digestabold · 23 days
To a kobold, a bubbling stew is a kind of jacuzzi
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sewerscalie · 1 month
Soooo somebody said I'm actually kinda cute and...
I dunno, maaaaybe I'd post a few risky pics here if there were interest?
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thedamesdrains · 6 months
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A handy guide for interacting with me
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thekoboldyipper · 4 months
Part of reckoning thats hard with therianism is conflict of what the sona means/meant. Like... did I design myself?
Personally, I see it as a kind of paleontology. I discover things about myself and update model accordingly. Right now feels solid, but.... who knows?
And as for the other forms - taking cue from one of my beloved, they are sonas still. A kobold with raven and dog fursonas! That also goes a way to explaining why ravens feel like kin but also how kobold seemed to be a ground state for sonas.
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oneclawbinthegrave · 5 months
Oh... when you said you wanted to hang out, you meant-
No, no... nothing's wrong...
*tries to hide my 15ft of rope from view*
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digestabold · 5 months
Everycreature that reblogs this gets a personal dinner kobold to eat however they please....
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digestabold · 1 month
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I was hoping to find some safety from predators among fellow kobold @koboldpreydrive , but with the way it's lifting me up... I-I'm feeling a little nervous....
(It did the sketch, and I did the colors!)
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digestabold · 27 days
"I'm a pred!! I'm a pred!!" says kobold consistently in other creatures' (including kobolds') guts
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digestabold · 1 month
*sits on top of you in prin’s stomach*
Hehe this’ll make me last a bit longer~
H-hey!! No fair!
Better watch out or it'll be *my* gut you gotta survive in!!
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digestabold · 5 months
Beasts on my feed are trying to eat me.......
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digestabold · 1 year
If your girlfriend can fit in your mouth, then you absolutely have to put her in your mouth :3
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digestabold · 6 months
Cars are a kind of pred, methinks...
Put me in the gas tank 🥴
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digestabold · 3 months
Kobold is prey 95% of the time
But if you're *so* cute that even the kobold wants to eat you? Well, I just couldn't restrain myself<3
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sewerscalie · 2 months
Kobolds are so fuckable
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digestabold · 5 months
I am the easiest prey right now, I could jump into any predator's maw I wanna be churned so badly......
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thedamesdrains · 5 months
Think my plushie pile would look so cute piled up in the toilet....
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