#knox copperhead
sendrew · 7 months
Who’s your lightest/heaviest sleepers?
Okay so I'm answering this by ranking them from Heaviest to Heavier Sleepers, and then from Lightest to Lighter Sleepers, and including info about their sleeping styles and their preferred pajamas. We cool? Cool.
Heavier Sleepers
Johnny Copperhead honestly should be a much lighter sleeper than he is. It would certainly make his brother’s life a lot less stressful. But this skeleton sleeps like, well, the dead. A bomb could go off in the vicinity of this guy, and all he’d do is roll over and grumble at Knox to stop testing weapons in the middle of the night. Knox will – and has, in fact – carry Johnny’s sleeping body out to their getaway car, in the midst of bullets flying and fire raging around them. Johnny needs his sleep. He won’t wake up until he’s damn good and ready. Knox used to try to get him to wake up, but he’s learned his lesson by now. When Johnny wakes up in a place he definitely didn’t fall asleep in, his first instinct is to check his brother for injuries. He actually hates being such a heavy sleeper, but nothing they’ve tried does any good. They’ve both come to accept this limitation and work around it in their chaotic lives. He sleeps in his clothes, boots included.
B is a heavy sleeper. Once he’s out, he’s out. He’ll wake up for midnight emergencies – if you need him, or (if you’ve got a kid in the house) for kiddo nightmares – but he’ll pass right back out once his head hits the pillow again, and he won’t remember anything that happened in between evening and morning. He doesn’t like to sleep anywhere except his bed, and it’s only partially because he gets terrible quality sleep anywhere except his bed. On top of the bad sleep, he also feels very foolish if he falls asleep, say, on the couch while watching magical girl anime. Just as a random example. Look, Sailor Moon is a classic, okay?? He sleeps in magical girl anime shirts and matching shorts. They may all have been marketed to women, but he isn’t bothered by that in the slightest. He knows he’s cute as hell.
San is quite a heavy sleeper, depending on where exactly he fell asleep. If he’s in his own bed, he’s out like a light. If he’s anywhere near Percival, he’s down for the count. Anywhere else? It’s a gamble whether he’s actually sleeping, or whether he’s just pretending to sleep to prank somebody. He’s extremely good at pretending to sleep. You won’t be able to tell the difference unless you do something silly, like try to balance hot dogs on his head while he’s asleep, or make an especially terrible pun within earshot. Then his snickering laughter will give him away. If he’s actually in bed, he sleeps in an old undershirt and boxers and either socks or the blanket tucked tightly around his feet. He cannot fall asleep with his hands and feet uncovered. There’s this entirely irrational fear he has that he’ll wake up to realize his phalanges are missing. If he’s not in bed, he falls asleep in his clothes. Sometimes he accessorizes for his joke naps with a too small sleeping cap.
Felix’s relationship with sleep is very odd. He’s a strange combination of a deep sleeper and an easy-waker. But he only wakes for certain sounds. The shifting of branches. The breaking of twigs. The susurrus of bushes being walked through. And especially the crunch of snow underfoot. When he hears those sounds, he’s instantly wide-awake, and he’s ready to hunt. It’ll take quite a lot of persuasion to get him back to bed without hunting whatever made the sound he heard, and you won’t always be able to manage it. Don’t worry. He’s not going to hurt anyone. Not now. But he won’t be able to resist play-hunting whatever or whoever made the noise. Just so he stays in practice. Just in case. Felix sleeps in a clean shirt and gym shorts, socks on and ready to step into his ‘sneakers’. He calls whatever footwear he’s sneaking around in his ‘sneakers’. Sometimes you will have to clarify which footwear he means exactly, especially if he asks you to pass them to him. He won’t wake you, he just thinks it’s funny to mess with people a little bit.
Russell sleeps the sleep of the heavily medicated. He’s been on sleeping pills for ages, and he probably takes an inadvisable amount of meds to get himself to knock all the way out. It’s something he needs to talk to his doctor about, but he’s quite reluctant. He likes sleeping deeply. And he’s pretty sure his body and mind just won’t rest without medication, at this point. He’s just starting to walk a long road to a healthy sleep situation, easing down from his current dosage to a more reasonable one, with help from his doctor. Russell sleeps in a long dress, an old style nightshirt that looks like a man’s striped dress shirt with a soft collar. It’s not a dress, Mallorie keeps telling him. He wears dresses, he knows what a dress is, but this is a night. Shirt. Say it with him Russell. Nightshirt. Dress, Russell will say back, shit-eating grin firmly in place.
Cobb doesn’t really sleep so much as he rests his eyes. He takes micro naps throughout the day, and he doesn’t really get any deep sleep. This probably influences a lot of his more absurd ideas, but if you try to bring this up to him he’ll just laugh at you. He’s going to have to crash and crash hard to consider that there might actually be something wrong with his sleep schedule. If you sit him down after a twenty hour long ‘nap’ and two missed shifts at work to tell him you’re worried about him, he’ll consider going to a sleep specialist. It’ll take a long time, because he’ll have to do a bunch of research on top of his already busy schedule, but eventually it’ll happen, and he’ll start trying to sleep more regularly. He’ll be incredibly bored laying in bed trying to sleep, so if you’re sleeping together, expect many bad nights ahead. He sleeps in various matching pajama sets, once he actually starts sleeping. He treats himself to a new set each week he stays on his sleep schedule at first, and then each month. Please do steal his pajamas and wear them around him. He’ll definitely appreciate it, whether they fit properly or not.
Mack sleeps like he’s been knocked out. And considering that he has been knocked out quite a few times in the ring, that’s not hyperbole. It might be due to head trauma. He should probably get that checked out. He won’t wake until someone puts in quite a bit of effort to get him up and at ‘em. He’ll be yawning and scrubbing his eyes and falling asleep standing with toast in his hand. Better get him some coffee, because this skeleton isn’t waking up without some help. He’s rather resistant to the idea of getting himself checked out for the whole possible head trauma thing. He says the ringside docs are good enough for him. It drives Cobb bonkers. He’ll only agree if you bring up how dangerous diving is with a head injury for humans. Surely it’s not all that different for monsters, is it? He’ll be taking a day off to drive himself to the doctor if you bring that up. He doesn’t want anything to jeopardize his diving. Turns out he’ll need to take some supplements to keep his head on straight, but he’s generally okay. The supplements won’t help him wake up at all, that’s just him, but it’s a good thing you pushed him to check. That could’ve been dangerous. Mack sleeps bare bones. And socks. Mainly so he can watch the disgruntled and disgusted and confused expressions on the faces of people who ask. It comes up fairly often, especially because he’ll have to borrow pajamas for any sleepovers at friends’ houses after game nights or parties.
Sparks sleeps like a well-adjusted, well-exercised monster should. He falls asleep easy and only wakes when he’s meant to. He’s been using the same alarm for years and he’s never gotten tired of it or stopped loving the song. Some say it’s witchcraft. Some say it’s luck. Sparks just says that he’s a superior being, then winks and saunters away. It’s adorably infuriating. He sleeps in lacy sleep bras and panties. He loves the look of lace on his bare bones, and he’ll want you to love it too. He buys new sets all the time, so you’ll rarely catch him in the same set twice, unless it’s an obvious favorite of yours. He’ll keep those for special occasions. He won’t ever tell you what he does with all the old sets, or how he gets enough money to buy new ones all the time, but you can probably guess. It doesn’t bother him, so if you’re his partner, it shouldn’t bother you either.
Lighter Sleepers
Knox Copperhead lives in a time and universe where he has to be alert and ready to run at a moment’s notice. He is, by necessity, a very light sleeper. He would much prefer to be a heavy sleeper, but he simply cannot afford the luxury of truly deep sleep. He resented Johnny for his deep sleep for a time, but now he sees it as the disadvantage it truly is. The only time Knox truly sleeps deeply is when he knows someone else is on watch. If it’s Johnny, he’ll sleep in a bed or curled up on whatever comfortable surface he can find. If it’s you, he’s going to want to sleep curled around you like a cat. You’ll most likely be able to use him as a backrest, so hope you don’t mind that. Also please don’t mind the drool. When he’s deeply asleep for once, he’ll drool like crazy. Wear washable clothes, or strategically position a washcloth by his mouth. He won’t wake until someone says his name or shakes him, now. But once he’s up, he’s wide awake.
Parlo is a light sleeper out of worn necessity, and he’ll never change. He honestly doesn’t want to. He likes his ability to spring out of bed and into action at the slightest provocation. He thinks it’s a healthy and correct response to attack whatever wakes him up, though these days he’s attacking with his sharp tongue instead of his sharp bone swords. Maybe you’ll be able to convince him that he’s wrong about that? He’ll find himself yelling at you one day for waking him up, and he never actually wanted to do that to you. That’ll be his breaking point, and he’ll be willing to talk to a professional about it after that, and it’ll help him a lot. He’ll eventually get to a point where he’ll feel comfortable waking slowly, taking in the morning quietly instead of jumping up and into action right away, but it’ll take a long time. He sleeps in a fabric version of his uniform at first, but then he’ll buy himself nice satin pajama sets, to help him really enjoy and indulge in sleeping.
Pan is a very light sleeper, and he hates it. He wakes up to every little noise, and it can make him rather irritable. He takes medication to help him sleep deeply, but he’ll still wake to loud enough disruptions, and once he wakes, he won’t be able to go back to sleep for some time, despite the medication he’s taken. It’s incredibly frustrating, and his dancers dread the days when he doesn’t get enough sleep. He finds aromatherapy to be very helpful in getting himself to sleep deeper, but again, it doesn’t always help him get back to sleep. He wears grotty old t-shirts and cotton briefs to sleep, and if you catch him wearing them you’re either trusted beyond measure or about to bear witness to an awful tirade about respecting his privacy. He’s very embarrassed to be seen in something so uncool. He doesn’t yet realize that this underlying nervousness is part of his sleeping problem. Once he starts wearing cool band shirts to bed, he’ll be much less embarrassed and stay asleep longer.
Rhett is a light sleeper by training, not by choice. He’d love to just sleep the days away, to let go and really indulge himself in sleep, but he just can’t. He’s been trained to be awake and available and ready to go at a moment’s notice, and it’s not like he can just turn that training off. He’s trying to teach himself to sleep deeper and more, now that he’s not in that toxic environment anymore, but it’s slow going. He’ll sleep deepest if you’re right beside him, snoring away, within arms reach where he can keep you safe. It’s a subconscious thing, and while he knows there’s not nearly as much to keep you safe from as there was before, he doesn’t really believe it. It’ll be years on the Surface before he can truly relax. He wears flannel cartoon pajama pants to sleep in. No shirt. He’ll joke that he wants to show off his impressive physique, but really he just hates how sweaty he gets at night if he sleeps with a shirt on.
Mallorie is a light sleeper. He’ll wake at the slightest out of place sound, so Angel help you if he catches you doing something random or strange in the middle of the night. If there aren’t any incorrect sounds to disturb his beauty rest, he’ll sleep the sleep of the just all the night through. Mallorie doesn’t need any help with his sleep. He doesn’t. You just need to go to bed as early as he does and that’s that. …He’ll figure out that that isn’t kind or healthy to ask of you eventually, but it’s gonna be a fight to get him to that point. He sleeps in a silk robe, on silk sheets. It’s all purple. He has multiple of the same robe, for when he ruins one somehow. They’re all purple.
Oliver sleeps lightly, but he won’t wake at sounds aside from his alarm. Instead, he’ll wake when something or someone with harmful intent walks into the range of his magic. It’s unconscious, the way Oliver spreads out his magic while he sleeps. It’s also the reason he sleeps so lightly. If he could just stop trying to protect everyone in his vicinity, he’d sleep a whole hell of a lot deeper. But he can’t. It’s an instinct that runs deep as his bones, one that’s sunk into his very soul. He had to keep up protection on all of Snowdin for so long that it’s beyond instinct by now. He’s used to living on the Surface, he doesn’t feel the need to spread out his magic while he’s awake anymore. But unfortunately, his subconscious mind won’t get the memo for years to come. Oliver sleeps in pajama shorts in the summer and pajama pants in the winter, with a contrasting and super soft tank top.
Percival is a rather light sleeper. He doesn’t sleep much at the best of times, and can often be found running around the track near his and San’s home instead of sleeping. He’ll run for miles, just to get himself tired enough to collapse into sleep. And then a barking dog will wake him up and it’ll all be for naught. Thankfully, his body has adapted to running on very little sleep. It’s not a healthy lifestyle, but he’s not too sure what can be done about it. Eventually he’ll go to a sleep clinic and get some medication, but it’ll be a very long time before he’ll feel comfortable taking that step. Percival sleeps in the shorts from his old battle body costume San made him way back when. They’re threadbare by now, but he loves them still. When they fall apart entirely he’s probably going to cry. And then San will make him another pair and the cycle will begin anew.
Daryl is a pretty light sleeper, but he makes up for it with the ability to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere. It drives B up the wall. Daryl does and will again fall asleep: beneath the kitchen table, on top of his desk, leaning against the piano, perched on the hood of the car, halfway beneath the hydrangea bushes in the front yard, stretched along the back of the couch, and curled up like a cat in the armchair. When he’s actually gotten ready for bed before falling asleep, Daryl sleeps in footie pajamas. He has a whole drawer full of various animals and characters and punny onesies to sleep in. He especially loves the ones with zip up hoods, because then if someone wants to talk to him they either have to wait for him to unzip his hood or do it themself. He will always respond along the lines of ‘and now i’m naked’, so be prepared for that ridiculousness.
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macrotechtitan · 8 months
Fall is baby copperhead season in Tennessee: What hikers should watch out for.
From Knox News: The days are getting shorter, the air is getting cooler and snakes are getting ready to start slithering around Tennessee. While you might be under the impression that all types of wildlife give birth in the spring, state officials say that mid-October until November marks baby copperhead snake season. The Tennessee Valley Authority typically issues a warning in the second week of…
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skin--slave · 5 years
Hey bud 💚 2, 10?
Hey bud! 💚
2. a song starting w/ the same first letter of your first name
Apple of Sodom 💋
10. a song about the place where you live
As far as I know, no Manson songs... But KnoxVegas is actually in a lot of songs. *cracks knuckles* Knoxville Girl (duh, but also it wasn't originally Knox, it was Wexford, but so many Irish immigrants settled here and it evolved), Copperhead Road, Mr. Moran, No Room Left for Barbara, Oxycontin Blues, Rock n Roll Jesus... Basically anything about bootlegging or not-country southern vibes or Hank Williams (bc he spent his last night here). I'm sure you can't tell, but I like where I live. 😂
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tchoukiniste · 5 years
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— La première règle du Detection Club : on ne parle pas du Detection Club.
— Hé bien, cette règle-là (joyeux anniversaire, Fight Club! ), on va la transgresser. Et d'ailleurs, cette règle n'est pas une règle du Detection Club.
— Commençons par le début : tout d'abord, qu'est-ce que le Detection Club ?
— Le Detection Club, qui compte entre autres dans ses rangs G. K. Chesterton, Agatha Christie, est en quelque sorte l'amicale des auteurs de romans policiers anglophones spécialistes du "whodunit", c'est-à-dire le roman à énigme avec la recherche d'un meurtrier à la clé. Poe en a jeté les bases au début du XIXème, ces romanciers pour la plupart britanniques vont le codifier au début du XXème, dont notamment Ronald Cox, qui va écrire les dix commandements du romancier de whodunit.
— C'est aussi implacable que les tables de la loi, dis donc !
— Tu ne crois pas si bien dire, les amateurs de romans policiers l'appellent le "Décalogue de Knox". Comme j'aime bien participer à ton édification personnelle, je te le livre tel quel :
1/ Le criminel doit être quelqu'un mentionné plus tôt dans l'histoire, mais pas quelqu'un dont le lecteur a pu suivre les pensées.
2/ Le détective ne doit pas utiliser de techniques surnaturelles pour résoudre une affaire.
3/ L'usage de plus d'un passage secret ne saurait être toléré. Même dans le cas d'un seul passage secret, il faudrait que l'action se passe dans une maison où la présence de ce type de dispositif était prévisible.
4/ Des poisons inconnus ne peuvent être utilisés, ni aucune machine, de telle sorte que le lecteur ne soit pas embarrassé par une longue explication scientifique en conclusion.
5/ Aucun Chinois ne doit figurer dans l'histoire.
6/ Aucun accident ne doit aider le détective. De même, on ne doit avoir recours à aucune intuition divine inexplicable. Toutes ses intuitions doivent avoir une origine et se confirmer par la suite.
7/ Le détective ne doit pas commettre lui-même le crime.
8/ Le détective ne doit pas utiliser des indices qui n'ont pas été présentés au lecteur pour résoudre l'affaire.
9/ Les observateurs ont le droit de tirer et présenter leurs propres conclusions.
10/ Il ne doit pas être fait usage de jumeaux et d'habiles déguisements.
— C'est marrant, le coup du Chinois.
— J'étais certain que tu n'allais retenir que cette règle-là.
— Et donc, l'album d'Harambat ?
— Il commence en 1936, avec l'intronisation du premier romancier américain, John Dickson Carr, et l'invitation mystérieuse des membres du Club par un milliardaire à passer le ouiquende sur son île privée au large des Cornouailles. Celui-ci, très antipathique, leur annonce leur fin programmée avec la mise au point d'un robot-détective qui ne laissera plus place à l'intuition humaine, qu'il considère comme une faiblesse, évidemment. L'homme a des visions du futur assez radicales, comme la disparition des besoins matériels pour l'humanité, puisque les machines les combleront dans la minute, voire même par anticipation, avec des programmes leur permettant de prévoir ce qui les satisferait.
— Euh...
— Oui, voilà. C'est totalement loufoque, comme vision du futur, hein ?
— Bon. Mais, l'intrigue ?
— Eh bien, évidemment, le soir-même, le milliardaire passe par la fenêtre de son manoir qui donne au-dessus de l'océan.
— Whodunit ?
— Exactement : l'enquête commence.
— Donc, si ce sont des membres du Detection Club qui la mènent, l'histoire va scrupuleusement suivre le "Décalogue de Knox".
— Si je te dis qu'il va y avoir des passages secrets, des jumeaux, des machines, des accidents révélateurs et que le majordome du milliardaire est un Chinois, que peux-tu en déduire ?
— Mais ?
— C'est un album bondissant, joyeux, élégant, (comme tout ce qu'écrit ou dessine Harambat, décidément), qui ne se prend pas au sérieux, qui célèbre l'imagination et l'esprit, celui qui carbure au désir et à la curiosité, faillible par essence, mais tellement plus palpitant qu'un rapport d'algorithme. Et la relation entre G. K. Chesterton et Agatha Christie est un régal d'humour, étincelant. Harambat, après "Opération Copperhead" un autre très bon album, prouve qu'il est le plus britannique des auteurs de BD français.
— Tu conseilles à qui ?
— Je conseille aux lecteurs de romans policiers, évidemment, mais aussi aux amateurs d'esprit anglais. Et, plus généralement, aux curieux de tout poil.
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ultraheydudemestuff · 5 years
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Public Square Recreational Park Main and High Streets Mount Vernon, OH 43050 The Public Square, at the intersection of Main and High Streets, has been a focal point of downtown Mount Vernon, OH, since the city was platted in 1805, and has become an important gathering place for the community. When the founding fathers platted the main streets of Mount Vernon, the Public Square, donated to the city by founding father Benjamin Butler, was nothing but open land reserved for produce markets and other social gatherings, with a public well located in the center where the Soldiers' Monument currently stands. In 1863, Clement L. Vallandigham, perhaps one of the most noted Copperheads of the Civil War, gave his famous anti-war speech on the northwest corner of West High Street and the Public Square, near where the High Restaurant currently stands. In the center of the Square is a small park landscaped with grass, shade trees, flowerbeds, walkways, and benches. The small central park was likely created shortly after the Soldiers' Monument was erected in 1876. This iconic monument sits in the middle of a roundabout of the Public Square at the intersection of U.S. Route 36 and State Routes 3, 13, and 229. Designed by locally prominent attorney and gentleman architect Henry B. Curtis, it is a symbol of the Civil War's lasting impact on the citizens of Mount Vernon and the surrounding communities. In 1863, a group of young women from Mount Vernon created the Young Ladies' Union League. This organization wanted to erect a monument to memorialize the soldiers and sailors of Knox County, and instigated several fundraising ventures for this purpose. The Soldiers' Monument, under the efforts of what became the Mount Vernon Ladies' Monument Association, was erected and officially dedicated on July 4, 1877, to honor the men of Knox County who fought for the Union in the Civil War, in remembrance of those who perished, and in celebration for those who survived. This statue is the reason that the Public Square is sometimes referred to as Monument Square. Rendered in gray Vermont granite, the statue consists of a square base supporting a tall, fluted column with a composite order capital, which in turn supports the standing figure of a life-size Union soldier looking reflectively toward the South. All four sides of the base are carved with inscriptions commemorating the men of Knox County who gave their lives for the Union cause during the "Great Rebellion." On top of each corner of the base is a small pyramid of cannonballs, also executed in granite. The monument, erected by a local marble works firm under the name of I. B. McKenna, is surrounded by a short, ornate wrought iron fence. The monument's hollowed cornerstone serves as a 19th-century time capsule. In 1883, Charles Cooper donated a copper fountain on the southeast corner of Public Square Park to further enhance the growing beauty of the Public Square. This beautiful, ornate copper fountain lends a touch of grace to the Public Square. It rests in a large cement basin with a small, elegant wrought iron fence. The fountain consists of three leaf-like tiers of diminishing size, with a central spout at the top. It is carved with various birds, frogs, sea horses, plants, and other elements inspired by nature. Cooper was the founder of a local ironworks that transformed, over several decades, into the internationally prominent Cooper Industries of the present day. Brothers Charles and Elias Cooper established the Mount Vernon Iron Works in 1834, which mainly produced plows, hollow ware, and other cast iron products necessary and desirable within a farming community. By 1840, the brothers added threshing machines to their line of products. In 1842, they added sawmills and steam engines, which would ultimately become their specialty item. Charles Cooper served as a member of the Mount Vernon City Council in the years 1845, 1849, and 1850, and was also one of the early board members for the Knox County National Bank. During the early half of the 20th century, many citizens, including some members of the city council, had an unusual idea to enhance the recreational aspects of the Public Square by turning the base of the Cooper Fountain into an aquarium. However, the intensive maintenance necessary by having fish in the fountain is likely the reason that the Cooper Fountain is no longer the Cooper "Aquarium." In 1990, the fountain was sent to the original manufacturer for restoration, which included recreating the upper-most tier. When the fountain returned completely restored to its location on the southeast corner of the Public Square, it had a brand new cement base, with the same wrought iron fence that has surrounded the fountain for decades. The park was enlarged from a circle to a square with rounded corners sometime in the mid-1890s. In addition to the Soldiers' Monument, which commemorates the Civil War veterans and casualties, a brick Veteran's Walk of Honor and a Korean War Monument further sanctify the park as a place of reflection. It is also an educational place. Several interactive kiosks are present to provide information on the trees, plants, and other significant items within the park, including a grindstone. An Ohio Historical Marker has been placed on the north side of the park to commemorate Civil War Nurse Mary Ann Ball Bickerdyke, otherwise known as "Mother Bickerdyke," who was born near downtown Mount Vernon. The Public Square is a unique feature to Mount Vernon, as it is the only round-about in the county.
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junker-town · 6 years
So good to see you again: Tiger back with a late Sunday tee time on the PGA Tour
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Tiger Woods is in position to win for the first time in almost five years and he’ll play in one of the last two tee times on Sunday in Tampa.
This is it. We’ve waited years for another Sunday with Tiger Woods in real contention on the PGA Tour. Now the time has come.
Tiger will start Sunday’s final round at the Valspar Championship just one shot off the 54-hole lead held by Canadian Corey Conners. For the second day in a row, Woods will play in the penultimate tee time at Innisbrook’s Copperhead course. And for the second day in a row, he’ll also play with Brandt Snedeker. Tiger has played just 13 rounds so far in this 2018 comeback and this will be the fifth time he’s paired up with Snedeker, or “Sneds” as he kept affectionately referring to him on Saturday in a post-round interview. It’s comfortable pairing for Tiger. The two are contemporaries of sorts and have played on different USA teams over the years.
Woods and Snedeker will go at 1:50 p.m. ET off the first tee. The Tour is sending the entire field off No. 1 in twosomes this week. That’s not been the case for most of the year, but once we swing over to Florida, there starts to be enough daylight and it times up well with the desired east coast finishing time for TV. Twosomes generally play fast and yield a pace of play around four hours, unless you’re with a complete turtle. The pace was right around four hours, even slightly under, on Saturday and it should be the same on Sunday. Expect Tiger to putt out on the 18th green just before 6 p.m. ET and now with the luxury of an extra hour of daylight following the savings time change.
There’s only one group behind Tiger and playing in that anchor spot will be Justin Rose and Conners. Rose is one of the best players in the world, and has been at the very top since the end of 2017. Conners was one of the last players in this week’s field but has remarkably held his own now in what has been a static position at the top of the leaderboard since early Thursday morning. Going wire-to-wire with two full days playing just a group behind the Tiger-mania would be an incredible feat for such a young, untested talent. Rose, on the other hand, should be quite prepared for what’s to come playing so late in the day on Sunday on the PGA Tour.
Golf Channel and NBC will split the coverage on Sunday. GC will take the first hour or so of Tiger’s round before their customary handoff to their sister network at 3 p.m. for the finish. Here’s the full tee sheet for Sunday’s final round at the Valspar Championship:
Off No. 1 tee:
7:45: Dylan Meyer, Fabián Gómez
7:54: Harold Varner III, Martin Flores
8:03: Patrick Rodgers, Sung Kang
8:12: J.J. Henry, Rod Pampling
8:21: Nick Watney, Sam Saunders
8:30: Si Woo Kim, Stewart Cink
8:40: Ernie Els, Ben Martin
8:50: Chris Couch, Matt Every
9:00: Alex Cejka, David Lingmerth
9:10: Chris Kirk, Stephan Jaeger
9:20: Ollie Schniederjans, Lucas Glover
9:30: Scott Brown, Aaron Wise
9:40: Aaron Baddeley, Matt Kuchar
9:50: Ryan Armour, Luke Donald
10:00: Bill Haas, Charles Howell III
10:10: Adam Schenk, Shane Lowry
10:20: Chad Campbell, Whee Kim
10:30: Sam Ryder, Charl Schwartzel
10:40: Jamie Lovemark, Robert Garrigus
10:50: Keegan Bradley, Graeme McDowell
11:00: Adam Hadwin, Jimmy Walker
11:10: Brice Garnett, Ryan Blaum
11:20: Cameron Smith, Austin Cook
11:30: Dominic Bozzelli, Jim Furyk
11:40: J.B. Holmes, T.J. Vogel
11:50: Jason Kokrak, Abraham Ancer
12:00: Sergio Garcia, Steve Stricker
12:10: Bob Estes, Sean O’Hair
12:20: Zach Johnson, Blayne Barber
12:30: William McGirt, Luke List
12:40: Paul Casey, Scott Stallings
12:50: Louis Oosthuizen, Webb Simpson
1:00: Branden Grace, Trey Mullinax
1:10: Adam Scott, Russell Knox
1:20: Ryan Palmer, Kelly Kraft
1:30: Rory Sabbatini, Tyrone Van Aswegen
1:40: Sam Burns, Patrick Reed
1:50: Brandt Snedeker, Tiger Woods
2:00: Corey Conners, Justin Rose
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sendrew · 7 months
What's 100% guaranteed way to make your skeles laugh? :D
Here we go!
San will at least give you a pity laugh for even the lamest attempt at humor. He knows how shitty it feels to not get even a single laugh, and he's not gonna ever leave you hanging. But the way to get him wheezing with laughter? Build on his jokes. Get into a pun-off with him. Take his gag and run with it. He'll literally cry with laughter if you take the joke far enough. And then once you've done it once, you've got a running gag that you can pull out to have him in stitches at any time.
Percival really loves clever puns, and he will be tickled pink if you get good at them. Whether in writing or in spoken words, he'll be giggling over your tricksy wordplay. Especially if it's a little dark humor, though he'll feel rather bad for laughing, in that case. Don't call him out on it or he won't be comfortable laughing in front of you again. He too will give you the pity laugh for bad jokes, but it will be extremely obvious. He's not one for subtlety, this skeleton. So you better sharpen your wits if you want to make Percival laugh!
B is always laughing. He'll be laughing when he greets you, laughing when handing you the lunch he's packed you, laughing as you get into the car or onto the motorcycle together. This skeleton is made for sunshine and smiles and laughter. It's not hard to make B laugh. But to make him wheeze? To make him hold onto you for support as he tries to recover from laughing so hard it hurts? Surprise jokes that come outta nowhere.
Daryl is always smiling, and he looks like he's just a moment away from a smug chuckle at all times. But he rarely laughs aloud. You'll get a silent snicker when you make a silly mistake, or when you make a joke. The way to get him to really laugh is to pull a ridiculous face at him. He'll give you one loud bark of laughter, then blush like a lightbulb and try to play it off as nothing happening.
Rhett loves being happy. He will only laugh when he's actually really happy, so you gotta make sure to make him happy first. Then go in with the situational humor. He loves when you use the objects and world around you to make jokes. If you try to make him laugh when he's not already really happy, the most you'll get is a smirk. But if you give him a kiss and tell him someone's on the phone, then hand him a banana… You will have him laughing for sure.
Parlo enjoys a bit of schadenfreude. He'll laugh if you show him those videos where people fall down in funny ways. Not when animals are the ones getting hurt though. He'll gasp in dismay if a cat falls down, though he'll deny it after. If you really want to commit to the bit, fall down in front of him with something messy in your hands. He'll laugh his ass off, and probably won't be able to help you up, he'll be laughing so hard. He'll apologize after, but he'll still be chuckling a bit while doing so. Felix loves watching old comedies. The really ridiculous slapstick ones. The stupider the better, and the longer the better. He'll laugh extremely hard over all the jokes, no matter how many times he's seen the movie. If you decide to attempt to do the comedy for yourself, in an effort to make him laugh, he might actually hurt himself laughing. He'll cry with laughter if you somehow make the sketch even funnier than it was before.
Oliver giggles with joy every time he sees baby animals. He may also cry with happiness, but that's neither here nor there. Take him to a petting zoo and you will have a laughing, crying skeleton on your hands, while he'll have a lamb or a baby bunny in his hands. He especially loves watching them make fools of themselves trying to run around and do big animal things. He'd be happy to watch little animals doing their thing for hours, and he'll be giggling every time they do something cute.
Mallorie will laugh politely at political cartoons, but that's more of a scoff than anything. If you actually want to make him laugh, get him comfortable - alcohol or a long date would be your best bet - and then ask him to watch one of those newer comedies with you. One with lots of secondhand embarrassment. He loves it. He'll be full on cackling by the time the movie finishes.
Russell is practically made of nervous laughter. If you're looking for that, flirt with him. He'll be laughing in nerves and confusion for quite a while. But the thing that really gets him? Stupid humor. Think twelve-year-old boy humor. Fart jokes and 'your mom' all the way with this skeleton. Be prepared for giggles every single time you fart or burp loudly for the rest of your life.
Cobb is a tough cookie when it comes to laughter. If it's not maniacal, he's not comfortable being open with it. He is also, unfortunately for him, extremely ticklish. Please don't tickle him in public, he'll be so embarrassed. But in private? He actually loves to be able to unwind around you, and if you instigate a tickle war, you'll definitely win. He'll instigate them too, when he feels like losing to you and having fun doing it.
Mack will laugh at any joke you make. No joke is too foolish, and he gets every little funny thing you tell him. He loves laughing, and he loves laughing together with you. He'll take as many opportunities to laugh as he can get. Sometimes he'll just see a random animal or object and start laughing, remembering an old joke you or he or someone told him. Ask him to share it with you. It'll be so ridiculous you'll start laughing too. Johnny Copperhead will laugh every single time he's running away from trouble. He'll pull a job, and laugh while hiding. He'll be street racing, and he'll laugh while peeling out and evading the cops. Johnny Copperhead makes trouble everywhere he goes, and he'll be laughing all the while. If you join him on his misadventures, you'll be laughing too. His laughter is infectious.
Knox Copperhead laughs when he wins. Challenge him to something, and watch him get all competitive and then come out on top, laughing happily to himself. He also laughs at dirty jokes, the dirtier the better. The things he laughs at might make you turn bright red, and then he'll be laughing at you too.
Sparks doesn't actually laugh all that much. He prefers the slow, sultry grin, instead of laughter. But his well-hidden secret is that he laughs like a donkey when he watches bad horror movies. He just finds the scares so funny, and the acting is terrible, and the CGI is so badly-done! It's hilarious, and he'll be laughing so hard you'll worry it must hurt. You'll also find little bits of popcorn everywhere, because he will upend his bowl while laughing.
Pan laughs the most at memes. Send him a funny meme, or a really old one, or a brand new one that makes zero sense, and you'll get him huffing and chuckling. If you send him that 'send this to a person across the room' meme, he'll be in stitches. Vines also do it for him, and the vine-like tiktoks. He loves seeing all the stupidity and ingenuity the mind can create. It's hilariously fascinating.
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sendrew · 7 months
Senderverse Fun Facts
San is a very happy world traveler and owns only the clothes on his back Percival is in charge of helping new aus integrate into society and runs marathons
B is mischief in skeletal form and is very safety-conscious in all situations Daryl grows his own and is bffs with Bigfoot
Parlo's theme song is Zitti e Buoni and he is determined to achieve fluency as many languages as he can Rhett is a softie who'll snap only in the most dire of situations and he adores folk music
Felix loves watching dances and plays and is working on hand-animating a cartoon in the old rubber hose style Oliver uses his extremely powerful magic for temporary supports and scaffolding and is an elementary school teacher
Mallorie is teaching himself woodcarving and wears more purple than would be considered advisable Russell volunteers as a big brother and spends quiet days at his nice little plant nursery
Cobb is a doctor for monsters and humans alike and is working on better understanding how magic healing can work on human patients and vice versa Mack is a boxer and an oceanographer studying the farthest depths of the ocean
Johnny Copperhead laughs like a hyena and chipped his own tooth when he accidentally set off an explosion too close to his face Knox Copperhead has a lovely singing voice and once stole a car full of silk parachutes bound for the army and made clothes from them
Sparks is a hip hop/freestyle dancer and is comfortable in any situation he finds himself in
Pan is a hip hop/freestyle choreographer and is cocky as hell
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sendrew · 7 months
Sen's Skeletons - Senderverse
• San (Undertale Sans) • Percival (Undertale Papyrus)
• B (Underswap Sans) • Daryl (Underswap Papyrus)
• Rhett (Underfell Sans) • Parlo (Underfell Papyrus)
• Felix (Horrortale Sans) • Oliver (Horrortale Papyrus)
• Mallorie (Swapfell Purple Sans) • Russell (Swapfell Purple Papyrus)
• Cobb (Fellswap Black Sans) • Mack (Fellswap Black Papyrus)
• Johnny Copperhead (Gunruntale Sans) • Knox Copperhead (Gunruntale Papyrus)
• Sparks (Lusttale Sans) • Pan (Lusttale Papyrus)
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sendrew · 7 months
I'm interested to know how you came up with the names for your skelebois. Is there an in-universe reason why each of them chose those names (assuming they're nicknames, and not their given names)?
Okay so turns out that's like three questions, all with long answers, so I've got three long answers for this!
I'll give you one answer now and the other two later, okay? :D
The short answer to all of it is that they all had to choose new names because they all made it to the Surface... But there's only one Surface to go to.
Backstory time for Senderverse!!!
Because the original Undertale crew broke their Barrier and came to their Surface world first - a world that remembered monsters and magic in fairytales, and that treats monsters as their own sovereign nation with its own laws and culture - that particular magical metaphysical Barrier weakened significantly across the multiverse.
Because in the og Undertale, the Underground was actually in its own pocket dimension.
With me so far?
Since that particular Barrier weakened first, all the other Undergrounds break through that Barrier in particular.
So a few years after Undertale broke through their Barrier and appeared on the Surface, Underswap broke through the same Barrier.
Cue the confusion of the century in that Surface world lol.
Eventually, Underfell also broke through that Barrier. Then Horrortale. Then Swapfell. Then Fellswap. Then finally Lusttale.
They're still waiting on more Undergrounds breaking through, and they now have a whole set of laws and protocols to follow in case of another Surfacing.
Every new alternate universe that Surfaces gets sponsored by monsters from already-present universes. Monsters from particularly volatile or strange universes are monitored a little more closely, but there haven't been many unexpected incidents.
And finally, on to your question of why all my skeles have new names.
The long and short of it is because it's fair.
When Underswap broke through the Barrier, they weren't expecting to meet more monsters. They certainly weren't expecting to meet alternate versions of themselves, all with the same names as their own.
So after a long series of talks and discussions about identity and the importance of welcoming all monsters equally, everyone decided to discuss with their alternates what their names should be.
Some Underswap monsters didn't mind changing their names. Some Undertale monsters felt the same. Some monsters really wanted to keep their names, and went with a "Grillby the First" and "Grillby the Second" option. Some altered just a bit of their names, and some chose entirely new ones, and some based them on nicknames they already had, or traits they liked or valued in themselves.
And then, when Underfell broke through their Barrier another few years later, Undertale and Underswap monsters were already expecting a new group of monsters to come through. They'd been paying attention to the remnants of the Barrier. They had a welcoming committee ready, with laws and customs to be explained.
And then each group of three met up and worked together to figure out the newcomers' names.
The more new universes emerge, the smoother the process goes.
It helps a lot that the more volatile alternates are emerging into the UT Surface, where they can finally relax.
(Johnny and Knox Copperhead are the outliers. They're from a completely separate universe that's all my own creation, and they have their own story to tell. They're already on their own Surface, and never went Underground at all. Hence why their names are different. They have had those names since birth.)
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junker-town · 6 years
Breakfast with Tiger in Tampa
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Tiger’s remarkable comeback continues bright and early on Friday morning in Tampa.
When he’s in the field, this Tiger Woods comeback has become a daily can’t-miss appointment. It’s not like the prior, depressing slogs and short-lived failures of comebacks in recent years. Tiger is getting better, stronger, and more consistent with each start and each round. Friday morning in Tampa is another opportunity to take it all in with the Masters less than a month away.
Woods added the Valspar Championship to his schedule just last week. He has not played here in 22 years so he had no strong sense of how to play the course or succeed. In Thursday’s first round, the wind was up and the field struggled to make any sort of movement into the red. A score under-par was excellent, and avoiding some high 70s number could be considered a success. Tiger made some mistakes, giving several shots back to this Copperhead Course, but he finished the round inside the dang top 10 at 1-under. He’s tied for 8th and the leading number is at 4-under.
Tiger’s round could have been better, but given the scoring conditions, he was thrilled being able to get out of there in the red. It was not without adventure, including two shots up against tree trunks in the pine straw of Innisbrook. But he’s right there after 18 holes, continuing the remarkable trend of “Tiger is suddenly a highly competitive golfer again.”
Woods will play Friday’s second round just after dawn. He had been catching the early-late Thursday-Friday draw in his first few starts of the year. But this week, he’s going late Thursday and early Friday. Jordan Spieth and Henrik Stenson are the playing partners again, and both would love to be where the Cat is on the leaderboard. Spieth is 5-over and Stenson is 3-over, struggling to play through the winds and piling up bogeys.
The trio will go at 7:56 a.m. ET in Tampa. They are the featured group on PGA Tour Live’s streaming service, so you can catch their full round there before Golf Channel takes over the afternoon coverage. So get your Friday morning going with some Tiger streaming — this comeback is worth watching. He’s doing something that I’m not sure we’re fully appreciating.
Here’s the full tee sheet for Friday’s second round at the Valspar Championship:
Off No. 1 tee:
6:50 a.m.: Alex Cejka, Scott Stallings, Sean O’Hair
7:01 a.m.: Ian Poulter, Colt Knost, Derek Fathauer
7:12 a.m.: Bill Haas, Geoff Ogilvy, Matthew Fitzpatrick
7:23 a.m.: Russell Knox, Nick Watney, Paul Casey
7:34 a.m.: Ted Potter, Jr., Mackenzie Hughes, Greg Chalmers
7:45 a.m.: Branden Grace, Brandt Snedeker, Jim Furyk
7:56 a.m.: Vaughn Taylor, Shane Lowry, Zach Johnson
8:07 a.m.: Si Woo Kim, Hudson Swafford, Matt Every
8:18 a.m.: Nick Taylor, Martin Laird, Kevin Na
8:29 a.m.: Ryan Palmer, Ollie Schniederjans, Dominic Bozzelli
8:40 a.m.: Sam Saunders, Nicholas Lindheim, Jimmy Stanger
8:51 a.m.: Trey Mullinax, Talor Gooch, Tyler Duncan
11:40 a.m.: J.B. Holmes, Chesson Hadley, Louis Oosthuizen
11:51 a.m.: Scott Brown, Rory Sabbatini, Richy Werenski
12:02 p.m.: Byeong Hun An, Harold Varner III, Kelly Kraft
12:13 p.m.: Ryan Armour, Jason Dufner, Peter Malnati
12:24 p.m.: Fabián Gómez, David Lingmerth, Luke Donald
12:35 p.m.: Gary Woodland, Justin Rose, Rory McIlroy
12:46 p.m.: Sergio Garcia, Adam Scott, Matt Kuchar
12:57 p.m.: Aaron Baddeley, Billy Hurley III, Ernie Els
1:08 p.m.: Camilo Villegas, Bud Cauley, Blayne Barber
1:19 p.m.: Robert Streb, Harris English, C.T. Pan
1:30 p.m.: Seamus Power, Stephan Jaeger, Sam Burns
1:41 p.m.: Jonathan Randolph, Tom Lovelady, Jack Maguire
Off No. 10 tee:
6:50 a.m.: Chez Reavie, Jamie Lovemark, Kevin Tway
7:01 a.m.: Retief Goosen, Martin Piller, Brandon Harkins
7:12 a.m.: Chad Campbell, Bob Estes, Tom Hoge
7:23 a.m.: Cameron Smith, Smylie Kaufman, Padraig Harrington
7:34 a.m.: Austin Cook, Bryson DeChambeau, Brian Stuard
7:45 a.m.: Adam Hadwin, Tony Finau, Charl Schwartzel
7:56 a.m.: Henrik Stenson, Jordan Spieth, Tiger Woods
8:07 a.m.: Jimmy Walker, Graeme McDowell, Sangmoon Bae
8:18 a.m.: John Huh, Tyrone Van Aswegen, Ryan Blaum
8:29 a.m.: Kevin Streelman, Lucas Glover, Sung Kang
8:40 a.m.: Brice Garnett, Sam Ryder, T.J. Vogel
8:51 a.m.: Aaron Wise, Xinjun Zhang, Dylan Meyer
11:40 a.m.: Chris Couch, Martin Flores, Beau Hossler
11:51 a.m.: Ben Martin, Whee Kim, Michael Kim
12:02 p.m.: Jason Kokrak, Luke List, Patrick Rodgers
12:13 p.m.: Ryan Moore, Davis Love III, Charles Howell III
12:24 p.m.: Rod Pampling, William McGirt, Stewart Cink
12:35 p.m.: Billy Horschel, D.A. Points, Brian Gay
12:46 p.m.: Grayson Murray, Patrick Reed, Chris Kirk
12:57 p.m.: Charley Hoffman, Webb Simpson, Steve Stricker
1:08 p.m.: J.J. Henry, Danny Lee, Keegan Bradley
1:19 p.m.: Troy Merritt, Robert Garrigus, Ross Fisher
1:30 p.m.: Corey Conners, Zecheng Dou, Rod Perry
1:41 p.m.: Abraham Ancer, Ben Silverman, Ty Strafaci
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