#kohaku muse is being an ass
mythicamagic · 4 years
#44 please
44: a kiss on the navel.
Leaping into open air and wrapping both arms around tucked up knees, Kagome plummeted straight into deep water. Sinking like a stone for a moment, she then straightened out and kicked towards glittering sunlight above. Surfacing, she took in a few breaths, turning to grin in Sesshoumaru's direction.
Who seemed newly soaked, bangs plastered against his cheeks.
"O-oh, did I get you?" she blinked.
"Hn," he lifted wet hair away from flat eyes.
"Well we're already in a pool, suck it up," Kagome giggled, sticking out her tongue to provoke him. It had the desired effect. Sesshoumaru began swimming through the water.
"What did you just say to me?" he rumbled.
Shrieking with glee, she paddled to the far side of the pool. Luckily the waterfall was secluded in Inuyasha Forest and far from any footpaths. They typically used it to bathe but today an air of playfulness had entered Kagome, so she'd invited him there instead of their usual cave. Clad in nothing but her birthday suit, she dove underwater to try and evade him, kicking her legs madly.
Sinful hands glided under her ribs, sharp nails pricking skin- and Kagome started, pausing mid-stroke. Silver stands wafted around her like celestial reeds beneath the water. The demon swam close underneath her, managing to do so backwards.
The spirited feeling in her heart seemed to have transferred to him, as golden eyes smiled with playfulness.
Sometimes he's an enigma, but others...he's just like anyone else.
Kagome cupped his cheek and smiled, brushing noses with him, before having to pull away and surface, lungs burning. As she coughed and sputtered, droplets rolling down her face and drenched hair curling around her, Sesshoumaru joined her. Unlike the wheezing miko, he appeared unruffled.
"A human's lung capacity is pitiful," he snorted.
"Not all of us can have secretly huge lungs due to our true forms being a giant inu youkai," Kagome snarked. Drawing closer, she inwardly preened as his hands found her waist again.
It was like a gravitational pull. She'd find herself unable to resist, revelling in the warmth radiating from striped, bare skin. He was both sleek yet built, cruel yet kind, and attentive but guarded. Claws skimmed her waist, falling lower to brush her hips and then proceeded to cup a handful of her ass. His handsome face lowered to hers, lips inches away.
Jolting and causing the water to thrash, she levelled a wide-eyed look over at the far trees. The call had been hard to hear due to the proximity of the falls, but that voice was mistakable. She hadn't taken into account a Demon Slayer's tracking skills.
"T-that was Sango's voice."
Sesshoumaru looked annoyed, drifting backwards slightly. "Get rid of her," he muttered, before smoothly slipping beneath the deep blue waters and disappearing.
Kagome tried to make herself look busy by ringing out her hair and not looking too guilty of anything when Sango finally stepped out from some bushes. Her son was tied to her back, gurgling.
"Ah hello, Kagome. I thought I'd find you at the hot springs instead of here?"
She smiled and waved a hand dismissively. "Felt like a dip in something colder. What's up?"
"I was just wondering if you wanted to join Miroku and I when we leave to visit Kohaku tomorrow. I've been so busy with the children and you've been- distracted elsewhere, quite often it seems," her brows drew together worriedly. "So we haven't had a chance to talk. I hope that things with Inuyasha aren't what's causing you to leave the village so much."
I've been that obvious?
"N-no! Nothing's wrong, you don't need to be concerned. I'm just getting back into nature," she forced a smile. "Since I'm staying here in the Fuedal Era, I need to know everything about herbs. Long treks in the forest are just what's needed."
Sango looked unconvinced. "If you say so..."
Blue eyes strayed down to the open waters beneath her feet, hoping Sesshoumaru was alright. "A-anyway, about visiting Kohaku..." it was hard to scramble for an excuse.
"I think you should come," Sango said firmly. Kagome fell silent, watching the demon slayer with mild surprise. "Even if you say nothings wrong, I can tell something is going on with you. A break from routine would do you some good."
"I-it would?" her attention stayed to air bubbles starting to surface near her left side.
When her friend gave a stubborn nod, Kagome's face fell into a beleaguered expression. "Kaede might need me to stay-"
"Kaede has Rin to help her, and pretty much the rest of the village at her beck and call."
Caught, Kagome glanced at building air bubbles, shifting to try and cover them. "Okay, okay!" she burst, nodding enthusiastically. "I'll do it."
Relief and joy brightened Sango's eyes. "Wonderful! You should walk back with me to pack any supplies you might need."
"Ah...I'll finish up here first. Go ahead without me, I'll catch up!"
This seemed to satisfy her friend enough to turn and leave. The second she was gone Kagome whirled around and started frantically whispering; "Sesshoumaru! You can come back up!"
Not seeing any pale, naked Daiyoukais swim up, worry started to churn within her gut like a tempest. Maybe he was all talk and actually did need air just as often as a human? In which case, he was likely struggling!
"That stubborn jerk," she muttered, about to dive headfirst into the wide pool- until a familiar sensation of a mouth caressed the chilled flesh of her navel. Lurching 3 feet into the air, Kagome shrieked.
Sesshoumaru surfaced, shamefully forced to suck in a few breaths. He arched a brow, "you took some time."
She calmed, placing a hand over her racing heart. "Are you alright? I'm sorry, I couldn't wrap up the conversation naturally enough to make her leave earlier."
He hummed calmly, drifting closer. "No matter. We have all the time in the world now..." greedy hands reached for her again. Kagome forced herself to pull back, despairing at the confusion that flashed momentarily on his face.
"Actually, to get her to leave quicker I had to agree to something. I'll be visiting Kohaku with her," she sighed. "It takes four days to travel there, so I guess...I might be gone a little while."
Comforting warm fires were snuffed out within his eyes. Sesshoumaru wiped his face of all expression. "I see," he said in a clipped tone.
Kagome's shoulders fell as she trod water, feeling like the mood had been well and truly killed. She didn't want to be clingy and didn't expect anything of him, so she forced herself not to ask if he wanted her to say. Kagome was no doormat, she could refuse to go along with what Sango suggested. And yet...a part of her felt interested to know what his reaction would be. Would he become frustrated from the lack of sex and seek out someone else? Somehow, she found herself doubting that possibility, despite her history of insecurity. Why remained to be seen.
Drawing away and swimming towards the rocks where she'd stashed her supplies, Kagome mused that she could visit Totosai while travelling. These thoughts were cut off as an arm snaked around her waist and pulled her back against a strong chest. Freezing, her attention slid over one shoulder, wondering at his tight grip and thin, displeased lips.
"...You will become frustrated if you go too long without sufficient pleasure. I will tend to you before you leave."
Kagome searched his face, relief touching her features as she slid both arms around his neck, bringing their chests flush against one another.
"I-I guess it'll stave off the loneliness too."
It won't stop me from missing you, wanting you, she thought, a little alarmed by her impending sense of dread. What the heck have you done to me, Sesshoumaru?
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withagentleheart · 4 years
Okay, i have avoided this for as long as I could but today has made it unavoidable.
I think as a Rin roleplayer (and one who has written her for 4 years) it’s hard to come to terms with the fact that Sunrise took away any change of Rin having a happy life. Nothing about what they have done for her was done FOR HER. It was done for Sesshomaru’s character or for the twins to have a tragic backstory and I’m sorry but I’m over my favorite female characters being used as plot devices. Rin died in canon twice. She lost her parents and two brothers when she was younger then 8 and was so traumatized she didn’t TALK or CRY for ages. I’m not going to type out all the other things she went  through in canon because it would be too long and I’m too tired but you know that at the end of that long ass road Rin deserved to live a life where every day she woke up and got to live it to it’s fullest. Not have children when she herself is still a child and then have her husband take away those children right away without fully explaining (which by the way, Rin WOULD NEVER) and then get put in a tree four years later to sleep forever. 
I fully believe that but still, it’s hard to rip children away from a girl who already had her family ripped away from her once you know. I will not write Rin as the mother because I don’t agree with anything they’ve done in Yashahime. It’s not something we should be showing to young people or condoning because she would literally be in middle school in the modern era. I hope that Rin can still be a part of the twins lives as a sister (and in the case that she’s with Kohaku an adoptive mother like figure)  but I will not let Yashahime kill this muse. I will not give Sunrise that kind of power. 
I WILL give Rin the life she deserves. One in which she gets to have experiences and is in control of her own life. 
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cynthiaandsamus · 4 years
Maki Oze and Tamaki Kotatsu from Fire Force: Fire fighting cuties! Anyone who’s seen the show knows what a delight these two are, between the toned and beautiful big sister witch with a hair trigger Maki and the fire cat that literally can’t keep her clothes on Tamaki, these two would be sure to liven up Villa life!
Caulfila and Cheelai from Dragon Ball Super: Spunky girls with a thing for Super Saiyan Berserkers. Both are used to rolling with bad crowds whether it’s Caulfila’s gang of Saiyan ruffians or Cheelai’s street gang before she joined the Frieza Force, both don’t take any guff from anyone. Caulifla tends to be more brash and loud and Cheelai is more kind yet sneaky, these muscle loving girls of destruction will sure bring some energy to Cynthia’s place.
Ayla from Chrono Trigger and Kohaku from Dr. Stone: The cavegirl duo, Ayla tends to be more of what you’d expect from a cavegirl, brash, blunt and comes with a horde of trained dinosaurs, but this prehistoric beauty also has a flirty side as well, coming from a time before shame was invented she makes no bones about what or who she likes and will take what she wants. Kohaku is more eloquent and thoughtful but no less skilled and dangerous. Living in a stone world where people are out for her hide has taught her how to defend herself from all kinds of nasty surprises, though she too is puzzled by the modern conveniences of Cynthia’s villa and will likely have a few fun surprises during her stay.
Shino Ashido “Sinon” and Suguha Kirigaya “Leafa” from Sword Art Online: A long-time tenant of these polls, these girls may have teenage tastes but they are no doubt young women of class. Gifted with special holographic collars by Cynthia that lets them take the form of any of their game avatars while at the villa, these two are looking for more escapist fun than a normal game world can provide. Sinon has grown a taste only for women after her previous experiences with men and though she’s a bit prickly she’s still the badass gunslinger we all know and love. The busty gamer Suguha tends to prefer hanging out in her normal appearance while she’s away from prying eyes but the elf girl Leafa is also down for some vacationing as well. After her experiences in several game worlds she’s looking to try new things and see what the real world has to offer.
Lusamine and Dawn from Pokemon: Two girls that need no introduction, both these ladies have a pre-established relationship with Cynthia and have been waiting for a chance to stay long-term at the villa. The Aether Corporation head is a strong and determined if slightly out there mother that like Cynthia knows what she wants and takes it. The two have long held meetings about who the cutest trainers are and what to do with their mounting fortunes. Meanwhile, topping said list for Cynthia most of the time, Dawn is an up and coming Sinnoh trainer with her eyes not only on the Championship but also on the Champion~ She and Cynthia have quite a playful relationship and on the outside she’s as cute as a button, but seeing Samus getting so cozy with Cynthia may bring out some jealous thoughts in her.
Skyla and Elesa from Pokemon: Another long time visiting muse option, essentially Cynthia and Samus 2.0, a busty determined airhead and her slender blonde companion that has to put up with her, truly these two were made for the villa. The experienced pilot and lovely bubbly Skyla has more enthusiasm than sense sometimes but the pun-loving fashion model Elesa will be sure to keep her straight… figuratively speaking of course.
Ayaka Sunohara from Miss Caretaker of Sunohara-Sou and Mamako Oosuki from Do You Love Your Mother and Her Two-Hit Multi Target Attacks? (shortened for brevity (and mercy) in the poll): What would a visiting muse poll be without Milfs? Shorter, that’s what! The busty caretaker of Sunohara boarding house Ayaka Sunohara has been left to care for the place after her grandmother retired and is now looking for a place to stay and relax for herself. A beacon of motherly kindness and dependability, Ayaka is everything you could ask for in a soft lover but also a determined and stern parental figure that is seemingly good at all domestic skills and gets extremely handsy when she drinks. Mamako Oosuki is a doting yet flighty mother who doesn’t know the first thing about video games and yet commands RPG powers that would make Kirito blush. This mother seems to more often than not find herself in lecherous compromising positions despite her ability to take out almost anything in one hit. Deep down her kind and gentle soul will (literally) light up your heart.
Kagome Higurashi and Sango from Inuyasha: Well there’s a sequel coming, so why not? A normal (if by normal you mean the reincarnation of literally the only person that can purify an ancient jewel with phenomenal mystic power) schoolgirl, Kagome Higurashi found herself in a world of demons, warlords and gravity-defying miniskirts. Despite being a fish out of water Kagome proved herself to be someone of upstanding character who always helps those in need. Wanting nothing more than a feudal fairy tail, this beautiful girl has become somewhat disillusioned with her old world and needs a break, once again heading for another world: Cynthia’s villa, hijinks ensue. Meanwhile the prodigy of the demon slaying clan, Sango and her pet demon Kilala also join Kagome on her trip. Sango’s a kind but no-nonsense kind of girl and it can take a while for her to open up, but it’s worth it to find out because you’ll have a beautiful partner… or a giant boomerang to the head, place your bets.
Ryuko Matoi and Satsuki Kiryuin form Kill la Kill: (Admittedly this one is partially fueled by the mun’s recent Kill la Kill rewatch and random crack test posts) The scantily clad sisterly duo, a tough as nails fighter who doesn’t take shit and a dramatic champion flanked by her elite four guardians... something about this seems familiar. Naturally Ryuko gets along famously with Samus and Satsuki seems to do well with Cynthia, though will these regularly nude beauties take the invitation to the villa?
Kyoko and Misako from River City Girls: Another familiar pairing of a tough girl and her equally tough airhead friend. These River City Residensts are Ready to Rampage through the villa. Though they have absolute devotion to their boyfriends, they do have some ways of cheating the system and still ‘saving’ themselves for them and play fast and loose with the rules of their relationships. Can the villa withstand these girls’ particular brand of rough and tumble love?
Yoko Littner from Gurren Lagann and Misato Katsuragi from Neon Genesis Evangelion: The Gainax girls are here to party! The skimpy sharpshooter Yoko and the smart, slovenly, sexy and sometimes melancholy Misato fit right in with the villa’s casual laid back attitude of constant parties. Neither girl is particularly shy about showing some skin or kicking some ass, being use to casually standing up to giant monsters both of these hard-working women are ready for a vacation and maybe even for a deconstruction of some of their deeper troubles along with the fun.
Note: Tifa, Yuffie and Riza will be around a bit longer, since the list is so long this time I’ll probably have a second poll for the most popular finalists in a few days so be sure to have some fun with them while they’re here!
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slaheir · 4 years
IS YOUR MUSE TALL  /  SHORT  /  AVERAGE? He seems pretty tall for his age??? I mean given Kohaku’s probably not the tallest person out there but for some reason I just think he began to sprout up like a tree and is still very much growing boy. His sister’s are definitely taller than him but I think he’s taller than Moroha and probably slightly more than Setsuna and close if not the same height as Towa.
ARE THEY OKAY WITH THEIR HEIGHT? Yeah, teasing like that doesn’t really bother him except when his sister’s are needling him about his forehead.
WHAT’S THEIR HAIR LIKE? His hair's pretty long. Miroku’s was about at his shoulders and Hisui’s ponytail is slightly fuller and seems to have more to it so I’d say his is just past his shoulders. He won’t cut it and wears it tied back, like his father and Uncle have shown him to do so it doesn’t become a means of exploit in battle. Who knows, maybe one day he’ll have a ponytail like mama. 
DO THEY SPEND A LOT OF TIME ON THEIR HAIR  /  GROOMING? I don’t think so? Like, he’s definitely hygenic and takes care of his appearance but just pulling it back like that tells me he’s a two step kinda guy and is kind of on the always on the go. 
DOES YOUR MUSE CARE ABOUT THEIR APPEARANCE  /  WHAT OTHERS THINK? I think he’s definitely a sensitive boy but would really only care about the opinions of people that care about him. If his mom, father or Uncle said he looked unprofessional he’d clean up, for sure. The only thing he’s adamant about is the way he wears his uniform and the collar around his neck. He finds it too restricting and distracting in a fight. 
RAIN OR SUNSHINE? Sunshine, because it’s easier to train and fight demons when you’re not slipping and sliding through grass or mud.
PRECIOUS METALS OR GEMS? Precious metals. He works with his hands a lot and cleans a lot of his own weapons and admittedly has shown some of his teammates how to care for theirs.
FLOWERS OR PERFUMES? Flowers. He brings them home for his mom and sisters a lot.
PERSONALITY OR APPEARANCE? Personality, for sure. 
BEING ALONE OR BEING IN A CROWD? Either. I like to say that he does sometimes prefer to be alone with his thoughts but more often then naught he’ll chase after or offer to do something with his family or friends because he likes spending time on them.
ORDER OR ANARCHY? Order. Keeper of the peace, future hero of the village! >3
PAINFUL TRUTHS OR WHITE LIES? Painful Truths. He’d rather his family be honest with him and let him deal and process things than keep things from him. Yeah I’m looking at YOU Uncle Kohaku, we know the series is gonna go there and you’re defs hiding something from my boy.
SCIENCE OR MAGIC? Magic. It’s feudal japan so.
PEACE OR CONFLICT? Peace. He fights to protect people so they can have an easy future (and in his family’s case they deserve it)
NIGHT OR DAY? Both? Depends on the shift work.
DUSK OR DAWN? Dawn, new start. New begginings.
WARMTH OR COLD? Warmth. He’s a warm person and definitely makes others feel good about themselves.
MANY ACQUAINTANCES OR A FEW CLOSE FRIENDS? Both. He’s well known in his community and has a few close friends he spends a lot of time with.
READING OR PLAYING A GAME? Reading. He likes talking to his father about his beliefs because he recognizes he has much to learn from Miroku as he does from Sango.
WHAT ARE SOME OF YOUR MUSE’S BAD HABITS? Hisui gets in his head. A LOT. He internalizes and worries about other people. He worries about living up to expectations and falling short of them or failing to do something right. He has a few insecurities and definitely a lot of vulnerability and survivors guilt in some verses that I write. He wants so badly to be someone his parents are proud of. They fought to give him a comfortable, safe, full life so he owes that to them right?
HAS YOUR MUSE LOST ANYONE CLOSE TO THEM? HOW HAS IT AFFECTED THEM? This verse dependent so I’ll try and outline a few.
In my canon Yashahime verse, that’s developing as the series progresses we see that Sango, Miroku, and his sisters are all gone and the only family member he has left is his Uncle Kohaku. Now varying outcomes of how he feels depends on how much he a) remembers and b) what he’s been told. I have a sneaking suspicion that both Kohaku and Hisui were out training when whatever happened went down. Thus, he’d know that he had a family but to the extent of what he believes happened and how much he knows - we don’t yet. However this will be a VERY IMPORTANT defining moment to Hisui’s character. Because while some of the other main cast may not remember they even had families he does. And to have this happen to him HURT HIM DEEPLY. I don’t know how he’d possibly process those emotions or if he even fully has. I feel like he threw himself into his training, carried on with his life either again - depending on what he knows - hoping to find them again someday or just believing their dead and trying to continue on. But regardless, family for him in this verse is a VERY touchy subject and not something to talk to him about. He’s pushed his Uncle away whenever the subject’s been broached and after not talking for a few days, they’ve just moved on and went back to the way things were before. This verse hurts me a lot so I need all these children to be reunited with their parents at the end of this Sunrise, okay??? >’(  you better not do me dirty. MirSan and InuKag deserve better. 
In my canon divergent yashahime slayer verse, Hisui has all of his family nothing really bad has happened - the only lesson he’s learnt thus far is to be more careful. I’ve mentioned an incident in this verse where he saved a young girl during a demon’s attack on their village but took a bad injury in his leg that became infected and left him bedroom for 6-8 weeks. This was his first reality check and he had to work hard to get back to where he was physically, but he’s much less impulsive than before and only gives (a few) hero speeches every once in a great blue moon because xD he’s just never gonna grow out of that. 
WHAT ARE SOME FOND MEMORIES YOUR MUSE HAS? Applies to several Canon Divergent and AU verses.
Oh god so many. I’ll list a few here.
- training with his mother and uncle. Watching them glow with pride as he grows up and gets better and better, wanting to help them rebuild their village. 
- walks and late night talks with his father. Those are REALLY special to him and he remembers distinctly his father carrying him back to bed when he was young, having fallen asleep as he was teaching him a lesson about life. Miroku tucks him and smooths back his hair and tells him quietly that he loves him so much. 
- mother passing on her hiraikotsu and kirara to him, one morning out of the blue. He’s speechless and ends up crying and hugging her tight. 
- days, afternoons and evenings spent over at his aunt and uncles. He helps Kagome do laundry, plays with moroha and sometimes his sisters join. 
- Since he was a baby he follows inuyasha around and tries to imitate his swagger and confidence. Inuyasha loves his nephew he’s such dorky cute little potat. 
- Getting the lecture of his and moroha’s LIFE when they took their parents weapons to go train in the forest. 
- spending time with the wolf demon tribe when their folks had to go on out of town missions as a group. Koga, Moroha and Hisui fishing, training, running off to go fight things that are ten times stronger than them and Koga dragging their asses back to his pack to blister their ears like wHY is it always YOU TWO. But he loves those trouble makers.  
IS IT EASY FOR YOUR MUSE TO KILL? evil demons? A hundred percent. Doesn’t bat an eyelash because they’re preying on people and he needs to protect them. Regular humans though, that are evil and preying on women and children weaker than them? He has a hard time. He doesn’t understand how a person can be that much of a vile monster. And though he should have the stomach for it, sometimes he really doesn’t. He hates injuring people possessed by demons too. He’s like his father in that he’ll try and non lethally exorcise it or beat it out of them and help care for their wounds later. 
WHAT’S IT LIKE WHEN YOUR MUSE BREAKS DOWN? Oh.. My. Gosh. My heart. He’s really.... soft boy and keeps a lot of his emotions to himself so when he breaks down it’s water works. Hiccups, heavy breathing, just shivers and trying to snuff out the sound he’s making but he only gets louder and louder till he has to let it all out. Like, we heard his lungs as a kid. Boy can cry a river.
IS YOUR MUSE CAPABLE OF TRUSTING SOMEONE WITH THEIR LIFE? Absolutely. WHen he fights beside Setsuna and Kohaku he knows they have his back. He wouldn’t even question that for a second, just as they (probably) wouldn’t question their trust in him. He’d fight hard to protect them and know they would do the same. His family too, the few times in my canon divergent verses he’s fought beside his mother or father and Inuyasha and Moroha. 
WHAT’S YOUR MUSE LIKE WHEN THEY’RE IN LOVE? I think maturity wise he’s not there yet. He’s still young and has a lot he wants to focus on and do with his life. Speculatively, I think when he’s older he would definitely want the kind of open, affectionate, caring relationship that his father and mother have. That he sees his Aunt and Uncle have. But that’s a long ways down the road. 
Tagged by: @shirokodomo (thanks el!)
Tagging: @senpujin , @eternityheir , @crimsonkunshu , @amorous-monk and whoever else wants to do/steal this !!!!!
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