deciduice · 7 years
tamaki for the askmeme? :^)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would fawn over silently from a distance**(**age disclaimer etc)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his determination and bravery!! that he deals with incapacitating anxiety every day and still does his best to be a heroworst quality: he doesn’t credit himself enough - doesn’t realise that it’s his hard work and his coping mechanisms, not mirio’s support (though that certainly helps). also he’s clearly not great at expressing himself - it’s very obvious to me he brought kirishima to fat gum because he knew that fat gum would want to raise him up the way he did tamaki, not because kirishima press ganged him, but he can’t say that specifically.ship them with: kirishima, mirio, mirio & nejire a good poly timebrotp them with: nejire, mina, kaminari, fat gum?????needs to stay away from: i don’t want him to ever have to deal with monoma because that kid would break him... bakugou for the same reason - i get the feeling bakugou would try to give him a pep talk and he’d be scared shitlessmisc. thoughts: !!! so mynte asked me recently whether i preferred kiritama or miritama, and although my gut reaction was miritama, eventually i arrived at kiritama. i think there’s a lot more room for growth here - tamaki looks up to mirio far too much, even though he recognises miro’s admiration he’ll never be able to truly accept it. but tamaki can help kirishima see his worth, and likewise kirishima will very honestly be able to raise tamaki up, and toughen him up too. mirio is probably too soft on tamaki, which is adorable but in a relationship i’d rather see kirishima call him out on his bullshit, and help him work through his anxiety, rather than around it.
also, i relate to tamaki a lot. i used to have the same paralysing levels of anxiety, which i worked through with copious amounts of therapy and other helps, but his self esteem problems and perfectionism really sticks out to me... I wouldn’t be surprised if he had OCD as well.
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lucciana-art · 6 years
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A little Gift for @klausdiemaus >w< it shows her wonderful cat and I’m really glad she liked it :) Also first try at drawing a realistic cat!
If you like my art and would like to support me, read this!
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tivruskis · 8 years
F, M, R & W for the ask meme!
thank u dear. :* i’ve done F!
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
ryn @rynezion and i are working on a tsuchako collab!!! she’s drawing for it and i’m writing. we’re both focusing on other stuff atm, but when we finally get around to it it’ll be great!
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
oh, yes, definitely. as a youngster i heavily tried to emulate ernest hemingway (embarrassingly enough), helen dewitt and jonathan safran foer, and this definitely lingers in my writing. i also remember reading astolat’s writing advice, especially about placement of dialogue tags. i’m sure there’s also some fanfiction writers whose style stole my heart, but i can’t think of them off the top of my head - and it’s usually a style that i can’t in good conscience call an influence, because it’s so far from my own.
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
general ones. when they’re specific, it’s often a certain kind of meet-cute that doesn’t really speak to me? or i don’t know where to go from there. i’m not very creative, so i like not having confines - that way, whatever i come up with, i can still make it fit the prompt.
ask me qs from the fanfic ask meme!
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atsutodo · 8 years
thank you so much for those comic translations i feel like i fully arrived in atsutodo hell now
I’m so glad and proud :’-) please enjoy your stay 
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togekissies · 8 years
yo that haikyuu fanweek calendar is an excellent idea!! there's a kenhina week may 4th-10th (kenhina-week @ tumblr)
thank you so much! i’ll add it now
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cursedwateringcan · 8 years
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Hey all, its a day late but this is my secret santa gift for @klausdiemaus! (http://klausdiemaus.tumblr.com/) who asked for some DougXDylas goodness. I’m not the best at ~art~. This is based of the a comic by Philippa Rice called Soppy (http://philippajrice.com/#) (http://www.buzzfeed.com/terripous/what-do-you-want-for-dinner-i-dont-care#.ihVxbA7mj) you should 100% check her out.  I hope you like it, Merry Christmas (sorry it was a day late!!!)
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hxhsecretsanta · 8 years
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To: @klausdiemaus From: @daifei message: Have a happy holiday and I hope you enjoy your gift!
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magical-madams · 8 years
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Hey @klausdiemaus, Happy Holidays!!
I hope you like it and have a good rest of the year as well as a great 2016!
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tivruskis · 8 years
S, U, V & W for the fanfic meme? :3c
S: Any fandom tropes you can't resist?
fake dating..... identity porn..... those are like my top two. (identity porn is when character A has two identities, and character B interacts with both without knowing it’s character A)
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven't tried yet.
for bnha, i really wanna write kaminari & kirishima! and ochako & tsuyu! for haikyuu, i think bokutsuki? i’ve written a lot of what i want for haikyuu.
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
& all might.. all might is underrated and he would make every. bnha fic. better. i love him so much
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
i like general ones better! usually because they’re easier to get inspired by, whereas specific ones sometimes make me feel as though i’m not really writing my thing as much as bringing the prompter’s idea to life. which is great as long as i’m feeling the idea as well, but if i don’t, it usually ends up unwritten.. orz sorry
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byakurangesso · 9 years
10051 for that playlist thing? :D
first meeting: taylor swift — I Knew You Were Trouble (does this count bc this totally should count)
becoming lovers: Rihanna — I Love the Way You Lie
breakup: Get Scared - Sarcasm / Cinema Bizarre - Je Ne Regrette Rien / The Rasmus - Lost and Lonely
working it out: The White Tie Affair — The Letdown / Daughtry — It’s Not Over
happily ever after: Muse - Undisclosed Desires
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daiyasecretsanta · 9 years
Niagara Falls
- - -
Night was upon the city, but it was never really dark in the heart of Tokyo. The streetlights were lined up on each side of the neighborhood’s street, throwing wide cones of light onto the sidewalk as people and people on bicycles passed by with the occasional car zooming down the road, its headlights blazing. Raichi and Shunpei were walking side by side up the sidewalk, both clad in fairly large sweaters and jackets. The younger felt a shiver travel up his spine, causing him to hunch his shoulders and shut his eyes. “Ah…! So cold!!” He complained loudly. “It’s freezing!” His chocolate-brown eyes glinted under the dim light bulbs before he stomped both his feet, as he thought that movement would warm him up. As he breathed, he watched the white puffs float into the air and then vanish quickly. He huffed, bringing his black hood over his head to cover up the mop of messy brown hair on top. His mouth mask - which wasn’t covering his mouth - hung under his chin. Raichi craned his neck over towards his companion beside him, scrunching his nose in distaste because it was just too cold. The sides of his lips tugged up into a short and brief grin before he finally decided to bring up his mouth mask to cover up his pale lips. “So cold,” he whispered breathlessly, the tone of his voice sounding muffled behind the mask.
Shunpei agreed silently, only using a curt nod of his head as his reply to Raichi’s never-ending complaints about the unchangeable weather. Ducking his head down a little, he fastened his own mouth mask so that the bottom half of his face was protected from the chill. He eyed the concrete of the sidewalk and watched as his shadow disappeared and reappeared when he walked out of the streetlight’s little circle and into a new one. His hand fell back to his side after he adjusted his mask before he gave a sideway glance over to Raichi. “It really is cold… I knew we should have brought more layers…” The pitcher griped lowly. He tore his gaze away his underlcassman with a sour expression splayed on his face to emphasize his displeasure. Raichi opened his mouth, ready to retort with something foolish, but he decided against it and stayed silent because he knew the statement his senior uttered was true. Noticing this action, Shunpei peered over at him curiously. With a brow raised, Shunpei shook his head lightly and didn’t bother to dig in deeper. He wasn’t keen on dealing with Raichi’s hyperactive self, especially at this time of day.
They walked in complete silence afterwards. It was like the path back to their apartment was going to wind on and on - forever - until something interesting happened, and nothing quite note-worthy was probably going to occur anytime soon so they better get comfortable on the spot or else it’d be a long ride. Raichi graoned while shoving his hands into his pockets - although that didn’t help the fact that his fingertips were going numb - and threw his head back to stare at the sky that was dotted with bright flashes of light. “Argh, it’s so cold!” He screamed to the sky, which resulted in him obtaining a smack to the shoulder from Shunpei. His steps fell a bit slower as another a groan erupted from him. “I bet one of the rivers in Japan is frozen right now.” He stated mockingly, more or less using it as a joke. Since it was supposed to be a joke and all, he wasn’t really prepared for when Shunpei sputtered out unnecessary information he should have learned in school or something.
"I heard that the Niagara Falls was frozen around this time,"
Raichi blinked, snapping his head over towards Shunpei so fast that he thought he might have broke his neck. He really wasn’t prepared for any of this. “Wait—what? Where? Which river?” He panicked, ears and brain not quick enough to catch what Shunpei was talking about. The elder chuckled at his underclassman’s panicking state - his shoulders tensed up, eyes resembling that of a deer’s staring at headlights. He could even tell that the other’s mouth was opened a little, even if it was hidden behind his mouth mask. He was such an adorable idiot. (He even asked, ‘which river’, Christ, that unbearably adorable idiot.)
"I said that the Niagara Falls is frozen around now." Shunpei repeated quickly. His smile became irrepressible as he watched Raichi struggle with his Japanese. This was actually really amusing, if he had to be truthful. Raichi was spitting out nonsense and gibberish, the words he used probably not in any dictionary that there was.
"N-Nigeria River?" He finally stammered, eyebrows furrowing in slight frustration. At that, Shunpei burst out laughing, falling forward a bit.
"No, it’s Niagara Falls.” The elder attempted, his chuckles escaping frequently. Seeing that Raichi fell silent afterwards, he guessed that the younger still didn’t catch what he said. That forced out yet another laughing fit from him. Raichi glowered and pouted angrily at the laughter, growing irritable at his really unhelpful senior.
"Sanada-senpai, please say it slowly…" He mumbled, eyes reflecting the annoyance and embarrassment he felt inside him.
Shunpei tried reducing his laughing by bowing his head and covering his mouth, where he was only barely able to muster out, “Haha, the Ni-a-ga-ra Falls.” before turning away to laugh quietly (you know, just to be polite). But then he caught the sound of Raichi letting out a huff and stomping his feet, which made him kneel down and start snickering, shoulders trembling as he hid his mouth behind his hand and mask. Why was his underclassman so stupid? It was almost comical. Actually, it was comical. “Nai-ah-ga-ra Fo-ru-zu,” He stated slowly, laughter still apparent in some parts of his speech. Since he was knelt down and his mouth was covered - along with the fact that he was chuckling - Raichi was forced to kneel down and strain his ears just to catch even a part of the sentence.
"Nagara?" Raichi asked innocently, cocking his head to the side. "Niagara?"
"Yes!" Shunpei shouted abruptly, standing up with his fist clenched as if it was an accomplishment to get the kid to say Niagara correctly in Japanese. After another look-over at Raichi’s mildly baffled expression, that’s when the explanation began. “In the United States, it’s frozen for the first time after 103 years.” He exclaimed, a teasing smirk gracing his features. Raichi didn’t seem to notice the teasing in it as he stood up, though. He only started to absentmindedly follow after Shunpei, who was walking forward and to their designated destination yet again.
"Wai—wha…103 years? Huh?" Raichi panicked, causing Shunpei to laugh breathlessly (from the cold and his hurting stomach) as he gave it all he had at the moment to not halt his footing.
The older smiled, beginning to explain everything in an even slower manner just so Raichi could understand it. “Yeah, the waterfalls - the water that flows - is frozen now, it’s really cold.” He said, using a voice that he would originally use on a child. Expecting Raichi to start grumbling about how he was being treated like a child, he was somewhat of taken aback at his childlike answer. Almost immediately, Raichi’s face had lit up from what Shunpei liked to call pointless excitement.
"Really!?" He beamed happily. His brown eyes were practically sparkling with stars.
The stars were immediately wiped out, however, when Shunpei has responded with a “Holy crap, you’re so gullible.” and a lop-sided smile that never even once faltered. The younger’s face fell just as fast as it had lit up. Then a cry of, "I hate you!" escaped Raichi’s mouth. Shunpei’s smile never lessened to something smaller for he was quite aware that the negative sentence Raichi used wasn’t true. Shunpei knew that he was his Sanada-senpai, after all. Staring at Raichi’s red face (possibly from embarrassment or the cold, who knows?) Shunpei felt a sense of relief wash over him. He grinned. His underclassman was beyond interesting and with that, Raichi will make it a very fun last year at Yakushi for him. Shunpei slung an arm around the younger’s shoulder and rested his head on top of the other’s. “Ah, it’s cold, so warm me up,” he hummed blissfully.
Raichi squawked. “Argh, you’re heavy!”
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byakurangesso · 9 years
khr for that fandom meme thing? *✧₊✪͡◡ू✪͡
who is the aesthetic blogger: Mukuro&Chrome. Perfect aesthetics. Zero flaws. Everyone is in awe.
who is the sj blogger: Miura Haru. Just tone down the sexism, Gokudera-kun, and she might be nicer to you, asshole. (That's how she feels, fyi.)
who is the fandom blogger: Gokudera Hayato is such a nerd. Defs Hayato.
who puts everything under a read more: Tsuna. Poor bae thinks no one should have to read his whining.
who posts the most selfies: Surprisingly enough, Spanner -- but he usually posts pics of his robots. He just happens to be in there as well.
who is the biggest meme enthusiast: Sasagawa Ryohei and Byakuran are even on this ground. (Everyone thinks Byakuran is a cool guy, but he's the Biggest Memer of them all. Don't be fooled, friends. "I came out to attack people and honestly I'm having such a good time.")
who makes really quality themes: Sasagawa Kyoko & Rokudo Mukuro. Also M.M., but hers are the annoying "PAY FOR THIS SHIT" kinds of themes Tumblr has.
who reblogs posts with pointless comments: Yamamoto. He thinks the posts are funny and doesn't mind the pointlessness of the comments. What's the big deal, right?
who has the most followers: Byakuran. He's one of the most popular and most hated bloggers at the same time, and everyone is always talking about him. Tsuna in particular is v fed up.
who uses 12 emojis in every post: Fran -- he uses them to mock people, and everyone is disturbed since in every selfie Fran posts, he has no expression whatsoever on his face.
who had a really embarrassing superwholock phase that no one is allowed to speak of ever again: Hahahaha. Tsuna. As an adult, he's really really embarrassed about it, though he wasn't an annoying kind of blogger, he just liked the thing a lot.
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muhsiker · 10 years
Went shopping with my gorgeous best friend and her little sister, found a pair of shorts and a pair of skinny jeans (and lots and lots of other stuff for my friend and her sis :B my bf bought some really awesome shoes asdfghjkl we all were kind of in love with them the moment i spotted and showed them to them and compared them to every other pair they tried on) and I am sooo excited for tomorrow because I'm gonna visit my friend Besa and aaah. This weekend is gonna be great! Today was great! But I'm really really exhausted from walking around in the city and dragging my friends from store to store for six hours straight. :D
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daiyasecretsanta · 9 years
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to: elizabeth (@kominatou) from: robin (@klausdiemaus)
message: merry christmas!! hope you have a great holiday & enjoy this seasonal haruichi! ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡
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