#kliff is still number 1 but DJSS is still in the top 5
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
So a question, how do you feel about djss?
I like him a lot ^o^! I think he has the BEST character design in the entire game, and his VA does so much to bring him to life.
I think I've said this before, but DJSS is the *reason* I decided to buy NSR over Mad Rat Dead (besides my music preference). I just really had to meet him, and I was not disappointed when I did.
He's the first character I ever drew from the game because I basically fell in love with him at first sight.
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(My very first NSR doodle.)
The only real "negatives" I have to say about him is that I don't find him sympathetic at all. I just don't buy into sad boi DJSS propaganda. He is an asshole, was an asshole, and will probably always be an asshole.
But, I don't think he needs to be sympathetic to be likeable. I love that he's just an unrepentant prick from beginning to end, but that does mean that outside his aesthetics, I don't have anything nice to say about him. However, him being such a big prick means that it's very fun to bully him, so he's great for comics when I need something bad to happen to somebody >:3c.
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So in short, I love him a lot, and do not take my lack of posting about him as meaning otherwise.
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gamebunny-advance · 3 years
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Grab Bag Doodles
Whoo, art output is definitely gonna slow down now that I’m gonna be busy again, but hopefully moving around more will give me more ideas for stuff.
Notes under the cut as always~
1) Mike Hatsune from Yo! Noid 2. I’ve decided to come to terms with the fact that I just like cartoon old dudes, so I tried drawing one of my other favorite cartoon old dudes. I dunno, there’s just something really funny about “old man Miku” as a concept and still having the candy colored anime hair.
2) Superfan Kliff (Chibi Edition): What if Kliff was a different artist’s number one fan? Based on my theory that Kliff’s design is supposed to subtly imitate Tatiana, I wanted to try doing something similar for the other artists. I think I’m a lot less subtle about it, but I generally like the ideas in there. It’s just a matter of filling them out. They’re all different kinds of obsessive/creepy.
3) DJSS Superfan. I have drafts for the first 3 artists, but 1010 and Eve still need some work. It’s my headcanon that Kliff actually dyes his hair, so his hair color is different for each of them.
Captions (Clockwise, Starting from Top Left):
Circular frames to imitate DJ’s round helmet
Silver windbreaker
A ring for each of DJ’s white fingers
Tall white boots to reference DJ’s concept art
“Wireless” Earbuds
4) Unwilling Harem Protagonist. I actually drew this as a standalone, but I think doing that is just asking for trouble, so I’m throwing it in here.
DJSS: It’s not like I like you, or anything! Simpleton!
Joey: Bro, I’m just here to get my mixtape back, but fuck you too I guess.
5-6) Vape. I dunno why, but I wanted to draw Roboto vaping. I dunno. He’s very stressed out.
Red 1010: Is that even doing anything for you?
White 1010: It’s gumming up my internals, so I’d say it’s doing a great job of killing me slowly.
7) Farmer’s Tan. Inspired by a Sakurai Famitsu collumn where he talks about his own ROB and how just its head and base have yellowed, making it look like it has a “farmer’s tan”. [The translated article by Source Gaming.]
8) R.O.B. drawing. Practicing using refs again.
9) Me after realizing that Miitopia still doesn’t have any adequate curly hair options. We’ve come so far, but not far enough damn it. We should not still be having this problem, and even if it comes in a later patch, I’m still gonna be pissed. And why is changing the skintone limited to just the face?? I’m not a goddamn carrot Nintendo. I know Nintendo technically didn’t make this port, but these were problems in the original too.
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