toxship-toxy · 5 months
Sometimes it feels like I'm the only one who remembers how wayyyy back when, proshippers (which weren't even called "proshippers" yet!) started relatively synchronous (as in orbital) to the anti-SJW movement, and were like that for a while, and it makes me feel a little crazy since no one ever brings it up. I guess almost none of the evidence for it would be findable anymore since a lot of the original discourse blogs from that time are deactivated or terminated, but I was there and I swear it happened...!
It may sound a bit far-fetched to the contemporary discourser since the proship movement fancies itself so left-leaning and open-minded, but back then ““egalitarianism”” was in vogue, and "don't tell me what to ship, stupid antis" paired like a fine wine with "don't censor me, filthy SJWs"... How times change!
Anyway remember yoonbum-in-drag/careforacuppatea? Person that every anti and their dog hated for a while, and proshippers passed her posts around all the time a few years back? She changed her url and is now a zealously conservative christian, gun nutty, tradwifery-shilling, drag-queen-hating, anti-choice, anti-contraception, slut-shaming prudish transphobe! ... but y'know what? She's still into the same kinds of ships as before.
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Guess proshippers have a point: Your taste in media and fanart really doesn't say too awful much about your politics or values as a person.
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toxship-toxy · 5 months
"You shouldn't have to share your trauma to justify the art you make"
"Being that many proship people are victims of abuse, we should do our best to make eachother feel welcome to open up about that trauma and the role it plays in our art" can and should both be true
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toxship-toxy · 5 months
They do just stop shipping them! It sometimes takes them a bit because they'll go through a few stages of grief about it, and a few may fall to "they're not related here" AUs out of desperation, but generally they do really just drop it all instantly. If that's difficult to sympathize with, think of it kind of like having a really bad squick/boner-killer introduced all of a sudden, that's how it basically is to them! I got sooo mad when one of my fave ships turned out to be related, because I'm not into incest at all and wasn't sure who else to ship my fave with...
If a ship you liked for being toxic stopped being toxic and started being all fluffy and twee, wouldn't you be kinda put off and alienated? It's like that but inverted.
being an anti must be so stressful like, imagine shipping two characters and then the creator reveals they’re actually related?
Like what do you do??? stop shipping them??? fr?????
What if it turns out that the other character is actually toxic, you gonna just drop all the fanfics and stuff like that?? really?? on god?????
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toxship-toxy · 5 months
A new term: "Toxship"
First, here's how you say it: "tox" is as in "toxic", "ship" is pronounced the usual way. It's a combination of "toxic" and "relationship", and thus it's said that way! Someone who supports or ships toxships might call themself a "toxshipper", if they so choose.
"But what is a toxship?"
It is exactly what it sounds like: A ship (character relationship) that could be read as "toxic". This may include...
abusive ships
ships with age gaps
interspecies ships
ships that contain graphic or heavy content
But that is not all that a toxship may be, and not all that it implies! Please, continue to read, lest you miss the point utterly...
"Isn't this covered by 'comship' already?"
It is not! I was actually inspired by "comship" to make an alternative term that better suits me. You can read about comship from some of its coiners here: 1, 2. Notice in particular these quotes from those carrds: "all ships are valid and reasonable to enjoy" and "don't like, don't look". These are crucial to comship, and are to welcome in stealth proshippers to the term. These ideals are not inherent to being toxship.
"So toxshippers can be ship haters?!"
That's correct!! A toxshipper is allowed to vent their frustrations with ships they dislike and be choosy in what they support. Think of it like a real middle-ground between proship and anti. Everyone always says ships are valid, but what about squicks and NOTPs? Have your cake and eat it, too!!
Some expansion on what toxshipping espouses:
A toxship need not necessarily be "romanticized", it can just be an abusive dynamic you enjoy exploring.
Shipping discourse is stupid, but complain if you must.
Toxship art should be tagged and flagged appropriately so it can be avoided by those who might complain, or else otherwise somehow made harder to find without intentionally seeking it out. A toxshipper who puts themself out in the open should prepare for whatever ire they may draw.
Toxship leans 18+, unlike comship. Exclude minors, even if the toxship in question is "worksafe".
Toxship does not hold the same ideals as proship, like comship does. It is not meant to be "unknown/stealth" for "ease of mind" of anyone, toxship knows exactly what it is and how upsetting it might be, and it is content with this. It is simply for those who spend their time exploring unhealthy dynamics in fiction, people who are mature enough to think about such things critically but still have some kind of fun picking it apart.
"Does toxship necessarily include incest, underage, zoophilia, etc.?"
I'd say no, because I dislike these themes and think people should try harder to make their darkfics disturbing before pulling out the big guns in gruesome detail, even if they are under the "abuse" umbrella. But I can't physically stop you if you do try and include them, can I?
"Is there a flag for toxship I can use?"
Not yet! I want to make one eventually, though. Hopefully one that's not just some stripes with an emoji slapped on.
"Is there an emoji combination for toxship that I can sneak into my bio?"
Not yet! I think it'd be fun to have symbols for it, but I haven't decided on any at this moment.
Now go forth... and write the toxfic of your dreams!
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