#know your tumblr herstory... lest you repeat it
toxship-toxy · 5 months
Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who remembers how wayyyy back when, proshippers (which weren't even called "proshippers" yet!) started relatively synchronous (as in orbital) to the anti-SJW movement, and were like that for a while, and it makes me feel a little crazy since no one ever brings it up. I guess almost none of the evidence for it would be findable anymore since a lot of the original discourse blogs from that time are deactivated or terminated, but I was there and I swear it happened...!
It may sound a bit far-fetched to the contemporary discourser since the proship movement fancies itself so left-leaning and open-minded, but back then ““egalitarianism”” was in vogue, and "don't tell me what to ship, stupid antis" paired like a fine wine with "don't censor me, filthy SJWs"... How times change!
Anyway remember yoonbum-in-drag/careforacuppatea? Person that every anti and their dog hated for a while, and proshippers passed her posts around all the time a few years back? She changed her url and is now a zealously conservative christian, gun nutty, tradwifery-shilling, drag-queen-hating, anti-choice, anti-contraception, slut-shaming prudish transphobe! ... but y'know what? She's still into the same kinds of ships as before.
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Guess proshippers have a point: Your taste in media and fanart really doesn't say too awful much about your politics or values as a person.
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