#kofi requets
beybuniki · 3 months
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ko-fi request for @shiba-butt: dabihawks are-we-flirting-or-are-we-fighting-rn
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Hey, I just I sent a Ko-fi request for Wheeljack that was 15 dollars (iirc), and I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to do 15 dollars worth of words! I gave 15 just in case you needed some word wiggle room! The scenario can be even 500 words and you can keep the rest as tip lol! I hope things get better for you soon!
hewwo anon! i wanted to say thank you for the kofi support! 
as a message to everyone here: my ko-fi is reserved as a tip jar and not for requests (since requests are closed) and commissions should be DM’d to me so we can negotiate the scenario and happenings for your piece! commissions are always open so be sure to message me for this directly! be sure to go through the correct avenues for your paid writings! :) there’s no way for me to refund this since everything from ko-fi directly deposits to my bank, so i will fill it for you here. i worry for future “kofi requets” because i do have absences from this blog (although i’m trying to be more active again!) so if i didn’t check in on my kofi or the blog, i would have missed this and you might have been out $15 :( so just be sure that next time (or for anyone) that y’all send me a message before paying as i don’t even take payment until the commissions is finished anyway. i hope all this makes sense? i appreciate the support (especially in these trying times for me) i just want to make sure that both sides benefit from it! if anyone is just leaving a tip for tip’s sake, those are always welcome! ;)
anyway, here’s your fill! hope you enjoy~
request: “May I request a scenario where G1 Wheeljack is stuck to a wall and is trying to confess to his very concerned human crush who’s currently trying to free him?”
You had just returned from you daily doings and decided to take a trip to the Autobot base. You had nothing left to od with your free time so might as well go check up on your friends. And Wheeljack. You were eager to see him, but you couldn’t be over eager. You always tried your best not to be obvious about the way you felt about him. Plus how could he put you before his science? It just did not seem plausible. But still, even if you were just to remain friends, you could live with that.
The base was quiet. Odd. Normally this time of day there was a bustling amount of action about the base. Whether the bots were getting their afternoon briefing or free time racing around the area, there was always something going on. Nothing. It almost worried you. But you decided to go looking for whatever trouble you might find. Afterall, they might just need your help.
If the bots are in trouble, that could mean Wheeljack is also in trouble! you thought, heart beginning to race in your chest. You needed to keep calm. Whatever has happened, you could help. It will be okay. Your footsteps quickened as you beelined it for Wheeljack’s laboratory. If he was going to be anywhere around here, it would be in there. Carefully rounding the corner, you peered into the room. Again nothing. Nothing but the sound of whirring machinery and the slow beeping of the technology inside.
“Hey! Who’s there?” you heard call out from in the room. You gasped, covering your mouth to keep from making anymore noise. “I can hear you, I know someone’s there.” Wheeljack’s voice. You let our a sigh of relief and showed yourself to the room.
“W-wheeljack?” you hesitantly called out.
“Yeah, it’s me! Is that-? Ah! It is you! Hey, I could really use some help over here…”
“Oh, don’t mind the mess. I was in the middle of doing something when all of a sudden I’m stuck over here now.”
You eyed the scientist stuck up on the wall. He didn’t seem to be hanging from anything, and he didn’t seem to be struggling either. You folded you arms and quinted up at him.
“How did you even get stuck like this, Wheeljack?” you said, pacing back and forth, fingers drumming on your chin. You contemplated over and over how to get him down, so maybe figuring out how he got up there would show a solution.
“I just don’t know. One minute I’m working on an experiment and the next, poof, I’m up here. Ya know, I’ve actually been up here quite a while before I asked you to come help me. It was almost relaxing at first,” he chuckled. You rolled your eyes. Of course there wasn’t an explanation for this. When it came to Wheeljack, his experiments were always ones of spontaneity. But in the end, they always worked. Well, mostly always.
You surveyed the wall again. Metal, as was everything else on the base. Could it possibly be a magnetic response?
“And it’s not magnets either.” It was like he could read your mind. “Listen, I’ve thought of everything before you came in here. A sticky situation to say the least.”
“Oh boy, okay. This is going to take some major work. We are really going to need to think outside the box on this one,” you muttered to yourself. You looked up to meet his optics and you knew that behind that face shield he would be wearing a sheepish smile. “We will figure this out. Together.”
And it took all day. You learned so much about his current research and experiments. You learned that the Autobots got called to a mission and that the Decepticons were causing yet another commotion. In a weird way it was nice to spend some quality time like this with Wheeljack, despite the current situation. You didn’t understand some of the vocabulary he was using when he tried to coerce you to do different things to help him get unstuck, but he had all the patience in the world to help explain it further. After all, he had no where he needed to be in the near future.
You both got to talking about so many different things that you’ve never shared with each other before. Wheeljack told you about his old home of Cybertron and how the streets were always bustling with life, how the engex at Maccadam’s was always the best in town, where he got his finish polished at. So many different aspects of the life and times on another planet. And you shared with him some things you never thought would be worth talking about, too. You didn’t think anyone would be interested in the domestic life on Earth or where you went to school or the pets you had. You never had someone get so excited to learn your favorite color before, at least not since preschool. All of these things intrigued Wheeljack, and he promised once he was able to get down from this Primus forsaken wall he would indulge in this Earthly life of yours.
“You know…actually, there was kind of something I wanted to talk to you about,”  his vocalizer staticked out a bit.
“I’m all ears. What’s on your mind…er, processor?” you asked, looking up at him from the desk.
“Maybe I’m not exactly in the right position to be saying any of this, both literally and physically, but uh…there’s something about you that, well, it just makes my spark swell…” The brightness of his optics were low, like he was trying to look away. He truly had your full attention now. You got up from where you were kneeling and approached him.
“What are you saying, Wheeljack?”
“Ah, nevermind. Just forget it. It was dumb anyway.”
“No, really. It’s okay, just say it.”
“I’m just saying that I guess I kinda like you in a way more than just being friends. You make me really happy when you come around and see me, and I know you and I are very different but, maybe, we could, uh…make it work?”
“Oh! Wheeljack, I-I don’t know what to say, I-“
“No, it’s alright. You don’t need to say anything. I should have just kept it to myself.”
“That’s not it at all. I like you, too. In a way more than just being friends,” you could feel the blush prickling at your cheeks and ears. “I just didn’t want to say anything in case you thought it was weird.”
“Me? Think something is weird? Nonsense! Have you met me?” He laughed and your laughter joined in.
“Well, before we can do anything about that, we still need to figure out how to get you down,” you said, smile wide on your lips.
“Hey, you humans have that thing in movies that fixes everything, don’t you? What was it…true love’s kiss? Maybe we could try that?”
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cassiferlynnart · 5 years
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friend o mine bought me a few kofis to request som invader zim fanart owu even tho my requets r open sdfgh
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