#kiro fic
youcouldmakealife · 2 months
David, Kiro; ready for your close up, Mr. Ambassador?
For this year's bracket challenge winner, who requested something like Crosby and Mackinnon's Tim Hortons commercials, but with David and Kiro instead.
But of course, because this is David, instead you get a lot of setup as to how exactly we got into this particular scenario. (Kiro to meddle later)
David has never done many endorsement deals. It isn’t that they weren’t offered to him, especially at the beginning of his career — the Islanders may not be the most popular team in New York, but they were still, in Dave’s words, ‘in New fucking York. Yeah, okay, they’re on Long Island. Semantics, David, the market’s the market.’
It wasn’t semantics, not really — the Rangers were New York’s team, then and now, the Islanders relegated to some distant second, New York’s team the way that the Ottawa Senators were Ontario’s, that San Jose was California's.
Still, he had offers. A lot of them. But when he was younger David wanted to focus on hockey and only hockey, worried any distractions would halt his development. His job was to play hockey, not to pretend to be excited about some product he’d never heard of before they called him.
And, frankly, the media David deals with, and the filming he already has to endure for contractual reasons — YouTube videos for his team, soundbites for the TV networks, media day for the league — means that David has no illusions about his acting ability.
So, for the most part, David’s ignored the offers. The money offered is sometimes good, occasionally very good, but he already makes more money than he can spend.
Well, he could easily spend it, but it’s certainly more money than he could responsibly spend, particularly knowing that, sooner rather than later, his career will have to end.
It’s that particular thought, and the accompanying awareness that his endorsement value is only going to decline from this point forward, that has David playing closer attention than usual when Dave mentions that one of the team’s sponsors is interested in filming a TV spot with him.
That isn’t unusual — Dave mentions them often, but they’re more an aside that David’s welcome to ignore. Dave is well aware that David has little interest, but he still conveys the message, mostly, he says, because he gets paid for them too — not as much, obviously, but he does receive a portion of David’s earnings.
To date, David’s only taken him up on one offer. Leapt on it, even though the compensation was negligible compared to other offers, let alone compared to what he made on the ice, but that was because it was Bauer, offering him the chance to, in effect, advertise a stick designed to his specifications. The filming wasn’t too bad either, since it mostly involved him stickhandling for take after take, which wasn’t all that different from practice. Even those have cameras sometimes.
He still uses the stick to this day. It isn’t the only one uses, or even the one he uses most often — it’s a little too fragile, and David grew tired of having to race back to the bench when it snapped yet again, though he did draw more penalties with it — but it’s excellent for the power play.
“It’s a very generous offer,” Dave says. “They have a ‘vision’, they said, and they’re willing to pay a little more to get you specifically.”
“What do you mean?” David asks.
“Let them tell you,” Dave says. “It’s actually a pretty decent idea.”
Dave wouldn’t say it if he didn’t mean it, and between the money, and David’s curiosity, it’s enough reason to agree to meet with someone from the sponsor. ‘Just a coffee’, they said, but David prepares for — and receives — a pitch instead.
Apparently it’s all Kiro’s fault. The representative doesn’t put it like that, of course, but he does mention that the idea came after someone on their marketing team watched the red carpet interview from the Awards the year David won the Art Ross.
David isn’t sure why that interview’s still online, let alone why anyone would watch it, but it is, and they have, and their marketing team thinks, being that David is from the Canadian capital, plays in Washington, and Kiro joked about him being the Canadian Ambassador to Russia, it would be funny for David to play an ambassador.
“A hockey ambassador,” he says. “You know?”
“I have no experience with diplomacy,” David says. “Or acting, really.”
He’s sure he’d be terrible at it. He’s terrible even at playing himself, according almost every bit of feedback he’s received on NHL media day, and he can't see playing a role going any better.
“You don’t even really need to act,” the sponsor says. “We’re going for diplomatic, you know? Stern but polite. That’s kind of your vibe anyway, isn’t it? We figured that was why Volkov said it.”
“Is that why?” David asks. He genuinely thought Kiro had been joking that David earned honourary Russian status after spending the entire summer with him, Oleg, and Slava, but sometimes Kiro’s jokes can go over his head.
That gets a laugh, and he’s not sure why, but he’s stopped trying to understand at this point, unless it’s someone whose opinion that matters to him, someone he cares about.
“Well,” David says, when time’s up. He still has half his tea, but it’s in a to-go cup, and he thinks he’s heard enough. “I’ll think about it.”
He doesn’t anticipate needing to spend a lot of time on that. The money really is good, but he really does have no shortage of it, and he doesn’t think he’d like to earn money by humiliating himself.
His mistake was mentioning it to Kiro. He should have known Kiro would never let him turn it down.
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tsukkinoneko · 2 months
come the white whine, bitter sunlight
my work for @bllkrarepairweek day 3: meet cute/meet ugly
Pairing: Mikage Reo/Michael Kaiser, minor Chigiri Hyouma/Nagi Seishirou
Rating: Explicit
TW/CW: omegaverse, omegas have a pussy, trans Michael Kaiser
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missproducergirl · 1 year
beloved - kiro (ml;qc)
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pairing: kiro x reader
genre: angst, fluff
summary: kiro remembers master key's words about being surrounded with loved ones and questions who are his loved ones supposed to be.
word count: 3,539
notes: happy birthday to my #1 husband! i am so sad about the lack of kiro fics recently T-T. i pray that the ml;qc tumblr fandom has a recession because i miss those fics dearly. anyways, here is my yearly installment on kiro's birthday! it is a bit rushed but i hope it's at least bearable to read ahah...
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As the final piano notes chimed, the crowd split into a shower of adoring cheers. An enchanting smile broke Kiro’s face as the golden-colored confetti slowly rained down on him. Some of it landed in his honey curls, but he didn’t care. His eyes were fiery and his breath was uneven, yet, even in his disheveled appearance, Kiro seemed like a statue sculpted by the gentle hands of an artist.
An angel.
A star.
The audience’s applause died down. There was a moment of silence, and just as Kiro was about to announce his final song, he was overcome with a chill.
“Happy birthday to you…”
A small voice broke out from the mass. It was small and delicate at first, a bit unsteady and clumsy. But soon, more people started merging in on the short celebration.
“Happy birthday to you…”
Kiro’s heart felt as if it was about to burst out of his chest. The sea of golden lights from the audience reflected in his eyes, softening them. It felt as if the universe had gifted him a personal night sky.
“Happy birthday dear Kiro…”
Their voices were merged into a mighty unison. Like a powerful river sweeping up everything in its way, they swept up Kiro’s heart in their current. It took everything in him not to burst out into tears.
“Happy birthday to you…”
Thunderous applause rang out throughout the stadium once again. Except, this time they were not praising Kiro for his melodic voice, his fluent dancing skills, or even his handsome looks. Right now, they were honoring him for simply existing. Because on this day, 21-and-something years ago, a star was born.
“Thank you… Thank you, everyone. Truly and sincerely, thank you.”
Kiro could not find the words that could come close to describing his gratitude. How could he put it into terms that this specific moment was the sole purpose of his existence? How could he express the prolonged and dreadful nights of his youth, falling asleep completely alone on his bed with no one to remember his birthday? How could he convey the hours in class, daydreaming about being on stage exactly like in this moment? How could he explain the unnerving feeling that after his life would end… the only ones mourning his death would be the tranquil feathers in the lake and the stars that left behind a trail of tears as they fell from the heavens in grieving memory of him. Yet now, his fears were drowned out by the people who idolized him. Each proclamation of their love washed away the suspicions of his heart bit by bit.
Oh, how he wished he could have gone back in time and told himself that all of his struggles would finally pay off. That all of the torture and the disappearances and the disarray and the heartache would paint this moment in unspeakable magnificence.
There was only so much Kiro could say to reciprocate their overwhelming love. To make up for it, in his heart, Kiro renewed the promise that he made to himself all those years ago. He will push himself to new limits—pour his heart into every song and implement a piece of his soul into every performance to make sure they knew that he felt the same way about them.
With those overwhelmingly inspiring emotions, Kiro finished his concert.
His agent was the first one to greet him as soon as he stepped backstage.
“Kiro, happy birthday! You didn’t think I would forget, did you? Here… I got you a little something,” Savin shoved a little brown paper bag into Kiro’s hands.
Kiro couldn’t help but peek inside. It was a mini orange cake with a big purple flower on the top. It was quite cute.
“My oh my, Savin. Since when are you the one to appeal to my sweet tooth?”
“Don’t get too happy just yet. This is the only time I will allow this. You may eat anything you want today—but don’t eat too much. You must remember that you still have one more concert to perform at.”
“Yeah, yeah, Savin… I know…”
Savin’s serious face finally broke into a smile as he ruffled Kiro’s hair, “Happy birthday, Kiro. You’re a good kid… really. I am very honored to be working with you.”
The rest of the crew finally caught up with Savin and gathered around Kiro, congratulating him.
“Wow! You’re 21 years old today! That’s a special age.”
“You’re all grown up now Kiro.”
“You should’ve told us beforehand that it was your birthday, Kiro! We would’ve prepared something for you.”
Kiro’s grin never left his face, “There’s no need… really. Everything I need to be happy is already right here.”
It would kill him to admit it, but in reality, Kiro hadn’t remembered that it was his birthday until the birthday song just a few moments ago. He couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty about this. After all, it was Master Key—his savior—that gave this day to him. It felt almost disrespectful not to honor it. When his personhood had been stripped of him as he was taken to that horrid place in his youth—it was Master Key who had given back the identity that he was robbed of. Of course, he couldn’t tell anyone that. He kept it a secret through most of his life, so how would he be able to speak of it now?
“Alright everyone, settle down,” Savin spoke through the commotion, “Kiro, let’s get you home. You’ve worked so hard today, you deserve some rest.”
“But don’t you guys need my help to clean up?”
“No… I insist. Let’s go back.”
Kiro sat in the passenger's seat as the car sped down the road. It was quite late already, and the streets were mostly clear aside from a few lone travelers.
As he looked outside at the passing city lights, Kiro couldn’t help but remember his words from earlier.
“Everything I need to be happy is already right here.”
He couldn’t help but ponder whether he actually believed that statement, or perhaps was simply deceiving himself. On one hand, he was content with the life he was currently leading. But on the other—if he were to imagine a perfect world… Master Key would surely have been right here beside him. And that girl from the orphanage… yeah, it would’ve been nice if she was with him at this special moment too—
“We’re here.”
Savin’s voice snapped Kiro out of his deep thought. He hadn’t even realized that they were already parked outside of his hotel.
“Oh… yeah.”
Kiro dug around in the backseat to find his dance bag. He then clutched at Savin’s gift and was about to leave when—
“Hey. Do you wanna… come in?” Kiro suddenly asked once he realized that his agent did not move an inch, hands still firmly placed on the steering wheel as if he was trying to make a speedy escape.
Savin sighed, “I would love to stay longer, but I have to get back to the venue. I have to make sure that the clean-up goes smoothly.”
“I can wait for you to get back.”
“Then I need to plan out your schedule for next month when you get back to Loveland,” upon seeing Kiro’s sullen face, he quickly added, “I’m sorry. Believe me when I say that I would much rather spend time with you than plan schedules… but I simply can’t. I’ll make it up to you next week when you go on break. Just tell me where you want to go and we’ll do it. Just not tonight… Please… don’t be upset.”
There was an awkward pause between the two of them. A moment that stretched out for too long. When suddenly, Kiro broke out into a laugh.
“Alright, but I’ll remember that. I’ll make sure we go to every bakery in the city. And… you cannot go back on your word.”
Savin sighed, this time with relief, “Of course. Have a good night Kiro. Go to bed early today, okay?”
“Take care now.”
Savin’s SUV pulled out of the parking lot hurriedly. It sped off into the distance… and Kiro’s smile disappeared along with it.
Kiro never noticed it before, but his hotel room seemed overwhelmingly quiet at this moment. He would have simply ridden it off as a dramatic contrast in volume between the calmness of his room and the intensity of the concert… yet he couldn’t help but think that this feeling had nothing to do with volume at all.
Kiro dropped off his bags by the door and then desperately powered on the TV in hopes of getting rid of this uneasy emotion in his chest. This proved to be effective, but only by a mere fraction. Soon, the TV was nothing but a minor buzz in the background, and the silence swallowed him whole again.
He stood there in the middle of everything, the smile that was on his face merely a few minutes ago had disappeared, instead replacing his features with an apathetic look. His eyes—which were once so bright now had their light extinguished, leaving only a pitiable gloom.
No… no, wait…
Kiro shook his head as if to reset his thoughts. He wasn’t going to wallow in self-pity and ruin this joyful day for himself. After all, he was supposed to be optimistic. That is what Master Key would have wanted. That is what everyone wants. And perhaps… that was what he wants as well.
Kiro suddenly remembered the mini cake that Savin had given him. Perhaps that would make him feel a little better. After all, sweets always seemed to lift his mood.
He quickly took it out of the brown paper bag and set it down on the little kitchen island. He didn’t have a candle to light, but that didn’t seem to matter at this moment. Kiro clasped his hands together, and, as if to not disturb this fragile atmosphere, began to hum in a quiet voice.
“Happy birthday to you…”
“Kiro, you must remember this day. I might not be the one who’ll spend every 9th of April with you in the future, but I hope that you will always be in the company of loved ones.”
“Happy birthday to you…”
“Loved ones… Will they be by my side?”
“Happy birthday dear Kiro…”
“Of course. Because Kiro is the most awesome and the cutest kid in the world.”
“Happy birthday to—”
Kiro suddenly paused as he remembered this dialogue he had with Master Key all those years ago.
Loved ones…? Who… were his loved ones? Before, Kiro had thought that the whole world were his loved ones. But if he were to believe what Master Key had said, his loved ones were the people who celebrated his birthdays with him.
It was at this moment that it dawned on Kiro that he was completely alone in the small hotel room.
His hands slightly trembled and his vision blurred with tears.
No… this can’t be it. Had the moments of bliss just a few hours ago been nothing but an illusion? Why had he felt that when he was up on stage, all of the things that troubled him simply faded away? But now that he was in his room, far away from the lights and the confetti and the persona of Kiro, he was brought back to face with the things that he thought he would never have to confront again. Where were all of his adoring fans? All of the people who supported him? Everyone that loved and idolized him?
Where were his loved ones?
They sure weren’t here now.
When the spotlight faded, they all went back to their lives, their homes, their families. Only Kiro had no one to return to but an empty hotel room.
No… this can’t be it!
Disregarding the cake on the table, Kiro shot up from his seat and grabbed the first coat that he could find in his suitcase. He then jolted out the door and within a few moments, he was running down the barren sidewalk. For the first time, Kiro was thankful for the intense exercises that he was forced to put up with every day. He was sure that he had enough stamina to make it to the stadium without stopping. Luckily, it wasn’t that far from his hotel either.
Kiro had managed to put on his coat on the way here, but as soon as he stepped through the entrance to the stadium, he felt hot again.
A few coworkers had thrown him bewildered gazes.
“Kiro? What are you doing here back here? Didn’t Savin drop you off at the hotel?”
Kiro hadn’t heard the person who spoke to him, instead he continued running as if his life depended on it.
Finally, he made it up to the stage. Face flushed red, he doubled over and tried to catch his breath again.
The radiant lights had been turned off for a long time already, and the audience had been replaced with nothing but empty seats, but this would have to do for now. After all, it was lucky that they hadn’t started dismantling the stage.
When he could finally stand straight again, Kiro took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and tried to imagine the rows of seats filled with people again. The way their cheers stirred ripples in his heart. The way they shouted his name in awe. The way the world was his and his alone when he stood here.
But no matter how long Kiro stood on that bare stage, or how hard he tried to concentrate, that feeling of satisfaction never came.
With a heavy heart and a single sigh, Kiro laid down. When he opened his eyes again, the empty audience stared back at him, as still and eerie as a graveyard. It felt as if the silence was purposefully mocking him—picking at his insecurities, throwing salt into the wound.
He turned away and closed his eyes once again, embracing the familiar darkness.
The answers that once made sense to him dissolved as soon as the crowd left the stadium. Once Kiro decided to dig deeper into the foundation that his morals and pride were built upon, he realized that it was as stable as sand and as firm as glass—shattered and scattered about with the first gust of wind.
Suddenly, there was no purpose for his existence again. No one was there to tuck him into bed and kiss his forehead and wish him a happy birthday. He was falling asleep completely alone. He was back to daydreaming about being up on stage. And after his life ended… once again, the only ones who were left to mourn him were the water, the feathers, and the gloomy night sky.
How would he be able to face his younger self and tell him that nothing had changed from then? That the moments of torture and disappearances and disarray and heartache equated to nothing?
That the thing that he spent his entire life chasing turned out not to be what he had craved?
Everyone loved Kiro, but no one loved subject 1562.
Just a few minutes ago, Kiro would not have been able to explain the heavy loneliness that seized up his heart from time to time. It just didn’t make sense to him how the whole world could love him, yet he still felt so alone. But now he knew the reason. Perhaps it was because everyone loved only half of him. The radiant half. The one that glowed like the sun. But light cannot exist without darkness. So who would love 1562? The shy, quiet boy that had been abandoned far too many times. The one that didn’t glow quite as bright, but was just as important. No one will ever truly love him because no one will truly understand him or the things that he’s been through. The people who loved him only loved him temporarily and superficially. Even his agent—the one that had been with him all these years, through thick and thin, didn’t really know him. No one knew him except…
Except for his mentor and the girl. The only two people who were able to love and accept him just the way he was. With all of his imperfections and all of his flaws. But Master Key had been missing for years now. And the girl… he hadn’t seen her since the orphanage. He wasn’t even sure that she was still alive, much less her whereabouts.
No one could truly love him but those two people.
And if he couldn’t find them? What would happen to him then? Would he spend all of his birthdays alone?
Like a singular star in the expansive galaxy, Kiro felt entirely isolated and so difficult to reach. If only a brave astronaut could travel the distance and pick him out from the vast skies.
Was it too much to ask for? Was he being too selfish?
Kiro’s hands balled into tight fists as he whispered a silent prayer into the night.
‘I don’t have a cake or a candle to light… but please… the one who makes birthday wishes come true… please let me find them…’
“Kiro… are you in there? Can I come in?” You called out through the thick wooden door of Kiro’s dressing room.
There were some rustling noises before he called out in a raspy voice, “Come in!”
Without a second thought, you swung open the door, and with the biggest grin you could muster, you exclaimed, “Happy birthday, Ki—”
You paused. Kiro was nowhere in sight.
You looked around the room in confusion when you finally spotted him draped over the brown leather couch, blue eyes wide with shock. As the realization set, you quickly covered your mouth with your hands, as if to take back your sudden proclamation.
“Oh gosh. I am so sorry… were you sleeping?”
“Miss Chips… what are you doing here?”
You gestured around vaguely, “Umm… surprise? I was supposed to wait back for you at the hotel room but I just couldn’t wait to see you.”
Kiro had been away on tour for a whole month already. Your desire to see him could not be contained any longer, so you decided on scrapping your earlier plan of greeting him at his hotel. Instead, you dragged all of your suitcases to the venue he was performing at to see him as soon as you landed.
Kiro blinked. He looked like a lost puppy. It seemed as if many thoughts were running through his mind at this moment.
Finding his behavior cute, you crouched down to him and kissed the top of his head, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have shouted so loudly earlier… You look really tired.”
“I missed you too.”
Kiro took your hand and gently brought it to his lips. Then he intertwined your fingers together as if to make sure that you weren’t going to leave.
Upon seeing your reddened face, Kiro’s lips curved into that familiar charming smile, “You’re so lovely, you know that? You didn’t even leave your suitcases before seeing me. It makes me so happy knowing that you missed me as much as I missed you.”
“Of course, I missed you Kiro! And, it’s almost midnight. I had to wish you a happy birthday,” you suddenly frowned, “don’t tell me that you’ve forgotten about your birthday again.”
“How could I? I’m turning 23 today,” there was a short pause before Kiro began to speak again, “It’s true what they say, yeah? Time really flies, doesn’t it?”
“...You sound like an old man.”
You both burst out into giggles upon that statement. After a moment though, Kiro looked at you with sincerity in his eyes.
“No, but really. Since I’ve met you—my life has just… felt like a dream. And I know it sounds cheesy but… every day we spend together just… seems to speed past. I am so grateful that you’re here with me today.”
A quietness spread over you for a long time, until finally, you met Kiro’s eyes, “Where else would I be?”
“Where else were you every April 9th for the past 22 years?”
You playfully rolled your eyes, “Whatever. I’m here now. That’s all that matters. Come on, let’s get back. We still have a birthday cake to eat. And—not to brag, but I think I’ve outdone myself with your gift this time.”
“Oh? Well then, I hope I won’t be disappointed.”
You left the room hand-in-hand, laughing and talking about nothing. The domestic atmosphere made Kiro’s heart feel full, as if he was finally satisfied.
Suddenly, Kiro realized that this was the sole purpose of his existence. He didn’t need the massive crowds screaming his name, as long as his name was in your heart alone. There was no need to daydream about anything more because you were already everything he had hoped for. You were the thing he spent his entire life chasing.
You were his loved one. And you were by his side just as Master Key had hoped.
Everything he needed to be happy was already right here.
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omo321 · 8 days
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they're discussing their fursonas btw. that tag I got about Wilk definitely having a fursona was plaguing me until I drew this (I claim Kiro does too.)
p.s. Tsurumi is not above associating himself with the animal in his name either, though he obviously won't admit it :D
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(the shawl is a reference to a wonderful fic "Птица Перелетная" where Fina gave him a shawl with a hand-embroidered crane on it as a gift)
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dystopicjumpsuit · 9 months
Double, Double Boil and Trouble - Part 3
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A/N: This is part 3 my fic for the @rare-clone-fic-exchange, which I wrote for @goblininawig. Part 4 coming soon! The story takes place in a shared continuity with Stars Beyond Number, Martyrs and Kings, and “Do It Again,” but it stands alone and can be read independently of those fics.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Boil x Reader (GN; reader practices tasseomancy/reads tea leaves) 
Rating: T, but minors DNI
Wordcount: 2.5K
Warnings and tags: fluff; banter; DJ spent way too much time on a visual gag; angst
Summary: You and Boil test the limits of the GAR comms filter.
Suggested Listening:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list
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gars-best-stache: You up? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Are you seriously booty calling me at four in the afternoon? gars-best-stache: It’s not a booty call. I’m halfway across the galaxy. Just thought your species might be nocturnal. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I’m human, you stale baguette. gars-best-stache: You sure about that? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER] languishing-in-obscuri-tea: WTK, they censor your messages? gars-best-stache: Everything gets scanned when we’re deployed. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER] languishing-in-obscuri-tea: That’s a *heck* of a way to live. Happy now, censors? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: HA! It worked! gars-best-stache: You’ll have to tell me what you were trying to say next time I’m on Trip Zip. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: TF is Trip Zip? gars-best-stache: Coruscant languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Do I want to ask for an explanation, or is it something boring? gars-best-stache: It’s boring. Let’s talk about something much more interesting: me. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER]
That was how it started. Simple, mundane messages about your day: he’d complain about his bunkmates’ snoring; you’d describe the most bizarre patrons you saw wandering into the bar next to your shop. He’d send you holos of his favorite gunship nose art; you’d send him silly things you found on the holonet. 
languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Where you at? gars-best-stache: Headed to Kiros. GAR rations are disgusting. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Sucks to be you. I’m eating crumblebuns and spiced tea right now. gars-best-stache: Maker, why would you tell me that? Are you trying to torture me? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Mmmmm, crumblebuns… gars-best-stache: I hate you. gars-best-stache: …  gars-best-stache: Can you send me a holo?
Galactic time zones being what they were, Boil’s messages were sporadic and unpredictable. More than once, you lay awake all night, exchanging messages for hours, never talking about anything serious, but strangely reluctant to stop. 
gars-best-stache: Saw this bird while I was on patrol, reminded me of you.
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languishing-in-obscuri-tea: First of all, that bird is glorious, and I’ll take the comparison as a compliment. Secondly, [REDACT] you. gars-best-stache: … did you just redact your own message? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I wanted to be sure you got it. Where you at? gars-best-stache: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR SECURITY FILTER] gars-best-stache: Oops, guess it’s classified.
By unspoken agreement, you both kept things light. Boil had a hard enough time opening up in person; there was simply no way he would be willing to show the vulnerability you’d glimpsed in a holomessage that was subject to GAR scans. 
gars-best-stache: How are things in the con-artist industry? Taken any unsuspecting tourists for all they’re worth lately? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Careful. I might hex your pillow so it’s never cool again. gars-best-stache: That the best you can do? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Not even close. I could curse one of your boots so it always squeaks, or make it so your caf is always either too hot or lukewarm. gars-best-stache: Oooh, I’m so scared. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Tremble before my wrath.
Some days, he’d send dozens of messages; others, only one or two. Sometimes a week would pass with no word from him, and you knew he must be in active combat. The churn of anxiety in your gut would worsen with each rotation until, at last, your datapad would chime and send you scrambling to check your messages. Not that you told him this, of course. You’d send some flippant comment and go back to your usual lighthearted exchanges.
languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Where you at? gars-best-stache: Hyperspace. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Am I allowed to know where you’re going? gars-best-stache: Nope. What did you do today? Aside from luring innocent victims to financial ruin, I mean. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Went to the charity shop. gars-best-stache: Get anything good? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I found the perfect gift for you. gars-best-stache: Aww, you bought me a present? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: 
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gars-best-stache: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER] gars-best-stache: My stache is amazing! How dare you. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: That’s certainly one word for it. I’m amazed every time I see it. gars-best-stache: As you should be. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Amazed that none of your brothers have held you down and forcibly shaved it off. That thing is a crime against sentients. gars-best-stache: Didn’t realize it was a crime to look this good. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I’m calling the Corries. gars-best-stache: They’ll never take me alive!
One of the things that surprised you was just how kriffing boring GAR life was when the troopers weren’t risking their lives in active combat. The tedium and monotony of long hyperspace jumps with nothing to do and nothing to look at except the endless gray of durasteel walls—your soul shriveled at the very idea of such a drab existence. 
Of course, for Boil and the other clones, the alternative was the deadly chaos of the battlefield. It was no wonder the troopers were so ready to hit the entertainment district and blow off steam during their shore leaves. Thus, you took it upon yourself to entertain him.
languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I look hot as K today.  gars-best-stache: Holos or it didn’t happen. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: What’s the GAR policy on spicy holos? gars-best-stache: Wait, what? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [IMAGE REDACTED BY GAR INDECENCY FILTER] languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I guess that answers that question. gars-best-stache: WHAT WAS IT?? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: 😏 gars-best-stache: You’re killing me. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Where you at? gars-best-stache: Headed to Sarrish. Might get messy.
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“Hellooooo,” Tas called, waving her hand in front of your face. “Anyone home?”
You glanced up from your datapad, blinking as your brain struggled to switch  gears. You stashed your datapad and gave the Dathomirian an irate glare that she definitely hadn’t earned.
“Don’t you have some runes to cast?” you asked.
“Nope, but one of your regulars is here,” she replied.
You peeked out into the reception room and spotted a clone trooper. He was wearing civilian clothes, but he wasn’t hard to identify. As he turned his head, you spotted the distinctive scar on his jaw—courtesy of a lightsaber, he’d once told you—and your mouth went dry as your heart began to pound.
“I think he has a crush on you,” Tas teased.
“He definitely doesn’t,” you muttered.
You quickly straightened your clothing and glanced in the mirror to make sure you didn’t have anything in your teeth. Straightening your shoulders, you plastered on your patented brilliant smile and walked out to greet him.
Not all armor is made of plastoid, you thought grimly.
He glanced up as you entered, his eyes as cold as ever. The broken nose was new, though. No doubt it had been well-earned. You were briefly envious of whatever lucky individual had broken it.
“Hello, Hart,” you said. “Welcome back.”
He nodded, and his eyes flicked past you to Tas. His jaw tensed, and you intervened quickly before he could say something awful to her. She might have been a Nightsister, but she was the softest marshmallow imaginable, and you’d be contractually obligated to murder Hart if he hurt her feelings. Not that you had any particular objection to the idea, but bloodstains were so hard to get out of the carpet. Best to avoid them if possible.
“Right this way,” you gestured toward your reading room.
“I know,” he growled.
You ushered him into the room and closed the door. “Is there any particular advice or guidance you need today?”
Like maybe a complete personality transplant?
“Cut the kark,” he said. “You know why I’m here.”
You felt your teeth clench, and you suspected that your signature smile might have briefly morphed into a snarl before you recovered.
“Indeed, I do, Captain,” you said in a voice so artificially sweet you could practically feel the cavities forming. “But my readings take at least fifteen minutes, so you might as well get comfortable if you don’t want anyone to suspect why you’re really here. Would you care for tea?”
Suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you rummaged through your tea cabinet until you found the tiny latch you were searching for. You flicked it open, and the back of the cabinet slid down to reveal a hidden compartment. You withdrew a small case and handed it to Hart without a word.
He opened it and glanced through the contents.
“It’s all there,” you said.
He grunted, then glanced impatiently at his chrono. “Kriffin’ hell, how has it only been three minutes?”
You shrugged and began to brew a pot of tea. “Might as well make the best of it.”
He grumbled, then reluctantly asked, “Do you have any of those chocolate biscuits from last time?”
“Those are only for people I like,” you replied. “You can have the boring ones.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, but still ate the plain biscuits you gave him. You assumed that Hart’s sweet tooth was even bigger than most of the troopers’ to offset his general sourness.
“Milk? Sugar? Lemon?” you offered more out of habit than hospitality.
“You have milk?” he asked.
You pulled the bottle out of your mini-conservator and passed it to him.
“I’m taking this,” he said, then he grabbed the packet of biscuits. “And these.”
He stood and strode toward the door.
“It’s only been ten minutes,” you pointed out as you followed him.
“Longest of my life,” he snapped.
You didn’t bother to suppress your eye roll this time. He threw open the door to your reading room and headed for the exit, pushing past Tas wordlessly. She watched him with an expression of astonishment, and when the door slammed behind him, she turned to you.
“Was that bantha milk?” she asked, baffled.
“Yeah,” you replied. “What a kriffin’ weirdo.”
“Hmm,” she said contemplatively. “Kind of hot, though.”
You snorted. “Maybe if you have a thing for sociopaths.”
“He can’t be that bad,” she laughed.
“He’s worse. Want a cup of tea? I’d just finished making a pot when he decided he didn’t require my services today.”
She gasped in faux outrage. “The nerve! You’re right; sociopath isn’t a strong enough word. Clearly, he’s a monster.”
“Exactly,” you replied. “Now come help me drink this tea and tell me what horrors your nightmare of a flatmate has committed recently. Is he still doing that thing with his feet?”
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You didn’t hear from Boil for several days. You had more or less expected this, but still, his silence made you restless. It wasn’t so bad at first. The shop was busier than usual because the palm reader had traveled to his home planet of Aldhani for Mak-ani bray Dhani, leaving you and the rest of your fellow mediums to pick up his customers. Every night after the shop closed, you dragged yourself to your flat and collapsed straight into bed, endlessly thankful that the Eye of Aldhani only happened once every three years.
Of course, once you were in bed, your mind would begin to race, wondering where Boil was, whether he was safe, when—or if—you would see him again. Inevitably, you would get up after a few hours and settle onto your sofa with a cup of tea while you practiced the mind-calming techniques your grandmother had taught you so long ago.
One such night, as you sipped your tea and levitated a sugar spoon in tiny circles in front of your face, a thunderous crash sounded outside, rattling your windows and instantly obliterating your concentration. The spoon clattered to the floor as you rushed outside to investigate. 
On the walkway in front of your shop, beings of every imaginable species stumbled out of the various bars, clubs, and shops. Speculation ran rampant: was it another Separatist attack? Another Zillo beast incident? Sirens began to blare in the distance, but no further disturbance occurred, and eventually the walkways began to clear out as people either drifted home or returned to their revelry.
The next morning, you awoke in a bed drenched with sweat. Your apartment was stifling. Groggily, you stumbled to the window to slide it open, but it was even hotter outside.
“What the kriff?” you mumbled, grinding your palm against your face to clear your bleary eyes.
Your datapad flashed with a notification indicator, and you snatched it up, hoping to see a message from Boil at last, but instead, you had a missed comm from Tas. You called her back immediately.
“Tas, what’s going on?” you rasped, your voice hoarse from sleep. “Why is it so hot?”
“Did you hear that big boom last night?” she asked.
“It was the district relay substation for the planetary weather control system,” she said. “Coruscant WeatherNet said it could be days before it’s repaired.”
“What?” you asked, aghast. “What about air filtration?”
“They’re trying to compensate with other relay stations to keep it livable.”
“Do you think we should close the shop until it’s repaired?” 
“I doubt we’ll have many customers,” she said. “I’m more worried about you, though. The rest of us don’t live in the district, so we’re all safe. Do you have somewhere you can go if it gets bad?”
You swallowed, suddenly feeling very alone and vulnerable in a way that you hadn’t felt in years. “Not really.”
“Then you can come stay with me,” she said firmly. 
“What about your horrid flatmate?” you objected. “Won’t he object to me crashing on your couch?”
“Who cares?” she asked. “We’ll outnumber him.”
Reluctant to cause even more tension between Tas and her flatmate, you waffled. “Maybe I’ll stick it out for now. If it gets bad, then I’ll come stay with you.”
“Are you sure you want to wait that long?”
You shrugged, forcing an optimistic tone. “Maybe it’ll be fixed soon.”
“Maybe…” she said doubtfully.
“Look at it this way. The Entertainment District is a huge credit-cow for Coruscant. They won’t let it go on too long and risk losing all that tourist revenue.”
“Good point,” she replied. “Well, if you change your mind, my couch is super comfy, and you already have my door keycode.”
“Thanks, Tas,” you replied gratefully. “You’re the best.”
You ended the call and prepared for a few very uncomfortable days. It wasn’t ideal, but you managed. The air quality never did get as bad as you expected, but the temperature grew steadily warmer. Against all odds, you managed to buy a small climate control unit—the last one in the store, and you nearly had to fight an Ishi Tib for it, but you set it up in your studio and ran it round the chronometer to keep the flat livable. For the first time, you were grateful for how tiny your studio was; if it had been any bigger, there was no way the little unit would have been able to cool the space.
As Tas predicted, no customers came to the shop, so at least you didn’t have to worry about closing up. It was a strange sight: the Entertainment District, silent and completely deserted. Empty walkways; empty nightclubs, bathed in the neon signs advertising closed businesses to an audience of nobody. It was kriffing eerie, was what it was.
If you’d thought it was hard to sleep before, you were nearly frantic now. The silence was overwhelming, accustomed as you were to the endless roar of traffic and thumping of dance music. Eventually, you found an ambient noise station on the holonet and let it play nonstop.
And just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did.
Five days after the relay station failed, you turned on Republic HoloNet News to see a headline that knocked the air from your lungs: “Overwhelming Republic Casualties at Sarrish; GAR in Full Retreat.”
A/N: the mug says, "Galaxy's okayest mustache." Both pictures by me 🧡
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belovedstill · 13 days
AO3 Fic Meme
I was tagged by @museaway, thank you! (It's so inspiring seeing you write up a storm for daster to the point of it soon changing your answers, maybe someday something will change some of mine, too!)
Rules: Go to your AO3 account and find the following:
What ratings do you write most of your fics under?
General Audiences (87)
Teen And Up Audiences (52)
What are your top three fandoms?
Supernatural (92)
Yuri!!! on Ice (28)
Mr. Love: Queen's Choice (19)
What is the top character you write about?
Castiel (85)
What are your top three pairings?
Castiel/Dean (76)
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov (28)
Main Character/Zhou Qiluo | Kiro (6)
What are the top three additional tags?
Domestic Fluff (28)
Slice of Life (25)
Alternate Universe - No Supernatural (24)
Does any of this surprise you?
Not the additional tags nor the fandom and character. I knew right away that 4 years of writing Supernatural fic while the show was airing and that one time I held that August write-and-post-everyday challenge would make sure no other fandom or ship steals the first place, ever. MC/Kiro being the ship I wrote the most for mlqc, though! I was so sure it would be MC/Gavin!
Tagging: @captainadwen @matadorofheart @ryuuseini @solacium @unicorngelato
@rosemirmir @youknowthelines @sodomhipped @theliteraryluggage and you, you, you!
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antianakin · 7 months
Funny thing about the Mandoclone idea is that the Clones are in a unique position to experience a ton of different cultures as well as having their own on Kamino.
Via the Clone Wars they'd have the chance to experience the culture of the Jedi, Ryloth, Courusant, Kashyyyk and any other allied planet where they may have spent an extended period period of time. As compared to Mandalore which was an unaligned system that didn't interact much with them.
Like imagine if instead of "vode" the 212th used the word "nera" after Waxer and Boil introduced it to them from their time on Ryloth.
A group of Clones spend a long time living with the Wookies and adopt some of their behavior.
They spend a bunch of time on Courusant and get used to big city living.
There're limitless possibilities for the different divisions to branch out into their own miniature cultures based on who their Jedi is and the kind of people they meet out in the Galaxy. I don't know why people fixate on Mandalore.
I imagine people fixate on Mandalore because there's a lot of EU content and lore describing what Mando culture might look like which has spawned a lot of fandom engagement sort-of expanding on what Mando culture is and could be. Mandoclones are just... simple and easy. You never have to put a ton of work or thought into them, tbh, because everyone who goes for it just copy/pastes some variation on Mando culture onto the clones and calls it a day: armor means everything, they say riduurok vows or whatever, they speak Mando'a and call each other vod/vod'e, they exchange gauntlets as a form of courtship or marriage ritual, they adopt everything that moves, they like spicy food. I don't even CARE about Mandos and have never sought out fics about them or read a single book from the EU that focuses on them, but I feel like I know basically everything there is to know about them because I've read a lot of fics with clones in them that repeat the exact same things over and over.
Whereas having to go for, say, Wookie culture or even Twi'lek culture via Ryloth means having to be a lot more creative with your headcanons because you're likely going to have to come up with most of it yourself since they're VASTLY less examined in Star Wars than the Mandos have been (at least, so far as I'm aware of). It just takes more work and not everybody wants to go for that in fanfic when the easy simple obvious route is right there for the taking and it's probably in your head via osmosis anyway (despite the fact that canon doesn't showcase almost any of these traits).
But I am immensely tickled by the idea of a bunch of clones bonding with wookies during the war and learning how to understand the language the way Han does and absolutely loving the idea of living in trees and stuff and in a happy fix-it AU they just move to Kashyyyk and get adopted by a wookie family.
I'd love to see more stories of clones getting invested in various different cultures. Clones who go to Pantora because they love the cold snowy weather and the various different festivities Pantora has involving winter and snow and ice and the pretty fuzzy clothing they wear to keep warm. Clones who love Tatooine or Jakku because it might be a hive of scum and villainy in some of the towns, but deserts have their own beauty. Clones joining the community on Kiros after the war as they recover from the trauma of Kadavo and find peace. Clones who figure out a way to live alongside aquatic species like Mon Cala and Nautolans because they're still drawn to water worlds even years after leaving Kamino and they're drawn to the large ocean worlds even though they can't breathe underwater like the native inhabitants.
The options are truly endless once you break away from Mandoclones and they're all great and nobody talks about any of them ever.
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suleikashideaway · 7 days
Time Will Tell Ch 14 Update
Updated September 19, 2024
Chapter 14: Plans and Intentions
Chapter length: 4,943
Chapter Summary: 
“Edea is usually more on the self-sacrificing side, which is also tricky,” Cid continued. “She would give you anything you ever needed, even if it killed her. Hyne, it was hard getting Garden started with her back then. She knew what needed to happen but she was so resistant…” He paused, nostalgic. Squall stared at him. “But I loved her so much, I would do whatever she wanted. You know, we were seventeen when we met? Like you and Rinoa?”
I almost didn’t get this one out today! With that said, my work schedule is getting a little more hectic, and I’m trying not to overdo it with my health and all that, so I may be posting a little less. Hopefully I can still get some time in to write because you knowwww it gives me life. 
More about Time Will Tell under the cut!
Fic Summary: Carefree, fun-loving, passionate, free spirited, can also mean impulsive, reckless, obsessive, thoughtless. Rinoa Heartilly is learning the dangers of her own personality, and who she will become if she continues down this path. 
Squall Leonhart is fully awake now, no longer a pawn in someone else’s plan. He’s ready to take charge of his own fate. But what if fate has other plans? 
Rating: M
Warnings: No archive warnings apply
Chapters: 14/?
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Relationships: Rinoa Heartilly/Squall Leonhart, Selphie Tilmitt/Irvine Kinneas, Zell Dincht/Library Girl, Rinoa Heartilly & Selphie Tilmitt, Ellone & Squall Leonhart, Squall Leonhart & Quistis Trepe, Squall Leonhart & Irvine Kinneas, Ellone & Rinoa Heartilly
Characters: Rinoa Heartilly, Squall Leonhart, Cid Kramer, Edea Kramer, Selphie Tilmitt, Irvine Kinneas, Zell Dincht, Quistis Trepe, Library Girl, Laguna Loire, Ellone, Kiros Seagill, Ward Zabac, Fury Carraway, Seifer Almasy, Original Characters
Tags: Angst with a happy ending, Fluff in early chapters, Self discovery, Navigating relationships, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Codependency, Sexual content, Drug & Alcohol use, Canon-typical violence, Debunking a fan theory, Friendship, Fandom blind, Post-canon, What is time anyway, Fate & Destiny, Tags to be added
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mothervvoid · 1 month
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
writer's asks
haha kiro you are on my blog
ough the thing is i look up a lot of rlly weird and straange things for my fics and i just look up weird shit for me to daydream abt my ocs in my mind palace as well. fics that never see the light of day have some of the strangest and most in-depth research on niche topics and they, again, never see the light of day. i think recently it was pet sematary + rate of successful self extubations
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tr1ck5 · 8 months
Almost seems like Fate - FFVIII Anniversary Week one-shot
Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Characters: Laguna Loire, Cid Kramer, Kiros Seagill, Ellone Leonhart
Prompt: The Man with the Machine Gun
Rating: E
Words: 4,310
Summary: Following some eagerly-awaited news, Laguna reminisces about the past; specifically a certain meeting which, unbeknownst to him, would further confirm the destiny of one young orphaned boy… and with it, unexpected news of his missing adopted daughter.
Happy 25th anniversary to FFVIII! This was done for @ffviiicharacterweek and I had a blast writing this. I wanted to tell this particular story but couldn't really find a fitting spot in my main fic so this was just a perfect vessel for it haha hope you like!
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angelosearch · 26 days
Part 4: The Edge of Chaos | Aftermath
Chapter 29 of 36 (expected) Word Count: 5624
Squall sets eyes on his father for the first time since he left for Garden.
I'm not terribly fond of how this chapter turned out. It jumps around a lot, it's disorganized. I like parts of it, but this is where I meet my limitations as a writer without an editor/publisher behind me. I know, objectively, that it should probably be reordered or broken up, but also that would mean killing darlings I am not interested in killing and adjusting the timeline in a way I don't want to. So consider this chapter In Which You Discover Why Reading Fanfiction is Free.
Also, because I did not finish this fic before grad school, this is probably the last chapter for about three weeks. I have the next one written but it has a hell of a cliffhanger at the end so I want to have the chapter after that mostly put together before posting.
All things considered, I am doing a piss-poor job marketing this chapter. Sorry friends!
More about Chaos Theory under the cut.
Chapters: 29/36 Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death Relationships: Rinoa Heartilly/Squall Leonhart, Irvine Kinneas/Selphie Tilmitt, Laguna Loire/Raine Loire, Squall Leonhart & Laguna Loire, Ellone & Squall Leonhart, Laguna Loire & Kiros Seagill & Ward Zabac, Irvine Kinneas & Squall Leonhart, Seifer Almasy/Quistis Trepe, Zell Dincht & Squall Leonhart, Kiros Seagill/Ward Zabac Characters: Squall Leonhart, Ellone (Final Fantasy VIII), Raine Loire, Laguna Loire, Rinoa Heartilly, Seifer Almasy, Irvine Kinneas, Zell Dincht, Quistis Trepe, Selphie Tilmitt, Nida (Final Fantasy VIII), Angelo (Final Fantasy VIII), Xu (Final Fantasy VIII), Cid Kramer, Edea Kramer, Ultimecia (Final Fantasy VIII), Kiros Seagill, Ward Zabac, Original Characters Additional Tags: Time Travel, Retelling, What if Ellone changed the past?, Fate & Destiny, Family, Alternate Timelines, Domestic fluff only in part 1, Politics, Father-Son Relationship, Butterfly Effect, Second Chances, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Religious Fanaticism, Soul Bond, Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Character Death, Somewhat Graphic Violence, Brother-Sister Relationships, Childhood Trauma, Estrangement Summary:
Ellone did it - she changed the past. Laguna returned to Winhill with Ellone and saw the birth of his son.
Who is Squall if he grows up in Winhill with a family? How is Balamb Garden, and the people who live there, different without him?
Of course, some events are fixed. Things have changed but the universe demands order. Fate has a strange gravity that pulls our heroes toward each other, and to the inevitable.
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laikaflash · 1 month
I watched the Mufasa trailer
I have a bad feeling about this movie, but the long-dormant TLK in me is morbidly curious. I'm still not keen on the photo-realistic style. Let's have a look at the description on YouTube, shall we? I'll go over this one paragraph:
Exploring the unlikely rise of the beloved king of the Pride Lands, “Mufasa: The Lion King” enlists Rafiki to relay the legend of Mufasa to young lion cub Kiara, daughter of Simba and Nala, with Timon and Pumbaa lending their signature schtick.
Okay. Kiara's in this. Placing my bets on her personality being rewritten a second time. (I see you there with that dodgeball, Apollo.)
Told in flashbacks, the story introduces Mufasa as an orphaned cub, lost and alone until he meets a sympathetic lion named Taka—the heir to a royal bloodline.
No. Nononononono.
*deep breath*
At no point was I expecting them to adapt anything from Six New Adventures, but they've used Scar's birth from that? I don't know why they bothered. I'm hoping I'm overthinking things.
So, the first glimpse of the title character is of Mufasa as a cub, clinging to a log in a river. A second lion cub shows up with a very chirpy British accent. Then comes a lioness who says this: "Rules are rules, Taka. The king will never accept a stray."
Nice retcon. Thanks, I dislike it with great intensity.
And oh no, we are getting a sympathetic Scar, are we? Who's been trawling through the fics? I joke, and this may well be me being jaded, but did they really need to stretch that much for that?
You know what? I want to find Taka's "I always wanted a brother" line darkly funny...
The chance meeting sets in motion an expansive journey of an extraordinary group of misfits searching for their destiny—their bonds will be tested as they work together to evade a threatening and deadly foe.
Alright, fine. Who is this foe?
Skipping ahead to about halfway through. We see adolescent Mufasa and Taka. A brief glimpse of what might be Mufasa's parents. Taka's mom says something about finding their place in the circle of life. 'Kay...
The antagonists are a pride of white lions. The cast list names their leader as Kiros, "a formidable lion with big plans for his pride". Because there can be only one "will be one lion king". Skipping more shots hinting at imminent confrontation. It's just an inkling on my part, but I don't have high hopes for this guy getting a villain song.
Oh, Mufasa and Taka survive. Silly me.
Skipping more shots I that don't have it in me to snark about.
I dunno, folks. I think I might sit this one out. My suspension of disbelief has been toyed with quite enough by the retcons alone. I know December's a long way off, so I'll wait and see. Just don't count on me changing my mind just yet.
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worldismyne · 8 months
Star Clan Sketch Dump
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Concept art for the new fic is going great.
First pic; Ryu, Roz, and Kiro Suta. They are the active members of the new generation of assassins. Their star tatoos are on their backs. (Are they legit or just copycats? You'll have to wait and see). Not any canon character's kids.
Second pic; Genbu, Suzuka and Seiryu Suta. Past members who are now deceased. They are named after different constallations, which represent the different branches of the clan. White Star and Venus would be from the Byakko (white tiger) branch. But White Star wants to be the main head, not just a branch leader. ((I know Venus isn't a trad name for this group of characters, but it's often confused for a star because it's so bright, and I found that very funny and fitting for the character))
Third pic; Black Star's parents White Star (pre Kishen Egg) and the witch Cassandra. If you know a lil about greek mythology, you can kind of see the angle I'm going for. Really been having fun fleshing out their whole backstory. They are also deceased in the fic.
Had to do these because I only briefly describe what everyone looks like. I get so selfconsious anytime I put an OC in the fic, but the plot demands it.
I also just love me some good lore. Been having to go through Fire Force ever since I found out there's SE lore bits in there. Been helping with the fic's tone tho.
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italeean · 2 years
My amazing friends
I think it's time I share with you the list of the closest friends I've made during this little journey of mine. I also decided to add a little paragraph for everyone, I hope it's not too sappy lmaooo 😅 ALSO, if you're not on the list, please tell me... I probably just forgot. Vi voglio bene 💚🤍❤️
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@jettori Well... one of my first friends around here. What can I say? I think you already know what I think of you and how much I treasure our friendship. You deserve all the love and all the cookies of the world!! 🍡🍪
@rattypatty BABY AGE!! 🌸 This is gonna be your new nickname here ^_^ You always bring a smile to my face (even when you call me baby height...). I genuinely think you're brave and tough and I hope you'll always remain as you are because you're amazing.
@fanfic-chan Such a sweetheart 🥺 Seriously, I think everything about you is cute. Also, I'm proud of all the progress you've made and of your new job. Keep going, you're marvelous and you only deserve the best!!
@kaerichan-yatta My Italian (and linguistic high school) buddyyy 💚🤍❤️ And SUCH. A. TEASE. AAAAAAAAHHH!! But remember, what goes around comes back around. (Although we both know I don't dislike your teases). Anyway, besides being teasy, you have many more qualities and I hope you know how unique and great you are.
@xiaosstepstool MOM FRIEND!! 🥰 Let's be clear now, at first you gave me Gorou vibes, but the more we talked, the more Yae-like you became (in the best way possible). But you're also so sweet and adorable... my heart can't handle this-
@xsezzie Shortieee <333 You're one of the very few people I can use this nickname with. I genuinely think that you're really cool and I really admire how hard you work. Although you're still a small bully to me!! 😭 (I'd say big bully but you know... height difference is on my side here lol)
@tickles-and-cuddles SWEETIEEEEE!! Ily but please, be more self-confident. I'm really glad you reached out to me because now I have another amazing friend, and I know for a FACT that other people would love to get to know you❣️
@wertzunge Tbh you remind me of a little cub lol 😹 I was kinda scared at the thought of approaching you (a big thanks to my social anxiety) so I guess I'll have to thank you for making that project about communication. Thanks to that I got to know a cute, little ball of sunshine ^_^
@intheheartofarainbow Idk if you expected to be on this list, but here you are my dear 😸 Your nice words supported and motivated me probably more than you can imagine. I'm glad I've met such a gentle soul
@skribblz AAAAAAAHHH you have no idea of how honored I felt when you gave me permission to write for your drawings!! I was extremely nervous at the thought of you reading my works though, since I was (and still am) basically an amateur... but your compliments really did improve my self-esteem as a writer (although I'm still rather inexperienced) 🌈
@vampirecorset One of the most mature and strongminded people I've ever met. I admire how you have your own opinions and stick to them. You're truly inspiring ✨️
@fresh-thomato LITTLE CUTIEEEE!! Let's be honest, it's adorable how easy it is to fluster you 🥰 You're one of the strongest people I know, always ready to listen. You're really special to me and I hope you know that
@simplysmilingdrew I WON'T TALK ABOUT HOW MUCH I APPRECIATED YOUR FANART BASED ON MY FIC JUST BECAUSE IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A SHORT PARAGRAPH AND NOT AN ESSAY 💘 Apart from that, you're always so sweet and nice, I'm honored to be able to call you a friend!!
@tickly-floof One word: BABYYYY!! 🥺 Because that's what you are (in an affectionate way obviously). Honestly, your demeanor is heartwarming... you're really a cute and sweet person!! (PS. Give Kiro a few scritches for me please, he's Baby no. 2 after all)
@leeviathaaaan Levi... or LEEvi..? Sorry, sorry... I had to say it 😅💖 Anyway, I really appreciate your support for my works and I LOVE when we talk. You're a really interesting person and I hope you agree with me here (since I'm 100000% sure I'm right)
@myreygn my fellow Takao simp 🥹❤️ Jokes aside... my Bashful Sweetheart!! Okay I'll get serious now... you're one of the nicest people around here, so sweet and cheerful, I feel like everyone would want to be your friend. But I can't let your teasing about my height and other things slide, hmph! <333
@mai-meiei Aaaaaww you really give me big sister vibes ✨️ You always have something nice to say and are always so supportive... it's a honor to have such a great friend!! Also, your drawings are AMAZING, cutie 🥰
@eliasiis Okay we haven't talked much, but I'd love making friends with you. You seem someone really sweet and funny 😸 Also, you're super talented (seriously guys, if you still aren't following him, do it right now)
@lovinglyroses Yuukoku no Moriarty is undoubtedly a great series, but another reason I'm happy for watching it is because your hcs made us meet 🥹 You are a treasure, for me as a friend and for the whole community thanks to your personality and talent 🩷
@rand0m-s1nner Aaaaahh the first time you texted me I had a giddy smile plastered all over my face!! Like, you showed appreciation for one of the fics I felt the most insecure about... and you're so interesting!! Another amazing person I have the problem of calling a friend 🍡❤️‍🔥
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irishais · 9 months
Laguna! For the meme.
send me a character!
Sexuality Headcanon: everyone's attractive and he's having a leg cramp about it
Gender Headcanon: Male, but he's the guy who insists on everyone on his staff putting pronouns etc in their presidential palace email signatures, and might get it wrong the first time, but he never errs once he is corrected.
A ship I have with said character: Honestly, I really, really like Laguna/Xu bc i'm a big ol' sucker for local idiot and competent badass.
A BROTP I have with said character: Laguna & Kiros & Ward for life.
A NOTP I have with said character: I accidentally clicked on a Laguna/Squall fic once and it's seared in my memory and I hate it so much.
A random headcanon: After the first couple years of his "hey you're president now" election to Esthar's top position of leadership, he actually discovers that he likes being president. That he likes being able to effect real change, and with the help of his cabinet, improves Esthar's alliances, pulls down the barrier after the war, and adamantly denies the Garden council's repeated requests to expand into Esthar, despite his relationship to Squall.
General Opinion over said character: He's not as one-dimensional as everyone tends to make him out to be! Admittedly, a lot of my headcanon is just absolutely a result of my obsession with this game since it first came out, but I like my comic-relief characters fleshed out in a believable way.
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any thoughts or headcanons on sofia, wilk and kiro, and what it was like for them to be on the run after killing the czar? i have sooo many ideas i would love to share abt this, and even a backstory i wrote for sofia. so many fics to write, so little time,,
Hey there, @interstellarshipwreck! Thank you for your ask, love! I apologize for the delay in my response, I had to research a bit on the three and really think of their dynamic together. I especially love this one because they’re characters that aren’t so popular (at least, on my side of the fandom), I’m thankful and glad to be given the chance to write about them! ALSO “so many fics to write, so little time…” IS SUCH A MOOD. HANDSHAKE EMOJI WITH YOU RIGHT NOW, MY GOOD FELLOW
I would absolutely love to hear about your own thoughts and backstory (OMG A BACKSTORY PLEASE FEED IT TO ME) about this!!!! I would love to hear more 🤲🥺
Sofia, Kiroranke, and Wilk Ten Year Runaways
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Okay, I’m gonna lay my main card down already: I hc that Kiroranke loved both Wilk and Sofia. His love for Sofia is canon. But honestly, Kiroranke’s devotion and love for Wilk during their revolutionary days were so deep and intimate, I can’t see it as just plain old war buddies type of love. He loved that man, hence it hurt so much to see the Wilk he loved since his teenage years grow into someone he didn’t know and couldn’t relate to anymore in the end. It was like betrayal. Maybe one day I should write more about that. But yes, sometimes I think the manga was framing the trio as some sort of love triangle, and it was, but it was Kiroranke loving the both of them. I argue that in that aspect, he was their emotional core. 
I think Kiroranke and Wilk had moments together — Kiroranke, a teenage boy in love with someone older than him, desperately kissing an injured Wilk after the assassination. He would be embarrassed about it, ashamed of his actions, but Wilk said nothing but thanks for his concern. Kiro looking deep into shining blue eyes crinkled in mirth underneath a layer of blood, you fucking bet he realized right then and there he would follow this man wherever he goes. I feel like in those ten years, they had some kind of tension between them that wasn’t platonic in nature. Kiro would be passionate and show his adoration for the older man in actions rather than words — being loyal to his leader, following orders without any complaints. Wilk was calculated and cautious, hence he wasn’t verbally affectionate, but he’d always had his hand on Kiro’s shoulder in greeting or leaning into his bigger bulk when resting… there was definitely some quiet affection shared between the two of them. 
Asirpa in the early parts of the manga tells Sugimoto that a lot of women fell in love with Wilk because of his fine motor skills, especially when crafting something from his own hands. I hc that Sofia wasn’t any different. In my mind, there was a point during their runaway days where Sofia asked Wilk to teach her how to hunt, and Wilk crafted her a simple knife Ainu-style while telling her stories about his childhood to pass the time (maybe she heard about the story of child Wilk and the wolf during this time). She started to fall for the man who was passionate about his heritage and was willing to do anything for the people he loved. When it was finished, Wilk brought her along to a two-man hunt. She wasn’t successful at hunting, despite Wilk’s instructions, but Wilk — who had caught their dinner for that night — encouraged her by telling her that she can practice hunting with him and Kiroranke if she wanted to. 
Sofia can’t cook for shit, Kiro can manage, but Wilk was the master at their, er, makeshift kitchen. I can see Sofia being the Sugimoto to Kiroranke and Wilk’s Asirpa, wherein the boys would cook something that is “exotic” to Sofia’s tastes. Initially, she subconsciously balks at the ingredients and cooking processes, but then later reminds herself that her culture and their culture were equal — they both deserve the same respect and reverance. She ends up liking the mixed cuisines a lot. Also, Wilk who came from both Polish minorities and Ainu people probably did a lot of fusion dishes for fun. 
I can see Sofia to be their spymaster. Sofia is a pretty woman, knows French and Russian, and isn’t wanted by the police. Hence, she’s the least suspicious out of the three. I bet that she was really good at her job because she’s a great actress. I’m willing to bet she used her aristocratic knowledge to steal from a fellow nobleman during their runaway years. The reason why she started slipping when it came to Hasegawa was because for the first time in ten years, she felt at peace (this was primarily because of the close presence of Olga, Hasegawa’s child). I can even extrapolate that she enjoyed holding Olga close to her because she would daydream of her own child with Wilk. 
Wilk knew that both Kiroranke and Sofia loved him, but didn’t do anything about it. He also knew that Kiroranke was in love with Sofia, and made hints to Kiro that he knew, but he was passive when it came to emotions like that. Maybe he saw that maintaining the emotions and reciprocating even a tiny bit was beneficial for him as a leader. Although, I can see him being more partial to Kiroranke because of their shared goal.
Wilk has a great singing voice, I can see him as a baritone. Which means that his voice is well-suited for lullabies and humming. Sometimes when Wilk was on the watch for their group, he would hum songs from his childhood. Both Kiroranke and Sofia would pretend that they were already asleep to hear him quietly and gently string notes that would form soft lullabies about Ainu proverbs and stories. More often than not, they both fall asleep into deep slumber whenever they hear Wilk. It’s a soothing rumble, a very nice sound to let go of consciousness and clutch dreams.
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