#knowing me i'll just make more blogs that get no attention bc ocs
andalasia · 2 months
hellos. dusting off my old sideblog to throw up this request bc that feels like a good idea. i've responded to a couple other searches, so i'm realistically not looking to take on too many more. little bit about me, i'm a 29 man, live in the central timezone [ i think technically it's cdt bc it's currently july... but don't quote me on that ], used to consider myself a reader reader but me and the books have been beefing these past few months so that isn't occurring as frequently. maybe because i've been giving rp more attention. i've been rping since at least 2009, but most of that has was on forums like proboards/invisionfree/jcink. i have only recently really been a discord rp girlie
really only looking for m/m plots at this time. mayhaps one day i will go back to doing hetero ships, but for the time being that's not really something that interests me. i don't have a robust collection of muses that i pull out of rotation, that's just never been how i rp... if you see a guy on my main blog [ blakegallo ] the odds are that i would use them as a face. because i cut my teeth on forums i do typically only use actors, musicians, and the occasional model as faces; i typically steer clear of people who social media people. it's really just a matter of personal preference. i am willing to consider a fandom based rp, but would prefer something that is more oc x oc.
as far as preferences go i do write in the third person past tense. i don't really have any interest in breaking the discord message character limit for replies. i would never do a one liner, but a nice well developed paragraph or two is usually good enough for me. i like there to be something to respond to and get a nice back and forth going. i've seen a lot in my decade plus in the rp community and i've definitely done responses that are what the girlies call novella length now and that's just not something i'm super invested in returning to at this time. i don't have any interest in rping in dms, i think that things are just more organized in a private server. i also prefer for new threads to be individual channels just because i find that easier to scroll back through than one general channel, but that's me. i am a tupperbox girlie... and so i do have a slight preference for using them. it's not a requirement by any means, i have more 1x1s that don't use them currently than do, but just throwing that out there. i also find that doing something mumu is just easier for me with the tupperbot, but we can make it work if you aren't for it.
as a sidenote, i also do really love text threads. in my time perusing the the tags i'm not sure if this common because so many of the requests i see are for the novella level girlies. but sometimes i might have time for some quick banter between our characters. i also find that characters texting leads to where a next thread should go. as a vibes girlie i just like letting the characters sort things out sometimes than us as muns going back and forth figuring out where the plot should take them next.
plotting for me tends to be more organic. i really don't like to get too far ahead of ourselves. to me it's like writing a romance novel, we know these characters are eventually going to get together, but the journey to that destination can be whatever we make for it. so the ups and downs and angst along the way is what makes it fun. obviously i'm all for tossing ideas back and forth about how we think we should handle something or where we should go next, but i don't really have any interest in outlining the whole journey and then just hitting the beats.
so please be 21+, 25+ honestly would be even better and like this if you're interested. i might read the occasional high fantasy book, but that's not a thing i am all that interested in. i might be up for something vaguely paranormal, but i'm really more a regular person writer. give me the lives and the rich and famous or mess happening in suburbia... i'll reach out from my main blog in tumblr dms and we can go from there if we think it could be a good fit.
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I know you've said you don't have many thoughts about Revchi but I just wanted someone to rant to since that's apparently what we're doing now and your takes are indeed excellent (shout-out to Neige anon)
I genuinely think he must carry a lot sadness and trauma, that he closed his heart so much. When Gueldre said that all the other Purple Orcas hated him and that's why no one took his side when he got set up, he didn't even deny it or even react. For some reason he won't allow himself to open up to others even when he had the opportunity to make friends. That's totally unhealthy (honestly, the other Purple Orcas probably couldn't be counted on anyway since from what little we see of them, they're the BC equivalent of dirty cops).
I don't know how to word it but there's something so sad about him. He reminds me a bit of Zora in a way, like they both hide their inner pain with cynicism and snark. How he calls himself "just a wretched thief" in the first chapter, the way he somewhat hides his scar with his hair, even the way his speech bubbles are drawn all wobbly??? Someone get that man into therapy asap please
On an unrelated sidenote you've actually made me appreciate Fuegoleon, believe it or not. I used to not care about him at all but now I like him a lot lol
I mean "not having a lot of thoughts" is always relative too. Like, I ended up writing quite a lot for Revchi in that one ask game, which surprised even me. So it seems I had more thoughts than what I thought, but I still don't think it's comparatively a lot if we take into account other characters.
Plus, now that my exams, and this semester are finally over, I have the next three weeks time to do nothing and sleep. Instead of having my braincells running study stuff in the background on an pinned tab, which might affect how many thoughts I have to spare for the fandom. Also, I like having interactions, even if they might be people feeling frustrated over how unloved their borbo is. (Again, as long as it's like constructive; a mandatory side note, because it's a public blog) I know that everyone doesn't want to interact in the comment section or via reblogs, because they don't want to draw that attention to their blogs, which is fine. But these interactions make me feels less like I'm shouting to the wind, and are evoking my love for the fandom again. And I think that the best way to learn to appreciate and get insight of a character is to talk to someone who likes said character (as long as they haven't like... made the character into pretty much just an oc with the same name, y'know the type and issue generally speaking; it happens in every fandom)
ANYWAYS, back on track and to Revchi
I think there are a lot of characters in BC that do that. Close their emotions because showing emotions isn't... allowed in a lot of circles in BC. Just today in our BC dnd campaign we basically concluded "the Magic Parliament, where justice is scrapped and public image is all that matters; welcome to the heart of Clover Kingdom".
Who knows what happened that caused Revchi to get hated like that, but I'd say that when someone is staged for a crime, there is a good chance that they stood in the way of those who ended up setting said person up. So, it's perfectly possible that Revchi was a "good cop among bad ones" and ended up getting hated and isolated by that, probably along with a lot of other things, that essentially just broke his spirit, and caused him to spiral into a "...if being a wretched thief is what's right in this kingdom, I guess that's what I'll be then" or even "they call me as a wretched thief, so I'll show them one". Which is a kind of a call for help, in a way. The man was spiralling. And when he starts to live up to the rumours, and the reason why he was dismissed, he's not doing any favours for himself, but by then he was beyond caring about it.
Why he won't open up, could be a case of being stabbed in the back, figuratively. So, maybe he trusted someone in that squad, maybe even went to Gueldre, thinking that he could trust a Captain of Clover Kingdom, and Gueldre just threw him to the wolves. I mean... if that doesn't shake your belief into the justice system of Clover, what would?
There is a tragedy in there. He's just a guy who tried to do good (as a headcanon, because all of this is purely speculation ofc), and ended up thrown into the mud.
He doesn't believe in goodness of the world anymore. Or that there can be such a thing as "justice" in Clover. Which is very similar as to what Zora feels. Actually. For Zora it's just about what happened to his dad, and for Revchi it's about what happened to him.
I imagine the wobbly speech bubbles to be a kind of a voice cracking up. Because, deep down, he didn't want to do what he did. But he was in too deep in his own head, the cynicism. Because no one would care. It wasn't the kind of a world where people would care, in his mind. The line between a hardened criminal and a knight was a line drawn in sand on a beach.
Who knows, maybe he even thought that stealing a couple of grimoires and selling them in the black market might earn him the trust of the Orcas again. Revchi just might be yet another character that Clover Kingdom failed.
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mosiaks · 7 months
Okay here is the new line up for the foreseeable future. I just cannot keep trying to offer as many people as I was, especially when honestly so few are getting any attention and to try and get muses traction would be effort and energy I just cannot afford to give rn.
@anyankaes | Anyanka -- this is just For Me honestly but I'm also going to try and position her in a more fandomless way @vacanpathy | Veronica Moore ( OC ) -- OC privileges are real. @hollowflay | Heather Holloway -- literally the flagship at this point lbr @npseas | low interest/low need/fickle muse/utilitarian muses -- kept bc it's so low use and here for utilitarian reasons.
@saeintsblood | Drusilla -- I find dru very compelling and if I could get things for her, especially in her drew au I'd very seriously consider continuing to write her @slayedher | Spike -- I do like writing spike and I feel like I could do a lot of fun stuff with him but I'm also not interested in just being used to fill people's fix for the character so I'm torn. @mtvatlas | Billy Hargrove -- honestly probably will get moved into keep once I feel like I can breathe and give him any attention. @manufangured | Casey Wainright ( OC ) -- again OC privileges get her here but also trying to start shit up for an OC rn sounds like a fucking nightmare.
@deathgift | Buffy Summers @slayingspice | Brooke Summers ( OC ) -- joint reasoning for these two. low muse, low interest in general plus since smg has been spoken out for Israel I'd kinda want a new fc (also just they're SO canon divergent it'd feel nice) but if I have to make new icons I'll lose my mind. @corddess | Cordelia Chase -- low use, low interest, low muse. @keyedawn | Dawn Summers -- low use, low interest, low muse. @glindaid | Tara Maclay -- low use, low interest, low muse. @witchhan | Willow Rosenberg -- low use, low interest, low muse. @andhaert | Xander Harris -- low use, low interest, low muse. @thraeshula | Eddie Munson -- low use, low interest, low muse. @telemage​ | Eleven / Jane Hopper -- low use, low interest, low muse. @noblebreed | Elijah Mikaelson -- low use, low interest, low muse. @highbreed​ | Klaus Mikaelson -- low use, low interest, low muse. @legionheir | David Haller -- low use, low interest, low muse. @shesibylline | Destiny / Irene Adler -- low use, low interest, low muse. @punkasite | Rogue Darkhölme -- low use, low interest, low muse. @laembless | Clarice Starling ( set in Cri.min.al Mi.nds ) -- low use, low interest, low muse.
I'm sorry to anyone who was looking forward to some of these muses or had enjoyed ping with them in the past but I just gotta make things more practical for me. Hopefully I can bring some of these back in the future when life is less hectic but for now I just have to be realistic. Much of these muses get absolutely little to no interest and I cannot put in the time and energy rn to try and change that. Plus even when I HAVE tried in the past to do that for some it's been unsuccessful so I'm just not interested in trying again when my time and energy is more finite. I picked all these muses for a reason and would love to be able to write them all but that's just not realistic.
None of the decommissioned blogs will be deleted they will simply be left inactive and likely moved elsewhere to be archived for the foreseeable future so this account can remain tidy. If any get brought back I'll let you all know.
I will also still be on @dreameasel and @progeniterror
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cloverwood · 4 months
☾ ゚。⋆。゚☁︎。 ⋆。゚Name Hoard ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。☁︎。。゚
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just a little living post for me to keep all the names I've started collecting. It's actually something I started doing long before my awakening just by chance (having usernames/nicknames for different friends or groups and realising that felt rly good) so now that I'm doing it more consciously I just want somewhere I can keep track of them. Kinda wanted somewhere a bit more private and I might end up moving to my diary discord but I also think its nice and wanna be able to share it so. For now I'll make it a post :3
I've realised that the "main" name I've been going by, since I was like 13 always felt kinda? odd? like it was my NAME but not in a 'this is me way' and more of a 'this is the mouthsounds one makes to get my attention' kinda way. like how one would name a dog. if that makes sense? as a wakened fae entitity, i've realised i may (or may not) have some sort of "true" name, but if i do I don't know of it yet. But every other name I go by or collected so far are what I call "utility names" and I think that's useful to know too <3
Each name sometimes has rules or fun little bits of info hence why I wanted to write it out like this. But if someone knows of a site similar to that pronouns tracker one but for names that would be kewl :3
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Nix - meatspace name, ie; "real" chosen name. real in brackets bc it's what I say to ppl when I dont have the energy to discuss my name thing. What my friends and family call me, how I'm credited in my TV/film work, etc. What I'll probably change my legal name to eventually. Anyone can call me this.
[deadname] - a name that has since achieved it's purpose and is no longer of use to me. No one can call me this.
Helio - my artist/online username. shortened version of my full usernames (heliocanix. heliosynchronisity and others). Realised I also like being called this in online spaces but even irl i suppose. Kind of a secondary name. Anyone can call me this.
Neifion - my "utility" fairy name. Mostly just for fun and as a way to talk abt my fairy experiences separately from my human ones. Mostly just found it in order to easily describe "who" im drawing in my fairy self portraits when I'm too shy to say its just me. Only other fae can call me this.
Clover - just a name I recently realised i connect to quite well, surprisingly unaware that it was literally half of this blogs name at the time :'D but it makes a lot of sense. One of my earliest OCs was named clover and she had plant powers hehe. Feels connected both to my rabbit identity and fairy identity. Currently only my romantic partner can call me this. Thought it could make a nice thing to share between us, as well as the only person I would be comfy using it.
Angel - my kink pseudonym/persona/nickname, used when I'm at events or during scenes with play partners. Only people in my local scene can call me this.
[any sort of pet name] - certain partners use petnames or nicknames for me, changes depending on human or circumstance. Obvs, only partner's can use these.
N - shortened form of Nix, what I use when my name isnt important, surveys, emails etc. Considered making this my legal name but figured it would cause more problems than it solves. Interestingly this does feel the closest to what could be my "true" name but i have a feelings it's because said name might not be translatable or comprehendable to human speech. anyone can call me this, if they want?
NIX - all capitalised, my fine art name/persona. May change may not, I sign off and credit all my work to my name stylized like this. No surname. Only really applicable in these settings.
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chevvy-yates · 1 year
Alright, I thought about it last night a bit.
I may just stop forcing myself to do the usual 'male v monday' 'shippy saturday' 'thirsty thursday' 'wip wednesday' stuff (I mean I can't even manage to keep up with that either) and instead post whenever I want, like I do on Friday already when everyone is posting their gorgeous females but I (if I post) do post my boys since I do not have any female oc.
I don't know if I'll completely abandon the tags for it or not. it's gonna be more: if I manage to post on that day, I'll add it, if not, I'll reblog and then tag it with the tag or sth like that.
I will still try and take my at least 30min of time a day (mostly after work around 6pm German time) to browse tblr. Queue often makes noe sense to me, sometimes I use ib when I feel I've reblogged to much in a row already but I do not tage anything that will come from my queue so you won#t even notice that it was queued.
I've also set a few blogs on receive notifications so I do not miss any new posts. I love that feature! But sometimes I have to stop using it if a blog keeps posting like every 1h through the day which will give me 24 notes a day on my phone - forcing me to look and I can't do that. I need to find some balance somehow. Still a thing to figure out to have it healthy.
I do not want to abandon looking at content because you all create so many cool things, but in this fandom, as I already said it so many times: it is just so hard to keep up with it. So please do not be mad about me or think I do not like your stuff (anymore) because I've not liked/reblogged a thing lately of your content. I often feel very 'unmenschlich' (inhuman?) when I can't find time to give some love to others work bc I receive so much from all of you, therefore I want to give it back as well.
Idk how you manage having 4+ ocs btw. I with my 4 boys feel like I abandon at least one for too long (rn it is Vijay - and it makes me so incredibly sad, no one will probably understand). But I have to keep telling myself, he will receive a whole lot of attention and love again. However, this month is for Thyjs, because he's having his birthday soon (13th) and so I will focus on him in the first place.
I decided to slide in Jaysen for something else yesterday (because spontaneous things still happen) and I'll hopp in to take a bunch of pic of him as well once my writing here is done, bc he's modeling for some new real cool pants. And then I go back to my soldier boy doing the same (if I can manage bc taking pic … takes time xD).
What elese?
I'll just need to find a balance when I do at least answer roleplay or do story writing because this also I feel very bad about It gets neglected the most, mainly because I've never been a writer. But I find such joy in it and I feel like a bad person that my rp partner always has to wait such long time until I answer. Some days I'd just love to thorw literally everything aside and just do rp 24h nonstop (we all know this doesn't work) because I love love love this story that developed in the past year and when I think about it I'm just so hyped to share it one day but it's a lot of work to do. It's gotten something like a lifetime project by now?
And I need to stop hording my drafts. Its getting ridiculous …
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HELLO. ask game time. >:) For Alden, I'm curious about 14 (i see your post about making him into everything he was against and i want More) and 2. You gave me five, I'll stick to three - I also wanna know about 7 for Higgins >:)))
!!! Let's go :D
(Gonna go in number order and oh god it got Long)
Alden, 2. What is your character's favourite weapon/way to fight?
His no1 weapon is the Xoris. The same way I canonised Kohlrabi's frame being a Volt Prime waaay before the Sacrifice bc Volt was my starter, Xoris is also chosen for Attachement Reasons. I love that thing to bits, it got me through so much of the game, and even now when I no longer have one single favourite weapon it is still Up There
His fighting style is fast and flashy. He's far from tanky but he's nimble and quick-witted enough to avoid getting hit most of the time, feet barely touching the ground, an eye-catching moving target. He knows that as long as he keeps attention on himself and avoids getting hit too bad, his allies can either get to safety or deliver blows from the shadows to more success, whichever is applicable at the time
Watching him fight is a bit like watching a dance
Alden, 14. How (not) okay are they with being a Warframe?
Were he conscious during The Old War (he wasn't anything stronger than a flicker, unlike Lanius) he would've hated every second of his twisted existence. He used to tear at Orokin rule from the shadows, fight a war from behind enemy lines, and they made him into something polished and obedient, a gilded attack dog to do their bidding
He would've done everything he could to tear himself away from Tenno control and take a swing at the golden bastards one last time and die trying (he would've loved Kohlrabi even back then. But he didn't need a telepathic leash and he would've had no intention to drag a child down with himself)
I talked about him having a reasonable level of self-preservation before, but were he conscious during the Old War, that would've gone out the window. He would not have seen himself as alive anymore, and so with no life worth protecting. He would've readily died to land just one last blow on the Orokin
But! None of that happened, so! In present day, he…tries not to think too hard about it? He tries to be neutral at least bc there's no way of changing this now aside from dying, and he does not wanna die. He has a family and a purpose. He doesn't like being seen by strangers as an instrument of war, but it's a useful cover sometimes, and the things he can do as a warframe but never could've as a human help him protect ppl
What "being a warframe" is had changed the day the Orokin Empire fell. Alden no longer has a leash around his neck. He was made from something horrible, but now exists as himself. And he decides what that means
If he could, he'd choose to be human, and he doesn't like looking at it like "well at least something good came of it :)" but he also sees himself as a whole, living being, and tries to live his life as such. Some days it's easier than others
Higgins, 7. What is your favourite thing about this character?
Oh fuck, making me choose
On a meta level it's that ppl enjoy him. Like this blog used to get shitall interaction esp in the OC department and now it gets a lil bit more and that started around when I mentioned how inadvisable it is to allow Higgins in a kitchen. Ppl other than me seem to be fond of this shortass lab safety violation and that makes me really happy
On a less meta level…look, i love individual characters dearly but at the core it's relationships between characters that really drive me to write. And Higgins is fun alone but three times as much when it comes to his relationship with North. I'm having Such a good time subjecting them to Situations. They're idiot best friends and they bond via body sharing and they'd die for each other. Higgins gets to be both the comic relief and the angst potential of his own story but that wouldn't work without North being the other half of everything
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dudenastii · 3 months
Asking this from a burner account because I'm shy AF, but I'm curious, as an MTL OC creator, are there any fellow OCs who've caught your attention? <3
Now i'll be honest I've been in my own world but I really love seeing mtl ocs in general. Theres this one where this girl (?) is shipped with pickles and has a baby named Lasagna (IM SORRY I THINK THIS MIGHT BE A MOOT OF MINE I JUST DONT REMEMBER SORRY) and thats fucking hilarious. I hope im also not confusing two oc stories.)
There's that person that has the whole Agnostic Priest Crew (i love that they have deep lore) and knows SHIT ton of about metal (at least to me bc im a super casual fan of all music. People who can point out exactly what kind of genre or sub genre is playing are gxds to me.)
I actually saw another person in the ATHF fandom with an plutonian oc whose fucking shake. I love ocs I love people just getting weird with it. If u wanna talk ocs and have our ocs be friend im so down.
I just love that people in 2024 are far more open to "cringe" and just having fun as long as it not super sus (u know what im sayin').
I'm sorry to the people who i mentioned I just dont remember names and am mindlessly looking at ur blogs and being like "mmmmm Metalocalypse fans who aren't making wanna kill myself yaaay"
please everyone show me ur ocs tell me about ur oc
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ehldritchblast · 4 months
CREDIT: The PSD I’m using for my edits is “ENHANCE ABILITY” by Jaynedits.
ONE. This blog will likely be a low-activity blog, but I will usually be available through IMs if anyone wants to chat (and you can feel free to ask for my discord if we're close enough). JUST A HEAD'S UP: i am INCREDIBLY new to the dnd scene. i'm still learning and doing my best to get things right, but if anyone has any advice/critiques, please feel free to let me know! i just ask that you be nice about it, thanks!
TWO. I have ADHD and as such, I will answer asks / respond to threads as I get the muse for them. It's nothing personal if I don't get to something of ours right away, it's just hard for me to focus at times!
THREE. Sometimes I will drop threads without warning and it's nothing personal, I just lose muse. I'm more than willing to start up a new thread. The best way to write with me is from sending memes or writing starters. I also like to plot and find that I'm more invested in threads this way.
FOUR. I will only follow 21+ blogs on here and will block any minors who may follow for my own comfort. I have the right to follow or unfollow you whenever I please. That being said, I will not follow back personal blogs, or a RP blog that I couldn’t see my muses interacting with. Please don’t take it personally.
FIVE. I only ship with chemistry and I'm open to discussing shipping with our muses so long as there's chemistry and the you're willing to discuss / plot ship dynamics with me. I'm also duplicate friendly and love that other people love these muses too!
+ you are under 21, are racist, transphobic, homophobic, antisemitic, ableist, pedophilic, harass others, etc. + you write an original character with little to no information, as I need something to go off of to think of how to interact with your muse. + post an excessive amount of ooc (enough to constantly spam my dash; i don’t mind if you post more ooc than actual rp most days bc i do the same), have constant poor grammar / spelling mistakes (though i'll be more lenient if english isn't your first language), partake in petty, pointless drama, or write in a lot of purple prose / overly format your posts. + don't tag triggering content, write a lot of incest, child death, and any form of abuse (i.e. domestic, sexual, etc), or focus heavily on pregnancy plots. + you follow me first and make no attempt to interact with me, are absent from your blog for long amounts of time (without posting a hiatus warning), disrespect people's boundaries, vague blog, or post a lot of callouts. + if you are a personal blog, follow and unfollow me to try to get my attention, send me things (i.e. memes / rp stuff) when we aren't mutuals, harass my friends, just use me as a number for your follower count, ignore the things i write for you (especially if it's me answering a meme you sent in or writing you a starter), or don't put in the effort for a ship that i have grown invested in. + if you follow me to write / ship with my male muses and ignore my female & oc/tav muses.
SEVEN. I do not deal with ooc drama. If I see it happening on my dash I will not get involved in it, and if it reaches a certain point, I will probably block the person(s) in question.
To add to this: I do not view certain ‘callouts’ as ‘drama’. If someone is bringing attention to harmful behavior, that’s fine. I won’t hesitate to heed that person’s warning and acknowledge / reblog that post if I feel that it is necessary. The types of ‘callouts’ I find unnecessary are the ones where someone is just being petty and talking shit because they don’t like someone and/or are bullying them. That’s something you could handle privately and doesn’t need to be on the dash and/or just block the person and move on. I will not tell you who and who not to write with. I would much rather simply block anyone I wish not to see on my dash. That said, please do not hesitate to inform me if I'm interacting with someone who is a genuinely toxic individual.
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queenharumiura · 2 years
Hi. So I've been really wanting to make a Hana Kurokawa blog, but wasn't sure if the KHR fandom was still really active. I was wondering if you could maybe give me some tips with talking with people outside the fandom?
[Unprompted ask]
Yeah-- the KHR fandom as a whole is kinda dead BUT! people who muse them still exist! I've seen a lot of them on multi-muse blog rosters. I'm not the most active nor am I popular (I purposefully don't advertise my blog bc shyness/fear/insecurities), but I know if you did make the blog, you could count on me to interact with you. Across different blogs, I play: Haru, Kyoko, Hibari, Daemon, Ravein (OC), and Pino (OC). I'm sure others who play KHR muses would love to welcome you to the RPC.
As for advice, I don't know how helpful i'll be, but I sure will try:
When starting out, posting a promo post for people to spread around and like is helpful to get attention. Stating that you're crossover and/or OC friendly really helps get more attention.
It really helps if you're open to making various verses for your muse. If you have a lot of various verses already planned out and written for people to read through, it may increase your chances of being appealing/engaging to others.
If there are other fandoms you're interested in, consider making a verse for that series and try approaching people to see if they'd be interested in interacting. Some people may be willing to jump into your universe.
A lot of people in RPC are shy, but from experience, very willing to try out anything. It's great to just talk to people ooc a lot and vibe with others. As you vibe and rp with people, sometimes new followers will come from others stalking interactions. I've gotten most of my followers that way as I actively do not advertise myself across my blogs. People find me from their friends, usually.
While it doesn't exactly answer your question, I think the most important thing is to be patient and not get too discouraged quickly. It can be slow to find people to interact with outside of your fandom. If you keep at it, you'll be bound to find people. Don't give up too soon if it's slow.
If you have a wishlist or something, that's great! A lot of people love to look at wishlists and use that as inspiration for interactions!
On the topic of posting promotion posts: posting open starters, starter/plot calls, or reblogging memes are great ways to start interactions. Even a shy person like me has no reservation about liking calls- but I may hesitate for starters (bc i'm dumb). For this, it is a good idea to post at different times to account for timezone differences!
This doesn't quite relate to helping interact with those outside the fandom but it's just general RPC stuff: do make it easy to find information. It's important to have an accessible rules page on top of information on your muse. Not having a rules page is a major turn off for many.
Hope that helps!
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voidendron · 2 years
tagged by @vespertine-legacy for a Get to Know the Blogger - thanks, November! :D
1. why did you choose your url?
okay, so there's actually a bit of story behind it so this answer's gonna be long.
I was a roleplayer...god. years ago (6? ish years ago?), for the Transformers fandom, and because of the character I played, I got called "Blitz" and the nickname just kinda stuck, even after I left that fandom. before I'd realized I was trans, my username had "Queen" in it, and I had a separate account for RPing as that character. well, I had both accounts logged into the chat at the same time once cause I'd been chatting on my main, then decided to hop onto the RP one and forgot to disconnect my main (DeviantArt Chat, haha), someone didn't know which one to tag to get my attention, so just caps-locked BLITZQUEEN at me
it didn't take long for me to change my user to that. I eventually drifted away from that fandom, but I decided to name my mascot Blitz for the nostalgia
I started to get uncomfortable with my user, realized I was trans, and started looking for alternatives to the "queen" part of it. I came across the word "indite" which is a synonym for "write." I liked how symmetrical the I's were from each other in "Blitzindite," so decided to roll with it
so yes. my username is literally just "Blitz Writes" (it's also why my writing tag is "blitz indites")
2. any sideblogs?
@thevehszlegacy - where I keep track of my SWTOR OCs. needs updated, but soooo nice to have for sorting reasons
@swtor--screenshots - haven't posted there in a long while, but as the username says
@fr-thecollectors - my Flight Rising blog. currently in an inactive phase on FR, but I still adore my dragons there
@jse--deep-blue-sea - I had a crossover fic from my previous fandom that I stopped writing like two years ago, but decided to try and at least finish it now (mostly bc of the Subnautica part of the crossover). I only post chapters there so I can keep this blog to Star Wars content
I've got a few others I don't really touch anymore, but these are the notable ones
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
4. why did you originally start your blog?
JSE and Markiplier Egos
5. why did you choose your icon?
my current one is my SWTOR main, but I usually have a gas mask one because my mascot has one in place of his face
6. why did you choose your header?
but I just really really love that screenshot. one of my favorites I've ever taken
7. what's your post with the most notes?
art from my previous fandom. not gonna link it because of eyestrain (glitching effects) and blood/gore. in this fandom, my post about being able to use headpieces (even the toothpick!!!!) to hide Vette's shock collar in vanilla
8. how many mutuals do you have?
is there even a way to check that?
9. how many followers do you have?
10. how many blogs do you follow?
11. have you ever made a shitpost?
yeeee. my followers are probably tired of my dumb posts tbh aksjld;sldk
12. how many times do you use tumblr a day?
If I'm on my laptop, I have it open. so I'll just say "quite a bit" and leave it at that
13. have you ever fought another blog?
14. how do you feel about “need to reblog” posts?
can't stand them. the moment I see "everyone should reblog this" "if you don't reblog-" blah blah blah I scroll past whether I liked/agreed with the post or not, oftentimes without even reading the rest of the post.
15. do you like tag games?
sure! makes me nervous tagging others for them, tho
16. do you like ask games?
yessss I love ask games. haven't been doing em much lately, tho. I should get back into them.....
17. which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
I...don't actually know. but I know some of them are more fandom-famous
18. do you have a crush on a mutual?
tagging: @thedinalixlegacy @raven-of-domain-kwaad and whoever else wants to do it! like I said, tagging others makes me nervous 😅
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tuesdayscanons · 4 years
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《 How I Run My Blog 》
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《 If you take anything from this post, it's this—I either respond in ten seconds or ten years. There's a whole lotta factors: time, energy, interest, etc. Lately, I've been moving slower because my muse is all over the place and I've been burnt out by college, but the semester is about to end and I'm hoping my workload won't be as overwhelming from now on. 》
《 The length of my replies tend to vary, but I try to write multi-para responses (which can slow me down when I get carried away/overwhelmed. I'm also interested in fun little one line responses, which I'd most likely respond to quicker bc they're more casual. 》
《 I tend to post starter calls for the muses/AUs I'm the most interested in atm, though things can be delayed if my muse flops for any reason. Starters *might* be easier to write, though I have starters I owe which suggest otherwise. It also depends on what ideas I have—sometimes I have a gazillion ideas for interactions between muses and other times I get stuck bc I have no clue how to create a situation for two muses to have an excuse to interact. 》
《 My inbox is open to anyone and to (almost) anything. You can send me random nonsense on anon for all I care, as long as it isn't overly vulgar or hostile. Don't get me wrong, you can still push my muses around (tbh I encourage it), but there's a point to where it stops being fun.
RP memes also don't expire on this blog. You can send me something from a post I reblogged over a year ago (though please specify if it's an emoji meme—there are emoji asks in purgatory bc I can't remember what meme it's from and have no clue how to respond).
The asks I'm most interested in tend to revolve around personal relationships or deep dives into my muses? Y'all can probably tell from what I usually reblog. OOC memes are also good when my muse is low, though I'd feel bad if I posted OOC too often. Y'all came for my muses, not to hear me ramble.
My speed tends to vary, though I usually find it easier to respond to ask memes than ic stuff. 》
《 I say that I'm semi-selective on my promos, though I'm generally open to writing with people. Most of it comes down to anxiety—I still try to reach out to people, but it makes my day when people reach out to me? Tbh, I'm constantly worried about bothering people and having people care enough to approach me is a huge deal. Sometimes I can be all over the place, but ideally, I'd like to open myself up to new partners. Depending on a handful of partners can be a huge issue down the line, especially knowing how I can be sometimes. 》
《 What I'm most interested in tends to shift, but I have a wishlist tag (creatively labeled "wishlist") if y'all want to check it out. Generally, I'm interested in exploring interpersonal relationships. Romance, rivalry, friendship, family, what have you. I tend to lean towards fluff or...Sour Patch Kids threads? I'm sure there's a better word out there to describe it, but basically angst/melodrama which leads to fluff. Sometimes I can do full on angst, though I don't do so as often because they're kinda a bummer. 》
Honest Notes
《 This goes for everything I've previously mentioned, but I have a tendency to hyperfixate. It could be a certain muse, a specific aspect/character dynamic, sometimes even specific mutuals as odd as that might seem. I don't intend to brush people off or play favorites, it's just that my attention and memory are both atrocious. 》
Random Side Notes
《 Related to the hyperfixation thing, there are times where I post a lot of art/headcanons to my oc blogs instead of actually writing ic stuff. I started out as an oc rper and I find it easier to write ocs (hence why Maddie has pretty much taken over this blog). Sometimes I'm able to write canon characters like I would ocs, though I don't think I could ever be more invested in a canon character than my ocs. They're my babies, y'know? I've also probably mentioned before that I don't watch a whole lot of shows because I spend most of my free time thinking about my ocs. That could have something to do with it...
Also—if y'all want to direct message me, I prefer Discord over Tumblr IMs. I'll still respond to Tumblr IMs, but Discord is better if y'all are looking to have regular/on-going OOC contact with me. Idk, it just feels more organized and personal? I check my Discord pretty much daily, so I'll probably respond quickly (if I don't forget to write back, that is...but I still don't think I'd leave you hanging for too long). 》
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spliita-blog · 7 years
tempted to make this a multi blog with some t100 ocs on it because i have more ideas and don’t need more blogs
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seelestia · 2 years
can't blame him, his intuition is v v good~
yes yes as a wise and incredibly good-looking man once said, "every journey has its final day. there is no need to rush." 😌
hskdjskdj if you provide me with the art or video of your oc then most definitely!!! but also if you wanna do something similar just for a post or for a series for your blog, do lemme know, i can code it for you! i have the base code so creating something similar shouldn't take too much work! i don't mind doing it for my friends hehe c:
a walk alongside the harbor sounds so nice... sighhh oh to walk arm-in-arm with such a refined gentleman.... yes yes feel free to openly gush about your faves too, i love it when people get all excited talking about their favorite characters hehe
"a jar of expensive candied petals" i'm-- slfjsldkdl you're making me blush stoppp 🙈 ofc, let us release the plot bunnies into the wild!!! or, well, i'm holding back from releasing them in my blog for now bc tumblr put me in shadowban jail- BUT as soon as they release me i'm releasing a hoard of them and no one can stop me >:/
xiao do be like that... but i think it's good cause i get distracted too easily sometimes!! so he keeps my attention on the game hehe and my gosh kazuha is my first character for crowd control ( i mean ig jean is too but i like kazuha more oops sorry jean ;| ) and he's so good!!!
kazuha sees my simping and he's just like "nope" lol i love my anemo team it's so fun to have xiao-kazuha-jean <3 one day, i will build heizou... one day....
qiqi is so adorable i love her yes i'd like to adopt her thank you wait whatttt omg she's came home to me twice now... mona has yet to grace me with her presence... but tbh i played her on the gaa event and i... didn't really like her playstyle that much, so i'll take another qiqi if i lose another 50/50. or a diluc. i have his stupidly handsome outfit ready for him.
hubby is a good shielder and dps!!! try your luck and pull for him!!! i don't have him on my acc but i played him so much using my brother's acc where's he built as a dps- and hskdjsjdh he's so good ;w; oh is al haitham a 5-star character?? big oof, i thought he was gonna be a 4-star 😶 welp in that case he might not come home then... cause i'm prepared to spend whatever is necessary to bring zhongli home...... 🙃
also my day has been good so far!!! i hope yours has been great too <3
ty, zhongli, but we're like 12 minutes late and you're walking so slowly. (/lh) djwkkdkks ty, rin !! i don't have a genshin oc but if i ever need your help for similar things, i'll keep that in mind ;D
zhongli's voice is very calming, 100/10 would ask him to serenade me to sleep while he talks about cor lapis 🙏 aaaaa, me too !! when people talk about the things they love >>> nooooo, rin, have you seen the way i talk about those two??? i swear i word-vomit about them so much it's crazy 🏃 but ty tho! i'm terrible at holding back, hehe. just know you're always welcome to do the same about *cough* zhongli *cough*.
( discussions about banner leaks !! )
how dare tumblr put one of my fav writers in shadowban jail <//3 having to email them and then wait and then do a test post... it's definitely not a pleasant experience. please give rin's acc back and let her post more wonderful stuff??? i just saw that you moved blogs btw, so i'll follow real quick hehe! when you release new works, i'll be there to read and gush about them !!
ayato and al-haitham need company on my manifestation list, so i'll be adding xiao and zhongli to it >:) and oooo, if you build heizou, does this mean you'll be playing a mono anemo team??? 👀 that'd be super cool, people who build mono-element teams really have my respect 😭🤝
as a heizou main, the last part is so funny because i only recently got him to lvl 80 after maining at lvl 70 ever since i got him (but he still slays hilichurls like a pro) <//3 good luck with farming, rin !! go beat that ruin serpent to a pulp and as for the onikabuto's, i mostly search through the places we visited for the cleansing ritual, tatarasuna, and the thunder sakura trees! or you can search up farming routes~
the fact that you have no mona and c1 qiqi while i have no qiqi and c1 mona... ah yes, the contrasting destinies taste absolutely delicious here fjkwkdkskf mona is a good buff support, but i can understand why her playstyle isn't everybody's cup of tea !! at least, you got to a free trial for her from the event kfkwkkds >:)
DILUC <3 i have mine benched since i'm not much of a claymore enjoyer (maybe i should try to main him with klee artifacts for one day) but i'll be manifesting him for you !! his playstyle is super cool >:) i was busy fawning over his smile until i read kaeya's letters which was a cold angsty slap to the face <//3
from what i heard, al-haitham will be a five-star !! but dw, i think his banner is going to arrive later than zhongli's, so go all out for hubby !! hmm, maybe you might even have enough to pull al-haitham if you're not tempted by other banners??? 👀
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bubaluv · 3 years
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You know what? You know what? This is my blog. Its midnight on finals week I'm gonna blabber about the pokemon ocs I made based on my family. Deets under the cut!!
OKAY SO the hypothetical game these guys belong to is very much in that early pokemon phase where the gyms were actually cool and very heavily themed and like, getting through all the grunts is kinda part of the gym. (I haven't played the games since black and white idk if they do that anymore but that's the vibe). I just love the idea of all these characters (plus 2 more that fit into the lore) just existing in the game and if you ask them enough questions/pay attention enough you realise they're all related!
SO not in order but the first of the family you encounter is Big Jo (dad). He works in the lab that you start the game and pick your pokemon in with the professor, he's just a dude typing away on a computer (BUT he has a cute raichu that occasionally does a little spark to fix his computer!) And if you talk to him he gives you a couple revives. In the dialogue he asks you if you're going to challenge the normal type gym leader, and if you say yes he gets excited bc that's his daughter!! He let's you know it's not a very hard gym but she tries her best. A small detail that's important: He has a couple of knickknacks on his desk, a teddiursa doll, a few letters convered in ink, a poster for the elite 4, and a wooden statue of a mamoswine. Also workshopping this idea but he may talk about how much he wants to travel, and if you encourage him to you see him touring around throughout the game!
Next ofc you encounter Bedhead Bo! Her gym is very easygoing, the building looks like a gym on the outside but once you step in you realize it's a super elaborate pillow fort! Corridors and all. There are pokemon sleeping and walking about, snorlaxes you have to climb over, and a whole room full of beds you have to jump on. All of the grunts are either asleep (blocking your way) or just doing sleepover things. Once you finally get to her little chamber she slides down a big piles of pillows to greet you, and none of her pokemon are in pokeballs they're just vibing. She's the first gym so you beat her pretty easily, but she wishes you luck on your journey (and gives you a couple more revives).
About midway through the game you stumble across a dark and spooky town. This town is incredibly superstitious because unfortunate things happen there all the time, and people in the town warn you to watch out for "The Omen". Every once in a blue moon, on a dark stormy night, The Omen sneaks out of his manor. He wears a dark wool coat, squeaky black boots (who KNOWS what they're covered in!!) And is always wearing a plaguedoctor mask. Its said that the Murkrows that haunt every corner of the town all report back to him in the depths of the Manor. He's difficult to find, but if you battle him, he gives you the dark type gym badge. His gym is mostly exploring the manor, an old decrepit house filled with other trainers who want to find him. It's pretty hard to find your bearings in it, door lock behind you and the ceiling caves in at some point, eventually, you come across a nest of Murkrow, and as you walk toward it they disperse to reveal the door to the basement. You walk down the long dark staircase to find a PILE of Murkrows, who once again disperse to reveal! Some dingy nerd playing video games on a couch. He notices you came in and asks you if you're here for the badge, you say yes, and he points to a little table with a badge on it, guarded by a Murkrow in a party hat with a banner that says "congratulations!". He introduces himself as Po, and if you've gotten this far you can just have the badge, but if you want to battle him you can. He also explains that he's really just a lucky guy who inherited the old house, he's not some Omen of darkness. He's pretty sickly, so he tries to stay indoors when he can, and when he does go out he wears a fun mask. He only goes out at night because he's got a weird sleep schedule, and come on its ALWAYS stormy in this town. If you talk to him again, he asks you if this is your first badge, and if not he asks if you've gotten the normal type badge yet. When you say yes he comments they hey! That's my little sister!
Near the end of the game you battle the elite four. Now bare with me cause to be perfectly honest I've never gotten that far, so this might all be nonsense. The elite four in this region is heavily themed, a little bit like professional wrestling but more theatrey. It's also kind of a team sport, with support trainers for each core member. When you show up to the arena to apply for the league, the first Elite Four member you meet is Captian Moby and his crew. They're VERY pirate themed and VERY hammy. He's actually a super nice guy, and shows you the ropes of the league. If you ever get on the topic of gym badges, he'll tell you how proud he is that BOTH of his siblings are gym leaders! His name is actually a shortening of his real name, Mo Beonnie, or Mo B., or Captain Moby!
The last two arent pictured, but they revolve around the ice type gym, or just a general ice type area. The ice area is a natural history museum and research facility on a glacier, headed by Professor Vee. She's a super sweet lady who takes care of a lot of fossil type pokemon that are found in the glaciers! She rehabilitates pokemon who got messed up by poachers who recombined them improperly. She's takes extra special care of a mamoswine who's pretty much the mascot of the whole facility, but she insists she's just watching him for a friend. There's an area of the facility dedicated to courtyards themed to different periods of history, but the center courtyard has a statue of a women in full gear smiling with the mamoswine. If you read the plaque, the yard is dedicated to "SnowCap" Snow Beonnie, the former head researcher and rehabilitator of the museum.
So that's my self indulgent little pokemon lore! The whole idea of all of they're names being Bo, Po, Mo, Jo, and Snow is a little silly and obvious but I think if it were spread out throughout the game it would be a really cute little detail. I love making these hypothetical pokemon thingys and I have even more for my irl friends, so maybe I'll continue rambling about them someday. If you read the whole thing wow thanks!! Basing things off my family just makes me so happy I hope yall like it!
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chevvy-yates · 6 months
WIP Wednesday Whenever
got tagged some time ago by @morganlefaye79, @gloryride and @ouroboros-hideout. Thank you as always <3
Currently on refining CH02 as we had additional ideas to make it more interesting and I fixed Ryder's way to talk since this chapter is old as fuck and back then when I wrote him he was just created.
After they ended their discussion about the next gig they wanted to proceed, everyone seemed to be hanging in his own thoughts for a while. Scharfenberg just arrives back at the table with another fresh beer when he hears V cursing a mumbled “Fuck”, eyes fixed onto his mobile phone. “Yo, what’s wrong, V?” Vijay doesn’t look up but mumbles something to him instead. “Ah, I fucked up one of my programs. I’ve installed this new intrusion program, you know? ‘S called Wizard’s Book. Scans through billions of possible codes and code words in seconds, tryin’ each in one turn. In that way I can get code-ga—”  “Okay, I hear awkward runner language, V. I’m opting out!” Ry disrupts him as he sits back down at their table and promptly decides to give Chigasaki some attention instead before they fall asleep as they just yawned. Steyr puts a smirk to his lips. He knew how to stop Ryder’s curiosity. A “Hizumi-chaaan, tell me—” however is all Vijay hears Ry say in the background because his mind is back fully concentrating into finding more data about his new gained choom named Arki. 
Chrome Chamber Rave got a moodboard, a new OC, named Garnet, who owns the Hell Bunker, a concept and some rules:
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I don't know if the current layout stays as it's been a while since I've done it and I'm always thinking about how to make it tumblr friendly as it is currently set in 16:9.
I've sorta been a busy bee and produced a bunch of new VP (some I'll still hold back until time is right as they are chapter-related and that takes me also a while). But I've set a bunch of posts into a scheduled queue so some of them might appear through the next 2 weeks while I'm in South Korea and Japan.
Here's a sneak peak:
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and moooooore (bc I toook new ones today bc of some mods I was asked to take pics lol on my last day at home).
I've collected a long long list of nexus mods for Hizu to create them as fast as possible after I come back from my trip. As you have already noticed I've chosen to create a new OC in between as I desperately needed to get him out of my head before I fly away tomorrow. So Garnet exists now. Ofc he is also available from now on for asks if there are any, as I like to develop him a bit as well. I'll put some facts in a next pic post with him.
@nervouswizardcycle, @wraithsoutlaws, @astarionhistears, @kdval, @therealnightcity, @wanderingaldecaldo, @elvenbeard, @alphanight1-vp, @r3d-f0xs-blog, @heywoodvirgin, @fereldanwench, @breezypunk, @robininthewoods90, @shivsghost as always no pressure!
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