#kitty mamakoto
hawkedraws · 10 months
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Was possessed to draw the trio with this meme
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I got hit with my own OC brainrot so here's a bunch of pictures for my favorite gal Kitty [ picrew ]
1. Cute kid pre-trauma
2. 9 years old, bad shit has occurred and she's been conscripted into the local mafia as a bounty hunter
3. 13 years old, has already killed a person and in the middle of currently occurring trauma
4. 18 years old, just offered an escape from the Horrors
5. 20 years old, on her way to recovery helped by a new found family, resolving the thing that caused her conscription in the first place, and has a happy/fulfilling relationship
6. 21 years old, found family is even bigger now and life is the best its ever been for her. She's thriving, skin glowing, hydrated, staying in her lane, eating fruit in sheer satiny robes with her hot boyfriend.
7. 22 years old, disaster struck in about every way. Her found family is scattered to the wind, new father figure and boyfriend both had a gruesome, public death, and she's alone again.
8. 23 years old, on the run again, old survival tactics come in handy but also bring back old trauma. Her trials didn't end with her loved ones deaths, but she's resourceful and makes it through.
9. 25 years old, she's been through hell and back a couple times but she found new allies and friends and the healing process is beginning again.
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hawkedraws · 1 year
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decided to try something new - drawing Kitty as if she were a canon character, using the wano arc animation style! I used a screenshot of nami as reference and went from there
and hey, also, first art of 2023!
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hawkedraws · 1 year
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I threw together a quick character sheet for Kitty, similar to a TTRPG style attack/spell list. I also included some basic information such as age, what country she'd be from if she were "real", which crew she's on, and what her position is.
After the timeskip and Dressrosa happen in the timeline, Kitty comes back into the public sphere and joins the Strawhats. At that time she also starts going by Portgas Kitty instead of her birth name, Mamakoto Kitty, as an homage to her old captain/only love Ace. It puts a renewed target on her back but by now she's ready to take the government on, with the help of her new crew.
Kitty's devil fruit - the Biri Biri no Mi or Electric-Electric Fruit - is named after a Japanese onomatopoeia for the sound of flowing electricity! It's a paramecia type, since Enel on Skypeia has the electric logia fruit. I think there's a noncanon OP movie with a character who has an electric paramecia fruit, but if the canon Wano arc can have 87 different dinosaur devil fruits, I'm allowed to have a "duplicate" devil fruit for a very basic ability. My town now, Oda.
Anyway some of Kitty's abilities are less powerful than others and some just hurt instead of kill, and it's not an exhaustive list since you can do a lot with electricity
Also with all the image/video updates Tumblr has been putting out, I have no idea if the image quality on this is any good, so if the attack descriptions are illegible, blame Tumblr
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hawkedraws · 2 years
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Kitty's got an updated outfit! I've upped the complexity a little in giving the shirt and sash some embroidery and ditched the sleeveless coat. She also gets comfy slip on shoes bc she's my one piece OC, and if Luffy can do All That in flipflops, she can do her fighting in comfy shoes too. Timeline wise she adopts this main outfit after she joins the Strawhats in the aftermath of Dressrosa. She still mourns Ace but has been able to heal and move on enough to seek out love, life, and adventure even with a new crew - though she still has the scars and a tattoo as mementos of that time
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Have a hasty Kitty
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😎😈 for Kitty
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😎 - when do they feel the most confident? Anytime on Ace's ship, Piece of Spadille, just going about their adventures. Confidence went down a smidge after Whitebeard's crew beat their asses and took them in, but once they all settled in she was just as happy.
😈 - what's the evilest scheme they've ever come up with? I honestly don't know, Kitty's not even very "mwa ha ha I'm so bad >:3" evil, let alone really evil, so I'm sure shes done some questionable shit but I cant think of anything off the top of my head
😱 - what was the most shocking moment of their life? Probably when Ace was captured and taken to Marineford. Kitty knew he wasn't invulnerable, but she wasn't expecting him to lose so badly.
🤐 - what's one secret they never want to tell anyone? Before Ace and Kitty met, she was hunting Devil Fruits to pay off her parents' debt. She'd never willingly mention it, but one of the people whose Fruit she took, she killed with her own two hands. The memory and guilt still haunt her.
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57 for the Drabbles
57. "I don't want to talk about it."
Ace's hand was limp in her grasp. Kitty couldn't bear to look at him, covered in gauze with tubes everywhere, and bags of blood and saline and who knows what else hooked up to his IV. By now she'd been desensitized to that hospital smell, the antiseptic and the cleaner they used on the floors, but the hiss of the respirator and the steady beeping of the vitals screen was harder to ignore.
The fight had been the worst she'd ever seen, an all out war between Whitebeard's people and the Marines. Kitty hadn't seen what happened, pinned down as she was by officers, but there had been a deathly silence before several of her friends had cried out in grief and rage. An hour later, the hospital waiting room was filled with her crewmates, all waiting for news and praying it was good.
The surgery for the gaping hole in Ace's chest took probably at least a straight twenty four hours, during which at last a dozen crewmates donated blood for him. Now, finally, he'd been moved to regular ICU and approved one visitor.
Still, it was hard to reconcile this view with her mental image she had of him. She could barely even see his face under the oxygen mask, and what she could make out was deathly pale under his freckles.
A tapping at the door jerked Kitty out of her thoughts, and she looked up to see Taryn at the door with a grocery sack in her hand. Taryn gave her a tired smile. "Hey, I thought you'd be hungry," she said, holding up the sack. "I hope you like Whataburger."
To be honest, the thought of eating turned her stomach, but she accepted the bag gratefully. "Thanks, I appreciate it," Kitty said honestly. "What're you doing here? I figured you'd be with Zoro, wherever he is."
"He's keeping Luffy company. The kid's taking it hard." Taryn pulled up a chair next to her with a heavy sigh. "What'd the doctor say?"
Kitty kept her gaze on Ace's hand in hers. "Law said he's extraordinarily lucky he didn't die immediately. Marco was able to stabilize him long enough to get him here. To be honest, he might still not make it." Her voice was surprisingly steady, but her lip still wobbled. Taryn reached out and laid a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"You gonna be okay?" she said softly. Kitty took in a shaky breath and wiped her eyes.
"I don't wanna talk about it," she said after a second. Taryn nodded in understanding. "I'm not very hungry, will you split the food with me?"
Kitty didn't really care much about the food, she just didnt want to be alone right now. Taryn seemed to understand this, because she just smiled. "Of course."
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hawkedraws · 5 years
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i love my idiot bisexual kiddos but i also love this soft romantic lighting i’ve got going on here
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hawkedraws · 5 years
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so i heard it’s mermay so here’s a kittay. call that a catfish
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hawkedraws · 5 years
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new icon for pride month
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hawkedraws · 5 years
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his hair gets fluffier every time I draw him
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hawkedraws · 5 years
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progress update: my hand hurts SO MUCH and also it’s 2am. why do i do this to myself
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hawkedraws · 5 years
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Got a new full-body piece of my gal Kitty done! I’m super proud of it, I’m improving a lot and am looking forward to where I have yet to go. Anyway I’ve got the full piece posting on my patreon tomorrow afternoon, please feel free to come by and check it out! And don’t forget, my commissions are open as well.
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25 for the prompts
Prompt list: 25. “I will fight you.” I’m gonna do this for Kitty and Ace because I’m a predictable bitch who loves my kiddos. Based a little while before they get together.
“The first island in over a month that we can just relax on, and you go and get in a fight within an hour,” Kitty grumbled. “Why couldn’t you just chill out and enjoy some food and alcohol like the rest of us?”
“Now see, I was enjoying myself until that asshole started talking big without meaning to back up his words,” Ace said. “It’s not my fault he got pissed off when I called out his bullshit.”
“You couldn’t have just minded your own business?”
“No. At least I grabbed our food first. And don’t you think this makes for a better view than that busted down bar?” Ace gestured to the scenery. The two of them had retreated some ways outside of town and were now sitting in a grassy field atop a hill, overlooking the sea. It was actually a really beautiful view. Kitty might’ve enjoyed it more if she weren’t so annoyed with her captain. Still...
“It’s alright,” she admitted. “But if you ask me, I think you were just itching for a fight. The last week has been really quiet on the Spadille, and you’ve been a ball of anxious energy for days.”
Ace leaned back on his elbows and sighed. “Yeah, I know. But nobody else was down to do some sparring.”
“You never asked me.”
He glanced over at her, brow furrowed. “What?”
"You never asked me if I wanted to spar. Your own second in command, and you never asked me?” Kitty feigned a swoon. “I’m hurt, Ace.”
Ace chuckled. “What, for real? You don’t exactly jump into fights just for fun.”
“I don’t jump into needless fights,” she corrected. “Sparring is a whole different thing. Besides, I spar with Ducky and Mihar and all them all the time. And Deuce, when he’s not being busy having a stick up his ass.”
Ace laughed hard enough to snort. “Yeah, he can be kind of an asshole. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised. After all, you tried to kill me twice the first time we met.”
“In my defense, I thought you were a bounty hunter after me,” Kitty said. “And it didn’t do a whole lot to affect you.”
“No,” he agreed. “Though to be fair, if we were in a fight, I’d have to let your lightning or sword hit me. No offense but I’m not sure how you’d go about kicking my ass.”
“And that’s your problem. You’re too reliant upon being a logia,” she said firmly. “You’re powerful, sure, but what if you’re in a situation where you have seastone cuffs on? What’re you going to do, punch your way out? Kick? You’re no slacker in non-power combat, but you’re a lot less powerful that way.”
“What do you suggest, then?” Ace drawled.
Kitty stood and drew both swords, then flipped one around and held the hilt out towards Ace. “We’ve got the time, let’s get some practice in. I’ve yet to see you use an actual weapon.”
“What are you talking about? I use pistols all the time.”
Ace flexed and pressed a kiss to each bicep before shooting her that roguish smile. “These guns right here.”
Why the hell did that stupid joke make her blush? Kitty snorted and shook her head, hoping he wouldn’t notice because he would definitely make some kind of snarky comment about it. “Oh my god shut up. Come on, get up.”
“Alright, alright,” he laughed. He stood and dusted himself off before accepting the still-offered cutlass. “I’ll fight you. I’ll even be sporting and not go intangible.”
“Oh, what a gentleman you are.”
“You know I believe in the power of manners.”
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hawkedraws · 5 years
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all i do is draw idiot bisexuals in love
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