kissvamps · 10 months
honey heat: prologue
pairing: riri williams x black!oc
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synopsis: when riri finds a young woman sleeping under her mother’s pecan tree during a bad thunderstorm, she isn’t expecting to get used to seeing the stranger’s face. but when the storm clears up unusually fast and the crops in her mother’s farm bounce back from the mid-june heatwave, riri can’t help but wonder about the pretty stranger with an odd taste for honey.
special dt to @clinicallykrazy, thee biggest evangeline enthusiast HAPPY BIRTH MONTH SISTER
series warnings: gay bitches from like the late 1800s early 1900s??, cowboy!riri, they live on a farm but they also have some horses so there’s a little ranch area too, nymph!oc (i love earth fairy lore, eve is my cutie patootie), lesbian yearning, eve is a little bit obsessive ngl, interesting relationnships with god/religion, death but it’s not anybody deserving of love or it’s on accident lmao, magical woo woo shit, FAWK time, tank tops are a thing cuz it’s essential for cowboy butch riri, racial tensions but trust they get handled, eve is a bit unhinged but who isn’t?
a/n: ntm on these long ass sentences and paragraphs cuz i wrote this in creative writing class and the formatting i used was different but i hope yall enjoy!!
Evangeline wasn’t stupid, she was far from it. She knew why her mother urged her not to sing, not to tell the garden of her perils, not to rejoice in the nearby river. Nature laid in the palm of her hand. She was terribly familiar with it, the way the sun treasured her skin, the way the trees hung off her every word. Her mother called it an illness but Evangeline knew what it was. Much more than a gift, this was ethereal. Evangeline had god in her.
It was the easiest to resonate with the life around her with song. They loved her song, the way god spilled from her lips like honey. The trees swayed gleefully and the wind whistled a supporting melody while the garden animals flattered her with their charmed chatter. The young woman sang and sang, ‘til night fell sometimes. The moon would greet her just as enthusiastically as the sun, setting a fairy glow over her. This was only when it was good, when god was good, when Evangeline felt good.
Her mother, Rosemary, had strong reason for casing her daughter in these emotional bubbles. As a baby, her cries had started endless thunderstorms. Always knocking down the distant power lines of cities and unearthing the beloved trees, Earth was eager to bow to Evangeline, to correspond with her mood. Evangeline, Earth, and God were all one, and this was simply the way things worked.
The worst it’s ever been was Evangeline’s first heartbreak; her best friend, Kiara, moved away to a small country where her father could find better work. The Earth ate away at itself, tearing the surrounding forestry apart, stripping the sky of any light because why should anyone see light in such a dark hour in Evangeline’s life? Evangeline split the Earth’s ground as lightning tore through the darkened sky.
Thunder roared over the sound of the little girl crying for her friend, the only other girl her age for miles, the only friend she had that didn’t despise her for the way god flowed from her eyes. Her mother and father struggled to console the little girl, bursting with lightning shaped-scars and sobs that coincided with the booming of thunder. No matter how tight they held her she kept crying.
Of course, it wasn’t all bad. Especially not to Evangeline, she loved being so close to nature, able to hear the inquiries of rose bushes as if they were her own thoughts, having the love of sun radiate in her heart, it was dream-like for her. Her mother, Rosemary, worried deeply for her daughter. When she was much younger, Rosemary witnessed her mother battle the ‘illness’ that swallowed Evangeline whole.
Over and over again, Rosemary watched her mother struggle to keep the lightning in her fingertips, to the ocean coasting over her emotions. By the time Rosemary was Evangeline’s age, moonlight was already starting to favor her presence, all while her mother fought to distinguish herself from her Earth, from her God. Nothing helped and by the time she passed her death brought a wave of grief to her Earth and anger to her God.
Plenty of the shrubs and old growth trees behind the house fell over in a way that would suggest they uprooted themselves, the wind blew a mournful hymn and the animals were scarce besides the few that fell so ill they suffered a fate similar to Rosemary’s mother. Rosemary had learned to suppress it, feed her Earth laughter and joy every few weeks and pray that her God didn’t find her sorrows or her rage.
Rosemary kept her Earth fed and her God sedated almost always. She couldn’t help hurting, though. As much as nature loved to cater to her, she was still human, still feeling. Her mother’s death almost rocked the cradle too hard, just a few weeks before Evangeline was born. Rosemary tried to travel where her Earth’s grief couldn’t touch her but she was surrounded. Isaiah was good though, he was an anchor through all that storming pain and heartache.
He was a good man, a good father to Evangeline, too, but still she felt he didn’t fit into her view of life. Isaiah wasn’t hard to look at, he was somewhat funny, and well-skilled with mechanics and botany, subjects Rosemary loved dearly. But Isaiah disrupted the calm she worked so hard to give her Earth and the tranquility she fed her God.
Sometimes she’d just look at him and frown, hear him speak and be beyond irritated with his existence. It wasn’t any help that Evangeline favored her more, Isaiah always second place. It wasn’t like he was bad to either of them, Rosemary just quietly wished he’d go away and Evangeline heard those whispers.
Her mother was always too busy trying to keep her God comatose that she had no clue their Earths talked to one another. One of many factors of why Evangeline favored her mother. When her mother slept at night after another day numbing her God, her Earth would reiterate some of those secrets to an Evangeline much too awake to turn her own mother’s Earth away.
Rosemary’s Earth bustled through the leaves of the shrubs next to Evangeline’s bedroom window and the new moon would cast a menacing shadow on the energetic hummingbirds that, much like Evangeline, were too full of life to sleep tonight.
And these hummingbirds chirped out the thoughts Rosemary was too scared to let her Earth hear, let her God know of. But they knew better than Rosemary did. She kept them too starved to do anything but tell, and tell they did. Evangeline’s Earth was much too connected to her to be restrained.
The wind howled as the young oak tree, barely as old as Evangeline that day, reached its branches into her parent’s bedroom and inched further and further until the branches snagged on kin. Her mother slept a restless sleep as the beloved oak tree turned Isiah into an ornament. Evangeline didn’t mean to let the branches grow that far, she didn’t even intend for her Earth to react to her mother’s secrets.
She told this to her mother when she woke, uncharacteristically distraught at the news, and Rosemary only had words of contempt for the young fae.
“Always. It’s always unintentionally. That’s your problem, you never mean to cause thunder showers, you never mean to put your father in an early grave because you never meant to do anything. You let your Earth siphon your emotions right from your heart, you can’t control it. You never could.” Her mother ranted to her with conflicting tears running down her face.
Evangeline’s Earth sent two twin flashes or lightning at her mother’s harshness.
“It wasn’t even on purpose! And you’re acting like you’re gonna miss him, like you could even stand to look at him. You’ll forget what he looks like by next week, momma!”
The truth in Evangeline’s worlds shook Rosemary so deeply a harrowing symphony of a storm began outside. The lights shut off barely a moment later. “Just because I don’t like him doesn’t mean you gotta send him to kingdom come.” Rosemary’s voice broke as she whispered to her daughter in the dark.
“You still saying that like I did it, like I did it on purpose, like I wanted it to happen.” Evangeline spat out, tears of her own welling in her eyes as the storm outside worsened, tree limbs loudly knocking on the windows in a manner that suggested they were trying to check on the two women.
“Just cuz you can’t stand the love I have for my power doesn’t mean you gotta blame me for everything my powers do.” The young fae huffed angrily at her mother. All this upset over a man her mother could hardly stand being in a room with, it was unbelievable to Evangeline.
“I didn’t love him like a wife does, I hardly liked him to be truthful, but he made me feel like I could be normal, like if I ignored my God enough, kept my earth happy, it’d be just like I was normal.” Rosemary spoke so softly her daughter was unsure of whether or not she meant to say it outloud. The confession brought a swirl of understanding and pain to Evangeline’s chest. It was common for the younger woman to try and socialize, make a friend, or even just enjoy a book and be hit with the reminder that felt like a tidal wave; she wasn’t normal. Never would be.
She considered herself lucky compared to her mother, Rosemary. She’d cried away her contempt for herself, her Earth, her god, when she was still little. Rosemary had this hatred festering for herself for decades. Marrying Isaiah for the sake of trying to gain a form of normalcy couldn’t have been helpful.
“We’re normal to us, they normal to themselves. Don’t hate yourself for that, it won’t make you any less earthly.” Evangeline spoke warmly to her mother, hugging her to try and provide some comfort to a sobbing Rosemary. The two sat there crying for a while, the storm outside lightening to a soft drizzle, the trees swaying as Rosemary’s sobs lessened. By the time the sun returned the mother and daughter were tiptoeing around a question that needed an answer, and soon.
“What’re we gonna do with him, momma? He might start stinking up the house soon.”
Isaiah’s body was disposed of in the typical way. Incineration had become increasingly common amongst people as decades passed and Rosemary and her daughter figured it would make answering any questions easier. Especially those asked by figures that were too nosy and emboldened by their badges to stick their nose in things they couldn’t begin to comprehend. Once Isaiah was cremated the two decided to put him in a deep blue urn.
Evangeline giggled, “You know this was one of his least favorite colors?” Her mother dropped her jaw at the news in disbelief.
“You let me pick out that urn, Evie, why you ain’t tell me?” The younger woman simply shrugged and played innocent, twirling one of her braids around her finger, “I mean, you the one that married him.”
Rosemary rolled her eyes at her daughter’s antics. Her father had just passed, partially due to her own emotions, and here she was having a laugh about letting her mother stick him in an urn of his most hated color. She smiled after a while though, seeing the joy and brightness in her daughter’s smile. Rosemary much preferred her daughter’s mirthful attitude than the tears that fell from her eyes like water from a broken dam.
Evangeline and her mother began to return to normal, a better normal, actually. Rosemary would help Evangeline with the garden and she taught her mother how to connect with her own earth and her god, how not to let them rule her. “I love my earth and my god, you fear yours. That’s the difference.” She explained to her mother with an understanding smile on her face.
Just as her mother began to finally make peace with her earth, she left. Left Evangeline.
Rosemary had just begun to find peace in her Earth, truly understand her God, and then she passed. Barely a year after Isaiah, Rosemary left her daughter all alone with her Earth and her god. Evangeline cried and screamed so much the first few days after, the rural area she lived in was practically washed away by the downpour of tears her Earth shed and the furious howls of her god blowing away any and everything besides for the little home housing a young woman too tired to be meek. Even if she wanted to, Evangeline couldn’t stop her Earth from pulling itself apart and her god lashing out at whatever it saw fit. The same way she was connected to her god and her earth, they were connected to her.
Whenever her god tore trees up by their roots, Evangeline would have to weep. Evangeline and her only companions, her Earth and her god, grieved together like that just long enough for Evangeline to have cried herself sick. All her screaming sobs only strained her voice until it was no more than a whisper. Evangeline opened the door of the house pleadin for the sunshine to hold her since her mother could no longer wrap her arms around her. There was an unusual briskness to the air, it was well into late summer, the sticky humidity of July should’ve been clinging to her skin. Her grief was all around her, suffocating her with the strange chill in the air and the knee-high flood water caused by her own grief.
Dragging her feet, Evangeline swayed eerily back and forth as she trudged forward. The young woman had no destination in mind but she couldn’t keep this up, screaming herself sick in the home that held every single memory she’d ever have of her mother. It wasn’t a safe place for her to grieve. And even if it was safe, she didn’t want to grieve.
Evangeline trekked on through the flooded valley, barefoot and stumbling over herself when her mind replayed particularly wondrous memories with her mother. It hit her that was an orphan, a motherless child. Though she was an adult, she was still so young, she needed the guidance of her mother, the protection and safety of her love. Evangeline felt like nothing she cared for could stick around. Not the pet squirrel she had when she was five, not the pet rock she adored when she was 10, not her best friend when she was 13, not her mother that taught her so much and learned from Evangeline as well.
A dull ache settled firmly in the center of Evangeline’s chest as it began storming again. The fear and despair rolling over her distorted her perception so bad she wasn’t even sure if all this storming was her doing. She didn’t feel strong enough to put a could in the sky, let alone bring about a downpour like this. Evangeline was so far from that little house she and her family lived in, that little shoebox full of life and love, it was ages away now. Her lips would be cracked if not for the rain, and for the first time in her life, she had bags under her eyes and a dullness to her brown skin. All the cold, wet weather was gonna get her sick. The girl didn’t even get allergies but she could feel an unfamiliar itch at the back of her throat and the congestion in her sinuses. Barefoot, sick, and too far from home, Evangeline fell dizzy as the dread spilled down on her in sharp, icy rain drops.
Evangeline found herself wrapped up in a quilt. She could tell it was handmade from the stitches, for a moment she’d mistaken it for a new project her mother was working on. It felt like vines of ivy were twisting around her heart when she remembered that wasn’t possible, that her mother was gone. The reminder also brought an intense sense of fear to the young fae. She’d wandered away from home trying to negate some of the overwhelming burden of her own grief. Evangeline had no clue where she was and was scared to find out. This was no time of guaranteed safety for women like her, there hadn't been a time like that in this country, ever.
Another realization; she was in new clothes. These clothes were made for someone quite a bit shorter than she was. The shirt she had on had loose sleeves that stopped just shy of her wrists and the waist was wide, she guessed they were old maternity clothes. Her pants fit loose as well, a bit tight around her waist and stopping well above her ankles. Evangeline was more than grateful though. No one who intended to harm her would give the clothes off their back and a warm bed in their house.
Evangeline was still a bit scared but reminded herself there was no need to be. If there was true danger here, her Earth would’ve stretched blossoming tendrils of vegetation to tickle her ear and pull her out of her slumber to observe the danger. Her Earth and her god were just parts of her but her mother knew well enough to teach her daughter how to protect herself with this gift.
Quietly easing out of the comfort of the mattress, Evangeline crept out of the room to meet whoever was kind enough to save her from her own grief. A small frown began to form on the young woman’s face as she tiptoed around the cozy house, only to find it was currently empty.
Briefly, Evangeline pondered the possibility of her own abilities saving her from that storm but she quickly dismissed it. Someone, multiple someones, lived here. And a small animal, judging by the two little bowls just outside the kitchen. Creeping towards the front door, Evangeline took in a deep breath to calm herself again.
Evangeline’s heart was still heavy beyond words with the loss of her mother but the hot, humid air of late July in the south was refreshing, comforting.
Almost immediately after stepping outside, her eyes found someone plucking some ripe fruits from a tree that was much, much older than Evangeline. The tree also looked to be much older than the person gathering its fruit. She was young, Evangeline’s powers could actually tell her how old exactly, but she figured she shouldn’t do that to the stranger that’d been kind enough to take her in.
The stranger had rich brown skin just a few shades lighter than the lively dark brown bark of the fruit tree she busied herself with. Her shirt was the same material as Evangeline’s but the sizing was much different, the same going for the stranger’s pants, which were rolled up to her calves. The stranger had her coily hair pulled away from her face in cornrows that tickled her shoulders.
Evangeline walked away from the cover of the house and closer to the farming stranger, wanting to get a better look at her. Evangeline walked further from the cover of the house and closer to the farming stranger to get a better look at her face, which was beautiful from what Evangeline could see so far. Brown eyes framed with dark lashes, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, a wide nose and full lips. She reminded Evangeline of a painting she’d been obsessed with when she was little.
“They don’t say hello where you from?”
The sudden speech shocked the young fae. For a moment, she thought she heard it in her head. When the stranger fully turned her face to Evangeline, and the sounds of fruit being plopped gently into a weaved basket stopped, she realized the speech was indeed real. This stranger wasn’t some figment of her imagination.
“Sorry, I’m Evangeline. You the one I should be thanking?” Evangeline kept her eyes on the leaves just above the young woman’s head, preferring that over direct eye contact. She found direct eye contact to be strange most times, especially with strangers.
“You can thank my mama when she get back from the market, I’m just the one who took you out that rain. Well, me and June.” The stranger grinned a little at the end of her sentence as she returned to her tedious task, her eyes set on something off in the distance.
Turning around to see what had grabbed the kind stranger’s attention, Evangeline saw an adorable puppy with sandy fur and umber patches running towards her. She giggled as the small dog pawed at her leg, whining for the new stranger to pick them up.
“What’s your name?” Evangeline questioned the young woman as she picked up the energetic puppy. June immediately began yipping as the fae scratched under her chin.
“Mamma named me Amary, something to do with them flowers she love so bad.”
Amary. Amary. Amary. Amary. Evangeline let the name roll around in her head, making an effort to stick Amary’s name to her face. She knew exactly what flower Amary was talking about, too. A beautiful winter flower that was red.
“Amary like Amaryllis?” Again, Evangeline asked Amary a question. This time, the friendly stranger climbed down the wooden ladder with the basket full of fruit up against her hip, chuckling at Evangeline’s curiosity.
“You a bit nosey, huh?” Amary joked with the other young woman while guiding her to the little table set up on the porch of the house. “Now, you wanna help me pit these plums and tell me where you from while we wait for my mama to get back?”
Evangeline smiled softly as she took in the scenery of the place, felt the livelihood of nature, the warmth of this stranger’s actions. She gave Amary a nod as she headed to sit down at the table with her. Evangeline and her Earth felt a bit of peace, her God full of hope.
Maybe, just for a while, she could grow here.
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kissvamps · 1 year
welcome to kissvamps headquarters!!
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hi!! im lyna (lee-nuh) and im simply using my literary abilities to push my communist agenda, spread lesbianism, and produce self-indulgent (often silly and supernatural) literature.
race + age ==> black (aa), 8teen
gen + sexuality ==> nonbinary lesbian
prns ==> they/fae
tag navi
rules | carrd
my reqs are open!!
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kissvamps · 7 months
something i wrote a couple nights ago when the voices were very loud lmao, here’s a short little treat for all my little valentines💘
Genevieve was fraying at the edges.
Something maddening had infected her, taken over her. It plagued her mind, used her eyes to see, her tongue to taste, her stomach to hunger, her hands to harm.
She could feel it, this entity pulling at her spirit. It was hopefully her heart would be weak, plentiful with sin to keep it full until it was in control.
The Maddening was new, though, and that gave Genevieve hope. She could still be rid of this.
It was so unkind to her, unbridled in Its desires, Its hungers. Never could she unhear The Maddening’s deepest, most primal want. All it ever did was seek love in the most visceral form.
The Maddening made her sick with herself. She couldn’t bear the look of her empty brown eyes, the feel of her brown skin that no longer seemed to fit her. Genevieve was scared like cornered prey. Scared of her disdain. This disdain that weeded around her heart kept her weak, weak and ugly enough for The Maddening to live in her.
Nothing was more terrifying than the thought of what happens when The Maddening has Its way. Genevieve had already caved once.
She had given in to Its desires, just once, she sore it was to try and satiate it. But she thought herself stupid. Of course The Maddening would not be satiated with just once.
Geneieve remembered it all the time, that just once. Just once was all it took to revive all the shame she’d ever felt in the world, worse because she knew. Genevieve was not better than The Maddening, she was not disgusted or above Its lust and desires.
The Maddening was able to take root in her because of her shame, and the truth in that shame that made her stomach twist.
After just two weeks of seeing with Genevieve’s eyes, tasting with her tongue, yearning with her heart, The Maddening’s desires were just as much hers as they were Its.
Blood. Love in the form of dripping plasma, the metal taste of a life, she could resist it no longer. Genevieve ached for the way her heart heated at the taste, the feel of how the warmth clung to her long after she swallowed down the taste.
Syvon, Syvon, Syvon. The Maddening had chanted after It convinced Genevieve to give it what it longed for, what it needed. Brown eyes black and skin without shame, Genevieve greedily lapped at the blood gushing out of the poor deer The Maddening had struck down with her hands, bitten with her teeth.
Shame claimed her like a lost dog when she tried to rest in her bed that night. Stomach full of another being’s blood, The Maddening’s chanting brought a worry to her that welled up in her eyes.
Syvon was no one to Genevieve. Just some girl she stared at too long in the two classes they shared. Like Genevieve, Syvon had brown-black eyes and shamed skin, but she was still more than Genevieve could hate. The little gap between her two front teeth, the sweetness in her laugh, the freedom she had in that skin like Genevieve’s, all of made The Maddening bloom in her heart like spring flowers.
The same heat flowing from her heart, fueling Its need for someone’s lifeblood, was the heat that spread across Genevieve’s face when she saw her.
Genevieve was every bit a monster, sharing the desires of The Maddening made that clear enough. But she could feel her own bloodlust rooting in her core. Syvon, Syvon, Syvon, you must have Syvon.
The young woman vomited at Its voice, how much it sounded like her own, just gravely with the carnality of their lust.
A lust to taste what made her brown-black eyes so warmth, what keep her gorgeous heart pumping, what made her laugh sound like sweets from an autumn fair.
Night after night, Genevieve cried like a ridiculed child over The Maddening’s fierce conviction in Its desire.
A taste, a taste, We will have a taste.
Tears continued flowing when she felt her heart leap at her own thought; I want to taste the sugar of her smile.
this so short (AND late like damn) but i hopee y’all like it, imma prolly flesh out genesis (and get back to my other stories as well ofc) more once my pen is off its sudden sabbatical
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kissvamps · 9 months
only on camera
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black!oc x bada lee au
synopsis: when rumors spread about a blossoming relationship between rhyan black and their occasional work partner, kai, she goes for it when her management encourages her to milk it for pr. they don’t expect anything that comes of this monetarily good pairing.
tropes/content warnings: fake dating, pr relationship, beards (the gay kind), strangers to friends to lovers, homophobia/lesbiphobia, rhyan is currently enlisted in the comphet war, rhyan is mean lesbianism, kai is a bit of a himbo in this, some of the ages are a bit different than they are irl, lesbian yearning
chapter one: coming…eventually
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kissvamps · 10 months
honey heat masterlist
riri williams x black!oc
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synopsis: when riri finds a young woman sleeping under her mother’s pecan tree during a bad thunderstorm, she isn’t expecting to get used to seeing the stranger’s face. but when the storm clears up unusually fast and the crops in her mother’s farm bounce back from the mid-june heatwave, riri can’t help but wonder about the pretty stranger with an odd taste for honey.
series warnings: gay bitches from like the late 1800s early 1900s??, cowboy!riri, they live on a farm but they also have some horses so there’s a little ranch area too, nymph!oc (i love earth fairy lore, eve is my cutie patootie), lesbian yearning, eve is a little bit obsessive ngl, interesting relationnships with god/religion, death but it’s not anybody deserving of love, magical woo woo shit, FAWK time tank tops are a thing cuz it’s essential for cowboy butch riri, racial tensions but trust they get handled, eve is a bit unhinged but who isn’t?
chapter one: coming soon
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kissvamps · 1 year
vampire!riri headcanons
i love riri williams and vampires so this was bound to happen eventually
dt to my sister, my homegirl, my fellow worm, @clinicallykrazy, stay strong in these times of war🙏🏾
- vampire!riri that was actually turned by an ex-girlfriend on accident….it was a very messy time in both of their lives
- loves sunbathing because it kinda tickles (she's so silly)
- originally was very scared about having to feed off humans but when she fed for the first time it just tasted like strawberry lemonade to her
- vampire!riri that doesn’t meet you until around a year or two after being turned so she’s almost able to keep it a secret from you, emphasis on almost
- you didn't think anything too odd was going on with riri, people have really cold hands and love midday naps, it really wasn't anything too unusual
- but eventually you started noticing the much much smaller things that gave her away, her strong distaste for silver jewelry, the random 'fun' hematology facts, the obsession with having you wear her clothes, riri always play-biting you
- "riri baby, be honest. you be biting people for real, don't you?" "i mean, niggas gotta eat."
- you have like a million questions for her and she is very very excited to answer them all
- "well, how come the silverware don't be burning you up?" "baby, you know them forks not real silver"
- yes, she be draining the niggas that try and get your number, it's in her nature!!
- vampire!riri that loves calling you pretty, baby, ma
- she went to get those fang grillz but they were giving her weird stares so she had to make the grillz herself
- always calling you gay for no reason
- vampire!riri that has a favorite blood type. it's b negative, it reminds her of cherry candies
- riri has you in her phone as wifey because she has every intention of getting down on one knee if marriage is something you want
- nosiest nigga alive omg?? has heightened senses which includes hearing so she stay putting in her two cents
- “if tia was just talkin allat shit, why you sending her flowers for her baby shower?” “and how you know she been talkin shit?”
- vampire!riri that is most definitely robbing the niggas she feed off of every now and again when she knows they're questionable individuals
- she like to go on shopping sprees wit you after robbing her meals
- "riri, baby, where you get this money?" "you look so pretty in this dress, ma, why it matter?"
- will drain people that deserve it cuz riri been said eat the rich and now she actually has an appropriate appetite for them
- do NOT wear perfume around her, or anything with a kinda strong scent tbh, she'll start sneezing and coughing so bad you think she done caught something
- "damn ma, you put the whole bath and body works on?" "ri baby, it's just a body scrub."
- trust she not buying you any scents, all you getting is that vaseline cocoa butter outta her
- vampire!riri that loves to kiss you after you eat, she so weird. it's almost got her ass hospitalized a few times lmao
- “baby, i just had those garlic knots from dominoes." "it's okay, pretty, i got health insurance now."
- the hospital is, sadly, very familiar with riri
- come over to her dorm randomly when she forgets to lock the door and you can catch her floating just above her bed if she's taking another one of her midday naps
- bites the fuck outta you when you feed her food, she so gay
- "ow!! damn, greedy ass." "i thought you was the chocolate for the strawberry, my bad, ma." "rianna, you not serious at all."
- one of your professors was being a bitch about letting you know when office hours are and his ass went missing for 36 hours
- sometimes she watches you sleep, she likes going on nap dates and just looking at your peaceful sleep face
- “how long you been up, baby?” “just a few minutes, pretty.” knowing damn well she was never sleep
- very obsessed with you if that wasn’t clear already
- vampire!riri who loves when you sleep over at hers, one if her fave things to do is just hug you from behind and sway you guys back and forth when you start getting ready in the morning
- always giving you a kiss like she can’t help it (you love it tho so it’s not a real problem)
- “rianna, you fucked up my lipgloss.” “i’m sorry, pretty. lemme try and fix it.” and she just kisses you again, she is so gay.
- she be stealing your clothes sometimes but you can’t even be mad fr cuz she be having that shit on
- vampire!riri that won’t turn you until yall turn like thirty-five
- “riiiii, that’s like forever away.” “you could be a forever milf, ma, i’m tryna put you on.”
just something else to tide yall over while i'm slaving in this hot kitchen making this gay ass food. i’m also very slowly working on my requests so feel free to flood my inbox wit requests for whoever (no crackers and no men, thank you!!)
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kissvamps · 1 year
pomegranate seeds
chapter iv: encore
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word count: lil over 3.5k (and not a single word was proofread...) chapter warnings: lgbt people, zahira suffers from vampirism magnified by her lesbian yearning, shuri gets lowkey bullied?? (FAWK KEY!!) tag pookies: @afriques @motheroffae and a special dt to my sister @clinicallykrazy, happy graduation sister!! you are EGOT-bound!
a/n: absolutely no words other than writing this shit nearly killed me dead, ion really like the ending??, and i need to stop uploading in the middle of the night. ALSO next chapter is gonna be quite messy, i'm so excited to finish it omg.
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Zahira sat peacefully in the passenger seat of Riri’s car, both of faer hands wrapped around the one Riri wasn’t currently using to drive.
The engineer absolutely refused to tell the vampire where she was driving them and she knew that Zahira had no sense of directionality when it came to roads.
“It’s supposed to be a surprise, baby. You gon like it, I promise.”
So Zahira waited.
She waited and she stared. The vampire loved looking at Riri, just studying her features and appreciating her beauty, though fae couldn’t go on for too long. The more she looked at Riri the more nonsensical irritation bubbled up in her chest. Zahira found it to be completely unreasonable that she couldn’t live in faer girlfriend’s skin and she’d have to look away completely when she started wishing she was one of the gold chains around her neck or the jacket hanging loosely from her frame, helping trap some of her body heat.
Riri felt the lovesick gaze boring into the side of her face and grinned, “Keep staring, you gon put two holes in my face, Z.”
Zahira just giggled and drew circles on the back of Riri’s free hand with faer thumb, “Just focus on driving, baby.” Once in a blue moon could Zahira get away with stealing a look at Riri without her noticing, the super genius was incredibly perceptive. On occasion, anyways.
As the two stem majors rolled down the clear backroads, the vampire kept up with the music softly crooning from the car’s speakers, the engineer’s phone connected to the aux cord. One of Riri’s favorite Jodeci songs started playing and she shouted, “You know this my jam, turn that shit up!”
Grinning like a fool, Riri tried her best to dance in the driver’s seat without getting the two of them into an accident. “WHENEVER YOU WANT IT, WANT IT~~~” Ironheart practically howled along with the 90’s track, tightening her hold on her girlfriend’s hand and bringing their joined hands to her chest.
The sophomore was very familiar with how Riri became a fool whenever some 90’s R&B came on, and My Heart Belongs To U by Jodeci made her act up the most, second only to Superstar by Usher.
Faer love for the engineer only grew with each overdramatic reenactment of the Jodeci lyrics. ”You so stupid, Ri.” Zahira giggled as the engineer continued serenading her from the driver’s seat.
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“Damn, we was driving for twenty years to get here?” Zahira joked as an unamused Riri parked the car by a huge oak tree.
A couple miles back, Zahira started to recognize the scenery. They were headed to a junkyard that was so old it’d witnessed the birth of Eve. 
The engineer hopped out the Corolla with a silly little smile on her face. As if she could withhold a smile from Zahira. “Ha ha. Now get ya fine ass out my damn car.” Riri joked right back, opening up the door for the vampire and offering her hand to help faer out of the car.
The biochemistry major rolled her eyes playfully as she took Riri’s hand and stepped out of the car. “Roll your eyes all you want, cheesing like somebody just paid your tuition.” Ironheart grinned at the big smile on Zahira’s face.
Spring had the sun still up high in the sky even though it was approaching 9 pm, the vampire put faer hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun’s brightness, getting a better look at her surroundings. The smell of chemicals and rust gave it away though, a grand smile stretching across Zahira’s face.
“Baby, you brought me to Marco’s?”
Marco’s was an old, busted up brownfield site that Riri and Zahira treated like a beloved family member. It used to be a well-known junkyard two years ago but the owner ran into legal issues and there was no one to inherit the building. Marco’s had yet to be gobbled up by any greedy corporations because of all the chemical pollution and contaminants from the less than legal practices the property owner had going on prior to it being shut down.
Zahira loved this place. The chemicals that made this place too hazardous to construct housing on were perfect for the experiment fae had to run last year for her ecology course. Despite the heavy metals that were no doubt riddling the soil, there was a generous amount of plant life flourishing arond the junkyard. There were even pink rhododendrons budding like it did back at her childhood home.
“Of course, I did. Figured it’d be perfect,” The engineer held her girlfriend’s hand, lifting it to press a small kiss to the back of faer hand, “Marco’s where we first met and I’m real glad we did.”
An experiment for her ecology class led the vampire not just to a place of solstice, but to her Riri.
The two stem majors happened to be at the abandoned junkyard at the same time, collecting things for projects. While Zahira simple needed to collect a few soil core samples and document the wellbeing of the surrounding vegetation, Riri was scrapping the rusting vehicles for their parts, looking for anything that could be used to aid in stabilizing her latest invention.
“You looked so cute in your little mechanic jumpsuit, stealing old car parts and shit.” The sophomore smirked at a suddenly bashful Riri. “That ugly ass jumpsuit? Z, it was orange, I looked like a felon.”
The biochemistry major fell into a little fit of laughter, “Can’t nobody pull off the slammer citirus color like my baby.” She uttered between laughs, giving Ironheart a few pecks.
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Shuri Udaku was many things and athletic was absolutely nowhere on that list.
An issue both her and her mother knew had to be resolved. Barely a few hours after scolding her about her diet, or lackthereof, Queen Ramonda has requested that Aneka get Shuri on a sports team.
“Sports are a great way for you to mingle and find your place at the school while also working on your…agility.” Aneka trailed off with a look of amusement on her face. Once more, the Dora returned to Shuri’s dorm once it was clear of her roommate, checking up on the Princess on the Queen’s order.
The Princess let out a faux gasp at Aneka’s formality. “I’m very aware of the fact that the two of you call me a girltwink behind my back, no need to censor yourself now.”
The warrior simply sighed to herself, “I told Ayo she was bad at whispering.”
“Her too?” The royal’s pitch raised in shock. “Is there anyone back at home that doesn’t refer to me as a girltwink?”
Aneka laughed lightly before teasing the young vampire, “Does griot count?”
Shuri rolled her eyes at Aneka’s antics, choosing instead to worry about how in the hell she was supposed to get on a sports team at MIT, which was also known for having incredible athletes. Her mother must’ve been trying to set her up to go back home.
“What sport am I supposed to try out for? I practically lived in my lab, there are very few sports I qualify for with that background.”
“College-level sports are going to be the closest we can get to Panther training in the States. However, I’m sure your mother is just trying to encourage you to feed,” The Dora speculated from her seat at Zahira’s black desk, “We both know you must be close to draining your roommate.”
Aneka watched a look of fear appear as quickly as it vanished from Shuri’s face. “Nothing’s going to happen to Zahira, I promise I’ll feed soon. I’ve just been busy unpacking and…preparing for my classes. They start tomorrow, you know.”
Shuri caught the look on Aneka’s face, “You don’t believe me?”
“Shuri, Queen Ramonda tasked me with keeping an eye on you, protecting you, because she knows that I know you. Your intelligence is far beyond whatever can be taught in the walls of a college classroom,” The bald woman laughed, “you have no preparations to make.”
A small pout formed on the Panther’s lips at being caught in her, admittedly poor, lie. “I suppose you have a point, Aneka.”
The Dora smiled widely at this, “Glad you see it my way. Now, let’s get you down to the athletic building and browse for a sport.”
Shuri’s face contorted in confusion as she looked down at her current outfit. “I should go like this?” The Wakandan Princess was well dressed, as per usual, for no reason other than lounging in her dorm room. The ivory-colored sleeveless turtleneck and hazelnut trousers fitted around her hips and loose around her legs.
“Yes, yes, you look very professional, how could they turn you away?” The Wakandan Princess gave Aneka a pointed look conveying her doubt before getting off of her messily made up bed. If Mother and Aneka think I can do it, I should be fine, Shuri thought to herself, anxiously attempting at being optimistic.
MIT sports were strenuously work, this the transfer student knew well. Not from experience, of course. Before transferring, Shuri had consumed every bit of information publicly available about the institute, infinitely curious about the college. And once she knew everything that was publicly available she let Griot eat through a few firewalls to dig into some of the past happenings at the school that they might have tried to suppress over the years.
There was nothing too off the wall that’d been suppressed, just stories about anonymous threats the college had recieved and a random series of animal attacks, all rather vicious but strictly coyotes and foxes. Shuri had stopped digging after learning about the threats and animal attacks, figuring there were typical things for an American school and didn’t seem to be very frequent occurences.
From the research she’d done, the Princess realized that the best sport to go for at this point in the school year would be track. Riri told her that track coaches were always cartwheeling over people with Shuri’s build and how desperate they were for strong runners in the spring, “I heard my friend talkin bout how the track team be working like dogs on conditioning days and knew to stay my engineer ass far from that.”
Shuri felt a bit more confident remembering the brief conversation she shared with Riri back in Wakanda. “I’m not working like a dog but I am capable of running.” She spoke to the Dora with a silly shrug of her shoulders, smiling on her way out of her shared dorm room.
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Riri had made Zahira hungry.
Nothing unordinary had occurred besides Riri’s adorable displays of affection, she’d simply thrown a picnic basket full of the tooth-rotting sweets Zahira loved to snack on, but the vampire blamed faer body’s recent need for more and more blood. Just this morning fae had eaten her professor's liver in a moment of irritation and already her stomach was rumbling. She would begin to feel greedy at this rate.
After the two arrived  and settled in, they’d just been talking and talking, a few affectionate pecks and sugar-filled snacks between topic changes. The vampire found the sound of Riri’s voice just as entrancing as she found hers which worked to fuel the couple’s desire for endless conversation. 
It was not uncommon for the warmth Riri evoked in the vampire’s heart to kindle the all-consuming fire in her chest, ache in her gums, and sharpness in her senses that came with being hungry. Fae could hear her girlfriend’s heartbeat echoing inside her ribcage and feel the vibrations of her laughter rise up from her diaphragm, she felt close to insanity.
Zahira hated when this happened around Riri. The couple sat damn near inside each other’s skin laying atop a blanket the biochemistry major had crochet for her girlfriend for her birthday last year, before they’d even started dating. The vampire kept it fairly simple, red and black with Ironheart’s initial’s embroidered on the corners of the blanket. Riri acted like somebody ran over her puppy when a dryer back at college seemed to have swallowed the blanket up and cried like a newborn when Zahira found it safe and sound behind said dryer.
Whenever this happened, Zahira found a solution in close proximity. Being near the genius engineer, she could substitute the honeyed taste of the blood pumping through her veins by focusing faer senses on everything else. The vampire was wonderful at this, getting lost in Riri’s features, her presence, was light work to faer.
Hunger ate away at faer stomach but Zahira was much too distracted running her fingers through the space between her Riri’s cornrows, fingers collecting a bit of the coconut oil Riri loved to steal from her. “When you gon let me redo your braids, baby?”
Riri covered her mouth as she was thinking to shield her fat grin from Zahira’s vision, pretending to contemplate her answer, index finger tapping her face. Zahira had melted down any metal Ironheart was made of long ago. “How bout after the soro party?”
“Good, ion need you tryna look cute for them lil soros no way.” The vampire joked lightly. Keta Beta Zeta was MIT’s sorority that Zahira personally thought was a bit cult-like, but they looked out for each other and non-soros on campus, which she could appreciate. What she didn’t appreciate was having to scare a whole line’s worth of too friendly Keta’s away from an oblivious Riri’s tutoring sessions. Fae only agreed to go cuz Riri wanted to and the crowded setting made it much easier to separate faer next meal from the rest.
“Oh, you know what I was thinking?” The vampire smiled down at the super genius, accidentally flashing faer long canines, “What that big brain thinking, baby.”
“We should bring Shuri with us to the party, you know, introduce that part of campus life and shit.” The engineer watched the pretty smile melt off of her girlfriends’ face at her suggestion. “Riri…” The vampire trailed off in slight irritation. It was damn near impossible for Riri to truly upset faer.
“What happened to baby? What I do?” Ironheart pouted slightly at Zahira.
“I get enough of the girl back at my dorm, Ri. Why she gotta come with us?” Zahira was attempting to be cordial about Shuri but the royal irked her. Her girlfriend went missing for two weeks and when she got back from panther city the name Shuri left her mouth more times than Zahira would’ve liked.
The vampire was in no way jealous nor was fae possessive, but Riri William’s was her girlfriend, not Shuri’s. She didn’t see it as a crime to want the Wakandan Princess to act like it. Zahira knew a bit about what happened in Wakanda, and Talokan, but there were still pieces missing from the story. Pieces Shuri could surely fill in, the sophomore thought to herself bitterly.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Riri cooed at her clearly irritated girlfriend, softly holding faer face in her hands, “I just wanna make sure she feel welcome and at home on campus. You remember how rough the first weeks was at MIT, right, baby?��
Reluctantly, the vampire nodded, icy hands coming up to hold Riri’s wrist, sinking into her touch.
“Just tryna make sure she straight, that’s all. Shuri and her folks really looked after me, you know? And doing the same for her is the least I can do. And a new friend wouldn’t kill you, Zahira.” Riri teased her girlfriend with the usage of faer government name.
Zahira’s stomach growled like a dog with rabies.
“She gay as hell but I guess me and her can be cool,” The vampire looked at the hopeful smile on Riri’s face and returned it with one of her own, throwing her hands up in an act of surrender, “ I’ll try, baby.”
Zahira’s girlfriend smiled widened so far she thought her face was gonna crack, “That’s more than enough, pretty.” The biochemistry major giggled at the affirmation and let her head fall into Riri’s neck, nose resting against the scientist’s pulse and lips planting a light kiss that left a glossy print behind.
“Can’t go nowhere without your gay ass leaving sum lipgloss somewhere.” The ridicule was spoken empty of any hostility, Zahira could tell from the content written all over Riri’s features and the smell of dopamine being released.
That’s a new one, Zahira chuckled to faerself. A strong sense of smell was nothing she was unfamiliar with but never had she been able to smell the release of neurotransmitters.
“You know, if we leave now I can make us that stroganoff dish you like, I stole sum mushrooms in self-check out,” The vampire confessed to her lover.
Riri just played with the gold hoops adorning her girlfriend’s ear with a stupid smile, gazing up at Zahira with a look that made the fire in faer chest blaze, “That’s my baby.”
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When the royal vampire arrived at the athletics department she was brimming with excitement. This was only her second time roaming the campus aside from when she first arrived and was exploring the new territory before getting her dorm key. Shuri was especially interested in the greenhouses near where most of the biochemistry classes were located, if she wasn’t so starved for blood, she’d be able to smell whatever the students were growing.
Nothing about MIT seemed nearly as intimidating as she once thought it may be, but perhaps that was because of how different American schools were from the ones in Wakanda. The Princess completed her studies pretty early in her childhood and because of that she wasn’t the most familar with layouts and innerworkings of schools, but she could see the glaring differences between her childhood schools in the ones in the U.S. with ease. Still, MIT also seemed to stand alone in that manner, very different from it’s American counterparts, especially those that were predominantly white institutions.
MIT was even different from other hbcus in some ways, from what she’d heard from Riri and the bit of digging she did prior enrolling. Recieving private funding was typical for hbcus, but MIT seemed to be getting a significant amount more. Shuri had found, after dooing some less than legal hacking, an extensive list of private donors to the school, very few of which were alumni.
It never struck her to dig any further.
The track and field members were strong. Shuri now understood why her mother suggested taking on this extracurricular, observing the MIT students' strenuous practice as she strolled in hopes of finding the track coach. Some of the students were lifting weights that weighted as much as her like they were feathers and she even spotted two competiting; bench pressing majorettes in their red and black uniforms.
“Are you lost, Shuri?”
The Wakandan turned around at the call of her name, eyeing the person who called her. The person who called her was a tall brownskin runner, her blonde box braids swishing behind her in a ponytail as she walked closer to the royal vampire. “How do you know my name?” Shuri questioned curiously.
“The Princess of Wakanda transfers to your university and word get around.”
The Princess furrowed her brows in confusion at the stranger, “You have been…scouting me?”
“Nah, I’m not the coach, I’m just a track runner,” The blonde laughed at the vampire’s confusion, reaching her hand out towards the computer science major, “Keyondra.” She told Shuri with a bright smile that she felt was ingenuine. The vampire shook Keyondra’s hand while peering over her shoulder for somebody that might be the track coach, making as little contact with the track member as possible.
“Well, would you happen to know where the coach is? I was hoping to get a tryout before my roommate came back, fae wanted me to let her know if her girlfriend came looking for her.” Keyondra’s face twisted up at the mention of a roommate.
The blonde looked Shuri up and down, “Coach not just gon let you tryout cuz you here, Shuri.” The Wakandan caught the venom in Keyondra’s tone and the sting made her recoil. Shuri pulled her hand back, surprised by the sudden change in tone, “Where is the coach, Keyondra?” The Princess attempted to reciprocate the malice in the track runner’s tone but failed horribly, voice as menacing as a newborn kitten.
“Girl, you can check up my ass, do I look like her keeper?” Shuri froze a bit at the somewhat loud response, hands fidgeting a bit in her pockets.
“Well, you are on the track team, so I would assume you’d have an idea of where to find-”
Keyondra rolled her eyes in annoyance and pushed her pointy index finger into the Princess’ sternum, “You bring your ass back here again, imma be the only one wit an idea where to find you, okay? Don’t come back here tomorrow,” The junior leaned in close enough to watch the hurt swirl around in Shuri’s irises, “we clear?”
The stem major nodded with wide eyes, trying to ignore the tight feeling in her chest.
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kissvamps · 1 year
shuriri headcanons
shuri and riri headcanons for the first day of pride month!! beacuse they are my favorite gay people and im getting an immense amount of brainrot, i haven’t been sane since bpwk came out last year
• sometimes shuri will talk to herself and get mad at griot for responding💀
• riri has bonded with griot since stealing him and due to this, she gets on shuri for treating him like a dog
• ‘shuri you can’t be talking crazy to my son like that’ ‘he is not a real person, riri’ ‘how do you think hearing you say that makes him feel?’
• true to her girlflop nature, shuri can’t cook for shit
• says that she’s literally a genius so not being able to cook isn’t that important
• ‘even griot can make pasta, it’s really nothing special’
• riri and shuri made lab playlists for each other
• whenever they’re working in the lab together listening to music, riri will drop everything when usher comes on and serenade shuri
• “i’m ya number one fan, give me your autograph, sign right it here on my heart” and riri be singing down, trust!
• riri loves tupac like idk what tell you
• they love tems so bad, one time they went to one of her concerts and shuri was literally in tears
• ‘we shared a moment when she sang interference, riri, i’m so sorry you had to find out like this’
• shuri discovered hello kitty thru a brief mention of her in a conversation with riri and she’s been a bit obsessed since
• ‘what you doing wit all this paraphernalia?’ riri asked when she visited shuri and there was only a corner of her california king size bed not covered in hello kitty plushies
• riri indulges the obsession and surprised her with a hello kitty lego set
• shuri can’t tell when people are fliriting with her for the life of her so riri does a lot of damage control
• ‘your tattoo is so beautiful, what does it represent?’ ‘that she got a girl, keep it pushin’
• shuri loves getting things for riri and considering the fact that riri literally stole her ai (that will never not take me out💀), she has no qualms with it, though it does still shock her sometimes
• ‘i got you that think you’ve been talking about’ ‘my nigga, a new car?’
• they both have autism like it’s actually canon
• sometimes they bite each other, most of the time it’s random but sometimes it’s literally how they greet each other
• riri tried to make a case for okoye to drive them to pride but shuri said it should be griot instead
• ‘it would be most efficient, besides, it’s not like he has anything better to do’ ‘never a moment of rest for my son’ ‘riri, he is a mass of coding’
• also!! they went to pride wit ayo, aneka, okoye, and nakia too (the wakandan flag doubles as a pride flag omg just gay niggas everywhere)
• and m’baku!! ik it’s sum sugar in the jabari tank
• that fanart @t00thpaste33 made where little t’challa asked shuri why riri calls her babygirl is based on true events, riri laughed for several minutes straight in front of a very unamused shuri when she told her what happened
• ‘my bad, no more spitting game in front of nephew’ ‘you are not funny, riri’
• speaking of lil t’challa, shuri and riri spoil that boy like nobody’s business, nearly half of the projects they work on together are for him and the gifts always baffle nakia
• ‘we brought you something!!’ and it’s his own pair of gauntlets, they look a lot like the ones on shuri’s panther suit except all the detailing is silver
• t’challa’s eyes light up meanwhile nakia is looking and riri and shuri in disbelief
• turns out the gauntlets just blow bubbles and read stories to him (i’m so sick i love them so bad)
• shuri and riri both like horror movies but shuri likes the really bad ones from the 80s with the terrible special effects and riri likes the scary ass ‘based on a true story’ movies even tho they leave her scared shitless
• ‘see it wasn’t that bad’ ‘you refused to go to the bathroom at night without me’
• shuri gets a phone just to talk to riri and because iphone tech is archaic to her she sounds like a grandparent in text messages which typically leads to her sending voice messages explaining mistakes
• ‘um, why i get a text from you saying ‘you look like poop emoji wit the smiley face emoticon at the end’?’ ‘you look like thee shit, thee shit!! i hate this fucking iphone, i hope steve jobs died of suicide!!’
• shuri gives riri her own set of kimoyo beads after a few more text mistakes like that for her own sanity and cuz it’d be so much easier to communicate with riri
• they be blowing each other’s kimoyo beads up like i mean blowing them to pieces
• shuri customized the notifications from riri so now her kimoyo beads and griot just chant ‘pookie alert! pookie alert!’ whenever riri contacts her
• shuri will literally be in the middle of a council meeting and her kimoyo beads start chirping ‘pookie alert! pookie alert!’
• ‘i’m sorry, this is a very important call i have to take this’
• riri turns into the most annoying nigga alive after getting her kimoyo beads (real), grinning like the cat that got the canary telling everybody in wakanda about what her girlfriend made for her and shuri’s right behind her, giggling and shit (they’re so pookie im gonna be sick☹️)
•okoye is so tired of them
• ‘guess what my baby got me? ‘guess, okoye, guess!!’ ‘a muzzle, bast-willing’
• in general, they frequently antagonize okoye and she occasionally finds them funny
• shuri LOVES minecraft
• riri actually got really into crocheting when she went with shuri to haiti and picked it up from nakia so now she’s always randomly sneaking up on shuri with a measuring tape
• she’s literally the ‘what size titty are you’ meme
• shuri and riri go on roblox dates literally every week they possibly can
• shuri be hogging the fuck out the covers but it’s fine cuz riri’s the big spoon anyways
• part of why shuri hogs the covers is cuz she gets cold really easily and riri has really cold feet
• ‘bast, do you have literal ice in this bed?’ ‘those my feet and you know that’
shuri and riri actually make me physically ill i love them so bad, i wish gay people were real☹️
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kissvamps · 1 year
pomegranate seeds
chapter iii: spring
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word count: 2.9k and each word whopped my ass sum serious chapter warnings: this is completely unedited i'll prolly edit it during daylight hours, professor's sim's dying body..., shuri is so silly i love her, supernatural stuff, zahira suffers from vampirism and shuri suffers from lesbianism, meeks the pet snake mention, riri williams my god she is so fine, zahira's niece kinda wild, zahira and riri being adorable that's it tbh no real warning fr omg tag pookies (i almost forgot): @motheroffae @afriques @clinicallykrazy
a/n: omg writing this literally took eighteen years off my lifespan this must be how griot be feeling like i literally have to serve two years in the psych ward for the stress this chapter has put me through so i hope y'all like it (especially the lil supernatural mentions like i'm tryna set the stage fr) and shoutout my sister kayla for threatening to delete the shuriri kitchen edit off twitter (i needed a fire under my ass to finish writing this)
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The sophomore almost felt guilty for feeding off of her physics professor.
Mr. Sims made a simple class that Zahira wanted to try and enjoy a complete pain in her ass. Sitting crouched over his body, the vampire sighed heavily as she inspected the gashes fae made to get to his liver and the puncture marks in his neck. After all these years feeding, there was still no way to avoid the brutality of it, but she’d learn how to make it look like something else, like an accident.
The first thing her mother taught fae once she started feeding was how to emulate animals when wounding whoever she fed from. The very last thing Zahira needed was someone calling the cops on her black gay ass and finding out she’s a vampire.
So today, there was a violent coyote that somehow found its way on campus and it just wasn’t Mr. Sims lucky day.
Picking up her seemingly half-dead professor, Zahira would’ve laughed at the outrageousness of the situation if it weren’t for how poorly Mr. Sims’ blood was agreeing with her stomach. Fae raced outside carrying Mr. Sims' bridalstyle and didn't stop until she was just outside of MIT’s robotics laboratory, which was a very popular location for coyotes in Cambridge to appear.
MIT’s humongous campus was still something the vampire was getting used to, even after almost two years, but it was something she was extremely thankful for at the moment.
Zahira dropped the paling and bleeding professors’ body in the green grass, dry from waiting patiently in the spring heat for the first shower of the new season. The sophomore heaved yet another heavy sigh and pushed the campus emergency button on the nearest tall blue pole, “Hope he know going to hell.”
Her mouth was still trying to deal with the lackluster taste of his blood.
The vampire tried not to take too much pleasure in feeding, it made faer feel less like a human, more like something else.
But what was more human than feeding? The consumption, the indulgence, the satisfaction? They had to eat just like everybody else, feel the contentment of a filling meal. So why must she subject herself to being otherly for doing what everyone does?
Maybe it was the pure joy she felt lapping at the blood as it poured out or the excitement she had as she listened to Mr. Sims’ scream fade into the background as fae removed his liver messily with claws much longer than before, how she embraced the warmth of the thick blood she sustained faerself with?
His blood had been disappointing but his liver was much better. Something Zahira’s mother told her when fae had to start feeding; a liver will always satisfy. Livers had more of a fermented taste to them and were one of Zahira’s favorite vampiric delicacies, they reminded her of pickles.
Despite finally feeding, the sophomore still felt a knot of anxiety growing in her. And Zahira knew it wasn’t from dropping her professor’s corpse off in front of the robotics laboratory building.
Fae had been getting hungrier. It wasn’t just needing to feed more frequently, but her body demanded large quantities of blood, it was nearing unsustainable. Long after fae fed, there’d still be an ache in her gums and a sharpness to her teeth she couldn’t control.
Just like now in the closest bathroom in the robotics laboratory building, Zahira washed the dried blood from under her nails and gargled mouthwash, trying to ignore how Professor Sim’s blood was putting a hole in her intestine.
Faer recent discomfort with feeding always loomed over her after she ate, but she tried to brush it off. Tonight, faer and Riri were going on a date and nothing made her feel better than spending time with Riri. Just the thought of the genius caused a warm smile to spread across Zahira’s face. She couldn’t wait to see Riri tonight.
So long as she and her Riri were okay, things would be fine in faer life.
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Shuri sat strangely on her bed talking very animately to her mother via her kimoyo beads wrapped like a necklace around the neck of the only Hello Kitty plush she couldn’t bear to leave back at home. The transfer student finished unpacking her bags around the time Zahira left for her introduction to physics class and Shuri was exceedingly grateful for the privacy. She was a little bit apprehensive about her roommate and no number of adoring pet names could keep the Princess from shivering at the memory of sharpness of her teeth and the chill in her stare.
“Mother, she had fangs,” Shuri exasperated, “I’m not sure what human explanation you can find for that. What if she knows I’m a vampire too?” Learning about human culture had been very fascinating for the young Panther, including learning about the different body modifications. In countless cultures there were piercings, tattoos, gauges, cranial elongation, scarifications. There was not a word of humans sharpening their canines.
“Shuri, if this Zahira is a vampire and recognizes you as one, what harm could come to you that would not eventually fall back on her?” Her mother’s warm laughter carried through kimoyo beads and the sound almost put the young vampire at ease, “You worry too much, child.”
The Princess nodded and stood up with the Hello Kitty plush in her arms, “I suppose you’re right, Mother. I’d just feel better if my senses were not so weak.” Yet another side effect of her lack of feeding, the Wakandan royal’s senses were significantly weakened. Prior to taking the heart-shaped herb, Shuri’s vampire senses were superb, one of which was detecting other vampires.
Without her senses, there was no true way for the supergenius to know if Zahira was a vampire without catching her roommate in the act.
Queen Ramonda spoke tentatively, “Why are your senses still so weak? Haven’t you been feeding?” The vampire in question pursed her lips as she looked around the room guiltily, “Of course I have, mother. I suppose it just hasn’t been enough.” 
“Now I know my daughter is not speaking of starvation after literally moving to another continent so she could feed?” Shuri’s mother asked in disbelief.
The Panther cheesed, “It was so wonderful talking to you, I will call you again soon. I love you, mother!”
“Shuri Udaku, if you hang up this call—”
Shuri grinned cheekily, “Mother, this American service is so poor, you’re breaking up–”
Cutting herself off to end the call, Shuri contemplated her mother’s words. She’d only just gotten to MIT and already she was so engrossed in her roommate and barely giving any thought to the whole reason she came.
Feeding wasn’t scary for Shuri, nor did it give her the power trip that some got from it, but it was empty.
In Wakanda, it was a frequent occurrence for people to go feeding in pairs or groups, to bond and rejoice. The only person Shuri could go feeding with was Aneka and she didn’t want to bother the already very occupied warrior.
Even if the Princess did have someone to go feeding with, there was nothing to eat here. Well, nothing she wanted to eat. Drinking from other vampires in Wakanda was much easier, there was an understanding and a balance of power. Here? There were only humans who Shuri could easily drain dry on accident, especially with how long it’s been since she last fed. Her classes started early tomorrow and she would be in a world of pain if she kept operating on an empty stomach.
Something would have to give.
The Panther jumped a bit at the sound of keys jingling in the dorm room key but relaxed once she caught sight of her roommate’s coily, pink ponytail. As Zahira made her way into the room, Shuri questioned her comfortability. There was a strong possibility that, if Zahira was a vampire, she’d clocked Shuri the second she met her.
A possibility that her secret had been uncovered.
“-ain’t no damn way you tryna come up here, Aamiina. I got classes everyday this week, majorette practice, and me and Riri be going out, ion really have time for it.” The sophomore told the person on the other line of her phone sternly as she walked into the room with a couple grocery bags.
To the Princess, it looked like Zahira clearly had other things to be concerned with. One of which was Riri.
Her Riri.
Shuri stood frozen by the door as she mulled over whether she should give Zahira a small smile or act as though she wasn’t listening to her phone call. Those bags look heavy, maybe I should help with those, Shuri mentally debated intensely with a light purse on her lips.
“Watch out, Shuri,” The biochemistry major muttered as she buzzed past a dazed Shuri frozen by the dorm room door, hands starting to cramp from carrying the bags up two flights of stairs. “I said Shuri, didn’t I? You change ya name to Shuri, Aamiina? Was talking to my roommate, not your crazy ass.”
Shuri decided it would be best to give Zahira a small smile and help her roommate with the grocery bags, moving from the door to take the grocery bags from her with a soft smile on her face. Zahira sighed in relief and returned the Panther’s smile with a small one of her own that made the transfer student’s face heat up.
Stop being gay, Shuri repremanded herself as she snapped out of the slight trance her roommate’s pretty smile put her in so she could put the groceries bags on Zahira’s black desk.
“Miina, I’m so fucking serious. If you come up here spouting my brother’s psalms and shit, you better hope Shuri here to let you in cuz I already told you I got shit to do.” The sophomore took her phone from between her shoulder and ear and dropped her bookbag off by her dorm bed.
Zahira pressed her phone into faer chest and threw a glance at the Wakandan royal fidgeting with her fingers, “Imma take this outside, let Riri know where I’m at if she come by, okay?” Shuri was already nodding before her roommate finished asking her, “Of course.”
“Bitch, you dating Riri? 190 IQ Riri??” Aamiina practically screamed into her phone.
“Yes, I’m dating Riri now, you late as hell, Miina,” The biochemistry major disclosed to her nosy niece as she slipped out of her shared dorm room, “Now can you tell me why the ritual can’t wait til summer? Ion even have Meeks no more.”
Aamiina sat up from her slouched seat on her bed back at home in South Carolina with confusion laced in her tone, “Wait, what happened with Meeks?” The sophomore looked around at all the lingering bodies in the hallway and decided to carry the conversation downstairs for discretion. 
“I was messing with this girl that live on my floor, Keyondra, right? She stole him after I told her I wanted to break it off, “ Zahira shook faer head as she thought about the situation all over again, “Can’t believe her triflin ass stole my fuckin emotional support animal.” Meeks was a pet snake that fae had a special bond with ever since she was a child, an Eastern kingsnake named after his mild-manneredness that loved to wind itself around the trellis in faer family garden. 
As time passed, Zahira realized Meeks’ importance went beyond just being a pet or the support animal that kept faer sane her freshman year, he was her familiar. The sophomore understood that without Meeks her development as a vampire would be stunted but it was never made clear how.
“You lost your fucking familar cuz of sum gay ass situationship, Zahira??” Aamiina asked in complete disbelief.
 “Don’t curse at ya auntie like that, whoa? There have been lesbian situationships that have ended worse, trust me.” Zahira really didn’t think that the situation ended that badly but Keyondra was known on campus for her dramatics. “And ya daddy told me you almost got our goddamn spirit stone stole behind some fucking white girl in ya trig class.”
Each family of vampires was known as a tribe and each tribe was different. Different powers, different practices, different elements. Zahira’s tribe was known for its earthly ties and strong roots in Hoodoo practices. One of ties included an important slab of obsidian that was imbued with the power of countless ancestors, plainly referred to as the spirit stone.
An important tie that was almost stolen directly from Aamiina’s hands.
“Ohmyfuckinggod,” The high schooler groaned in annoyance, “That nigga be telling all my business? I literally hated Ashley’s guts, y’all always tryna pin that gay shit on me.”
Zahira laughed at her niece as finally made it down the two flights of stairs, “Aamiina Martin, did you or did you not go to prom wit her? Over the adorable lil pookie pie in ya AP stats class?”
“Ugh, you and dad stay talking bout Tia, I told y’all they was not checking for me. Y’all haggard niggas stay in my business, don’t even know what–”
“Alright, alright, just tell me when I need to have Meeks back.”
“Tomorrow? The fuck? Me and dad leaving tonight. It takes two days to get to Massachusetts cuz he drive like he geriatric but you need to bond wit Meeks anyways since he just been chillin wit ol’ girl all fucking year long.” Neither her brother or her niece had told faer much of anything about the ritual that would take place in the upcoming days and with how her schedule looked fae was honestly afraid to ask.
“Chill on me, you acting like I killed that lil nigga or sum.”
“Is killing Meeks something outside of Keyondra’s capacity?” Zahira rolled her eyes at her niece’s questioning. 
“I know going on a date wit my girlfriend is beyond her capacity, so if you don’t mind I got somewhere I need to be at.” Zahira stated clearly before hanging up on Aamiina. The vampire needed at least an hour to get ready and that would be physically impossible with Aamiina running her mouth.
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“And here I was thinking you forgot about little ol’ me.” Zahira couldn’t do anything but grin at her girlfriend, leaning against a cute little black Corolla with her arms crossed, looking as fine as ever. Her outfit was simple, a deep orange jacket zipped halfway over a white short-sleeve top and some loose fitting white jeans. The engineer had on her matching Air Force 1s, diamond studs glitzing in her ears and two gold chains swinging against her chest as she pushed herself off the car.
She looked unbelievably good.
Zahira could smell the soft, earthy cologne Riri liked to use, the spearmint gum she was chewing, and even faer favorite dark chocolates in the backseat of the black car behind Riri. Fae could her Riri’s heartbeat speed up when she smiled at her, the blood thrumming in her veins, she swore she could almost hear the thoughts swirling in her girlfriend’s head. She was used to her senses being ungodly strong after she fed but, for whatever reason, it wasn’t overstimulating today. Mr. Sims had done faer a favor yet.
The vampire cheesed down at the young engineer and took note of how the engineer’s heart skipped a beat, “Hey, baby. You look….nice.”
Riri rolled her eyes playfully as she reached for Zahira’s hands with a big grin, “Just nice?”
The vampire smiled down at their joined hands so hard her dimples showed, “You look really nice, Riri.” If fae complimented her Riri any further her head would swell up like a balloon.
“Thank you, baby, you look…” The young genius trailed off as she took Zahira in all over again as the golden hour sunlight caught her, dark brown skin absolutely shining and hot pink hair appearing even more vibrant as the sunlight made the coconut oil fae coated her hair with glitz.
Zahira still had all of her gold jewelry in and it paired prettily with the sky blue dress she had on and the white and green scarf fae used to tie back her afro. Of course, feeding earlier had made faer skin even more glowy and hair even shiner, though there was no way for Riri to know that.
Still, the vampire giggled a little at her girlfriend’s speechlessness. “I guess that means I look good, too, right?”
Ironheart shrugged with a smile that made Zahira feel dizzy, “I mean, I guess.”
“Well, we gon go somewhere looking this good or you just gon stare at me all day?” The vampire teased as she leaned down to press a light kiss on Riri’s nose. Fae let of of one of Riri’s hands to hold the side of her face as she placed another kiss on her forehead. And then on her cheek. And she kept planting soft pecks all over her girlfriends’ face, even when Riri started giggling like a fairy.
Riri beamed up at her girlfriend, eyes still closed as she basked in the lingering warmth of her kisses and the usual iciness of faer hands. She opened her eyes back up slowly, still reeling from Zahira’s touch, “I was just gon stare at you, but if you wanna go somewhere there is a little place I had in mind.”
The vampire nodded, looked at her Riri and smiled so wide her face started to hurt, “I’d like that.”
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kissvamps · 1 year
pomegranate seeds masterlist
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when shuri almost loses her mother in the battle against talokan, she enrolls in MIT to recalobrate. and feed. the young panther isn’t sure what to think when her roommate, riri williams’ girlfriend, zahira martin, has a certain something in common with her.
series warnings: takes place almost two months after bpwf, vampire antics such as blood drinking, biting, lowkey cheating but not really, vampire!shuri, panther!shuri, lewser!shuri i love you dearly, MIT is an hbcu for my own sanity, communism always finds a way into my writings #sorrynotsorry, def cult-like vibes, zahira is morally questionable at times, zahira got a bit of a mean streak, stud!riri cuz i'm real like that, shuri is unserious but also very emotional because she’s three dimensional, btw zahira uses she/her and fae/faer pronouns, shuri is 19 for plot convenience, some of this science is def bullshitted and so is some of the vampire stuff
early parts are in the process of being edited to increase overall story quality (mainly for my sanity but for your enjoyment too ig) - kisses from kv
part i: new territory
part ii: organic
part iii: spring
part vi: encore
part v: new moon
part vi: coming soon
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kissvamps · 1 year
pomegranate seeds
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synopsis: after fighting talokan to protect her people and almost losing her mother, shuri enrolls in MIT to recalibrate. and feed. she’s not sure what to suspect when she and her roommate, riri’s girlfriend, zahira martin, seem to have a certain something in common.
series warnings: takes place almost two months after bpwf, vampire antics such as blood drinking, biting, lowkey cheating but not really, vampire!shuri, panther!shuri, lewser!shuri i love you dearly, MIT is an hbcu for my own sanity, communism always finds a way into my writings #sorrynotsorry, def cult-like vibes, zahira is morally questionable at times, zahira got a bit of a mean streak, stud!riri cuz i'm real like that, shuri is unserious but also very emotional because she’s three dimensional, btw zahira uses she/her and fae/faer pronouns, shuri is 19 for plot convenience, some of this science is def bullshitted and so is some of the vampire stuff
word count: 2.3k...mind ya business
chapter warnings: lesbian loser!shuri, oblivious riri, vampire stuff, kinda angsty beginning but not really, hbcu!MIT cuz i can, i might’ve forgotten something
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Her stomach growled. Her gums ached. Her head spun.
“You’re malnourished, Shuri. The herb will not compensate for feeding.” Ramonda spoke anxiously as Shuri rose shakily from her white lab table. This was the third time this week she’d woken up in her lab instead of her bed because of the bloodthirst-induced sleepwalking.
The Panther could hardly focus to hear her mother over the sounds of her stomach digesting itself, “There’s nothing to eat here. My body refuses to feed from our people.”
The Queen turned to Shuri with worry etched into her expression. It’d been almost two months since the last time her daughter had eaten and her symptoms were worsening. Dizzy spells, headaches, throbbing gums, nightmares, fevers, the young scientist had even begun sleepwalking.
She grabbed her daughter’s face gently, sighing heavily before speaking. “What must I do to keep my Shuri? I cannot lose you too.” Shuri looked away from her mother at the mention of loss.
“Your brother wouldn’t want you to join him so soon. Please, Shuri, you have to feed.” The pain welling in her mother’s brown eyes, brown eyes that her brother had, convinced Shuri.
“I will feed, but not here. Not on our own.”
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Okoye had suggested a change in scenery, “You’re always in the lab, Shuri. Unless you are making something to eat, it will not do you any favors. You need to relax. Go somewhere that caters to your…dietary preference, away from the pressures of the throne.”
Shuri was a scientist. Princess of Wakanda was almost always the title that came second, in her mind. She knew, as a scientist, that she had to feed. Like every organism, she needed to consume food so her body could absorb the nutrients and continue making new cells, repairing old ones, and carrying out all the other bodily functions.
But as Princess of Wakanda, a nation full of vampires, she could not feed from her own. Something about feeding from fellow vampires made Shuri a bit queasy. A lab dissection was much different than feeding from someone’s flesh. But she hid behind her science for a while, bringing up the data on how energy transfers from vampire feedings were less 'nutritious' than feeding on non-vampires. However, these feelings were relatively new.
Taking the herb had given her the strength needed to be Wakanda’s protector, but it did nothing but strain her appetite. Even the scientist knew she’d have to feed again soon. Shuri ran countless blood tests on herself after taking the heart-shaped herb, but she couldn’t find the underlying cause of her inability to feed within her home. Everyday that passed, she watched her glowy, dark skin become faint; she looked drained.
So she reluctantly took Okoye’s advice, for her mother and her people’s sake.
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Convincing her mother had been a herculean task, especially considering the fact that she had been kidnapped so recently, but they were able to come to a compromise. Aneka would be the bodyguard of sorts Shuri tried to assure her mother she didn’t need now that she was the Black Panther.
“Unless this Black Panther can tolerate drinking any kind of blood, I suggest she has a bit of back up.”
So Shuri and Aneka packed up and loaded into a Talon that Shuri had been upgrading for a while with a larger storage capacity and longer-lasting fuel cells.
The young vampire took forever to pack her bags and Aneka was sure to tease her about it. “You must be the slowest-packing Panther Bast has ever seen, Shuri.” The Princess only sucked her teeth and continued staring at the neatly folded piles of clothes all over her queen-sized bed.
“I’m also the only Panther that’s ever enrolled at MIT. Have you seen how the students dress?” Shuri smiled so brightly as she threw a glance behind her at Aneka, it was hard to remember she’d been suffering from sleep loss and chronic fevers. “Riri told me it’s essentially a staple in HBCU culture to dress down, so I want to make sure I have some of my favorite pieces.”
Aneka’s full lips spread into a teasing grin, “Make sure you don’t forget those green suspenders,” she laughed before sprinting out of the room to dodge the folded outfit Shuri threw at her.
“Mother told me the suspenders are very nice!”
ღ ღ ღ
Massachusetts Institute of Technology was surely a drastic change in scenery.
Shuri looked into the school briefly before enrolling for the spring semester. MIT was the only hbcu in Massachusetts, the only HBCU in all of northeastern America, actually. Their funding was seemingly higher than other HBCUs nation-wide, judging by the lack of complaints about housing, consistent upgrades in each major’s departments, and the two libraries on campus.
Just stepping onto MIT’s campus made Shuri feel better than she had in months, knowing she was surrounded by fellow stem majors and stems. The lesbian kind. Within just her five minute walk to the main building to pick up her dorm key, Shuri had clocked about 8 stems. She was feeling more and more at home at MIT.
When she walked into the main building an older black woman with braided locs sat at the desk and spoke disinterestedly into the desk phone. Noticing Shuri looking around the room curiously, the woman pressed the desk phone’s receiver to her chest, “Just have a seat, sweetheart, I got one of my majorettes coming to help you to your dorm, okay?”
The Wakandan didn’t question how or if the secretary knew who she was, she just adjusted the bookbag on her back and nodded, getting a soft smile from the woman in return.
Shuri turned around to take a seat and wait for her majorette escort only to bump into a very familiar scientist.
“Riri?” The Panther could hardly maintain her joyful surprise and Riri matched her energy with a big smile and open arms, “Bring it in, man, where you been?”
Letting go of Riri, it took Shuri’s brain several minutes to stop squealing and process what the Chicago native said to her. “I was just locked up in my lab but I was feeling a bit…drained so I convinced my mother that going to college would be in my best interest.”
“You know, usually people end up drained because of college. But I think you gon be good.���
The Wakandan visibly relaxed at that statement, “I was a bit worried about how I’d garner and maintain a social life here.” But I feel better about that knowing you’re here, Shuri thought to herself as she let her gaze roam over Riri’s face, completely disregarding the possibility that the fellow MIT student could notice her more than friendly gaze.
It was hard to blame Shuri, though, she hadn’t seen Riri in several months (it was barely two). And now here she was in all her glory. Ironheart was wearing a fitted green top that showed a sliver of her torso, dark green cargo pants with a faded yellow belt going through the loops, her green and yellow dunks (her twelfth favorite pair out of all her dunks), and two gold chains that were essentially the final nail in Shuri’s coffin. The only thing that didn’t fit the fine-ass puzzle piece that was Riri’s campus attire was the bubblegum pink lanyard sticking out of one of her pants’ pockets.
The shorter girl’s face shifted to a look of curiosity, “They tell you who gon show you to your dorm and shit yet? What dorm you at?”
Almost immediately Shuri nodded her head, “The woman at the front desk said one of her majorettes is responsible and my papers say I’m in room 4 on the third floor of the Marsha Parker Building.” The vampire Princess actually didn’t need a guide, she fed Griot a plethora of databases and images and asked him to create a 3D projection of the entire MIT campus, but she couldn’t say no to spending more time with Riri.
“Oh shit, you rooming wit my girl, Zahira,” Riri was damn near bouncing on the tips of her feet, “You tryna trade dorms?” Ironheart joked.
Shuri failed to hide how the news deflated her heart like a pin does a balloon. “Y..Your girl, Zahira?” Lucky for the Panther, Riri was tapping away on her phone, presumably texting her girl.
“Yea, I never told you about Zahira?” Riri questioned with a quizzical look on her face and Shuri shook her head no when the younger girl briefly looked up from her phone.
She shook her head in disbelief, “I can’t believe I forgot. Well, I guess this just mean I can give y'all a proper introduction, right?” Riri smiled up at Shuri and the Princess returned it, how could she not when she smiled at her like that?
She probably smiles at Zahira like that. Shuri’s smile dropped as soon as the thought finished forming in her mind and she was thankful Riri had already turned her attention back to her phone.
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The two super geniuses chatted on their way up to Shuri’s dorm and the transfer did her best to act like she didn’t feel like dramatically wailing about the fact that Riri, her Riri, had a girlfriend. Of course Riri Williams had a girlfriend. She’s a supergenius, hilarious, smooth as hell, and fine as fuck, why would she be single?
“So what’s Zahira like?” Please kill me, Shuri thought immediately after letting the question escape her mouth with a clipped smile. The Panther was genuinely very curious about who had enamored Riri and driven a wedge in her plans to pine from afar until thoughts of the Chicago native began occurring at a brain rotting rate and gave her no choice but to confess and then she and Riri could be together if Riri felt the same-
“Oh, she’s incredible,” The sheer excitement in Riri’s voice made a pit form grimly in Shuri’s stomach, not mentioning the way her eyes lit up like a birthday cake. “She’s considerate, affectionate, always eating sum sweets, really into botany, which is actually how we met last year-” Riri was grinning like she just won the fucking lottery and a rock the size of the planet mars had just fallen on the Wakandan Princess’ heart. A year? She’s known her girlfriend for a year and didn’t mention her to me? Would I have ever heard about Zahira if not for my….blood allergy?
“-but she real sweet once you get to know her and she makes me really happy.” Riri finished with a light giggle.
Shuri mustered a small smile to try to quell the way her heart squeezed, “I’m excited to meet her.”
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The pairing arrived at Shuri and Zahira’s shared dorm after another five minutes walking and of updating each other on how things were going, each minute more grueling than the last for Shuri, as she desperately wanted to visit the nearest lab on campus and find a solution for a problem that didn’t exist yet. Anything to occupy her mind besides the fact that Riri Williams had a girlfriend and was really happy with her.
Riri's fist rapped a distinct pattern against the canary red door, “Z prolly not here right now, unless she skipping her intro to physics class again.”
Shuri nodded, trying to focus on how she should act around Zahira, “She’s not fond of physics?”
Riri starts to shake her head and answer Shuri’s question when the bright red door opens, revealing who the vampire princess could only assume was Zahira.
The Panther’s eyes widened a bit and a very quiet gasp escaped her as she looked over Zahira, almost having to tilt her head back to see her. Tight coils dyed a vibrant pink were out in a big, pretty afro that framed the dark umber of Zahira’s face and spilled over her shoulders and down her back. She had a romantic facial archetype; full lips lined with a black liner and coated in a red-tinted gloss and a golden labret piercing sitting just below her bottom lip. She had a wide, rounded nose with a golden stud in her left nostril, a golden hoop through her right one, and a circular barbell of the same material going through her septum. Her dark brown, almond eyes drew Shuri in like honey did bees and she swore it seemed like they glowed.
Bast, she’s gorgeous, Shuri’s mind chanted as she tried to cope with Zahira’s uncanny beauty, face heating just being in her presence.
“Nah, I like physics but I’m cool off my professor, Mr. Sims stay dickeating white women and I’m running circles round that nigga anyways,” Zahira joked lightly, giving Riri and Shuri an easy smile. Ironheart returned her girlfriend’s smile with a much bigger one and Shuri giggled a bit, Zahira’s comment making her oddly flushed.
“My baby so smart,” Riri grinned and Zahira cheesed right back at her, showing off her pearly whites when the shorter girl grabbed her chin to give her a kiss on the cheek. The Wakandan’s hurt at the display of affection for another girl was bypassed by Shuri’s notice of the canines in Zahira’s mouth. The Princess recognized the size of Riri’s girlfriend’s canines, which were adorned with matching tooth gems, and quietly mumbled to herself, “So sharp.”
Zahira’s smile widened in a way that rattled Shuri deeply, “My mom had them sharpened when I was younger.” The vampire nodded in false understanding, still stuck on the fact that Zahira heard her when Riri was standing closer to her side and had no reaction that would suggest she heard Shuri’s quite mumbling.
“Well,” Zahira fully opened the dorm room door and kept her dark eyes locked on Shuri’s, “you gon come in or I get to keep this dorm all to myself?”
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