#kitchens not pictured bc i realized too late they needed a separate floor
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Sketches of Kinloch Hold!
I like maps, I like functional logistics, I go nuts when what I'm shown in-game is neither plausibly accurate nor presented in a way that lets me cleanly extrapolate a coherent picture of his things are in-universe.
Therefore, all of this. The tower's not a Circle bc I can't draw those, how sad.
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moneymingyu · 4 years
Like in The Movies
summary: in which hoshi watches way too many romance movies and has too many friends who like to watch him suffer.
word count: 2.7k words
pairing: nonidol!hoshi x reader
genre: fluff, comedy
a/n: not very proof read bc i’m super exhausted and my eyes are barely opened atm.
master list
Hoshi has always had this romanticized version of himself playing in the back of his mind.
The cool dude next to the jukebox with a leather jacket who flips a coin then plays the soundtrack to his life. The guy who you spill coffee all over in a Seattle coffee shop then exchange numbers as a form of an apology. The best friend you ask to fake date before realizing he’s been the one for you since day one. The enemy to lover, the boy next door, the childhood best friend you reunite with after years of separation. He partly blames it on all of the movies he watched growing up. A guilty pleasure of his has always been romance movies that he’d watch deep into the night when everything was still and calm. His favorites were the kinds that had him struggling to keep his hiccup at bay, the kinds that made him cry so hard that he’d wake up the next day with swollen eyes and a headache.
“Aren’t you tired of these movies?” Jihoon, his long time best friend and roommate, would ask.
“Never,” Hoshi would reply, unashamed.
He’s seen them all. The Notebook, More Than Blue, The Names of Love, Love Actually. Hoshi can quote them line by line with the same blocking. His friends think it’s impressive but Jihoon is tired of walking into the kitchen at 2AM just to see a Broadway musical in place.
So you’d think that somebody who is basically a book smart Romeo would have a better dating history but...Not Hoshi.
Look. It’s not Hoshi’s fault he’s so awkward. He didn’t ask for the lonely life! The lonely life chose him! So what if romance movies are the only way that he can feel butterflies in his stomach. Whose business is it other than his own?
“Hey Hosh! Remember that time freshman year your crush asked you to the spring fling and you responded by doing a tiger growl at them?”
“Oh my god, I almost forgot about that!” Jun covers his face, bursting into giggles at Jihoon’s trip down memory lane. “He got called a furry for the rest of the year!”
“Oh yeah? And who sat and ate lunch with said furry for the rest of the year?” Hoshi crosses his arms. “Till the day, you’re still eating lunch with the said furry!” A few head turn their way, giving the table an incredulous look. Hoshi sinks in his chair, silently wishing that the floor open and swallow him hole.
“Well maybe that’s because said furry is paying today,” Wonwoo smirks, swiping a fry from Hoshi’s plate.
“Aw, not you too!” Hoshi pouts. “Wonwoo, I put all my faith into you and this is what I get? Slander like a salamander?”
“I’m sorry, what?” Jun (who, in Hoshi’s opinion, has said way more questionable things) asks with raised eyebrows.
“Nevermind. It sounded better in my head.” Hoshi sighs, pressing his fingers to his temples.
“C’mon Hoshi,” Wonwoo leans his head on his shoulder. “You know I was kidding. I would sit with you even if you were a real furry.”
“Can we stop talking about furries?!”
“Yo. What do you got against furries? We don’t kink shame around here.”
“Jun, if you say one more thing, I’m going to do an eagle screech right here.”
“That’s not really helping with the furry situation,” Jun mumbles under his breath.
Hoshi decides right then and there that he needs to invest in new friends for the sake of his sanity.
“I’m sure somebody likes you, Soon!” Seungkwan offers. “What about the dance studio? Lots of potential there,” he shimmies his shoulders while Dokyeom nudged him from the other side of the couch.
These are his people, he thinks as they watch My Sassy Girl for the tenth time this week.
“He’s right! You’re always a ball of confidence there! Why not try to pick somebody up? Oh!” Dokyeom looks like a lightbulb has gone off inside his head. “What about the receptionist? They’re cute! I heard they’re single too and with Valentine’s Day coming up-“
“Dokyeom! Don’t talk about the V word!”
“The other V-word!”
“VALENTINES DAY!” Seungkwan smacks his hand over his mouth like the saying had seared his tongue.
“Oh my god, Valentine’s Day is coming up!” Hoshi whines, pulling his knees up to his chest and burying his face in them. “I’m going to be alone again!”
“Hey! You always spend Valentine’s Day with us!” Dokyeom frowns.
“We’re going to be alone again!” he moans out.
Seungkwan scoffs. “Speak for yourself. I have a date.”
This causes Soonyoung’s head to snap up. “Huh? A date?” Seungkwan nods, crossing his arms and turning his nose up. “Ah, c’mon! Who is it! You know you wanna tell us!”
“I would tell you if I knew who it was,” Seungkwan sighs, falling back into the couch. “Vernon and Dino set me up on a blind date. Wait? Should I ask them to set you up on one too? You know, Dino’s really good at using Tinder. He made me a profile and then swiped with matches for me and now I’m going on a blind date! Wait, should me and Dokyeom make you one? Quick Dokyeom, what would be the anthem to Hoshi’s life?”
Hoshi gawks at how quick his friends are to move. Seungkwan already has the dating app open while Dokyeom searches up the Les Misérable soundtrack. “Can you guys not?” Hoshi frowns.
But it’s too late. His words are unheard as Dokyeom starts to belt out the words to “Do You Hear the People Sing?” all while Seungkwan is editing pictures of Hoshi for his profile picture.
Hoshi decides right then and there that he needs to invest in new friends for the sake of his sanity.
“Thanks for inviting me out, Joshua! I needed some new shoes.”
Joshua is one of the sanest people Hoshi knows. Hoshi thinks it’s because he’s from LA and the people from LA in all the movies he’s watched are super carefree and accepting.
“Don’t mention it,” Joshua smiles while shoving his feet into a pair of slides. “Jeonghan broke my slides yesterday while taking out the trash and tried to pin it on Kkuma. Seungcheol then lectured us for two hours about how we shouldn’t blame things on his daughter then made Jeonghan transfer me the money.”
“Isn’t Kkuma a dog?..” Hoshi smiles from the bench across from him.
“You know Cheol,” Joshua chuckles. “Actually, I also invited you out because I have to ask you a favor! You can object, of course, and I won’t be mad.” Hoshi nods, signaling the older to go on. “Well, actually...The three of us are going away for the weekend. And we usually ask Mingyu and Myungho to watch Kkuma when we’re gone but Myungho has this giant art exhibition and Mingyu’s working double shifts at his bakery so-“ he shrugs. “I think you know where I’m going with this. Could you dog sit Kkuma for us? I’m sure Jihoon will be fine with it. But if you have plans for the Valentine’s Day weekend-“
“No!” Hoshi sighs in relief. “Please give me Kkuma. I’m begging at this point!” Joshua laughs, nodding his head. “You really saved my ass, hyung. The guys are trying to set me up on a blind date but I checked out Seungkwan’s phone while he was in the bathroom and none of them were my type.”
“Consider it a deal,” Joshua smiles, reaching across and ruffling his hair. “Knew I could count on you, Soonie.” Hoshi smiles. He’s so glad to have a friend like Joshua. He really keeps his sanity in tact.
Hoshi decides right then and there that he needs to invest new friends for the sake of his sanity.
Kkuma has been barking nonstop all night, whining and crying and even peed in Hoshi’s brand new pair of shoes.
Hoshi doesn’t even know why Kkuma hates him so much but the dog’s antics are enough to have Jihoon packing up and telling him he’ll be back Monday afternoon before leaving to Jun and Wonwoo’s apartment. To make matters worse, Joshua told Hoshi that their trip was technology free so that they could “become spiritually woke.” So any hopes of calling for advice is hopeless.
Hoshi doesn’t understand why Kkuma hates him. He’s a very likeable guy, in his opinion. Bobpul (Mingyu’s dog) would never treat him like this.
“Kkuma, please!” he whines. “I’m standing up a date for this! Please spare me some mercy!” he cries out. The dog jumps up and barks repeatedly. He rubs his eyes over his face. “I don’t understand how something so tiny can make so much noise!”
He rubs his temples. “Okay. If I were Seungcheol, what would I do? Think like Seungcheol. What would Seungcheol do?” Hoshi pouts his lips, puffs out his chest and lowers his voice. “Yah! Kim Mingyu! Watch where you’re walking!” he imitates him from the thousands of times the group has hung out.
He holds the position for a couple of seconds before deflating. “I can’t even hear myself think!” he groans over the barking. “You haven’t even slept yet! Aren’t you tired?” Suddenly an idea pops into his mind.
“I know! Let’s go to the park! Maybe that’ll tire you out! Would you like that? Let’s go!” And they’re off within ten minutes.
It’s a nice day out, thankfully. Warm but not too hot. And though Kkuma is jumping with joy to be at the park, Hoshi thinks he’d rather be at home listening to the dog’s endless whining when he sees the grassy area is packed with couples having a picnic.
He can’t hate, honestly. Picnics are cliché and Hoshi is all for clichés. But it does remind him that today is Valentine’s day and he’s the only one here without somebody to hold hands with.
“Kkuma, you’ll be my Valentine. Right?” he asks as he unclips her leash. But sadly, the dog has other plans as she runs off to play with another dog.
He sighs, plopping down in the grass and picking at the blades. He can’t believe that Kkuma ditched him. After Hoshi bought a new frisbee just for them to play with! He’s deeply offended and will not let Seungcheol live it down when he comes back.
He gives up trying to braid the grass and leans back on his hands, watching the other couples and making up stories about them in their head. He guesses how they met, what their plans are for the day and almost plays it out like a movie in his head.
He’s contemplating becoming a director but then decides that’s too hard and decides maybe he should try writing fanfiction on Archive of Our Own. He’s already picking out his favorite ships from Monsta X when he suddenly hears a shriek from behind him.
“Oh no!” the person whines. “I can’t believe I stepped in dog-“
“Shit!” Hoshi pops up as he sees Kkuma standing at the sidewalk. He sees the disgruntled look on your face then looks down at Kkmua, who looks the happiest she’s been since Hoshi got her. “Hi!” he says rather worriedly. “I’m so sorry! This is my fault! I wasn’t watching Kkuma and to be honest, this dog kind of hates me but here!” He shoves a packet of tissues he had in his back pocket into your hands. “You can have these! Wait I think I have wet wipes in my bag. Just give me a second and,” he drops to his knees, fumbling with his backpack, “Kkuma is just a baby but I promise she’s not usually like this! She’s so well behaved but I think she has some kind of hidden agenda against me because her dad took me out to eat pork belly the other week. Oh! Here they are! Here, do you want me to wipe it off for you? I don’t mind! It’s my fault and plus, I’ve been picking up Kkuma’s dog poop all day. For somebody so small, she sure does poop a lot! And-“ Hoshi suddenly freezes, a heat rising up from the back of his neck onto his cheeks and into his ears.
Seriously?! he thinks. You seriously went on a rant about dog poop! Just when I thought I had some hope in you, Soonyoung, you prove me wrong again! You’re gonna die alone! You hear me? ALONE!
Hoshi slowly brings himself up from his kneeling position. “I mean...” he awkwardly laughs. And to his surprise, you laugh back. But not in a mocking way like people usually do. You seem genuinely amused by his rant.
“Hey, it’s fine. I’m over it,” you giggle. “I just have to be dramatic about it first.” Hoshi nods slowly, too scared to say anything else. “My names YN.”
“Soonyoung,” he bows slightly. “But my friends call me Hoshi.”
“Oh! Like tiger gaze?” you ask, making claws at him for emphasis.
“Oh! Uh! Exactly, actually!” he grins.
You nod. “I think I’ve heard of you actually,” you explain. “My friend works at Seventeen Dance Company and he’s always talking about his funny friend Hoshi.”
“Oh? Who’s your friend? I must know them!”
“It’s Minghao,” you reply. “I was actually on my way to his art exhibition.” Hoshi nods his head, understanding. “Were you not going to go?”
“Myungho doesn’t like when our friend group goes to his art exhibitions. We got fired after Mingyu had one too many drinks and started to strip talking about some ‘life imitates art’ while standing next to a bust.” His face flushes an even deeper red. “I’m sorry! I don’t know when to shut up sometimes. I’m not good at this.”
You shrug, “I’m having fun.”
“Really?” Hoshi gasps.
You nod. “Yeah. Now c’mon, give me those wet wipes. You’re gonna come with me to Hao’s event. He told me I can bring a plus one and the venue is pet friendly!”
“And that’d how I met YN!” Hoshi grins at the round table of his friends.
“I can’t believe romance movie enthusiast met the person of his dreams over dog poop,” Jeonghan scoffs. “I’m taking full credit for this relationship, by the way. I call best man at the wedding.”
“What? Why do you get credit?!” Seungkwan rebuttals.
“Because the weekend get away was my idea,” he smirks.
“Yeah well Kkuma is my dog so I should be the best man!” Seungcheol argues.
“Hold up. If it weren’t for me and Seungkwan making Hoshi a tinder, who knows what would’ve happened this weekend while he was avoiding us,” Dokyeom points outs out, crossing his arms.
“But Vernon and I were the ones who taught Seungkwan how to even use tinder!” Dino retorts.
Jun scoffs, “You guys wouldn’t even know what tinder was if it weren’t for me and Wonwoo.”
“But I’m his roommate so I get automatic best man rights,” Jihoon says.
“Yeah but YN is my friend and she was heading to my exhibition so by default, I’m going to be the best man because I didn’t even kick Hoshi out when he showed up.”
“Yeah, still offended,” Mingyu rolls his eyes. “How many times do I have to say sorry until you accept my apology?!”
“Until I’m not known as the artist who had a quote unquote ‘model’ take his clothes off in the middle of my show so that I could prove that life can imitate art!”
Hoshi shakes his head and laughs as the argument wages on with you tucked under his chin.
“Are they always like that?” you whisper, looking up at him through your lashes.
“Yeah but...I don’t think I’d trade them for the world,” Hoshi replies, smiling.
It’s right then and there that Hoshi decides that he has all the friends that he needs and for the sake of his sanity, he will have to keep them. They did, after all, lead them to you.
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seungminity · 4 years
Cold Lips | Kim Seungmin
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↠ Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Reader (Gender Neutral)
↠ Word Count: 1.8k
↠ Genre: Fluff, Suggestive, Established Relationship Au, hints of College Seungmin
↠ Warnings: Suggestive. Cursing. Mentions of shoving an ice cube down someone's throat, but like, lovingly? There’s a boner in there somewhere.
↠ A/N: i honestly don’t even know what the fonk this is. this is literally just an excuse to write making out with seungmin bc uhmmmmmm, making out with seungmin??? yeah u get it.
The clock reads 2:34 a.m. the third time you glance at it, which gets under your nerves because time seems to move too quickly considering you’re not yet even halfway done with the 6th out of 10 paragraphs you need to write for this philosophy paper. It’s still due two days from now, but you wanted to finish it by tonight (morning) because when in college, you’ve learned that putting aside an assignment will only lead to piles and piles of paperwork, which will lead to nights and nights of breakdowns and acne. Fun.
Your spine cracks when you lean back to stretch, relieving a bit of the tension, but the stingy pain doesn’t fade away when you retreat back to your original position. Your neck and back hurt, and your bum feels numb from how long you’ve been sitting down.
The words glaring back at you seem to blur together, and a wave of sleepiness washes over you. You mentally scold yourself for putting this off, but at the time, you were too busy binging another k-drama series that your boyfriend, Seungmin, pulled you into. Letting out a big yawn, you reach across the piles of notes for your mug.
It seems to be mysteriously empty, which isn’t all that mysterious considering you’ve been chugging its contents like water for the past 3 hours, but you digress.
“Min-ah, I’m out of coffee!” The e’s drag out, and despite all your huffing and puffing, your boyfriend doesn’t look up from his own laptop. He too procrastinated writing this essay and has decided to spend the night at your apartment so the two of you could work on it together.
“Minnie,” You coo, resting your head on his leg from your spot on the floor. Seungmin instinctively runs his fingers through your hair lovingly before he resumes his typing, not once looking away from his screen.
You call out to him again in hopes that he’ll get the message and walk to the kitchen to make you some more of your precious—what he calls—hot bean water, but he ignores you and continues typing. How dare he?
“I need coffee.” You huff, but he still doesn’t move from his position. You’re feeling cranky and sleepy, and this stupid paper is not magically writing itself, which is just offensive, really. Flopping down on the table, you release a drawn-out whine of coffeeeeeeeeee.
“Baby, just get up and make some,” He seems to contemplate before reaching over for his own mug and placing it in front of you. “Make me some too.”
Technically, it’s his turn to refill your mugs since you both have been alternating back and forth to the kitchen for your coffee fills, so what gives? You voice this to him as a complaint, and his answer does nothing to relieve the dull ache in your eyes. God, do you need coffee.
“I can’t.”
Its silent while you wait for him to elaborate. Because, because what? You slap his outstretched thigh in annoyance and he yelps out, finally looking up from his essay to frown at you.
“What was that for?” He complains.
“It’s your turn, Minnie!”
“I’ll go twice in the next rounds.” He proposes, before leaning over and pressing a kiss to your head. He resumes his typing, which is a good thing because then, he can’t see the heat that spreads across your face.
You get up with both of your mugs, giving up on arguing because you’re whipped for Kim Seungmin and will probably do anything he asks of you as long as he repays it with a forehead kiss.
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“Seungmin, we’re fucked.”
The boy looks up from his laptop to see you pouting and holding the two mugs like shopping bags, both empty of his hot bean water—he learned the term from Jisung—which concludes that you either broke the coffee machine again, or you really just wanted him to be the one to fill your coffee mugs, which would make no sense because he already said he’d go twice so-
“Were out of coffee!” You announce it like it’s the most horrible thing, and it startles him a bit. Regaining composure, Seungmin assures you that you guys don’t need coffee anyway, you’ve both already consumed about 4 mugs separately.
“It’s easy for you to stay awake without coffee Minnie, you already stay up late playing with Felix, its why your eye bags have grown—hey don’t look at me like that—but I need coffee! My body isn’t used to staying up without caffeine!”
He decides to ignore your comment about his eye bags, you’ll probably force him to wear some kind of face mask anyway, and proceeds to take the mugs out of your hands before you start crankily swinging them around and breaking all of your furniture.
“Just do what you can tonight and finish up tomorrow morning, babe.” He advises, leading you back to your seat on the floor. He never really understood why you preferred doing all your work on the cold tiles rather than the couch, but you once said something about the coldness keeping you awake.
“But I need to finish this essay.” You whine.
Seungmin only smiles knowingly at you before placing another kiss on the space between your eyebrows.
“Google how to stay awake then.”
This prompts you to do just that, and you scroll through different websites of 5 tips on how to stay awake to even a wikiHow guide with pictures.
You finally stumble on a trick that you think might work, and move to venture back into the kitchen.
When you return to your seat, it’s with a cup that holds bits of crushed ice. Piece by piece, you put a small shard in your mouth and chew. Immediately, you feel more awake than when you were just drinking coffee. With this newfound energy, you continue working on your paper, stopping occasionally to plop another piece into your mouth.
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crunch crunch crunch
And it is because of this spec-
crunch crunch crunch
specific factor in Kant’s-
crunch crunch crunch
theory are we able to conclude that-
crunch crunch crunch
oh my fhckign god iuwech fvoiumacxiahscmv
Seungmin stares at the keyboard smash on his screen. It’s been about fifteen minutes since you’ve realized this new hack of yours, and now every five seconds, you loudly chew another ice cube.
He doesn’t usually mind loud chewing, and it doesn’t annoy him as much as it annoys you, but ironically, the situation seems to have switched because now all he wants to do is grab another ice cube and shove it down your throat—lovingly of course, because you are the love of his life, but still-
crunch crunch crunch
Oh my god, he cannot do this anymore. Seungmin rips his laptop off of him, scrambling to get up. It’s almost 3 a.m. at this point, and he just wants to finish this stupid essay without the sound of your obnoxious chewing.
He freezes when his eyes settle on you.
Pouring another cube into your mouth from the cup, Seungmin watches as the ice has formed a permanent layer of sheen over your lips. You don’t notice him staring, which is a good thing because now he can’t seem to take his eyes off your mouth. Over time, the hue of your lips has changed into a brighter shade of red due to the coldness of the ice.
Seungmin knows you don’t have sensitive teeth, because you bite your ice cream and he always judges you for it, but the lack of feeling you have in response to the cold in your mouth has enabled you to eat ice cube after ice cube.
With your impatience, he watches as you reach for the cup and put two more pieces into your mouth, and the sight of your cheeks full and the small drips of water spilling from the corner of your lips has Seungmin shifting in his seat to fix the sudden southwards rush of his blood.
You don’t notice the predicament you’ve unknowingly placed your boyfriend in. You’re too busy scanning over the ninth paragraph of your essay and looking for any spelling or grammar mistakes. The ice has worked wonders with keeping you awake.
You pour another ice from the cup and start chewing. From the corner of your eyes, you see Seungmin scramble off his seat and settle beside you, but you don’t think too much of it. 
Which is why it comes as a surprise when you feel his hand snake around your jaw and turn your head towards him.
There are no words that can accurately describe the sudden rush of butterflies in your stomach at the sight of your boyfriend staring at your mouth with extreme concentration. The only fitting words seem to be oh fuck, but that doesn't seem romantic enough.
You’re about to ask him what he’s doing when he tilts your head the slightest bit and slants his lips against your own. There’s an overwhelming sensation of warmth that floods your mouth in contrast to the cold bits of chewed up ice. Seungmins hands snake across your jaw to angle your head, while the other one wraps around your thigh and tugs one leg over his lap.
His teeth nip against your lips, causing you to release a sudden whimper that he just swallows. Your hands smooth over his chest before finding home at the nape of his neck, tugging and pulling at the hairs. His tongue maneuvers into the crevices of your mouth, and you seem to forget the melted ice that gathered below your tongue because before you know you it, drips of water spill from the corners of your lips.
Seungmin grunts at the feeling of water dripping out of your mouth and into his, before pressing you closer, chest to chest and thighs wrapped around him. The pressure of your hips against the stiffness in his sweats makes him grip your jaw tighter.
He lets out a low moan that has your stomach twisting at the sound, and just like every other time you’ve made out with your boyfriend, you conclude that Kim Seungmin will definitely be the death of you.
When he pulls away, his eyes are dark and filled with lust. You’re guessing it mirrors your own.
“Fuck.” He groans.
Your lips are dark and bruised, and confusion of where the hell this all came from fly out the window when he grips your hips down to grind on him. The whine that you let out would embarrass you if you weren’t so preoccupied with the way your nails dig into his shoulders.
Seungmin reaches behind you to take another ice cube. The shuffle of movement allows you to breathe, which isn’t enough (it’s never enough when it comes to him) before he’s back in his original place with you straddling him, centered over his hips. He wipes his thumb over your lips with one hand, and he pulls your mouth apart to shove the ice cube in.
“Bite, baby.”
His voice is low and raspy, and it does things to your insides. You chew a few times, enough for the ice to shatter into tiny bits across your mouth. And then he’s angling your head to roughly connect your lips again.
You never do finish your essay that night.
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notes♡: ahah so uhmm... yeah 👉👈 also im pretty sure chewing ice is actually bad for your health so probably ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ᵈᵒ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵃʰᵃʰ
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onewfantaesy · 4 years
Surprise Prince AU (but little blurbs as opposed to well written snippet bc I cant seem to focus on anything lately)
Taemin’s grandparents are happy to have him home with them, but they’re too busy for him. Too important. They’re from a time where nannies raised children and parents only saw them at meal times and when they felt like popping in. But Taemin’s mother, their daughter, had been entirely against that sort of upbringing. She and her husband had always made time for their son, always did their best to be home after school and on weekends and to actually raise him. She didn’t want someone else raising her child. It was one of the reasons she had left in the first place.
And now Taemin, still only ten-years-old and traumatized and terribly lonely, has a butler. His name is Jinki, and he had actually been good friends with Taemin’s mother when they were younger. And Jinki is with Taemin from the time he wakes up in the morning until he falls asleep at night. But it’s not want Taemin wants. He wants his grandparents. He wants his mom and dad back. He doesn’t want a butler who has to take care of him.
Jinki tries his best with Taemin though. Tries his best to help him work through his grief. Even brings him to a storage room where all of Taemin’s parents things had been kept. And Taemin finds the quilt they always kept on their bed and he holds it tight and buries his face in it, smelling it, hoping it still smells like home. And it does, but it makes him start crying until he’s on the floor, wrapped in this king-sized quilt, crying into the fabric. And Jinki can’t find any way to make him stop. So the two of them stay in that storage room for hours, Taemin crying and stopping for a while and then crying again. Jinki watching over him, holding his hand when he can reach it and when Taemin doesn’t pull away.
Taemin brings the quilt to his bedroom. He insists he needs it.
“My bed feels like a hotel,” he tells Jinki. “I don’t like it.”
“You can use this bedding then,” Jinki says softly, carrying the box of bedding from the storage room. “Come, lets make the bed.”
They make Taemin’s bed up with his parents’ sheets and quilts and blankets. It makes it feel more like home. Taemin has been sent off to a wing of the castle that no one else lives in, far separated from his grandparents. It’s lonely. It doesn’t feel like home at all. Jinki wants to make it as homey as possible.
They spend days on end going through boxes in that storage room, finding little things Taemin can put in his room to feel like home. Little signs his mother had kept in the kitchen above the stove, paintings his father had given his mother one year for their anniversary, the framed pictures his mother kept on the mantle of the fireplace. Simple things. But it helps.
“You’ll need to make some friends soon,” Jinki tells him one day.
“I don’t need friends,” Taemin mumbles, buried on his bed. “I just want to be with my mom and dad.”
“Why don’t you meet my sons?” Jinki suggests. “They’re a little older than you. Twins. But I think you’d get along with them.”
“You have sons?” Taemin asks quietly, sitting up a bit in his bed. Jinki nods at him. “Then why do you take care of me instead of them?”
“Well,” Jinki says softly, “My wife is still at home, and they have school during the day. And sports after school. Lots of extracurriculars, you see.”
Jinki pauses for a moment, and he smiles at Taemin.
“Your mother was one of my best friends. And I think right now, you need me a little more than they do. Plus, I still see them on the weekends and at night.”
Taemin is quiet for a long time. He has since grown quite fond of Jinki though, and he finds himself gravitating closer until he’s sitting tucked under Jinki’s arm and leaning against his side.
“Do they like soccer?”
“Minho loves soccer.”
Taemin smiles a bit, and he plays with the quilt for a moment before he says in a soft, timid voice, “When can I meet them? Can we play soccer?”
“How does this Saturday sound?”
“But you don’t work on weekends.”
“It’s not working if I’m just bringing you along for some family fun,” Jinki teases. “Besides, Taemin. I enjoy taking care of you. You realize that, don’t you?”
Taemin only nods.
That Saturday, Jinki picks him up around mid-morning and brings him to a modest sized home inside the town. Taemin hasn’t yet explored much of this new area - this kingdom, really - and he’s curious to see everything. Stares out the window of the car the entire ride.
Taemin meets twin twelve-year-olds Kibum and Minho, and Jinki’s wife Luna. He’s very shy the entire time, stays close to Jinki throughout the introductions, clinging to his hand. But as soon as Minho mentions soccer, he’s practically flying out into the backyard to go play. They decide to make it Taemin and Kibum against Minho, Kibum immediately taking Taemin under his wing and teaching him the fine art of pissing Minho off by poking and prodding at him relentlessly.
For the first time in the few months Jinki has known Taemin, he sees the boy really smile. Really laugh. Really be happy, even if it’s short lived. He decides Taemin’s laugh is one of his favorite sounds, right up there with his own children’s laughter.
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ukulelecal · 6 years
Now That I’m Home
In which Calum is home now and fully intends on making up for lost time.
Warnings: none i don’t think?
Pairing: Calum Hood x Reader
Requested By: @spoodermain
“could I request just like major fluff?? like maybe he’s back and it’s just cute domestic stuff like washing dishes and doing laundry and taking duke out for a walk and cooking dinner and lots of love and uwus?“
A/N: i assume you wanted this as like a pt 2 of Vlogger? bc thats what i did lol 
Requests are OPEN!
*Gif not mine*
Read this first!
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Finally, Calum was home.
You nearly knocked him over when he got home, running at full speed to give him a hug. He had laughed it off, smashing his lips against yours and mumbling about how much you missed each other. Later that very night, Calum found out that you did indeed buy the pretty lingerie set from Victoria’s Secret, since you had made a point of wearing it under your clothes the day he got back, but needless to say, it ended up on the floor pretty quickly.
In the remaining time he was on tour after you sent him the first video, you sent him a couple more. One was of you in Target; you spent about two hours there, even though the video wasn’t that long, just messing around and talking about random things. Another was entirely about Duke, taking him for a walk and playing with him in the backyard. Calum actually cried watching that one.
But now he was home, and he didn’t have to watch you do these things through a screen anymore. He could do them with you. He could fuck around in Target with you, play with Duke with you, have Cinnabon with you. Everything you had to do without him, he could finally be there to do it with you.
And he fully intended on doing just that.
Calum’s eyes fluttered open at around nine A.M. on a Sunday. Glancing at you, he realized you were still asleep, curled up against his chest. He grinned at the sight, and decided to let you sleep a little longer. You both stayed up far too late the night before watching Criminal Minds, and he wasn’t sure how he wasn’t still out like a light.
He closed his eyes again, trying to fall back asleep. The attempt was futile; once he was up, he was up. As much as he wanted to let you sleep, he decided he was bored about ten minutes later, and started pressing light kisses to the side of your neck to wake you up.
You woke with a giggle escaping your lips, head turning to see Calum. He grinned down at you, his lips going to yours instead of your neck this time.
“Good morning,” you mumbled, intertwining your fingers with his hand that was resting on your belly.
“Good morning,” he repeated, thumb casually caressing the skin of your knuckles. “We should do some laundry today, I’m running out of pants.”
“We?” You snorted. It was normally just one of you doing laundry, it wasn’t exactly a two person job. Calum always helped out with it when he was home, so you wouldn’t always have to do it on your own. “Besides, you don’t need to wear pants. I like you without them.”
He playfully kicked your leg, causing you to giggle.
“I need them every once in a while,” he mumbled with a grin. “And, yes, we.”
“Laundry does not require both of us, Cal, I can do it,” you chuckled, finally rolling over to face him so you didn’t have to crane your neck.
“Yeah, but I require being with you at all times, and therefore we need to do it together,” he pouted, adjusting his arms around your waist. He was away for far too long, and he didn’t want to miss out on anything, even the not so exciting things like laundry.
You smiled warmly, leaning forward and pecking his lips.
“You’re adorable,” you mused, causing his cheeks to tint pink. “How about we have some breakfast and then we’ll do the laundry?”
He nodded, and you untangled yourselves from each other and climbed out of bed. Heading to the kitchen, you grabbed some cereal for yourself and Calum stuck to munching on a granola bar.
Breakfast went by quickly, and you and Calum started to gather all of your dirty clothes, separating them into piles. You helped each other put the first load into the washing machine and get it going. Then, all you had to do was wait.
Calum plopped himself onto the floor, back against the wall with his legs spread open. He looked up at you with a grin, opening his arms as a signal for you to join him. You laughed softly at him, but did as he asked, sitting down with your back against his chest.
“Any particular reason we’re sitting on the floor?” You asked, leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Not really,” he sniggered. “Just feel like it.”
“Fair enough, I guess.” You slipped your phone from the pocket of your hoodie, opening your camera. “We’re taking selfies if we’re sitting here, then.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Many pictures followed in your time waiting for the wash to be done. There was a pretty big variety, from smiling to him licking your face to pulling serious, model-like faces. Your favorite happened to be one where you both pulled the strings of your hoodies taught, causing the hoods to scrunch up and only your eyes were visible. You changed it to your lock screen, causing Calum to grin and kiss your cheek.
The washing machine beeped, signalling the load was done. You both got up off the floor, transferring the wet clothes to the dryer.
“How about we take Duke for a walk while the dryer is going, grab some lunch while we’re out?” You offered once it started.
“Sounds good,” he replied, grabbing your hand and walking with you towards your bedroom. You both changed and made yourselves more presentable, then heading out to find your dog.
“Duke!” Calum called, grabbing the leash from where it hung on the wall. “We’re going for a walk, bud!”
Duke was intrigued as soon as he heard the word “walk”; he knew what it meant. With a yap, he scurried over to where you and Calum stood, and Calum bent down to clip the leash onto his collar.
Once you and Calum slipped some shoes on, the three of you were out the door.
Calum slipped his hand that wasn’t holding the leash into yours, intertwining your fingers with ease. You grinned up at him, and returned the action, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
This was one of your favorite things to do. Just you, Calum, and Duke, spending time together, your own little family. It made your heart warm, thinking about how lucky you were to have this life.
“Our usual for lunch?” Calum asked once you got into town.
“Duh,” you teased, receiving you a playful nudge to the shoulder.
Whenever you and Calum went out for lunch, you always went to the same little café that served the best paninis you ever had, and something about the iced coffee just made it stand out from the rest. The employees there knew you by name, and they had your usual orders memorized. It was like a second home.
You and Calum had a lot of “usuals,” or traditions. There was your lunch café and Cinnabon at the mall, along with the bakery you always got donuts from whenever one of you was having a bad day, and the thrift shop you and Calum liked to go to late on Friday nights and mess around. You hoped these traditions never stopped.
You approached the café, the familiar smell of coffee practically coming through the doors. You walked up to an empty table on the patio, a perfect spot for looking out at the city.
“I’ll go get our food, you hold the table?” Calum suggested. You nodded in response, taking Duke’s leash from him.
“You know what I want,” you laughed, and he pecked your lips before heading inside.
You bent down and rubbed Duke’s head, who had taken to laying on the ground.
Soon enough, Calum came back out with two plates of food and two drinks, and he carefully set them down on the table.
“Thank you, waiter,” you teased, and Calum shook his head at you with a grin. Calum took the seat across from you.
“Everyone says hi, by the way,” he chuckled.
The two of you ate and chatted, about what you were going to do once you got home. The plan ended up basically being cuddle until dinnertime, when you would make one of your favorite chicken dishes.
After you ate and walked back home, your cuddle session was quick to commence. Calum kicked his shoes off and flopped down on the couch, making grabby hands at you until you came over. He gladly pulled you practically on top of him, your cheek pressed right above his heart and his arms securely locked around your waist.
“I love you, Cal,” you mumbled softly, lips grazing over the fabric of his shirt. He hummed in content, pressing his lips to the top of your head.
“I love you, too, baby girl.”
It was quiet after that.
Neither of you realized it, but you both ended up drifting off to sleep, your late night from the night before catching up to you. It wasn’t until around 7:15 that your eyes fluttered open, realizing it was starting to get dark.
Deciding to wake him up like he woke you up that morning, you pressed gentle kisses to the column of his neck and his jaw. He grumbled out something incoherent, and brought one hand up to rub his eyes.
“Fuck, what time is it?” He murmured, finally peeling his eyes open.
“It’s 7:15, bubba,” you answered, grinning sleepily. “We should make dinner.”
He nodded in agreement, loosening his grip around your waist to let you stand up. Almost hesitantly, you climbed off of him and stood; you had been so comfortable and warm, a part of you wanted to just forget about dinner and cuddle all night long.
Calum followed suit, stretching his arms far above his head and groaning.
“Alright, chicken?” He questioned once he stopped, and you giggled and nodded in response.
The two of you made your way into the kitchen and started pulling out ingredients, piling them up on the counter.
“Alexa! Play 5 Seconds of Summer!” You called out, the same way you did in your video. Calum smiled widely, looking over at you with eyes full of adoration. He then did the same thing he thought about doing when he watched the video; he walked over to you, picked you up and spun you around.
You giggled, clinging onto him.
“Put me down!” You eventually squealed out, and Calum set you on your feet with a laugh, and wasted no time in kissing you immediately after.
Your fingers instinctively found his hair, tangling themselves in his curls. The two of you stayed like that for longer than you intended, lips moving effortlessly against each other, until you finally got dinner started.
You and Calum worked side by side, both of you singing and dancing along to the music playing from the speakers. You would bump your hip against his occasionally, which always earned you a kiss on the cheek.
Once the meal was made, you opened up a bottle of wine while Calum set the table, and then you sat down to eat. Biting into your food, you hummed in satisfaction.
“I’d say it was a success,” you said after you swallowed, and Calum mumbled out an agreement.
“I love doing this stuff, you know?” Calum said after a few minutes, setting his fork down on his plate. “Cooking dinner at home with you and all that.”
You smiled sweetly, reaching across the table to grab his hand.
“I do too.”
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babe.... bAbe..... u can’t give them the Good Dad Rog shit and the. not follow up with the hot space angst.................... it’s what the people Deserve
i copied this verbatim from our chats so like, if its choppy that’s why. also, this is like….part 1 of what is really 85 pages of hc’s all about hot space so like…more to come??? sorry for the angst
it begins with brian having cheated on chrissie
and dom, who is pregnant with baby #5, takes Offense to it
basically dom gets chrissie her divorce and sets her up with crystal, who has always had a Thing for her
and while in the middle of handling this shit because dom is kickass, dom comes to the decision that Brian Is Wrong and Needs To Be Taught A Lesson
so she convinces ronnie to her side and is like, we do not interact with brian for as long as it takes for him to realize he fucked up
so basically hot space is such shit because dom and ronnie are like for however long you support brian we will not have sex with either of you
like you want to be there for him? fine but your hands gonna be there for you instead of us
john immediately is like good luck brian hope you figure your shit out
kinda backfires actually
roger and john are like uhhhhh
well this is a shame certainly bc we love u
but also
ig we…. gotta fuck each other
Oh No
they’re so smug about it until they receive an envelope from home
its pictures of both women together in various positions
john gives in first but roger is annoyingly stubborn when he wants to be
And that’s why John don and Ronnie all get to go to Bali
they come back
And roger has moved out
and he’s like. uh. can i? am i allowed to see the kids
and they’re like wait what?
and they’re like OF COURSE WHY DID YOU MOVE OUT???
and he’s like. you uh. u said? that if i stuck with brian that we were like. done. and like brian’s a fuckhead and chrissie deserved none of what he did but uhhhhh he’s also like. my best friend and he’s going thru some shit even if it’s self inflicted u know and um. you guys have each other i guess so like i knew you’d be okay but i just.
i’d really like to be able to see the kids
and fucking miami ends up at the door
with all the NDA’s and legal shit they sorted out
like ok so, here’s how separation is going to work
and they’re like wait no no no we just–we were just upset???
but roger is like but you threatened to end our relationship and withhold sex unless i give in to what you guys want and i’m sorry but i…i can’t do that
and miami is literally like you. you all. left. and you took the kids with you. you left a NOTE
what the fuck did u think he was going to think?
and they’re like WE TOLD HIM WHERE WE WERE
miami is like
“bali” is not an invitation 
 like no you thought you could manipulate him into bending to your way
that doesn’t COUNT
miami is Team Roger
which is how they know They Fucked Up
and roger just kneels down before their little army of kids and gives them giant hugs and is like no matter what i will always love you guys
and then miami like takes him outside and is like i will take you all for everything he’s owed
and roger goes and lives with freddie
brian ofc has NO IDEA any of this is even fucking happening
maybe thats when roger starts The Cross
and its all angsty heartbroken shit and Johns like HE’S QUIT THE BAND
and the three of them are like shit
we do not work together without roger
miami ends up being like the weird go between who picks up the kids for their weekends with roger
and they beg miami for information
and miami is like you do not deserve to know how he is
and crystal is like look, i get that you’re supporting my girlfriend but now you’ve hurt my best friend and my boss like…do you understand how your actions have fucked me???
and roger isn’t really? doing well? but he also know he can’t afford to fall apart because if he goes to shit there’s an excuse for him to not be able to see the kids???? and like he doesn’t wanna think they’d do that??? but he only has legal rights to like. three of them.
and the thought of never getting to see all of his kids keeps him up at night and he spends a lot of time drinking
like a lot a lot
and he writes all the kids letters from where he’s holed up working on the cross and he makes it sound like hes! doing! so! well! on! his! own!
the kids get little gifts delivered? like all the time
bc he’s always thinking of them and he has the money to just.. send them trinkets
ugh ok so they’re separated for a while then like. just under a year maybe?
rog moves out of fred’s after two months
when it becomes apparent that uh
this isn’t
he gets his own little shitty house
this might be for Real
and he tries to get one with rooms for each of the kids
and when they come to visit he’s like look here’s something for you and bunkbeds for the twins that aren’t twins and a pool and maybe we can get a dog?
but the kids just want to pile into bed with him
but one of them like is crying? and john’s like whats wrong? and she’s lke do you think papa is lonely in his big house who’s going to cuddle him at night he’s all alone
and johns like……….. fuck
 like not only have we broken the best relationship we’ve ever been in but we have broken our children too
the kids asking roger in the big puppy pile in his bed and he’s like well i cuddle you all SO MUCH while your here that it it keeps me warm even when you go home
that why i hug you all as soon as i see you!!!! i need a top up of your love!!!! gotta keep me toastie warm :)
and freddie is a fucking liar he’s like roger is doing BETTER THAN EVER he is so FUCKING HAPPY NOW and hes like ROGER IS THIRTY FLIRTY AND THRIVING AND YOU GUYS ARE MISSING OUT ON HOW HOT HE LOOKS NOW
flash to roger sitting on the floor of the kitchen in his boxers without a shirt on just sobbing into a pint of rocky road ice cream
roger: vaguely emaciated, surviving on cigarettes and gin and tonics
he hasn’t shaved but the man can’t grow a beard so its jsut ugly patches of hair
but!!! like the other three really only see him when the kids are around and??? yeah??? he looks good!
because no one can KNOW because as far as he’s concerned they didn’t want him
like he’s dressed nicely. he’s lost a bit of weight but well he’s hit his thirties so maybe not the Worst thing even if they did Love His Pudge
and he would never ever ever scare the kids by showing them how he looks
freddie’s like oh yeah roger’s GREAT
and you can’t tell he doesn’t sleep and has massive bags under his eyes because that is the dawn of the prescription sunglasses
freddies like you should hear the songs he’s written like that stuff is GOD
(the songs are just him weeping over a guitar track)
cut to the other day: freddie and roger playing scrabble for thirteen hours in between crying jags
the next day: chess, but the pieces are shot glasses
freddie is like in bed next to jim like i dunno how much more alcohol we can drink i’m running out of ways to make him drunk enough to forget
so jim makes him garden with him bc it gets him out of the house so he even gets a TAN but they just drink SO MUCH WHISKEY
 then ronnie and dom and john are like look at him he’s golden tan he looks gorgeous
 and jim is like he’s only evenly tanned because when he passed out in the garden i rolled him over so his back would get tan too
  and yeah they’re like??????????? he looks so good????
and miami lowkey thinks hes helping but he is NOTbecause every time he sees him he’s like okay we can get you think much from your combined fortunes and the beach house and i can make it so you have custody of your legal kidsroger: they’re ALL MY KIDS MIAMI
but rogers mainly like i’m not gonna separate any of the kids that’s????? no. like. they belong as a family
 even if i’m not……. part of that family….. any more…….
 roger is like look i just want to be able to see them. i won’t take them form their parents and miami is like roger..you’re their parent too
 and roger is like no i’m just like, their uncle now?
 like i’m not in that family they made i clear that i am not allowed
 ronnie is the one who sorta caves first
 she’s lke look we started this and i kinda pushed for us to end it so i’m gonna fix it
 john wont bc of the band dynamics, dom is top aware that it could splinter the group back into two couples, ronnie is really the only one who can
 yeah and ronnie sorta. just shows up at his house in the middle of the night
 and like (luckily for him) he’s just got in from a thing for the cross
 so he Doesn’t look fucking awful
 but he’s also fucking exhausted so he opens the door and is like FUCK are the kids okay!!! shit!!!! dom??? john???
 and ronnie’s like everyone’s fine i just. i missed you?
 and roger’s like. he’s so tired he’s just like ronnie….. i can’t do this right now. you can’t. you can’t just show up here
 that’s not fair.
 and ronnie’s like…. well. she wasn’t sure how she was really expecting it to go because. yeah. they’re literally not been within about 50m from one another in fucking months
 but she was. hoping at least for an “i miss you too”
 but roger’s like. it’s really late, i’m… gonna go to bed. i really, really cannot do this right now. i’ll see the kids on friday.
 and so ronnie goes home and bawls her eyes out to john and dom who are…. also kinda shook?
 like. they were NOT expecting roger to turn her away like that, that’s… yeah. but like roger has been mostly by himself this whole time. like they’ve had one another but he’s. just been sorta trying to learn to keep his head above water by himself again and. it was actually a dick move showing up there unannounced. like, they basically left him with little to no warning they can’t just try and walk back in the door y’know?????
 and anyway on friday miami comes to pick up the kids and ronnie is like uhhh i’m coming with
 and miami is like uh. disrespectfully speaking? you fucking are not
 and she’s like oh :) ur not taking my kids then
 which. is just. another bad move? tbh
 miami is like. right. fine. can i use ur phone to call the other father of ur children to tell him that one of their mothers won’t let him see them
 and ronnie is like go right a fuckin head
 and dom and john are sorta there like ronnie ronnie wtf are u doing ronnie
 but ronnie’s like nah i’m calling his (miami’s) bluff
 and dom is like no, uh, roger can have the kids
 but. miami calls
 and ronnie is like not mine he can’t its all or nothing
 he’s stood there in their parlour
 and like obviously they can only hear his side of the conversation
 dead eyeing ronnie like i fucking hold this band together out of sheer will
 i can outlast you no matter what
 Miami: Hi Rog, Miami. Yeah, yeah, the kids are fine. I’m at your old place right now, actually. No, yeah. No. Well, actually, Rog. Veronica says you can’t have the kids this week. No, she didn’t say anything to me about it before. No, no. I’m sorry, Rog. I know, I’m so sorry. She hasn’t said anything about next week yet. Yeah. Yeah. It’s alright, it’ll be alright. We’ll work something out. I’ll come right around, okay? Alright. Okay. I’ll let them know. Yeah, I promise. Just like you said. Won’t change a word. See you in a bit.
 and ronnie is like what did he want you to say to us?!!!!
 and miami just straight up blanks her and dom and john
 and walks into the living room where the kids are, all ready to go
 and is like hey rugrats!
 (which is totes rogers nickname for them)
 and they’re all like!!!! uncle miami!!!!! are we going to see papa now???
 Veronica is like ho don’t you fucking say it
 and he’s like i’m really sorry guys (and ronnie goes to interrupt but he stops her) but daddy has the flu
 and the kids are like!!!! oh no!!!!
 and he’s like so you can’t go see him this week :( he’s really really upset about it, and he HOPES he’ll be better next week because he misses all his little nuggets so much
 and the eldest is like???? but!!!! our hugs keep daddy warm!!! if he’s sick he needs to be warm he can’t be cold!!! who’s going to recharge his cuddles???
 and miami is like well he said if you all hug each other reaaaaally right he can feel it! so long as you all keep giving each other lots of hugs he’ll keep tight and cosy
 and he goes to leave and is like to the three of them like…. i cannot believe that you are actually doing this. i didn’t know you could be so cruel
 and off he trots
 and ronnie is like. fuck
 and the other three would be like ronnie what…what the fuck was that???
they end up having…. a huge fight over it
 like giant
 like “hi chrissie can you take the kids for a couple of days” fight
 and chrissie is like uh…. i can take a few? but crystal is.     away
 work emergency
 and johns like????? queens on a break????????????
so they’re like trying to find babysitters so they can fight it out but also maybe go to roger??? 
 because the work emergency is code for roger is trying to destroy himself via alcohol poisoning
 like miami knows the second he hung up that roger as going to just drown himself in whisky
 so he used a payphone to call freddie and crystal
 and is like i don’t care what you have to do or how you do it but you need to be at roger’s yesterday
 but brian isn’t looking after their fucking kids
freddie isn’t home
 and jim has heard what they did
 and hes like that was fucking cruel
 crystal isn’t home
 miami is gone
 fucking RATTY doesn’t pick up
 phoebe straight up was like freddie told me if i watched hte kids he’d kill me
 he was like i am not even allowed to be speaking with you thank you and goodnight
so they call mary and they’re like please mary
and mary is like as far as i’m concerned if you’re that worried about roger watching his own fucking children i do not know why you would call me as the better option
like fuck you you think roger can’t be with his kids and now you want to DUMP THEM ON ME??? “and anyway, i’m just stopping at home for the booze i have here. we’ve all been banned from the liquor stores with in a ten mile radius of…… a place.”
 eventually they manage to scrounge enough family members on john and ronnie’s respective sides
 but it. genuinely takes like over a day
 everyone is either straight up just not answering or, if they are at home, not willing to step in
[meanwhile miami is on the fucking warpath he is like you wanna play chicken? i’ll roast you for dinner VERONICA he’s writing up a custody agreement so tight it will tie them up in court for years like he sits down at roger’s kitchen table while roger is profusely vomiting up all the alcohol he had and then some and he’s like they’re gonna fucking pay
he’s getting the kids and the houses and over half the money and the royalties and here is a list of available bass players because HE GETS THE BAND TOO]
 but yeah john ronnie and dom end up having a giant, fuck off, end all fight
and dom is like. u realise we just took his fucking kids away right
 and johns like for fuck sake chrissie is FINE do you really think she wanted me to tank my career and for all of us to blow up our entire family because of her????
 but the problem is. it’s BIGGER than the chrissie thing now
 johns like she knew what she was getting into and she knew he was a cheater when they were fuckign dating
but really it was like, six different fights that all boiled over in the name of Chrissie’s Honor and then
the biggest thing is that like, 
 when they were in bali
 they did fully think roger would come
 and but then he didnt and the spent 3 weeks getting angrier and angrier at the situation and him and brian and it spiraled into this black ugly mess of shit
 and they didn’t realize how vital roger was to keeping them together like he’s the fun dad so the kids have been acting out more becasue he’s not there to get them to blow off steam
(plus like, the kids just lost their dad??? like he doesn’t live there anymore he’s at a different house and that is big)
 and he’s the peace keeper (surprising despite his tempter but everyone else like stews he’s the only one who’s like lets talk it out)
 and he makes them all coffee in the morning so they’re all vaguely caffeine deprived
 and now ronnie has fucked it all TWICE first by showing up and then by TAKING HIS KIDS and dom was like when we had baby#2 and it was clearly rogers we promised him we SWORE that he would never ever ever take them away from him
 like we said that as long as he was their papa that was IT he was their father and we would never ever take that from him
 and ronnie’s like i didn’t MEAN IT he should KNOW I WOULD NEVER MEAN THAT
 and johns like. ok. but uh. how would he know
 i mean. we sorta
 did take his kids away from him
 when we went to bali
 when we went to bali for a month
 and again
 and then
 five days of the week
 and now?
 i mean
 we have been… slowly taking the kids away from him
 three weeks ago we made him give them back a day early so that we could do to the beach
 bc we could only do it…. as a family…. on the weekend
 and then two of the little ones (one of which is his) was sick and we kept them home
 because. him seeing his kids is inconvenient to us
 and we had them on the actual day of his birthday
which you know is his favorite day of the year because the kids make him breakfast in bed and wake him up singing happy birthday
 so. us just pulling the plug isn’t… really all that unrealistic is it?
 and dom and ronnie sort of get defensive and backing each other up
dom is like no!! we have NOT!!
and ronnie like how dare you
 and johns like. ok. but see this is the problem
 this was the problem in bali too
 like its us vs. him
 we all get caught up in defending ourselves
 that everything we do seems right
 and he should… just be grateful?
 to have us?
 to see the kids?
 and that we have proven that if he doesn’t agree with us he doesn’t haveus?
 like originally it was just sex yeah
 but then it was clear that you wouldnt budge
 and neither would he and why should he have brian has been there for him longer than he’s even known me
 like brian is terrible for cheating but he’s roger’s brother and we literally made him choose his family and when he wouldn’t
 we chose for him
 and, as we’ve established, chrissie is FINE
 and a grown woman
 and roger knew that better than any of us because crystal was filling him in on EVERYTHING
 she probably didn’t fucking need the two of you, and then me, ripping apart our family, the band, and the various social circles we run in
 or even WANT us to do that
 and dom’s like……. i really miss him
 i’ve been trying really hard not to
 bc it’s easier to be angry
 and i didn’t want it to seem like i love him more than you guys
 because i know it can be hard sometimes like not falling into those couple-y behaviours
 and i didn’t want to do that
 but i really really miss him
 but like, roger is my first
 he is my first real love and i love you both so much but he’s my roger
and. it’s been really hard watching [youngest] hit milestones and rogers not here to see them
 (and they tried to be nice and send videos and pictures but its not the same!!
so they just stopped telling him hoping that the kid would do it there and roger would think it was the first time
but that just made roger feel like they didn’t care enough about him
to be like oh hey your kid’s walking sucks that you had to learn form the older kid insead of the other parents)
 and dom’s like. and it’s made worse because. he wouldn’t have let this happen if it was one of us
 and john is like. uh
 and ronnie’s like fuck. no. ur right. he wouldn’t have
 dom’s like. right back at the beginning he was always saying that he’d make sure we were all involved in the kids lives no matter what that this wouldn’t happen he wouldn’t let it
 and we did it to him
 and ronnie is like. how the fuck do we fix this
 bc shit like that. like their youngest hitting milestones???? like that feels like something they stole from him bc they can’t give that back
 for like the first time john actually cries
 and is like what have we done
 and yeah. the fight just sorta ends with all three of them in tears and just. sort of silent
 because maybe that was the biggest issue
 because. what the fuck
 because chrissie was pregnant and maybe dom was pregnant and they were like imagine this was us
 and we got cheated on
 and so when the whole Bali Thing happens the kid is like maybe 6 months?
 so roger genuinely misses over half of this kids life
and kidlet just. doesn’t have the same bond with him???
 because there’s so little you can be there for when you get every weekend 
 and roger knows
 but the other three don’t because they haven’t seen him with the kids?
 but the kid just cries the whole weekend and wants his “daddy”
 kidlet isn’t really comfy around roger and neither, really, is their second youngest who is withdrawing
 and roger is just like???? these are my KIDS
 and the second youngest is roger’s
 and i’m a STRANGER to them
 and he tries so hard! but the other problem is like, we have so many kids
 and i am one person
 like he is stretched so thin
so he can only do so much like if hte baby is crying he has to take care of the baby sorry oldest ones i can’t go play outside with you
and the three of them just realize, like, what have we done???
cut to roger’s house he’s just lying on the floor not even crying just laying there his bedroom is ruined because he hung up with miami and just trashed it
and is laying on his floor like i want to die here
john calls while the Roger Stomach Pumping Emergency Squad are on day three of their duties
 and crystal picks up which is. it’s not the BEST he could have hoped for, which would have been freddie, but it’s the second best bc crystal still nominally works for him
 (crystal is like i’m gonna fucking quit like i will take the cross to the NEXT LEVEL even if i have to KILL JOHN TO DO IT)
 and johns like ok this is. i’m just calling to say that i’m going to come around tomorrow? i’ll be there are 12. i’m not asking for permission, but i’m just calling to give you a heads up. to give roger a heads up
 and so. they uh. sober roger up. do their best to make him somewhat presentable? (does not work. he refuses to shave or shower or get changed out of his Depression Pajamas. he swills some mouthwash, they call it a win)
(depression pajamas are john’s pants and the joke shirt ronnie and dom bought him for his birthday years ago thats like save a drum bang a drummer)
 and then. they go upstairs, just leaving miami downstairs except he’s Not Allowed To Talk
 he is there, strictly, as roger’s legal representation
 miami just holds all the papers for legal divorce and separation the papers that are going to FUCK THEM UP if roger says so
 and john shows up and he’s like. oh. um. this isn’t. this isn’t really a legal talk?????? and miami is like yes well y’all do have a history of Technical Kidnapping so
 can’t be too careful 🙃
 and roger just. doesn’t give a shit
 he’s like miami can you shut the fuck up
 like what the fuck do you think johns going to do that’s worse than break up with me and refuse to let me see my kids?
 what, have you all gangbanged my mum too? just for a giggle?
 and john is like. uh. no. winnie is. un-gangbanged. as far as i know.
 and rog is like well there you go, everything appears to be Just As Shit as it was yesterday and no worse
 and johns like look. i just. ronnie honestly didn’t mean that you couldn’t see the kids, not at all. she just. she just wanted to see you and the kids were… leverage? sort of? which sounds awful
 and roger is like. yeah. that sounds pretty fucking awful, actually
 and he’s like where’s my alcohol and miami is like as your legal representative and your medical emergency contact i must advise you not to drink anymore as i do not believe your liver will survive
 (miami [visibly jots down john calling the children leverage])
 but yeah rogers like. well. here i fucking am.
 and johns like. this is all. it’s all fucked up. we love you? we never stopped loving you? this has all spiralled way out of control. the girls were just mad about chrissie and
 and roger is like?? do u think i give a FUCK about chrissie???? none of this was EVER about chrissie on my side. this was about the three of you deciding that our relationship with acceptable fucking collateral for you to throw about to win arguments and get me to do what you wanted
 [miami in the corner scribbling it all down]
 that’s now how relationships fucking work, john. and i never thought you’d take my children away from me for it.
 and johns like. i know. i’m sorry, we’re sorry. it honestly just grew out of control. when we were in bali we thought you would come and then it would have been fine, but you didn’t and we got angry and
 and rogers like?!! i didn’t do what u wanted so you ran away with my children for a month
 i couldn’t have come even if i WANTED to
 “gone to bali” is not a fucking address, john
 (and the thing is when they wrote that? it was tongue in cheek. it was a “come find us”. but, well. that didn’t work out as intended, did it?)
 like they thought of course roger would like, call miami to find them or hell ratty or something like they all have the same credit cards they could figure it out…right?
 and johns like. i’m sorry. can you. would you be…. interested? in talking to all three of us? we love you, and we miss you. we want to try and save this
 and roger is like i dont know
 i don’t know if it can be saved
 and well. that’s enough to get a foot in the door because.    his kids. roger would grin and bear his way thru 16 and a half years of painful awkwardness on his part of it means he gets to be with his kids as they grow
 but he’s not saying yes
 he’s saying he’ll talk to all three of them together
 but miami will be there
 and miami is like 💅
 and so they set a date for the next monday
 and this time roger is wearing like. a fucking suit, he’s all scrubbed up
 and they’re like???????? what the fuck
 (john totally went home and told the other three how terrible he looked)
 but this time like. it’s…. it’s make or fucking break like if they walk out of this and he can’t see it being salvaged then… that’s it
 he’ll be giving them the (kindest) separation and custody agreement’s that miami has drawn up
 miami has like three all drawn up and ready depending on how it goes
 one is niceish one is harsher and the last is scourged earth
 nice: they get half his assets, he gets friday evening-sunday afternoon and ¾ of all school holidays
harsh: ¼ assets (minus property and future royalty income from existing tracks), friday afternoon school pick up- sunday evening, and all school holidays apart from three days beginning and end, weekends, and potentially visitation right son Public Holidays (such as christmas day)
scourged earth: ½ present cash assets (nothing else), friday afternoon pick up - Tuesday morning drop off, all school holidays minus weekends (excepting public holidays. so if xmas day falls on a sunday? too fucking bad)
 miami is like i will wipe the board with you if he asks and i will not hesitate
 and he WILL be going to court to attempt to win rights to have ALL of the children involved in those custody agreements (miami thinks they have a case given how many interviews they’ve given over the years referencing how the children view each other as brother and sister)
 plus there’s like squatter’s/commonlaw rights
 yeah basically miami is. uh ready to destroy
 like roger is the common law parent because he has lived with these kids in that house for 7 years
 roger’s one request was just can i have enough to buy a house big enough for all the kids to come visit and can i just see them? like even if its once a month i just want to see them
 miami is like i gotchu fam you’re my favorite tell the others
 BUT YES SO roger is like i’m really just here to see if there’s anything to salvage.
 and like
 dom immediately bursts into tears
 she hasnt seen him in person since he LEFT
 and because??? how could there not be??????????
 dom is willing to give ANYTHING to fix it
 and ronnie is like. horrified. she keeps going to reach across the table to hold his hand before catching herself
 and she starts. she apologised for what happened the other day, for crossing that line
 and rogers like… it’s been coming for a while now
 because he always knew one day the kids would stop coming
 like either they wouldn’t let him see them
 or the kids wouldn’t want to come see the guy who was once their dad but now just has his own home
 like the two youngest already don’t want him
 so it makes sense
 and dom’s like… do you still love us?
 because i still love you
 and rogers like. i. i could never stop loving any of you???? but i also cant ever forget the past year and the things that have happened either
 That’s what makes it hurt the most is like I still love you?? I will always love you you’re the mothers of my children and John you’re their father like you’re raising my kids
 and johns like well. love is a start, yes?
 and roger’s like. yes. but i love my kids more, and. i spent the last year hoping we were just… going to work it out. that this was going to stop, but it hasn’t. it’s got worse. and i suppose it’s a good thing that you did what you did last week because instead of the kids being slowly taken away from me and me having to accept it over time, it happened all at once and i can’t take that. i Won’t take that again. and so now i know that if this isn’t going to work out that i am Going to have a relationship with my kids, if i have to fight you all in the courts for it
 and ronnie’s like we’re not? we’re not going to fight you
 and miami that sneaky bastard pulls out the SCORCHED EARTH custody agreement and is like so you’ll sign this?
 and dom’s like what the fuck is it?????? and he’s like custody agreement. in the event of your separation from roger, dominique, and/or his departure from the home you share with john and veronica he would be entitled, by contract, to have the children (ALL OF THEM, those children being those who were born between 1974 and 1983) from friday school pick up to tuesday morning school drop off, and the entirety of school holidays apart from weekends.
 and johns like fuck. that’s. a lot of time
 and roger is like? i haven’t had all of the children together in over a month
 and ronnie is like fuck. you haven’t, have you? there’s been….
 and miami picks up another piece of paper and starts listing off reasons
 Because he’s been picking them up and dropping them off and every single time one of them isn’t there he writes it down
 dentist appointment, flu, stomach bug, school trip, trip to the beach “as a family”
 They watch a roger visibly flinches at the “as a family” comment
 and dom just signs it. plucks it right out of johns hand who is trying to read it (or the first page) and flips to her page and signs
 and johns like fuck!! dom!!!
 and she’s like. roger wouldn’t ask us to sign anything that would be detrimental to the kids OR to us
 we used to fucking know that, john
 She’s like Roger is their father first and foremost and he has the right to as much time as he wants from them. If they miss us I will PERSONALLY but them their own phone line to call us but he gets as much time as he wants with them
 and like. john and ronnie aren’t going to sign, not without their lawyer there to check it out, but. that sign from dom? is enough to get roger to agree to try
 to agree that maybe there’s something to salvage there
 Even if it’s just with dom
 Because she was like I have faith in this man and I do not plan on ever losing him again so I’ll sign anything because it’ll never come down to it
 Yeah because. well. he can live with that if it means he gets his kids
 he can live with knowing that he’s not wholly Wanted in this relationship
 if he’s… wanted a little bit and he gets to watch his kids grow up every day
 it’s 16 and a half years
 that’s doable
 He will do what he needs to for his kids
 he loves those rugrats so fucking much
 he stays at home SO MUCH for the next like. year. bc he is BUILDING that relationship with the youngest two
 Like the rest of the break? Is because roger will not leave the house
 He is like nope not working I’m with the nuggets
 And Freddie is like bring them to the studio just come
 Like it’s just him with the kiddos
 Writing and trying to get his babies to love him again
 And he’s like I’m never leaving you ever again
 That first tour? Is ROUGH
 like it is hard for roger to leave and he almost is like I can’t do it I can’t leave them what if they forget me again??
 Which just adds to the angst because they did that to him
they made him doubt that his kids really love him
so then like, fast forward six-eight months???
oh my god even when they get back together? and get comfy with one another to start having sex again (which takes A WHILE) roger is suddenly. really adamant about using condoms
ugh he’d be sneaky about the condom thing at first too. like. he distracts them? clever fingers, clever mouth, encouraging them to help each otherlike it takes. a Distressing amount of time before finally dom is like I Want You To Fuck Meand that’s when That Whole Thing goes down 
she’s like c'mon like how we used to
and roger is like uhhhhh i can’t do that
because you might get uh, pregnant
and the other three can’t think of anything better like yes this will reunite us
an roger can’t think of anything worse because the thought of losing another baby?? he wouldn’t, uh, he wouldn’t survive that
and they’re like????? look if u slept with someone else like. ok that…. hurts. but. get tested and if ur clean it’s fine
and rogers like. no
that’s not the problem
dom has straight up a breakdown about it when she realises what the issue is
because roger is GOOD with kids
roger LOVES babies
but he’s like i do not want to have babies with you because i cannot guarantee that you won’t take the baby from me again
and roger is just sitting here uncomfortable
while dom weeps and john and ronnie are like what the uck is going on
but. he’s not. he’s not comfortable? this doesn’t feel like a family he’s 
building for keeps anymore
not really
it feels like something that can, might, will be taken away
he’s like look we can call it what we want but i get it i’m here for sex
and that’s great!! i love sex!! but i’m not going ot risk it
and the baby starts crying and roger sorta. automatically goes to get up before being like. oh. uh. it’s probably better if one of you goes. she. she’s not comfortable around me, she won’t settle if i go in
its not fair to the kids (because that’s who he’s really messed up over)
like they were so upset and it’s not fair to have them have to like, be separated form their homes and from their parents
roger is just so natural around the kids?
like u honestly wouldn’t even notice that he’d been gone
he slips right back in
he’s a bit distant for a few days, learning the new routines, new schedules, new favourites, new dislikes
but once he’s got it? he’s back in there
but just. flinching away from the casual touches that pass between the four of them
 so later dom fucks john and forgets a condom and has a pregnancy scare
 and roger is like. weirdly……. fine
 and dom is like??????? what the hell ur ok with this??? if i am pregnant?
 and roger is like…… i haven’t decided yet
 and dom’s like wtf do u mean? and he’s like. it would be a dick move of me to just leave ig. so perhaps we could separate but i’d stay living here in a separate room from the three of you?
 and ronnie is like? those are the only two options for you
 we’ve been back together for like eight months
 and rogers like? and we were separated for over a year
i’m still not sure if this is real
freddie calls john one night like. a month or so after the condom revelation (which they’ve all been. sorta sadly going along with? like it ruins the mood a little bit each time bc it’s a reminder that something’s a little bit broken here), and is like. look. i. i really shouldn’t be telling you this? but i think he’ll end up regretting it because i. god knows WHY but i have faith that you guys are all gonna pull thru this. but rog’s munich trip next week for the cross? yeah he’s booked in for a vasectomy.like he wouldn’t say anything because he doesn’t want them to make it a Big Deal
 and they’re SO UPSET but they’re like we can’t tell him not to because…if he wants to, he wants to
So when he comes back from munich 
 they think he had a vasectomy
 John is like how does one check for that?? Does his penis look different???
 Does his sperm taste different?? How would we know???
but one night he just goes to ronnie Just bends her right over and is like let’s do this and it’s the hottest sex they’ve had
 like they have INSANELY HOT SEX and they’re all. laying there. happy and sated. rog is curled up in the middle super asleep and the three of them are just all wide awake staring at the ceiling like huh. what feels weird
and then they realize and they’re like he didn’t use a condom so that means…..
 and then they just PANIC
 and he’s like oh my godddd shut up i’ve gotta be up for swimming lessons in like. five hours oh my god
 and ronnie is like maybe he did maybe he didn’t but like YES YOUR SWIMMERS ARE THE ISSUE RIGHT NOW
 and roger is like is…that a problem??? 
 and like they’re panicked bc!!!! he REALLY didn’t want any more kids!!!! they don’t wanna fuck with that they’re finally in a good place again!!!!!
and roger is like, sorry, guess i should have talked to you guys about having another kid???
 but ye he’s. secure again. and their youngest is like. older now. he misses babies. and also miami still got all the old paperwork
and they’re like wait….so you didn’t get the vasectomy??? 
and roger is like lol no
so like, oops, ronnie, you uh, might be uh…pregnant
and they all just sort of fall on top of him because while they’re still not perfect
it’s a start
they have like, five more kids afterwards
 veronica, the trooper, still having fucking babies into the mid 90s
 god bless her
 Veronica’s uterus is the real MVP
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