#kn8 x y/n
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A/N ::: I'm just going to come right out and say it, I love Kafka Hibino. He's so goddamn cute that I literally want to just eat him alive. This is my first time writing for him - though I've been thinking about it for ages. I hope you like it, @supersecretsaga And I apologize, I'm wholly incapable of writing without it exceeding 1k words. So, SORRY. I proofed this once on google docs and that's all I have in me today. Any gross errors that look like I didn't mean to do them, message me!
C/W ::: Human Kafka, F.reader, not a lot of swearing. I just don't get the sense that Kafka would swear unnecessarily. Maybe I'm wrong. My perception will probably change. Really, who cares. Um, P->V (unprotected), jumping the relationship gun (but, with him, I would, too.)
WC ::: 3,094 (about 7 3/4 pages on G-Docs).
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Kafka Hibino was simple, through and through. But when he met you that day in the hospital, his whole life changed. He knew he'd never be the same man he was before he was admitted.
You're a nurse. You were great at your job, and you knew it. Though the first time you saw that big, dumb puppy-energy-giving man, you knew that you were a goner, as well.
He was admitted around 2 am. Settled in around 5 am. He was in a lot of pain from the fight he'd gotten into with the Kaiju around midnight. He had 2 broken arms, bruised ribs. A number of different things had happened to him.
Kafka would be in good hands, though. Really, really good hands.
Your hands.
**** 7:30 am ****
"Oh- oh my god. What was THAT!?" You pulled your hand from the large porcelain tub in his bathroom and squeezed the sponge out over his short dark hair.
Giggling, you blinked slowly because you couldn't deny the warmth that was spreading throughout your whole body. And not just between your thighs. No, this was something else entirely. His stupid haircut, his kind eyes and dumbass smile were hammering their way through your boundaries. The same boundaries you'd worked so hard over the years to build to not get emotionally attached to patients.
"You're an idiot, Mr. Hibino. A complete moron. Have you never been bathed before? That was just a little something extra to help loosen up your muscles, a quick massage. My goodness. It's as if you've never been pampered." You stood from where you were on your knees on the floor and shook your hands out, purposely getting water on his face - you hoped in his eyes - so you would have a reason to gingerly wipe it dry.
"Call me Kafka," he said, his eyes never leaving yours as he watched you grab the towel and stand over him.
"What?" You were confused. You didn't realize he'd been asking you something.
"Call me Kafka. It's my name, yeah?" He sounded so serious, so sincere. You nodded and wiped his face with the towel, noticing the small wrinkles as he smiled up at you.
Fuck. He's adorable and you're finding it harder and harder to stay professional.
"No. Your name is Mr. Hibino and that's what I'll be calling you. Ok? Mr. Hibino? Now, let's finish this bath and get you back in bed. The doctor will be coming by soon to check on you and he can give you another massage if you need it." You moved your hands to his shoulders, gently massaging them as you continued talking. "You've been through a lot, Mr. Hibino. Your body needs to heal."
He sighed and closed his eyes, leaning back against the tub.
You kept massaging him, not stopping until he was almost asleep.
This sweet, gentle man, had a power over you that no one else did. And you weren't sure how to deal with it.
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Quite a while later (sorry, storyline faux pas - I didn’t take into account healing time. But let’s just say that because he’s part Kaiju that he heals exceptionally fast. Ok? Ok!)*****
**** 1 month later, 10 pm ****
You hadn't seen Kafka since the morning bath you'd given him. He was discharged and sent home to continue his recovery. As a nurse, you knew he would be alright. But as a woman, you were left feeling empty and wanting more of him.
You were home that night, exhausted, but unable to sleep. You tried to keep your thoughts away from the big, gentle man who had stolen your heart with his kind words and warm smile, but it was impossible.
Your mind drifted to the way he looked at you as you bathed him.
How his body was perfectly balanced between the hard muscles he'd earned in his training and the slight squish around his mid-section that you wanted nothing more than to run your fingertips over.
His arms were thick and strong. Yet not battle-worn. He didn't have too many scars, though they'd have only added to his appeal.
His legs were muscular, too. Thick and strong, like his arms. His thighs were something else, something you found yourself daydreaming about wrapping your own legs around.
You wondered what his cock would feel like inside of you. You snuck a glance when he was in the tub. You knew his eyes were closed when you looked at it, bobbing away in the water. You're certain he was hard. Otherwise, you prayed he wasn't a grower because any more than that and you'd be the one being admitted to the hospital.
You thought about his hands on your body, squeezing your breasts and sliding between your thighs. You imagined what it would be like to feel his fingers inside of you, massaging you and bringing you to orgasm faster than you could imagine.
You rubbed your clit slowly, gently. You couldn't bring yourself to fuck yourself with a vibrator or even your own fingers. You didn't want to give yourself that much pleasure. 
You wanted it to be Kafka.
You wanted him to be the one to take you, to fuck you, to make love to you.
You rolled over onto your stomach, burying your face into your pillow as you yelled out in frustration.
"This is ridiculous. This is so stupid. I - I'm not some teenager who can't control herself." You stood and walked to your closet, grabbing some comfortable clothes and your purse and left for the mini mart down the street from your house. 
Chocolate was the next best thing you could think of. Other than, of course, Kafka running his hands all over your body. But what are the chances of that.
What are the chances of that?
The night air was cool against your skin. A nice contrast to the heat you'd built up while thinking about him.
You grabbed a pint of chocolate ice cream and began walking back home.
You felt better, slightly, but still very much wanting.
**** 10:30 pm ****
You were halfway through your pint and the movie when you heard a knock on your front door. "Coming, hold on, please." You walked to the door and looked through your peephole to see who it was. "Oh, you're fucking kidding me. What on earth are you doing here, Mr. Hibino?" The smile on your face was causing the back of your head to strain. You couldn't hide that you felt like your prayers had been answered all at once. But at the same time, you didn't want Kafka to see this look of bliss on your flushed face.
"Call me Kafka," he said softly, leaning against the doorway and smiling back at you. "And I wanted to see you again. May I? Come in, I mean. Please?"
You stepped aside and let him in, closing the door behind him.
You watched as he looked around your living room. You could tell he was a little nervous, but so were you.
You'd never felt this way about a patient before. Ex-patient, you had to remind yourself. He was no longer under your care. 
"Ok, Kafka." He smiled at the way you said his name. He'd never heard anything like it before. "Would you like some ice cream? I was just sitting here, eating some, watching a bad movie." You chuckled, showing him the container and spoon.
"Sure. I'd love some." He sat down right in the middle of your couch, and you sat next to him.
You handed him the ice cream and he dug in.
You both ate in silence for a few minutes until he said, "This is good."
You nodded and smiled. "It is. Sometimes chocolate, um, well, sometimes it's the only thing that helps. Y'know?" You looked at him, noticing the way his lips had turned up into a smirk. "What? What did I say?"
"Nothing, nothing. You're just ... you just ... h-here. Can I? There's a little bit of ... right ..." He swiped his thumb across your bottom lip so slowly and then sucked the ice cream off. "... there. You just had a little on your lip. 'S gone now."
You weren't sure what to do. Your body was telling you to jump on him and fuck him until neither of you could walk. Your brain was telling you to wait and see what other kind of sweet nothings he'd do for you. 
So, you waited. You had no idea your self-control was this well-honed. Again, you’d never been tested like this before.
But Kafka was different.
"You're beautiful, y'know." He whispered, looking at the floor like he was trying to burn holes in it with his eyes. He turned his head, leaning in a little bit closer than you were to him at the hospital. His hand moved to rest on your knee. And he said, "I've never met anyone like you before. I thought I was just going lay in the hospital bed until I was better. But you showed me kindness and care. I know you were just doing your job, but I'm grateful that you were there. That you were … you."
You didn't say anything. You were too busy trying to keep your heart from leaping out of your chest. You're sure if he'd looked, he'd see your tits jumping ever so slightly from the heaviness of the beating.
"Thank you for that. Thank you for everything you've done for me, Miss. I don’t know your first name. I’m embarrassed at how many ‘L/N’ households I went to looking for you.”
Your hand shot up to cover the smile that immediately bloomed across your lips. "That's not important. It's Y/N. And you're welcome. I'm happy I was able to help you. I didn't expect you to come here, though. I'm glad you did." You shifted, moving your knee so that your legs were touching. He didn't move his hand. He held it there, squeezing your knee gently.
"I didn't think I'd come here either. But I couldn't stop thinking about you. I know it's not appropriate for me to be here, but I had to see you again. I wanted to say thank you, in person." He turned his head and looked at you. You leaned in closer to him, your noses almost touching. "And maybe something else. Something that would make you feel as special as you made me feel when you took care of me."
You were so close to him you could feel the warmth of his breath against your cheek. He smelled like the air before a storm, and whiskey. But a little liquid courage never killed anyone.
"Kafka," you whispered, reaching up and touching his face. You were fidgeting with a small piece of his hair as you rest your forehead against his. "Kafka. I ..."
He sat up abruptly, "Oh shit! You're not married, are you? I should have asked, I'm so sorry for showing up here so late. Without any warning." He bowed to you and started for the door.
"Kafka! I'm not married. I'm not even seeing anyone right now. Please, come back. Come sit." You stood and took his hand, leading him back to the couch. "I was going to say I've never felt this way about a patient before. You make me feel like there's something more to life than just my job."
He looked at you, his eyes searching yours for any signs of dishonesty. He couldn't find any. "So, you don't mind me coming here?"
You shook your head. "I don't mind you coming here at all. I'm glad you did. I was just surprised, that's all. Please don't leave. Not yet." You held his hand tighter and urged him back down on the couch with you.
Pulling him back in, kissing him gently on the lips. "I've been wanting you to do that since the first time I saw you, too. But you in terrible pain when you came in. How did you have the presence of mind to want to kiss me when you were so badly beaten up?"
He laughed, "I wasn't beaten up, per se. I just didn't come out on top." He paused for a second, and then continued, "And the pain wasn't as bad as you think. I'm used to it. It's a part of my job. But being here with you, it's like I can forget all of that. And just be me. Kafka. Nothing else."
You leaned in and kissed him again, this time with more urgency. His lips parted slightly, and you could taste the chocolate on his tongue. You moaned softly, shifting so that your legs were wrapped around him. He pulled you onto his lap, and you straddled him, grinding yourself against his crotch.
"Oh my god," he moaned, pulling back slightly and looking into your eyes. "Y/N. You're so beautiful." He reached up and touched your cheek with his thumb, rubbing it gently.
You pulled his shirt off, tossing it to the floor. His chest was chiseled and smooth, his abs flexing slightly under his cute belly as he breathed heavily.
You ran your hands over his shoulders and down his back, feeling every muscle and every scar. You kissed his neck, biting it gently and sucking on his skin. "Kafka, I want you. I want you so much."
He pulled your shirt off and threw it next to his. "I'm gonna make you feel so good that you'll forget all about chocolate."
You stopped, pulling back from his face, and you laughed so hard for the first time in ages. "Oh, that might be the most serious thing anyone has ever said to me. Challenge accepted!"
He pulled you back into him and kissed you, his hands reaching around to squeeze your ass as you ground yourself against him. He picked you up and carried you to your bedroom, gently laying you on the bed before climbing on top of you.
You unclasped your bra and tossed it to the floor, allowing him to see your breasts. He gasped as quietly as he could manage, running his hands over them and squeezing them gently. "You're so beautiful. You know that?"
He leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth, sucking on it gently as his fingers worked at your pants. He slid them off, revealing your black lace panties. You'd never felt so exposed in your life. And you loved it.
"Kafka, please," you moaned as he sucked harder on your nipple, his hand moving down to rub your clit through your panties. "Please fuck me. I need you. I need you so bad."
He pulled back, looking at your face. "You want me to fuck you? You want me to make you cum? Oh-hoh baby, I will. I might even cum before you do! But don't lose faith. It's just, well, it's been a while? I guess? But that's not important right now." He leaned in and kissed you again, biting your bottom lip and sucking on it gently.
"It's ok, Kafka. I want you. I don't care if you cum before me. I just want you inside me. Please, please." You looked up at him with tears in your eyes. You couldn't believe you were begging like this, but you didn't care. You wanted him so badly.
He nodded and pulled your panties off, throwing them to the floor. He pushed his own pants down and pulled his boxers off with them, his cock set free.
You gasped at the sight. It was so much more than what you saw when he was in the tub. "Jesus, I-"
He looked down, "Oh. That?" He turned his head away, "Yeah, sorry. I'm sure you've seen um, better? But I make up for it in other ways! I promise, y/n. Just give me a chance."
You shook your head and smiled, "That's not at all what I'm trying to say here. There's not a doubt in my mind you won't fuck me stupid, Kafka." You giggled and reached your arms out to pull him down against you.
He positioned himself between your legs, rubbing the tip of his cock against your clit as he kissed your neck.
You moaned, "Ohhh, fuck. Yes. Do that." Your hand moved to his ass, squeezing it as he rocked against you.
He pushed himself inside of you slowly, stretching you out as he went. The slight sting you noticed dissipated as quickly as the onset. You moaned, your nails digging into his back as he started to thrust faster. "Kafka, oh my god. That feels so fucking good. More. I want more,  please."
He grunted, his cock sliding in and out of you as you arched your back, grinding yourself against him. He sucked on your nipple again, his tongue flicking over it as he fucked you harder and faster.
You couldn't believe how much he was making you feel. You hadn't had sex in so long, but this was different. This was something else entirely. He was with you. He wasn't just there to get himself off. You'd been with guys like that before and they, more often than not, left you with a (literal) bad taste in your mouth.
Your breathing quickened, and you could feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge. And the closer you got, the harder your nails dug into his muscular back. "Kaf-hoh shit. Y-that ... pl- fuck. 'M gonna cum ... very … very soon."
He pulled back slightly, looking at your face as you bit your lip, your eyes rolling back. "Me too, baby. Me too. You're so tight, and you feel so good. I can't believe I'm inside of you. Fuck. I'm gonna cum, Y/N. Oh shit, I'm gonna cum." He grunted again, his cock twitching inside of you as he came hard, filling you up.
You came with him, your pussy squeezing around his cock as he kept fucking you, slowing his thrusts until he stopped completely.
"Fuck," you whispered, reaching up and touching his face gently. "Kafka."
He smiled and kissed you softly. "RIGHT!?" 
You laughed through a yawn at the high energy he had when you first met, despite his injuries, and how he seems now. “Stay? Stay with me. I don’t want you to go. Tonight. Ever.” 
He held you close to him, kissing the top of your head and brushing your hair down as you drifted off to sleep against his warm chest.
"Just try’n get rid of me, y/n." 
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@darkstarlight82 @katkusuo @kazutora-kurokawa
@arlerts-angel @southside-otaku @trevengersprincess
@bakubunny @reiners-milkbiddies
***If you guys absolutely hate this anime or don't give a shit, please please let me know so I don't keep writing and tagging you in stuff you don't care about! Thanks, mooties! <3***
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equestriagirl16 · 2 months
When I’m desperately checking the ‘x reader’ tag of a new series and I finally see multiple fics uploaded-
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kaisa-ryo · 9 days
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i’m kaisa
i'm not from the US, but i'm happy to chat with you!
jujutsu kaisen
who wakes up first?
who needs more attention?
does he like public display of sympathy?
his love language
your phone rang during sex pt. 1 (18+)
your phone rang during sex pt. 2 (18+)
his habits pt. 1
his habits pt. 2
attention deficit pt. 1
who apologises first during an argument?
alphabets (NSFW 🔞):
itadori yuji
satoru gojo
megumi fushiguro
inumaki toge
sukuna ryōmen
nanami kento
fan fictions:
ino takuma
megumi fushiguro (mention of dirty talk without 18+ scenes)
suguru geto
kaiju no. 8
fan fictions:
soshiro hoshina (18+)
❗️everything (including anime and characters) is being added gradually❗️
post work rarely, but neatly
please, if you'd like to send me a request, be as clear as possible 🙏
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mangostarjam · 15 days
fics for gaza — requests open!
hello! life hasn't slowed down much but i think i can handle a few requests in order to help with @ficsforgaza in raising funds/awareness for this important cause.
this does not negate my statement in my rules that i don't take requests. i will only fulfill requests in exchange for donations to gaza.
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i'm opening 3 slots for kaiju no. 8 x reader fic requests!
i do write for other fandoms but kn8 would be easiest for me right now. i'm caught up in the anime, manga, and the b-side so don't worry about spoilers for me, though i will be sure to tag spoilers as necessary for these requests with "kn8 spoilers".
RATE: $1 USD per 100 words, capped at $15 USD for a total of 1,500 words per fic
if you're not sure your request will work, please ask first! you can find a list of things i will not write here
please make a donation to a vetted fundraiser and then send me an ask or a DM with the screenshot of your donation. make sure you redact personal details as i will be sharing screenshots with @/ficsforgaza for verification!
if you don't know what to ask for, you can pick a character + a random prompt from this list or this one! you can be as detailed as you'd like (tropes, aus) so that i can really write you something you want
please no ageless/empty blogs. i will be crediting you for the published piece (unless you ask me not to)! if you send in a request on anon, i'll reply to the ask once i share the fic. i will not write nsfw/smut for anons
you can check out my writing style here. i am far more comfortable with writing fluff/smut than angst, and i will not use "y/n" or your name so let me know if there's a nickname/petname you prefer
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if this doesn't appeal to you, please check out this list of creators participating! any and all donations help, but there is absolutely no pressure to donate — even a simple reblog will help spread the word!
last updated: june 10 — 3 slots open
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brooklynwildlife · 5 years
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PERFORMING LIVE Aaron Peart Abe Gattling Abe Hannigan Adam P. Murphy Alexander Coe aLunar Landing Alyssa Marie Amazing Amy Flexible Freestyling Anna Leah Annie R U OK ANT WONT STOP Ardamus Ariana Materai Ayo Mama B. Good BAASSIK Becky Krill (HoloMovement) Bradman Brent Butler Brian Sheffield Brian Thabault Bridge of Flowers Brittany Campbell C. Paige Carcoda Cherry Chocolate Brown and Chicken Over Rice Chris Zurich Christopher Wagner Chuck Samet Cruz Cruz ctyzn D-Andra n Da Muthaflowas Dakota Smith Deuce Ellis Devin Bramble DJ DR HOLLYWOOD & Friends DJ Karen Doctor Breakfast and The Fuzz Dukes & The Package Elanzo Eliza and the Organix Erica Schreiner EUNICE ft. Soft Justice eüsh Evan Alexander Moore & the Perennials Flo-Pilot Flying Machine Collective Four Elements & Beyond Gentleman Brawlers Grant Swift Glidden Graphic Melee If The Shoe Fits Ivy Soto Jai Emm Jason Santos JDEL Jerimiah Black Jon Gardiner Jonathan Kaplan Karolina Rose Kelli Frances Corrado KHASHA MACKA Kill the Standards Kita P x Black Licorice Lady Valore Lex Rush Lilei LNWD LOST DOG M Y L E S B U L L E N / Apricot Afterthoughts Mack Aroni Mandella Eskia Manny Cruz Marcus Jade Maria Lina MC Stove Melissa Hunter Gurney Mental Stamina Merc The Big Body Benz Mermaid Michael Anthony Scott Mike Gerbino Misha Lee moldNshit Moon Kissed Music Bear Tony Banks (Jay Light) Name of Band NE-CK Nebula and the Velvet Queen No Burden No Clouds Nox O.D. Mongrel Ohene Cornelius Oliver Paco the G Train Bandit Paperboy Prince of the Suburbs Peace Out Pat Pet Robot Phantm Phuego phil phlaymz Polar Vibez Pook Hustle Prince Kurt Russell Prince Wiser Q. NOUVEAUX x SOZE THE SUSPEKT, DJ EVOLUTION QUICK HUNDO (grundel thunder/ratchet by nature) Real Clothes REAL iSHmAeL Redrum Renée Catrine RESONICA Rob Interface S@V@GE Saharas Greenery Saint WLF Sal Paradise Sam Rosen Samurai Shotgun SB THE MOOR SickPhatTight Sir Kn8 Slow Proteo Soma Holiday Stadium P Stank Nitty STAV G Stay On Mars Stephen Antony Beasley STITCH81CLASSIC Supermajor Teena May The Allegations The Bumbling Woohas the DarkDoves The IZM TK DaCyph TRICK PAPI Uncle Meg UNI VERSE Upgrade ViceVerses Yemi Afolabi Young Toussaint #concert #burningman #afropunk https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Wh-xVlRQ5/?igshid=4ttxd9wdkabs
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A/N ::: Yeah. So, apparently, I go weeks without writing more than a comment or 2 and in the span of less than 12 hours this is my second piece about Kafka Hibino. What can I say but my god, I love him.
C/W ::: NONE! This is pure, sweet fluffy fluff fluff fluff. Brief mention of physical affection (& an even more brief mention of a roll in the hay.) No language. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
WC ::: 433 (RIGHT!!!!!?????)
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Kafka Hibino is the kind of man who …
💀 Gives you the last bite of his dessert. Even if - especially if - it was his favorite. He loves that you love it as much as he does. 
💀 Lets you take a shower first, so he doesn't use all of the hot water up. 
💀 Sets the alarm on his watch/cell 15 minutes before your alarm is set to go off so he can slowly and gently kiss you awake. But there's a catch, sometimes, if you have the day off and he works, you do that for him so he can wake up nicely without the jolt of vibrations startling him first thing. 
💀 Absolutely adores when you touch him of your own volition. Unprompted affection from you - be it a kiss, a hug, a smack on his cute behind, a pat on his belly, even a flick on his arm - is something he will never tire of. 
💀 Throws your clothes/towels in the dryer for you in the wintertime so they're warm for you when you put them on. 
💀 Pulls the covers back on your side of the bed every night and throws them back up every morning. 
💀 Makes sure the coffee is set the night before. And if for some freak reason he forgets? Well, he's the kind of man to run to your favorite coffee place and get your drink of choice. 
💀 Pays attention to hints you drop. About ANYTHING. Something as simple as what you want for dinner. If you're in the mood for a romp in the sheets. If there's an article of clothing you've been eyeing. A new place you want to eat at. A new shampoo. It doesn��t matter how ridiculous it might seem. If you’re interested, he’s interested. 
💀 Makes sure the toilet paper is always stocked and facing the right way. 
💀 Pulls your seat out when you're eating at a restaurant. A fancy place or a cheap little diner. 
💀 Listens intently to you when you talk about your day. If it was good, he will celebrate the little win(s) with you. If it was bad, he will pull you up onto his lap and hold you until you feel you've vented enough that you can be let go of. (Newsflash, you never want him to let go of you and chances are, he won’t want to either.)
💀 Feels so lucky that you love him. He wasn't bad off or anything, but he definitely had his moments of loneliness. 
💀 Doesn't ever plan on letting you go. 
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@supersecretsaga @darkstarlight82 @katkusuo
@arlerts-angel @bakubunny @kazutora-kurokawa
@reiners-milkbiddies @southside-otaku @trevengersprincess
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okay like i know we all joke (?) about kafka's kaiju form being a biblical need but at the end of the day i just love human kafka and his lil stubble and his cute tummy and his adorable grin. he's just so boyfriend material i wanna smooch him 😭
A/N ::: Good God, Bri. You don't know what you've started with this ask. I went a little off script? Unhinged? Idk ... somewhere along the lines of quite unwell for this man. Like, it's not cute anymore. It's getting really close to psychiatric intervention (at my request) 🤣
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I would look forward to the times I got to wake up in the morning, hopefully next to him because nothing in the night pulled him away from me. I'd be so happy to get out of bed and do morning stuff with him. Maybe showering - and it doesn't even have to be anything sexual (but hello???). Just that closeness.
And yeah, his soft, wet tummy pressing against your wet body. Both of you sliding against each other as you talk about silly, inconsequential things like what you dreamt about or what you want to have for lunch today. While you're shaving his chin, prepping him for the day, he is already thinking about showing up where you're at and surprising you with something that you said you were craving a week ago, but you haven't mentioned since because things have been so crazy that you barely have time to breathe, let alone think about what you're going to eat that day.
When he does show up with food, you see him walking across the parking lot and you run out to meet him and jump into his arms. You both just stand there on the sidewalk, clinging to each other. Talking about how much you missed him and how lucky are you to have such a great man that listens to your blabbering and takes notice of when you say something that you want/want to do.
He feeds you the first bite because he wants to see when the flavors hit your tongue and your face lights up (he moves his hand away a lot faster than you do when you take a bite of something). The look on your face is nothing short of orgasmic - but he just laughs at the joy you're expressing over something as innocuous as a bite of food. That's what makes him the happiest - when something so simple can bring you such contentment.
And when it's time for him to go, you walk hand in hand to where he's parked, and he pushes you against the door of his car and he smooshes himself against you and puts his forehead against yours and thanks YOU for letting HIM bring you lunch. He talks about how much he loves that he can do little things like this - ok, too far? Idk. I'm in complete Lala-land over this man.
And he wraps that discussion up with a sweet, slow, soft kiss to your lips that leaves you kind of breathless. It's not the usual kiss he gives you when you're saying goodbye in the morning or hello in the evening - unless he's trying to sway your disposition.
But this kiss is almost a promise that better things are to come.
Staying true to his unspoken word, you walk in the door and all of the lights are off. In electricity's place, there are candles lit and scattered all about the living room. Something smells really good but it's not food.
It's Kafka. He's wearing a cologne he tried a couple of weeks ago when you were out at the mall. He tried it and wore it very well that day - really, for the next 8 hours after he put it on.
In those hours, you couldn't keep your hands or mouth off of him, much to his surprise/pleasure.
He heard the front door close, and you call out hello to him and he came from down the hall. Your eyes met; you noticed right away his brow was quirked in a suggestive way.
You were on him like white on snow and you had the best end to an already amazing day.
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@supersecretsaga @kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo
@reiners-milkbiddies @southside-otaku @darkstarlight82
@trevengersprincess @arlerts-angel @bakubunny
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NewBF!Kafka who finagles his words to get you to not shower AND not wear deodorant a couple of days before you go to spend the weekend at his house.
He's sly about it, so sly. You think he's being weird and trying to conserve water or something. But what you don't understand is why you can't wear deodorant.
You take it a step further and think that maybe he's being insane about the O-Zone layer.
It's Friday night, you show up with your over-the-weekend bag and drop it at the door, wrapping him up in a hug in trade. The first thing he does is bury his face against the soft, warm skin of your neck and breathe you in. He kind of rumbles from his throat and it makes you shiver.
"I didn't shower yesterday or today. Y'happy, Kafka?" He nodded yes against your cheek. You could feel him smiling. "Can you tell me why, at least? Why you want me disgusting while I'm here with you? On one of the first weekends we've ever spent together." You pushed his face away from you to deflect the borderline obsessive kisses he's planting on you.
"Mmm ... that's simple, kitten. Jus' wanna smell you. None uh that other shit. Now cuh'mere. I want to show you my new sheets, yeah?"
And by "show you his sheets" he meant take your clothes off and dive right between your dirty little thighs and treat you like the queen he knows you are.
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@kazutora-kurokawa @breathofthewind29 @witchy-scribblings
@delirious-donna @bakubunny @darkstarlight82
@trevengersprincess @southside-otaku @manji-hoe (i'm so fucking sorry i keep forgetting to tag you!!!!! gahhhhhh never again bby!!)
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"There he is, there he issssss ohmigod!! (Co-worker's name) he ... is ... here. How do I look?" You bent your knees down to look at yourself in the small mirror in the back of the coffee shop, straightening your hair that was already perfectly fine for the situation.
"You look fine. You always look fine. Calm down, y/n. He's just a man."
You gasped, "Take ... that ... back. He is my future husband. The father of my unborn children - I mean, if we want to have any. We'll discuss that later. Over dinner. On our anniversary."
"Oh my god, you're insane. You're literally insane. Whatever. You better get out there and make his coffee or you-know-who will take care of it."
"Over my dead body!" You ran out to the front of the cafe and tried to slow your heart. But it was no use.
Kafka was standing in front of you. Cuter than he was yesterday. His spiky hair stuck out from his head and his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled at you.
"H-hi. What uh, what can I get'cha?" You asked, trying to sound even a little bit confident and failing miserably.
"I dunno. Dunno what I feel like today. What's your favorite thing here?"
You blushed, fighting off the urge to say 'When you come in' to him.
"I like the [your fav. drink]. And you're in luck. I make it better than anyone else here.
He smiled, "That sounds good, I'll take 2."
"Comin' up." You looked calm on the outside - at least you hoped so. Busying yourself with the 2 drinks for him, you tried not to peek over your shoulder to see if anyone was coming in to meet him.
You'd never seen him with a woman here. But that doesn't mean anything. Sighing heavily, you wrapped up making them and wiped down the machine.
"Here you go, 2 [your fav. drink]. Anything else?" You could feel your heart sinking deeper into the recesses of your chest. It felt hollow and it made you want to scream and throw yourself on the floor because someone was going to get that second drink that you made with love. No, not 'love'. Affection, maybe? No, it was definitely made with love. You have never been able to lie to yourself, why start now.
"Thank ya much. But I'll only be needing 1."
You tilted your head, not understanding what the hell he was talking about. "You ... you did say you wanted 2, right? I didn't hear you wrong?"
Kafka laughed, writing something down on one of the cups, "Nooo no no. I did say 2. This one ..." he put the cap back on his pen and held the drink out for you to take back. "...this one ... is for you, darlin'." He blushed and turned his head away from you. No doubt trying to hide the most beautiful shade of pink you've ever seen on a man.
"F-for me? What ... I mean, thanks?"
He looked disappointed for a second. "I uh, I wr-wrote something on the cup. F-for you, I mean."
You frantically turned the cup in your hands and ended up spilling the drink everywhere. "Shit! Oh my ... shit." You tried to read the writing on it but the drink caused the ink bleed and made it illegible. "Great."
Kafka stood there in shock. The amount of strength it took him to build up the nerve to write his phone number down for you was one of the hardest things he's ever done. And it was all washed away in less than 10 seconds.
"I'm so sorry. What did you write down?" Your face was twisted in embarrassment. "Y'know what, my god. Here. Here is my number," you wrote it down on a receipt, "call me. I like you. Ok? I've liked you for about 2 months now.
He smiled and pulled a napkin from the stack on the counter. He took his pen back out and wrote his name and number on it. Putting his hand out for you to take the napkin, "Call me. Anytime. And uh, I like you too." He pulled the napkin back, "Careful! Don't throw this away or something. I'm going to think that we're not meant to be or something, heh."
Tucking the napkin in your pocket, you looked him in the eye, "Don't talk like that! But yeah, I'll try to remember to clean out my pockets before doing laundry."
He smiled and took a sip of his drink. "Oh, this is really good."
You grinned, "I know, right? I told you!"
He looked at you and smiled, "I can't wait to taste you."
"Pardon?" You coughed out.
"I MEAN, I can't wait to taste what other drinks you can make. Jeez."
You narrowed your eyes at him and smirked. "No, no. I heard what you said."
"No you didn't." He tried convincing you ... and himself.
"See you tomorrow," you looked at the napkin, "Kafka?"
"See you tomorrow," he looked at the receipt, "sweetheart."
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@supersecretsaga @katkusuo @kazutora-kurokawa
@arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82 @bakubunny
@trevengersprincess @reiners-milkbiddies @viburnt
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A/N ::: Kafka Hibino has healed my 7-10 page writing affliction and he's working on healing my soul. Not really. But woudn't that be nice?? Anyway. Just more cute shit and me daydreaming about this strapping 32 years young buck.
C/W ::: Don't freak out people, but I used my imagination here 🖐️🌈 (from SpongeBob?? Anyone remember that episode?) Anyway, I'm not sure if I should be concerned that I'm writing such happy, cute stuff or if I should be concerned that it took me so long to get here. Whatever. There is nothing to watch out for unless you hate that gross cutesy romantic shit some couples do (I hate that stuff, but this is Kafka - and fiction - so it's ok).
WC ::: Less than 800 (I KNOW)
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He didn't know what to do with his hands. He'd never really been in this type of situation before and he didn't want to do something stupid. Something he thought was stupid … and worse yet, something he thought YOU'D think was stupid. So, he just left them there, on the couch, at his sides.
Kafka was so amazed that he'd even landed a girl like you in the first place that he didn't want to jinx it. So, he just stared at you, his eyes wide with adoration and wonder. He took in your every feature and memorized every curve of your face. He wanted to remember this moment forever.
He didn't want to ruin it by doing something that would be a dead giveaway of his lack of experience.
"You're … you're so beautiful, y/n. Gah! 'M sorry, I keep saying' that, don't I. I do. Don't I? Sorry."
You giggled, your nose brushing against his warm cheek. "Yeah, you do. But it's ok. I don't think anyone has ever called me beautiful so many times in a … well, at all, maybe. I don't mind it." Lifting your left hand, you cupped his chin and turned his head, so he'd be face to face with you. "I think you're really handsome, too, Kafka."
"You do?!" He all but yelled out. His cheeks burned with embarrassment, and his heart skipped a beat. "I-I mean, um … thank you. I'm not used to being called that either. Usually, people just say I'm cute or funny, but never handsome. But if you think I am, then … I must be. Right? You're way smarter than me."
"Well, that's not true. You're very smart, too, Kafka. Sure, not about traditional things. But that just adds to your charm. Truly, you have a very extensive knowledge bank of things most people will never understand."
He smiled shyly. "That's sweet of you to say."
"It's true," you insisted. "You're one of a kind, Kafka."
"You know, there are so many things I want to talk to you about. Like, there's this new episode of [show name] that came out last week, and I just had to see it. Did you know that--"
You pressed a finger to his lips to stop him from rambling. "Let's save that for another time, ok? Right now, I'd much rather be doing this." Kafka's eyes fluttered shut as you leaned in to kiss him softly. He'd never felt anything so gentle and sweet before. It was like a dream that he never wanted to wake from. You were just so perfect for him, and he couldn't get enough of you. He never wanted to let you go.
But he just couldn't shut up.
"Have you ever seen that show? I mean, it's so cra-," you kissed him again hoping to gently get the point across that you wanted his lips to be moving, just not in that way.
Kafka nodded knowingly and apologized. "Yep! Sorry! Zippin' it up righ' now!" He motioned with his fingers to fasten the nonexistent zipper on his lips, and he tossed the key.
You tried to reach out and catch it in time, but, in your head, the fake key landed behind the tv and now it wasn't anywhere to be seen.
"Kafka, I didn't mean to zip it completely. I just … well, I don't wanna talk in words with you right now. I want to teach you another language. I'll be right back." You smiled down at him and held his outstretched hand until the two of you weren't able to reach the other anymore and went down the hallway to your bedroom.
"Yeah! Yeppers. I'll just … I'll just uh, oh! I'll find the key while you're back there!"
When you came back, you turned the corner to see the man actually looking behind the tv. "Kafka, what in the world are you doing? What are you looking for?"
He stood and faced you, "Hm? Oh! The key I threw earlier. I need to unzip my lips so I can kiss you properly." The smile on his face was like no other you'd ever seen. It had an air of confidence with an underlying anchor of uncertainty that seemed to be holding him back a little.
"Ok, I see. Well, just use the key you already have to do that. Aren't 'body keys' universal?" You gestured for him to come sit back down on the couch with you.
"Key? I already have another key? And uh, what's a 'body key'?" He scratched his head and tilted it like a puppy trying to understand its very first 'sit' command.
"Yes, Kafka. The one to my heart. Here, let me." You pulled your hand out of your pocket and unlocked his (technically already open) lips and kissed him. Deeply. "Now, don't lose this one, ok? I don't have another one and if you look closely, you can see that this is the kind you're not allowed to make copies of."
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@supersecretsaga @darkstarlight82 @southside-otaku
@arlerts-angel @reiners-milkbiddies
@katkusuo @kazutora-kurokawa
@trevengersprincess @bakubunny @viburnt
Just tell me if you guys don't want to be tagged in Kaiju No 8 stuff and I won't anymore. (I think I've said this a couple of times so I'm probably not gonna give you another out ;) )<3 Thanks!!
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A/N ::: 😳. Iiiii ... Ok. So I'm never this creative to think of such things like ... oh, idk. Kafka likes to roleplay with his girl - kinda fucked up things. Like, being a little rough in bed. Both ways - roughing and being roughed up. Idk. I just totally see him being the best fucking husbando/boyfriendo ever. Sorry Draken, Chifuyu, Mitsuya, oh god, and Baji. ANYWAY. Yeah. This Kafka stuff just keeps oozing from my fingers and I'm in no hurry to stop. I hope you guys enjoy this!
C/W ::: Roleplay (on the rougher side - not violent, per se - but not like petting a kitten either ... no pun intended), unprotected P->V, hands-on stuff, a little tossing of the other person around but like I said, I don't think it's like, too too rough. You've read this far, heed the warning if you think this won't be for you =). That's why we put them here!
WC ::: Under 1,200 (I'm coming back around, you guys!!)
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You bite your bottom lip as Kafka growls against your skin. His words and his tone are harsh, but his touch … it’s painfully soft. The slight pressure of his mouth, the rasp of his tongue against the sensitive skin of your neck. It makes your stomach flutter, and your eyes roll back.
He breathes heavily against you as he moves his mouth lower, to your shoulder, then down, across your collarbone and back up again.
"You're sending me really, really mixed signals here, Kafka. You're mouth is literally saying one thing while your body does another."
"You don't say," he says.
"I do say."
He huffs and lifts his head to look you in the eyes, his own dark, pupils blown wide. "What do you want me to say?" he says, his voice low, rough. "That I like you?
"I mean, yeah. That would be nice. But maybe a little consistency first?"
"I like you," he says, "But I also hate you. So I don't know. What should I do?"
You try to shimmy away from him but his grip just tightens and there's no way you can get out of his arms.
He leans in, his breath tickling your ear and you shiver. "Do you want me to let you go?" he whispers.
"What I want is ..." You sigh, "What I want," you say slowly, "Is for you to get over yourself." You take a deep breath. "I know that you want me, at the very least. Why are you being so gentle and rough with me at the same time?"
He huffs. "It's complicated," he says. "I like you. I do. And .... But ..."
"But what?" You ask.
"But nothing. It's not important."
He looks down again at your body pressed into the mattress. His hands sliding down your shoulders to your elbows.
You try to wiggle your wrist free from his large hand. You want to grab him by the chin and make him look you in the eye, but he still has an unreasonably tight grip on you.
He glances at you through his lashes, his mouth curled into a devious smirk. "You want something, little one?"
You shout, "That's it! That's it! I've had enough of your patronizing. You're gonna get it now, Kafka."
You can feel your temperature rise and your willpower falter. Mustering every tiny little ounce of strength you have in your much smaller body you flip him over so he's on his back. Though you have a feeling that he went willingly. You don't care though. You're just happy that the tables have turned - in your favor, too.
For now, anyway.
You squat over him on the bed and straddle his torso, placing your knees on either side of his ears, careful not to put too much pressure on his chest.
He laughs at you and asks why you're not putting your full weight down on him. "You think you're gonna hurt me, you little fly."
You see him smile at you, a sharp-toothed grin. "Come on," he says, "You're not going to hurt me. I want you to give it your best shot, though. G'head."
You lean forward, putting your full weight on him and he laughs. "Oh-hoh, now you've done it," he says. "You should not have done that."
The laughter stops and his eyes narrow as you press your hand to his cheek, running your thumb across his bottom lip. He leans forward, trying to bite at your fingers and you pull your hand away, making him growl again. This time in frustration, you’re sure of it. 
You place your hand on his throat, pushing him back down onto the bed.
"Enough," you say, your voice low, barely more than a whisper. "It's time to stop playing around."
His eyes widen as you lean in, pressing your mouth against his. He stiffens at first, but then relaxes, his mouth opening under yours.
His tongue brushes against your lips, and you open for him, your own tongue meeting his.
You can taste the sweetness of his mouth, and the taste makes you hungry for more. You press closer, your teeth clicking together as you try to deepen the kiss.
Kafka wraps his arms around you, pulling you closer as you continue to kiss. You feel his cock harden against your thigh and you moan.
You press your hips down, rubbing against him, his cock sliding against your pussy through the thin black lace of your underwear.
You break the kiss, panting, your body is on fire.
Kafka groans as you begin to rock your hips, grinding your pussy harder yet against his cock.
"Fuck," he whispers, his eyes glazed over, his lips swollen from your kiss.
You reach between you, grabbing his cock, squeezing it tightly as you stroke it, your hand sliding up and down his shaft.
"Do you want me?" you ask, leaning in, your lips brushing against his.
"Yes," he says, his voice rough, his breathing ragged. "Fuck yes."
"Then," you say, kissing him deeply. "take me, Kafka."
An animalistic sound escapes his throat as he flips you over onto your back, his body pressing you down into the bed.
You moan as he pushes his cock inside you, stretching you open. He fills you completely, his cock buried to the hilt in your pussy.
He begins to move, his thrusts slow and steady as he fucks you, his cock sliding in and out of you. Your walls squeeze him tightly.
You wrap your legs around his waist, pulling him closer as you rock your hips, meeting his offerings.
You look up at him, face flushed.
He looks down at you, his expressions are intense, but he never shifts his focus. His movements become harder, faster. Almost desperate in his attempt to navigate this fare.
You gasp as you feel him hit just the right spot, making your vision blur. You dig your nails into his back, clinging to him as your orgasm hits you like a surprise wave. Despite knowing full well what the outcome of this would be, the result never ceases to amaze you.
He never ceases to amaze you.
Kafka groans, his thrusts becoming erratic. As he fucks you through your orgasm, he approaches his own.
He slams his cock into you one last time, his body going rigid as he begins to cum, his cock pulsing heavily as he fills you with all he's got.
You cling to him, your bodies pressed together, your heart racing as you both come down from the almost violent release of energy.
Kafka rests his forehead against yours, his breathing ragged.
"You are amazing," he whispers. "Absolutely … fucking ... amazing."
You smile and kiss him softly, your fingers stroking his cheek. "I almost believed you for a minute there, Kaf. Your growly voice is super sexy, but my god. I thought you were a little pissed for a second. Let's do this again. Soon, mm?"
You lift his chin to take stock of his face and you know you'll never tire of seeing his kind eyes looking back at you. "Hey, I love you, you know."
You can't see it, but you're pretty sure he's blushing. The heat radiating from his face against your shoulder washed up like a sunrise; It was slow, but you felt every little prickle of warmth overtake everything it touched.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck, his lips brushing against your skin.
"I love you too," he whispers. "You know I do. You know I'll never stop, yeah?"
You smile and close your eyes, letting the near total darkness of the room wrap you both up in a blanket of promises.
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@southside-otaku @kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo
@supersecretsaga @trevengersprincess @reiners-milkbiddies
@arlerts-angel @darkstarlight82 @bakubunny
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So I have been thinking about how insecure Kafka would be about his transformation and what you think about it. He's such a a good boy and needs head pats.
~ SFW ~
I think, at first, he'd be really hesitant to do the old switcheroo in front of you because he doesn't want you to run, pissing (normally) down the street away from him.
He'd try his very best to control it. Even though he's not mastered all of the transformative power he harnesses.
Kafka would definitely feel insecure and scared that you may leave him if he changes forms in front of you too soon. He doesn't want to lose you, and he doesn't want to scare you - he is confident in his repair game, though. He has a plan in place for if he ever has to become his Kaiju self. He will cook you a romantic dinner at his place (so you can leave if you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable - he would do it at your place too, but he doesn't want you to have to feel bad about sending him away).
But as he continues to transform, he'll become more comfortable with his Kaiju self and learn to embrace it. Eventually, he'll want to show off his new skills and abilities to you.
He might love the idea of being so powerful and having such incredible strength.
I think this is also a huge boost to his ego (what little is there, anyway). He always dropped the ball on the 2nd part of the testing for the AKDF (Anti-Kaiju Defense Force) and having this ace up his sleeve not only helped him pass something he'd had trouble with in prior years, but he saved a comrade from certain freakin' death.
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~ NSFW ~
Don't fucking lie to me, I know you've thought about what Kafka's Kaiju cock might look like lol.
I think he sits around and practices honing his skills of only transforming certain body parts. Like, his torso, for example. Maybe you have a flat tire and need help changing it? He can hold the car up for you while you put the temp tire on. Or maybe - and much more fun - you're getting a little frisky with him and he wants to full nelson your ass but man, let's face it, he's not 18 anymore and THANK GOD for that because he's such a damn cutie now that I can't help but smile whenever I daydream about him!!
SO ... he transforms his upper body so he can hold you and slam his monster human cock into your expectant, fluttering little hole.
And his tongue. HIS TONGUE would wreck you. The tip alone would rip orgasm after orgasm from your body. If you've seen the anime, you know just how it moves, too. Like a whip. Way more flexible and longer than a lame human tongue. Am'I'right? Yuh, I'm right. Even if you don't agree ;).
You want some good head? Kafka's got ya covered!
You want to give some good head? Wait until he's returned to his human form. Not only that, but I think he wouldn't let you swallow his Kaiju cock. He doesn't want to hurt you. Maybe the first [fictional - I know -] man ever to care about not bruising your throat.
In conclusion, he's basically the opposite of Toji Fushiguro but still just as sexy.
@bakubunny @katkusuo @southside-otaku
@supersecretsaga @arlerts-angel
@trevengersprincess @viburnt
@darkstarlight82 (just in case this is rude and doesn't grab your attention)
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How do you think Kafka would handle you not being able to ride him. I physically can not ride my husband and I felt bad about. It makes me feel like I'm not normal. But anyway I love you writing, keep up the good work.
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I truly believe that Kafka is about emotional intimacy, as well, if not more so. He's the kind of guy that feels like if there's nothing beyond physical attraction and affection then there's probably not much reason in pursuing the relationship. He really loves to have conversations with you - even if that's all that comes of the time you spend together. It's not about the sex, it's about the connection you both share. Kafka has to have an intellectual connection with you first before he even entertains the idea of any other kind. And Kafka is SO ULTIMATELY aware of physical limitations, as his own were a source of frustration for him for so long. He would never hold something you have no control over against you. What he WOULD do, is set up a nice little space for you. Candles, with the wooden wicks, I just know it. Flowers because you're his little busy bee that needs to fucking chill a bit and take care of yourself. Maybe some wine or sparkling cider - depending on what you both have going on the next day. Lots of soft pillows so you and/or he can be set up comfortably for the other person to have their way with.
In summation, Kafka Hibino is the most perfect man in the Milky Way and no one will ever change my mind so don't try.
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@darkstarlight82 @kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo
@trevengersprincess @witchy-scribblings @manji-hoe
@southside-otaku @breathofthewind29 @mintiblossom
@viburnt @bakubunny
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At work. Hadta post this. Will fix when I get home and make it pretty. Proofed way too fast.
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Panty Sniffer! Kafka waits for you to take your clothes off and get in the shower before he slips in to grab them from the floor.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka disguises his nasty little habit with a claim he's "just tidying up, enjoy your shower, kitten!"
Panty Sniffer! Kafka slinks out of the bathroom that's just off the bedroom, his greedy hands full of your clothes.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka is already painfully hard, his heavy cock, straining against his sweats. Demanding attention.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka shucks his pants off and lowers himself onto his knees at your side of the bed. Burying his face in the sheets that you slept on not 3 hours ago, so excited to suck in your scent.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka inhales deeply your fragrance that has permeated the fabric.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka finally paws through your clothes to find what he's been waiting for - but it's not there.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka feels you enter the room before he sees. He looks up at you, still kneeling on the floor. He smiles cheekily at you staring him down. Your figure naked and still dripping wet.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka is caught and he knows it. Unconsciously, he's pushing his hips rhythmically against the bed, trying to come up with a good enough - a logical enough story about why he's doing what he's doing.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka lays his left cheek against the bed and shrugs his shoulders and gives you as casual a hi as he can. But he's got nothing. No saving grace he can throw at you.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka who fully expects you to be pissed at his depravity. His sneaky, icky, dirty little habit. But is pleasantly surprised when you just chuckle. Sitting on the bed you situate your legs on either side of his head and present your sparkling (what??) clean pussy to his filth seeking face.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka who moans at your offering - but who still really, really wanted your worn panties.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka who gets tf over it immediately and *buries his whole face in your cunt and breathes deeply.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka who shamelessly begins to devour you - sucking on and marking the lush fat of your thighs. Licking from the bottom of your pussy to your clit.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka whose hips have an absolute mind of their own, grinding and getting any and all stimulation from the mattress he's been fucking himself against since you stepped into the shower.
Panty Sniffer! Kafka who somewhere along the way transitions to pussy sniffer! Kafka - and could NOT imagine himself happier than he is right now.
Pussy Sniffer! Kafka who groans so animalistically against your sensitive skin that you almost cum right then and there, takes note of his actions and swears to always do this to you.
Pussy Sniffer! Kafka starts to get greedy. Running his tongue in tight circles over your clit until you're damn near seeing stars. His fingers finding purchase inside of you. Urging your body to fall apart under his not-so-gentle touch.
Pussy Sniffer! Kafka who merely edges you despite your pleas for him to just let you cum already.
Pussy Sniffer! Kafka who jokes that you hid your panties from him on purpose. Though he feels vindicated having pushed your boundaries so far.
Pussy Sniffer! Kafka who is surprised when you tell him you weren't wearing any to begin with - and why would you deny him such joy in the first place?? - it was just your yoga pants. If he wanted your worn clothes, all he had to do was ask.
Pussy Sniffer! Kafka who gets a little bit harder when you tell him that.
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@delirious-donna @supersecretsaga @southside-otaku
@witchy-scribblings @darkstarlight82 @bakubunny
@kazutora-kurokawa @katkusuo @reiners-milkbiddies
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Someone bring me back, please. I mean, not really. But fuck. Kinda? 😭
Yes, Kafka ...
Thinking about how he's had you on your stomach, back, sides - yes, both, squatting over his cock, grinding on his face - no, that's not backwards, against the wall, in the shower, on the counter, leaning over the couch, both of you in the recliner - that was tricky but where there's a will there's a way, and finally on your back again, your legs thrown up over his shoulders. His hands squeezing the soft flesh of your belly, teeth nipping at your thighs.
For the grand fuckin' finale, he licks from the bottom of your ass cheek to behind your knee, telling you how delicious you taste - especially after sweating so much.
@bakubunny @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies
@witchy-scribblings @supersecretsaga
@trevengersprincess @delirious-donna @southside-otaku
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Kafka "I haven't even done anything to you and you're already this wet f'me" Hibino.
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@kazutora-kurokawa @southside-otaku @delirious-donna
@darkstarlight82 @katkusuo @bakubunny
@reiners-milkbiddies @supersecretsaga
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