#koichi naegi kirigiri
spammiamm · 1 month
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Art block is kicking my ass all i can do is doodles now its been like this for years…
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gladosluver · 3 months
they faces killing me why nobody gaf
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maggots when you lift up a rotting dead corpse:
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mijoonart · 10 months
dr future arc
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utsukurou · 1 month
Dear boy
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Everyday I daydream about a DR3 cartoon series where in a no killing game AU the Future Foundation carries on with their shenanigans (I give a medal to the creator for changing the fandom's perspective on DR3 trust!!1!)
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shockersalvage · 1 month
DR3 Rewrite: Deadly Life Part 1
Heeeey, remember this little project? Where I was rewriting DR3 and even made a post concerning the first part - here - if you remember? It started my year, and I was working on it for a good deal.
That said, between general life busynes and motivation issues, it's been kind of slow. That said, am still working on it and originally wanted to only post until it was 100% done. Buuuut, at my pace, felt even doing that was kind mental slog. So instead, I'll be breaking it down into several eps per post for people to enjoy and have something out there until the gap between this and the next part.
So without further ado, I hope reading both will be enjoyable!!
The cast is in shock: Chisa Yukizome was dead and they were clearly under threat from the Monokast. With Monokuma at the front of the screen, he begins to explain the whole ordeal - the third killing game under the Monokuma Hunter rules.
Monokuma Hunter is as follows under two phases: Hunter Phase and Trial Phase. Under Hunter Phase, as it stands, the cast is on the F1 of the building and have to make their way up to the trial grounds of F6. However, each floor above is hosted by a member of the MonoKast who has a particular ‘Hell’ that the cast must endure, lest it cost them their lives. 
Each floor has a Boss that governs it as well, and they are in charge of ensuring that ‘Hell’ is carried out. If the cast manages to defeat the Boss then the conditions of the Floor are nullified. In addition, they could also get a major lead that could help them for the Trial Phase. 
In the Trial Phase, similarly to a class trial, the cast will be discussing who is the guilty party - though instead of discussing who killed who, its ‘who are the Traitors’ that have set up this killing game? There are three Traitors that they are to find and vote off. If they vote all three off, the game is over and the survivors can leave the building. If even one Traitor is not voted for after the final trial, the non-Traitor survivors will be executed. The Trial Phase happens once all floors have been conquered.
With that in mind, for the time being F1 has also been made the group’s de facto living quarters with food, a nurse’s office and bedding that’ll suit their needs for the time being and give them rest in-between their endeavors. 
With that, the explanation ends, and the room descends into chaos. Yelling is going on and tension is high given the circumstances. What should they even do? It’s Munakata who, in spite of his loss, gets everyone back on track. As it stands, standing around isn’t going to do anything. If they want answers, than the best course is to investigate their surroundings first…and if all else fails to make headway, they move up to the next floor.
Nobody really likes it, but there isn’t much anyone can really do. Juzo is assigned to keep watch over Makoto given how high suspicion is on him. As for Kyoko, she’s allowed to investigate Chisa and where she died, though under watch by Munakata himself. Seiko is also there to do an autopsy, albeit as best as she could. Everyone else is to spread out throughout the first floor to search or gain their bearings.
Hina, alongside Koichi and a very upset Ryota, go to Kyoko to get info on Chisa’s death. It was a stab through the heart from an odd-looking knife that did her in. Presumably, the culprit stabbed with it before hoisting her on top of the chandelier before rigging it to fall. Koichi asks if it was possible any of them could have done it, Kyoko believes that, while possible, its too early to tell since, given how long the group was out, the culprit would have hm more than enough time to kill Chisa and prepare their event up, and get back in position before anyone would even wake up.
When asking Seiko about the time of death, while she admits she is not a true coroner, she can at least confirm that it has been a good deal of hours since Chisa had died. There was no hope of saving her long before they woke up. Upon saying that, she notices Munakata and immediately begins to apologize, though he tells her it’s alright. Makoto, knowing how it feels to lose a girl you love, tries to empathize with Munakata, but the Vice Chairman tells him to save it. 
The others come back to share their findings. As it stands, the exits are locked up tight. No way in or out. There were enough rooms for everyone and food to last for a while, but it remained pretty clear this is not a permanent stay. They needed to make moves and fast. So, with that in mind - Munakata gives the orders. They were heading to F2. Though as they make their way to the elevators, they find that there are three different elevators they had to take. 
Monokuma appears on the monitors again. He adds that, before the elevators could rise, all participants needs to spread themselves amongst the elavators. At max 5, at minimum (for one elevator in this case) 4. At this, the groups are created under Munakata’s direction/personality clashes:
Group 1 - Munakata, Juzo, Makoto, Gozu, Hina (Gozu was worried about Makoto, and so Tengan allowed him to watch over him to ensure the first two don’t do anything foul. Hina joined G1 to help out Makoto)
Group2 2 - Kyoko, Tengan, Koichi, Ryota, Seiko (Tengan volunteered to lead this next part, with Ryota joining under him. Kyoko followed suit with G1 filled and with a degree of suspicion on her face. Koichi followed Kyoko and Seiko couldn’t join G3 or G1 so she had to join G2)
Group 3 - Ruruka, Izayoi, Bandai, and Miaya (Ruruka refused for Seiko or any ‘traitors’ to join her elevator, so her BF and the two neutrals won by default)
With these settled, the groups finally make their way to F2. Inside each elevator is a monitor that explains the rundown of the Floor. For F2, the Host of the Floor is Monokan and her Floor Boss is Pestilence: The Ex-Ultimate Exteriminator - Jun Ueda. The stipulations of the Floor is as follows. Each elevator has enough gas masks that can filter out a particular poisonous gas for one hour. During that hour, the players must traverse through F2 and defeat the Floor Boss. How they defeat a FB is entirely up to the players (kill them, knock them out, capture them, make them give up - it’s all up to the cast). Once that happens, the gas will stop automatically, along with treatment for the poison in the room to the trial grounds. A Clue for one of the Traitors identity will be handed out following an FB’s defeat.
With that firmly established, the cast (after getting their masks) brace themselves to face Jun..with both Juzo and Munakata looking even more irritated at the thought. Especially, Munakata. A flashback shows Jun sitting in a chair, drinking some tea, and even looking genuinely friendly towards the Class 74 trio.
…Which is contrasted with Jun in the present, sitting in an armchair as gas flows throughout the room - gas mask on in preparation for the fight to come.
The scene opens with Hagakure running for his life and for good reason. The Ultimate Elite Taskforce is still after him and wants his ass dead. It’s basically the start of Hagakure’s bizarre, unfortunate, adventure trying to get to safety, all while trying his damnedest to get in contact with anyone from inside or even outside, like Byakuya…
Speaking of which, everyone’s favorite heir is knocking back some tea as he gets a report on the damages throughout the divisions. For Division 14, they’ve since managed to subdue the rebels and have suffered minimum casualties. Their current objective is reaching out to the other Division and trying their damndest to support them as best as they can. We get a flashback to Byakuya looking over the contents of the files from last season. How they showed there was going to be a nationwide rebellion against the Branches, and how Byakuya had barely managed to organize his own security force for Division 14 prior to things going crazy. Pennyworth and his secretary remark on fortunate it was that they were able to get the drive to Byakuya in time. He agrees though they can’t rest now: they need to get in touch with, and possibly, rescue the Directors as soon as possible. Through the emails, Byakuya knows the location of the secret trial and is trying to arrange ships and helicopters as quickly as possible. But, given how much disarray everyone was in, it’ll be awhile.
But, hopefully, the others can hold out until then.
Speaking of the others, they’re at the Pestilence Floor - a place filled with dense gas that they have to make their way through and traps. Such as spears through the floors and Monokuma units that lunge out. Thankfully, for the groups, they’re able to gradually make their way throughout the maze like floor due to their own experience. Though Kyoko can't help but notice that, for her group, they aren't really running into most obstacles as expected…
During this time, Makoto begins to ask if anyone knows anything about the Floor Boss - Jun Ueda. Begrudgingly, Munakata informs Makoto that Jun was a former member of class 74’s student council. Specifically, he was their Treasurer - being a snarky, teasing, logistics man who only forked up the cash for any school project only when all bases were covered. Something that is shown in a flashback to the 74 trio and their interaction with their former friend. Though, their happy days could not remain forever. He later joined Future Foundation - but was imprisoned due to the one act that earned him his place among the Four Blights. He gassed a warehouse filled with those who were ill, injured, disabled in some manner or were under watch due to having some past criminal conviction - killing them all while they slept. The very next day, when it was discovered, he turned himself and remained in max prison up until recently.
Makoto and Hina are horrified, while their other teammates are tense. This is why Munakata wants Jun defeated immediately. They can’t risk any of the Blights getting back out and enacting their horrors again. They have to end him here. But as they enter another room, Hina asks if both Juzo and Munakata are prepared to fight against someone that used to be their friend. Something that a voice mentions, is way too late to consider.
It’s Jun, gas mask on his face, and gun in hand. Munakata orders Gozu to watch Makoto and Hina while he and Juzo try to pincer Jun. However, it’s a tense fight as Jun is very light on his feet, and has some units to help hold off both. While he fights, he’s taunting Munakata - criticizing how it was inability to take decisive, proper, headway into this matter that led to the Directors being attacked like this now. What lead to that incident in the past! He should be ashamed of himself for being so hesitant!! It’s what leads Munakata being grazed by a shot and Juzo getting knocked about in his anger to get to Jun.
However, Makoto has had enough and rebuked such claims. While he doesn’t know Munakata personally, and while they definitely disagree on certain things, even Makoto can see he was at least trying to help as much people as he could in these awful times! Jun shoots back, both metaphorically and literally, that trying to help everyone is a fool’s errand. During the time of the incident, Future Foundation was struggling to gain supplies to help those under their care - it was a massive effort to supply a squad, let alone refugees. If they helped everyone under their case, they would have been left completely depleted and wiped out by Ultimate Despair. That’s why Jun did what he ‘had’ to do it. He wiped out those who couldn’t help FF to make the organization live for another day. It was awful, but necessary in his eyes. Even the five here can understand the need to dirty your hands for the greater good, right? Hina is the one to speak up on this.
She knows how it feels, to think you have to resort to extremes just because you think its right (referencing her attempt in DR1 chapter 4 in trying to kill everyone after bein tricked by Monokuma). But, she insists that being tunnel visioned by thinking you’re justified can lead you to being blinded on the truth. In this case? He had no real way of knowing if slaughtering those refugees really was the ‘saving move’ he keeps claiming it is. True, FF was struggling back then, but he has no real evidence that helping out the refugees would cost the FF everything. If anything, by killing off so many with potential who could have helped, didn’t he just send the organization back ? Jun has to know this, unless…
Is he is arguing his case so hard, because realizing the other side is that soul crushing?
Snapping, an angry Jun is about to shoot her when he realizes his mistake. Hina distracted him enough to allow Munakata to get in close - knocking away Jun’s gun with a slash. Thus, giving Juzo a free opportunity to punch Jun in the mask. Sending him flying into the wall, unconscious. His gun was also knocked away from him, but no one quite seems to notice. On his wrist, a bracelet glows red and the gas stops. The Floor Boss has been defeated.
From Jun’s defeat, a letter floats down from the ceiling, into Makoto’s hands that he reads for the group:
“Even a dethroned monarch can be crowned again…”
Huh? The crew is unusure to what this means and by now the other groups have arrived. Jun also begins to stir, chuckling at their confusion. Munakata walls up to him, raises his katana and holds his blade to Jun’s throat. What is the meaning of this? Who recruited him for this? Who does this hint refer to. Jun opens his mouth, but by now Monokima units have flooded the room and snatched Jun.  
It's been announced that since Jun lost there would be a penalty for him. As Munakata and Juzo fight to get to him, begging him to speak, and to stay with them - all Jun could say is this:
“Eh, only thing I can really say is that the one who got me on board was a real nag. Sorry, but my hands are tied.” But right as they take him out of the room he does say this to Munakata. 
“Maybe…I was the one that couldn't remain decisive that day."
With that he was gone. But for what? Well…
“Boss of the Pestilence Floor, Ex-Ultimate Exterminator: Jun Ueda has lost his fight. Time to face the penalty!!! Let’s give it everything we’ve got: It’s punishment time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
Execution: Suffocation of the White Rider
Jun wakes up to find himself trapped in an enclosed space with multiple other boxes beside him. The boxes all open to pour vermin and other dangerous animals. In addition, gas begins to fill the room. Chuckling, Jun goes around the room, trying to fend off the beasts as he scrambles to find a jumpsuit, oxygen tank and gas mask to put on. He succeeds, but that’s also his downfall. I nthe suit itself are venomous creatures that attack Jun. The suit itself can not be removed and the cast are forced to watch as he stumbles around in the haze…and eventually collapses dead.
This horrifies a lot of the cast, but they are urged by Munakata and Tengan to return down towards the first floor. The first floor has been cleared, and given what they’ve gone through, a rest is deserved.
On the monitors, of the MonoKast, Monokowl has been removed.
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thenewfuture · 1 year
Hooo boy where to start
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First...let me say that I really do apologize for my actions and I will do anything to repay for it. And I really am thankful for your proposal, Kyousuke.
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However, I'm going to have to decline. These ones here aren't the Remnants of Despair, as far as you know them. I've come to show you that they've changed.
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Yes. I have evidence to back this up. *Kyoko takes out her phone and types on it*
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*The main screen displays various pictures and videos of the Remnants time on Jabberwock Island after they woke up*
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What you see now are various recordings we have kept on the Remnants after we took them to Jabberwock Island, following their time in the Neo World Program and told them of their past. This can be backed up by Miaya Gekkogahara.
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We learned that Class 77-B of Hope's Peak Academy have been brainwashed by Junko Enoshima, and as such cannot be reasonably tried for their actions.
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Brainwashed, you say...?
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*Breathes into the bag still*
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Though we have had some....difficulties with a few of them...
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However, during these past few weeks they exhibited behaviors of great sorrow and regret. Not the heinous criminals as once thought. This can be more proven through a handful of therapy sessions also preformed by Gekkogahara.
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Even in the presence of a killing game, many had mostly understandable actions and reasonings for their crimes. Some of which sacrificed themself for others benefit.
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And these five here are the survivors of the Jabberwock Killing Game and the first that have awoken from the program. And they are here to testify about the memories and actions during that time.
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In the face of this evidence, we claim that the Remnants of Despair are innocent and all this and will do whatever is necessary to atone.
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And that's the reason why I did what I did. It didn't feel right executing them when I learned all of that.
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So please! I beg you to hear us out and reconsider!
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Brainwashed, huh? Kind of a cliche don't you think?
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Hold on. They are backed by substantial evidence and working with Miaya. We even have numerous reports of other victims that Junko Enoshima and other Despairs have brainwashed.
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If this is true, we can help many people this way without the use of violence. Makoto Naegi's actions are indeed questionable, but his logic is solid. They are even willing to accept their possible sentence, I say we give them a chance.
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Yeah, an egg's shadow still cast light in some areas!
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Their actions may be reprehensible...b-but as Future Foundation...d-don't we have an obligation to help those overcome despair? N-No matter who they may be...?
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'It's working...this is working out for us. We just may-'
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OH GET REAL! 'Brainwashing'? You think that excuse is going to fly here after everything they've done?!
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starlightshadowsworld · 10 months
Danganronpa 3 Future Arc episode 8
Oh shit time rewind.
So we're back in the past seeing former teachers fight the Remnants.
I guess this is the recruiter guys backstory? Koichi.
... Well at least we know the bloods red.
Back to the present and yup yikes Hiro is still on the roof being shot at.
Say what you will about Hiro but man has managed to singlehandedly avoid being shot while being fired at from all sides.
That's impressive.
And the cavalry is here!
Byakuya my dude, great entrance.
You wouldn't leave him you caaareee you can't deny it Byakuya you carreee.
"Somebodies gonna die because of me"... Oh yeah, straight back to Makoto having a crisis.
Awwh shut up no, he promised Komaru he'd come back.
I know Makoto's not one to go back on his word but given he started this whole arc about to be arrested for life and or executed.... He erm... Wasn't gonna be keeping his word.
Well I doubt Kyoko or the others would let it happen so there's that but yeah.
It's sweet seeing Komaru give Makoto a words of encouragement, a hope speech if you will.
He needs one.
And the smile.
I forgot no one told em Gekkogahara was a robot, probably should've lead with that.
Confirmation that Makoto can run in classrooms.
.... Annnd straight into Munakata standing ominously with one eye.
Oh no.
Okay but the stabbing the sheath into the ground, pulling the sword out and in it's reflection is Asahina and Makoto.
So cool.
Words I don't usually use for Munakata.
And Gekkogahara is still functioning and just fighting Munakata.
Oh we're finally gonna find Kyoko, heck yes.
Speaking off, right back to her trying to investigate who killed Izayoi, aka the knife guy.
You know, I appreciate Kyoko for her dedication to her craft. There are no class trials but she knows how this games work.
Everyone wants to leave cos they might get murdered, nope they'll leave when she's done.
I admire her for that.
Idk if Ruruka tripping on some stuff means anything but Koichi says he's glad she just tripped and isn't trying to mess up the crime scene.
So, making a note of that.
Ah fuck Juzo's here.
Man I didn't care about Izayoi either but wow how flippant you are about his death.
Especially in front of his girlfriend.
Byakuya giving off the vibes of a man who's just so tired but he's got a job too while Hiro annoys him.
So they're stashing boxes with a danger sign on them.
"Don't you dare die before I have a chance to rescue you."
He totally cares.
Uh huh yeah sure like you're gonna be able to kill Kyoko Kirigiri, Juzo.
You can pretend to be a main character all you want, you sir are just a loud ass side character.
Koichi throwing something at him should've have made me laugh but here we are.
Oh! Oh he figured out his forbidden action, damn Koichi really pulling his weight this episode.
So Juzo can't throw a bunch, that's why he's fighting with a knife.
Despite being the former ultimate boxer.
That is quite interesting. And I love the idea that someone who talks down to people without a ultimate talent is now prohibited from using his.
Making him just no better than a talentless normal person.
Koichi is just ripping into this man that punching is probably the only thing he's good at.
Ah I love this, good shit.
Koichi sharing his forbidden action, which is opening his left hand.
Sure why not, makes for an interesting fight which I think is coming given how he's egging on Juzo who has the temperament of first game Byakuya.
"You are not even worthy of speaking that man's name."
... Munakata, Munakata, Munakata, Kyosuke Munakata.
Man you and Chisa have like 0 self respect, it's kinda concerning.
WAIT what was that, flashback for like a second of Junko on him and he's on the ground... Did Junko beat him?
That's a story, can't wait for that.
Nice, Koichi used the booby trap to get him. I don't think he's dead though. I love that it was just an accident too that's amazing.
Dumb luck man, never underestimate it.
AH HECK! Ruruka did mess shit up, fuck Kyokos going down.
Oh no... Koichi had to open his hand to save her... Fuck, that's good that's so good. Awh and he was bring poisoned and still got her to safety.
Man... Dude really honoured his promise to her father.
Aww baby Kyoko is so cute.
And she'll never know why he saved her.
Oh no Juzo got an energy boost from sweets.. Ruruka I know your doing a bit but I never needed to hear Juzo get called big boy.
I don't think she's the spy even if she's helping him rn, it just doesn't feel that satisfying.
Monaca being Gekkogahara, amazing twist didn't see that coming.
But Ruruka's been sus from the start, I feel like this is just so she can survive and get on Juzo's good side so he doesn't kill him.
Watch me be completely wrong.
... If that chocolate can actually mind control people I am suddenly very concerned for Izayoi and glad Seiko couldn't have any.
I don't think it can but weirder shit has happened in this franchise and Juzo has lost it.
"I'm no ones puppet"
He really just said that didn't he?
I guess he isn't because he is very happy to be Munakata's bitch.... I mean, henchmen? Friend?... No I think I was right with bitch.
I love that Kyoko is just like why murder, when you can solve the mystery.
So true.
Ayy we unveiling cause of deaths, finally some investigation in my killing game.
Confirmation Seiko's dead, sad I liked Seiko.
Izayoi was stabbed after he died to make it look like that was what killed him, clever.
I love that Juzo is just unnerved by her Detective skills that he's just like... Okay explain..
Shouldn't be surprised to be honest, unless I'm remembering incorrectly the Kirigiri's are known for being a detective family.
Even than, you guys still worked together and would know each other's talents.
... Kyoko did you... Did she just lick Izayoi's saliva off her hand, for evidence?
... She did...
Man Kyoko don't mess around.
Reveal of the door!
Rukura killing Izayoi is a lot more satisfying of an answer, brutal.
I mean killing your boyfriend/childhood friend is a lot.
"Wow you really are cold."
Ryota, shut up.
Do not diss Kyoko for trying to move the plot along and saving all your asses.
Besides, you think this is Kyoko being cold?
"I know. I have to be, because I'm a detective."
Badass, and while true you have grown and you care and that's alright.
Ooooo post credit scene.
Byakuya and the gang breaking into the building.
And the buildings coming down..
... What on earth...
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askthedespairkids · 1 year
long story short
*Yuuki stands by the beach's cliffside, listening to waves crash against the craggy rocks. The red hue of the sky clashes strikingly against the black-blue sea*
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It's been a long day, no?
Yuuki: *He flinches, failing to hear Maemi approach. Eyes wide, he fails to form any words to say to her*
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*She walks up to his side, smooths out her dress and sits on the grassy stone. A few silent moments pass and she looks up at Yuuki expectedly. He takes a seat, unable to bring himself to turn to her*
Yuuki: ...you look beautiful. I've never seen you with your hair down before. It's a lot longer than I realised.
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Yuuki: ...*His lips press together and thin* Sorry. I don't know what to say.
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I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be my line in this situation...
Yuuki: ...
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I'm sorry, Yuuki. For everything. The lying, the manipulation, all of it. No matter what reason I had for doing it all, it doesn't make it any better...and I used Sly to make it happen as well, which just makes the whole situation even more bitter.
Yuuki: For both of us, yeah...*He finally finds the courage to turn and look at her* I thought you weren't going to apologise for what you did?
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I said I wouldn't regret it. Which I don't. You were getting worse, and it came to the point where it meant even if I had to burn all of my bridges to save you - to make up for all the times you saved me...it would be worth it.
Yuuki: Why did you never come clean about remembering it all? About knowing that Shirogane was That Girl.
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...I had moved on with my life since those days. Or at least...learned to live and pretend it never happened. So, when I saw you at Hope's Peak on that first day and I saw that look in your eyes...I vowed to never let you realise I remembered. To never dredge up the past. We deserved to move on...after all, it got covered up. Its not like I could go to a therapist and talk about it - they'd call me delusional and crazy.
Yuuki: ...I could never get past it. *He takes his hat off and stares at it* ...Nic gave this to me the day before he died. How could I ever move on?
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Nic...The Ultimate Explorer.
Yuuki: *A sad smile creeps on his face* I still feel like that fifteen year old, sitting across from him in the dining hall. Thinking...'as long as you're here, I'll be okay'. I think I'm still mentally there. Like I've got dust collecting on me, right where Nic left me.
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He was a good man...
Yuuki: And yet he died, when I'm still here...when you didn't remember it crushed me. I felt so isolated. And then I find out after all these years that you actually remembered? I just don't...how could you just move on?
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Honestly, I still have nightmares of it. That I'm still at knifepoint before Hikari-san saved me...but he doesn't make it in those dreams. So, I guess I'm not as far past it as I like to let on.
Yuuki: *He chuckles bitterly* And yet you still hang around Shirogane.
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I just can't risk her remembering it. If she ever became that person again...
Yuuki: Yeah, I don't want that either...thank you for saving me. You were willing to sacrifice your friends in order to save me. I didn't deserve that kind of resolve.
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It was a dirty tactic. I think my friendship with Sly is as good as over...
Yuuki: *They look at each other briefly and then turn back to the ocean* ...funnily enough, it's because of this that I'm finally friends with him. So, I suppose some good did come of it.
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Maybe if you didn't put on that playboy-polyglot-persona then you would've had an easier time finding your social links.
Yuuki: Eh~ You don't like it when I call you 'Mademoiselle'?
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Please. When you showed up with that personality, I thought you'd had a breakdown. But no, you just decided to be like that.
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I, however, still remember the boy that locked himself out of his dorm when he was only wearing his underwear-
Yuuki: *His face burns with embarrassment* arrêter de parler! God, it's too much to remember!
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Hmhm! That's more like the Yuuki I remember.
Yuuki: ...I missed you.
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Yuuki: Come on, Maemi-chan just let me say it once. After all these years I get to find out that you're really that same girl...I missed you.
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...I missed you too.
Yuuki: ...*He smiles, just a little*...will we be okay?
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That'll be up to you. I'll put the work in, but I don't want to you just go ahead and forgive me until I've really earned it.
Yuuki: I know. At least I know you aren't going anywhere, right?
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Not as long as you're going to be around.
Yuuki: *He grins* Then I look forward to seeing if we'll to reinvent our friendship...Mademoiselle Watanabe.
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And you, Monsieur Kurosaki. *She stands up and offers him a hand. He takes it and the two look back to the party* We should go back now, no? Before they realise we snuck off.
Yuuki: Yes, we should...*He looks ready to say something, but when Maemi looks into his eyes, his words die in his throat* After you.
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*Panting heavily, having managed to protect the bouquet from the crowd that tried to wrestle it away from him* I...did it...
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Kurosaki-san, it looks like broccoli toss is about to happen. You should go and join in.
Yuuki: Oh, no, I couldn't-
Kobo: *Pushing Yuuki towards the crowd* C'mon, loser! Get in there and join us!
Yuuki: O-Okanaya-kun, wait! Urgh! *He gets shoved in amongst the crowd*
Karma: *Now atop the platform, they turn their back to the crowd* Right! Three! Two! One! *The throw the broccoli over their head and into the crowd and it falls into the fray. As the crowd reaches to grab it, one hand manages to grasp it before anyone else*
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Ahah! I got it!
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Damn! (Kid's so short I didn't even see him go for the kill!)
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*Nudges Kyouko off to the side* Looks like you'll have a lovely prosperous family. Lucky you!
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Yuuki: *Looks around at the celebration. His classmates laughing and mingling. And finally, for the first time in a long time, Yuuki finds peace and relaxes into the atmosphere*
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Let’s leave!
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*A Future Foundation member walk in*
Future Foundation Member: Hey... we grab everything from inside the building.
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Did you get all the bodies too?
Future Foundation Member: We did, we made sure to do that too...
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Thanks... Masa, we better get going - we are done here.
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Oh right, okay - well I suppose we should get going then.
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Sorry but we have to leave, we need to head back to Future Foundation and get you all secure so we need to head off so anymore questions?
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...I think that's more then enough, I think we can trust you.
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Thank you for confirming the information; this will help us understand the situation so let's be off.
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Right, okay everyone - time for us to take our leave.
*After everything was gather that the cars and trucks took off, leaving behind Hope's Peak*
'At the time, Future Foundation was trusted and helped us to get accustomed to the world and even answer any questions we had which is a good thing but then... an interrogation occur...'
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Canon/Headcanon Voice Cast
//So I have a whole page on the blog talking about the headcanon voice actors, but I'm making a post here so people can access it easier, especially since I'm starting to realize that Tumblr has, for some reason, made editing the pages themselves a lot more complicated.
//This website continues to suck ass, but hey, we roll with the punches as per usual.
Danganronpa 1: Makoto Naegi - Bryce Papenbrook Kyoko Kirigiri - Erika Harlacher-Stone Byakuya Togami - Jason Wishnov Aoi Asahina - Cassandra Lee Morris Yasuhiro Hagakure - Kaiji Tang Toko Fukawa - Bennett Abara Genocide Jill - Erin Fitzgerald Sayaka Maizono - Dorothy Fahn Leon Kuwata - Grant George Chihiro Fujisaki - Dorothy Fahn Alter Ego - Dorothy Fahn Mondo Owada - Keith Silverstein Kiyotaka Ishimaru - Sean Chiplock Hifumi Yamada - Lucien Dodge Celestia Ludenburg/Taeko Yasuhiro - Marieve Herington Sakura Ogami - Jessica Gee George Mukuro Ikusaba - Bennett Abara Junko Enoshima (All Versions) - Bennett Abara & Erin Fitzgerald Monokuma - Brian Beacock
Danganronpa 2:
Hajime Hinata - Johnny Yong Bosch Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - Derek Stephen Prince Kazuichi Soda - Kyle Hebert Sonia Nevermind - Natalie Hoover Akane Owari - Anairis Quinones Ultimate Imposter - Jessie James Grelle Teruteru Hanamura - Todd Haberkorn Mahiru Koizumi - Carrie Keranen Peko Pekoyama - Janice Kawaye Ibuki Mioda - Julie Ann Taylor Hiyoko Saionji - Kira Buckland Mikan Tsumiki - Stephanie Sheh Nekomaru Nidai - Patrick Seitz Gundham Tanaka - Chris Tergliafera Nagito Komaeda - Bryce Papenbrook Chiaki Nanami - Christine Cabanos Izuru Kamukura - Jonny Yong Bosh Usami - Rebecca Forstadt
Danganronpa 3 (the anime):
Seiko Kimura - Erin Fitzgerald Ryota Mitarai - Justin Briner Miaya Gekkogahara - Amber Lee Conners Daisaku Bandai - Tia Ballard Koichi Kizakura - Kaiji Tang Kyosuke Munakata - Ricco Fajardo Chisa Yukizome - Colleen Clinkenbeard
Danganronpa V3:
Shuichi Saihara - Grant George Maki Harukawa - Erica Mendez Himiko Yumeno - Christine Cabanos Kaede Akamatsu - Erika Harlacher-Stone Ryoma Hoshi - Chris Tergliafera Kirumi Tojo - Kira Buckland Angie Yonaga - Cassandra Lee Morris Tenko Chabashira - Julie Ann Taylor Miu Iruma - Wendee Lee Kaito Momota - Kyle Hebert Kokichi Ouma - Derek Stephen Prince Tsumugi Shirogane - Dorothy Fahn K1-B0/Keebo - Lucien Dodge Gonta Gokuhara - Kaiji Tang Rantaro Amami - Johnny Yong Bosch Korekiyo Shinguji - Todd Haberkorn Monodam - Jason Wishnov Monosuke - Brian Beacock Monotaro - Sean Chiplock Monophanie - Natalie Hoover Monokid - Patrick Seitz
Ultra Despair Girls:
Komaru Naegi - Cherami Leigh Monaca Towa - Christina Vee Nagisa Shingetsu - Erica Mendez Masaru Daimon - Tara Jayne Sands Kotoko Utsugi - Erika Lindbeck Jataro Kemuri - Michelle Ruff Yuta Asahina - Michelle Ruff Taichi Fujisaki - Tony Oliver Haiji Towa - Matthew Mercer Hiroko Hagakure - Jessica Straus
Danganronpa Another Despair Academy/Another 2:
Sora - Rachel Chau Yoruko Kabuya - Jeannie Tirado Yuki Maeda - Yuri Lowenthal Tsurugi Kinjo - Crispin Freeman Rei Mekaru - Laura Post Mikako Kurokawa - Brittany Cox Teruya Otori - Kyle McCarly Setsuka Chiebukuro - Elizabeth Maxwell Ryutaro Maki - Zach Aguilar Midori Yamaguchi - Jackie Lastra Keisuke Iranami - Liam O’ Brien Minako Tomori - Allegra Clark Iroha Nijiue - Sarah Williams Syobai Hashimoto - Mark Whitten Mikado Sannoji - Doug Erholtz Kanata Inori - Felicia Angelle Kanade Otonokoji - Ashley Johnson Akane Taira - Tara Platt Hikaru Ando - J. Michael Tatum Hibiki Otonokoji - Amalee Yamato Kisaragi - Max Mittelman
Danganronpa Blowback:
Akeru Yozora - Sarah Miller-Crews Yukari Koime - Erika Lindbeck Mikihiko Koyasunaga - Alejandro Saab Yosaku Fujita - Brook Chalmers Kana Ise - Laura Stahl Misako Rokuhana - Suzie Yeung Kanjiro Hayamoto - Kirk Thornton Seina Datenashi - Kayli Mills Shozo Asayoru - Zeno Robinson Ryo Koumori - Khoi Dao Chinami Hasami - Erin Ebers Mai Yurino - Lauren Landa Kazuki Watanabe - Sarah Natochenny
Akira Tsuchiya - Kellen Goff Narumi Osone - Jenny Yokobori Misuzu Aisaka - Megan Taylor Harvey Kazuomi Samejima - Ben Balmaceda Ayumu Fujimoru - Johnny Yong Bosch Marin Mizuta - Christine Cabanos Mikoto Itsuki - Brianna Knickerbocker Kego Sakuma - Christian Banas Aruma Todoroki - Alexis Tipton Mitsunari Koga - Aaron Dismuke Seishi Yodogawa - Xander Mobus Nico Himuro - Chadni Parekh Zen Katagiri - Xander Mobus
Project: Eden’s Garden:
Eloise Taulner - Hannah Magers
Original Characters:
Kuripa Kurafto - Valentine Stokes Uchui Porosen - Christian La Monte Kibin Hatsudoki - Ashleigh Ball Eje Karma - Clifford Chapin Matta Gyalusetsu - Connor Colquhoun Kotoko Kurafto - Morgan Lauré Garrett Tsutsuji Magahara - Molly Zhang
Danganronpa V2: New World Order: All people listed below are the usernames of the original VA's. Actual names are unknown. M11-YU - Echo Mona - Bearpuff4 Dash - hi im stel Pierce - Silavent Blaise - 1412Destroyer Eden - Crash
Hyper Danganronpa H2O: Abandoned By Hope: Maya Canzanilla - Eden Riegal Four Kaiden - Kayleigh McKee Hunter Rosenhall - Ray Chase Kouji Ito - Shannon McKain Leona Vasquez - Macy Anne Johnson Oliver Feng - Erik Kimerer Emilia Feng - Genevieve Simmons
Master Detective Archives: Rain Code:
Yomi Hellsmile - Howard Wang
Other Characters:
Yui Samidare - Lizzie Freeman Kanon Nakajima - Cherami Leigh Natsumi Sato Kuzuryu - Corina Boettger
Joke Characters (Anti-Plot):
Lune - Aoi Yuki Steve - N/A Monoshado - Keanu Reeves (why not? XD) Monika - Jillian Ashcraft S-Sister - Cherami Leigh S-Animator - Valentine Stokes S-Writer - Bennett Abara S-Fiend - Erin Fitzgerald S-Luck - Bryce Papenbrook S-Divine - Yuri Lowenthal S-Pianist - Erika Harlacher-Stone S-Detective - Grant George S-Hope - Johnny Yong Bosch S-AI - Rachel Chau S-Barista - Eden Riegal
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simplyluunaa · 5 months
˙⊹ ੈ✰[Danganronpa Masterlist]✰ ੈ⊹˙
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-ˏˋ. Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc ˊˎ-
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Boys
Makoto Naegi -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ-
Byakuya Togami -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ-
Chihiro Fujisaki -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ-
Hifumi Yamada -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ-
Kiyotaka Ishimaru -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ- -ˏˋ. Finding You Almost Dead ˊˎ-
Leon Kuwata -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ-
Mondo Owada -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ- -ˏˋ. Finding You Almost Dead ˊˎ- -ˏˋ. Transmac + Chubby reader ˊˎ-
Yasuhiro Hagakure -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ-
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Girls
Aoi Asahina -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ- -ˏˋ. Finding You Almost Dead ˊˎ-
Celestia Ludenberg -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ-
Junko Enoshima -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ-
Kyoko Kirigiri -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ- -ˏˋ. Finding You Almost Dead ˊˎ-
Mukuro Ikusaba -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ-
Sakura Ogami -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ- -ˏˋ. Finding You Almost Dead ˊˎ-
Sayaka Maizono -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ-
Toko Fukawa -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ- -ˏˋ. Finding You Almost Dead ˊˎ-
Genocider Syo -ˏˋ. Love Language ˊˎ- -ˏˋ. Finding You Almost Dead ˊˎ-
-ˏˋ. Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair ˊˎ-
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Boys
Hajime Hinata ...nothing yet
Ultimate Imposter ...nothing yet
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu ...nothing yet
Gundham Tanaka -ˏˋ. Transmac + Chubby reader ˊˎ- -ˏˋ. Stopping them from killingˊˎ-
Kazuichi Soda ...nothing yet
Nagito Komaeda -ˏˋ. Stopping them from killingˊˎ-
Nekomaru Nidai ...nothing yet
Teruteru Hanamura -ˏˋ. Stopping them from killingˊˎ-
Ultimate Imposter ...nothing yet
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Girls
Akane Owari ...nothing yet
Chiaki Nanami ...nothing yet
Hiyoko Saionji ...nothing yet
Ibuki Mioda ...nothing yet
Mahiru Koizumi ...nothing yet
Mikan Tsumiki ...nothing yet
Peko Pekoyama ...nothing yet
Sonia Nevermind ...nothing yet
-ˏˋ. Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony ˊˎ-
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Boys
Shuichi Saihara ...nothing yet
Gonta Gokuhara -ˏˋ. Falling asleep on them ˊˎ-
Keebo ...nothing yet
Kaito Momota ...nothing yet
Kokichi Oma ...nothing yet
Korekiyo Shinguji -ˏˋ. Transmac + Chubby reader ˊˎ-
Rantaro Amami ...nothing yet
Ryoma Hoshi ...nothing yet
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Girls
Kaede Akamatsu ...nothing yet
Angie Yonaga ...nothing yet
Himiko Yumeno ...nothing yet
Kirumi Tojo -ˏˋ. Falling asleep on them ˊˎ-
Maki Harukawa ...nothing yet
Mui Iruma ...nothing yet
Tenko Chabashira -ˏˋ. Falling asleep on them ˊˎ-
Tsumugi Shirogane -ˏˋ. General NSFW ˊˎ-
-ˏˋ. Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls ˊˎ-
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Warriors of Hope (Please note, any headcanons/fics of the Warriors of Hope will be purely platonic!!)
Jataro Kemuri ...nothing yet
Kotoko Utsugi ...nothing yet
Masaru Daimon ...nothing yet
Nagisa Shingetsu -ˏˋ. With an autistic reader ˊˎ-
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Other
Komaru Naegi ...nothing yet
-ˏˋ. Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School ˊˎ-
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Boys
Kyosuke Munakata ...nothing yet
Koichi Kizakura ...nothing yet
Juzo Sakakura ...nothing yet
Sonosuke Izayoi ...nothing yet
Ryota Mitarai ...nothing yet
Daisaku Bandai ...nothing yet
Great Gozu ...nothing yet
˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢ Girls
Seiko Kimura ...nothing yet
Chisa Yukizome ...nothing yet
Miya Gekkgahara ...nothing yet
Ruruka Ando ...nothing yet
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gladosluver · 4 months
came to me in a dream
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mod-kyoko · 1 year
do they smoke weed?
this is a list of EVERY danganronpa character and whether or not i think they smoke weed. thank you.
they are literally never not smoking.
[leon kuwata, monokid, miu iruma, kurokuma, hiroko hagakure, the madarai brothers]
from time to time, mostly to unwind after stressful days, or with friends.
[monokuma, mukuro ikusaba, mondo owada, genocide jack, yasuhiro hagakure, rantaro amami]
didn't want to at first, but gave in to peer pressure and now they love it.
[aoi asahina, monosuke, koichi kizakura, fuyuhiko kuzuryu, sonia nevermind, tenko chabashira]
tried it once, saw god, will NOT be trying it again.
[chihiro fujisaki, hajime hinata, ibuki mioda, kazuichi soda, teruteru hanamura, monotaro, gonta gokuhara, shuichi saihara, ryota mitarai, monophanie]
they're too scared of the consequences.
[makoto naegi, hifumi yamada, usami, mikan tsumiki, himiko yumeno, shirokuma, komaru naegi, miaya gekkogahara]
decided it wasn't worth the risk.
[akane owari, nekomaru nidai, kaede akamatsu, kiibo, kaito momota, ryoma hoshi, seiko kimura, juzo sakakura, daisaku bandai, great gozu, sato, chisa yukizome, gundham tanaka]
has never and will never be interested.
[celestia ludenberg, kiyotaka ishimaru, kyoko kirigiri, sakura ogami, jin kirigiri, ultimate imposter, chiaki nanami, nagito komaeda, peko pekoyama, monodam, kirumi tojo, korekiyo shinguji, tsumugi shirogane, taichi fujisaki, kazuo tengan, sonosuke izayoi]
"no because i'm not an idiot."
[byakuya togami, hiyoko saionji, angie yonaga, maki harukawa, kokichi oma, kyosuke munakata, ruruka ando, natsumi kuzuryu, ryoko otonashi, junko enoshima, toko fukawa, mahiru koizumi, izuru kamukura]
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utsukurou · 2 months
I got more my pookie bears
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Ryota in despair arc ep.9:
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shockersalvage · 9 months
Danganronpa 3: Future Arc Rewrite (Part 1: DISTRUST Life)
Now this has been something that's been about years in development. Okay, for this Rewrite in particular, it would probably be about a year and half, but since 2016 I've always wanted to try my hand at a rewrite to DR3. For me, while it is not the worst in Danganronpa's entries (that honor goes to Killer Killer) it is still not exactly my favorite for a variety of reasons. Personally, while it does have some good moments in there, overall I do not really believe that it ends the Hope's Peak story on a satisfying note to really end things on. That isn't to say anyone else can't like it, it's just some of the writing decisions it made just didn't land home for me. Throughout the rewrite, I'll be gradually going about each decision when I feel it's a good time to discuss it and why I changed things the way I did.
This is rewrite is essentially how I would go about things, with a pretty big one just off the bat. In this version, instead of alternating between a Future and Despair Arc, it's just simply a 24 'episode' outline that covers Future Arc with Despair Arc elements acting the new 'main story' of DR3.
I've done it this way because I believe that, while it was an interesting decision, the current format of DR3 lead to both sides characters, story and concepts being underdeveloped as it bounced between a killing game and trying to give the full-ish story of the Tragedy. So I thought it was best to give each their own section, with Despair Arc being its own thing for a separate date.
Regardless, I hope, at the very least, this becomes a nice read for you all! Happy New Years!
Distrust Life 1-12
(Episode 1)
Now this starts off with the first major change being Asahina being promoted to Director of the 13th Division. Now one of the issues, on the minor scale, was the 13th Director never showing up and being seemingly forgotten. Nowhere in media concerning DR3 do they ever appear. So off the bat, we’re rectifying this by just having Hina be the Director upfront, with the explanation that its a recent promotion.
As for the former Director, who I will call ‘Yoshiko Yoshino’ (who is the old PE. Teacher shown briefly in DR3 - who got blown up by Junko. Here its the other PE Teacher, yes there were 2, that gets blown up instead)  she had been heavily injured in an attack prior to Hina coming onto the Division. Yoshiko is retiring after chronic pain still persisted. She compliments Hina for her efforts that have been non-stop since she arrived and how she genuinely feels she can leave the Division to her hands.
We get a flashback to Hina watching over the reunion of her friend's loved ones who were Targets in the Demon Hunting Game (except Komaru whose still in Towa). Though upon learning that her brother, Yuta, didn’t make it out of it, she smiles and wishes them all the best before eventually slinking off. Tears down her face, and blaming Junko’s forces for it. With an urge to do more surging through her veins, she tranfers over to the 13th Division to deliver supplies to areas still incredibily afflicted by Despair's wrath. Through a montage, we see Hina going about wrecked areas of Japan dutifully giving supplies, fighting off foes and being kind to those who need all. All while keeping the image of her brother in mind. In the present, by the time she leaves her office, nervous yet determined to give a speech to her new underlings, she is instead greeted by Togami and she gets the news that Naegi has been arrested.
Another flashback shows that once Makoto, Togami and Kyoko has arrived back to FF mainland, Kyosuke had arranged to have Makoto taken away in handcuffs and taken to Division 6th Detention centre. Kyosuke, Juzo and Chisa were there in person to greet the trio on the docks. Kyosuke and Juzo, naturally, were both furious concerning the whole ‘Makoto taking the Remnants’ incident and were it not for Makoto’s popularity, would have killed him on the spot. Instead, the Ultimate Hope is being confined.
Concerning Kyoko and Togami, given their positions as both Director and Vice Director of the 14th Divison, as well as being celebrities for going against Junko, they can’t just fire them outright. Instead Kyoko is temporarily suspended from her duties and kept under watch by the 5th Branch, for questioning and to keep a close eye on her well. Since only one ‘Director’ is needed present with the 14 Division, Togami is sent back but is a close eye is being kept by Kyosuke’s forces.
Thus, the only one who can realistically visit Makoto to help him is Hina (Hagakure got kicked out due to both not being a Director and because the prison staff is sick of dealing with him & his antics normally). Though at the moment, despite being a Director, she is barred from the facility given her connection with Makoto. Now Asahina has been thoroughly out of the loop for a while now, so Togami catches her up to speed with the basic summary of the Havoc Crew, barring her, Toko and Hagakure (though the latter two got to know, eventually during the operation itself), having initiated a plan meant to rehabilitate the Remnants. The results of which are shaky at best (to Togami anyways). She’s shocked and a bit hurt given such a secret was kept from her, but tries to push that down. She needs to check up on Makoto. But, the only way she is getting into the facility is with permissions from seven other Directors of the Foundation, which came from the prison staff themselves when she visited in an attempt to try to sway them.
Thus leading to the scene where storms out and runs smack dab into a drinking Koichi Kizakura to end the first episode.
(Episode 2)
Now this stretch is what I like to call the ‘Directors of the Week’ episodes! Where each episode we get to learn a deal about the Directors, ideally that being two an episode. In this case, Koichi is our handy-dandy support that shall assist Hina in her (mis)adventures. Truth be told, she’s kind of weary of him wanting to pal around with her for a time since she knows since back from her HPA days he’s kind of a weak alcoholic. He wins her over with him dangling his knowledge of the the Directors in her face and his promise to hand over his recommendation from the get-go. It’s also him that suggests meeting the others in person since the Directors would likely be on their feet or busy with personal matters more often than would be sitting back reading emails a whole lot. Koichi had been in the area getting a drink from the nearby pub, but running into Hina like this, he believes it must be fate working its hand.
In terms of dynamics, the idea behind Asahina and Koichi being together, is for Koichi to be essentially the enabling drinker and bit a of cheeky teaser, with a touch of a manipulative side, to Hina’s impulsive, hot-blooded and cheerful attitude. That said, this is a Hina that has matured since her DR1 days and will have no problem snipping back at Koichi’s intentions and being more aware of the seedier side of humanity.
First stop Great Gozu at the 12th Branch via helicopter. Now with Gozu, his focus would concern fleshing out a bit of a peculiarity that the original DR3 didn’t go into. Namely, how come a Wrestler is in charge of public restoration efforts. In addition, despite revealing he’s been with the Foundation since it was first established, why is he apart of the 12th one? Well, in this case, he notes his status as Director of 12th Branch is more because of his ‘image’ than anything. During the heyday of the Tragedy, any attempts at restoration was stopped by criminals, from petty thugs to Remnants seeking to keep chaos. It was believed that Gozu, who got into more than his fair share of fights against the Remnants and criminals, being named a Director could essentially work to scare off such threats, thus allowing his men to work in peace. Of course, both Gozu and an armed security detail are always deployed as well - just in case scaring off people doesn't work. To prove a point, the episode would show Gozu suplexing some poor troublemakers trying to cause havoc at a youth centre Restoration site.
This episode would also address something that was never brought up in the anime: His relationship with Tengan and his backstory. During his talk, he explains how he was a rising star of a professional wrestler back during his youth and Tengan happened to be watching his shows. As such, he got scouted by for Hope’s Peak. He became Tengan’s bodyguard as a means of repaying such a debt, and is a bit worried about the old guy since taking up the Director mantle since he can't do his old job as much. Concerning the Makoto debacle, while he's doing hold some reservations given that it was the Remnants being taken, he decides to trust in Makoto since he likes his attitude and sees him as being a worthy Symbol of the Future Foundation - as its Ultimate Hope. Thus, he’s willing to give support to Hina by handing her a Rec Letter. He also decides to come with her to meet with the Director of the 11th Branch.
The next part is Daisaku Bandai focused…yeah. Now, in the original, he’s sadly the most forgettable ‘just there for the body count’ participant ever, lasting one episode and a few minutes. So what can we do with him? Well, in the relationship charts, Bandai is listed as being apart of two neutrals in the Foundation, alongside Miaya. So, this version has said neutrality and mediator nature be more pronounced. If Gozu is the friendly giant that’s willing to fight you for his ideals, Bandai’s the gentle giant whose going to want both of you to sit by the fire and talk things out. In addition, as for his sayings, his intent with them is to say their meaning is for something you have to figure out yourself (better than him just saying they're meaningless).
As for why he’s in charge of the 11th Branch despite also being with the Foundation from the start, originally Bandai didn’t want to be caught up in the drama concerning politics that comes with being an official Director, and even then Junko’s forces made getting a formal Branch set up for his duties a pain. Following her death, and the mass suicide of good chunk of her followers, that chance of peace had him finally cave to the higher-ups requests and establish a formal branch. In general, he sees the Foundation’s inner turmoil as being a thorn he very much wanted nothing to do with, especially since he prefers everyone elected to bury the hatchet and be good comrades working for the goal of Restoration.
His meeting with Hina has him hug it out with Gozu and both just really enjoying each other’s company, with Gozu trying and failing a bit to figure out Bandai’s sayings and Bandai agreeing to wrestle with him during their off days (what kind of wrestling will leave that to one’s disclosure). His meeting Hina has all four in his branch's personal garden rest area that he always tends to, full of fruits, water and, in general, just having a refreshing atmosphere anyone (even the most uptight of people) could enjoy. When it came to getting his Rec Letter, he’s pretty willing to give it to Hina no strings attached. Though its with him, we get his view on the matter.
On one hand, he also wants to give trust to Makoto since he doubts someone who would stand up and stop Junko Enoshima of all people could do something nefarious. That being said, he also fully recognizes why other Directors might be angry - bringing up the Remnants status as wanted criminals that did hurt the world. It’s then that Bandai brings up a question to Hina: What does she think of her friends trying to rehabilitate the Remnants? 
Hina, try as she might, struggles to even open her mouth as the question brings conflict to her mind. Flashes of her dearest friends, no, her only family…and the thought of her dead brother dying because of them. Ultimately, Bandai hands over the letter and tells her that, by the time they do meet again, she should take a step back to clear her head and form her own opinion on the matter. Not as a Director or even a friend of Makoto, but as Aoi Asahina. Taking in such advice, both Hina and Koichi wave off the burly Dads as they head to the 10th branch.
(Episode 3)
Ryota Mitarai is the Director of this branch and we see that he spends most of his time cooped up in his personal office. Blinds closed and hunched over drawing his weary eyes out only for him to yawn, look back and see a perky athletic woman and a semi-drunk wingman looking at what he was doing from behind his shoulder. Needless to say, he freaks out. Now, in this episode, while Mitarai isn’t trying to be difficult about it, if they’re needing to get that letter first things first is ensuring Mitarai takes care of himself. After some coaxing, they get him to at least lay back a bit while they get him some proper food. 
He’s extremely grateful for the food and introduces himself, though a thing sticks out in Hina's mind. Namely, that Mitarai was a part of the 77th batch of Hope’s Peak students. While no one blatantly says anything, he is aware of the stigma of being a survivor of the bunch since he knows almost all students in said batch besides him were murdered during their tenure at Hope’s Peak or had defected to Junko Enoshima’s side. There have been some odd rumors from others and even within his own branch of his own loyalties. Something that clearly gets to him as he showcases his desperation of trying to do better and show he can help fix the world just as much as the others.
Hina comforts him and begins trying to uplift his spirits, showcasing more of a big sisterly attitude with him (even though she’s younger, but hey, some people have that energy to them). It’s then, after Mitarai hands over his Rec Letter and is asked about his thoughts, does he get a bit nervous. Truth be told, he doesn’t really want to get involved too deep with the whole affair with Makoto and Kyosuke. So while he gives up the letter, he even requests not to involve him in that, though upon Koichi reminding him of the upcoming trial with the other Directors, he flinches. Hina presses both for more and Koichi spills the details that Hina never gotten. (Mostly since she never read the email, but that’s neither here or there...)
At the end of the month, Makoto is to be put on a secret trial with the other Directors. Depending on the majority vote, it could mean Makoto might walk free or more than likely get convicted of treason, thus leading to him either being imprisoned, executed, or altogether exiled from Japan. Depends on how things’ll play out. This just makes Hina anxious more about getting to Makoto quickly before that happens. Anyways, Mitarai goes to head out, but upon it dawning on Mitarai that they’ll be going out and about for the other Directors, he asks if he could come too. Chances are that they’ll meet someone he has business with and it’ll probably save him time tagging along with them. Eager, Hina takes her new friend by the arm and goes about running along to their next venture.
Sonosuke Izayoi, in this version, his strong silent type attitude takes prominence. Mostly since I feel a non-verbal attitude, strangely enough does work better for him being remembered than when he speaks occasionally. It just needs to be presented in a way that he doesn’t fade in the background. For example, he can be very visibly expressive, with his features becoming colder or even cartoony depending on the situation.  In Team Hina’s talk with him, he’s slow to anger, but has his limits. Limits that Hina completely breaks because she keeps bugging him for his letter as he tries to do his job. Koichi, being the dutiful scout that he is (and mostly to give Hina some insight) explains that Sonosuke Izayoi was from the 76th batch and came from a long lineage of blacksmiths that was pretty cushy with the former government and potentially underworld for their forges.
When he became Director, he reestablished the ties that remained to put them to usage for Future Foundation weapon development. Eventually, after being annoyed to the brink, he goes to kick them out, but is stopped after Hina pulls out a donut to eat.  His sweet tooth wins out, and he begrudgingly joins the team for a quick snack break. In truth, following a donut, he does seem more friendly and approachable, even muttering his iconic ‘dewicious’ here. 
However, he refuses to part with his letter at least, not until they win favor with his lover. At least, that’s what Mitarai guesses, which Izayoi gives a thumbs up in response. Hina tilts her head in confusion. Lover? But, it was the truth and that was someone they had to deal with next. As she’s the Director for the 8th Branch. 
(Episode 4)
Ruruka Ando rules over the 8th Branch with a surprisingly large amount of popularity. Izayoi tags along and the crew greet Ruruka at the doors to her branch. She immediately and lovingly embraces him. As Team Hina follow the couple, they witness just how pleasant and friendly her subordinates are to her, even going ecstatic over just being in her presence (something that gets Mitarai somewhat jealous). Hina is astounded by her popularity, though Koichi is scratching his chin at the sight of so many people liking their boss. Or, rather, worshipping her.
Eventually, all four reach into her office and Ruruka begins trying to get Hina to eat some of her sweets. In addition, she also happily explains her past as apart of the 76th batch of HPA students, though claims that was small potatoes to her famous bakery that was even known worldwide. However, Hina is quite reluctant about accepting the food since she just had her donuts, up until Ruruka offers one of her own. Hina happily accepts it, but Koichi reminds her of her mission. Hina asks about getting a Rec Letter from her, but she flat out refuses. At once, the bubbly, friendly woman from before is now narrow eyed and looking pretty stern herself.
She speaks for both herself and Izayoi in that she sees Makoto as absolute scum for trying to help the Remnants and probably would have executed him on the spot had she been in charge of the Foundation, his status as Ultimate Hope be damned.
“Dealing with one rotten traitor is bad enough…but several leading the divisions? Rotten food needs to be tossed out.” Hina is confused over the first traitor spiel, but Ruruka had made her stance clear and orders both to get out and takes Hina’s donut from her! Concerning Izayoi, in this version, he looks conflicted on refusing the matter with Hina and Koichi, but sighs and continues to back up Ruruka.
With that failure, the duo heads towards the 7th branch office - directed by Miaya Gekkogahara. Now given her involvement in making the Neo World Program that was used by the Havoc cast, by the time the trio arrive she is understandably both stressed and frazzled. She had been interrogated pretty intensely after they found out the Havoc Crew were using her technology like that. Were it not for Miaya’s role - finding ways to negate despair among one of them - and her contributions to FF, there was a high chance she’d be arrested as well. Likewise, running into one of Makoto’s friends puts her back on edge, though she still tries to be friendly after a bit. It helps that Koichi is there, which she is grateful for and a bit exasperated with at the same time. She’s speaking through her high-tech wheelchair and using her Usami Vtuber avatar to speak. She has a hereditary disease that affects her legs, making them rather weaker than usual, so she uses her wheelchair to compensate. 
Concerning her story, back during Hope’s Peak, Miaya was the school’s guidance counselor - in name. In practice, as much as she wanted to help, she was swamped with work from the late Steering Committee and didn’t have much time to really help people as much as she'd like. Especially since, well, its an old wound. She laments being unable to really help the Reserve Course from rioting and taking their lives. Any attempts at counseling or trying to pacify those students were blocked or ignored. Koichi reveals that she’s from the 65th Batch of Hope’s Peak Academy students (putting an end to the weird plot detail of no one knowing what class is supposed to be in, and her counselor explaining how she could still go about her NWP activity with Chihiro and Yasuke). He tries to raise her spirits, though that only gets her exasperated since his alcoholic breath gets on her face. 
As she gives the duo a tour, a familiar face pops up during so - Alter Ego. Hina eagerly greets her friend who had helped her during the Killing School Life. He is also happy to see her again, though is apologetic to Hina after hearing how Makoto was arrested. AE informs her of his role in the rehab plot and how ashamed he was to let the Junko AI takeover.  Both Miaya and Hina try to comfort him, but it gets Hina thinking on why he’s with Miaya now. 
Here we learn of Chihiro’s involvement with Miaya with the Neo World Program, and how both were co-workers to help create it. With her friend and protege dead, Miaya ‘took in AE’ so to speak, being the one to salvage him from HPA after they rescued the Havoc Crew and receiving him once FF apprehended Makoto. Hina pushes on to ask the obvious: Why create the Neo World Program?
Well, for Miaya - her life’s goal is to find a way to rehabilitate anyone. She wanted to help people so badly from their own issues that drove to the pits of despair and vileness, but while she can help anyone with a large degree of success, there were the sort that just were too far gone. The NWP was made to ensure even the worst of the worst or the most badly hurt of them all could have a second chance. It being a concept thought up way back when she attended HPA. However, while she got the resources over the years and even approval from FF to initially put that dream to reality it soon became clear that the consensus was that criminals, especially the Remnants were to be put down instead of saved. That such a high-cost procedure was both too long and too ‘inefficient’. Thus, her project and JW Island was left abandoned and she was forced to back to square one….
Up until she had gotten into contact with Makoto who learned about the project from a list of scrapped projects that the Future Foundation organized. He was really interested in it and he shined with so much determination and genuine optimism for the future that Miaya disclosed its location to him and even gave him the reigns to the facilities that the Havoc cast would use. It was risky, but she could just feel she could trust him. As such, she gives Hina a Rec Letter, believing she could bet on the swimmer too. That being said, she also advises against bringing her into the conflict during the trial since, yeah. That’s way too scary for her heart to take!!!
Next up is someone all three are dreading as they arrive to his branch: Former Hope’s Peak security guard, Ultimate Boxer and real pain in the ass for most - Juzo was running Division 6.                                                                                                                    
(Episode 5)
Now, when Hina arrives, she’s combing all over the building, but Juzo is nowhere to be found. During her search, she meets several of his underlings: Ikue Dogami, Mekuru Katsuragi and the Ultimate Make-Up Artist. They explain that Juzo tends to be out and about often, but thanks to Mekuru, they direct Hina to wait towards the main lobby for him. It should be noted that, aside from those three, most of his other employees seem nervous or on edge when he’s mentioned. 
When Hina finally meets Juzo, naturally, he’s aggressive and has no patience for her. Likewise, he refuses to hand over a Rec Letter to Hina since he is an avid supporter of Kyosuke’s ideals and is enraged over Makoto’s actions. Now, Hina actually does remember Juzo a bit - where we now get a flashback of him acting as HPA’s most aggressive security guard.  She had witnessed him being rough concerning students relating to the Reserve Course, so she isn’t surprised he’s being a hardass now. Being reminded of the discourse concerning that time, Juzo is getting more pissed off and looks ready to throw down before an idea occurs to him. Of course, this being Juzo, he decides to give her a ‘chance’ to prove herself. In the ring. 
So Hina takes on Juzo in a five-minute exhibition match. If she manages to last until the time limit, Juzo will hand over the Rec Letter. If she fails than, well, nighty night! Hina, determined and unwilling to backdown, opts for it. Koichi, naturally, is concerned by this move, but she reasons that she wants to get to Makoto as soon as possible. If she can just last five minutes, she’ll be able to do that faster (not trying to think about the setback she would make if she would fail).
Juzo is confident he’ll win and toys with her early on, allowing to go for some strikes, effortlessly dodges them and proceeds to wail on her with jabs. Enough to knock her down and he thinks she’ll quit, but she gets up. A bit annoyed he tries to do the same thing, but Hina has found her rhythm. She has had multiple experience dodging attacks from scattered Remnants and criminals as a member of the 13th Divison. Thus, she’s now found a footing where she can stay, if barely, ahead of Juzo. She even manages to get in a solid hit or two!! Things are looking up and there’s a few seconds left on the clock.
Enraged, Juzo is trying his damndest to score a hit, but nothing seems to be working. A crowd has gathered, cheering for Hina and Juzo, eager to see who will win. For a moment, Hina remembers both Sakura and Yuta, strengthening her more to see things through to the end and prove herself useful - that can she be of aid to someone she calls family!! But, it also distracts for a split second, and in that moment Juzo scores a devastating haymaker. Hina is knocked down and eventually falls unconscious. Juzo is the victor. Koichi and Mitarai goes to Hina, trying to rouse her whilst Juzo walks off, not feeling particularly good about this win.
In the meantime, scene shifts to Kyoko working in her office when she meets Chisa again. Considering what she knows about Juzo and Kyosuke, Kyoko is naturally on guard against Chisa who is trying to be friendly with her and have some tea. We also get a bit of insight concerning Kyoko’s situation: armed guards all around her and she also voices her good guess of the room itself being bugged. Naturally, the only thing she can really do is read and try to prep Makoto’s case from inside her ‘cell’. Namely, getting knowledge of the prior incidents of the Remnants, rehabilitation efforts with the Neo World Program and others that were scrapped, and in general just learning more about the other Directors. Anything to give her side the edge concerning the trial.
Speaking of which, she does ask where the trial will take place. Now, given the severity and whose life is at stake, Chisa reveals that it’ll be on an island meant originally to be the new international Hope’s Peak branch. However, with the Tragedy causing HPA to close down, it was instead refurbished into a private separate office of sorts—meant only for high profile usage. Like a trial for treason! Kyoko asks, if only for confirmation, given Chisa’s closeness to Kyosuke as being one of the first Directors of FF and his former classmate, if she herself also holds intense hatred of Despair.
Now to this, Chisa is quick to differ. She loves Kyosuke and goes along with him because she trusts his judgement and heart - that he makes decisions trying to fully bring peace to all afflicted by the Tragedy. Thus, she goes along with the decision and believes in that Hope. However, even if she goes along with it, she does hold a different stance concerning the Remnants…
How she can’t help but still hold love for her dear students.
(Episode 6)
Hina wakes up, finding herself in an infirmary. Koichi informs her of her loss and who managed to treat her - Seiko Kimura. Now Seiko is constantly fretting and checking up on Hina given the situation concerning her knockout. Thanks to her drugs, any concussions should be healed up pretty quick, and Hina is pretty grateful for the support. Seiko happened to be in the 6th Division’s office by chance, so Hina should be lucky she was on site to help ensure she didn’t get put into a worse position without her fast action.
Once Koichi reminds her that Seiko was a Director, we get a formal introduction of her, including her class. We also learn that Seiko was the daughter of the head of Kimura Pharmaceuticals prior to the Tragedy, though she notes that was water under the bridge now.  Hina, remembering that the 76th class also had Ruruka and Izayoi, asks both were her classmates. Instantly, Seiko’s face darkened and she glared at Hina. She asks her not to mention their names. Ever. Hina gulps and takes the hint.
Trying to move the conversation along, Hina brings up the topic of getting a Rec Letter for her, thinking Seiko was so nice she would agree to it. However, after a bit of conflicting thought, Seiko firmly refuses. Her loyalty lies solely with Kyosuke and she knows for a fact that he wants them dead. For good reason too, and she has personal stake in seeing the Remnants dead given how long she’s spent trying to treat their victims and seeing some die. She apologizes, but her mind is made up, and she personally shouldn’t expect much from her concerning Makoto’s trial.
She leaves, though outside waiting is Juzo, who was overhearing the conversation. She informs him of Hina’s condition. How it’s going to be stable though is curious why he still stuck around. Annoyed, Juzo pokes at her forehead in like a mean big bro-esque way, much to her chagrin, telling her to mind her business before prodding off. Still, with yet another Director refusing to hand over a Rec Letter, Hina is getting desperate and runs off to the 5th Division - Chisa’s workplace.
At said workplace, Kyoko is a bit shocked after hearing about Chisa’s ties to the Remnants. Well, Chisa quickly clarifies it was really only for about just some months and she could really be described more along the lines of their Advisor. You see, the Remnants of Despair back when they were in Hope’s Peak gained a bit of a reputation for being ‘delinquents’, whether intentionally acting out or not, and so these teens from various parts of the 77th batch were assigned to attend a ‘mandatory’ Student Correction Program (was not quite a fan of the series having Class 77 all be Remnants from the exact same class. The change, in addition to other plot developments in the future, is to get the group together, while having them be scattered across the 77th Batch).
The program was meant to at least get them to mellow out and not either wreck the school or harm others. She looks back fondly over the time with the fifteen of them…hm? Fifteen? Kyoko is wondering about her current connections and if anyone else knows about it. Chisa is quick to assuage her concerns. Her connection with HPA is well known by every other Director, though following her dismissal with the Remnants, she was assigned to the Reserve Course, which clearly didn’t end well for the other students there. Something shown by how upset she looked concerning their collective suicides. Chisa tries to quickly perk herself back up. 
Anyway, she explains, while she doesn’t quite understand why Makoto really decided to risk his neck this much to help pretty much the worst of the worst, but given how such a procedure could have given her students back, she was at least grateful for the attempt. While she won’t ever betray Kyosuke, she might be willing to offer a hand to at least get him to see a bit more reason. Though, Chisa is curious.
Why is Kyoko, logical woman incarnate, siding with Makoto in saving the Remnants? Surely someone like her would have wanted to see them dead, right? Well, for Kyoko, her decision was based on logic. The world, while its making steady efforts, is still struggling quite a deal both internationally and even locally. From pollution, to food management, to the obvious  factor of stray Remnants and criminals wreaking havoc. While the spearheads of Ultimate Despair may be gone, it would take decades before the world could ever hope to get back to how it was pre-Tragedy. If they could reform the Remnants with the Neo World Program, even just the mooks of them, they can add to the Restoration efforts to get the world back faster. The fact that the initial Remnants they gathered happened to be Ultimate were a solid coincidental bonus. Luck…though given what nearly had happened, it couldn’t really be called good luck, right?
Chisa nods her head and seems to accept this…though has to wonder how much of it just trying to honor Makoto’s wishes. After all, she wasn’t that different from Chisa in that they were trying to support the Hope of their lives and not just in terms of being the Ultimate Hope. But Hope to their own respective groups as well - Makoto was the glue that helped keep them together after all. In that same vein, Kyosuke was the glue that kept Future Foundation and his own core group stable as well. She recollects a time before she got to know him. In order to raise money for her sick single mother,  a teenage Chisa Yukizome became a housekeeper and was hired by the Munakata Family. A wealthy family that was notorious for raising leaders in almost every industry of the world, their mansion was quite the chaotic mess of people at each other’s throats and too busy to ever really care for an insignificant girl that was tidying up behind them.
Yet, Kyosuke was different. He aided her when everyone else ignored her or treated poorly because she was ‘the help’. He went out of his way to lighten her load and even work to see her smile. It was his assistance that allowed her to truly want to shine as a housekeeper and got her scouted. He was literally her Hope back in those horrible days. It’s why even now she’s that devoted to him.
Kyoko asks her to get to the point.
“Everyone is chasing that Hope - that reason to keep on going. But it’s also good to be aware of who represents that Hope as well. A lesson all of us can learn ,hm?” She glances to the door and it turns out Team Hina was there, eavesdropping. Chisa welcomes them in and doesn’t hesitate to give Hina a Rec Letter. Even if she’ll go wholeheartedly with Kyosuke’s choice, she figures its nots a bad idea to at least let one of Makoto’s friends check in on him.
From there, Hina goes to see if Kyoko was okay, but the detective waves her off. She’ll always be fine, what’s vital is bouncing info off each other. So they get each other up to speed with what’s happening, with Hina’s Quest and the upcoming trial. Kyoko is more than aware that their case seems pretty hopeless given whose in charge and the influence he holds. Hina is a bit more optimistic since she feels its an even split, except its not. Kyoko reminds her its more of 6 against a number of neutrals who could easily be pressured to go with the other side if an argument is weak enough or the enemy is convincing enough. The other half’s loyalty is not guaranteed. It’s then that Hina glances at the two allies she had befriended so far. Mitarai is looking as shy as ever but Koichi, after a swig, shrugs and merely says they’ll have to see. Though if it’s anything to what he would have wanted, well, he’ll do his best to get an outcome that Kyoko would find favorable. Complete with a friendly smile, though Kyoko tries her best to ignore him. 
In any case, Kyoko says its best for Hina to get the last letters as quickly as possible but just before Hina leaves, Kyoko does stop her briefly. Her wounds from fighting Juzo is clearly visible and even Kyoko could obviously see how winded the swimmer was. In her own way, she’s concerned and does apologize to Hina for putting her through all of this. But Hina quickly brushes it off. Their friends, well, more than friends!! Family even!! The Havoc Crew looking out for each other is a no-brainer!! It doesn’t bother her! With a deal of optimism, Team Hina leaves, leaving Kyoko in her thoughts once more.
“Huh, didn’t know you could lie like that.” Koichi said and Ryota gives a concerned look to Hina. She’s leading the charge, but the camera never points to her face. Her voice, though, is shaky. “I don’t know what you mean…it’s time for the next stop.”
Episode 7
The next destination for Team Hina? Why it was Koichi’s branch! The atmosphere for his place was rather casual, with many people at least on goods terms with him enough to even tease him a little about his drinking habits. Koichi allows both Ryota and Hina into his office, which resembles more of a host lounge than anything. Bottles of alcohol was scattered everywhere, there was a large couch off to the side, and large amounts of paperwork lay on his desk.
Both Hina and Ryota criticize Koichi for his messy office, but he waves it off as him being busy with meetings with Jack Daniels and Gin!~ Hina rolled her eyes and gives glances towards all about his office as Koichi fishes to make a Rec Letter. During this time, Hina finds something. A photo of Koichi with Jin and a little Kyoko.
Koichi confirms at this point that, yes, he was best friends with Jin and wouldn’t have minded being considered an ‘uncle’ to Kyoko prior to her getting raised by Fuhito Kirigiri, her grandfather. When asked more about Kyoko’s family, Koichi just waves dismissively. It’s a long story full of drama that he himself isn’t fit to tell.
He does go into detail of him meeting Jin back when they were kids and still keeping in touch when Koichi went to HPA...eh? Koichi was an Ultimate? Turns out he was the Ex-Ultimate Talent Scout, though is dismissive of such things. He himself doesn’t feel like its anything special and requests that they just refer to him as a regular talent scout. Honestly, he himself only agreed to be a talent scout because his best friend, Jin, really requested him when he began working with HPA in earnest. Throughout it all, Hina can see Koichi give a melancholic smile and relates to his quiet pain with her own losses. She reaches over to put a hand on his shoulder, but he smiles and waves it off.
Well, no use dwelling on the past. Koichi hands over his Rec Letter and waves at them goodbye for now.  He advises that if the options are just Tengan or Kyosuke left, then yeaaaaah, its best to try and win Tengan’s favor. He’s a lot more reasonable than Kyosuke…or, rather? 
He’s more coolheaded? He wants to be alone for a bit. Getting the hint, Hina nods and they begin to walk out. However, not before Hina stalls at the door, asking if he’ll support Makoto at the trial. Koichi informs her that he can’t make any solid promises, but is willing to hear him out. Once Ryota and Hina leave, he leans back in his chair. Thinking about Jin, he vows he’ll protect ‘her’.
Now down to a duo, Team Asahina starts wondering about Koichi, whether he’ll truly be alright. Hina is concerned, but Ryota says its best if they just leave him be to focus on Tengan. Now, its here that Ryota reveals his connection with the Chairman - namely how Tengan personally saved and recruited him back when the Tragedy was rampaging. Right when he was about to be killed by some Remannts, Tengan appeared on scene to fight them off. Hina is very impressed since she knows Tengan is kind of old, though Ryota mutters how he can be strong and frightening when he wants to. Anyways, he’s been working closely with him and believes that there’s a solid chance. Though he does warn Hina to watch what she says.
When they arrive, they noticed the hallway of Tengan lined up and down with various people in visors. Ryota introduces them as being the best of the Ultimate Elite Taskforce. As their names suggests, they are the very best gathered from the remnants of Hope’s Peak alumni’s that serve as The Special Forces needed for only the most intense or important assignments. Each of them are more than strong enough to give anyone, even an Ultimate Remnant, a run for their money.
Granted, with the 77th Batch of Despairs seemingly gone, these days all they really seem to do is just guard Tengan in Gozu’s absence. A fact that gets them to give Ryota a bit of a dirty or hurt look before he frantically starts waving his hands, trying to say he didn’t mean it. Tengan allows the two to enter and he pretty much gets right to the point. He’s received news of Asahina going about the other Directors trying to get their Rec Letters and from both sides he’s received calls to let her have one or to not give her one.
With that in mind, he’s willing to hear from the source concerning her motivations. Taking a deep breath, Asahina explains she’s worried about her friend and is really trying her hardest to make sure he’s alright. She knows that charges against Makoto are heavy, but she expresses her faith that everything he does is only to help everyone, not hurt. He’s not a traitor! By the end, she’s looking quite desperate, pleading with Tengan to give her the time of day.
When he speaks, Tengan murmurs about personally witnessing this fire of Hina for those she holds dear resurfacing. He says for her to simmer down and that, by now, he’s already thought this situation through to the best of his abilities. Offering Hina butterscotch, he explains that, yes, what Makoto has done is shocking and, at the moment, he can’t blame anyone for being angry or thinking he might be a traitor…
But he also states his belief in the Ultimate Hope that blossomed during that sixth trial. That optimism that he showcased and used to beat back Junko Enoshima and helped spurn the world in its current Restoration efforts. Yes, Tengan does believe that Makoto isn’t trying to be malicious and knows that he ‘is going with what he believes will be the right move’.  He goes on to ramble a bit about Makoto coming along ways from tangoing with a petty thief to humanity’s Symbol. Something that confuses Asahina, but Tengan brushes it off.
Yes, at this point, he’s more than just a little aware of the younger generation following their ambition and deciding that what they believe is right for all. Chairman or not, he has come to terms that he can’t match the passion of the others and is more than willing to take a backseat to give their ways a chance. After all, that’s essentially what he has been doing with Kyosuke. At this point it probably won’t be too long until he figures Kyosuke will organize an ‘intervention’ to pressure Tengan into stepping down. He already has the support of the public and agents all across the branches for his decisive attitude and on-hands efforts that Tengan had to retire from.
Oh! He apologizes for rambling and hands over the needed Rec Letter to Asahina. With that, she’ll be able to visit Makoto. Tengan wishes him the best of luck. Now, while he did order for the guards not to harm Makoto, if a Director decided to do something, well, he urges her to check in with him at her earliest convenience.  Asahina nods and thanks Tengan for handing over the Rec Letter. She asks if Ryota was coming as well but he declines. With a hug of support, Hina leaves. Still in the office, Tengan chuckles and asks if Ryota was finally getting out there, much to the animator’s blushing dismissal! Hina’s just a friend!! To this, Tengan merely chuckles in amusement. Before the scene ends, he questions if Ryota  has made a decision of sorts for the future. Ryota opens his mouth…and the episode ends.
(Episode 8)
The episode, and next day, opens at the prison Makoto is being held at. He has bandages and scratches on his face, looking a bit down on his luck as he recalls what happened to get him to this state.We get a flashback back to when he was initially arrested and seperated from Togami and Kyoko. He get’s thrown into his cell and has to deal with the brunt of a beatdown from a very angry Juzo. Kyosuke stops him before he could ever really go too far on Makoto but it is brutal. From there the scene switches to Makoto, patched up and at a table. Kyosuke is at the other side, looking coldly at Makoto.
Kyosuke, half-heartedly, apologizes for the actions of Juzo, though he does cut off Makoto when the lucky student tries to tell him its no big deal. Instead he asks: Why? Why help the Remnants of Despair? Why not just turn them in so the world can be done with them? Straight to the point. 
From Makoto’s point of view we get flashbacks briefly to what had occurred concerning him finding Izuru, learning of the Remnants identities and him firmly choosing his resolve when Kyoko and Togami await an answer for him. Back to the present day, he states that he understands everyone being angry and that, if he were in their shoes, he’d be furious as well. But, his decision has to go back towards faith. The potential to save others from the awful influence that gripped them in the past.
A flashback shows the Havoc Crew walking throughout their new branch with Kyosuke and Tengan giving a tour of the place. Tengan gives the background that, with reports of UD members killing themselves, they wanted a Branch that can effectively reach and focus on spreading FF’s message of hope. And who better to lead that than the survivors who inspired loads to carry on and beat back Despair’s effects. 
Togami is a bit miffed over essentially being the public relations branch, and that Kyoko was their leader, but she notes such power is really just a formality between the two of them. Plus, it might have to do with their ‘performance’ during the killing game. Hiro, Asahina and Togami have proven to be ‘problematic’ and Toko is only really allowed as an intern for being Genocider Syo. While some might want Makoto in charge given his role in the final class trial, he truly didn’t want the power/isn’t quite suited for leadership of an entire division. Hence Kyoko winning by default. 
While Togami begrudgingly admits defeat, both Hiro, Toko, Makoto and Asahina are astounded over their new headquarters. Makoto in particular is quick to bring them back together, speaking on his confidence that, with all six of them together, they can really help make a difference. One that clearly resonates with his friends and is noticed by the FF leaders. As both Tengan and Kyosuke leave, Tengan smiles as he notes that Makoto really reminded him of Kyosuke back in the day and that the Foundation is lucky Makoto is with them. Kyosuke quietly clenches his fist, and gives a brief look back at Makoto. The lucky student notices, but is dragged away by his pals long enough for Kyosuke to leave. 
A montage shows off Makoto and others helping out in the communities under Future Foundation’s protection, all clearly trying their best when, in the last shot, Makoto is suddenly pounced upon. It’s a Remnant of Despair, and by that I mean just a regular one that seems to have had better days. Makoto’s guards easily are able to pin down the Remnant and even remove his mask. As he’s being taken away, Makoto asks why he’s still trying to hurt others. Junko’s dead so what gives? It’s then that gets a good look at this Remnant - or rather his expression. Miserable, frustrated, utterly sad, and, well, hopeless. “Because there’s no point in trying to rebuild for someone with no future...” 
These words haunt Makoto and he’s gets to thinking. Is there a way to rehabilitate even the Remnants? He goes through files and asks around concerning Future Foundation rehab techniques and finds the plans for the Neo World Program. Delighted, he goes to Kyoko and Togami to get their opinion on trying to rehabilitate the Remnants? Their answer? 
“You’re an absolute buffoon.”
“This…is certainly a plan, I suppose?”
Yeah, he isn’t too surprised Togami is more harsh with his rebukes, but Kyoko also isn’t holding back with her criticism. The Remnants are dangerous criminals that put them through the Hell in the Mutual Killing Game. Why bother trying to save them? 
To this, Makoto asks this in a quiet voice: If they had connected more with Mukuro or Junko back then, would they have stopped both from destroying the world? He says its silly, but he can’t stop thinking about it. The friends they lost, would they still be alive if he bothered to spend more time trying to get to know both to get them help? Noticed Junko’s warped mental state beforehand? Get Mukuro to reconsider going along with Junko’s plan? The soldier didn’t seem completely convinced during their free talks during their killing game. Anything at all? 
This had both fall silent for a deal before Kyoko gives her thoughts. Personally, she believes that both Junko and Mukuro were too far deep by the time they met them. When she had the time, she looked into a bit of their background, finding evidence of the twins causing atrocities, like a massacre of a junior high school. That was covered up from either corrupt police or some other shady means. She believes that if there was to be some way to help the Despair Sisters, it would have to have been years before they even reached Hope’s Peak. She goes on to say he shouldn’t be harsh on himself for the horrible actions of other people, nor feel responsibility for why they turned out that way.
Yet, Makoto just can’t seem to let the thought go. His mind flashes back to his talk with Mukuro during her days as Junkuro. How she admitted she wasn’t sure that the path she was on was right. It’s a thought like those that gets Makoto in being unable to fully write off the Remnants that were still around. If one of the leading figures of the end was still having seconds thoughts, maybe the others could be as well, deep down. And, if the Neo World Program works as intended, they could be potentially rehabilitated into becoming allies to fix what their wrongs! It’s this optimistic outlook that ignites Makoto’s passion. While reluctant, both Kyoko and Togami eventually concede to at least try Makoto’s idea.
Makoto is happy and the next scene shows him heading to the site of the destroyed New Hope’s Peak Academy building. Apparently the 12th Branch was going to begin its plans for its demolition? Well, if that’s the case, he thought it would be best to leave ten flowers for those he lost and explore it one last time. What was left of it anyway.
Only to see Izuru Kamukura standing in a classroom with his own flower in some ruined classroom.
(Episode 9)
In this episode, we see Makoto, Kyoko and Togami looking after about fifteen ‘survivors’ sitting around in their offices. They were dirty, covered in either old cloaks and bandages, and looking around with intense gazes. Some of whom looked to be in quite the awful conditions, being either malnourished or very sickly. Yet they were all intent on refusing medical treatment from any staff offered.
It had only been a few days after Makoto met Izuru - or rather? Hajime Hinata - that’s what Izuru told them instead of his actual name at that point? Allegedly he was a survivor affiliated with Hope’s Peak that had just come back into town to pay respects to the dead. Following that, he explained that he was apart of a group of survivors who had been traveling the wastelands and it just so happens these survivors were upperclassmen of the 78th class. Students that came from various parts of the 77th batch that barely manage to escape the destruction of the Main Course building, but circumstances had them flee into the unknown as much as possible because of the riots. Given what they’ve experienced, they are very weary against even help from the FF and its prone to having them on edge.
Makoto is actually ecstatic to run into survivors of that incident, since he knew many of the 77th batch perished or went missing.  However, Kyoko and Togami are rather suspicious of the situation. In particular, seeing these fifteen for an extended period of time has her leave to check out some files.
Concerning the Remnants themselves, the more Makoto interacts with them, either by trying to give them supplies or wanting to know them better, he’s either ignored or given cold blank stares. Just like that one Remnant from before. Maybe…
Still there is one that acts friendly to him, Nagito who usually kept one of his hands wrapped. He’s appreciative of the Ultimate Hope and grateful for his efforts, glad someone ‘insignificant as him’ could be in Makoto’s presence. Makoto, being the humble guy, denies ever being that important and that he just wants to help others. He believes everyone is indispensable and tries to get Nagito to see more of himself in a brighter light. Though, similar to the others, the despair Nagito is in is quite evident and he believes that a guy like Makoto should really not bank his hopes too much on the fallen. As Makoto goes to pull him back as he leaves, he notices some of Nagito’s bandages are slipping…and, hm? Was…was his nails painted under there?
As they separate, he runs into Kyoko who takes him to Togami’s office. Kyoko shows Makoto a database of ‘suspect Remnants’. A nurse wearing a surgical mask, a group of masked Monomafia lead by masked people with similar hair styles to Fuyuhiko and Peko. A concert with a thin singer in a gas mask taking spotlight. In Novoselic, a Monokuma controlled country, forces were being lead by a masked figure in a cloak, but a few locks of golden hair could briefly be seen. Evidence upon evidence…
They didn’t just take in survivors - they took in the Remants of Despair. It wouldn’t be long until the higher-ups, who were informed of such survivors existence, would realize this as well. Yet, would it be fast enough to arrive to intercept fifteen dangerous criminals?  As it stands the Remnants doesn’t seem aware that they knew their cover was blown. If they were going to act, they needed to do this quickly. Togami suggests getting their security forces to immediately apprehend and put the remnants in holding cells of their division, but Kyoko notes the possibility of good number of forces being killed in this attack given how notorious the Remnants were when it came to fighting against even the Directors. Togami then suggests that maybe drugging their food could work best and the others seem on-board with this idea.
It’s then that Makoto suggests his own idea that, once they were all knocked out they don’t put them in cells. Rather, they put them on the boat intended to take them to Jabberwock Island. Togami really asks if Makoto is serious about having these Remnants - Ultimate Remnants - be the ones that they opt to save, but Makoto is dead serious about it. After all the NWP is supposed to be capable of saving even the worst of the worst. What better way to prove to everyone that it works and that it is viable if not by saving the literal worst of the worst. Both Kyoko and Togami are hesitant, but eventually both opt to go with Makoto’s plan. After all time is of the essence still.
The scene transitions to the boat, where the Remnants have been place in cells containing two each (or three in Mahiru, Ibuki and Hiyoko’s case). Their cloaks and bandages have been stripped away and we've got to see what a few had of Junko’s body, classic like Fuyuhiko getting Junko’s eye and whatnot. Over an intercom, Makoto announces his Foundation’s intent to take them to Jabberwock to put them in the NWP…
“Just like what the intelligence said…” Kamukura mutters to himself as the scene transitions to show of the Remants being worked into their pods and of brief flashes to the Island Killing Game, where Makoto is horrified over seeing history repeat itself, but flashes to determination  from both him, Kyoko and Togami. As the screen flashes to them entering the simulation we cut back to Kyosuke.
“In short…” said Vice Chairman. “You went on an operation, risking it all for criminals that should be executed on the spot…and came back with nothing.” Makoto refutes this saying he believes it worked out from what he saw of the survivors. But Kyosuke is pretty adamant about this position. How can Makoto be sure they were not faking or they’ll revert back to who they were? How can they be trusted to not go down that dark path again?
In truth? Makoto admits he can never be 100% sure, but he has faith they won’t go back. How they resolved to keep moving forward – he was sure that was going to still be a reality. Kyosuke shook his head, looking disappointed. 
“To think people ever had high hopes for you. A naive foolishness like that can never be called Hope.” Standing up, he announces, he doesn’t want to even look at Makoto again until the trial to decide his fate. And may mercy be shown upon this blind soul. All while Makoto looked at Kyosuke with his own frustration, but even sadness. Is there no way for them to reconcile or come to an understanding?
The flashback ends when we see the present Makoto shoot up from a knock at his door. It’s Asahina, who came in the very next day, who quickly goes to glomp her poor buddy whose been through a lot. Asking him how he’s been and growing angry over the fact the guards had taken to hurting him. As they both catch up on what’s been going on - Hina finally asks that’s been flowing through her mind:
“How come you all didn’t trust me?” she asked, referring to the fact that half of Crew went off to do their own thing while leaving the others in the dark to carry out the Remants rehab. Makoto, looking super remorseful, apologizes. He, Kyoko and Togami didn’t want to put the others at risk, especially if this operation failed. Concerning the operation, Hina goes to ask Makoto why he bothered to help the Remnants, when an explosion gets out.
A loud alarm blares through the building.
“People are raiding the prison!! All personnel on deck! Stop the prisoners from going free!”
(Episode 10)
This is a chaotic battle that has invaders, mooks of the Remnant forces, all rush through the building, attacking anyone with bats, pipes, even a few guns so to speak, as they pushed through. Throughout the facility, electromagnetic locks on the cells are disabled and prisoners rush to join in on the riots. The main attackers were also incredibly organized, ordering about the freed prisoners to help free more them and ordering more of their forces to go in deeper. “They’re in there!! Get them at any cost!! Don’t waste our chance!”
Hearing this, Makoto wants to help, but Hina remind him that 1. He is also a prisoner and 2. People would really be gunning for him at the moment given his status, so its best that he stay put in the cell where he would be safe. Makoto wishes her luck as Hina dashes out. Outside of Makoto’s cell there are four other occupied cells in his block: The maximum security block. Luckily, once Hina leaves it’ll be placed on lockdown that only a Director could have access to with their key card. Grabbing a baton, Hina rushes out and saves a guard from being killed by a prisoner before joining in the fray. 
Bodies are flying and more people are being released.  Hina is holding her own but the number of people able to handle this is dwindling: until a cry of pain is heard and a prisoner can be seen tossed into a wall. There is the Great Gozu, Juzo and Kyosuke backed by reinforcements. Tengan is at the furthest back watching the proceedings. Kyosuke leads the forces into subduing the prisoners and invaders, eventually getting it all under control. Though during this chaos, Kyosuke can’t help but wonder about the odds of a jailbreak occurring on the day when Makoto gets a visitor and four other Directors wanted to visit it. “Luck tends to be perplexing…” Tengan says.
By the end of it, most of the prisoners have been suppressed, but when they head into the max block, the prisoners from there have escaped, except for Makoto. Juzo and Gozu are ordering the staff about, sending out red alert for all units to be on the lookout for the escaped. The ones who escaped are known as the Four Sinners in Future Foundation and represent the Four Horsemen. They were previous Ultimates that graduated from Hope’s Peak but had gone rogue  during the Tragedy.
Plaguebearer - Former Ultimate Exterminator: Jun Ueda/Pestilence(Gas Mask Man)
Immovable Force - Former Ultimate Sumo: Daisuke Tomioka/War (Sumo Wrestler Design)
Dead Walker - Former Ultimate Lab Assistant: Harue Yuki/Famine(Zombie Girl)
Spawn of Malice - Former Ultimate Criminal: Shiori Hikari/Death (Ultimate Criminal beta)
With everything over, Asahina checks in on Makoto who was unharmed. Kyosuke arrives and announces that, given how this prison is clearly compromised, Makoto will be moved to another location effective immediately and has Juzo escort him out. Hina wants to talk to him, but the other Directors refuse to hear her out, with Makoto only reassuring her that things will be fine.
The news of the attack is relayed to Togami, & Hiro, the heir already suspicious of the whole affair. He finds it way too unlikely that this was just a random attack on dates where both Asahina and the other Directors were supposed to arrive. This was planned, but by whom and what do they gain from freeing the Four Sinners other than general unrest?
Kyoko hears the news as well and, in private, and theorizes that, yes, this was definitely planned. But there was so many oddities. Why attack on the same day that high-ranking, strong Directors were arriving there? Wouldn’t have it been safer to do so when it was just the regular guards to deal with?
Conclusion that she and, soon even Kyosuke (at another location) reaches: The Mastermind behind it wanted it to be known that there was someone orchestrating this. Furthermore, from reports from the guards, the attackers were highly organized and mentioned something about ‘someone’ giving them a ‘chance’. “But why?” asked Juzo (He, Kyosuke, Chisa and Seiko were gathered together) What do they gain out of this risky mission? Could it be….
“Fear…” Tengan muttered alone in his office. An irrational emotion made to throw people off as the Trial for Makoto’s fate draws nearer. Regardless if the attackers succeeded or failed, the fear and paranoia they would leave behind would be irrefutable but of what kind of fear…
Simply put…a Traitor amongst the Directors. Someone had to give the attackers an access card to open the max cell block, after all. A conclusion all leaders of Future Foundation seem to reach as it flashes by to all fourteen of them.
In a dark location, the Four Sinners are standing in line looking at a large monitor that shows Monokuma’s head looking at them. A garbled voice announces the need for the Blights services.
After all, the next game is soon to begin!
(Episode 11)
A traitor…
A word like that hangs heavy as Togami meets with Asahina and Hiro, in Hiro’s room (because why would anyone bother with Hagakure). It’s one thing for a mole to be in something like a killing game, but a Director possibly going rogue? It could lead to disaster for not just the other Directors but the entire world. Asahina shudders, though wonders about the possibility of it being a Sakura situation: where her family was threatened. But Togami is quick to shut it down. No use in pondering the motivations of a possible Traitor when they still haven’t caught them yet. He stops Hiro from just barging out to ‘investigate’ and reminds Hiro that he can’t just go out and do whatever he wants. If he tries to grill the Directors, chances are he’ll just get thrown in the slammer for being a nuisance and just worsen the situation.
Instead, Togami has informed both he’s sent some of his own private personnel on the case. While any Directors or the Havoc Crew would be on clear suspicion and be monitored, would anyone bother keeping tabs on Togami’s butler or his eyepatch wearing secretary? Not likely. So he’ll leave it to them.
Asahina asks about Makoto, and what they should do for him given the incident. Togami believes at this point they should forget about seeing him until the Trial. Makoto has been taken to a private holding cell in the 2nd Division Branch. With the max cell compromised, he’s staying there under Kyosuke’s watchful eye. Until then, its best to focus on other matters. For example, if this incident comes up during the trial, it would be best to gain some sort of evidence to be on even footing during it. But, all knew if they tried, chances are Kyosuke might get his goons to chase them away. But, Asahina realized that, even if they couldn’t she could probably get someone to not only help them out, but even inform Kyoko. 
The scene shifts to Kyoko’s room and there its revealed Koichi was the one to help out, handing over a good deal of evidence from the crime to her. ‘A gift from that charming swimming lady’ Koichi mentioned, though Kyoko is as stoic as ever. Koichi tries to get closer with Kyoko more, showing more of his concerned side from her (and even a brief scene of him seeing Jin die during the KG), Kyoko brushes him off. If he really wants to help her, he needs to support Makoto’s side. Koichi chuckles. Kyoko’s as blunt as ever. He walks off, claiming he’ll think about it over a drink or two!
For Team Munakata, Juzo and his branch are investigating the scene of the crime, looking pissed about what happened still. While they had managed to suppress the truth of the incident, there was no telling what could be leaked. Seiko responds that, despite using the truth serum on the surviving invaders, they couldn’t tell much about who was organizing them to do this. They can only say that they were ordered by someone in a cloak who was connected with the former Remnants. Who warned them that their actions will spurn on the Third. “The third killing game…what nonsense.” Kyosuke orders Seiko, Chisa and Juzo not to spread this info out to anyone for the time being. Doing so without all the facts would just lead to chaos brewing. When he asks for further details about where the escapees could be, Chisa informs that they have all unist on the lookout for them, but there has been no signs of where they went. One of the transport vehicles is missing so its likely they took that to make their getaway, but the footage for that period is missing due to the attackers managing to get inside the security office. How convenient. But nevertheless Kyosuke is confident that they can defeat whatever plans Despair has for them. “Security measures will be increased tenfold and for the Trial…we’ll invoke the usage of the Elite Taskforce. No matter what - judgement will reign on those who stray from the path…” His crew nod alongside him, albeit to varying degrees (Juzo is smirking and pounding his fists together, Seiko is a bit nervous but hurriedly agrees with him and Chisa looks rather solemn before she nods as well).
We get some brief cuts to what some other Directors are doing. For Ruruka and Izayoi, she feeds him a macaron, with her (and by extension his) minds made up: Makoto is clearly guilty in her eyes and sooner they axe a traitor the better. Miaya is talking with Alter Ego, the latter wanting to do something to help Makoto. He can’t let someone he saved get hurt or sentenced to die, right? Miaya tries to reassure him that things will turn out okay, and that AE did enough already for Togami recently, but hears a knock at the door before she could really finish. Bandai is at his office seeing a text from Gozu on how the wrestler would be coming back a bit late given he’s with the Chairman. As for Ryota he’s nervously going between his phone and the e-mail. Obviously conflicted on something.
We finally shift to Makoto in his cell, unable to to do anything. Can’t investigate, can’t be with his friends. All he can do is wait...huh? Entering his cell is Tengan with Gozu accompanying him. Due to Tengan’s status as the Chairman, he’s able to gain clearance and visit Makoto. 
He comments on the misfortune brought about Makoto recently, and laments that the trial has to happen at all. Makoto asserts his innocence, that everything he’s done was truly meant to help people. That is something Tengan has no doubts on and even finds it a commendable dream to work towards. Even at his old age, his reason for joining FF is to bring the most aid to humanity as possible. He was just the same when he was younger and laments that Makoto is in such a position now. Being stuck trying to follow your heart and being obstructed by others is a frustrating balance to tow.
Tengan remarks on what Makoto plans to do at the trial. Given the severity of his crimes, there isn’t much hope that he’ll be freed. If Tengan is to be frank, were it not for Makoto’s Ultimate Hope status, anyone else would have been prosecuted immediately and likely executed. What’s Makoto endgoal?
For Makoto, he responds earnestly: his goal is always the same as its been. He’s nothing special, he just wants to help people that need it. He completely understands why people want to kill the Remnants, why those who are in the know thinks he's being foolish or even traitorous. But if there's a chance that even the worst of the worst can be rehabilitated and gain a second chance to make things better, then shouldn't they at least try to take it?
Tengan chuckles. Yeah, the same Makoto as he saw back during the sixth trial of Danganronpa 1. Even Gozu seems impressed with his resolve. Both leave the room, Tengan mentioning that when the trial comes: while he can't make any promises, he'll at least try to ensure Makoto has a sporting chance. Makoto sighs as he leans back in his cell. A chance is all that he’d ever want.
Back to Asahina, she’s left brooding in her room. There wasn’t much else she can do now, except wait and try to prepare her own defense for Makoto. The trial. Hina’s recalls Bandai’s words and the statements from all the Directors, friends and foes, come back to her. What does she think of this entire thing? 
She was left out of the loop and is now trying to catch up to a story that’s she’s never really been apart of. Having to risk it all for the sake of the Remnants? Who ended up getting her brother killed? Can she really do it? No doubt Makoto and the others hearts are in the right place, but could she truthfully still say she has no misgiving about it?
If only Sakura were here, she’d know the answer…
After the credits, time skips to the day of the trial. The scene is in a shadow room and there is a figure typing on a computer screen, sending messages out.
‘The pieces are in place. Let the third mutual killing game…begin.”
(Ep 12)
Now this episode is somewhat sort of the same as Future Arc ep 1, with a few twists. For example, the Ultimate Task Force is littered around the headquarters, watching for potential threats. Hagakure is actually let inside (and not on the helicopter pad awkwardly) for instance. Well, at first anyway! He’s not allowed in the meeting room so is just wandering about the rest of the building.
Asahina is looking between Kyoko and Makoto, words from Bandai still echoing in her head. How does she feel about this. She wants to support her friends - her family - through thick and thin. But, these guys helped get Yuta killed and is the reason their class is now down to six in the first place. Can she really vouch while so conflicted? Both Makoto and Kyoko grow aware of her looking so down, but can’t really be afforded the time to help her as they are called into the meeting room.
Kyosuke calls the meeting to order: This is the secret trial to determine the fate of Makoto Naegi - member of the 14th Division of Future Foundation - who is accused of treason and harboring dangerous criminals: the Remnants of Despair. This is the first time we now get to see the Jabberwock Crew in their Despair forms, unobstructed, with Kyosuke explaining that such intel was scrounged up and provided during the DR2 killing game, after FF realized they were the Remnants. A fact that Kyosuke is rather bitter about, but presses on with the matter at hand:
“Makoto Naegi - how do you plead?”
With a Not Guilty verdict in hand, the trial shifts, metaphorically, to be reminiscent of a Class Trial. Together with Kyoko and Hina, Makoto is doing his best to shoot down incorrect or slanderous claims about his situation. For example, claiming he had something to do with the jailbreak, which he couldn’t go given his confined state at the time. For Team Naegi, they’re arguing the Remnants can be saved and, for those that were awake, they deserve at least a fair shot at proving that they were rehabilitated. For Team Munakata, they’re arguing that no matter what form the Remnants take, they are still a danger to others and need to be eliminated. Both sides are at an impasse, and the others begin to chime in their thoughts as well.
Gozu, Miaya, Bandai, Tengan and Koichi do at least want to give testing the Remnants a shot. In Koichi’s case, when its mentioned that he did scout out the Remnants, its in the vein that he should have a grasp on the DR2 crew in spades. While he’s confident that, if given another shot, they’d be alright, he also admits he may or may not have been a biiiit too drunk that day and maybe can’t remember approving a good chunk of them? (Hina sighs and calls him out for being so irresponsible). Yet, there was still those like Ruruka or Izayoi who were adamant that the Remnants couldn’t be saved, and Ryota was too meek to say where he stood.
Eventually, a vote would commence. Kyoko and Makoto aren’t allowed to vote given their involvement in the matter, but Hina is allowed since she was away during the debacle and, at least to Tengan, she should at least be given the benefit of the doubt. A majority of seven would decide Makoto’s fate. Each Director gives their vote until its a split between Guilty (Kyosuke, Juzo, Seiko, Ruruka, Sonosuke and Chisa) and Not Guilty (Koichi, Tengan, Ryota, Bandai, Gozu and Miaya)
The only person left to vote is Hina and she’s feeling happy. She’s the tiebreaker and can save her friend’s life! She can help him! She can get him out of this situation! They’ve won! But, Kyosuke wasn’t done just yet. He chuckles and remarks that Hina must really be a strong woman. After all: she’s sparing the left of someone who saved those who got her brother killed.
Hina freezes and the room falls silent, except for Kyosuke. He gets into Hina’s head, reminding her of all the damage that the Remnants done. Because of Ultimate Despair, millions of people are dead and the world was brought to ruin. Because of them, her little brother, Yuta Asahina, will never come back. He’s another casualty; a victim who has never received justice for the crime brought to him! To Kyosuke, he’s not trying to be the bad guy - he doesn’t want to do this, especially to the ‘Ultimate Hope’ who helped stopped the Mastermind behind that terrorist organization. But what else can he do when the last major executives of the worst organization in human history were prevented from their just punishment for their actions? And doesn’t Hina want that? Want them to pay for blowing up her brother, whose remains are still at the bottom of the ocean? Does she really want to them off the hook for someone who values the lives of 15 murderers than her own flesh and blood?!
At the end of it, Hina is in tears and her conflicted mindset comes to a boil. She can’t think straight and has broken down, overwhelmed with such an awful choice to make. Both of her friends rush to her to try to get her to calm down, but as soon as Makoto touches her arm, she shirks away from them and runs out of the room. Something that causes Kyosuke to call for a temporary recess. Makoto is stopped from leaving by Juzo, but Kyoko is permitted to go after the swimmer. The rest of the Directors shuffle off, though Tengan wonders out loud if Kyosuke truly had to bring up the deceased just to sway the vote. For Kyosuke? He remarks that it’s better for Hina to truly understand her choices. Lest she makes one that she’ll live to regret. As for Makoto, he’s carted off to a nearby room to be treated by Chisa after Juzo handled him a bit too roughly. It’s there we get her revealing her past to Makoto as well, a condensed version of it, and her beliefs right to the luckster. Of both Kyosuke and Makoto coming together to create even bigger Hope for the world. If Kyosuke was the Hope of Justice- one that promises punishment to sinners who wronged others, then Makoto was the Hope of Faith - that promises that there was respite even in the worst of times. She encourages him to see Kyosuke’s point of view and meet somewhere in the middle with him.
Kyoko would go on to find Hina, sobbing bitterly in the girl’s bathroom. Hina apologizes for her actions. After all, Makoto’s life is on the life. She should have just ignored Kyosuke and voted for her friend’s safety! But, Kyoko shakes her head and tells Hina not to be sorry. After all, what was done to Hina can be considered a genuine betrayal given what UD have done to Yuta and what half of her friends did in spite of that. None of the others ever contacted her about it, nor even discussed it with Hina. They let their friend remain hurt for so long…and for that, Kyoko, kneels down and can only offer her humblest of apologies - even offering Hina to hit her if necessary if it means getting everything out of her systems and making amends.
But Hina doesn’t want that. She gets out of the stall, and just hugs Kyoko, crying into her shoulder. A while pasts, and Hina calms down, now willing to head back to the trial. They head out, only for Kyoko to notice something. The door to the supply closet wasn’t fully closed. Hina went to shut it, but finds the security guards of the place murdered. She freaks out and that’s when chaos ensues.
By now we get to see the Elite Task Force luring away guards, and quietly murdering them.  During this process, Hagakure, is strolling on by lost, getting back from the men’s restroom when he opens the wrong door and sees some operatives stuffing the dead into body bags.
Hagakure ends up running away, which leads him to escaping the building right before the shutters close on the roof of Future Foundation. During this time, the scenes cuts to Togami whose in a meeting with his secretary and Aloysius. They have a flash drive containing some secret information concerning some hidden email they managed to dredge up with help from a special program A.E. gave to Togami some time ago. Secretly, they planted a special virus in each of the 14 Branches meant to automatically track any suspicious emails or files and send it straight to Team Togami. The fruits of their labor lies in that drive. Taking it and placing it into his laptop, Togami begins rummaging through all suspicious files and his eyes hardened considerably:
“...The third mutual killing game…and…a nation wide att-!!!” he gets up and orders both to make preparations. The scenes shifts throughout the various branches which are facing attacks from various agents of destructions, from rogue Remnants, to criminals/hitmen to even the likes of various operatives in the division going rogue out of nowhere and killing their own. It was complete chaos and no one can reach the Directors.
Back at Future Foundation HQ, the main cast are in a state of panic as they find themselves trapped in and reports of the guards being dead come to surface. Like in the original show, they are knocked out by sleeping gas. When they wake up, however, they find themselves in a rather demonic, yet regal looking area with monitors all over. The monitors come to life with Monokuma alongside four other mascots. He announces that these five are the MonoKast - hosts of the third mutual killing game!
Monokowl - a white and grey owl in a cowl and a graduation hat. Vice Headmaster of the MonoKast
Monokan - a white and orange kangaroo wearing a black apron. The teacher that helps runs the ‘school’.
Monokrown - A white and purple bee with a tiny crown. The security guard that keeps things safe.
Monokrony - A black and dark brown vampire bat with a gold star. A teacher’s assistant that helps out. Or tries to help out at least.
But if the Directors refuse to believe that they’ll kill each other, Monokuma is proud to announced that this killing game has already started. Everyone is confused, but it suddenly clicks to Kyosuke. Where is Chisa? The cast look up and see her murdered on the chandelier before it crashes, leaving Kyosuke just as distraught as he was before in the original.
This ends the first part of the rewrite!! I'm open to questions concerning it if needed and hope anyone that read this got some enjoyment from this rendition! Who know when the next part will be up, but will try to make it for at least this year!
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thenewfuture · 1 year
Under Attack...Pt.2
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Eeeehhh!!! K-Kyosuke! Wh-What's happening?!
*Seiko runs into the main meeting room, where several others are already inside*
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I'm trying to ascertain that now. What is our status?
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According to our cameras outside...the front and back entrances have been blown up and caved in. The helipads and emergency boats have also been destroyed. We're locked in...!
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Phone's are dead...! We can't contact the outside!
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L-Locked in...with no way out... Oh my, this is troublesome...
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Wasn't this island supposed to be off the grid!? How did anyone find us?!
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We're going to die, we're going to die, we're going to die, we are so gooing to diiiiieeeee...!
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Yasuhiro! Get a hold of yourself!
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Kyosuke! What's happening?!
*Chisa, Ryota, Koichi, Miaya, Makoto and the Remnants come in as well*
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Chisa! I'm glad you're safe!
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What are you yelling at us for....?
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Did you do this...? Was this your plan...?!
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You...you brought the Remnants here...! You led them right to us!
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H-Huh?! No, no! That is not true!
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That's bullshit! We were watched over the entire time! When could we have done something like that?
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Not to mention that we're stuck in here too now! Why the hell would we do something like that!?
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You can't predict a Despair's motive... They're always unexpected and unreasonable...
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Until we have a clear answer of what's going on, you all are to detained!
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No, that's wrong! This is just crazy!
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Let's just do what he says... They won't believe us, and it'll be over faster...
*Hajime puts his hands in the air and lies down on the ground...*
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Gurk! *Juzo stomps his foot on Hajime's back to hold him*
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It's fine... Just....just go along with it...
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Nrrgghh.... You can't...treat us like this....
*The other Remnants lay on the floor too*
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Hina: *huff, huff...*
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Hina: The guards...They're all unconscious...!
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'Dammit...! What's going on? How could this happen...?'
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