#knightish knight Oc
dreamerartz · 1 year
Just Some Art Of Some Funky lil Pals :]
Just a drawing of @knightish-knight Oc who's cool and they are even cooler y'all should check out their incredible art !!!
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Also a drawing of my persona whom I love oh so much :]
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knightish-angel · 1 year
for the kiss roulette, consider elitello and 34 👀
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Eli’s a biter but will only do it to people he really likes- do with that info what u will lmao
kiss roulette ask game
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turtle-babe83 · 1 year
@knightish-knight created the most amazing oc, Elijah, and I love him so much. Here is a little taste of Eli and Rise!Donnie from a tactical au. Knight, it is my honor to write for these two. Love you so much bestie. 😘 (Thank you for the title @thelaundrybitch) Also mention of “Chibani” who is an OC belonging to @beckerboopin
Artwork of Eli and Donnie by @knightish-knight ⬇️
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•Cock, Paper, Scissors…I win•
Tactical Rise!Donnie x OC Elijah
Warning: Language and NSFW content 18+ only
Eli blinked. Did he hear that correctly? Donnie was staring at him expectantly, one sassy hand on his trim hip.
“Wait, you need me to go with you…where?”
Donnie rolled his eyes with an exaggerated sigh, grabbing Eli’s wrist to tug him down the hallway. Eli, for his part, was entirely confused. Why would Donnie need his help in the supply closet? Can he not carry a pack of post-it notes by himself?
Donnie groused to himself as he dragged Eli down the back hallways, easily avoiding the route most people would take. It was all he could do to not rationalize his way out of this. But dammit, he couldn’t get the guy out of his head! How the fuck was he supposed to get anything done when his brain was hyper fixated on a long body riddled with moths and snakes and other things he shouldn’t find endearing but god. His mouth watered at the thought of discovering what other delightful pictures were hiding under Eli’s clothes.
Eli puzzled over the soft shell’s determined stride. Not that he minded, of course. Just feeling that large hand squeezing his wrist was doing things to him. What would that tight grip feel like down-
Suddenly, Donnie jerked him out of his thoughts when he opened the door and roughly shoved Eli inside. A box of pens fell off the shelf, scattering all over the floor, as his elbow bumped into it. Stunned and confused, he heard the click of the door latch and blinked at the sudden brightness of the overhead bulb.
“What the hell, Dona-“ he sputtered, words choked off as he was spun around and shoved against the shelving unit.
Donnie’s eyes were wild, that much he could see before the turtle grabbed his jacket collar in both hands and smashed his mouth onto Eli’s. As Donnie’s tongue pushed through his eager lips, Eli had the random thought that perhaps they weren’t here for post-it notes.
Donnie felt his stomach clench at his first taste of Eli. Coffee and…what was that? He coaxed Eli’s tongue into his mouth and sucked, drawing a moan from the other man. Licorice! That’s right, Eli always kept his favorite candy in his pocket. His hands dropped to Elijah’s hips and he pressed even closer, devouring every gasp greedily. He knew he was being demanding but fuck if he could help himself. His possessive nature was begging him to capture and claim. When Eli’s arms slipped around his neck, hands tangling in his bandana tails, Donnie growled in triumph.
Eli sucked in a quick breath as the turtle’s lips trailed fire down the side of his neck. He was dizzy with the turn of events and his brain was struggling to keep up with his body. He tilted his head to the side to give him more access, feeling chills break out all over his skin with each nip and lick. Donnie’s hot breath in his ear was almost too much. Eli grabbed the sides of his head and jerked him back to his hungry mouth. Apparently, Donnie approved as he threw himself wholeheartedly into the kiss.
Donnie’s mind was always so loud. A hundred thoughts a minute in rapid succession, ideas and blueprints assaulting him with every breath, but right now? Everything was Eli. Don’s senses were overwhelmed with the taste and smell, the softness of his skin, and the barely audible whimper coming from his throat. These last few months of watching the beautiful Elijah with his dark messy hair, delicate cheekbones, and those fucking eyes that always seemed to see too much, it all came down to this. Donatello wanted to swallow him whole. The human male had him twisted around his little pinky and he didn’t even know it.
Donnie slipped his hands under the tight black T-shirt that had been plaguing his mind all damn day and grasped the waistband of Eli’s skinny jeans. Every pull of his lips sent bolts of desire straight to his groin and it took everything he had not to drop yet. He needed to calm himself down if he wanted to draw this out long enough to enjoy it. He pulled back finally and pressed his forehead against Eli’s, both of them out of breath. Donnie chuckled quietly as Eli continued to play with the tails of his bandana. His heartbeat drummed in his head and he forced himself to take deep, even breaths. His hands were still splayed on the human’s bare waist and his thumbs rubbed back and forth lightly. He couldn’t quite bring himself to look into Eli’s eyes just yet. Eli waited patiently, unsure what he should do.
“Is this, you know, okay?” Donnie finally muttered.
Eli flinched at the sudden break in silence, feeling his face flush. He cleared his throat, but decided just to nod in answer. He had a distressing feeling that his voice might squeak if he tried to speak.
Donnie seemed to understand, relaxing fractionally as he continued, “Yeah? Okay. Okay, so…keep going?”
Eli gulped hard. The second he began to nod again, Donnie hitched his right leg up and around his hip. Off balance, Elijah responded by grasping the turtle’s shoulder and Donnie took the opportunity to haul the other leg up as he pressed them harder into the shelves. Eli wanted to protest the sharp edge biting into his back but Donnie’s hands were now free to continue their exploration so he kept his mouth shut.
Donatello held tightly onto the last shred of his self control but it was rapidly slipping out of his grip. His cock ached from behind his slit and he could feel the dampening of his pants as fluid leaked from the straining bulge. He bucked his hips experimentally and was rewarded with a high pitched gasp.
“Say my name,” he growled into the soft flesh of Eli’s neck.
Eli trembled in his arms, a shuddered breath escaping as he whined, “D-Donnie.”
The mutant growled and nipped at his ear with teeth much sharper than Eli expected. Another roll of his hips, and Eli felt his cheeks flush as his own body betrayed him. There was no way that Donnie couldn’t feel the way Eli hardened at his ministrations. As if reading his mind, this time when Donnie bucked, he rolled his hip to the left, purposefully brushing Eli’s cock firmly.
Desperate for more contact, Donnie shoved Eli’s jacket down his shoulders and pulled his black T-shirt over his head. Fucking hell, did Eli look good with his wavy hair all mussed and wild. Taking the extra seconds to remove his own tee, Donnie was quick to press plastron to bare chest. Another bruising kiss assaulted Eli’s lips, then Donnie pulled back to give him a heated look.
“Again,” he hissed, “be a good boy and say my name, again.”
He punctuated his words with one more hard jerk of his hips, his eyes devouring the flush of Eli’s cheeks down to the flex of his abs. Eli looked completely wrecked and they had barely gotten started.
Eli could hear his heart pounding in his ears, making it hard to focus. Donnie was intimidating and overwhelming and it didn’t help that Eli had been salivating for a taste of the turtle man. But the moment he heard “be a good boy” fall out of that sinful mouth, it was over. If Donnie wanted a good boy, he’d give him one. All his years of servicing others, and he was going to use his knowledge and experience to bring this mutant to his knees.
Donnie was watching him and saw the moment that something changed in Elijah’s expression. A world weary confidence straightened his spine and Eli leaned forward to purr sultrily in his ear, “Dona…tello.”
That’s when Donnie felt his self control snap.
There was no stopping it now. Donnie’s cock had a mind of its own as it slid free of its confines. Donnie bit off a curse as he watched Eli realize what was pressing into his lower belly. That knowing smirk got under his skin and he wondered when he had lost command of the situation. Time to get it back.
Donnie took a step back and let Eli’s legs drop to the floor. It took him all of two seconds to have Eli’s belt unfastened, shoving his pants and underwear to his ankles. A glimpse at the young man’s face revealed that he had accomplished his goal of catching him off guard. Bringing his attention back down, Donnie dropped to his knees. The choked gasp above spurred him on as he eyed the cock bobbing before him. He leaned forward with his tongue lolling out, and at the last second, he shifted to the left.
Eli let out the breath he was holding and quirked a brow in confusion. Then, the tip of Donnie’s tongue found purchase on his thigh, tracing the curve of Eli’s long snake tattoo up to where it ended over his clenched abs.
Donnie chuckled quietly at the huff of surprise. Teasing Eli might have just become his new favorite pastime. He turned his head slightly, dragging his snout up the side of Eli’s shaft and breathing in his unique musk. His mouth watered for a taste and there were few things that Donnie would deny himself if he wanted it. He opened his mouth wide and without preamble, sunk down until Eli bumped the back of his throat.
Eli clapped a hand over his mouth. After the strangled sound he just uttered, he no longer trusted himself to be quiet. He didn’t expect this. Typically, clients expected him to do all the sucking. Why would Donnie do this? Not that he was complaining by any means. Watching that purple wrapped head bobbing between his thighs, wringing such fucking pleasure from him was making him dizzy.
Donnie continued to suck and slurp, completely disregarding the spit running down his chin. He couldn’t remember the last time he got so worked up giving head. What was this guy doing to him?
His own cock was aching and he rummaged through his cargo pockets until he found the small bottle of lube he had stashed there before leaving his quarters that morning. Without even slowing down, he uncapped it and coated the fingers of one hand, then he reached around to Eli’s ass. Using one hand to spread his cheeks just enough for the other hand to start rubbing around Eli’s puckered hole, barely pressing in.
Eli moaned through his fingers as Donnie’s thick digit inched inside little by little, coating and prepping for his intended intrusion. He was rapidly approaching his end and muttered a halfhearted warning to the turtle who was trying to suck his soul out through his dick. It only encouraged the soft shell to increase his efforts and the finger in his ass curled just so. Eli grabbed Donnie’s bandana tails, hips jerking and unable to stop as he emptied himself down his throat. Donnie managed to swallow all of it, and the moment that Eli relaxed, he pulled his finger free and stood.
Hastily, Donatello got his own pants undone and down out of the way. Locating the discarded bottle of lube, he generously coated his cock, stroking it with a firm grasp once...twice…three times. Satisfied, he grabbed a slightly dazed Eli and turned him around to face the shelves.
Donnie growled as he held Eli’s hips, “I suggest you hold onto something.”
Eli’s face was pressed against the edge of one of the shelves but before he could even register the bruising pain of it, he felt his ass being split wide open. His eyes instantly watered with the pressure of Donnie entering him achingly slow. He hadn’t had time to see what the mutant was packing but by the feel of it, his cock must be massive. Eli winced and gritted his teeth as he was stretched to accommodate. The burn wasn’t unfamiliar, but it had been unexpected. Eli took slow, deep breaths as he willed his body to relax and accept the intrusion. He briefly considered turning his head and biting down on the shelf currently digging into his cheekbone.
Donnie huffed and strained, trying not to blow his load too quickly. Seeing Eli’s face as he was consumed by the pleasure of his release had nearly done him in, but by god, he was a grown ass man. He wasn’t going to embarrass himself now. He panted as he eased in further. Eli was such a beautiful man and Donnie had been craving him since day one. He had convinced himself that once he had satisfied the hunger, he could move on. But now that he was balls deep in the sweetest, tightest ass he’d ever had the delight to experience, it was apparent that one time was not going to be enough.
Eli slammed the heel of his palm against the edge of the shelf in exasperation and burst out, “Fucking move, Dee!”
That was all the invitation the mutant needed. He pulled back to the tip, then slammed his hips as hard as he could, enjoying the yelp Eli couldn’t withhold. Donnie quickly found out that there wasn’t much sound that Eli could or would hold back. The young man was whimpering and moaning with every thrust, making Donnie proud of himself but also nervous about being caught. He considered light choking, but feared that might have the opposite effect intended. He settled on sticking a finger into Eli’s mouth and he instantly started sucking on it, bringing his noises down to a muffled whine. Donnie hooked his other arm around Eli’s trim waist and used it to brace as he fucked him harder.
Try as he might, Donnie knew he wasn’t going to last. Eli’s perfect ass squeezed him just right and he knew he was about to cum. Eli’s tongue swirled around the digit in his mouth and as the pleasure built, he found himself sucking it harder. Without warning, the finger was jerked from his mouth and before he could suck in another breath, it was circling his taint.
“I’m about to-ughn!” Donnie broke off as the first stream of cum shot from his cock.
Eli shoved his fist in his mouth, biting down as his own body shuddered from the intense stimulation. Donnie pumped erratically until he was spent, then he slipped both arms around the other man’s waist and panted against his back. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d nutted so good.
“You okay?” he finally managed to ask.
Eli was breathing heavily himself, forehead resting against the shelf as he stared down at his dribbling cock. Was he okay? His ass was gonna be sore for a couple of days but it would wear off. The problem was the feeling tightening his chest. It was terrifyingly close to affection and that was something Eli was not ready to acknowledge. So he nodded and muttered that yeah, he was fine. Donnie reluctantly slipped out and Eli winced. There was nothing available to clean up the mess starting to leak out so Eli rushed to pull his clothes back on, thankful that his jacket was on the longer side. Donnie was dressed in a flash, watching and waiting. As soon as Eli was done, Donnie grabbed the back of his neck, hauling him into a hard kiss, all teeth and tongue, before releasing him abruptly.
“You should grab something from the shelf so if anyone asks what you’re doing back here, you have an excuse. Wait a minute or two after I leave before you come out,” Donnie ordered, before grabbing a new pack of dry erase markers.
Eli sputtered for a moment, then as Donnie reached for the door knob, he blurted, “We didn’t discuss payment.”
Donnie froze.
Eli shuffled his feet and cleared his throat, “Usually…my clients discuss the price of my services…you know, before.”
Donnie turned with a snarl, “Payment? Client? I wasn’t hiring you. Did it ever occur to you that I could actually like-you know what? Forget it.”
Then he left without another word. Eli stood there, stomach uneasy, trying to decipher exactly what just happened. Besides some damn good sex. He needed to talk to Chibani. Confusion was an unwelcome companion as he decided it had been long enough. Eli grabbed the first thing within reach and peered out the door to find the coast clear. He was nearly to his quarters before he looked at his hand and found a neon rainbow pack of post-it notes. He laughed humorlessly as he entered his room.
Stripping down, he headed to the shower to wash off the evidence of their closeted tryst. As the water streamed over him, he thought back over Donnie’s words. Was he saying that he was interested in him? That he actually might like Eli? Nearly everyone in his young life had used him, taken what they wanted, and then turned their backs when they were finished. The idea that Donnie might share the budding feelings that he himself had just started to become aware of was scary and confusing. What should he do now? How was he to act around the handsome turtle?
Hot tears rolled down his cheeks and he sank to the floor of the shower as sobs wracked his body. What the hell was he supposed to do with…feelings? 💜
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@thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @nittleboo @mysticboombox @beckerboopin @morning-sun-brah @shiftandshade @aurora-the-kunoichi @raisin-shell @raphslovemuffin80 @coulrofilia-sexuell @deer-intelligence @donathan @dilucsflame33 @sharpwindow @androidships007 @snackugaki
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thelaundrybitch · 1 year
Artwork by @knightish-knight
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Excuse me while I fangirl for a minute
OMG Knight, seriously she's absolutely perfect! ☀️
Thank you so so so much 🙌🏽🫶🏼🥰
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mermmarie · 1 year
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Aaand it's finished!! \(^▽^)/
Top three were suggested, and the bottom three I chose on my own. Hopefully that's okay, lol. <3
Aida belongs to: @seafoamtaffy
Lou belongs to: @l-birdie
Zandii belongs to: @zandiiangelspit
Naomi and Hikari belong to: @usikuagani
Elijah belongs to: @knightish-knight
Individual pics and template under the cut!
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cabritalex · 1 year
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I saw a super interesting challenge from the artist @knightish-knight 💜 that drove me crazy!
Timor super matching the tones because he's a big bastard who feeds on fear. Literally ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)
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lliah-lliah · 1 year
im supposed to be sleeping but ehhhhh,,, who cares bout that?
anygays, a lil something for @knightish-knight's oc that's haphazardly made at 11pm :3c
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More cute doodles, including my Rottmnt Utrom oc, self insert bs, some old man practice, and a doodle of me and of Elijah, an oc belonging to @knightish-knight (because I want to give character credit where it's due)
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flowerboy4eva · 1 year
Elijah in my 3 different artstyles! the oc of @knightish-knight I drew this during science
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knightish-angel · 9 months
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newwwwww patreon post <33
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turtle-babe83 · 1 year
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TMNT tactical au oc Babes brought to life by my bestie bro @knightish-knight
She’s utterly gorgeous and I can’t say thank you enough 💜💜💜
And this gem below is Babes with her beautiful yokai girlfriend, Chibani (oc of @beckerboopin) and drawn by @beckerboopin
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knightish-angel · 11 months
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N Ew WIP cause thatssssss all I can do cause I can’t finish anything apparently tehe ✨
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knightish-angel · 1 year
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Did the shirt cut meme for Eli lmao ✨
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knightish-angel · 9 months
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New patreOOOooooOooOonnnnnnn post :3
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knightish-angel · 1 year
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Woe angsty wip upon ye
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knightish-angel · 1 year
Okay got an Elitello ask for the kiss roulette game 😏😏😏
31. Kiss to the inner thigh
Please and thank you 💜
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lmao this one was kinda hard to draw in a way that wasn’t too explicit and I could still post it to tumblr, might still get flagged but we’ll see pfft-
anyway ever since you said it ages ago and put it in your fic, I’ve been obsessed with the whole kissing the tattoos thing oUgh heheee
Kiss roulette ask game
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