#klaw day 1: character appreciation
Welcome to our second edition of King Liam Appreciation Week! We begin TOMORROW!!
We have two themes for Day 1: Character Appreciation and Throwback!
Character Appreciation is pretty simple - this is your space to show your love for Liam as a person, as an individual, to explore the different facets of his personality!! Let us know which Liam you have chosen out of the three customizations and what you like most about him. Think of what his interests and dislikes, what makes him happy, how he expresses himself. Basically - what is Liam like away from the throne and Crown?
Throwback is your space to share old pieces you've made on Liam, and if you'd like to...you can even take us through the process of creating this content! Tell us what it was about Liam that inspired your piece, and any interesting stories you may have about your process 🤓 If you'd like some guidance, here is a Throwback questionnaire you can try out!
Any content is welcome - fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, interactive media, meta, headcanons, screenshots...even simple posts about what you love about him! The theme itself is meant only to be an inspiration for your content - it isn't essential that you can only deliver your theme-based content on that particular day. If you're putting it up later, you can always tag it with the day you intended it for (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2)
Be sure to keep in mind the following when you post:
1. Write #kingliamappreciationweek and #KLAW in the tags to make it easier for us to find your content! Make sure you tag the day you meant the content for too (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2).
2. Tag @kingliamappreciationweek, as well as co-hosts @sazanes and @lizzybeth1986 in your posts so we don't miss them!
Fan content blogs have been essential in getting the word out about our events, and we are always happy showing our love for them. A lot of exciting events and challenges are coming up this month and we encourage you to participate in some of them if you can!
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily fanfic, but have recently begun to accept text-fics and storytelling edits. Check out their roster here and their new rules for text fics and edits here.
@choicesmonthlychallenge and @aprilchallenge - Any and all content welcome! Check out their prompts for April!
@choicesflashfics - Primarily fics under 2500 words. Here are their guidelines and they will be posting new prompts soon!
@choicesholidays - Any and all content welcome, as long as it focuses on the theme! Here is a list of the holidays for this month - this time it is spring themed!
@choicesprompts - Any and all content welcome. Currently there are no themes, but they will announce soon.
@choicespride - Any and all content welcome, as long as it focuses on LGBTQ+ characters and themes. From April 23rd to May 5th, they will be running the Aromantic Celebration Week...do check that out!
@drake-walker-appreciation and @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation - Check out these appreciation blogs as well! World Whiskey Day may be coming up towards the end of May.
Looking forward to seeing all your pieces tomorrow!!
Happy King Liam Appreciation Week, everyone!!!
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
Inspired by the OC Aesthetic Template put forward by @choicesfandomappreciation for "Encourage A Writer" Week, I managed to create this cute aesthetic for Liam!
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Colour that Represents Him: Blue. It's one of Cordonia's national colours, and both he and his wife Esther have a personal preference for the colour. Though Esther loves lighter and more pastel shades of it and Liam goes for darker ones!
Flower/Plant you Associate With Him: I've put up a blue Aster, as it is the national flower of Cordonia in my HC, but I personally view him as loving roses. They are his favourite flower.
Hobbies He Enjoys: My personal HC is that he has loved baking since he was a child and continues to bake as a stressbuster. Specifically breads.
Natural Elements He Relates To: Definitely water. To me he is Aquarius born which is a water sign, and even though he's had a fear of the sea and of sailing since the incident where Drake saved him from a capsizing boat, Liam was born near the bay at the Capitol, loves the Forgotten Falls, and views seafood as his ultimate comfort food.
Quote: I view Liam as a man of monuments - he is a king who recognises the legacy that came before him and wants to leave a different one for his descendants and his people. He is a man who believes art and culture are markers of a society that thrives, not just survives. He is also aware that there needs to be a balance between what his ideals for his nation are and what is needed it to keep it strong and thriving.
Anything Else that Makes You Think of Liam:
- History Tomes. I like to think that if Liam weren't royalty, he would be an incredible Historian.
- The Statue of Liberty. As I mentioned earlier, Liam loves monuments. But the Statue of Liberty is special to him because it is a very personal memory...the memory of a very precious moment shared with Esther, the woman who would eventually become his wife and the love of his life 💕💕💕
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tessa-liam · 1 year
King Liam Appreciation Week
Day 1: Character Appreciation
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For me, Liam is the epitome of loyalty and honesty; dedicated and passionate about life, his one true love (his MC), his family, and country.
Away from his duty to the throne and and Crown,
He values freedom and dislikes anything or anyone that stands in his way from attaining it.
Liam values his friendships and is an advocate for the common people.
His craves the simple things in life; to be 'just Liam'; to have a family of his own, and a happy home.
@sazanes @lizzybeth1986
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txemrn · 1 year
King Liam Appreciation Week Day 1: Character Appreciation/Throwbacks
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Liam Rys, my first Choices love 🥰 Incredible man, friend, husband and father... For day 1 of @kingliamappreciationweek, I thought I would share some fics that I have written that I believe highlight Liam's character. Fiercely loyal, loving, supportive, protective and self-less, it's no wonder this handsome pixel has charmed so many of our hearts!
Happy KLAW Everyone!
Special thanks to our hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes! Thank y'all for putting this together for us! 😘
More Than Flashing Lights & Sound
“I--I promised you a better life, Ri. Better than this.” Tears begin to stream down his face. “I--I couldn’t save you. I--” he sighs, “I can’t save you--”
Boughs & Mockingbirds
“I don’t know what the right answer is anymore; all I know is I am terrified, and I wish you would respect that. Just for once.” Liam drags his fingers through his hair, walking in an aimless circle, his anger burning. He turns his attention back to Riley. “You know? That’s not just your baby; this is not just your life. You’re my wife! That’s my child!”
Pour Two Glasses
"To my queen, my love, my very best friend... I know you worry about doing your best, and often times wonder if you are adequate enough for the calling as my queen... You are anything, but just adequate. You, my queen, are abundantly able, completely sufficient, surpassing every need and desire perfectly with unbelievable beauty and exquisite grace. The crown should be honored that a woman like you humbled herself, and chose to wear it. To my wife and eternal peacekeeper: thank you for making tonight possible. I love you."
A Ballroom Blitz
“... please welcome Drake, thirty days sober.”
... Drake bites his lip, fidgeting with the trinket in his palm. As he finally looks out into the crowd, a sudden crooked smile grows across his face.
There in the back of the room was a familiar, tall blond beaming with pride. Liam. With a gentle nod of acknowledgement to his lifelong friend, Drake blows away his nervous jitters
Trend Magazine
"Suddenly I knew what it meant to live for something. To die for something. Suddenly I knew what it meant to be incomplete because only with her am I whole." ---
If we have learned anything from our humble king, it's that he is a man of great wisdom.  His greatest takeaway from fatherhood thus far in his life would be this: go ahead and hold your children. Hug them. Remind them you're there. You will not harm your child by loving them too much.
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dcbbw · 1 year
Taking the L
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I am participating in #KingLiamAppreciationWeek (#KLAW), hosted by the ever-lovely @lizzybeth1986​ and @sazanes​. This is my offering for Day 1: Throwback/Character Appreciation. I will be providing at least one more story for the event; if I do it correctly, the fic will cover the additional themes/days.
So, this is basically me giving my opinion and head canons about Liam while linking throwback fics into the dialogue; while I have all the love and appreciation in the world for my first, true LI, it may be best to have some of my Rileys express what they treasure and cherish most about the Liam they are paired with. After all, they are the ones with the man day in and day out.
Thank you to all who will read this brain dump; I can only hope it makes sense and comes across in a coherent manner. Everything is below the cut.
PB birthed Liam Rys, but us content creators raise him.
Song Inspiration: Fanfiction on the Internet, Jake Timothy
Word Count: 1,207
Why Liam?
My reason is incredibly simple (and it isn’t because it’s The Royal Romance) … I have dated enough Drake Walkers and Maxwell Beaumonts in real life; no way am I doing it in an alternate universe and spending real dollars to do so.
I dealt with enough games and guards/walls and insecurities and mothering of men; I have done more than my share of putting forth efforts and ego-stroking and reminders and pushing and prodding. I have begged men to love me and proved (to no avail) that my love is worthy of acceptance.
Playing the game with Liam as my LI is my form of escape from reality … the refreshing openness, honesty, and emotional availability Liam Rys provides gives me hope, and will always be my why.
Which Liam?
My preferred Liam is Asian Liam (Asiam). When I first joined the fandom almost 5 years ago, Caucasian Liam (Whiam) was the King of choice for the majority of the fandom, and I remember being nommed for a Clown Award for fetishy writing because I wrote a tall, black MC with Asiam. (I received 7% of the vote)
Asiam is my default Liam, and not just because I see him (looks-wise) as a cross between Gong Yoo and Alex Landi; in my head canon, Asiam is patient (more than most), more sensuous than sexual, logical, an overthinker, and has a humility that is rare for someone born into and raised in an environment of the highest privilege.
He is the driving force behind Riam, Sock Game Liam in the DC AU, UnRomance, and the majority of my TRR-themed one-shots and limited series including The Platinum AU, Driam, and Laxwell.
My love for Asian Liam does not stop me from using the other versions of Liam.
I know I’m in the minority here with my thought process, but I see each version of Liam as a separate person with a distinct je ne sais quoi who just happens to share core characteristics and personality traits with the other two.
I think it would be especially true for Asiam (whom PB did not even classify as an ethnicity, and let's not get into the whitewashing of his mother, Eleanor), and Black Liam (Bliam). While all versions of Liam have a mother who is both a commoner and foreigner, two of them have a parent of color, which (again, to me) has to influence how they are perceived by the international audience they are constantly paraded in front of.
White Liam (Whiam) to me, is trusting, definitely carnal, and has a boldness ...a recklessness if you will; yet he is hesitant to fully embrace his role as King. This Liam takes the lead in stories such as The Commoner’s Wife, Streets of New York, One Night Stand, and he is the Liam of choice in the upcoming stories, Sins of the Father, Best Friend, and Body Count.
I have plans for Bliam; he is the star in a few upcoming fics: Looking, Heartland, Life in a Southern Town (the Election AU), and Eight Minutes. For me, Bliam exudes a confidence the other Liams do not, which is at odds with my head canon that this particular Liam is more guarded than Drake and more of a loner.
Currently all three Liams can be found in my Remix series (only two chapters in, but more is coming!) where Asiam is a complete thot. (He can be an anomaly at times)
Head Canons (strictly my envisionings, opinions, and thought processes that formulate my version of Cordonia’s favorite King)
·         His name is Liam, not William; his mama named him Liam and that’s good enough for me. And coming from a family where me and my siblings all have names that begin with an R, I like the Leo, Liam, Lena thing; bonus that the first syllable for each is pronounced “Lee”
·         He has BDE, and the BD to back it up
·         He is not submissive in the bedroom. Being King is a 24/7 job, and I do not see him just shedding that type of power the second nakedness enters the picture
·         I also do not see him as dominant in the bedroom; for his partner’s pleasure, he can be assertive (not to be confused with aggressive). The man is still kinky though
·         However, he has no problem with a transference of power between he and his partner between the sheets (within reason)
·         Liam grew up in an environment where unilateral decisions that affect the entire country are made in a millisecond; hence the Coronation night fiasco. If keeping you a secret from Cordonia means you’re safe … it’s worth the fallout
·         Madeleine was his only choice that night because another suitor’s acceptance would immediately become a political arrangement, with their families/houses effectively trapping Liam in a marriage neither party wants
·         It doesn’t happen often, but he and MC argue. Loudly
·         He’s a social smoker, especially when networking or brokering a deal/arrangement/alliance
·         If he’s pouring a scotch, he’s stressed
·         MC is his first true/real relationship
·         He is not perfect
·         He makes mistakes
·         Two of my Liams can cook; the rest are at the mercies of the kitchens and Riley
·         He doesn’t flaunt his wealth
·         He is deeply spiritual (believes in a higher power and prayer), but doesn’t begin attending church until he and MC have created a family
What is the one thing Riley appreciates most about (her) Liam?
Riam Riley: I’ll have to get back to you on that.
Riley B.: I would have to say his thoughtfulness. When he borrows my car, he returns it with a full tank of gas. When he comes to my place, he brings in my mail and packages. He’ll Venmo me money when it’s a couple of days before payday. He looks out for me.
Mermaids Riley: His vulnerability. It’s hard to open to someone you hated for absolutely no reason, then find out you’re going to marry them, and now you have to get to know said person and let them get to know you as well. The more we talk and spend time together, the more I learn and not just the surface stuff. That takes more than courage, and I admire it.
Platinum AU Riley/Raleigh: I haven’t seen him in 10 years, but I remember his intelligence. He was more than educated or smart; Liam had a hunger for knowledge, and constantly fed it. He was open-minded as well, so prone to listen to opposing perspectives and broadening his mindset.
Discontent Riley: What I appreciate most about Liam? His selflessness. We’ve had … we’re having our share of problems, but he is always there for me despite public opinion, and at great risk to his reign. I can only imagine the toll our losses and my drinking have taken on his health on all levels, but he only cares for mine. I don’t deserve him.
UnRomance Riley: I appreciate the way he takes care of me. It may not always be the way I would want or even like, but he knows what I need without me saying a word.
Riam Riley: Oh, dear Lord! It’s my turn again? Okay, okay … I got one. It’s his even-temperedness. He’s the calm to my storm, he listens to me go on and on and on, especially when I’m hormonal which is all the time. Liam is steady. He makes things make sense. Not saying he doesn’t get frustrated, fed up, and angry … he does. But he’s never volatile, and it never lasts long. He truly forgives and forgets.
And there you have it, dear reader … a few things I think makes my Liam(s) tick and sets him apart (if only slightly) from the others. Your mileage may vary.
Tagging: @jared2612 @ao719 @marietrinmimi @queenjilian @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie @liamrhysstalker2020 @neotericthemis @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet @busywoman @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam @beezm @gardeningourmet @lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles @lady-calypso @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @queenrileyrose @alj4890 @yourfavaquarius111 @motorcitymademadame @queenmiarys @kingliamappreciationweek @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes​
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thecapturedafrique · 1 year
KLAW: Day 1 Post—Character Appreciation
@kingliamappreciationweek may have ended, but my submissions are just getting started! Thanking the lovely hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes for the extra week! Please enjoy this list of head canons I’ve come up with for our favorite fictional king. 😁
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Face Claim: Daniel Henney
In honor of his mother, Liam chose to use her house name “Shen” as his regnal name when he was crowned; this means only his family and close friends still call him Liam in public
His interest in cooking came from helping Eleanor, but his skill developed following her death when he’d regularly hang out in the royal kitchens under the watchful eye of Head Chef Anais
Liam and Maxwell first actually meet at Lythikos during the social season when Leo turns down Liam’s offer to play in the snow in favor of snowboarding
As King of Cordonia, his net worth is around $10 billion, making him the fifth richest royal in the world
Though his favorite genre of television is historical fiction, Liam was a huge Timian* as a teenager; his favorite professor is Eleven while Leo’s is Ten and Drake’s is Nine
He served for a time with the Cordonian national guard (aka the People’s Guard) as a search-and-rescue helicopter pilot and achieved the rank of flying officer
Liam inherited his father’s love of vintage cars, and he used to run around Ramsford’s seasonal Expo with Drake admiring the models on display
His celebrity crush is Han Hyo-joo, most notably from her role in Masquerade; he’s also been a huge fan of Jackie Chan and Michelle Yeong since childhood
Though Liam of course knows all his bodyguards by name, the five in his personal rotation are addressed as the numbers 2-5 in Greek, with 1 having been Bastien prior to his injury
He and Tariq bonded as children over playing trading card games (mainly Pokémon) and making fun of nobles
Hana begins teaching Liam Putonghua; he also relearns how to be sassy from her (as he’d stopped teasing Drake by and large after the latter came back for fear of driving him away again)
His favorite constellation is Cetus and his favorite Western superhero is Batman
Following a Disney Princess marathon with the gang, Liam decides he relates the most to Ariel
*Professor Time is the name of the Choices version of Doctor Who, thus Timian is the analogue to Whovian.
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
KLAW 2023 Day 1 Throwback: Betrayal
King Liam Appreciation Throwback
This was a @choicesprompts story. Fair warning: no happy ending and major character deaths. This is tragic.
August of 2022 I was processing some pretty heavy grief of my own and this came out of that.
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(This lovely poster is the handiwork of our wonderful host @sazanes!!)
Welcome to our second edition of the King Liam Appreciation Week!! Just like last year, we are holding it around the time of the International Day for Monuments and Sites, which is on April 18th.
It's been 6 years since we were first introduced to the younger brother of the "Prince" LI from RoE, and he's been capturing the minds and hearts of many Choices players ever since! Whether it's for his romantic sensibilities, his compassion, his vast knowledge of both his country and the world, or his charm and diplomacy - he is a favourite among many Choices players.
As Liam is an avid lover of History and especially of monuments and heritage sites, we continue to hold this event around 18th April! This event will happen over 5 days - from April 17th to 21st. The themes for the days are as follows:
Day 1 - April 17th - Character Appreciation/Throwback
Day 2 - April 18th - King/Historian
Day 3- April 19th - Foodie/Baklava
Day 4 - April 20th - Childhood/Family
Day 5 - April 21st - Friendships/Relationships/AU
Keep in mind that you don't have to send the content on the exact day of the theme - if you give it a little later as well, it's still fine as long as you tag the piece with the day it was meant for (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2, etc).
Any content is welcome! Fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, meta, interactive media, headcanons, character appreciation... anything! As long as it celebrates Liam as a character, focuses on him and shows positive depictions of him. We also accept WIPs and a specific day (Throwback) is set aside for past pieces on Liam. If you like, you can even tell us about the process of creating that piece (here's an ask list for throwback pieces if you have doubts!).
Make sure you tag @kingliamappreciationweek in your posts, as well as the hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your content so we don't miss it! It would also make it easier to track if you use the tags #kingliamappreciationweek and #KLAW in your posts as an extra precaution.
For inspiration, take a look at our KLAW 2022 Masterlist! It's got some brilliant pieces!!
Various fan content blogs have helped in promoting our weeks and also run great events on a weekly/monthly basis. We would definitely love for our participants to check them out in case they'd like to be part of those too: @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicespride, @choicesprompts, @choicesholidays, @wip-wipeout-weekend, @moodmusicmonday.
Once the week is officially over, we will keep a bonus week for participants who have trouble sending content during the week itself.
We have over a month to get ready for KLAW, and we're super excited to see what our fellow Liam fans might have in store! See you all in April!!
✅✅signal boosts will be highly appreciated!!✅✅
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tessa-liam · 1 year
King Liam Appreciation Week
Day 2: King/Historian
For my submission, I wrote a story combining King Liam's love of history and his love for his MC.
Featuring my OTP Liam and Riley, using the face claims of Lucas Bravo for Liam and Lorena Tarantino for Riley.
(Re-posting, tumblr being annoying forgetting the link!)
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Book: The Royal Heir, Book 1 AU 👑One-Shot 
Premise: After Liam and Riley arrive home from their island paradise honeymoon, they are inundated with pressures to produce a Royal Heir. To protect and shield his bride, King Liam takes his queen away from the court and the press, as they embark on a trip to Cappadocia, Turkey. 
Pairing: Liam Rys x F!MC Riley Brooks-Rys, OTP ‘LiRi 
All characters belong to Pixelberry. 
Rating: M*Warnings: Adult conversation, sexual innuendo 
Category: One-Shot/fluff 
Words: 2174 
Music Inspiration: Wild Is the Wind, David Bowie 
A/N1: My submission for King Liam Appreciation Week, Day 2, April 18th – King/Historian, @kingliamappreciationweek @lizzybeth1986 @sazanes #kingliamappreciationweek #KLAW 
A/N2: Not beta’d - please excuse all errors. 
A/N3: My submission for Choices April Challenge, Prompts-Love is in the air, you are my home, sunrise, love, kiss, hug @aprilchallenge @peonierose @bebepac #choicesmonthlychallenge #Choices April Monthly Challenge 
A/N4: Please forgive the multiple postings...Tumblr is playing games again!
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King’s Study, Cordonian Palace 
Bright rays of light streamed through the bay windows as Liam sat down at his desk to open and review the mail he received while away on his honeymoon. 
Next to his ornate inbox on his desk, was the morning paper. 
He dropped the stack of correspondence he had just picked up back down as he read the bold lettering printed above the picture captured of the Royal couple leaving the jet as they arrived home. 
Reclining his chair, his thoughts went back in time to just four weeks ago... 
...it all started on their honeymoon, when Javier knocked the spoon of amuse bouche, having raw fish, out of Riley’s hand. Giving his apologies, ‘To have almost destroyed Cordonia’s future’, he assumed that Riley was pregnant. 
Taking it in stride, they laughed together as if nothing had happened, and continued with a leisurely dinner. 
...and then the intrusion of camera flashes, unknown at the time, were from unwelcome and uninvited paparazzi that were invading their privacy. It wasn’t until they arrived home and read the articles written about them and seen the pictures in the tabloids, did they realize how truly intrusive those cameras had been. 
...and on the last night on the island being told that the King and Queen of Auvernal arrived uninvited, wanting ‘to discuss the issue of his heir’.  
Arriving home with ‘a massive crowd of citizens and paparazzi’ waiting at Valtoria, which was to be expected. 
Yes, it was a normal occurrence for me, but for Riley, it was a new reality. A world she had never personally experienced before. 
My Queen won the hearts of our people and answered their questions with confidence and grace, despite the audacity of the press. 
As we entered the estate, however, the intrusive remarks by members of the court were even more personal and direct. 
...and then there was Madeleine. She was not only rude, but also snide and sarcastic. 
Liam’s thoughts were interrupted by a light knocking on the door of his study. 
“Come,” he said without looking up from his desk. 
Opening the door slowly, Riley stepped inside quietly closing the door behind her. 
“I hope I am not interrupting...” she began to say hesitantly. 
“Riley, my love, come here.” He smiled warmly as he stood and quickly moved around his desk. Taking her into his arms, “you are always welcome here, anytime.” 
“Hi Liam,” Riley smiles coyly, wrapping her arms around his neck.  
Breathing in her sweet smelling hair, Liam placed his hand on her neck and tilted her head up to capture a not so innocent kiss on her lips. 
After a few long seconds of exchanging passionate kisses, Liam pulled away, and gently caressed her cheek. 
“What would you say if I told you that we are going on an adventure this weekend?"  
A broad smile spread across her face, and she looked up at him in anticipation. 
“I would say, ‘when do we leave?’” 
Chuckling, Liam took her hand and led her to sit on the sofa by the bay window. 
Sitting down in a wingback chair directly across from Riley, Liam said, 
“‘What we need is space to ourselves.’ We have been home for a day and a half, and I think we need a distraction.” 
Riley giggled, "Oh, my King, that look in your eye tells me that you thought of something spectacular!" 
“Yes, My Queen, Indeed I did," he smiled widely. 
Laughing, Liam reached over and pulled her onto his lap, and gave her another kiss. 
"How does riding in a hot air balloon at sunrise over vast valleys sound? Or staying at a luxury hotel inside of a cave within a sandstone cliff?” 
“Oh my, yes! That sounds amazing!” 
“Good, because that is exactly what I have planned for us this upcoming week,” he said with a twinkle in his eyes. 
"Love, we are going to Cappadocia, Turkey.” 
“Really? I thought we were going on a road trip in the U.S. with Hana, Maxwell and Drake?” Riley questioned, raising her eyebrow. 
“Don’t worry we will still arrive on Texas in time for Bertrand and Savannah’s wedding. But, instead of sharing time with our friends, I decree, my queen needs pampering.” 
Royal Jet, on the tarmac 
Aboard the Royal jet, Riley was settling into her seat as Liam discussed the flight plans with the pilot before take-off. 
“Your majesty, the flight will take approximately three hours, and we should be arriving in Cappadocia shortly after.” 
“Thank you, Captain,” Liam replied. 
Turning to Riley, “It seems like our adventure is just about ready to start.” 
Bastien and Mara were just entering the cabin, taking their seats behind the Royal couple as the sound of the engines increased in sound. 
As the jet lifted off the tarmac, Liam squeezed Riley’s hand. 
“We are going to see a part of the world that most people have never been to before. We’re going to experience things that very few people ever get to enjoy. And, most importantly, we are going to spend time away from court.” 
“Madeleine, Godfrey, and our royal visitors are going to revolt. When they find out we left the Capital, they...” 
“Riley, you forget something very, very important. You are my Queen now. Our word is law in Cordonia. As far as Bradshaw, Isabella and Amalas are concerned, they are uninvited guests and do not dictate our schedules. The reason there is a Royal council is to support the Crown in whatever the Queen and King decides.” 
“I’m sorry, Liam, I shouldn’t worry about everyone else.” 
Smiling, Liam kissed her hand, “It’s just one of your qualities that I love so much. Sometimes you must let go of the reins otherwise you’ll drive yourself crazy. Okay?” 
Grinning and nodding her head, Riley asked, “now, tell me more about this trip; what do you have in-store for us?” 
“Well, once we arrive in Cappadocia, we are going to travel to a town called Goreme. That is where the hotel we are staying at is situated. It’s just outside of Goreme. The entire town is built into the side of a mountain, with many caves that are used for living quarters by locals.” 
“It sounds amazing!” 
“There are several other villages near Goreme, including Selime and Nevsehir. All of them are lush and green, especially during the spring season. There are hot springs that we can enjoy, as well as several museums and ruins that we will visit. The area is rich in history, as well as culture.” 
“Oh Liam, it sounds incredible.” 
“Yes, it is. Now, I want you to relax and let me plan everything. I know how much you love surprises, and I don’t intend to disappoint.” 
With a wink, Liam added, “and, we will have lots of opportunities to work on our family.” 
When they landed in Cappadocia, a large white Mercedes SUV was waiting to escort them to their hotel in Goreme. 
As they travelled, Liam explained the local landscapes, including the tall, cone shaped rock formations known as ‘fairy chimneys’. “These were formed 60 million years ago after a sequence of volcanic eruptions hit the area. 
The name ‘Cappadocia’ is derived from the Persian word, ‘Katpatuka’, meaning the land of beautiful horses. In ancient times, gifts or tributes of horses from this region were presented to ancient Assyrian and Persian kings.” 
“It sounds like horses were paid for taxes to the crown,” Riley replied.  
“Yes, in fact the locals here still value horses and offer visitors an alternate mode of transport, instead of motor vehicles.” 
Liam directed the driver to slow down as they travelled by the rock cut churches. “They say that these churches number up to 600, and there is a possibility that many are yet to be discovered. The chapels were carved into the soft rock by monks in the dark ages, and some of them have kept their original impressive frescoes with amazing detail. 
Superstitious locals scratched out the eyes of some of the figures due to the fear of the ‘evil eye’.” 
“Well, we can check it out tomorrow morning after our balloon cruise.” 
Kayakapi Premium Caves Hotel 
After checking in, they were personally ushered to their penthouse suite by the resort chamberlain.  
“Your Majesties, this hotel is set inside 8 original fairy chimneys and has an indoor pool that resembles an ancient Roman bathhouse and spa.” 
Liam squeezed Riley’s hand, pulling her close to his side. 
Continuing, the chamberlain pointed out the traditional artifacts and artwork throughout the hotel as they walked passing by the sunrise balloon viewing terrace. 
Arriving inside their penthouse suite, Liam chuckled watching Riley’s jaw drop. 
“You didn’t tell me there was a pool.... inside our suite!” 
“Of course not,” Liam said with a laugh. 
Laughing, she smacked him playfully on the arm. 
“No, you did not.” 
“Oh good.” 
Liam set her down on the edge of the pool, then poured two flutes of champagne and handed one to her. 
“To our new life together,” clinking their crystal flutes. 
Taking a sip of champagne, Riley held her flute up, “to riding the skies tomorrow.” 
Liam raised his flute and added, 
“Because at sunrise we will be on a hot air balloon ride, for the absolute best view of the region in all its glory.” 
“Love is in the air”  
“OH. MY. GOD. I feel like we are flying over the moon!’ 
As Liam stepped up behind Riley, he wrapped his arms around her waist in a hug and placed a soft kiss on her neck. 
“Hidden beneath the landscape are over 50 underground cities. An interesting fact is that these cities held all the necessary facilities to lead an everyday life. These cities had everything a typical town would have, from wine presses to cooking places, oil storage, and livestock pens. These cities served as a safe space for Christians escaping persecution by Arabs. 
In fact, the name ‘Goreme’ means ‘one cannot see in here’.” 
Leaning back against him. She rested her head on his shoulder. 
“I love you,” he whispered. 
“I love you, too,” she murmured. 
Looking over her shoulder at Liam, “this place is amazing!” 
Gazing at the ancient rock formations rising from the ground like castles and churches, Liam smiled. 
“It certainly is. I had no idea that these places existed until a few months ago.” 
“This is so beautiful,” Riley said, looking around the stunning landscape below. 
“Indeed, it is.” 
Royal jet, en route to the U.S. 
Riley awoke from a nap due to turbulence. She sat up in her seat and reached for Liam’s hand. 
“What is it? Are you okay?” 
“I’m fine, the air turbulence is getting to me.” 
Lifting her hand to his lips, he gave her a gentle kiss. 
Riley felt her stomach turn, and she took a breath. 
Moving closer, Liam stroked her cheek. 
“Are you sure? You look pale.” 
“Thank you so much for taking me on this trip.” Riley was clearly getting emotional. “I love you so much.” 
Reaching over, he brushed aside her hair, kissing the top of her 
“As soon as the wedding is over, I will take you home.” Riley looked up at her husband, “I am already home.... “You are my home.”   
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My OTP Liam & Riley, LiRi
Face claims: Lucas Bravo & Lorena Tarantino
@sazanes + @lizzybeth1986, Thank you for hosting @kingliamappreciationweek 💕💕💕
My tag list: @tinkie1973 @emkay512 @malblk21 @imjusthereforliam @lovingchoices14 @kyra75 @kingliam2019 @karahalloway @busywoman @alj4890 @differenttyphoonwerewolf @harleybeaumont @twinkleallnight @xpandass420x-deactivated2023032 @sfb123 @ao719 @txemrn @queenmiarys @jared2612 @thesvnsins @irisk12 @walkerdrakewalker @charlotteg234 @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesmonthlychallenge
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(this poster is by the incredible @sazanes!)
Find Part 1 of the KLAW 2023 Masterlist here!!)
Liam & Blaine On The Rooftop by @/artbyainna, commissioned by @ao719
Friendship by @angelasscribbles
October Weekend Retreat by @tessa-liam
Movie Nights in Valtoria from Hinge by @angelasscribbles
Panty Hawk by @sincerelyella
A Glimpse of Us by @noesapphic
A Kiss in the Garden Maze by @sazanes, commissioned by @dragonknightofsummerset
Maze Tag by @sazanes, commissioned by @dragonknightofsummerset
Chibi Liam and Anastasia by @sazanes, commissioned by @dragonknightofsummerset
Liam Proposes to Reyna by @pilitella, commissioned by @ao719
Drake Comforts Liam by @/artbyainna, commissioned by @deb-1106
Liam and Sophie: The Cordonian Waltz by @sazanes
Character Appreciation
Liam's Forehead Touches by @dragonknightofsummerset
Marquise, Shanelle and their kids by @khoicesbyk (including a commissioned artwork by @pilitella)
Pride: A Lavender and Crimson One-Shot by @angelasscribbles
First Skirmish - Ch 2 of Royal Retribution by @angelasscribbles
Complicated by @angelasscribbles
The Start of Forever by @liaromancewriter
Skipping Across the Pond by @bebepac
Vivid Memories by @lorirwritesfanfic
Liam the History Teacher by @cassiopeiacorvus
"Let's At Least Give Them Something To Talk About" by @/artbyainna, commissioned by @txemrn
Character Appreciation
Liam as a Friend, Lover and in an AU by @cassiaallen
Hands Down - Prologue by @sfb123
Savage Love - Prologue by @angelasscribbles
Ch 1 and 22 of Bad Romance by @angelasscribbles
Liam from Black Silk by @aussiegurl1234
Reel Edit of Prologue: A Shadow in the Dark by @txemrn
If we have missed out on anyone's entries, please do let us know and we will add it asap! Also here is last year's KLAW Masterlist!!)
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(this poster - and all others - was made by the brilliant @sazanes!!)
Character Appreciation
King Liam by @bayleedrawsx
King Liam the Compassionate by @sazanes
Character Appreciation
King Liam's Compassion by @dragonknightofsummerset
Character Quote: Liam by @storyofmychoices
Interview with Duke Liam Rys from Black Silk by @aussiegurl1234
Estranged by @twinkleallnight
Taking the L by @dcbbw
Liam the Person by @mand-delemonde
King Shen by @thecapturedafrique
Moodboards of Liam from Different AUs by @angelasscribbles
A Moodboard for King Liam by @lizzybeth1986
Faceclaim: Asian!King Liam by @queenmiarys
King Liam: Character Appreciation by @tessa-liam
Promo Video: The Royal Romance by @ao719
Check out all our Throwback Pieces here!!
King Liam on his Throne by @bayleedrawsx
Five Headcanons about King Liam by @cassiopeiacorvus
Fate: Part 1 and Part 2 of Love Everlasting by @khoicesbyk
Rules of Procedure from Hinge by @angelasscribbles
Chapter 19: Response of Lavendar and Crimson by @angelasscribbles
History by @sazanes
Cappadocia by @tessa-liam
Legacies: The Statues by @lizzybeth1986
The Principle: A Texas-Sized TRR One-Shot by @txemrn
B(re)aking Bread by @lizzybeth1986
Comfortable by @lorirwritesfanfic
Liam's Favourite Foods from Cappadocia by @tessa-liam
King Liam with a Plate of Baklava (+ Animation) by @bayleedrawsx
Baklava by @sazanes
This Barbie Loves Baklava by @cassiopeiacorvus
A Fast Forward Christmas by @bebepac
Liam, Drake and Olivia as Pirates by @bayleedrawsx
If Only... by @twinkleallnight
Leo and Liam WIP by @cassiopeiacorvus
Garídes Saganáki from Eleanor's Kitchen by @lizzybeth1986
King Liam's Family by @bayleedrawsx
King Liam Dancing with his Daughter by @bayleedrawsx, commissioned by @tessa-liam
Sophie's Liams by @sazanes
Tradition by @kingliam2019
Coronation by @angelasscribbles
The Children of the House of Rys by @lizzybeth1986
King Liam and Queen Ally's Children by @thecapturedafrique
KLAW 2022
KLAW 2023 - Part 2
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What a wonderful response we've received for Day 1! So many moodboards and fics, and some lovely art and edits too. The day has just begun and we are already blown away by your entries. We can't wait to see what else you all have got in store for the week 😁
Tomorrow will Day 2, and we have two themes you can sink your teeth into (either individually or together - we're happy with all kinds of interpretations!): King and Historian. While Day 1 is all about Liam as a person, Day 2 will be about Liam as a public figure and a politician. In the first theme you can explore his duty towards his people and the Crown, his politics and the way he handles power. In the second theme, you can explore his interest in history, what he learns and the legacy he wants to (or will!) leave behind.
Any and all content are welcome: fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, interactive media, meta, headcanons, favourite screenshots, playlists or even simple text posts! The only condition is that the content should be focused on Liam, and that the depictions are positive. You can also send in WIPs if you are unsure about finishing the work before KLAW ends.
It isn't essential to send in content only on the exact day of the theme - the theme is really an inspiration for content. You can also send in your work later on, as long as you tag it for the day it was meant for. We are also keeping a buffer week (from 22nd to 29th April) for anyone who needs more time to finish their work.
Be sure to do the following while getting your work ready for KLAW:
1. Write #kingliamappreciationweek and #KLAW in the tags, along with the day you posted the content for (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2 etc)
2. Tag @kingliamappreciationweek and co-hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes so we don't miss your entries!
Fan Content Blogs have been incredibly supportive in spreading the word about our event, and we would love to give you a run-down on their events too if you're interested. Here are some events you could participate in:
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily fanfic but recently they have also begun accepting text stories and edits as long as there is a story involved. Check out their roster and new rules for content!
@choicesmonthlychallenge and @aprilchallenge - Any and all content welcome! Here are a list of their prompts for the month.
@choicesflashfics - Primarily fanfic under 2500 words. They have just put up their prompts for Week 29 - check the list out here!
@choicesholidays - Any and all content welcome, as long as it is focused on the holiday prompts of that month! Here are the Spring Prompts!
@choicesprompts - Currently no prompts, but it's a great blog to check out!
@choicespride - Any and all content welcome as long as it focuses on LGBTQ+ relationships, characters and themes. They will be running Aromantic Celebration Week from 23rd April to 5th May!
@drake-walker-appreciation and @maxwell-beaumont-appreciation - Any and all content welcome and they usually invite content on their respective characters all year round. World Whiskey Day will be celebrated at the Drake Walker blog on 20th May.
Looking forward to some amazing content!!
Happy King Liam Appreciation Week, everyone!!
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angelasscribbles · 1 year
KLAW 2023 Day 1 Throwback: Mother in Law Hell
King Liam appreciation throwback
Another Drabble Me This story. This ask was fun and challenging to write while staying to true to his character because I don't see Liam discounting Riley's feelings, ever. So instead, I went at it from the angle of his propensity to see the best in those he loves, eg, giving Regina the benefit of the doubt time after time.
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Welcome to the King Liam Appreciation Blog! This character has been an integral part of the Royal Romance series since it was introduced, and has captured numerous hearts in the fandom since!
Liam is not only a lover and a king - he's also a passionate historian, a man who loves his country, someone who finds purpose in selflessness and building relationships, someone who loves deeply yet fears he may not be a good husband or father. This week is about celebrating all the myriad facets that make Liam what he is as a character.
Liam has often been associated in canon with monuments and historical sites, right from the time he expressed his wish to see the Statue of Liberty in Book 1. As April 18th is recognized as the International Day of Monuments and Sites, it's only fitting that we host KLAW in that week.
This event will be held from 16th April to 21st April. Any positive content focused on Liam is welcome: fics, art, headcanons, moodboards, edits, aesthetics, meta, even appreciation posts showcasing your favourite scenes with him! Do tag or DM @kingliamappreciationweek and @lizzybeth1986 for any questions or doubts, and do not forget to tag your posts during the week!
Here are the prompts we'll be using for the days. There are pointers for those who would like to have clarity on the themes, but you are free to interpret them in a variety of ways - as long as the content itself is positive.
Day 1 - April 16th - Liam the Person (personality, individual traits and interests, basically Liam in his private life)
Day 2 - April 17th - Liam the King (politics, traditions, ambitions for the country)
Day 3 - April 18th - Liam the Historian
Day 4 - April 19th - Liam the Friend
Day 5 - April 20th - Liam and his Family - Liam the Lover/Husband (basically romance is included, but you can also use this day to explore his relationships with his parents, siblings and potential children)
Day 6 - April 21st - Liam's Childhood
The themes aren't restricted to these particular days, but tagging them will help us track the content and compile the masterlist! You can still do content on a later day, and tag it for the day listed.
Once the week officially ends, there will be an extra set of days for whoever would still like to send content but couldn't do it during the themed days.
We will put up some King Liam icons tomorrow, for whoever would like to use them during the week! They can be used anytime.
To conclude, we welcome any and all positive content on King Liam Appreciation Week! Here are the tags to keep in mind:
#kingliamappreciationweek, #KLAW
Looking forward to some amazing content in April!
✅ signal boosts will be much appreciated!
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KLAW Masterlist 2022
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Day 1: Liam the Person
Liam strumming his guitar by @sazanes
Liam with a bouquet of flowers by @bayleedrawsx
Character Sketches
Detailed character page by @thecapturedafrique
Character Sketch of King Marquise by @khoicesbyk
Coping Strategies, Food and Fashion Headcanons by @lizzybeth1986
My Top Nine Fun Headcanons About Liam Rys by @cassiopeiacorvus
Fashion Headcanons by @boujeechoices
Character Sketch of King Marquise + Edit by @khoicesbyk
King Liam Playlist by @lizzybeth1986
Positivity Quotes
Quote for Liam by Maya Angleou, by @storyofmychoices
Day 2: Liam the King
Our Sword of Damocles by @lizzybeth1986
Heavy by @lorirwritesfanfic
Liam Planting the Heir's Apple Tree by @sazanes
Liam in a Crown by @bayleedrawsx
Liam in Cordonian Colours (Anointment Outfit) by @cassiopeiacorvus
Marquise as A King by @khoicesbyk
Day 3: Liam the Historian
Liam and the MC at Eiffel Tower by @bayleedrawsx
Liam at the Bell Tower by @sazanes
A Lesson In Sources by @cassiopeiacorvus
Monuments, Memory, Meaning: King Liam and Historical Sites by @lizzybeth1986
Day 4: Liam the Friend
Liam and Drake Laughing by @bayleedrawsx (Liam & Drake)
Liam and Hana at the Shanghai Night Market by @sazanes (Liam & Hana)
Liam and Hana Friendship Chart by @cassiopeiacorvus (Liam & Hana)
Character Appreciation
Liam's friendship with Drake and Maxwell by @khoicesbyk (Liam & Drake, Liam & Maxwell)
A Piece of Land To Call My Own by @lizzybeth1986 (Liam & Hana)
Day 5: Liam the Lover/Liam and His Family
Liam with MC and kids by @bayleedrawsx
Liam with the MC in labour by @bayleedrawsx
Liam, the MC, Eleanor and The Baby by @sazanes
Ship Asks for Liam and Esther by @lizzybeth1986 (Liam x MC)
Family Asks for King Marquise by @khoicesbyk
Romance Headcanons for Marquise x MC by @khoicesbyk
Family Asks for Liam (and Sophie) by @sazanes
Ship Asks for Liam and Sophie by @sazanes
The Royal Couple: Twenty Years Later by @cassiopeiacorvus (fic + art)
Silver Spoons by @thecapturedafrique
When the Sun Kisses the Sea by @lizzybeth1986
Favourites (Part 1 and Part 2) by @mand-delemonde
Day 6: Liam's Childhood
Liam, Drake and Olivia as Pirates by @bayleedrawsx
Liam and Leo by @bayleedrawsx
Liam climbing the tree at the hedge maze by @sazanes
Eleanor's Kitchen: Vartanush by @lizzybeth1986
Character Appreciation
Liam's childhood by @boujeechoices
Thank you so much to everyone who participated and encouraged all of us! There's been a lot of amazing content, of different types, and I hope you all enjoy them. If there is content that I have missed, do let me know!
Hope we can celebrate more like this soon!!
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Hi everyone, just a brief note to say THANK YOU to everyone who participated in KLAW, everyone who signal boosted, and most of all those who gave us all so much love and support during this whole wonderful week!
But this is not a farewell post yet!! As mentioned in previous posts, there's an additional week for anyone who wanted to send content but couldn't, and may have it ready after some time.
So while the event is officially over today, the blog will still be open to recieve entries till 1st May! Just be sure to do the following:
1. Write #kingliamappreciationweek, #KLAW and the day you meant the content for (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2, etc) in the tags
2. If you need to reference which theme goes for what day, our pinned post might help! It has a list of all the themes along with tags to the individual posts for them 😁
3. Tag @kingliamappreciationweek and @lizzybeth1986 on your posts!!
4. Though this event may be over, here are some that will last through this month. Do join if you're interested:
• The Royal n Noble Tea Party run by @choicesaprilchallenge (prompts here)
• A list of events for April run by @choicesmonthlychallenge
Special thanks to these two blogs, and to all people who reblogged throughout the week, for promoting and signal boost KLAW, which got us to see such incredible artwork, writing and character appreciation!!
Looking forward to more content, if possible, and to ending the week with lots of love and gratitude to you all! 🤗🤗
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