#kitkat holding
kitkatomo · 1 year
How I Prep For A Hold
As we all know, this is a messy fucking kink. While some people are into the messy aspect and love cleaning up after, I am not one of those people and I love having a normal apartment that doesn't smell like piss when I'm not indulging in kink. If you're like me, live alone, and want ideas for solo hold prep, here's what I do.
1. Don't eat a big meal before doing a hold and make sure you've gone to the bathroom (and are empty both in bladder and digestive tract) before starting. Having a churning stomach will make it uncomfortable to drink enough liquids and if you're not into scat or vomit, the risk of having digestive issues can make it difficult to relax and give yourself into the hold. You may even be forced to end the hold early and that's just frustrating and annoying. Also, DON'T dehydrate before holding. It's better for your health to drink a glass or two of water, empty your bladder, and then start the hold with a hydrated body.
2. Charge sex toys and have them within reach during the hold
3. Take care of all real-life obligations and make yourself unavailable. The last thing I want in the middle of a hold is to have to answer emails or messages.
4. Make sure the washing machine is empty and ready to use. Put a clean towel on the towel rack for the post-omo shower. Change bedsheets and lay out clean, comfortable pajamas. After a session, I want to be fully clean and comfortable.
5. Find a place to hold that you feel safe and secure in. I've held in both my living room and my bedroom, but my living room feels too big and too exposed for me to feel really comfortable holding and wetting there, especially naked. Make sure a large area of the floor is clean and free from clutter. Put down the big plastic shower curtain liner (washable) and your towel(s). I usually don't like to hold on furniture, but you can always use the plastic to cover a couch/chair too.
7. Make sure there's a clear path between your holding area and the bathroom, just in case. If you're trying to make it to the shower and actively leaking/spurting (which can be fun), it would suck to piss on all of your stuff and have increased cleaning time/effort.
8. Prepare whatever you're drinking and bring it to wherever you're holding. Leaving my holding area (except to get into the shower before or after wetting) during a hold makes me anxious, so I prepare at least 1 big pitcher of water and a cup with measurements. I also have an electric kettle I can bring into my bedroom if I want to drink tea as well.
9. Have wireless headphones within reach. I like to listen to sound effects while holding and it helps focus me on my hold and not external noise.
10. Change into omo clothes. I have a dedicated pair of old, soft shorts I like to use for omo so I don't ruin my actual clothes. I may try a fully naked hold one of these days.
I know it sounds like a lot of prep, but it really only takes 20-30 minutes and then I can do hours of drinking and holding, a full euphoric wetting, and an easy cleanup with no stress. Post wetting session, all I have to do is mop up the plastic liner with the towel, strip out of my soaked clothes, and throw it all in the washing machine before getting in the shower. After that, it's just clean and soft aftercare before putting my blissed-out and exhausted self to bed.
On a more personal note, my mental health is very important to me during holding sessions. I like turning my brain off and getting messy and desperate during sessions and love the inevitable loss of control while holding, but if I can't get myself and my environment clean immediately after the session ends, I will be trapped in a self-hate spiral that lasts for days. Degradation isn't a kink for me and my mind will torture me if I don't do my well-prepped aftercare rituals to get clean again. Basically, my prep is what makes me feel safe and comfortable enough to indulge in omo without dropping hard after ❤️
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wulfhalls · 2 months
why not give your cat a beautiful Austrian name like Reinhard, Gustl, Erwin or Werner? personally I think he looks like a Gottfried
😭😭😭😭😭 ah yes me and my beloved kitten franz joseph <3 u just listed like three of our neighbours here 😭 but now thinking about it amadeus is low key cute. help. I shall name him reichstadt or ladislaus postumus after my favourite cringefail habsburg offspring
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fabulouslygaybean · 2 months
ive had a rough day but i took a nap with kitkat on the couch and now im feeling a lot better
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dreemurr-skelememer · 2 years
Bro did I just see some wholesomeness in the asks? Dawg that's crazy! How totally tubular and radical of them!
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thevalleyoftriumph · 1 year
protip, hold down the number keyz for the bellz to hear an ungodly noise!
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kitkatpancakestack · 2 years
final whump submission of the night:
its been written before but the idea that chase mackey lost his job because buck turned down the lawsuit money (or at least that didn’t help) and maybe lost even more in the pandemic (house? marriage? dealers choice) and he blames buck so he kidnaps him. idk.
like the well, i love the idea that eddie got himself out with no help so the same goes here. buck manages to escape but as he flees he collides with the 118 who were searching for him. we get a reuniting hug/collapse between buck and eddie 😈
Kidnapped Buck and bamf!Buck all in one go? Uhhh YES
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fuckfuckgoback · 24 days
light vent
re last reblog: I have more thoughts but didnt want to be negative on a post like that. I love talking to people about fandom stuff but I forget a lot of people arent as accepting as me, and I always let my guard down a little too much.
theres that specific reaction when I mention something and the mood shifts. where they back up just a little and I know i've talked too much.
I know people are going to be weirded out but, it still hurts. and its usually, like, goddamn, trolls. god forbid I like a shitty childrens movie????
normies I get, but some of yall should not be talking.
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utahimeow · 7 months
cw — reader and gojo have a daughter, established marriage, gojo is sad but reader comforts him
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satoru gojo is not a man of many fears. heights, spiders, needles, death—fearing these is alien to a man who’s looked death itself in the eye and refused to let it touch him. however the words that his five-almost-six year-old daughter just uttered send shivers down his spine.
he’s frozen, eyes wide, face pale. he thinks his lungs stop working and his heart stops beating.
big, blue eyes round as a bug’s stare up at him, oblivious to the implications of it all.
the sentence echoes in his head like a taunt. he thinks he’ll hear it in his nightmares tonight.
then, her little hand as she tugs on his pant leg yanks him back to reality.
“daddy, i said my tooth fell out!”
satoru gulps, gaze falling to the crumb of bone in her hand, then to the tiny gap that’s now in the front of her mouth.
he didn’t think it would happen so soon.
you’re home from work not long later and the girl rushes to greet you at the door, screeching with delight to announce the loss of her tooth to you.
you’re gasping dramatically, gathering her up in your arms as she gives you a gummy smile so wide her eyes scrunch shut. staring at her is like looking in a mirror, a perpetually perfect reflection of you and your love combined into one small being.
“it didn’t hurt, did it?” you ask her.
“nope! i didn’t even cry,” she tells you, beaming with pride.
“oh, how brave you are,” you tell her, kissing her soft cheeks, grinning as her giggles bubble throughout the entire foyer.
she wriggles out of your grasp and then she’s off again, bounding back upstairs to her room to the pile of plushies upon her bed so she can continue to brew up tales and backstories for each of them. now that both her mother and father have heard her big news, she’s satisfied enough for it to no longer need to be on her mind.
you’re not surprised to find satoru in the kitchen, rummaging through the snack cupboard. you are surprised at the fact that he doesn’t turn to greet you like he always does. with a pout, you stride over to his towering frame and snake your arms around his slender waist, pressing yourself flush to him.
“hi, lover,” you hum.
in your embrace, satoru becomes lighter. the tension in his hard muscles lifts, his shoulders dropping, his back shedding the weight of the world.
“hi, pretty,” he replies, uncharacteristically quiet, yet somehow his voice still drips with affection for you.
“what’s the matter?” you ask him. you’re well aware of your husband’s melodramatic nature, and it’s because of that that you don’t find yourself worrying over his state of despair. still, you’re rather filled with a curiosity—what minuscule nonsensical issue has him down today? did they discontinue his favourite kitkat flavour?
hands migrating up his torso and finding his chest, you squeeze your fingers into the fat of his pectorals. in the blink of an eye, satoru is facing you and his cold hands have grabbed hold of your wrists. he grins down at you softly, amused by your antics as always, but you blink again and his face drops, growing almost grave.
“talk to me,” you urge, prying. his soft grasp leaves your wrists, moving to envelop your hands which drown in his. he brings them to his lips, kissing at your fingertips, making your heart beat in your ears and your face grow hot. it’s strange to think he once shrivelled away from your affection, convinced he was not worthy of it.
“how was work?” he asks.
“fine. good. same as always,” you tell him. “but you’re avoiding my question. and your feelings.”
he shakes his head, a child through and through. “tell me about your day.”
“satoru,” you say, stern, and it feels like you’re scolding your daughter for not listening to you. “i hate it when you’re… off like this.”
his eyes pierce through yours then, filled with unspoken apology. then, he exhales, long and hard, a sigh that’s heavy with weariness. for you, he’s learned to surrender.
“our daughter losing her tooth today made me realise that she’s getting older and i can’t stop it,” he admits.
you sigh along with him, half relieved that your conscience had been right in believing that it wasn’t anything serious. well, in the sense that no one had died. the rest of you knows he’s not being irrational. since becoming a father, and even before that, when having children was just a distant fantasy for him, an anxiety had lived inside of him. an anxiety of fucking up, of being inherently unsuited to fatherhood, of the idea that she may suffer the consequences of him being her father.
and now, a new anxiety sprouts.
“true, but we get to watch her grow, satoru. don’t you think that’s amazing?”
he stays silent, mouth forming an absentminded pout.
“i just keep thinking about when she was a baby… how tiny she was, how she would waddle around, and drool on my chest. soon she won’t be my little girl anymore, you know?”
“satoru,” you say firmly. your hands curl around the back of his neck, scratching at the snowy hairs of his undercut. “she’ll always be your little girl. i know that because she’s your whole world, and you’re hers. she may never be that little baby again, but she’ll never be as little as she is now either, so love and cherish her now instead of moping about the inevitable passage of time.”
satoru smiles a dopey smile at you, the same one his daughter has.
“i’m so glad i married you,” he says. his hands are warm now as they settle on your lower back, dipping down, down, down.
you roll your eyes at him, opening your mouth to reply with something witty, but he beats you to it.
“i’m being serious now, baby. you always know what to say when i’m being stupid.”
“when you’re being overdramatic, you mean,” you say, grinning playfully.
“hey, it just shows that i care, doesn’t it?”
you pull him down to your face by his neck and kiss him, moulding your lips against his, tender and warm and home. it’s not just his thoughts that melt away when he kisses you, it’s his entire head, until all that’s left is a man with nothing but his wife on his mind, heart beating for no reason other than to keep him alive so that he can keep thinking about you.
briefly, you pull away, in spite of how he chases your lips with his, because he could kiss you until the end of time and you could do the very same, but there’s something weighing on your mind suddenly.
“if you want a second baby i can make that happen, by the way,” you tell him, your hips pressing against his.
“oh, now you want another one? but every time i ask for one i get an earful? heh,” he says, quirking a brow, but unfortunately for him he’s hard in his pants in an instant.
“yeah, but now i feel bad for you.”
“babe, i don’t want a kid out of pity!”
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kitkatomo · 21 days
Listen to the first audio to hear me lose control at 150 oz. of water
Listen to the second to hear what came after 😈🔥
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need a part 2 for sleeping beauty already omg ur writing is too beautiful, need to read Spencer being shy n sweet
:((( ♡
thank you honey🥺 i want spencer to whisper in my ear😔 pt1
“are you okay with sharing a popcorn?” looking to your left at spencer while the two of you stood in the concessions line.
the old styled theater was heavily packed with different ages of people. from young children with parents, to couples holding onto each other, and elderly adults sitting down before heading into the show room. you could see why spencer would enjoy coming to this place, he could meet people of similar interest.
spencer held on tightly to the strap of his satchel, “i don’t really eat popcorn much. also did you know that popcorn has been around for about nine thousand years, evidence found by archaeologists in peru.” he looked away from you then squeezed his eyes shut, “uh, but i’ll be okay with- with sharing if i want a few pieces.”
your lips shaped into a smile, “we can ask for a water cup and pour some in for yourself before i start eating.” two steps forward in line, “what size drink? and beverage?” eyes squinting a bit to read over the options.
“your not paying, right?” a stern tone from spencer that it gives you whiplash for a moment. his brows are harshly pinched in the middle, a finger twitched at the urge to smooth out the wrinkle.
you shrugged, “you bought the tickets, thought i could buy the food. probably gonna be equal pricing in total.” used to splitting or paying in full for past dates.
spencer pushed his bag behind him, your wallet was tucked away in the brown leather. “no, this is a date,” insisting, “i’m paying for everything. i want to treat you.” softening his voice as he stared at you, his eyes rounding out into that doe shape.
you bit into your bottom lip, saving your cheeks from their future ache of how strong your smile widened. “okay,” embracing spencer’s gentlemanly deed. you looked back to the line, only three more people ahead.
you let your arms rest at your sides, fingers constantly moving, wanting to do something bold but unsure if it’s too soon. there was a ghost of knuckles that tingled your skin and then, one slender finger wrapped itself around your pointer finger. your heart skipped a beat at the contact, but you acted like this was an everyday occurrence, the intimacy felt normal.
“do you want any candy?” spencer resumed your food chat. you hummed for a moment, “if i get a kitkat and reeces pieces, will you share with me?” giving your joined digits a slight swing.
“the kitkat. not a big fan of the reeces texture.” once at the counter spencer recited your order easily, not bothering with a spare water cup. you carried your soda while spencer held the small popcorn, his water and the candy placed into his bag.
“are you okay with the back? don’t want to distract people with all my moving.” standing at the foot of the steps, only two third of the seats filled during the commercials.
you dragged spencer behind you as you guided the both of you to the last row, a pair of seats close to the middle. “are you okay with translating the whole thing? if it’s like the original then i’ll be fine.” hoping spencer still agrees, but the movie is an hour and a half long.
spencer was distracted with his bag when he replied, “i’ve already seen this movie. i don’t mind talking you through it.”
your face warmed instantly at the innuendo. “just- just take a break whenever. i can use context clues.” crossing a leg over a knee so you can lean closer into spencer’s side. “thank you, for this date,” whispered between the two of you.
spencer turned his head quickly that your noses brushed, his lip parting and you let your eyes drop to the plush pink calling to you. you let your head move in just an inch closer, waiting to see if spencer will lean away or go forward. just before there was a definite decision the lights dimmed and an usher walked in front of the screen.
you settled your back against the cushioned chair but stayed leaning, elbow resting on the arm rest. “enjoy the show,” the usher finished with before leaving and just a moment after the projector lights shined above your heads.
sleeping beauty appeared in swooping cursive titling then faded into the opening scene of a giant fairytale book. you barely moved your head when you felt spencer’s breath ghosting over your ear, needing to suppress a sudden shiver.
“once upon a time…”
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siixkiing · 2 years
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“HAHA YES!! The massive bag of peach kitkats I ordered have finally arrived!!”
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mimiriko · 11 months
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You are increasingly becoming aware that bringing the exact amount of change to the vending machine was a risk. A risk you never make because this particular machine is notorious for malfunctioning and dropping snacks.
It’s near midnight. A lone breeze brushes past and ruffles your nightwear, leaving goosebumps in its wake. You could go back to your room, but there’s a tender soreness in your legs from the days work. It’s too troublesome for the mere purpose of sweetening your mouth.
But your chocolate…
“You’re still up?”
A figure shadows you. You look up to your right, and see the moon in the form of bedhair. Sometimes, he forgoes his glasses when everything is casted in black and slightly easy on his eyes, so you’re met with blue rimmed with snow peering down at you.
“Hungry,” you respond, focusing back on the task at hand. Cautiously, experimentally, you tip the machine further right, small uniform shakes to loosen the kitkat stuck on the edge, an arrow away from a bullseye. Satoru stretches next to you, idly releasing the kinks in his neck. “I wanted to sleep early today,” he bemoans, slumping to your side and stays put, even with you floundering with his weight.
“Quit it!” you yelp, tightening your grip on the machine. You’re finally making progress and he decides to set you back three steps.
“Suguru told me i’m getting eye bags,” he prattles, rubbing at the aforementioned place, “I cannot have eye bags. Imagine that! My perfect sky blue eyes and dull skin underneath. It will ruin my whole look.”
Almost there…you feel yourself going cross eyed from staring at the kitkat for so long. The hook of metal around the corner of the package is slipping, just a little jostle away from setting your chocolate free.
But you stop.
You notice it’s suddenly quiet.
The reflection of the display glass allows you to see him staring just as you are, attentively watching if you make it out of here happily or suicidal. You straighten a bit, weirdly put on the spot.
“Hey…why don’t you just—“ his hands shoot out, shaking it ten times rougher than you.
Your alarms blare. “Wait wait wait—”
Your kitkat is set free.
And you watch it drop to the row below it, on top of a juice box.
“Oh.” He says shakily, a nervous giggle following. “Whoops.”
You turn your face to his side profile, and he pointedly looks ahead. His neck is bared to you, unblemished and devoid of accessories. A solid mark left on him would paint a good picture, an outline of your teeth. It might be the first mark he has ever gotten.
You think of Yaga-sensei, and his strict protocol for punishment when a fight breaks out. Especially when it disturbs others, because you’re definitely sure his screams will bleed to the top floors. You’ll make sure it does. Shoko will give you a celebratory hug for finally giving it to him, but will be disappointed that you would have to miss your lunch together. Utahime from all the way in Kyoto will mail you a gift and you’re pretty sure even Mei Mei would send you some cash.
As if sensing your malevolence, he quickly backs away. “H-Hold on! Look—“ he digs in his pocket hastily and pulls out a note. With sweaty hands he inserts it into the machine, and takes your hand palm up and places another kitkat in your hold.
You stare at it, and then at his pockets. “Give me another.”
You end up walking back to your dorm with handfuls of chocolate and a broke Satoru holding more just for you.
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shotmrmiller · 1 month
Omg, imagine being a popular NEW of!model. Rising popularity, very real, bubbly and sweet. She’s more soft core, nothing crazy. Hardly a blip on the radar.
She does regular content and sexual content, and during this one video her and another model are reviewing dildos. Categorizing them by ‘boring bed time’ ‘make it work wank’ ‘casual Friday fuck’ then she gets to a popular model-
A silicone replica of Ghosts dick. a very popular porn star.
She holds it between two fingers and stares at it in horror as her co-star laughs. “This goes in the ‘not humanly possible’ category… jeez... Need a couple of sick days after this… maybe a wheelchair.”
The ‘Gaz’ model? “This one looks like I’d feel it in my tonsils…like a dentist…” *makes it wobble* “I don’t want to think about a dentist while holding this…”
The ‘Soap’ model. “This one looks angry and aggressive… I’ve never seen so many veins! Like he’s about to pop a blood vessel.”
The ‘Bravo 6’ model. “This is weighty as shit-“ *slaps the table with it* “could knock someone out with this one.”
“I personally don’t think that I could ever take any of these and live to tell the tale-“ and puts them off to the side in the ‘not humanly possible’ category…
Not ever expecting anything to come of this stupid video she filmed for laughs with a friend. Definitely didn’t think her video would be seen by the entire studio these men worked at… or by the porn stars themselves
The video was in good fun but, they were disappointed that such a sweet thing discarded a part of them most women loved! Maybe she should invite them over to hers and give her viewers a second review… compare the dildos to the originals…
They can show her! She can most definitely take it! (*imagine them all cooing and wiping away her tears as Ghost (the biggest) is making her take him… all condescending they want a fair review, alright?*)
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hold your horses because while both john's give the vid a hearty chuckle, gaz is already sliding into her dm's because let's check out that theory, doll and simon only huffs. (he'd break you, he thinks. split you in two like a bloody kitkat and the thought of it makes him dizzy)
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thevalleyoftriumph · 1 year
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cameronspecial · 6 months
Care For Each Other
Pairing: Dad!Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.3K
Summary: Tristan is such a good brother and Halloween proves that point.
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Tristan is such a sweet little boy. The three-year-old boy may be younger than his sister, but he likes to act like the older brother sometimes. This Halloween, Drew has to take the kids out trick or treating by himself. Y/N is pregnant with their third child and she can’t stand for very long. Millie is dressed as Sarah Cameron during Midsummer. She has never seen the show, but the pictures she has seen of her godmother made her want to be just like her. Tristan chose to be the family car, not one from any movie. Drew watches from the sidewalk as the two of them say the famous Halloween jingle. The owner of the house places the candy in their baskets and the kids make their way back to their dad. Tristan sees his sister having a hard time walking down the stairs in her long dress and holds out his hand to help her down. They return to their father still holding hands. 
They go around the neighbourhood, receiving candy from different people until the siblings get tired of walking. Before they go into the house, they drive to the store to get Y/N some chips and the kids can get some discount Halloween things. They get back home and Y/N is already asleep, so Drew sorts through the candy to make sure they are safe for the kids. Once the candy is sorted, Tristan and Millie look over at the haul. “Aww, I didn’t get any KitKats,” Millie whines, looking at all the treats she got with not a single red and white wrapper in sight. Tristan goes through his stash and picks out certain ones. He finishes what he is doing, running over to his sister. He places all of his KitKats in his sister’s pile. “For you, Sissy,” he informs her with a hug. She beams at her new chocolates and hugs her brother back. “Thank you!” she yells. “You can have my Twix because you like them.” Drew watches the scene with a smile. He knows that if anything happens to Y/N and him, he feels safe knowing that his kids will take care of each other.
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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alwaysmicado · 3 months
smile, baby
5.1k | 18+ MDNI | Nathan Bateman x f!reader
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Warnings: D/s dynamic, drinking, degradation, orgasm denial, masturbation (m), spitting, big fat cumshot Summary: Nathan teaches you a lesson in submission. You hate love it. A/N: Filth with heart. I can't be normal about this man, okay? Can be read alone or as a prequel to in control and predator & prey. Enjoy and let me know what you think! 🤍
“That’s what you want, isn’t it?” he asks. “Giving up control. Being able to turn your brain off.”
– – –
“What are we doing tonight?” You sit down on the couch beside Nathan, a glass of wine in hand. 
“I’m watching TV,” he answers coldly without as much as a glance in your direction.
“Hmm…okay,” you murmur. You take a generous sip from your glass, appreciating Nathan’s excellent taste in wine. It’s your favorite; you discovered it on a trip to France during your college years and haven’t been able to find it since then. 
What an incredible coincidence that he would just have it here, right?
Not right.
Unbeknownst to you, Nathan meticulously arranged every single detail of your living environment before you even crossed the threshold of his mansion for the first time. 
The exquisite wine you now sip, seemingly a stroke of luck, was deliberately stocked to align with your taste. Much like the lavender shampoo that envelops you in its soothing fragrance during each shower, the never-ending supply of fresh strawberries, and the perpetually replenishing KitKats in your minibar, each aspect of your surroundings has been carefully curated to ensure your every comfort is met.
You haven’t really picked up on that fact yet, as you’re still in the process of settling into your new, exciting, but overwhelming environment.
In the two weeks since moving in, you’ve immersed yourself in the intricacies of artificial intelligence, navigating the uncharted waters of innovation under Nathan’s eccentric mentorship.
And eccentric, he is.
It took you five minutes of mostly one-sided conversation to realize that his intellect, an unmatched force of brilliance, is rivaled only by the staggering magnitude of his ego.
And, even more strikingly, it took you just as little time to realize you’ve never craved another human being as badly as you do him. There’s just something about him…beneath all the arrogance and assholery. You can’t put your finger on it, but you feel it’s there.
Nathan sensed your immediate attraction to him, of course, reading your microexpressions and body language. And after a few days of subtle teasing, he decided to give you a small taste of pleasure you didn’t know you were capable of, only to leave you without it for the past week since then.
Beyond lingering glances, the subtle brush of his hand against the small of your back in the kitchen, the knowing smirk when he catches you stealing glances at the bulge in his shorts, or his deliberate choice to work out shirtless—Nathan has been purposefully cold, relishing in your growing desperation.
For him, this is more than a game; he revels in a level of amusement he hasn’t experienced in years.
He could never get the androids to look at him with the same intensity, hunger, and raw need he can see in your eyes, and the control he now holds over your desires is a source of unparalleled satisfaction.
He definitely made the right choice by selecting you.
Nestling your feet under you in an attempt to find comfort on the cushion, you silently study your boss’s profile, observing as he brings the fourth bottle of beer to his lips. Your eyes slowly trace the distinct contours of his nose, the meticulous lines of his beard, the strength evident in his neck and shoulders, until they finally reach the casual sprawl of his naked feet at rest on the coffee table.
His lidded eyes remain unwaveringly fixated on the screen as he leisurely surfs through the channels, a deliberate act of indifference that extends to ignoring your presence. You nervously chew on your lip, trying your hardest not to break the silence first, even though you so obviously want to.
Seemingly absorbed in the movie he settled on, Nathan is keenly aware of your eyes repeatedly drifting towards him, lingering for a few seconds before retreating reluctantly back to the indifferent glow of the screen. 
You’re so cute when you’re trying to be coy. 
“Did you think of me?” he asks suddenly, taking a sip of his beer. 
“Did I…huh?” you respond, startled, your brow furrowed in confusion.
He turns his head to look at you, his face revealing no emotion, his dark eyes piercing yours. A shiver runs down your spine as his gaze drops to your lips for a split second before finding your sparkling eyes again. 
“When you were fucking yourself with that purple dildo last night. Did you think of me?” He peers at you with a straight face, casually taking another sip from his bottle. 
Your heart skips a beat, and heat immediately rushes to your cheeks as his words hang in the air. Shocked and exposed, your eyes widen, and your body tenses. After a few endless seconds, surprise turns into a mixture of anger and humiliation as you figure out how he knows.
Mother. Fucker. There’s a fucking camera in your room.
“No need to act embarrassed, baby,” he scoffs. “You put on quite a show.”
“It’s not technically a show when I’m unaware that my pervy boss is watching me, though, is it?” you snap at him, crossing your arms defensively in front of your chest.
“Yeah, well. It’s all in the NDA you signed.”
“Oh, of course it is,” you chuckle incredulously, looking up at the high ceiling of the living room. 
“Did you think of me?” Nathan asks again, his eyes not leaving you.
“Uh...yeah, I did.” You down the rest of your wine in one go.
“Tell me about it.”
You sigh deeply. “You saw everything, so why don’t you tell me?” you say, unsuccessfully trying to mask your embarrassment with annoyance.
Nathan raises an eyebrow but doesn’t respond.
When he had you on your knees in front of him a week ago, hands tied behind your back, allowing you a few seconds to catch your breath before going back to fucking your throat, he asked if you’d thought of him while touching yourself. You were flying high at that point, teetering on the edge, so desperate for release that you would have admitted anything he asked.
And so, you blurted out the truth. 
He can tell you regret it now, but that only makes him want to push you further. The thought of forcing you to admit what you want, what you are, has his cock hardening in his sweatpants. 
“Okay, fine,” you murmur, unable to take the deafening silence anymore. You clear your throat and shift uncomfortably in your seat.
“I couldn’t fall asleep and thought…you know, an orgasm might help. So I started with my hand, trying to get myself off as fast as possible. But then, um, that wasn’t enough,” you trail off, your gaze avoiding his, and you set the empty wine glass on the coffee table with a sigh.
“Look at me, baby.”
Nathan studies your face, typically adorned with a confident smile, and feels a surge of satisfaction as he takes in your dilated pupils and bashful expression. This is turning you on.
“My fingers weren’t enough, so I thought I could use the toy I brought. I, um,” you inhale and exhale deeply, “I imagined it was you and I thought of what you…I thought of what you’d do to me.”
Anxiously, you search his eyes for a sign of approval, your heart racing in your chest.
“What did you think I’d do to you?” he asks, taking a swig of his beer without breaking eye contact.
You swallow audibly, your fingers fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, your cheeks ablaze with heat. The sensation coursing through your body is undeniable—an intoxicating blend of humiliation and arousal.
Under Nathan’s intense scrutiny, you can feel yourself growing wetter with each passing second, succumbing to the forbidden pleasure of confessing your innermost, shameful desires.
“I thought you’d grab me like last time and kiss me…kiss my neck, bite my lip, hold me down while…” you stop again, too ashamed to go on.
“Hold you down while?” Nathan prompts, making it clear that you’re not done talking.
You tilt your head and furrow your brow as your gaze lingers on the man who has dominated every waking thought since the first time your eyes locked with his.
He’s condescending, self-centered, moody, and so used to playing God in his kingdom of androids that he’s seemingly forgotten how to connect with humans and their emotions. And yet, there’s an inexplicable allure about him that has you longing for his touch, his attention, his…guidance.
What is going on with you?   
“I imagined you’d put your weight on me, keeping me pinned down, making it impossible for me to get away,” you say, peering at him through your lashes. “You’d fuck me, hard, using me in any way you like.”
You bite your lip and shift in your seat, feeling your pussy clench around nothing as you catch sight of Nathan’s hard cock twitching beneath the elastic fabric of his sweatpants. He’s still looking at you, his casual demeanor unchanged, beer in hand on his belly. 
“You’d take, um, you’d take control of me, choking me, muffling my screams with your hand, grabbing my tits. I’d beg you to let me come, you’d bring me right to the edge and then you’d stop, denying me over and over again, and using me until I…”
“Until you?”
The subtle arch of Nathan’s eyebrow, the lingering scent of his beard oil, the way his lips press against the glass bottle’s opening—it all ignites an overwhelming surge of arousal within you, urging you to give him what he wants.
“Until I couldn’t take it anymore,” you purr seductively, your pupils so dilated your eyes are black.
“Is that the thought that made you squirt all over your bed?”
Your jaw drops and your chest tightens, the humiliation intensifying as he talks about this intimate, vulnerable moment with such nonchalance. Like it’s not a complete invasion of your privacy. Like he’s not penetrating the very core of your personal boundaries. 
You feel a flutter in your stomach, and your throat constricts as you struggle to find your words.
“I…no,” you murmur, averting your gaze. Your eyes land on Nathan’s hand gripping the bottle a little harder than before. “What pushed me over the edge was you telling me to come.” 
When your eyes meet his again, you recognize the same dark glint in them that you saw seconds before his lips crashed against yours for the first time. 
“I would beg you to let me come over and over again, and you’d always deny me…until you decided I deserved it. And when you, uh, when you ordered me to come on your cock, I came so hard I lost all control.” 
Nathan can barely hold back a groan as you confess your desire for his dominance. His cock is leaking precum, staining the inside of his pants. He’s this close to ripping your clothes off and taking you right here, right now, burying himself deep inside you and filling you up with his cum. 
But that’s not the plan for tonight.
“Is that so,” is all he says, turning his head back to the TV, a satisfied, almost unnoticeable smirk playing on his lips. He chugs the rest of his beer, then sets the empty bottle down on the little side table next to him. 
Keeping his eyes on the flickering screen, he purposely ignores you again, reveling in the escalating neediness and desperation he perceives from you. He can sense your fidgeting and squirming beside him, uncertain of your next move. After a brief pause, you lift your hand but retract it hesitantly. Amused, Nathan catches a glimpse of your indecision from the corner of his eye.
You’re such a perfect little slut—beautiful, eager, smart, pliant. And it just tickles him that you could scream at him to fuck your ass harder during sex, but act all shy and flustered when asked to talk about it. 
Another minute of silence, and you’re unable to resist any longer. Your swollen clit is painfully sensitive, your damp panties are clinging to your pussy, and your brain is screaming at you to make a move. You reach out again, this time making contact with Nathan’s clothed chest. The rhythmic beat of his heart becomes palpable under your touch, and feeling his body connected with yours has you pressing your thighs together. 
Your breath quickens as you slowly start trailing your hand down his chest and his belly, but before you get a chance to touch his cock, he stills your hand with his.
“Don’t,” he says without looking at you.
You wince and immediately pull your hand away, clasping it protectively against your chest with your other hand.
“I thought…sorry.” You look at him like he just slapped you.
Nathan sighs, but doesn’t say anything. There’s no scolding, no inquiries, no indication of what he wants you to do—it’s unnerving. You’re fidgeting with your shirt again, clearing your throat, and shifting your legs, trying to find a position that will alleviate at least some of the burning ache in your core. 
“Can I–” you say quietly, but cut yourself off. You’re facing him completely now, feet tucked under you, hands on your thighs, a silent restraint preventing you from reaching out to touch him again.
Satisfied that you’re learning, he decides to reward you with his attention. His eyes find yours again, and he’s pleasantly surprised by what he sees. It’s not just lust or neediness; no, you’re lost. Completely, unequivocally lost without his orders.
Nathan’s used to Kyoko looking at him with a blank face, awaiting his commands, reacting to his actions, doing what he programmed her to do. But this is different.
You actually want him to tell you what to do.
He takes his feet off the coffee table and scoots back in his seat, spreading his legs. “Sit on the floor,” he orders, watching with an imperceptible smile as your eyes light up. You quickly get off the couch and kneel on the floor between his legs, your eyes fixated on the outline of his cock inches from your face.
You want to taste it so bad you can feel yourself salivating at the sight. You bite your lip and move a little closer, looking up at Nathan expectantly before gently putting your hands on his thighs. He lifts his hips slightly, groaning at the delicious feeling of his tip rubbing against his pants. You take that as a sign to continue, moving your hands further up to the waistband.
“No,” he says calmly before you can pull it down. 
“Why not?” You don’t pull away your hands this time. “You’re hard. Why won’t you let me–”
“Look.” He leans down to tilt your chin up with his thumb and index finger. “I get that you’re a needy whore and seeing my cock instinctively makes you want to suck it, I really do, baby,” he scoffs, condescension dripping from his words. “But I honestly thought you’d be able to follow a simple instruction even dogs can understand.”
A sharp inhale catches in your throat and your eyes widen at his demeaning words. Your gaze locked onto his, you can feel a surge of frustration coursing through your veins, tinged with a spark of defiance. You swallow hard, trying to keep your composure.
Nathan tilts his head, studying your expression, your reaction. You could have slapped him by now, stormed off, told him to go fuck himself—anything. But no, you’re still kneeling between his legs, lust and determination evident in your eyes.
“Let’s try this again, hm?” His thumb gently traces your bottom lip. The sensation sends a wave of ecstasy through your body and it takes all of your self-control not to start sucking on his finger. He can read in your eyes what you’re thinking, so he repeats the motion with your upper lip just to test your resolve. 
The way you squirm under his touch is mesmerizing and oh so gratifying.
“Sit on the floor.”
He releases his hold on your chin, reclines into the couch, grabs another beer from the side table, and redirects his attention back to the TV. 
You decide to crawl out from between his legs, ensuring he gets a tantalizing view of your shapely ass in those snug yoga shorts. Leaning against the couch with a deep sigh, you position yourself next to his leg. You glance up at him, searching for a sign that he’s happy with your obedience—and also very much hoping for a reward that involves him fucking your brains out again. 
It’s not as if you don’t deserve it for enduring his grandiose monologues and drunken crying sessions every other night. Besides, you’re hot, and he should be so lucky…
To your frustration, though, he’s ignoring you again, absentmindedly tapping the beer bottle with his index finger as his eyes stay focused on the movie. He can feel your annoyance, your anger, and it’s almost enough to get his softening cock hard again.
You sit in silence for a minute before quietly scooting closer and gently leaning against Nathan’s leg. Feeling him, even through fabric, is enough to embolden you to go further. You look up at him, trying to be sneaky. He doesn’t look at you. His eyes are fixated on the TV, one hand cradling his beer, the other casually draped over the backrest. 
You’re not giving up that easily. Your pussy won’t let you. Just one little touch, and you’re convinced you can get him in the mood. Just one little touch, and he won’t be able to resist you. Just one little–
“I’m not going to fuck you.”
“Then why the fuck am I down here?”
“Because I want you to be.”
“Oh, wow,” you scoff, shaking your head in disbelief. “And now what? You think I’m just gonna sit here and watch you get drunk?”
He ignores your pouting.
“I got better stuff to do, you know.”
He turns up the volume of the TV. 
“This is so dumb, Nathan. Why do you want me to sit here if you’re just gonna ignore me?”
“You like it when I tell you what to do,” he says calmly.
You’re taken aback by his statement and furrow your brow. “Well, yeah…but this isn’t…I–”
He looks down at you, effectively shutting you up.
It’s absolutely amazing how he can watch in real time as the defiant fire in your eyes fizzles out. The small, self-satisfied smile creeping across his arrogant face stings.
He’s such a cocky bastard.
You huff agitatedly, cross your arms in front of your chest, demonstratively turn away from him, and kick your legs out from under you. Nathan, on the other hand, relaxes in his seat. He’s thoroughly enjoying your little show, and your pouting doesn’t bother him. Not as long as you’re doing what you’re told. 
After a few minutes of listening to the blood rushing in your ears and the occasional gulping sound coming from Nathan working on his beer, you can’t hold it back any longer.
“I’m not just gonna stay down here,” you hiss at him. 
“Yes, you are.”
You stare at him incredulously. “And what makes you so sure of that, huh? I could just walk away and leave you here to sulk. I don’t need this, okay? And you–you can’t just–”
Nathan says your name sharply. “Stop your whining. You’re sitting on the floor because I told you to. That’s it.”
He looks at you, his eyebrow arched, daring you to defy him.
“That’s it?” you repeat, your eyes narrowed. 
Nathan smirks and turns towards the TV again, slowly sipping his beer.
“Yup. That’s it.”
You glower at him, and, for a brief moment, he half-expects you to finally get up and storm out in frustration. He wouldn’t mind, really. But there seems to be a subtle shift within you, and after a few tense seconds, you release a long, aggravated breath. Turning away from him, you cross your arms with annoyance, and firmly plant your back against the couch.
Nathan keeps an eye on you, observing how your tense posture relaxes and how you make yourself comfortable after a few more minutes of sitting at his feet. 
It’s an image he wants to savor.
You’ve been good for some time now, doing what he told you to do, submitting to him nicely. He decides to reward your obedience, reaching out to pet the back of your head. You’re startled and your body stiffens at his touch, but he can feel you relax more and more with each gentle stroke of his palm up and down the nape of your neck. He gives you a soothing massage, soft scratches, allows you to lean into his touch. 
He’s stroking you for some time, relishing the feeling of dominance, of control, until a quiet moan escapes your lips. 
Nathan smiles to himself and tightens his grip on your neck for a few seconds, intensifying the sensation. You sigh in pleasure and close your eyes, getting lost in his forceful touch. He then loosens his grip, and you release a contented sigh as you rest your head against his leg. He lets you, gently scratching your scalp, your soft moans music to his ears.
“That’s it, baby,” he murmurs. “It’s so much better when you do what I say, hm?”
You lift your head to meet his gaze, your brow furrowed.
Seeing you look up at him with those pretty, lust-filled eyes of yours is enough to get his cock hard again.
“You can just do what you’re told,” he says, his fingers gently tracing your neck. “You don’t have to think, or ask questions. You can just let yourself fall and give up control.”
Your eyes widen, and he caresses your cheek. 
“That’s what you want, isn’t it?” he asks. “Giving up control. Being able to turn your brain off. Not having to think for yourself, not having to make decisions.”
You don’t respond, mesmerized by his dark eyes and calm voice. There’s a hint of surprise in your expression, but that doesn’t surprise him. You’ve been suppressing your desire for submission for a long time, and now, he’s presenting you with the chance to finally embrace it.
“If I want you to sit on the floor because that’s where I feel you belong, you don’t ask why. You just do it,” he says, running his thumb over your lips again. “Right?”
You nod slowly and press your thighs together with a little whine. Your panties are drenched and it physically hurts you how empty you feel.
“Very good,” Nathan murmurs, pressing his thumb against your lips, and giving you a quick nod when you look at him questioningly. You open your mouth for him to slide his finger inside, your eyes going even wider at the sensation.
Nathan’s cock twitches at your total submission.
He gently thrusts his thumb in and out of your mouth, sliding it along your warm tongue. You suck and lick it seductively, eyes half-closed as you hum around the digit, swirling your tongue around it as if to show him what his cock is missing.
He sucks in a sharp breath and takes his thumb back out of your mouth, pulling down your bottom lip slowly before bringing his face close to yours.
You half-expect him to kiss you, but instead he murmurs, “Clothes off, hands on your thighs.”
He watches contentedly as your eyes light up, and you eagerly follow his orders, pulling your shirt over your head, unclasping your bra, pulling down your shorts and panties in one swift motion.
“Kneel over there,” he says, directing you to a spot away from the couch.
He gets up and pulls down his sweatpants, letting them fall onto the floor. You stare at his cock with need, awe, and a tinge of fear—your holes were sore for days after your last encounter. He smiles to himself, crossing the distance between you two, and positioning himself in front of you. 
You’re sitting back on your heels, thighs spread, your hands firmly placed on them, your glistening pussy on display. There’s a smooth arch in your back and your head is tilted upwards as you wait for further instructions.
Nathan looks down at you, his eyes scanning your naked body, spits in his hand and starts stroking his cock. He groans at the delicious feeling of finally getting some relief. He hasn’t jerked off all day, despite watching the tape of you fucking yourself after he got up this morning. And after lunch. And again this afternoon.
To say he’s pent up would be an understatement.
“That’s it,” he moans, wasting no time to tease himself. His right hand sets a steady pace, sliding up and down his length with honed efficiency.
“I’m gonna come all over your pretty face, baby. And you’re gonna take it like a good girl, aren’t you?”
The thought of it, of Nathan marking you that way, dirty and wrong and everything you’re not supposed to desire, it sends a surge of heat through your body, settling in your clit with a throb.
You whimper an unintelligible response, your eyes fixated on his hand moving in practiced motions around his thick cock. Nathan chuckles above you, and you manage to tear your eyes away from his cock to catch the look of dark amusement on his face.
“You gotta speak up, baby. Or are you too cock-drunk to use your words already?”
You swallow hard and dig your nails into the flesh of your thighs. “Y-yes,” you manage to choke out. Your face burns with humiliation, intensifying your desperation as you plead, “Please come on my face, Nathan. I want you to mark me. Please give me your cum. Please.”
Shocked at your unexpectedly bold words, Nathan’s hand momentarily falters in its movement, before picking up again with increased speed.
A strangled groan bubbles out of his throat, followed by your name and a swipe of his thumb over the tip of his cock. His dark eyes meet yours for a split second, looking down at you as you’re patiently waiting for your reward with an opened mouth.
You writhe and squirm at the sound of Nathan’s groans and the intense sight of him pleasuring himself. You’ve never seen anything hotter. You want to touch yourself, to rub your clit or slip your fingers into your wet core—to finally get some release—but you resist the urge, clenching your hands into fists.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come, baby,” Nathan pants, his words coming ragged and tight. He’s so close.
You look up into his lidded eyes and whisper, “Please.”
“You want that, huh? Oh fuck. Such a filthy little cumslut.”
You moan at his words and feel your walls clench in desperation. Your arousal is dripping out of your pussy onto the floor below, an obscene sight that confirms what Nathan already knew. 
You’re loving this.
Nathan’s hand is jerking his leaking cock, fast and firm, as he races toward his orgasm. He’s all you can see, all you can hear, all you can feel—the wet squelching sound of his hand around his slick cock, his grunts and moans, the mumbled curses, the heat radiating off his imposing body.
You see him twitch in his hand and your swollen clit pulsates in response. He increases the speed of his hand and reaches to fondle his balls with his left hand. It takes a harsh squeeze and a “Holy shit, fuck!” before he’s coming with a long, low moan.
Your eyes shut instinctively but you don’t flinch as you can feel it hitting your face and tits in hot, wet spurts. You stay still, like the good girl that you are, moaning as another thick rope of Nathan’s cum lands across your lips, dripping into your mouth, salty and bitter on your tongue. 
You don’t get to see his face as he comes, but the explicit sounds that reach your ears are enough to make you twitch and moan in pleasure, expanding the puddle beneath you.
Nathan strokes himself through his orgasm until his balls are empty and he’s milked every last drop out of his cock and onto your face—until he’s painted you with it, until he’s marked you as his. 
Spent, he lets go of his pulsating cock, putting his hands on his hips, taking a step back to take a good, long look at his work of art.
Your face is painted white with cum, spread all over your cheeks, chin, and dripping down to your tits. You put on a little show, gathering up the drops with your finger and sensually putting them on your tongue while keeping unwavering eye contact.
“You can swallow,” Nathan says, pleased with your conduct. 
You do as he says, happily adding some more cum from your lips, and swallowing it all down with a blissed-out smile.
“Thank you, Sir,” you coo.
“Such a filthy little thing, aren’t you?” he murmurs, stepping closer. He bends down, grabs the back of your neck forcefully, and tilts your head up.
“Open your mouth, slut. Tongue out.”
You open wide, sticking your tongue out for him to see. He leans in to let a big glob of his spit fall directly into your open mouth. He hums in satisfaction as he watches you swallow it eagerly, and then he finally kisses you, dirty and messy, tasting himself on your tongue. You moan into his mouth, bucking your hips, desperate for him to finally touch your neglected pussy.
“Good girl,” he whispers against your lips, making you moan. “Now, go get cleaned up.”
Oh no, he wouldn’t.  
You stare at him with wide eyes. “But I–”
“Go. Get. Cleaned. Up.”
“But I haven’t…what about me?” you stammer, your voice trembling. 
“What about you?” he responds with a raised eyebrow, a sadistic glint in his eyes.
Your face falls and his cock pulsates at your expression. You look like you’re close to crying, your thighs pressed together to alleviate your aching clit, your nails painfully digging into your palms. You’re shaking with anger and frustration.
Nathan’s never been as turned on as he is from seeing you suffer—you’re just so pretty when you’re denied.
He can already picture himself playing with every part of you for hours on end, denying you over and over again until your body is ablaze with burning anticipation. And then, once he’s finally reduced you to a brainless, overstimulated mess, he’ll wrap his hand around your throat and make you take him until you beg him to stop.
But that’s for another day. 
“Smile, baby,” he smirks, tapping your cum-stained cheek and straightening up to get himself another beer from the kitchen. “You’re on camera.”
– – –
Thank you for reading! 🤍
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