#kith. u guys will be so sick of me w my game recaps next season!!!
larsnicklas · 6 months
anyway i guess the main takeaways from that game are:
sasha just looks soooo big on ice man. he’s not even that big really like he’s 6-3 that’s pretty big but he looks bigger on the ice he just ranges around out there with his long ass stick winning board battles, getting to the front of the net, and pretending he hasn’t scored when he clearly has. he’s simply so responsible defensively he plays with absolutely zero ego!!! he’s so good in all game states…. i kiss him on his rosy cheek
very funny bit for sasha to steal another swaggy goal btw
uh some !! adjustment time needed with aaron out and playing with another lhd for sure. (i missed him and so did they lol.) they settled in as they went but the first 30 minutes or so were wobbly!!
reino automatic on the man advantage 😤 auston he’s coming for you!!!
monty has great offensive instincts and he’s just really smooth. smooth skater, smooth stick handler. several times tonight had me leaning forward to see what he could do.
gus just steady as anyone i’ve ever seen, seriously. has to be one of the waiver claims of all time. he’s just so smart; not flashy but so efficient. extremely trustworthy. i loved watching him live to see how many little things he does right
vladi is BACKCHECKING man. with love and reverence, i would not say this is something he has been known for over the course of his career. great great sign to see that buy in already + he looks good on that top line
sam b.ennett i just have a soft spot a mile wide for you. he’s a hard worker and an explosive skater and yeah actually he and matthew are in fact perfect for each other lol. and he’s so competitive. i know he sometimes commits war crimes but who amongst us does not….. i will defend his rights but most of all i will defend his wrongs! happy 600 games king may there be many many more!!!
bob incredible. in his postgame matthew said it could have been 8-0 through the first half of the game or so and that is correct. he was the best panther on the ice tonight easily
wait i want you guys to know that lundy very patiently played the world’s slowest game of rock paper scissors and he kept accidentally winning so he stood there and played until he lost and could honorably throw the child on the other side of the glass the puck
sasha was also a puck fairy during warmups i was charmed
matthew is just a terrible little man just slashing guys on the shinpads behind the play getting into guys’ faces and generally being a nuisance. and of course he backed that up with his play — not in the first two. but in the third. lol. he’s wonderful. funnily enough the only penalty he did actually draw was the one that resulted in the 4-3 goal and that one was just because he can’t skate. guys sitting behind me were hopping mad they were like HEY STAY ON YOUR FEET and i wanted to turn and say listen this is NOT his forte that was NOT a dive he’s just not a very good skater!!!
btw many s.tars fans will say the officiating favored the cats. what they will NOT bring up is a missed penalty on one end and then a soft call on the the panthers that led to the 2-0 lead and then the missed icing that resulted in a 3-0 lead. and it’s not like the cats had more power plays they just happened to go 3-4 instead of 1-5 like the s.tars did. so like. it’s not the panthers’ fault your team can’t kill a penalty idk!!
cardiac cats i LOVE you thank u for shutting up s.tars fans 💕💕💕
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