tales-of-asgardia · 4 years
Many millions of years ago, or mayhaps many dozens of thousands of years ago ask ye Loki of Asgard whose omniscience encompasses all but gaps and wanes in trivialities such as length of years or arc reactors.
And, lo, was a great war waged against the Primordial Giant, from before the begining of time, not a god but colossus of cosmic truth and hunger, Aurgelmir, Brimir, Galactus...Ymir. A great and terrible battle that which united all the old God tribes of Yggdrasil, the fair and potent Vanir, the ancient and closest to Ymir in bloodline, the Jotnar, and fiercest of the gods, the Aesir.
All was lost, offense a lost dream, all gates sundered, the giant of hunger from that pouring wound from the past that made all that now is towered alongside Yggdrasil, readying to savor what he prayed was his last fiendish meal.
From that holy ash, above the fresh grave of Bestla, hung an aes-jotun God. Pierced with a spear; cold and dead these nine days and nine nights. Ymir reached to feed on that celestial core of life and reality itself.
"No." Uttered the hanged god, Odin his name, son of Bestla and Bor, his single eye opening to the might of the realms and all the secrets of magic. Gripping his tool of his own murder, the spear, Odin roared, "My brothers to me!" And from the dark magic, they were called, Vili and Vé.
Swirling with magics the brothers understood not, and slayer of their mother above them, the brothers of Third drew their aesir swords and roared with their brother.
"For Asgard! For the Realms!" Odin screamed, "For Bestla!"
"For Bestla!!" The three sons of Bor screamed, determined to rend the Cosmic Giant, sunder his helm and decorate Asgard with his bones.
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tales-of-asgardia · 4 years
"Milord, the Allfather has summon your presence." Timidly said the asgardian palace servant.
Slowly stirring under the silken sheets, the Thunderer replied, "More ale."
The servant swallowed, finding his voice, "Apologies, Milord, the Allfather has also informed me that we are not permitted to bring you anymore-"
Thunder boomed, "I said more ale!"
The servant stepped back, jumping slightly from surprise as his back hit the door, "Yes, of course. Straight away." The door slamming behind him.
On the balcony overlooking the golden city, Fandral paced, looking to the balcony above when the thunder rumbled. "Oh dear, he'll be drunk again soon."
The Lady Sif placed her hands on the railing, "He can't stay in that room forever. Eventually Odin will strike his spear on the ground and Thor will burst through the doors flying like his hammer to the throneroom."
Despite his fretting, Fandral couldn't help but smile, which he found to be unworthy, and he turned his head. "Like the time we released the Trolls from their pens so Thor could wrestle them."
Volstagg stepped into the room, "Ah, yes, the young whelp days. And he would've pinned each of those Trolls had Lo-" he stopped himself.
Sif finished, "Had Loki not slipped away from us and told the Allfather."
Fandral sighed, "A troll slipped away from us first, had Loki not acted, who knows what would have happened."
Thor stepped out into his balcony, dropping the pitcher of ale on the ground with the others, swinging his hammer he took off across the city skyline.
The warriors and Sif looked out at the Thunderer, being pulled along by Mjolnir. "Off to the bridge again..." Sif sighed.
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tales-of-asgardia · 4 years
The god of Mischief's eyes darted with a brilliant frenzy in the cold, dim corridor of the alien vessel, he pulled point of the chitauri staff from the beastial scout. Holding the weapon at ready as he stepped silently, seeking his escape.
My name is Thanos.
Loki slammed against the wall, squinting his eyes shut terribly as he muttered every incantation of fortitude and barring off the mind he could remember.
The universe stands in grave peril.
Gritting his teeth, he pressed himself forward, "Thanos," Loki spat, "Know that all this effort to keep me bolted down and restrained is for not. I am Loki of Asgard, and you will not survive the storm that is waiting for you."
The storm waiting for me? Loki...I, alone, have looked into the darkened corners of your soul...and know you for what you truly are.
Loki gave pause, he heard the movements of the chitauri seeking him out, "I am Loki, of Asgard." He repeated.
The ship groaned, the florescent lights in the walls grew painfully bright before a harsh impact against the ship sent Loki rolling. The dust settling, Loki laughed, pushing himself up, "The storm, Thanos...the storm's a-rrived." He looked up, the massive alien warlord towering above him.
Thanos stepped forward, "I have news for you, Loki, of Asgard. I still might be able to save your green hide, but I can't do it alone. I need your help." He offered his outstretched hand.
He sneered, and wrapped his fingers around the hilt of a knife not yet present in the physical world.
"Looooookkiii!" Bellowed out in the corridor.
Thanos turned, the Hammer struck down, and it's thunder rumbling loud and grim. Dropping Thanos to his knees, Thor struck him once more on the shoulder. Dismissive of the Titan as he stepped forward towards Loki.
Loki let out an exasperated chuckle, "You know, I'm actually really happy to see you."
Thor helped Loki to his feet, "You were not easy to find, Brother. This place is...dark. Heimdall called it an abyss." Thor turned looking around them, at Thanos.
Loki could only nod in the moment, "You're...not mad?"
Thor turned his gaze back to Loki, "Brother...you committed treason against Odin."
Loki squinted, "What?"
"You destroyed a world, Loki, filled with people."
He shook his head, but the movement were minimal, "I....I have no excuses, I was lost and scared and...please, Brother, have mercy."
Thor trembled, his chin locked and his eyes looking deep into Loki's, "Loki, I-aaargg!" His scream grew limp as the fell double blade of Thanos pierced through the Odinson.
"No!" Loki screamed, Thanos withdrew the blade and Thor fell limp. Loki dropping to his knees, "Thor, I, this can't be real, this can't be real, this can't be...real." Loki looked up to the smug Titan, "This isn't real."
Scowling, Thanos said, "Enough."
Gamora lifted the scepter from Loki's brow. "This...Asgardian, he's strong father."
Loki looked up at them, gasping for breath.
"All the more valuable when he finally breaks." Thanos said.
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