#kleinstar ※ 01
deathreversed · 4 months
Worrying about her circumstances wouldn't change anything. The last time she had been on this island had been... tolerable, so Nier felt no need to concern herself overmuch. She would pass the time as she usually did.
The huge library in Cotes was unfamiliar to her, or did she just forget? Her previous time here felt like a dream within a dream, a haze that was difficult to focus on. So again, why concern herself? It was easier to simply... wait and see.
"Pardon me..." The young man had an unassuming face, but for some reason... Nier didn't feel he was a threat like she sometimes did with men.
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"Do you know where the romance stories are? It's been so long since I've been here, and I think they moved everything... I can't even find a librarian."
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mirrcd · 7 months
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"You...," he's been around Sun Wukong quite a bit. She can tell. The scent is ON him like dog fur. Her lion-like tail twitches irritably upward and she huffs out a breath. "you are so cute aren't you?" She says, now smiling. Her golden-red orbs study the man. "Tell me, what do you do for fun?"
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wingherc · 3 months
@kleinstar never ending extravaganza !!
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「𓆄」 "Yeah, the music is great and bumping and all!" Hawks clearly had better things on the mind than dancing to some loud block party music, arms full of various japanese street foods gave that much away. "You should definitely give some of this a try!"
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psychicwave · 7 months
hmm... that necklace is mighty fishy...
a sparkly, radiant, powerful-looking gem... that can only mean one thing. the hedgehog isn't wasting any time with introductions-- this could be a huge breakthrough if he's on the right track!
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"that must be your world's version of a chaos emerald!" they've never seen a human capable of harnessing that sort of energy before. this guy must be really special. "are there any others? do you have a super form? wait, it's rainbow-y, so maybe a hyper form?" a pause to reel himself in, beaming in determination, "can i give it a try?"
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hcrpyiia · 8 months
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"I've never seen anything like them before." She admits as she strokes one of the netpups. The way they bark reminds her of dogs, but....Dogs didn't look like machines with machine-heads, right?
"What are they called? They're very cute."
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depenndable · 4 months
@kleinstar go shopping with me IDIOT
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"Oh, you know it was really kind of you to volunteer yourself to go shopping with me! I'm so unprepared for a summer wardrobe here!" Her iron grip on Eiden's arm might have pointed towards it may not have been as voluntary as she was making it seem.
"And you can't go shopping without a second opinion, right?"
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sanguinair · 2 months
@kleinstar Lounged way too comfortably in a stranger's kitchen, Zapp sits with his feet propped up on the table as he helps himself to leftover pizza he dug out from the fridge. It's funny -- how even after arriving here, his routine habits have hardly changed. He spares only a quick glance as the door swings open and a familiar face stumbles in, looking surprised yet too tired to be fully alarmed. Not a muscle moves; There's no attempt to even pretend like he was respecting the space.
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"Oi. You weren't gonna eat this, were you?" Not that it matters anymore now that it's nearly all gone...
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mindchess · 3 months
One moment Miles was in his office, the next he awoke in this strange place—a city he has no recollection of ever visiting. A kidnapping would be the most obvious explanation. It's certainly not anything he hasn't gone through before or expected to happen because of his position. The fact he doesn't remember falling asleep lends well to this idea. ...Though that doesn't quite explain the ride to his new apparent "accommodations" (nothing special, really, paltry in comparison to his old abode) by his presumed captors.
The reason for these events still remain unclear. Surely they would have wanted a ransom before setting him free? Was it purely to relocate him? For what purpose? And why here (the City of Spirale, was it?) Such questions fill his mind. One thing is certain: he needs to find answers.
The only things left intact on his person are the clothes on his back as well as his prosecutor's badge. The new phone supplied to him doesn't allow any contact to those outside of the city, it seems—namely, Detective Gumshoe or that certain defense attorney. He has little choice now but to rely on the words of the inhabitants who have lived here before now. That's what led him to approach a stranger.
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"Excuse me... Do you have a moment? I promise not to take up too much of your time."
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balemoonash · 4 months
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ten minutes. that's how long she has been witness to the gentleman talking to a bird, all while chasing it around the park. amusing as it may be, it is a little ridiculous since he appears to be getting nowhere close to capturing it. if anything, it's merely running him in circles. "something tells me you have the experience, yet you're still struggling even now..."
she could offer to help but well, she'd rather not. this is his business, after all, and not one for an outsider to get tangled up within, unless there's something in it for her as well.
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sixthear · 8 months
Second day in Isola and... Liu'er is already up to mischief. Just harmless fun! Normally, he wouldn't pass time doing something like this... But it's something Shihou would probably come up with.
He found this comfy little hiding spot in the park— he was delighted to learn that green spaces existed even in Fibonacci— perched in a tree with branches that reached across the paths. Every time someone sat down on the nearby bench, he'd quickly dart down to nab something. A hat, a pair of those strange dark-tinted glasses, anything small and seemingly easy to grab. He'd wait to see how long it'd take for them to notice. Some of the reactions were fun.
And now, from the stranger that seemed to have sat down in order to open his sketch book... The young monkey nabs his eraser before scurrying back onto his perch. And waits.
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corvisque · 11 months
halloween is a decent holiday, he decides. it reminds him much of certain festivals back home, the ones with their own costumes and days upon days of revelry and free food. and plenty of drink. swap that out for a night of free sweets and watching people get the shit scared out of them and it's almost the same. more fit for a child, perhaps, but zevran is having a good time nevertheless. he plucks another couple of the colorfully wrapped candies from a bowl nearby.
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"Here," he offers one to the young man. "Treat. Unless, of course, you'd prefer a trick?" he smiles, looking all the world like the charming rogue he is.
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hanabisays · 1 year
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Not even a care in the world. Haru the bird watches as Hanabi snores away in the public park of Golden Ward. Any longer and she just might bang her head hard against the table. There's a half eaten burger in front of her, too. This will be a messy one---ooooooooooooooooh....
there goes her head----
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darkenforcer · 2 years
@kleinstar || continued from here !
what the heck is this? yup, nothing hotter than a ballad about lost love and life's woes.
"nope, just checking in on my new favorite law-abiding acquaintance," yuri finally responds after a good laugh. honestly, he doesn't really have a reason to be here, or anywhere at the moment, "but the radio stuff's a nice bonus."
he scrutinizes eiden giving the cursed machine another go with a hint of smugness. yuri doesn't know how to set up a playlist yet, so he's a bit of a radio expert himself (i.e., he memorized like, four decent stations). oh, well... he vaults over the counter!
"here," a nudge so he has better access to the knob, some fiddling, and bam! pop rock -- a smidge of edge, but nothing hardcore enough to scare away prissy clientele.
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"aaand i just saved your ass. right after you saved mine from the rain earlier, too. guess that makes us even."
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sorcerorkller · 1 year
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"This is a mobile phone? Where the hell are the buttons on this thing then? And why's it flat? What happened to flip-phones?" Unfortunately, Toji missed the train on smartphones being a thing. He caught sight of the nearest guy in the vicinity and immediately pointed at him. He approached the other guy, using his larger physique to intimidate him into... helping him with this modern smart phone.
"Hey! You! Tell me how I work this thing!"
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punisheye · 1 year
So, his plan for trying to get this monster to maybe like him a little more is to just. Feed it. It seems food-motivated enough, but it's also huge, so he's not sure just how much it'll need to eat. So he's blown more money than he would have liked and is tossing pieces of poultry into the massive wolf's mouth.
It's appreciative, maybe?
There's a flutter of wings nearby, a spot of blue and orange and gold, and it tears the wolf's attention from him. It watches— whatever that is, Wolfwood can't tell what he's looking at when he follows its gaze. There's a man accompanying it.
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"Careful, looks like he's still hungry," Wolfwood grunts in the man's direction while he closes up the styrofoam box in his lap.
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wldrose · 2 years
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“....Eiden?” why did that name sound familiar? Orange colored eyes lifts in thought and she remembers a conversation and she Yuuji were having. He had mentioned big bro Eiden in passing. Ah, huh. So THIS is Big Bro Eiden.
“Itadori talks about you a lot.” thanks for being there for him when he needed someone. 
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