success (????)
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simptasia · 8 months
look at me, listen to me, trust me:
as somebody who is currently living through the worst trauma and depression of my life, i gotta tell you:
you cannot live on coffee
coffee cannot be your replacement for sleep or nutrients. it will become less effective over time and mess up your endocrine system (the system responsible for hormone and sleep regulation). your stress and anxiety will increase and you may put your heart and kidneys at risk. you also might shit yourself sometimes
this may all seem very obvious but its possible to be in the mindset where Living On Coffee makes sense to you
what i'm saying is coming from a place of experience. and love. you cannot live on energy replacements. no matter how tasty
eat veggies. drink water. sleep. you can do other things, you can indulge, i promise! just please, do basic self care too
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Hrmm... Revising my game and I feel like there's still sooo much writing left to do, for something that probably won't even amount to much, so.. I do want to narrow my focus more (especially given my health problems seeming to get worse/less energy the past few years), but I'm not sure how would be best to...
I currently have 5 characters as the Main ones with full planned questlines and such, with each character having 6 quests you can do for them. But I haven't really started the writing for the 5th main character. So then I was thinking, if I were going to write 6 full quests worth of content anyway... is it better to allocate that time on just doing a Complete 6 Quests for ONE single character, OR would it be better to do something like.. choose THREE side characters and do 2 quests for each of them? So that people have a wider variety to interact with and sort of sample around (of course with the idea that, once the first version of the game is released, IF people actually care about it enough to make it worth the effort, I would then add additional content to complete those 3 characters stories as well)
SO... If you were playing an interactive fiction sort of game centered around talking to & doing quests for a cast of characters (like there's no larger plot, more it's just about interacting with people, every character kind of has a self contained story, the focus is just learning about them and the world and exploring the area) --- Which would you rather have?
(and of course it would be stated up front which characters have only partial questlines, so people don't expect them to have full quests like the others and then get disappointed, or etc. etc.)
Basically, is it better to just focus in specifically on having one fully complete questline? Or for there to be a few stories that are not complete yet, but have more initial options available?
#I guess I just feel weird about investing too much into characters if possibly nobody will like them. so the idea of being able to sample#around a wider variety opens up the option of like 'hey even if neither of these 4 are your favorite - you have 3 other options soon too!'#or whatever. BUT I also am very anti-the trend of releasing half finished games or shit like that where people preorder and then#the game sucks on actual release and isn't fully playable or good until 5 updates later#HOWEVER.. those are giant companies with hundreds of employees and millions in funding. I feel like it's different for someone#if they're just like ''hey I am getting zero money for this and doing it entirely on my own in my free time and before I do like 50+ hours#of work on top of the 100+ hours of work that I already did - I would like maybe to at least see some proof#people are interested in this - so I'm releasing the game with like a small amount of the originally intended content removed#that I still have planned out and hope to add later and the game is still entirely done and completely functional#except for just a few quests I might add later.. sorry'' etc. etc. ??? like I think that's different. but maybe some people dont see#it that way and would still be like 'grrr.. how dare there be unfinished options..>:V" idk#And the nature of the quests is such that it's not weird to have it be partial like.. again.there's no major plot. it's not like the quests#are leading up to some dramatic thing and having them half done would make it feel like a cliffhanger. It's meant to be very casual just#chilling and doing little tasks and such. And last thing to clarify I guess - by 'side character' I don't mean taking some unimportant bac#ground character and forcing them to have quests. I mean like.. originally the game had 8 full characters and I thought that was#too much so I cut it down to 5. So I still had everything planned for all the side characters too. Id' just be like.. re-giving them#quests and focuses that were already planned from the beginning but that I got rid of.. former main characters banished to the side lol..#ANYWAY... hrmm... hard to decide... It's just so niche I think. I feel more and more like I should just get it to a 'proof#of concept' state and get it out there to interest check rather than invest in it soooo much for nothing. Because I really do not have the#tastes other people do or interact with games or have interest in things in the same way. A lot of the stuff that I love (slow. character#focused things with basicaly no action or plot where its' just about getting to explore a world and learn about#people in a casual low stakes setting but ALSO not romance) I think people find very boring so... lol...#This year as I try to pick the project back up again after abandoning it for like 3 years I keep looking at stuff and going.. ough...#yeah... cut this maybe.. I should cut that too.. I should make them a side character.. remove this.. blah blah..#Though I did ADD a journal and inventory system and other things that like People Expect Games To Have so.. maybe#that will count for something.. hey..you can collect items.. it's not just 'talking to elves for 600 hours simulator'.. are you#entertained yet? lol.... When I was making my other tiny game for that pet website and I gave it to the play testers and someone was like#''it should have achievements so I feel I'm working towards something concrete'' I was literally so blindsided like..??... people WANT that#in games..? is the goal not simply to wander aimlessly &fixate on world/character lore& make your own silly pointless personal goals? I did#do them though because it IS fun to make up little achievement names and such but.. i fear i am out of touch so bad lol..
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the-busy-ghost · 8 days
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My dieffenbachia maculata works very hard to brighten up a rather dark bathroom and doesn't get enough credit
Dieffenbachias or dumb canes are native to the New World Tropics so while it seems to like the steam from the shower, I worry it might start getting too cold soon
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victimized-martyr · 2 years
Are you optimistic about season 26?
erm um… no?? 🥲
Season 25 and Streaming Wars had their moments, but overall the delivery of ideas felt lackluster. Much like the last 2 years, I expect a running theme. Essentially, the season won’t really be a season per se, but acts as narrative buildup interspersed with side episodes—though they will loosely connect to the season—leading up to the 2 specials airing later this year. It’s a solid game plan on paper, but s25/SW was super dodgy. I feel the saving grace was Tolkien’s renaming, and Cartman’s whole hot dog arc thing that just got set up. I know Randy was given competition (finally! the little resistance and pushback to his hijinks has done serious damage to his character) but really the biggest takeaway I’ve seen from fans/merch is stuff from Cartman’s arc. (cartitties).
However, I feel Matt and Trey have been revitalized by the concert, Casa Bonita’s opening, and their deepfake deal. It’s a double edged sword though, because now Mattrey are juggling the opening of a restaurant, production for the video game, their deepfake studio… I’m worried their attention will be divided and affect the quality of the story this season.
TLDR: Very mixed feelings, though not quite approaching cautiously optimistic… I expect the fresher ideas (HotDog) to get sidelined and Randy will remain in focus.
#south park#I’ve no doubt ​Trey will apply his patented Two Sides: Rivalry setup between Steve and Randy#and their rivalry will take up like. 60% of the plot#and Trey can be a lil shit so i’m ready for when he’ll be like ‘yeah it’s the randy show again deal with it fuckheads🤪’#meanwhile the more interesting arc is sitting. right. there. in the bg#a buddy and I were realizing Cartman has been taking a turn these past few years and the hotdog is the culmination of that#his motivations are transparent to those closest to him (butters+ liane in s25) and he’s frustrated by his#inability to adapt#Liane’s putting her foot down so that will be VERY interesting to see how the Cartman family dynamic will evolve#and we expect the boys to start closing off Cartman for taking advantage of their kindness#idk. he’s losing his grip on liane and he needs to lose his grip on his friends. I think we’re gonna start to see the latter#I think?? Trey is taking him.. well not towards redemption but… somewhere???#and I do wanna see stan and tolkien hang out more and maybe that’ll cement the changes in the group dynamic#or maybe it’ll only affect the bus stop openings lol idk#I do feel their friendship is delicate rn and Help My Teen was a step but there’s more re-bonding left to do#and the physical separation of them all is gonna make that a bit more difficult#it’d be nice to see a growing dynamic between Kyle and Kenny. we have! no episodes centered on their dynamic!!#they give me the impression of ‘oh we’re good buddies but only hang with a group and never outside of it’#they’re the weakest relationship of the 4 for sure and these circumstances can remedy that!#…. watch trey do absolutely nothing with kyle and kenny except have them be reactionary :’)#asks
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