#kissing all dndads artists
chushanye · 1 year
I...strongly dislike when people draw podcast/book characters that have no visual media counterpart or human-ify non-human characters and make their designs just oops! all twinks. and when they put them in modern shein-esque clothes.
i hate when the "original designs" are all the same body type/face shape and they just change the accessories/hair/skin color. and then the clothes they draw them in make no consideration for what that character could actually wear (both practically and personality-wise). they just put them in "tik tok alt" clothes and call it a day. I'm so bored of it, you could even call me a hater.
and SO often this goes hand-in-hand with fanon archetypes that take over the popular perception of a character. if they're slightly grumpy they will get dubbed the emo character and will be drawn in unimaginative "alt" fits ripped off of pinterest, screenshoted off of the clock app for the rest of time.
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officialgleamstar · 1 year
dndads couple songs
okay. i wrote out all of this, and then deleted it all by accident as soon as i finished, so now i’m rewriting it. originally oakworthy was on here too as a bonus ship, but it ended up being the only thing i didn’t delete and so it’s getting cut out of spite. fuck them kids. no one gets to know what small musician’s song i assigned to the freaks.
anyways! i like to collect songs that remind me of the relationships between the parents of both seasons, and i thought it would be fun to share my top picks for them all here with some of my reasoning :D i’m smart. come closer. look at my music, boy/girl/enby/etc.
Season 1: Odyssey
Darryl/Carol - I’d Have to Think About It by Leith Ross
I had a few different options for them but this is the best choice
Yes, I know this is a lesbian song. Hear me out: I am a lesbian and I like them.
They need to be divorced so badly but I truly think Darryl will be in love with Carol forever
“I’ve been a liar and you’ve been a pill” LITERALLY THEM?? Darryl lies about his life/feelings and Carol is hard to talk to, that’s literally them, oh my GOD. Please see my vision
Henry/Mercedes - Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)
Literally the easiest song on this entire list
They’re hippies. They’re so fucking in love. I rest my case
I picture it from Mercedes’ perspective (just because Henry is a druid, so things literally grow wherever he goes), but it works both ways
Ron/Samantha - Lay All Your Love On Me by Dominic Cooper and Amanda Seyfried
Yes, it’s important that it’s the Mamma Mia version and not the ABBA original, because Cooper’s verses fit Ron and Seyfried’s verses fit Samantha
“I wasn’t jealous before we met”, “And I’m possessive, it isn’t nice”, etc. are so so Ron about Terry Sr.
“I still don’t know what you’ve done with me, A grown-up woman should never fall so easily” Samantha is so so in love with Ron despite the bizarre way they met
In conclusion: this song is so them, thank you
Glenn/Morgan - I’ll Never Love Again by Hamilton Leithauser
I have a few different Glenn/Morgan songs but we’ll go with the sad one because I love it
I don’t need to explain this one. You get it from the title. He never loved again (until he met another timeline version of her, I guess).
Jodie/Morgan - Wedding Singer by Modern Baseball
I do need to explain this one because I have a very specific interpretation of the song that may not be entirely accurate, but it’s real to me
This song is about a dying relationship that you feel like you should be able to fix, but you just can’t
This song is about to clinging to your past even though everyone just wants to move on
This song is about being unsure if your lover is your lover anymore. This song is about love not being what romantic movies have shown it to be. This song is about being stuck in a relationship that is on its last legs and you can’t tell if you want to let it go or fight for it kicking and screaming.
Most importantly, it is about Jodie’s endless pining over his ex-wife!
“The selfish side likes to think that my execution’s more of an honest one, these artists all cut cloth with underscore” is definitely aimed at Glenn, by the way. ‘My pathetic pining over you is more honest than whatever he’s doing with you and his dead no longer real wife.’ etc etc
Season 2: Quest
Grant/Marco - God in Jeans by Ryan Beatty
If you know this song, you know I don’t even have to explain this. But I will, because I love this song.
God in Jeans is about worshipping your homosexual lover like he’s your God, and how rewarding it can be to place your love in trust in him
Grant placing his love and trust in Marco despite everything that has happened to him is so deeply personal to me, and this song is essentially all about that
Also Grant just needs more Catholic guilt. He also needs to kiss his husband more. Please. Please I miss Marco so much
Sparrow/Rebecca - Strawberry Mentos by Leanna Firestone
This was another one that was hard because I had too many options. This time, I went for the happy one, because I know I can make it sad but also it’s a happy song and I really want Sparrow to be happy
This song is all about comparing your love to something sweet! Rebecca runs an ice cream parlor! It all adds up!
“So I pick up black licorice from every candy aisle even though I hate the taste of it, because I know when I kiss you, it’ll make you smile” Sparrow is shown to sacrifice parts of himself to accommodate the people around him, and molds himself to fits others whims. This is the sad part.
“You’re not afraid of your feelings and you’re not afraid of mine” Rebecca is shown to be confident in herself. She’s a girlboss. I think Sparrow depends on that sort of sturdiness a lot, since he’s… y’know, Sparrow. Having someone who is so confident in themself helps him be more confident in their relationship
“Taking weekly trips to my dentist, but I know it’s worth it” Sparrow looks over the faults in their relationship (cough cough THE AFFAIR cough) because he wants this marriage to work. He loves his wife!
That’s the end of my case, thank you
Lark/Rebecca - Rebecca by Against Me!
Literally no fucking contest
We are not in love but we ARE fucking. I’m obsessed with you. There’s vague implications that I might have feelings for you but we will never address it because neither of us want more. The song is literally about a woman named Rebecca
It’s their song. Moving on
Terry Jr./Veronica - Be Your Man by Ivan & Alyosha
This feels like a bit of a weak pick but it’s just so them, okay?
The entire song is about wanting to be a dedicated husband to your wife. Terry Jr. does everything in his power to fit himself into Veronica’s life and be a part of her family
Plus, considering what we know about Veronica’s ex-husband, I think Terry would do his best to be almost overly giving and caring in contrast to him
It’s a sweet song, Terry is a sweet man, and this song is so so so them
Nicky/Cassandra - Breathless on DVD by Antarctigo Vespucci
Not to brag, but my Nicky playlist on Spotify has two whole likes. This does not mean that I am confident in this pick. It’s really hard for me to narrow down a song that fits their vibe considering they don’t interact
The closest we get to them interacting is Cassandra saying Nicky was a good man, and also that they’re divorced. I also feel like maybe it was said that they argued, but I may have imagined that based on the divorce line? I dunno
Breathless on DVD is a song about an ex-relationship that ended in a place you’re not fully happy with, and looking back on it now, you’re not sure how you feel about the relationship as a whole
“I wanted to see you to see if I still wanted to see you, but that’s not fair” Being unsure what you even want anymore, etc etc
It’s a reach, I’m sorry, but their vibes are so hard for me to pin down personally LOL
BONUS: Jodie/Scam - She Hates Me by Puddle of Mudd
The girls are fightiiiing lmao
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mj-thrush-gxn · 1 year
asking this to my fav dndads artists, do you ship any of the teens, if so whom with?
Sorry i took a little while to think about this
this is actually a really hard question because i haven’t really thought about it-
okay i’m gonna go teen by teen 🫡
Taylor— honestly, swiftli. I feel like link is the one taylor gets along best with, so it’s kinda hard for me to see taylor with anyone but link.— BUT ALSO the idea of gothweeb is adorable and i find it kinda funny. they kinda bully each other but it’s fun because i love them. gothweeb is probably my #2 taylor ship. —i feel like taylor and hero was funny but it would’ve never worked out, and it didn’t, and i thought it was really funny. so like, i didn’t really ship it, but i thought they were hilarious.
Link— this is when i reveal my biggest secret… i love gothcleats. i like gothcleats a lot more than i like swiftli. gothcleat moments are more serious and carry more meaning, swiftli if mainly just funny homoeroticism and i love it. i honestly don’t know how to explain why i like gothcleats so much i just do. they hold a special place in my heart. —swiftli is my second favorite. LIKE AHHHHHHHH!!! PIZZA, PISS, HOMOEROTICISM!!!! ALL THE BEST THINGS!!! once again, their relationship is mostly just them being dorky little dweebs and i love them for it. — I LOVE KICKWORTHY… but that’s mostly because it’s basically just me and my best friend and i thought it was funny. i love the joker, my best friend loves garfield, instant win.but in all seriousness, i don’t really have a big opinion on them. i feel like since link didn’t like him at all until after apollo four teens, they dont have a wholesome enough relationship. i know that link has warmed up to herm a lot since then and i find them cute, its just that. — oakicks- i love oakicks and i think that if they polished up their friendship that would be wonderful. norm tries so hard to make everything good for everyone, especially link and herm, but it never works for him. so like, if link had tried a little harder to be nice and include him earlier in the season, it coulda worked.
Norm— ah norm… poor sweet norm… ANYWAY!! Oakworthy. i love oakworthy. it’s so dimmed but i also think it’s so cool and i just think it should be 100% canon. i mean, normal has been manifesting it since the dance, so like, cmon. I feel like herm doesn’t actually like scary as much as he says he does. like it’s just part of the bit. if herm breaks character, the first thing he better do is give norm a smooch. that’s all im saying. i will choose to believe that hermie actually likes normal and is just playing a part rn. he has to crack. he just has to. Norm deserves to get what he wants for just once, and this is all he wants. please anthony, let will have his moment. — Coin Toss, do they actually have a ship name? cause if not i just came up with one. Anyway- scary and norm. i love them. they are so same narrative opposite direction and i love them for it. i see them as platonic but like, feel free to give the homies a kiss ig. but yeah i mostly see them as platonic and scary needs to accept that norm is her new best friend. deal. — i already laid out my reasons why oakicks doesn’t work. i love them but like 😔. —oakweeb just does not work. it never will. taylor bullies norm way too much.
Scary — uhhh- Gothcleats, Gothkicks, wtv. i already laid out my reasons in links section. but like, link and scary could help each other out so much. both of their lives would be (i don’t wanna say so much, but) better. anyway- scary just needs to accept that she can be loved. — gothweeb, i already laid out my thoughts in taylor’s section. i like that and i think they would be cute, but like, not established enough. so i see them as platonic. — already stated my case for coin toss, platonic and i love them. I will explain the whole scary and hermie thing in the herm section- cause i need to write down stuff for herm… — scerica. yes. i love them. let the girls be girls. i ship it, like extremely, but also- they only interacted once in canon. they are my teen, female, nark basically. yes.
Herm- THE SCENE PARTNERS- SCARY AND HERM ARE JUST SCENE PARTNERS TO HERM- I FEEL LIKE HERMIE AND SCARY ARE REALLY GOOD FRIENDS AND THEY SHOULD HAVE GIRLSNIGHT WITH MARGARITA AND ERICA- HERM REFERRED TO SCARY AS A SCENE PARTNER THATS ALL IM SAYING — oakworthy. yes. if hermie can get over himself and accept that scary is nothing but a friend and a scene partner, it would work. please. i am begging. — already stated my place on kickworthy — swiftworthy is illegal.
your welcome-
i rambled- a lot.
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ma-lark-ey · 4 years
#8 Glenn & Nick 🥺
!! DnDads 48 spoilers in this !! 
38; “Take my seat” 
Also Glenn is a Dad-rock cover band artist in this instead of Christmas music because Freddie said dadrock in episode 7 and later in episode I think 14, and I fucking live by that baby. 
It was an early morning. Glenn was heading to his band practice at an hour that should be illegal for his bastard bandmates to schedule a practice and he was, frankly, feeling like shit. 
They’d been back from the forgotten realms for about three months now, and settling back into normal life was the hardest part. Specifically, settling back into normal life without Nick. The house always felt to empty, to open. To quiet without his son playing video games in the other room or cooking in the kitchen. Too quiet with just him. 
Glenn had gotten a dog not long after, to try and combat some of that crippling loneliness. The grief all coming t back to him now that he genuinely doesn’t have a single piece of Morgan left to hold onto. It hurt so much. It hurt and it hurt and it hurt. He lied awake at night thinking about how he could’ve done this differently. He came home and expected to see his teenager on the couch watching video games, greet him with a nonchalant, “Sup, pops?”
And every time, Glenn sat in the floor of what used to be Nick’s bedroom and cried until he had no tears left. 
He sat on the subway, leaned back in the seat, scrolling through twitter on his phone and trying to zone out to the music in his earbuds but never quite succeeding. His mind was racing too much for that. He was too... Too sad. Glenn knew he was really in it when not even his music could help him escape reality. And it’s not like he could smoke up or something. 
The doors to the subway train opened, and Glenn felt his whole heart stop. Everything went in slow motion as a thirteen year old Asian kid and his dad walked on. The kid had a bob of black hair, and a bright red streak in it. he was grinning, laughing even. 
He watched Nick come onto the train and grab onto one of the poles after scanning for a seat. Glenn knew Nick was on his way to school, and he guessed whatever the fuck his new dads name was is on his way to work. They stood and talked for a minute. 
Glenn wanted to say something so bad. He wanted to run his fingers through Nick’s hair and hug him so close. He wanted to kiss the top of his head and tell him all the things he didn’t say enough when he had the time to. 
I love you. 
I’m so proud of you. 
I’m sorry. 
I should’ve done better. 
I could’ve been better. 
I’m so sorry, Nick. 
You mean everything to me. 
But he can’t do that. he can’t take his own son’s hand and remind him that, if Glenn could, he’d hang the moon and stars for him. Because Nick doesn’t know who he is. 
The subway started back up, and Glenn watched as his scrawny boy, his beautiful son who doesn’t have any sort of balance or muscle fort shit, almost looses his grip and falls. And he would’ve, if his ‘new dad’ hadn’t caught his arm. Glenn doesn’t know the bastard’s name. He never cared to learn. 
“Take my seat, kid.” Glenn offered, standing up and moving to grab onto one of the grip straps near the door. 
“Oh- uh, thanks, sir!” And Nick took the seat. He set his backpack in his lap and leaned forward on it to keep chatting with his dad. And he looked so happy. Glenn tries to remember the last time Nick looked that happy. He thinks it was before Morgan died. 
Glenn looked back down at his phone, pretending to not be listening to the conversation happening between the two. 
“Oh! Nick, I asked Mom about those guitar lessons you were talking about. She said we’d look around for a teacher, she’s good things about a couple in the area.”  “Awesome! I just- I think it’d be cool to play guitar. Like one of those cool rock stars, ya know?”  “Yeah, of course, kiddo.”
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