#know what isn’t working??? my ability to draw my damn self insert I am struggling so bad
lovecoredeity · 5 months
They're inventing a Your OCs that I can kiss and hold
Oh??? You should tell me more about that anon!!!
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foundcarcosa · 6 years
List three people you’ve had crushes on. >> *shakes head slyly* Noooope! Have you ever been in love with someone that you watched from afar?: >> Yeah. How old were you when you started your period?: >> Eleven or twelve. Probably twelve. How old were you when you had your first crush?: >> Pssh, I don’t fuckin know. Like, ten. How old were you when you were first head over heels in love?: >> Thirteen, and it was with David Duchovny, and I stand by it, god dammit.
Has loving someone ever made you miserable?: >> Sure. How bad are your worst cramps on a scale of 1-10?: >> A fucking thirteen. Have you ever thrown up from cramps?: >> Yep. List three people you had a hard time forgiving. >> The people I had a hard time forgiving remain unforgiven, so. Is there someone you are currently struggling to forgive?: >> No, I’m not struggling. I’m not going to force it, what’s the point in that? Nothing requires my forgiveness. I don’t even regard it as a particularly important thing to give. What is the most physically painful thing you’ve ever experienced?: >> I don’t think anything I’ve experienced tops my worst cramps. Do you have an embarrassing period story? If so, what is it?: >> Not really any embarrassing stories. Like, I’ve bled through clothes and stuff before, but... meh, really. Mostly I was just mad that I ruined a pair of pants I liked. Have you ever had bad cramps in class?: >> Oh, yeah. Have you ever thrown up in school? If so, what happened?: >> Doubtful. Have you ever left school because of cramps?: >> Yeah, because I literally couldn’t stand up. Did your school allow you to have pain medicine on you?: >> I don’t know. I didn’t... like, realise I could take that and solve the problem. (I don’t know. I told y’all my development was skewed. But also, my dad never thought to buy me painkillers, either??? Hmm.) Did your school have a nurse?: >> Yeah. When was the last time you threw up?: >> A month ago or so. Have you ever tried to starve yourself in order to lose weight?: >> No. Do you ever comfort eat?: >> Occasionally. Have you ever thrown your phone across the room in anger?: >> Yeah. Raven (an ex) made me upset and I threw my phone across my studio apartment. Samsungs have always been tough, though. What was the name of your first crush?: >> Non-celebrity? Damned if I remember. Who was your first celebrity crush?: >> Matt Damon. How old were you when you lost your virginity?: >> Seventeen. If applicable, what form of birth control do you use?: >> Abstinence by default. What is your sexual orientation?: >> I’m oriented towards sex. Have you ever questioned your sexuality?: >> Sure. I was raised to believe that I had to be a straight female. At some point, I had to question that, because as you can see, it turned out to be fucking false. Are you happy with your gender?: >> I’m happy not having one, yes. What gender do you identify as?: >> I don’t. What gender were you born as?: >> I wasn’t born as a gender. But I get what you mean, and female is what I was assigned. Do you identify as “religious”?: >> Sure, just not in the way that most people do. Do you identify as “spiritual”?: >> I suppose. What spirituality are you?: >> I’m not “a” spirituality. That’s not how it works by my ken. Have you ever tried drugs?: >> Sure. Have you ever gotten high off a prescription medication?: >> I don’t think so. I tried hydrocodone and I didn’t feel any different. Have you ever been drunk?: >> Yeah. Have you ever smoked pot?: >> Yeah. Have you ever smoked a cigarette?: >> Yeah. What’s your favorite drug?: >> I don’t know anymore, lol. After these long-term effects started manifesting, my relationship with drugs changed drastically. I’m not even sure about trying anything new without a trip-sitter now, and I used to be perfectly fine without one. Going todash will fuck your perception and ability to self-regulate (regulate one’s connection with reality, I mean) way up. What’s your favorite alcoholic beverage?: >> Absinthe. How old are you?: >> 31. Do you drink regularly?: >> Sure. Are/were you abused?: >> Yeah. Do you have a significant other? If yes, are you happy in your current relationship? If not, are you happy being single right now?: >> I am happy with my current relationships, yes. Do you want a significant other?: >> I have significant others. Do I want another one? I’m not actively looking for another (especially not around fuckin here), but stranger things have happened. Do you take drugs or drink to numb your pain? >> No, I take them to eradicate my boredom. Who is your current crush?: >> I mean, I have all kinds of crushes. Who is your current friend crush?: >> I don’t have one. Has a friend ever broken your heart?: >> No, but trying to keep a friendship going has definitely made my life hell for a while until I realised it was pointless. Is your love life history tragic or magical?: >> Hm. Do you have regrets?: >> Nah. Do you prefer tampons or pads?: >> Pads. I mean, I don’t like them per se, but tampons exacerbate my cramps and I’m not crazy about the whole insertion process, so. Lesser evil. Have you ever used a tampon?: >> Mhm. What’s your bra size?: >> I don’t remember. A something-B. Do you have a hard time finding bras in your size?: >> No. Can you still wear clothes from the children’s section?: >> No. I might be small but I’m nowhere near narrow or straight-lined enough for children’s clothes. Are you lonely?: >> Often. Do you have allergies?: >> No. Are you in control?: >> Of what? Do you have a relationship with God?: >> I have a relationship with at least one god. What size pants do you wear?: >> Around a 30W. Do you wear girls, juniors, or women’s clothes more?: >> I don’t really know. I think I fit women’s sizes best, but mostly I don’t shop in stores that have sections of that nature, so. Do you HATE people who are controlling?: >> It can be tiresome. How old were you when you started to have acne?: >> Thirteen, more or less. Did your parents give you “the talk”?: >> No.  How old were you when your parents talked to you about puberty?: >> He... didn’t. Do you like going to the doctor?: >> Nope. Do you like going to the dentist?: >> Nope. What’s your favorite part of going to the dentist?: >> There isn’t one, the whole thing is no fun. Do you feel average?: >> No. Do you feel insecure?: >> About some things, but not most things. Do you feel alone?: >> No, because I’m literally never alone. Do you feel exhausted?: >> No. Do you feel depressed?: >> No. Do you feel anxious?: >> No. Are you haunted by your past?: >> No. Who’s your best friend?: >> Hm. How often do you pray?: >> I don’t. Sometimes I say things to Wednesday. Is that prayer??? I don’t even know how this shit works, I’m flying blind here. Do you keep a journal or diary?: >> Collectively, my dreamwidth, instagram, facebook, and tumblr all function as a multimedia cross-platform diary. Do you relate to the characters in books?: >> Sure, sometimes. Who’s your favorite Disney princess?: >> SHURI Do you think you are attractive?: >> Yeah, but I don’t think other people think I’m attractive. (I mean, I guess some people do. It’s hard to believe, and I think that has to do more with my whole thing about feeling sexually dysfunctional and incompatible than it has to do with what people actually think. Like, it’s this whole ball of really fucked-up yarn.) Are you happy with the way you look?: >> I suppose. Do you look more like your mom or your dad?: >> *shrug* How many siblings do you have?: >> Five. What song describes your life?: >> There isn’t one song that does. Do you cry a lot?: >> Nah. Are you sensitive?: >> In some fashion, but not necessarily in the fashion that people mean when they call someone sensitive. Do you take medication every day?: >> No. Do you take vitamins?: >> No. Are you a meat-eater, or are you vegan or vegetarian?: >> I’m somewhere in the middle, where it makes the most sense to be. What’s your favorite color?: >> Gold. Are you unique?: >> Sure. Do you feel blessed?: >> I’m not sure. Who is your favorite person?: >> ME ~*~*~ idfk, man. Has your favorite person ever hurt your feelings?: >> I hurt my own feelings all the time, that’s just how being a human is, mang Do you write in cursive or print more?: >> Print, because of legibility. Cursive is easier for me because of the flow, but the legibility is questionable. Do you like to write?: >> I love to write. Do you like to read?: >> Sure. What are your favorite types of books to read?: >> Nonfiction (science, philosophy, sociology, etc), science fiction, fantasy, horror, I don’t know. Do you have neat handwriting?: >> Ehh. It used to be a lot neater but now my muscles are unused to it. List three people you who you think are good role models. >> Hm. List three fashion trends you love. >> Hm. Are you a trendsetter?: >> Not on purpose. Do you like fashion?: >> I mean... I guess? I like clothes? Do you enjoy shopping?: >> No. I enjoy the obtaining of things I like, but not the process of obtaining it. What stereotype do you fit the most?: >> I don’t know. The Mystic/Psychotic? Is that a stereotype, or at least a trope? Because that’s how I see myself. Are you your own person?: >> I am not even a person, my guy. Are you a risk-taker?: >> Sometimes. Do you feel free to be yourself? If not, why?: >> Not all the time, but I try to focus on the times when I do. (I don’t always feel free to be myself because I often feel like a wild fey creature trying to play the part of a well-adjusted and mildly socially-acceptable construct, and I don’t believe that people in my life actually fully understand that about me. Like, I do my best to keep playing the part, but sometimes it chafes really hard, and I react to that sometimes. Do you like fantasy better than reality?: >> I don’t draw a line between the two. Never really have. Do you have “female problems”?: >> I have spider-god problems. Because they’re my problems, and I am a spider-god, therefore they are spider-god problems. What are you longing for?: >> A ride on Paul Bettany. (I just saw Solo, all right.) Have you ever contemplated suicide?: >> Yeah.
Have you ever self-harmed?: >> Yeah. How many people have you known who were suicidal?: >> Several. Do you get bullied constantly?: >> Not now. Are people jealous of you?: >> I don’t know? If you’re a worshipper, how do you worship?: >> Horizontally. How many tattoos do you have, and what are they of? Do your tattoos have personal meaning to you? If you don’t have any tattoos, do you want one?: >> I only have three small ones, because the money doesn’t flow like that around these parts. One is the number 19 in Roman numerals, one is the Mannaz rune, and one is “scully, it’s me”; and yes, they all have personal relevance to me. Do you have your ears pierced?: >> Yeah. Do you have any other piercings? If not, do you want any other piercings?: >> Septum. What is your first and middle name, and do you like them?: >> Logan Frey. Yeah, they’re good. What do you want to name your first daughter?: >> Hm. What would you name a son?: >> Hm. Do you dream about your wedding day?: >> No. What’s your favorite food?: >> A lot. Do you have a secret you want to tell someone?: >> No. Have you ever had a friend turn on you?: >> Yeah. List three friends who have turned on you. >> Hm. List three people who have bullied you. >> Why? Do you have anyone you can trust?: >> I guess. What country do you live in?: >> USA. What’s your favorite pain reliever?: >> Hmm. What do you do for cramps?: >> Take naproxen as soon as I feel them. Pray. Do you wear make-up?: >> Occasionally. Who has the cutest baby/babies you know?: >> Hm. Do you have a lot of people blocked on facebook?: >> I don’t know that I have anyone blocked on fb. What is your natural hair color?: >> Dark brown. Do you have a morning routine?: >> Not particularly.  
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