bonesrot · 2 years
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he’s a 10 but he only has 6 claws...
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ceoofvariants · 2 years
. . .. .h hh h
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" it's okay, sweetheart, take your time. you want a glass of water or a dagger or something? "
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nonuns · 2 years
❛  that’s  a  very  offensive  word  to  call  people .  ❜ / @therelentless
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❛ oh boo hoo! the mean lady called me a terrible name and now i must go home and cry to mama! ❜
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the moment of mocking finished, nadja flicked her long, manicured fingernails in nandor's face and sneered with disdain. she had no time for him or his hurt feelings.
❛ i need laszlo here right now, not you, so it is your turn to look after the baby colin robinson and make sure he is rehearsing and ready for tonight. or get your bodyguard and make him do it, i really don't care. now... shoo! get out of my sight! ❜
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thedivinepair · 2 years
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𝑯𝑨𝑰𝑳  𝑻𝑯𝑬  𝑮𝑶𝑫  𝑲𝑰𝑵𝑮  𝑶𝑭  𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑳  @thereckoniing 
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wangisking · 3 years
@undrowns​:  ‘ 💢 , 🍧 , 🍃 , 🎭 , 🎀 , ❤️ & 💚 ‘   from  here
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💢  —  What  are  some  habits  they  have  that  will  take  getting  used  to  ?
Though  his  wittiness  is  often  seen  as  attractive,  his  wise-cracking,  know-it-all  responses  can  get  annoying.  He  always  has  something  funny  or  sarcastic  to  say.  He  also  has  a  habit  of  pushing  most  people  away.  Another,  smaller  habit  that  can  be  irksome  is  his  habit  to  drum  on  any  surface  with  anything.  It  can  be  anything  from  using  pencils  or  his  fingers  on  a  table  to  using  spoons  on  a  tray.
🍧  —  Do  they  still  have  any  objects  from  their  childhood  ?  What  significance  does  it  have  to  them  ?   What  would  their  reaction  be  if  they  lost  it  ?
This  is  so  cute,  but  it  was  the  first  album  he  ever  owned,  Led  Zeppelin  IV.  It  was  then  he  knew  he  wanted  to  do  music  and  by  high  school,  he  played  three  instruments  and  wrote  many  songs.  It’s  also  something  that  connects  him  to  his  dad  as  the  two  bonded  over  rock  music.
A  close  second  is  an  astronomy  book  for  kids  he  had  picked  up.  It’s  very  ‘loved’  and  you  can  tell  from  its  bent  spine  and  pages  that  are  worn  from  reading.
🍃  —  Do  they  enjoy  being  in  nature  ?    What  is  their  favourite  outdoor  activity  ?
I  think  he  does,  especially  in  gardens  and  parks.  He  also  loves  to  hike  and  he  goes  for  a  run  whenever  he  can.  He  also  spends  a  lot  of  time  reading  outdoors.  His  favourite  outdoor  activity  would  be  stargazing  though.  He  always  has  these  stargazing  sessions  with  his  best  friend  Aurora  and  they  talk  about  anything  but  mostly  it’s  about  space,  philosophy,  and  politics.
🎭  —  Do  they  act  differently  around  certain  people  ?   What's  different  between  the  way  they  act  around  friends,  family,  strangers,  etc.  ?
He  does,  but  it’s  not  on  purpose.  He  is  definitely  a  lot  more  affectionate  with  his  people:  Aurora,  and  Jack,  his  sister  Cassie,  and  Tida  and  Taewon.  Augustus  isn’t  a  touchy  person,  if  you  touch  him  he  doesn’t  mind  but  he  doesn’t  actively  go  around  touching  people.
With  his  people,  he  is  very  physically  affectionate  like  he’d  scoot  closer  and  just  somehow  be  touching  them.  He  seeks  their  touch  actively.  He  is  also  a  more  active  listener,  softer,  more  compassionate,  and  caring  with  these  people.  It’s  very  different  from  how  he  interacts  with  others.  Usually,  he  is  indifferent  and  funny  with  other  people.  Though  he  is  an  extrovert,  you  can  tell  he  keeps  a  barrier  with  others  that  he  doesn’t  with  his  people.
He  is  also  playfully  mean  to  Jack  and  Aurora,  it’s  something  natural.  It’s  how  they  express  love  with  one  another.  He  is  also  more  childish  with  them.
With  Aurora  who  is  his  best  friend  and  divine  counterpart,  he  shares  a  very  inherently  friendship-based  connection  that  has  the  two  completely  on  the  same  wavelength  at  all  times.  They  have  the  same  humor,  they  understand  each  other’s  ideas,  and  they  just  know  how  the  other  feels  without  a  word.  So,  the  two  are  like  Tweedle-Dee  and  Tweedle-Dum.
🎀  —  How  would  they  fit  into  other  worlds  /  aus  ?    what  aus  would  you  like  to  try  out  ?   What  fictional  world  would  they  fit  /  not  fit  into  ?
I  don’t  have  any  aus  for  my  characters  to  be  honest.  And  he  can  fit  into  any  fictional  world  because  he  can  travel  through  time  and  universes.  I  also  have  a  side-plot  where  he  travels  across  universes  with  Jack  and  Aurora.
❤️    —  Their  love  languages  ?
Okay,  so  from  what  I  can  tell  from  how  he  is  in  the  relationships  that  mean  most  to  him,  the  most  prominent  is  spending  quality  time.  He’d  give  you  his  full  undivided  attention  if  he  cares  about  you.  The  more  subtle  and  saved  only  for  the  chosen  few  are  gift-giving  and  acts  of  service.
He  has  this  tendency  to  get  the  person  he  loves  things  he’d  think  they’d  want.  They  are  personalized  gifts  he  spent  a  lot  of  time  on  and  they  convey  his  emotions  but  he  passes  it  off  as  something  he  bought  on  impulse.  It  came  from  his  dad  who  gave  him  albums  because  of  their  connection.  So,  for  example,  he’d  get  Tida  something  shark-themed  or  an  album  he’d  think  Tida  would  like.  He  gets  Jack  car-related  things  or  some  item  Jack  needs  but  doesn’t  say.  He  gets  Aurora  books  and  they  read  them  at  the  same  time  or  music  boxes  or  anything  that  reminds  him  of  her.  When  they  were  dating,  he’d  give  Aurora  jewelry  items  or  things  that  expressed  emotions  better  than  words.
Augustus  doesn’t  really  go  out  of  his  way  to  do  anything  for  anyone,  so  if  he  makes  you  food  or  does  anything  to  help  you  out,  he  loves  you.  And,  he  does  love  the  people  I  mentioned.  However,  he  gets  shy  about  it  and  doesn’t  even  take  credit  for  them.
💚  —  What  things  make  your  oc  feel  comforted  ?   Hugs,  kisses,  food  ?
He  likes  it  when  the  people  he  loves  would  sit  next  to  him  in  silence  or  make  a  joke.  It’s  this  assurance  that  he  isn’t  alone.  He  only  speaks  his  emotions  with  Aurora  and  Jack,  but  he  does  try  and  express  how  he’s  feeling  in  more  vague  ways  to  Tida.  Hugs  and  physical  affection  are  very  appreciated.  He  just  wants  to  feel  connected.
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tailoringtay · 5 years
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This wonderful masterpiece was created by @xkuja
Who I also highly recommend checking out, be it for commissions or for great content. The picture speaks for itself on that though~
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heckolve · 5 years
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probably saw this coming but i am just drawing a Ton of lups
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kayascodelorio · 5 years
Have you read the raven cycle 'cus I need sb to scream about it with??
i did but i stopped at some point bc i didn’t enjoy it at all and it felt like a chore to continue for me personally!! sorry anon:( hope u find someone to freak out over it w, but that person def isn’t me!!
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icharchivist · 3 years
i try not to get worked up when people don’t like my fav characters because i know that on top of me being really forgiving in term of how much a character can do for me to be pissed at them, i also tend to be driven toward more morally questionable characters especially if they did pretty fucked up things to get there. I find those stories fascinating. But even so in general i do my best to be understanding and not think too much about it.
.... but i’m thinking too much about it, so sorry rant under the cut about what a friend told me about Banri that has been working me up all day
one of the friend i dragged into a//3 who told me initially that she liked Banri fine, started to send me messages about Banri like “oh i’m sure this guy would bully Misumi” and i was so????? Like what the fuck??? i know at this point she only watched the anime but...??????
Banri only ever show overprotection over the summer kids. He genuinely cares for them and act as a protector to them, more explicitly so with Yuki and Kumon, even Muku if we take the coin talks, and he is on a set of mutual respect with Tenma. 
I think my friend is jumping to conclusion because of the way Banri treated Juza, but that doesn’t mean “he’s a bully and just want to bully people”, Juza represented something for Banri and this is this something that Banri was attacking. Juza was the first time Banri felt an ongoing thrill since a long long time. His portrait establish that Banri felt dead inside unless he was in a thrill of a fight, and even there it ended quick because he would always win - and Juza being stronger meant that this thrill and battle kept going until after the fight was over. And Banri didn’t know how to interpret that thrill and just thought he had to defeat Juza, until finally he realized he was better growing along with people at Mankai and that he could find his thrill in a place that was neither self destructive nor destructive of others.
His bullying of Juza was more the result of his frustration around what was essentially a depressive mental state, and trying to process this frustration until he could find an alternative, not because he considered Juza weird or that he had to be punished for being outside the norms.
And yeah it sucks that he took it all out on Juza especially since Juza has a history of people always targeting him and attacking him, i’m not saying his actions toward him were okay and i’m not even arguing it wasn’t bullying in some sort, but that doesn’t mean that Banri gets a kick from humiliating people, especially not more “vulnerable” people. He’s shown, on the contrary, to be extremely protective with them. And especially now that Banri found the thrill of a passion that makes him feel alive, and that he’s since shown himself to seek to understand people more and connect with them, i feel that on the contrary seeing them all being so passionate about something is something Banri would want to protect. Imo his speech with Yuki in Into the Night really sums it up.
But i know my friend only watched the anime but it still. rubs me the wrong way, like i did try to nudge by pointing out little details building up to that (mainly that Banri was upset the costumes were destroyed NOT because of the issues with the play but because “who the fuck would destroy Yuki’s hardwork?”. Yuki and Banri’s friendship is really one of my fav dynamic and it is here so early on...) but there’s little i can do without being overbearing and imposing my opinion on her which i do not want to do.
I know my friend has a very hard time with bully types of character and tbh i did tell her originally that i expected her to dislike Banri, so when she told me she liked him it came as a surprise to me.... but now she talks about it a little more and i feel like she’s trying to make him more of a bully in her head than he actually is and it works me up so bad. If she just disliked him, fine, but i don’t like the idea of twisting his character into someone worse than he is just to justify this feeling that is perfectly reasonable to have without having to blow it out of proportion.
She got into the game recently to try to see the stuff the anime cut and she’s waiting until she unlocked the whole story, after which i’ll send her the Act 1 events, and i just hope Into the Night will change her mind on Banri, if not making him likeable to her, just... just not having to make me read that Banri would bully any of the summer kids ever again yaknow?
Especially now right before icwtn that i still haven’t read but i’m pretty sure Banri is supposed to play a teacher who is supposed to help Misumi as a student? so i feel like if a Banri&Misumi is going to be explored there it will continue with the trend of Banri being protective with the Summer kids.
Banri is a character i really love, he’s very high in my top, though i remain aware of the fact the way he treated Juza can really rub people the wrong way.... but i find it disheartening that a character with much more facets of himself is defined by actions that are from a time he was lashing out due to being in a bad mental space. But re: first paragraph i guess. :/
if anything though it kinda makes me feel bad that i got her into it...? tbf it’s not like i told her she HAD to get into it, i think i told her in passing when i got into it two years ago telling her i love it, then it’s mostly that she follows me on twitter so she sees the stuff i post about it there... idk it rubs me the wrong way dkfldjf Like thankfully others people i dragged into a3 have had delightful takes about it and i loved to talk about it with them
this one specifically just kinda makes me hella sad because i don’t want to be forcing my opinion on her either and there’s a line between “i know more stories than you” and just “you’re wrong about how you feel” that can be blurry and i really don’t want to cross it.
And it’s also another layer of meh because it’s not like i liked Banri strongly on my first read either but the moment he realized he liked theater is when i started to genuinely enjoy him and put stuff back into perspective and idk i guess i just. feel sad it’s not that easy for others i guess?
And i’m just kjdhfjd also anxious because yeah so far she just watched the anime and there’s a few things she said about some chara i don’t specifically vibe with (like she finds Sakuya super boring D: my son......) and i get more anxious with the stories to come and well. If you know me you know what i can be really anxious about.
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greendayer · 5 years
i was tagged by @idioticnimrod thank youu!
 i tag @teruteruteruki @missmysme @youworryyouworryshit @thecherrygod @internettygirl @greneday if you want to ^^
are you named after anyone? not really, but my mother wanted to call me Isabella, but she has a cousin with that name so she just changed the last letter, not creative at all kjfhgd
when was the last time you cried? oh i think it was.. 3 days ago?? bc of anxiety lol :/
do you have kids? noooo just my pup
do you use sarcasm a lot? i used to but my best friend cant get it so i dont use it as much as before, only if im angry i guess jhgfhf
what’s the first thing you notice about people? i mean, in the appearance? i think the eyes..? yep the eyes, but not for the color, idk i think it shows a lot about the person
what’s your eye color? green
scary movie or happy ending? scaaaaaary movie
any special talents? i think no kjdhfjd i think im good at some stuff but i dont think they could be considered special talents.. maybe learning quickly can be considered a special talent idk
where were you born? são paulo, brazil
what are your hobbies? read, sleep, draw, sleep, music, sleep
do you have any pets? yes!!! i have a dachshund, and old lady called Olivia
how tall are you? i’m 5’1.......
what sports do you play/have you played? i dont sport kjfhjgh
favorite subject in school? at school it was biology and history, in college its hard bc i hate having classes but i love basically all of them, but i think toxicology has a special place in my heart
dream job? i want to be a criminal investigator!!
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elle-smells · 3 years
so lucas is running very fast AND eliott drew him as a hedgehog do you get what i'm saying
kjdhfjds I do. also he almost got run over but we wont mention that in the retelling of this scene
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semblanche · 4 years
oh dude it was DEFINITELY creepy i was just trying to think about why they might've sent it kjdhfjd
my blog can have a little devils advocacy. as a treat
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ceoofvariants · 3 years
ok but hopping mad mobius is pretty hot tho amirite? i am.
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ceoofvariants · 3 years
Hey Y'all!
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      " Oh hey, Miss Minutes. Fancy meeting you here. How's the sacred timeline? "
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ceoofvariants · 3 years
“Hey, you’ve got something on your face. Here, hold still… ”
           If he had to guess... salad dressing.
          Mildly embarrassing, to be sure, but before he can think to say anything about it, before he can pluck up the napkin draped across his lap, she's gently thumbing it away from the corner of his mouth.
          Her touch is gentle and warm, and in turn, it turns his face warm. Crystal blue eyes follow the movement of Wanda's hand until she draws it back, then he finds her face and smiles, immediately going for the joke.
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          " For a second there I thought you meant my mustache ."
@illbringthechaosmagic || soft things ♥
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ceoofvariants · 3 years
“  i  could  keep  you  safe.  they’re  all  afraid  of  me. ” wade kept his cool for exactly the span of a deep breath before he burst out laughing, doubling over to clutch his aching ribs. ' nah, they all think i'm a joke. i'm criminally underestimated if you'll excuse the pun. ' he cups his hand around his mouth to stage whisper. ' i've killed lots of people in violent, bewildering ways. '
          " I'm well aware of your deeds, uh... Mr. Pool. "
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          Mobius tucks his TemPad away and gives Deadpool a long look and then an amused smile. " I'm also aware that you don't tend to violently kill the undeserving. If you expect me to be horrified, well... sorry to disappoint. "
          Besides, he's pruned his fair share of variants, and that wasn't exactly a gentle end by any means. If Deadpool had ever done something that had upset the sacred timeline, then he'd be dealt with accordingly.
          " So go ahead and keep doing what you're doing. Honestly, I'm a big fan. "
@dontcallmeryan || villain/hero
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