#if every boss were to have a marketable plushie made of them
gamebunny-advance · 2 years
So a question, how do you feel about djss?
I like him a lot ^o^! I think he has the BEST character design in the entire game, and his VA does so much to bring him to life.
I think I've said this before, but DJSS is the *reason* I decided to buy NSR over Mad Rat Dead (besides my music preference). I just really had to meet him, and I was not disappointed when I did.
He's the first character I ever drew from the game because I basically fell in love with him at first sight.
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(My very first NSR doodle.)
The only real "negatives" I have to say about him is that I don't find him sympathetic at all. I just don't buy into sad boi DJSS propaganda. He is an asshole, was an asshole, and will probably always be an asshole.
But, I don't think he needs to be sympathetic to be likeable. I love that he's just an unrepentant prick from beginning to end, but that does mean that outside his aesthetics, I don't have anything nice to say about him. However, him being such a big prick means that it's very fun to bully him, so he's great for comics when I need something bad to happen to somebody >:3c.
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So in short, I love him a lot, and do not take my lack of posting about him as meaning otherwise.
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Chapter 3
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 5,841
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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I’d done it.
I’d gotten a job.
My very first job.
And I was already regretting it big time.
But really, could you blame me? I’d had to interact with three, count them, three people so far. Would the torture never end? No, because it had only just begun! And those were just my boss and coworkers, I hadn’t even gotten to a customer yet. I was dreading that inevitable moment as it drew ever nearer with each passing second.
Oh, and did I mention the uniform? Because, dear lord, if I’d known this is what I’d be signing up for, I probably never would have applied in the first place. For starters, I had to wear a light blue fitted, long sleeved, off shoulder blouse which, granted, wasn’t that bad. But that was only the tip of the iceberg. It was paired with a black mini skirt that stopped a couple inches short of the knees. Can you believe it? A mini skirt.  I didn’t see any of my male coworkers sporting booty shorts, no, they got to be fully covered up in white button ups, blue vests, and black slacks. Talk about sexist!
But a job was a job, and I had to start somewhere.
And that somewhere just so happened to be the Ice Palace - a small ice cream shop located in the food court of a local mall known as Dusk Town Center.  The walls of the little parlor were decorated in a jagged, cerulean, semi-transparent plastic, simulating the whole frozen castle vibe. The mascot was Sven the Reindeer, which was actually sort of weird to me. I mean, I get it, reindeers are up where it’s cold and snowy all the time, but weren’t they really more of a Santa thing? I just couldn’t really picture them chilling in a frosty throne room, you know what I mean? But hey, I guess it just gave the marketing team an excuse to sell cute caribou plushies, which were everywhere - dangling from the ceiling, sitting atop the cash registers, filling boxes upon boxes in the back… basically anywhere there wasn’t ice cream, there was a stuffed, huggable, googly eyed little deer.
All in all, not exactly a dream job, but pickers can’t be choosers. Especially when the picker, aka me, had flunked out of twenty-some-odd interviews before finally landing this one. Don’t get me wrong, Rayne and Riku had been great teachers. The problem had been with the pupil. No matter how hard they tried to iron out all my nervous habits and anxiety-induced rambling, a few quirks had still managed to slip through. This had led to no small number of awkward moments and don’t-call-us-we’ll-call-yous. But at last I’d managed to keep it together long enough in one interview to trick someone into hiring the trainwreck that was me.
Just my luck it had to be the frigging food court ice cream place with the stupidly short skirts.
It was my first day on the job. The guy who was training me had left me alone after setting me up with a handful of orientation videos to watch and telling me to come get him when I was done. I was seated in one dark corner of this small room that was part storage space, part break area. Before me was a tiny TV atop a VCR that could only be from the Stone Age. Seriously, I didn’t even know such relics were still in circulation anymore. The videos were just about as dated and mind-numbing as you’d expect. They included one such gem as, now that I was a valued employee of Ice Palace, I wasn’t just a part of team but a family. It also felt the need to cover the obvious, things like don’t be rude, don’t handle the product without washing your hands first, don’t kiss, grope, or otherwise manhandle coworkers or customers, don’t go getting yourself locked in a freezer… you know, things I would never, ever do in the first place, not in a million years.
Suffice it to say, I was bored out of my skull.
That said, this was way better than having to talk to an actual human being. So it probably wasn’t hard to imagine my disappointment when the credits at last rolled on the final tape.  Sighing, I rose from my chair and clicked off the ancient television set before turning to face the door across the room.  My fellow employee that I needed to check in with now was somewhere on the other side of it.
Where the customers were.
I shuddered.
I then took the opportunity to fidget with my skirt, tugging at the hem a bit.
Note to self: use first paycheck to invest in some tights. This whole bare legs thing just was not working for me. 
Ugh, why a mini skirt of all things?! I mean, come on, it was the Ice Palace, shouldn’t we be dressing more the part? I’m thinking Inuit attire, I’m talking fur-lined boots and layers upon layers of thick, fuzzy coats covering me from head to toe. But a skirt? It just wasn’t realistic! If I were in a real castle made entirely of frost, I’d be freezing my rear off right about now!
I then adjusted the black cap with a blue bill atop my head that sported our cursive logo, complete with a teeny doodle of a palace, before tightening my ponytail that stuck out the hole in the back. I’d opted for that over my usual braid. Figured it would make it harder for me to fiddle with my hair when I got anxious.
Unfortunately, I had now run out of trivial (but one hundred percent necessary) ways to procrastinate.  Guess there was no putting it off any longer.  I slowly approached the door, watching it grow more ominous with every step that brought me closer to it. Halting in front of it, I reached for the knob. But then I stopped, hesitating before retracting my hand and looking back over my shoulder towards a second door on the opposite wall, a green Exit sign glowing over it.
The door to freedom.
Perhaps it wasn’t too late for me to follow my dreams and become a hermit. I could always buy a fake beard. No one would ever know the difference.
My eyes darted back and forth between the two doors, my breath becoming shallow and my heartrate quickening. Then, biting down on my lower lip, I took a step towards that Exit sign and-
“There you are!”
I froze with a wince before turning my back on that tantalizing exit, instead facing my coworker who was now leaning in through the other door. He was tall with brown eyes and his head shaved bald beneath his own cap. A thin, black goatee wrapped around the friendly grin he was shooting my way as he now fully stepped into the room to join me, looking quite dapper in his vest and neatly ironed pants.
I chuckled nervously, clasping my hands behind my back.  “Er, yeah… here I am.”
Drat. So close!
“Was wondering if you’d gotten lost, figuring as how you should’ve been long done with those videos by now.”
“Nope, was just… on my way, Lucius.”
“Ah ah!” he chided, waggling a finger in my face before gesturing to his work attire. “When I’m in the uniform, it’s Frozone.”
I blinked.  “...Fro...zone?”
He nodded solemnly.  “Yup. Because when I’m on the clock, I’m in the zone.” That last word was emphasized with a wide sweep of his outstretched hand before he tacked on dramatically, “The Frozen Zone.”
“...I see.”
He seemed to take great pride in his work.
I wondered if I would ever be that dedicated.
...or if I ever even really wanted to be that dedicated.
“So, um… Mr Frozone… what’s next?”
He jerked a thumb over his shoulder back towards the door he’d come in through. “Figured we could get you up front now, start familiarizing you with the space and equipment.”
“R-really? So soon?” My fingers twitched, reaching for my braid before remembering it wasn’t there. Instead I settled for crossing my arms. “You think I’m ready for that?”
Answer: A big fat no.
“Well, let’s see here.” He started ticking off fingers, “You’ve watched the videos, you’ve had the grand tour, you’ve-”
“No I haven’t!” I said quickly, shaking my head.  “Had the grand tour, that is.”
“No? Well alright then.” He stepped past me and further into the room, then stopped and pivoted around to face me, spreading his arms out to either side of him.  “Here it is, in all its glory. Just breathe in that majesty.”
This cramped break-slash-storage room was it, apparently. Besides the TV and VCR in one corner, most of it was filled with giant, industrial-grade fridges for housing all the ice cream. Plus a couple of large metal sinks, plus the aforementioned boxes upon boxes of reindeer plushies. Squeezed into one corner was a humble couch that’d seen better days, along with a small table with a couple rickety-looking chairs. A giant bulletin board hanging from one wall completed the look, covered in workplace guidelines, announcements, and different colored flyers.
“Oh.” I pursed my lips to one side.  “Very, ah… very majestic.”
“Isn’t it just?” he nodded, hands on his hips as he smiled broadly. “Welp, that’s that. Now let’s get you up to the registers to continue your training.”
I hummed thoughtfully.  “Maybe I should watch the videos one more time. Just to make sure, that… uh...”
Reason… reason… dear god, please, come up with a reason, any reason!
“...that I... didn’t... miss anything?”
He laughed. “You’re thorough and detail oriented. I like that.” He planted his hands on my shoulders and steered me towards the door of doom. “Feel free to rewatch those tapes on your own time, but for now, let’s move on.”
He gave me a gentle but firm push and I stumbled through the door and straight into my own personal hell.
Alright, fine, maybe I was being a bit over dramatic. There weren’t even any customers in line at the moment. Seemed like it was just after the lunch rush and most of the people had already eaten and cleared out. There were just a couple families left dotting the tables out there in the otherwise empty food court beyond our countertop.
Swallowing my nerves and inhaling deeply to calm myself, I glanced around my more immediate area. I was a bit curious after all, seeing as how this was my first real time on this side of the cash register. But really? There wasn’t much to it. There was a giant frozen display proudly presenting a rainbow of different flavored ice cream. Beneath it behind the counter were some small metal doors that seemed to be some more refrigerated storage space. In one corner was this fancy looking ice cream machine, with stacks on stacks of empty cups and cones beside it. There were some large menus overhead on the back wall and beneath them, a snowman crudely painted onto the door that I had just been so unceremoniously shoved through. Then of course, those plastic “ice” walls and reindeer dolls overflowing from every crook and cranny that they could conceivably be crammed into.
That about summed it up.  That, plus the burly blonde guy manning one of the registers that would be my second coworker.
He turned his head, giving me a look that admittedly wasn’t quite a scowl, but wasn’t exactly warm and inviting either.
I gulped and unconsciously took a step back, immediately bumping into something. Looking over my shoulder, that something turned out to be a someone: Lu… erm, I mean, Frozone.
Hand on my shoulder once more, he guided me forward and I took a few reluctant steps closer to the other man.  “Elsa, you remember Kristoff from earlier, right?”
I gave a weak nod and raised my hand in a tiny wave. “H-hi again.”
He only continued to fix me with a dull stare.
“Oh yeah, you two are going to be fast friends, I can already tell,” Frozone beamed. “Now Kristoff here is going to be taking over your training and showing you the ropes up here. There’s a new shipment in back that I should get to sorting out, but just give a holler if you need me.”
“Wait!” I snatched at his sleeve as he turned to leave through the back door.  My eyes darted from him to Kristoff and back before I whispered, “Do you really have to go?”
I had actually been growing comfortable around him. He seemed nice.
This Kristoff guy on the other hand seemed, erm… how should I put this… shall we say, grumpy?
Frozone chuckled, tugging himself free of my grasp and patting me on the head. “I’m flattered, girl, but I’m a taken man. Honey is the light of my life and trust me, you do not want to get on that woman’s bad side.”
“Wha-?” I blinked a couple times. “No, that’s not what I-”
Annnnnnd there he went, calling a cheerful, “Have fun, you two!” over his shoulder as he disappeared into the back.
Sighing, I turned to face Kristoff and was greeted once more by that same deadpan expression.
Oh yeah. So much fun.
Taking a cautious step towards him, I cleared my throat and rubbed my left elbow.  “So… that Frozone… really seems to take his job seriously, huh?”
“...don’t even get me started,” he said flatly.
So he speaks.
I tried again. “What do I call you? Kristoff okay? Or just Kris? ...Kristo?” I was met with total silence. “...Oh, maybe that’s already short for something, like… Kristopher? Kristofel? Kris...toforos?” Mayday! Mayday! I was beginning to enter nervous babbling territory. Send help. “Or perhaps, oh! Do we all get theme names? Like Frozone? What would yours be? Are you the, uh… hmm, the, um… the Iceman?”
Face unchanged and dead serious, he said at last, “Oh yeah. That’s me. The Iceman. I love ice. Ice is my life. I eat, drink, and breathe nothing but ice. At night, I go to my ice house, eat my ice dinner, tuck myself into my ice bed, and cuddle with a bag of ice like it’s a teddy bear.”
If possible, his eyelids drooped even further.  “No.”
I knew that.
He heaved a soft, grumbling huff. “Kristoff is fine. Let’s go, new girl.”
He left his station behind the cash register to walk over to the display housing the frozen tubs, slapping a hand down on top of the chilly glass. “Ice cream,” he explained dryly. He then bent down to open one of the metal doors below, pulling out what appeared to be a plastic wrapped, solid bar of sugary sweetness on a stick. “More ice cream.” He tossed it back in with the rest just like it, kicking the door shut. He then picked up a rounded, steel utensil. “Ice cream scoop. You know how to use one, right?”
“Ah,” I brightened. “Yes, of course!”
“Congratz, you’re at least as competent as a four-year-old.”
Hey now, rude.
Returning the scoop to where he’d found it, Kristoff then walked over to the giant machine in the corner. As I approached it as well, I began to appreciate just how much of a monster this thing truly was with all its buttons, switches, levers, and tubes on it. It was actually kind of intimidating. What on earth could they all even possibly do?
“Combo soft serve/milkshake machine,” Kristoff continued on in his bored monotone as he planted an elbow atop the thing, leaning against it. He pointed at a big lever on the left over one tube. “Ice cream.” Next at another big lever, this one on the right over a second tube with some sort of gizmo sticking out of it. “Milkshakes.” His index finger shifted down to three large buttons running down the bottom right corner in front, first indicating the top one. “Turns it on and off.” Then the bottom button. “Flavor swapper.”
“And this one?” My fingers drifted towards the middle button.
“No touchy,” he lightly swatted my hand away. “That one makes it angry. And trust me, you won’t like it when it’s angry.”
I tipped my head to one side. “...why would there even be a button like that?”
He shrugged, intoning airily, “No one knows.”
I quirked an eyebrow at him, then shook my head, my gaze returning to that monstrosity of a machine. “What about all those other levers and switches on the side?”
“Woah, slow down, newbie. You gotta learn to crawl before you can walk. For now, just stick to the basics.  Ice cream. Shakes. Off and on. Flavor,” he pointed to each one in turn again as he listed them off before giving me yet another dull look. “Am I going too fast for you? Maybe you should be writing this down.”
It was my turn for some eyelid droopage. “I think I got it.”
“Good. You’re ready for your first customer then. And as luck would have it,” he pointed past me, “here he comes.”
“What?!” I spun around on my heel. Some guy had just entered the food court on the opposite end from the Ice Palace, but was making a beeline straight for us.
Panic mode initiated. Hands? Clammy. Face? Blanched. Heart? Pounding. All systems a go.
“Relax, new girl.” Kristoff slapped me on the back, forcing a tiny oof out of me. “I know this dude, we all do around this place. He and his girlfriend are mallrats that’ll spend hours here, visiting all the stores and making friends with everyone. You should have no problem. Total training wheels.”
His words did nothing to ease my growing nerves and I must have been doing a terrible job of hiding it because he snorted, “You’ll be fine.  Just step up to the register.” He waved a hand towards it.
I swallowed hard, then numbly walked over to it.
“Smile,” he pointed to his own grin that he now had plastered on for show, looking remarkably strange on a man I had seen zero emotion from all day.  I forced my own smile and he flinched. “Ehh, maybe not so much.” I toned it down a bit. “Better. Now just say, ‘Welcome to Ice Palace, how may I take your order?’ and the rest should be a no brainer.”
Easy for you to say, buddy.
Taking a small shaky breath, I looked away from him and towards the customer once more just as he closed in on the counter. He had bright blue eyes, brown spiky hair, and a huge grin that just about literally split his face in two.
Okay, Elsa, you can do this.
“Welcome to Ice Palace, how…”
Oh fudge, I’d already forgotten the line! My mind was drawing a complete blank. The blankest of blanks.
Panic, panic, panic!
“...how… you… order?”
Hi, yes, one stammering idiot at your service.
I heard the smack of Kristoff’s facepalm before he whispered under his breath, “Eh, close enough.”
Seemingly unfazed by my mental malfunction, the guy just continued to flash those pearly whites. “Hey there, could I get two bars of the Paopu Paradise ice cream please?”
“Ah… y-yes, right away!” I darted over to the frozen display case, picking up one of the scoops and reaching for the sliding glass door in back. However, I froze when I heard a throat clearing and turned to see Kristoff jerking a thumb towards the freezer space below.
...oh right, bars. He’d said he’d wanted bars of ice cream.  Fumbling to put the scoop back, I bent down to open the cold door, located the stack labeled “Paopu Paradise” and snatched two off the top before straightening back up and thrusting them proudly over the counter into the customer’s face.
Another throat clear.
I glanced at Kristoff again, who mouthed the word ‘munny’ at me.
...minor detail.
“Er, yes… that’ll be, uh…” I stared down at one of the plastic-sheathed ice creams, spinning it around by the stick, as if looking for the price tag.
Kristoff groaned before tiredly commanding, “Cash register.” I hastily moved to stand in front of it once more.  He pointed to one of the keys. “Push that one.” Done. “Now that one and that one.” Done and done. A munny total appeared on the register’s little black screen and he gestured for me to go on. I read off the amount and the customer, still sunny faced as ever, handed me the munny. To my credit, I only flinched slightly when the cash drawer noisily popped open, allowing the munny to be deposited.
After slamming it back shut, I looked to Kristoff again, worrying my bottom lip between my teeth.  “Now?”
He closed his eyes and gave me a solemn nod.
Feeling my muscles relax slightly, I turned back to the customer, offering him his two ice creams once again.
“Thanks!” he chirped, taking them both in one hand and ripping the plastic off one before immediately chomping down hard into the frozen treat, making me wince.
Jeez, this guy must have had the teeth of a viking!
After swallowing the bite, he licked his lips and eyed me curiously. “You’re new, right?”
“Gee, how did you ever guess?” Kristoff deadpanned. I merely turned my head to narrow my eyes up at him.
Ignoring the comment from the peanut gallery, the guy offered his free hand to me. “You’ll probably be seeing me around a lot, so figure I should introduce myself. I’m Sora! Nice to meetcha!”
I hesitated before taking his hand gingerly and shaking it.  “...Elsa. A pleasure.”
He froze mid-lick of his ice cream bar, blinking at me.  “Elsa?” Lowering his snack a little now, he cocked his head. “Hey, you just moved in with Riku and Ray, didn’t you?”
My head rocked back at that.  “How did you-?”
“Stalker,” Kristoff stretched the word out in a low singsong.
Sora’s eyes widened. “Wha? No, no, I know Riku! He’s my cousin and my best bud! He’d mentioned renting out their spare room to an old gal pal of Ray’s and that you were going through a bit of a rough patch, that’s all!” That blinding grin was slowly returning. “Hey, if there’s any way I can help out too, just let me know!”
“Oh.” My brow furrowed. “Uh… thanks…”
...you complete and total stranger.
“Don’t mention it! We’re friends now!”
Ah. My mistake. We were friends.
“Anyway, gotta run,” he waggled the second unopened bar slightly, “Kairi’s waiting for me and she’ll murder me if I let this melt! See ya around!” He waved good-bye to us over his shoulder as he walked off, happily slurping away at his own ice cream. I found myself absently returning the wave, one corner of my lips twitching up.
That guy? Bit of an oddball. But he seemed sweet.
“Not bad, newbie,” I heard Kristoff say as he poked the bill of my Ice Palace cap down, making it cover my eyes.
“Really?” I asked, righting my hat and looking up at him. Surprise of surprises, he was actually smiling.
...okay, it wasn’t so much a smile as it was a faint tightening of the mouth. But hey, I’ll take it.
“Not great, either,” he shrugged. “Not even remotely. But it’s a start. You’ll get better at it as you go. Now let’s cover-”
“Yo, Kristoff!”
Recognizing Frozone’s voice, we turned to see him poking a head out the door to the back.  “Could you give me a quick hand with moving a particularly heavy box?”
“Sure thing, be there in just a sec,” Kristoff called. Frozone (gah, it will never not be weird calling him that) nodded before disappearing once more.
My insides shriveled somewhat.  “You’re leaving me by myself up here?”
He gave my arm a light, reassuring pat. “I’ll be real quick, promise. It’s dead right now, so you probably won’t even have to deal with a single customer before I get back. If you do, don’t worry, you’re a natural. Just take their order, easy-peasy. And if you need help, tell the customer to wait a moment and come get me.”
I once again was reaching for my braid. It once again was not there. “What if they don’t want to wait a moment?”
“Just tell ‘em we’re out of whatever flavor they want and say ‘Let me see if we have any more in the back.’ Got it?”
“I guess so…”
“Good! Be back before you know it.” He jogged off and out the door, but a second later, he was leaning back through it again. “Remember, you say…” he twirled a finger sideways, prompting me.
“...let me see if we have any more in the back?” I ventured in a tiny voice.
He gave me a thumbs up. “Perfect.” Then he was gone again.
I moved to stand at the counter once more, inhaling and exhaling slowly. “Let me see if we have any more in the back,” I repeated, muttering it softly to myself as I eyed the food court warily.
He was right though, it was basically a ghost town out there. Everyone had already eaten for lunch and had all probably packed themselves back into the various stores by now. Plus it was a weekday. Thank goodness my first day hadn’t been on the weekend, I most certainly was not ready for the stampede of shoppers that would have come with that! As it was right now, there were only a few folks out there milling around for an afternoon snack and luckily none of them seemed to be craving ice cream. So I could maybe relax… at least for the moment.
Today… actually wasn’t going too bad so far. The job itself didn’t seem all that terrible. I was getting along with my coworkers, even that Kristoff fellow. He’d acted all tough at first, but seemed actually somewhat friendly underneath that cool exterior. I’d even helped my first customer! And with minimal mistakes, no less!
Maybe… maybe I could actually do this!
Okay sure, was I still a bit of a tangled ball of anxiety inside? Yes. Would I continue to be with each new customer? Oh, without a doubt. But with time, maybe, hopefully, it would lessen? At least somewhat?
A girl could dream anyway.
Regardless, I was doing it. The whole independence thing. Taking control of my life. I still had a long way to go, but this little ice cream job was the first small step. If I could do this, then maybe, just maybe there wasn’t much I couldn’t do. It wouldn’t be easy, and there was still a lot more for me to figure out. Like, a lot more. But I could and would. I just needed to believe in myself.
Feeling just a bit more on the chipper side now - an emotion that I hadn’t truly felt in a long time - I glanced around the food court again, really taking it all in this time, especially the other brightly colored restaurants that formed our neighbors.
There was The Big Olive, which served greek food. Currently a woman with heavy lavender eyeshadow and thick brown hair tied back into a long ponytail with curly fringe stood behind the register, idly flipping through a magazine. Then there was a chinese place called Mushu’s Kingdom with a cute little red dragon at the tail end of the logo. Next, there was Beast Burgers. I’d thought Kristoff cranky, but the big, hairy guy working there at the moment made Kristoff look like a cuddly puppy. Right beside that was a Cajun/Creole-style restaurant called Frog Legs, followed by a place called Sugar Rush, which looked like it served mostly pastries and any other sweet that wasn’t ice cream. Judging by the several large signs they had up, they seemed particularly proud of their cinnamon buns, which looked to be more frosting than bread.
Then there was a Lucky Cat Café, which was basically a coffee empire that had a shop located practically on every last street corner in the universe. I recalled that’s where Riku had purchased my mocha from the day I had officially moved in with Rayne and him. He’d probably bought it from this exact one that I was looking at right now. The mall was only a couple short blocks away from our apartment after all, which made it extra convenient that I’d managed to get the job here.
At that moment, I could see a woman with shoulder-length blue hair working the register while her coworker, a younger guy with short, messy blonde hair, blended a frothy drink nearby. They both were wearing green visors with felt feline ears sticking out the top. The blonde gave the grey cat with stripes perched atop their muffin display counter a quick pat on the head as he passed it by to reach the awaiting customer. It was only when I saw the creature’s tail twitch that I realized that was an actual living, breathing cat. Huh. A pet? Kept in the food court? How odd. It must have been very well trained. Probably just napped in that single spot all day, every day.
Last but not least, directly across the way from the Ice Palace was a Pizza Planet, its green logo sporting a giant, round pizza pie with a Saturn-like ring wrapped around it.  It tied neck-and-neck with our ice cream parlour for most over the top decorations. The interior was designed to look like the inside of a UFO and was littered with toy rocket ships and little green alien squeeze-dolls everywhere. Stationed at the cash register was a girl with short raven hair, clapping and cheering her coworker on.
Said coworker was a tall, lanky guy who, like his fellow employee, was decked out in a dark grey polo with red trimmed sleeves and collar, accompanied by a pair of black fingerless gloves and khakis underneath his black, snuggly-tied full-body apron. His long, wild crimson hair trailed down past the nape of his neck and spilled out in spikes over his open-topped red visor. He was grinning cockily as he spun not one, but two massive discs of pizza dough, one on each index finger.
He tossed one up high into the air before catching it and starting it spinning on his fingertip again. Then he was using some sort of wizardry to send the dough half rolling, half flying across his shoulders as he swapped the other disc to his left hand, freeing up his right to catch the first saucer of dough just in time and keep it whirling, much to his coworker’s delight.
It was as he was giving one of the circular slabs of dough another toss up that he seemed to realize he’d gained a second audience member. His eyes shifted to meet mine and then widened as his whole body locked up.  The disc still balanced on his finger spun off and toppled to the ground.
As for its airborne twin?
Right on top of his head, covering his whole face.
A very unladylike snort escaped me, followed by a burst of long and uncontrollable laughter that I tried to smother behind my fingers. I was still laughing when he lifted the dough enough to peek one eye at me, expression unreadable as he slowly raised his other hand in a small twitch of a wave.
My giggling, along with my heart, abruptly stopped as I gasped, paled, squeaked and ducked down behind the counter.
...I’d laughed at him.
Oh my god, I can’t believe I’d laughed at him!
Heart thudding in my ears now, I stayed in a low crouch in my hiding spot, trembling hands gripping the edge of the countertop above me as my tongue dried to literal sandpaper.
Had he heard me laughing? Had he seen me laughing? What am I saying, of course he saw! That’s why he’d waved!
Oh dear lord, what did the wave mean? Was it an angry wave? An ‘I see you laughing at me, jerkface’ wave? A ‘How dare you mock me thusly’ wave? A ‘You have besmirched my honor, villain, now we must duel to the death’ wave? No, no, no, I didn’t know how to duel! What kind of duel would it even be? Pistols at dawn? I knew nothing about using a frigging pistol! Or any gun for that matter! I was dead! I was toast! I was-
Wait! No! Stop! Get a hold of yourself, woman! Gah, calm down and stop letting your imagination run wild with completely ridiculous notions!
I screwed my eyes shut, breathing in deep through my nose and holding it as I counted to ten before releasing.
It had probably just been a normal wave. A ‘Hello there, yes, I’m a dork who drops pizza dough on my head’ wave. He probably wasn’t mad, nor did he want to seek vengeance in blood. He was probably now just standing there, confused by the crazy weirdo who’d dived for cover behind her counter like she was in a war zone under enemy fire.
Alright. Time to pull myself back up. This was salvageable. Just stand and… I don’t know… wave back? Yeah, that sounded like a plan. Okay, you got this.
My legs tensed as I prepared to stand once more. In three… two…
What’d I’d failed to consider, as I’d be learning in two frightfully short seconds, was that there was another possibility. Another string of events that could have and, in fact, were set in motion the moment I’d dropped into hiding. That instead of just staying behind his own counter, the redhead had gotten curious about my odd reaction and had decided to take it upon himself to investigate. Therefore, he’d announced to his coworker that he was taking his ten, allowing him to leave his little pizzeria and cross the food court on a course heading straight for the ice cream shop directly across the way.
I have to wonder… and I mean really, really wonder… what were the odds?
The odds that he’d stop in front of the counter right across from where I was concealed.
The odds that he’d be leaning over it to look down at me exactly as I was springing back up to stand.
The odds that his lips were positioned just perfectly for my own to come crashing into his as I looked up.
 That’s right.
I’d frigging kissed him.
...Hey, universe? It’s me, Elsa. If you’re listening, now would be a really great time for me to spontaneously develop the ability to rewind time by, say, I don’t know… thirty seconds so I can make completely different life choices.
...No? Not happening?
Well fudge.
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Author's note: BEHOLD! There, at long last, having traded his spinning chakrams in for spinning pizzas, is our favorite Fire Boy! Or rather… there his lips are anyway… hehehe… xD Trust me, the fun is only beginning, you're in for one rollercoaster of a ride with this story!
So here we finally get the main setting for a majority of this story - what is basically the universe of KH transformed into a mall xP So many stupid little references will abound in the chapters to come, I'm sure you'll get sick of it! And I know Frozone/Incredibles isn't in KH, but that is a travesty which I had to correct by including him in this fic! I mean, c'mon, he's perfect for working at an ice cream shop alongside Elsa! As for Kristoff, I know he's normally a big ol' softie, but don't forget he had his whole tough guy routine when he first met Anna at the beginning of the movie! And as you can see, he's already starting to warm up to Elsa. And all the food court restaurants and faces (yes, even the cat) this chapter were KH/Disney references, some might be more obvious than others tho… but if any were too vague, Elsa will get to meet a lot of them in the chapters ahead so that should clear 'em all up! Oh, and ice cream flavor names! I'm not gonna miss an opportunity to steal all those ice creams from BBS, but come on, this was Sora, so OF COURSE I had to make up something that was Paopu flavored for him! I imagine the description of the Paopu Paradise flavor on the menu is something like: "Made with real Paopu fruit straight from Destiny Islands with little star sprinkles swirled in! Legend has it if two people share this ice cream, their destinies become intertwined."
In any case, on to the more pressing question… how will our lil ball of nerves Ice Queen handle this mortifying "greeting" with her new redheaded friend that she has yet to even learn the name of? Hope you stay tuned to find out in the next chapter! Thank you so much for reading!
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artistic-writer · 7 years
Between Now and Nether :: Epilogue :: A CS AU [complete]
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Title: Between Now and Nether by @artistic-writer [full res fanart]
Summary: On their way to a Nolan Charity Gala, tragedy befalls Emma and Killian who is given just seven days to set things right.  Can he make Emma believe and escape the Nether before he is lost forever?
Rating: T+/M
AO3 Chapters: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] - [11] - [12] -[13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [Epilogue] Fanart Full Resolution: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] - [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15]- [16] - [17] - [Epilogue]
A/N: Here lies the final chapter of Between Now and Nether!  I am actually crying as i post this, but that might be the hair dye (bye bye blue hair!).  The journey with this fic as one of my only completed CS MC’s has been a fun one, with some many of you sending me comments of loveliness (and some not so much #sorrynotsorry).  Behold - daddy!killian feels!
I would like to AGAIN thank @kmomof4 for betaing this entire project like a boss - mama K, I love you so much and at points, I have been glad for the ocean between us.  Not that i feared for my life or anything ;)  If any of you want, Krystal has this ability to describe a chapter in a single gif, so go ask her opinion before you read it :)
@hollyethecurious my wonderful friend, fellow January baby and kindred spirit when it comes to angst, whump and generally putting our beloved OTP through the ringer before their HE, I thank you.  If it wasn’t for your muse and my muse sunning it up in far-off lands without us, this would have probably been finished before Christmas, but for all the time i faltered on details and needed a guiding opnion, you were there.  You are my person and i would not hesitate to hide the bodies for you ;)
@resident-of-storybrooke thankyou for letting me watch you read a chapter live over webcam, even if you did tell me to ‘fuck myself’.  I consider that kind of reaction a win win as an author, so yay!  Here’s to fucking myself! *raises drink*  And see, I told you, happy ending ;)
If you have requested a tag and have continued with this story, your name should be below - if it is not I am a terrible person and all i can do is apologise for losing you in the rabble, but know you are no less loved for seeing this through to the end!  I read a post not that long ago, about fandom stats regarding people who read fics vs people who leave kudos and comments according to the target audience of the market at the time.  In advertising, i believe the target is a 2% return in acknowledgment and you guys have made BNAN smash that, which a 4.8% return in views vs kudos!  So, thank you all so much, i love you all!
Taglist: @mariakov81 @rouhn @hollyethecurious @kmomof4 @resident-of-storybrooke@hookedonapirate @galadriel26 @aye-captn @the-captains-ayebrows@yayimallamaagain @i-nvr-wrote-it @officerrogerss@kiwistreetswan@wellhellotragic@depechemode75 @distant-rose @yrellow-bugs-and-pirate-ships @courtorderedcake @wellhellotragic  @followbatb
There was a time, when he had felt the warmth leave his body and had been trapped in the Nether, that Killian Jones had feared he might never see the moment Emma Swan had made him the happiest man in the world.  When she had agreed to marry him, none the wiser for his recent week long absence and struggle to get back to her, he was overcome with tears of joy that had burned lines so deep into his face that he thought he might still feel them.
Emma had looked beautiful.  Her dress, tailored by the famous seamstress Belle French, was a marvel, elegant enough to be refined by itself and not take a single glimpse of the bride’s beauty away from the awe inspired crowd.  The gathering was small, with just them, the Nolan’s and some other close family friends, and Killian will never forget the look of surprise on Graham Humbert’s face when he asked him to be his best man.  With a puzzled expression but a smile of pride Graham had accepted, none the wiser why Killian had even asked him.
How could he have not?  If it hadn’t been for him, Killian might never have made it back to his family and for that, he would be forever, albeit secretively, grateful.
“Don’t worry,” Graham laughed, watching Killian pace the hospital hallway.  The thick tread of his work boots squeaked against the polished tiled floor as he paced, his hand brushing some wayward strands of hair from his forehead.
“They said it would be soon,” Killian huffed, feeling himself halt when Graham laid his hand on his shoulder.
“These things take time,” Graham smiled, offering his friend a reassuring nod.
Killian's hands shook as he patted Graham’s with his own, mirroring his small, tight lipped smile with his weaker one.  Graham has been more of a friend than Killian could have ever imagined since the academy days.  Once Emma had taken her maternity leave, the rookie had been assigned to his charge, Graham’s gusto and resilience in the face of the Gold case not going unnoticed by the commissioner.
He trusted him with his life as a colleague, partner and more importantly a friend.  It meant a lot that he was the voice of reason right now as Kilian was slowly wearing a track into the floor of the off white, fluorescently lit corridor.  It had been his makeshift home for the last six hours, the steady buzz of overhead lighting and the mechanical beep of machines his only company when after thirty six hours of active labor, Emma had passed out and been rushed to surgery.
“It won’t be long, I promise,” Graham offered again.  Killian let his weight fall back against the wall, the paintwork scuffed across the white at waist height from the inevitable collision with hospital equipment.  
“It’s been over three hours since our last update,” Killian barked angrily.
“She’s strong,” Graham said firmly, his own voice quivering a little in his throat.
“She’s the strongest person we know,” Killian mumbled sadly, sliding down the wall until he was crumbled on the floor, head hanging between his knees.  Killian felt Graham’s hand on the back of his head but he did not look up.
“Mr. Jones?”  A small voice called from the nearby room he had recently been evicted from.  The woman was small and much older than him and he instantly recognised her as Emma’s midwife.
“Emma?” He scrambled to his feet, clawing at Graham’s arms as he pulled his friend up to his feet.
“Emma is fine,” The midwife smiled sweetly, stepping from the room and closing the door softly behind her.  Killian brushed his palms over his rumpled shirt, the clamminess seemingly stuck to his skin with the rush of adrenaline hearing the words had caused.  Emma, his Emma, was fine.
“And the baby?” Graham interjected from behind Killian who gulped hard, looking between the two of them and finally resting his expectant gaze on the midwife.  She paused, an eternal beat of time that Killian wished he could have sped up just like in the Om.
“A beautiful baby girl,” she grinned widely.  “Healthy and perfect in every way.”
Killian almost jumped into Graham’s arms when the man spun him around and pulled him into a crushing hug.  Hours of fatigue finally caught up with him and his defenses crumbled, the hot sting of tears pricking at the corner of Killian’s eyes and blurring his vision.  He buried his face into Graham’s shoulder, soaking his shirt with tears as two manly thumps of congratulations echoed through his back and chest.
“I told you,” Graham smirked with relief.  Killian pulled away from him and looked at his feet whilst he wiped at his tears, running his hand down his face and letting his stubble, that was edging on a full beard, absorb the salty droplets.
“Strongest person we know,” Killian smiled exuberantly and shook the hand Graham offered him.
Graham raised an eyebrow, his lips twitching sideways into a smirk.  “You haven’t met your daughter yet,” he reminded Killian.
As if a sudden realisation had hit him, Killian turned back to the midwife, his heart pounding in his chest and his face turning white.  He had known about his daughter for far longer than anyone else, but now he was suddenly terrified of the very notion of seeing her for the first time.  Since the wedding, which had happened so quickly after his return from the Nether, Killian had devoted so much of his time to make sure that Emma and the baby had everything they could ever need.  Emma was constantly telling him to stop fussing, but Killian had not, insisting on the very best for them.
Before Emma was too pregnant, they had decorated the nursery.  A splash of blue colour on the wall opposite the window turned purple in the sunlight as it spilled through the sheer, pink drapes they had hung.  The dark wood of the furniture contrasted with the plush, white carpet and was accented perfectly with the soft, pink linen that was tucked into the crib.  They had decided that since she would most likely be their little princess, that she should be treated like one, so Mary Margaret, who as it turned out was a great artist, had painted a fairytale castle and part of an enchanted forest on one of the walls.  David had insisted on as many Disney toys as possible, filling the nursery with a huge Dumbo plush, a smaller Sven (because she WOULD like Frozen) and a tiny mini set of plushies from Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
“Would you like to meet her?”  The midwife again shook Killian from his reverie and Graham nudged him in the back.  “And I know Emma would love to see you.”
Killian nodded and when the midwife pushed the door open, he stepped through it almost silently.  There was a soft yellow glow of light over Emma’s bed and she was sitting up with her arms crossed over her chest, the blankets tucked around her legs and a smile on her face.  She looked exhausted, her alabaster face a stark contrast to the pink of her cheeks and the green of her eyes as she gazed upon their daughter in her arms.
“Hey, love,” Killian whispered as he stepped closer and his hand crept up to scratch behind his ear.
Emma looked up at him with the love only a parent can hold for their child plastered on her face, lighting up her eyes to an even more vibrant shade of emerald than before.  She couldn’t hold back the tears as they fell, rolling over the apple of her cheeks silently and falling from her chin to the blanket below as she held out her hand for him.
They had no need for words as Killian gripped her fingers in his, letting her pull him towards her and immediately planting his lips to her brow.  His other hand smoothed over the back of her head, holding it to his lips as he inhaled the medical scent of hospital from her hair and fought with the shake of his lips against her skin.
“I thought I’d lost you,” Killian sobbed, his emotional state already well and truly compromised before he had even laid eyes of his daughter.  “Both of you.”  Emma nudged her head harder against his face, loving the way his fingers tickled behind her ear and his lips ghosted over her temple.
“No chance,” Emma laughed, her voice watery in the back of her throat.  She looked down at the tiny bundle in her arms and smiled harder.  “We are not going anywhere.”  Emma pulled her hand from Killian’s so that she could touch the tiny fingers of their daughter, the skin to skin contact something she had found so addictive already she thought she might never let her go.
“Oh, Emma, she’s so beautiful,” Killian grinned but was instantly taken by surprise when the boom of his voice made the tiny tot twitch in Emma’s arms.  “She has your nose,” he whispered softly, cupping the pink baby bonnet covered head of his daughter in his gigantic palm.
“She has your ears,” Emma purred sweetly, tracing the outline of the baby’s elvish ears with the tip of her finger.  The little girl scrunched up her face and balled her fist, grabbing the edge of the hospital issue blanket she was wrapped in before letting out a small, content sigh.
“Sorry about that, poppet,” Killian murmured at his daughter as he leaned over and pressed his lips to her forehead.  She was so small Killian thought he might break her, his hands shaking as he brushed his lips over her soft, warm scalp.  “Daddy’s sorry.”
Emma caught his attention as he pulled away from the babe, clutching the side of his scruffy cheek and pulling his face to her mouth.  She pressed her lips to his cheek, tiny prickles of stubble poking her lips and making them itch across her smile as she hummed against Killian’s face.  “I like the sound of that.”
“Daddy?” Killian raised an eyebrow at her.
“It suits you,” Emma smiled at him, scooting sideways on the bed and inviting him to perch beside her with a pat on the starchy hospital blanket.
“Now it does, but what am I going to do when she is sixteen and hates me?  I’m sure she will have a more colourful moniker for me then,” Killian laughed nervously, gazing back at his sleeping daughter.  “She’s so perfect like this.  Can’t she just stay this small and call me Daddy forever?”  Killian reached out and touched the softness of the baby’s cheek, feeling his worries fade away when the side of her mouth curved up into a reflexive smile.
“I think she’ll always call you Daddy,” Emma told him softly, watching their daughter yawn in her arms.
“And what do we call this little mite?” Killian cooed at the baby.  “We should give you a name, shouldn’t we?”
Emma pulled the baby closer to her chest when she started to wriggle in her arms, feeling the warmth of the tot through the material of the blanket she was wrapped in.  “Something meaningful,” Emma beamed proudly.  “Something that speaks volumes about who she is and what she means to us.”
Killian lifted his leg and finally perched on the edge of the bed, wrapping a big, strong arm around both Emma and the baby.  His fingers traced lazy circles under the sleeve of Emma’s gown and goose bumps sprang up from her skin, begging for more of his touch.  Emma was right, and she didn’t even know it.  Killian was the only one with memories of his time in the Nether, even though things had adjusted somewhat in their favour since his return.  Leroy was in prison and the threat from Gold was non-existent now that he was on his way to a supermax somewhere in the deserts of New Mexico.
The whole time he was away, Killian knew there was only one thing he knew, he needed to have, more than anything.  One thing that he needed to make sure Emma felt, and continued to feel so that he could return home to them both.  Without it, they would have drifted apart, Killian stuck without his family, and Emma in a forever state of sorrow.  Hope is what kept them strong and what held them together.
“Hope,” Killian whispered lovingly, resting the side of his head of Emma’s.  “Hope Jones.”
The second they were home with their brand new bundle of joy, Emma and Killian were invaded by the Nolans.  David and Mary Margaret had children of their own, but it seemed that when somebody else had one, Mary Margaret was set into an instant state of brooding that gave David a worried look on his face.  Killian couldn’t help but chuckle as David had held Hope in his arms, the smile of pride quickly turning into one of panic the second Mary Margaret had mentioned another.
Emma was feeling a little better.  Sore, but better.  She had spent an extra week inside of the hospital because of some slight complications following her surgery, but the doctors were now confident she would be okay at home.  It probably had something to do with the incessant way Killian fussed over her whilst she was in the ward, but he didn’t care if they thought he was overbearing in the slightest.  If they had any idea what he had gone through to get back to them both, they might have understood.
Even Captain Lucas had visited them both, bringing with her a little stuffed wolf cub toy for Hope and a fruit basket from the entire precinct for Emma.  There was something about work that always lit up Emma’s face, and she was excited to see all of her colleagues, especially Graham who she had wanted to thank for being there with Killian at the hospital for so long.  Things had returned to how they used to be, all three of them spending more time together socially and getting on without the animosity there once was.  Killian felt like Emma had her old friend back, he had made a new one with someone he had no idea had so much in common with himself, and he was an invaluable crutch during the end of Emma’s pregnancy.
As he waved goodbye to another set of visitors and pushed the front door closed with a soft click, Killian breathed a hefty sigh.  If having a child wasn’t tiring enough, constantly catering to the whim of guest after guest would be the end of him.  Or so he thought, until he ascended the stairs on muffled footsteps, entered the nursery and saw the love of his life gently swaying with his daughter in her arms.
“Alright, love?” He called softly as he entered the recently decorated room.  The faintest smell of paint lingered in the air, but it would soon fade and be replaced by the sweetness of baby products.  “You look tired.”
“I’m exhausted,” Emma laughed a little, offering him Hope as a tiny, swaddled bundle of fleshy softness.  The tot was wrapped tightly in the hospital blankets she came home in (Mary Margaret had sworn by its swaddling ability) with a pink cotton cap covering her delicate head.  She was soundly asleep and didn’t even move as they transferred her between them.
“I still cannot believe we have a child,” Killian smiled, looking down at Hope in awe.
“She’s amazing, isn’t she?” Emma fawned, watching her husband gently rock the baby in his powerful arms.  Sliding her phone out of her back pocket, Emma swiped the camera open and let the lens focus on the scene before her.  It was magical and maybe it was the hormones, but her eyes welled up with fat tears of pride as Emma clicked the button on the side of her phone, and the shutter sound signaled she had taken a photograph.
“She’s perfect,” Killian said softly, looking away from the babe for a second when Emma prompted him for a photo.  “Our little poppet.”
Having a baby was nothing like Killian had imagined.  The books could only prepare you for so much, and they most certainly did not take stock of the number of time you would wake up each night and deprived of sleep, inadvertently stick your finger into the side of a soiled diaper, or how utterly removed from society you would feel.  If Killian was honest with himself, having a baby was very similar to being in the Om;  Time moved so quickly it was gone before you even realised you had it to spare, and there was a constant urgency associated with being apart from Hope for too long.  
Killian felt like he needed to be close to her at all times, not miss a single second, and sometimes even that was not enough.  He wanted to watch her breathe, focus his entire energy on making sure that the tiny thumping of her heartbeat was normal and just as perfect as he had imagined.  Which was why, at three-thirty in the morning every night since she had come home, he had crept into her nursery in anticipation of the inevitable wails that followed, just so he could hold her and let Emma sleep uninterrupted.
“There, there, poppet,” Killian cooed almost silently.  He padded into the nursery barefoot, his pajama pants hanging low on his hips and his bare chest that was covered in a layer of almost black hairs on full display.  He kept the lights off except for a nearby plug in bulb that emitted a soft, pink hued glow around the nursery that was never too bright but just enough to chase away the shadows.
Reaching the dark wood of the crib that he and  David had painstakingly erected mere weeks before Hope’s arrival, Killian leaned over to rest his flattened palm to his daughter's chest.  The tiny beat of her super fast heart pounded against his fingertips and as if by magic, she ceased her fussing and sighed heavily, the screwed up expression she always wore before crying disappearing instantly.  Killian let his hand rest there for a full minute, just taking in the tiny creation before him.
Emma had been right.  Hope had his ears, a smaller, pinker variation, but still undoubtedly curved at the bottom and tapering into an Elfish point.  Along the outside of the shell was a fine dusting of black hair, something that the midwife had assured them she would grow out of, but Killian found endearing and unable to resist, often stroking them softly as she slept or nursed.  
Hope’s hair was as black as night against the paleness of her skin, her tiny transparent eyelids hiding the ocean blue-green eyes that were the perfect mixture of both of her parents.  They had been told they might change, but Killian felt confident that even with his dark hair, Hope had inherited everything else about her mother and her eyes would be just as beautiful as Emma’s and retain their emerald glow.  She had a flush to her chubby cheeks, another of Emma’s traits, and a button nose that squeaked and snuffled with her quickened breathing.  Even in the faint, cherise colouring that cast itself all around her, Hope was a vision of light, everything Killian had imagined she would be and more.  She was perfect.
Killian leaned over the crib and scooped his hand under her soft skull, letting her head flop back into his palm like a warm pillow.  At first, he had been worried about holding her, scared that he would somehow injure her with his strength, but he was starting to realise that babies were more robust than he had imagined and with his second hand under her diaper clad behind, Killian lifted her from the crib.
With a tiny whimper, Hope shifted in his hands.  Just like her mother, she hated to be disturbed a moment sooner than she needed to be, and it made Killian smile at the thought.  “Come now, my little poppet,” Killian soothed gently, holding her against his chest and slowly swaying a little from side to side.  “There’s no need for that now.”  Hope stiffened only slightly as Killian moved to a nearby rocking chair that faced out of the window, the square, padded cushion on the seat pink to match the rest of Hope’s room.  
When he sat down, lowering himself so slowly the muscles in his legs tensed to hold him up, Hope relaxed against his chest, her face turned sideways with the steady beat of his heart under her ear like the rhythmic beat of a lullaby.  Killian folded his arm over his chest, pining Hope’s tiny legs to his chest and supported her back with his other hand.  Hope settled instantly, pinching a bunch of his chest hair in her fingers.
“That’s better isn’t it, my love,” Killian whispered.  “Daddy’s got you.”
Hope let out a tiny wail, the sound catching in the back of her throat as she shifted her face against the coarse hair on Killian’s chest.  Killian began to hum a lullaby his mother used to sing to him when he was a young boy, the words long forgotten but the melody as clear as day in his mind.  He remembered it was an old sea shanty that his grandfather used to sing to her, the calming tune like the song of a siren to children.  With a squeak Hope relaxed again, Killian’s hand moving slowly over the curve of her back and his chest vibrating with a low hum that seemed to calm her agitation.  She would be due a feeding  soon, but until absolutely necessary, Killian would leave Emma as long as he could.
“I know you will not remember this,” he began, inhaling the sweet scent of her in his arms.  She smelled of baby powder and soap and Killian knew that once she aged a little he would miss it instantly.  “But Daddy fought very hard to come home to you.”  Hope let out another small squeal, her tongue clicking the roof of her mouth as she tried to suck an invisible teat.  “Yes, I did,” Killian cooed as if he was answering a question she had posed and before he knew it a single tiny tear of happiness had rolled from his eyelid.  “You made it so that your mother and I could talk between planes of existence, and even though you will never know what that means, you will always be the thing that gave me the tenacity to fight my way home.”  
The tot wailed louder in Killian’s arms and he clutched her to his chest as he stood to his feet.  “You are my light, poppet.  You guided me through the darkness and back to the two people that I love most in this world.”  Killian padded silently out of the room and down the hall towards their bedroom.  Pausing outside of the door, he shifted Hope in his arms until she was laying on her back in the crook of his elbow, her legs instinctively lifting towards her chest and her arms stiffening, outstretched for the comforting curve of her mother’s breasts that meant food.  
Killian wouldn’t mind the crying.  He wouldn’t mind the sleepless nights and he wouldn’t mind the inevitable troubled teens that were sure to follow with a child who was the product of two parents who would fight, with everything they had, for what they loved and believed in.  With a final, loving smile, Killian leaned forward and pressed his lips to Hope’s forehead. “You will never realise why I love you so dearly but it is because you gave me something, in name and in spirit, that kept me going.  You gave me hope.”
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