#koiran fanfiction
mikawa-province · 6 years
The Nile 2 [preview]
I’m still alive y’all
One of these days, he was going to jail for finally snapping over Oda's high-handedness… but knew that losing it wasn't worth throwing away his dream job. Compared to the others, he was still relatively new, and had a hard time trying to stand out. The industry he was trying to break through was notorious in a sense that out of a hundred, only one became a pro in the field.
Shame on him if he would mess things up just because Oda's high-handed ways couldn't be dealt with.
And so, he replied to the politician's message with a simple ‘Fine’ before sending a message to his roommate to let her know that Oda was expecting his promised lunch in the coming days.
To his annoyance, she replied with a rather enthusiastic sticker that gave him the impression that she was looking forward to it.
… The hell did he care anyway? She could damn well cook for anyone she wanted, it wasn't as if he had any say in what his roommate did.
As long as she was not part of any yakuza-affiliated group and she did not use his place for any illegal activities, she was free to do whatever she wanted.
… Though admittedly, looking back, he still could not decide whether or not it had been a wise idea to tell her to treat his place as if it were her own.
No amount of distraction nor working to the point of exhaustion could remove the sight he had seen after he got back from his business trip, especially when one of the things he wanted to forget happen to be his bed.
His bed, of all things.
How was he to know that she would dare sleep on his bed while he was away?
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mutsu-province · 5 years
Title: Wager Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad: Party/Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran: Love Ballad Pairing: Date Masamune x MC Rating: PG-13 Era: Modern Day Word Count (MS Word): 3,959
才子佳人 (さいしかじん) [saishikajin]
(n) well-matched pair 
"You should totally meet my cousin."
Anyone who heard such a statement would have been puzzled as to why one had to mention one’s relative who was not present at that very moment, but given that her situation had been rather odd as well, she should not have been surprised.
It was stupid, really, on how it all began.
After living in the Ancient Capital her whole life, the moment the opportunity presented itself for her to be able to study in the East Capital, she seized it and never looked back. Sure, she got a bit homesick at times, but more importantly, she had her freedom.
It was not known to all that she was from an old samurai clan, and a conservative one at that.
Which meant that everything she did was scrutinized, from the way she dressed to where she studied. As such, she went to one of the few 'Super Science High Schools' in the country from elementary until high school, and her family, albeit reluctantly to allow her to pursue higher education, expected her to go to the equally elite Kyoto University, if only to keep an eye on her.
Instead, she opted to enroll at the University of Tokyo, specifically, to a course that she had been interested in ever since she could read a book: the Liberal Arts, with her specialization being Japanese history. Ironic, as she had been subjected to math and science most of her life, only for her to pursue a degree in the arts.
Not that her family had been against it, but they were rather disappointed that she was going to university when she could have simply gone through a marriage meeting in order to get married soon after her high school graduation.
The last thing she wanted was to become a pawn to her family, which was why she opted to be as physically distant from them as she could possibly achieve. It was by pure luck that she managed to get a scholarship for the famed TouDai, and with her situated in Tokyo, that meant less meddling.
Sure, it made year-end family gatherings a little bit awkward, but it was on them, not her. She had no desire to follow their wishes; she did so once, just to please them, but it made her miserable in the end.
Never again would she allow herself to be manipulated.
Pushing aside any thought of her estranged family, she asked, "... Excuse me?"
The other person grinned before chuckling. "Oh, sorry about that. Just that… you remind me of my cousin. He's pretty knowledgeable about history too, and would probably appreciate seeing the famed Red Gate with his own eyes."
"I… see." she decided not to tell the stranger that the ancestors of her childhood friend had a connection to this Red Gate [1], lest it invited more talk. It wasn’t everyday that some stranger came up to you to discuss about Japanese history, and no matter how much she wanted to stop and chat, it simply wasn’t done upon the first encounter. "Well then, if you'll excuse me…"
"Sorry for the sudden outburst though." The man scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "You a junior?"
She nodded tentatively, which made the man grin. "Nice, I'm a junior too. Komaba Campus, yeah? Guess I'll see you around."
She found herself nodding again before turning away, heading back to the station.
"Itou Narumi!"
She stopped in her tracks and looked back at the man, who was now grinning widely at her. “I’m Itou Narumi.” he repeated. “Nice to meet you.”
Despite her hesitation, she found herself smiling a bit. "Tamura Aki. Nice to meet you."
While their initial meeting had been rather unusual, she quickly became friends with Narumi. It turned out that happy-go-lucky man was such a people-person that he had made friends with everyone in their year in no time, though curiously, he somehow chose to spend most of his time with her whenever possible. Of course, that brought about rumors regarding their relationship being more than friends, but he had been quick to tell her that she was, in his opinion, better off with his cousin.
As to who that cousin was, she had no clue, other than said cousin did not reside in Tokyo, and was a year older than both of them. When she pressed her classmate for more details about this cousin of his, all he did was smirk.
“In due time, my friend. In due time.” the words sounded ominous, but to her, it was simply typical of master showman Itou Narumi to keep people in suspense.
Which was why she was now in a Shinkansen bound for Sendai in Miyagi Prefecture as soon as her summer break started; her original plan was to attend the Sendai Tanabata, held yearly during the 6th until the 8th of August, but somehow, somehow, Narumi had managed to convince her to make changes to her plan and, instead, head over to Sendai a few days before the start of the festival. She protested over the lack of funds; the cost of a Shinkansen ticket was no joke, nor were the hotel prices. A yearly event like Sendai Tanabata surely meant that the cost of the lodging would skyrocket, but her friend told her that she did not have to worry too much about her lodging. Rather, she could stay over at his family’s place in Sendai, which she had declined initially until he pestered her to simply accept her blessings. In the end, she reluctantly accepted the offer, though making a mental note to simply go back to Tokyo just in case the arrangements did not fall through and took a turn for the worst.
“Oh, and if you didn’t know, the place’s actually very near Zuihoden; you can be there as soon as it opens at 9.”
And that was how she fell for the scheme, hook, line, and sinker.
While most of the people she knew had known about her interest in history, what they were not aware of was that she was one of them, namely, a rekijo.
Calling her a ‘female history buff’ was still too kind; rather, she was obsessed with simply one man who made his mark in history.
While she did not go to the extremes of living, speaking, and breathing anything related to pre-Edo period, the way she was obsessed with learning and reading about her favorite warlord was another story. Every new book and magazine that featured him, without fail, she would buy it and read it, even if the information on said book had been something that she already knew. After all, she knew she wouldn’t be able to forgive herself if she overlooked anything related to him.
As to who her favorite warrior was, it was the One-Eyed Dragon of the North, Date Mutsu no Kami Masamune, the man who founded the city she was to visit.
Upon admitting this tidbit to her new friend and explaining why she was going to all three days of Sendai Tanabata, a smile that she could only describe as ‘scheming’ made its way to Narumi’s face before saying, “... I see. Well then, your Sendai trip should be interesting, yeah? Why not stay longer? I’m sure my cousin wouldn’t mind entertaining you.”
If it was only possible to cancel the trip, but the history buff in her was screaming at her not to, and to even take this as an opportunity to have the best Tanabata experience possible. She was never one to join festivals, especially since it was always humid in the summer. Besides that, she always had a part-time job lined up for a few weeks during summer vacation as she had bills to pay and money to save up. It took her two long years to save up for this trip, and she would rather not let the moment pass her by.
… That, and it would be totally embarrassing if she cancelled out on her friend, who had actually managed to convince his cousin to tour them around Sendai and the spots around the prefecture. Narumi, it turned out, had gotten the same cousin to agree to house her for the duration of her stay, and for free. When she asked why she had to stay at a total stranger’s place instead of his family home, it was then he told her that while he had been born in Miyagi Prefecture, he and his family moved to Hokkaido and settled at Date City. [2]
To her own embarrassment and shame, she then couldn’t help but quiz him about the city he grew up in, as it was related to the Date clan. Thankfully, her friend was more than happy to tell her about the history of the place.
“Honestly, you’re the only one I know who actually wanted to hear about where I grew up. Mention ‘Hokkaido’, and everyone just assumes that you’re from Sapporo.”
She shrugged. “I’ve read about Date City and didn’t want to assume, so I thought it would be better to ask you directly instead of making my own conclusions.”
He nodded solemnly. “You’re awesome as always, Acchan!”
While, at first, she was not very fond of the nickname, she realized that Narumi-kun didn’t call her by that to make fun of her. Growing up, a majority of people made fun of her and her name, mockingly calling her ‘Megohime’ whenever she starts blabbering about Sengoku Period history related to her favorite warlord or when they find out the characters to her name.
“No wonder you’re so fond of that warlord; you’ve even named yourself after his wife! Just how obsessed are you, really?” [3]
For the most part, people assumed that her name was her alias when, in fact, it was her real name. Narumi, to her own surprise, asked her how her name was read, even after seeing the way she wrote it.
Now that she thought about it, Narumi was truly a nice guy; at first, it seemed really suspicious as to why he would go out of his way to be so nice to her, even if they became friends recently. 
Then again, he's always been like that to everyone.
Quickly relieving herself of distracting thoughts, she began to reread the list of places she would like to visit while she was in Tohoku. Now was her chance to truly visit the place she had always dreamed of; the very region her favorite warlord had ruled… just thinking about it was enough to make her want to scream in happiness.
She reached her destination a little before noon, and immediately after exiting the Shinkansen, the university student took a photo of the sign that indicated the station name, trying her best not to either burst into tears or simply scream.
She still could hardly believe the fact that she was finally here.
In Sendai.
“Don’t you start breaking down on me here.”
She hardly had any time to gasp as soon as she realized that Itou Narumi was now walking towards her, and had went out of his way to pay the platform ticket [4] just to see her.
“Why are you even here?!” she could barely keep her surprise down.
“Been messaging you for ten minutes. Guess you were too giddy to reply back? We’re not even at the castle ruins yet!” upon hearing his teasing, her face flamed, knowing that he spoke the truth.
Unable to counter what he had said, she proceeded to hit him on the arm, prompting him to yelp in surprise and in shock.
“... Come on, let’s just go okay. I bet your cousin’s waiting for us.” with that, she began walking towards the exit, eager to begin her exploration of the region.
With her back turned, she missed the calculating smirk on her friend’s face.
“Yes, he’s so looking forward to meeting you.”
If only publicly throttling and assaulting his cousin wasn’t a crime, he would have done so as soon as Shigezane made it out of the ticket gates.
Despite being younger by a year old, his now soon-to-be disowned cousin was such a sleaze that he could not believe he got outsmarted by this… this… schemer.
Date Masamune being uncomfortable with women was the biggest understatement of the year within his family, and the fact that there was a woman trailing behind Shigezane was the biggest indicator that this happened to be the very person he had to take care of during her entire stay in Sendai.
Inwardly, he cringed, irritated at the fact that he assumed that the ‘buddy’ Shigezane mentioned over at LINE was male. While he wanted to blame the other man for the situation he was currently in, Masamune knew that the burden fell to him to confirm all the details. He had been so busy lately that it was highly likely that he overlooked the messages. That, or Shigezane seemed to have been intentionally been vague and rather pushy that he had no other choice but to agree just to get him to stop spamming their LINE chat.
Typical of Shigezane to use his so-called “persuasion skills” to force the other person to simply give in.
Resisting the urge to roll both of his eyes, he sized up the person who was to be his house guest for the next few days.
Surprisingly, up close, she was a rather small thing, the top of her head barely reaching his cousin’s chin. While he was no fashion expert, even from his good left eye, he noticed that her hairstyle reminded him of how women from the Heian Period, who kept it very long, but the hair on the sides of her cheeks were cut short.
… Not that she had a face similar to the Heian Period women depicted on those scrolls.
She looked… well, she was definitely a looker in that blue-green summer dress and short-sleeved cardigan, if he had to admit it. With eyes the color of ruby and her burgundy locks cascading just above the middle of her back, Shigezane’s… whoever she was, she was guaranteed to catch a man’s attention, himself included, even though he was no good in dealing with her kind.
She had seemed rather soft-spoken when she bowed at Kojuro after Shigezane did the introductions. To his surprise, she seemed to refer to his cousin by a different name, one that he couldn't quite catch.
Before he could ponder on it further, Shigezane interrupted his thoughts.
“Masa! Sorry for the wait! My buddy’s here now!” it was hard to miss the cheeky grin on his cousin’s face. “She spent her time on the platform taking photos of the ‘Sendai Station’ signboard like a tourist!”
He also did not miss the glare she aimed at her cousin, who was either oblivious or was simply ignoring her anger.
Inwardly, he shook his head and sighed, knowing that since he had to honor his promise, he might as well steel himself for the upcoming chaos.
“I’m Masamune.” he said, bowing at the girl.
Curiously, her face lit up. “ ‘Masamune’? Is your name written the same way as — ”
For some reason, he felt annoyed upon hearing where her query was going. While he was aware that there were many ways to write the name, still, hearing it from her was enough to stir something in him other than indifference.
“Yes, I write my name the same way as the Date Masamune.” [5] he said curtly, not wanting to explain further.
Like his more famous ancestor before him, he was named thus, which he thought was not a bad thing… though it got annoying when even his right eye had somehow tried to imitate the first lord of the Sendai Domain. While the issue with his eye was not due to smallpox, he felt uncomfortable about it, which was why he chose to cover his affected eye with part of his hair and, at times, a medical eyepatch.
To his surprise, a smile made its way to her face. “That is such a cool name. Nice to meet you, I’m Aki.”
He ignored the way his chest warmed upon seeing her smile. “Let’s head out before we run out of parking space at the museum.” Masamune found himself saying before turning around to head for the parking lot.
“Museum? Seriously? Her first time in Sendai, and you’re thinking of bringing her to the museum?” came Shigezane’s unfiltered commentary. “That’s boring and you know it!”
“Got any better ideas?” Kojuro asked curtly, sounding rather exasperated that the carefully planned schedule was being challenged by the very person who asked for a favor.
“I don’t mind going to the museum.” Aki said, seemingly sensing the tension in the air. “I think it’d be great to learn more about Sendai! I mean, we are off to Sendai City Museum [6], right?”
“We are.” Kojuro confirmed. “I trust that you don’t object to that, Tamura-san?”
“Of course not.” he heard her say in affirmation. “I’d love to see the history of this city! Anything goes, really!”
Despite his misgivings about this woman, he found himself admiring her, if only just a little. They’ve only met, after all, and who knows what kind of woman she really was underneath all the politeness. His own mother had been loving and kind until she found out about the condition of his right eye; despite modern-day explanations that there was nothing wrong with it, she clung to old-fashioned beliefs that he had been cursed by their ancestors.
… Now’s not the time to think about that.
He needed a change of pace and a change of scenery; he was on his final year in the university, and had been pushing himself too hard. Upon the advice of Kojuro, he decided to actively join the festivities for this year’s Tanabata. As heir of the Date clan, he had been tasked by his father to tour a group of tourists from overseas around Zuihoden, his famous namesake’s mausoleum complex [7]; while he was uncomfortable with public speaking, he knew he had to overcome this. Someday, he would be giving out lectures about his family to the general public, and the sooner he became more comfortable with his clan duties, the better.
“Are you all done talking? Let’s get moving.” upon looking back to see if everyone was following suit, he noticed that she was carrying her backpack and pulling along her rather large-sized suitcase. Upon seeing the sight, he found himself frowning.
Walking over to her, he said, “Give me that.”
“I’m fine—” just when she was about to protest, he cut her off and grabbed the trolley handle of her suitcase. “Uhhh…”
“Forgive my cousin for forgetting that he is supposed to be a gentleman and should be carrying your stuff for you.” Masamune then directed a glare at his cousin, who at least looked a bit less smug after getting called out for his mistake. “Your backpack, if you don’t mind.”
“I’m good.” she said, shaking her head. “I can carry this at least.”
“Very well. Let’s stop wasting time here.” pulling her roller suitcase behind him, he began to head for the rooftop parking.
Shigezane found himself smirking as soon as his cousin’s back was turned. Beside him, Kojuro was frozen on the spot, unable to process what he had just seen.
Not that he could blame him; Katakura Kojuro served as Masamune’s guardian and mentor since childhood, and knew very well that Masamune could not abide women. And yet, the heir to their clan had been cordial, polite even, and to a woman he had only met for the first time. There was still some awkwardness to the way Masa conducted himself towards Acchan, but that was a start at least.
“... Is this what you meant when you said you’d be going home for the summer holidays?” Kojuro asked in a soft voice as both of them followed the two from a distance. “I was surprised to hear that you wanted to visit Sendai in summer, when we all know that you’d rather go back to Hokkaido and escape the summer heat in Tokyo.”
Instead of denying it, Shigezane figured that he might as well spill the beans to the older man. After all, his plan of setting up his cousin and his new friend wouldn’t go as planned if Kojuro kept trailing after Masamune like a mother hen.
“You’d never believe me on this, but Tamura Aki is the perfect girl for Masa!”
As expected, Kojuro sighed in exasperation. “... Are you serious?”
It was his turn to sigh in exasperation. “Why wouldn’t I be serious about this?”
“You manipulated her into going here just to meet Masamune-sama?!” Kojuro asked, irritation evident in his voice. “That is low, even for you.”
It was his turn to get angry at the accusation. “Excuse me, but Acchan wanted to attend the Sendai Tanabata; all I did was steer her to Masa’s direction. Wouldn’t it be great if they get along?!”
“This is highly inappropriate—”
“Oh please, Kojuro, we both know that deep within your heart, you want him settled with a good woman and take care of his babies in the future like a doting grandma.” for the second time that day, he ignored the glare aimed at him, though he grinned widely at the embarrassed flush that made its way to the man’s cheeks. “Just your luck, she’s perfect for him.”
When even his childhood guardian did not look convinced, he added, “She doesn’t know anything about the clan, nor our families.”
“You both are from TouDai, are you not? How does she not know?”
“I never told her; I go by ‘Itou Narumi’ [8] in school, and she doesn’t suspect that we’re related to the Date clan of the old Sendai Domain.”
At this, Kojuro simply shook his head, as if to give up trying to process whatever it was that he was saying; which meant that, for now, it was his victory.
“So please, could you not get in their way, at least, until she and I leave for Tokyo?”
Shigezane knew that Kojuro was torn; it was a gamble, as it was not known at this point if his ward and a strange woman would actually get along. Not to mention, the possibility of her being a gold digger and hurting Masamune was something that the member of the Katakura clan was mulling upon.
Shigezane directed a prayer to his ancestors to, for once, enlighten the old man and allow him to let go of his overprotectiveness towards Masamune, albeit temporarily.
It was on the tip of his tongue to say that Masamune wasn’t as fragile as he thought he was, until Kojuro beat him to it.
“... I will humor you just this once, and will allow your friend to be close to Masamune-sama during her stay here. However, one suspicious move from her, and I send her back to Tokyo, along with you.” Kojuro leveled his gaze at him, and for once, Date Shigezane felt as if he was a toddler again, as the look in the older man’s eyes felt eerily similar to his childhood days whenever he was scolded for getting into trouble.
Still, if the gamble paid off…
“Don’t you worry, old man, you’ll like her.” ignoring the eye twitch in the other man’s eye upon hearing the word ‘old man’, Shigezane grinned. “In no time at all, Masa’s gonna fall in love with her, and you’ll have babies to take care of!”
“... You’d better be right about this, or I’ll never forgive myself.”
[1] Red Gate - called the 'Akamon'. Tokyo University's main Hongo campus used to be the residence of the Maeda clan in Edo (Tokyo).
[2] Date City - located in Hokkaido. Members of the Date-Watari clan (Shigezane's descendants) moved to Hokkaido during the Meiji period. There is a museum in Date city that displays Date Shigezane's armor.
[3] “No wonder you’re so fond of that warlord; you’ve even named yourself after his wife! Just how obsessed are you, really?” - Date Masamune’s legal wife’s name is Megohime (愛姫).
[4] Platform ticket - when you want to see someone off at the train station and want to go past the ticket gates, you'll need a platform ticket to go in.
[5] Date Masamune’s name - It’s written as 政宗. There are actually eleven ways to write the name ‘Masamune’ in different kanji.
[6] Sendai City Museum - as the name implies, it's a museum within the city of Sendai that tells the history of the city. At times, the museum displays rare items related to Date Masamune or to the Date clan.
[7] Zuihoden - mausoleum complex where Date Masamune is buried.
[8] Itou Narumi - Date Shigezane’s name (伊達成実) can also be read as such, as shown in the game’s event story.
Welp, I started writing for Date Masamune too.
First fanfic for him, and I was bold enough to even try a modern-day AU setting; I guess this is what happens when you keep on visiting Sendai and doing fanfic research while you’re there...? I love Sendai a lot though, which is why I keep coming back whenever I get a chance to do so.
I’ve set Masamune’s MC’s name to be Tamura Aki (田村 愛姫), with the kanji for her first name being similar to Megohime’s, though only read differently. I chose the family name ‘Tamura’, as Tamura was the clan that Megohime belonged to before marrying Date Masamune.
Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter!
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SLBP/KoiRan Fanfiction:
I wrote fanfiction for this series.
Mikawa Province - for all your Ue-sama Shogun-sama Tokugawa Ieyasu needs Mutsu Province - for all your [future] Oshu’s finest ass Date Masamune needs
Will be adding more blogs if needed or if any other character interests me.
AO3 account
13 notes · View notes
mutsu-province · 5 years
5 notes · View notes
mikawa-province · 6 years
The Nile
Title: The Nile Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad: Party/Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran: Love Ballad Pairing: Tokugawa Ieyasu x MC Rating: PG-13 Word Count (MS Word): 4,545 
現状否定 (げんじょうひてい) [genjouhitei] (n) refusal to accept the present situation; denial of the existing situation
Happy Birthday, Tokugawa Ieyasu!
This was not how he envisioned his evening to be.
All Matsudaira Motoyasu wanted was a nice dinner and a bath before he retired to his bedroom, in preparation for a hectic morning ahead, which would consist of heading to the airport to make it in time for his morning flight. Business trips were the bane of existence, especially when it involved flying out of his home country to meet with clients.
Frankly, while he loved his day job, this was one aspect that he thought they should do away with, as he has never been the type to mingle and be nice. Within his workplace, he was known as the sarcastic one who had to be told to stop cursing out, lest he offended the people around him with his foul mouth.
… Not like he cared, really. His workplace could tell him to tone down his cursing all they like, it's not like he would cave in. Rather, his current career choice was something he was doing to tide him over until his dream job became stable enough to be a career.
And just like every dream job, he was still not at that level where he could abandon his day job for the one he had been dreaming of ever since he was old enough to understand what he wanted to do in life.
“Huh, never realize you'd be the type to cohabit with a woman, Motoyasu. Or is she your wife, as the rumors say?” came the familiar drawl that made him want to cringe openly.
Was there any law protecting citizens from getting sued if he slammed the door and claimed that any injury that resulted from said action was simply an ‘accident’? His unwanted guest’s fingers were on the door frame, the most perfect spot for what he was planning, and he was so very tempted to close the door with as much force as he could muster. That should be enough to get his point across.
Then again, no matter how much he tried, Oda Saburou never bothered listening to him.
That, and the man was such a huge gossip, nothing escaped his notice, his hearing, and his network.
As expected of a politician, Motoyasu thought to himself darkly before smiling at his childhood acquaintance.
“She’s neither. The woman is my housekeeper.” while he did not want Oda to know what she really was to him, he figured that telling the partial truth would be enough to satisfy the other man’s curiosity.
Oda, unfortunately, did not thinking that was all there was to the story and pressed on, the notorious busybody that he was. “Really? Just a housekeeper? Yet she lives with you?” [1]
He felt his eyes glare at the direction of the shrewd legislator giving him a sly look. “The arrangement I have with her is none of your business.”
Motoyasu wished that this scenario had never happened.
It was one thing for Oda to confront him about this… unusual setup without her within earshot. Conversations like these were done at expensive restaurants, specifically private rooms that were confirmed not to have been bugged nor tampered with.
Now, with her standing by the doorway beside him… this was the worst scenario he could ever think of. Not only because it did not make sense that member of the National Diet was visiting him on a whim, but Oda was being too persistent with his line of questioning and seemed way too interested and invested with his personal life.
The look on her face said it all: confused, incredulous, and most of all… shock.
Representative Oda Saburou of Aichi Prefecture’s First District [2] was at the front door and acted with so much arrogance, it seemed as if he owned the place.
The blond man resisted every urge to roll his eyes at the sight of the most irritating man in existence. “... Can you leave? I have an early flight to catch tomorrow—” before he could tell the man to fuck off and get lost, Oda raised a hand, as if to greet her and winked!
To his own surprise and anger, she blushed.
Fucking hell.
“Hey you, why don’t you work for me instead? No doubt Motoyasu’s pay rate is shit, and you probably don’t even have your own room.” Oda said, referring to his apartment setup that was definitely not up to a politician’s standards. “Can you really stand to live in a place like this? I’m sure I have more to offer than he does, no offense.” the last part sounded like he had randomly thrown that in to soften the blow, but Motoyasu knew better.
Oda was a demon in his own right, and was subtly trying to provoke him, in an attempt to test his patience.
… Maybe this was the sign he was waiting for.
Oda would still be able to live normally, even after losing a few fingers, right?
Then again, he didn’t need fingers if all he did was use his personal seal [3] to stamp everything in approval.
Just before he could take a single step towards the entryway to slam the door shut, she finally found her voice.
“I-If I may, Representative Oda…” she began hesitantly, wringing her hands before looking directly at the politician. “I would like to respectfully decline your offer. I am happy with what I am doing right now, and Motoyasu has been nothing but kind to me ever since I started working for him.”
Did she just… call him by his first name…?!
He shouldn’t be that surprised, really.
Given that his western upbringing had made him immune to getting surprised when people called him by his given name [4], her calling him by his name other than ‘Matsudaira-san’ for the past few months since she moved in… something akin to ‘fluttering’ made its way to his heart, which horrified and puzzled him at the same time.
Was he really that desperate to hear his name from her lips?
He was more deluded than he thought he would be.
The office teasing was getting to him so bad, he was starting to overthink of matters that he should not even be thinking about.
Nishina Sanae was his housekeeper (not officially, but she referred to herself as such), and he was her employer and boss (according to her, anyway); such a setup shouldn’t bring such crazy ideas to his mind.
Yet… it did.
If they were living overseas, he would have been sued for harassment if he dared to make a move… however, in his home country, their current setup was one of those scenarios that people who wrote fiction for a living made millions of yen from. It was absurd, really, how the master of the house would somehow fall for his housekeeper, courtesy of either clumsy writing or a rather believable storyline that got the masses hooked.
Even so, he never did see her as his housekeeper. She did more than just housesit for him whenever he was away at his day job, or when he did his gig late in the evenings that would last until the early morning. Too exhausted to do his chores, which was brought about by his late-night job, she did it all to help around the house in order to, according to her, pay her share of the rent in lieu of monetary payment. While it sounded so sleazy that she was doing almost all the household work, as he had been used to the notion that chores were done on a give and take basis between two individuals living together, she informed him that she was more than happy to do the chores as it distracted her from falling into a mess.
Until now, she was still unable to secure another job to replace the one that had let her go, and was desperately searching for anything that would allow her to earn the exact same rate that her old job gave her.
“After all, I need to have my own place as soon as possible. It’s gonna be awkward if I’m here and you bring a lady over. I’ll be in the way and she might get the wrong idea.”
He resisted rolling his eyes upon hearing her say that. Dating was far from his mind, especially since he was focusing on his side gig, and, at the same time, trying to keep his head afloat with his day job. ‘Exhausting’ was one way to put it, but there was also the matter of his family to keep in mind.
If only his family was normal, they probably would not bat an eyelash over his personal choices, but they weren’t… exactly what the population would call ‘normal’.
Far from it.
“Really?” Oda did not look convinced. “You find him ‘kind’ when he’s forcing you to make him a lunch box everyday for the past few months?”
This fucking guy was seriously going to get stabbed one of these days. If the yakuza wouldn’t do it, he would definitely be first in line to go through with it.
How long would he be in jail if he ‘accidentally’ stabbed this guy?
… And how the hell did he know about the bentou boxes? Did Oda seriously have spies at his workplace?
He made a mental note to be careful from now on.
“No way, it’s not like that!” she said. “I don’t mind making lunches for him!”
How awkward that what he ate for lunch was becoming a point of intrigue in his company. He had hoped that when he started bringing her home-cooked meals, his co-workers would not notice it; it had been barely two minutes since he began eating when one of them did and straight-up asked him if he already knocked up a woman and married her.
At that time, he found the notion ridiculous. He had no time to ‘knock up’ a woman, with the way his schedule worked, and how exhausted he was day after day.
“Whatever you say, man, but if you’re that oblivious with the way your wife puts a lot of effort in that bentou of yours, I won’t be surprised if she finds someone else who would appreciate her more than you ever will and divorce you.”
… Maybe he really was more exhausted than he thought. His brain was giving him stupid ideas from all that romantic-related nonsense his co-workers were telling him.
Death from overwork was a thing [5], and he had to be careful not to tire himself out too much.
But before all of that, first thing’s first: Oda had to go, either as a corpse, or as a living human being.
“Interesting.” the politician was smirking from ear to ear now. “A home-cooked meal, huh… haven’t had one in a long time.”
Just before the blond man could tell him to simply go home and have his own meal prepared by his personal chef, she just had to do the most annoying thing possible.
“If you’d like, I can cook for you sometime.” she volunteered readily.
Motoyasu did not know why, but he was suddenly seeing red, and the fact that he was feeling rather murderous when Oda’s taunts and teasing did not used to affect him was very alarming. Either way, by the looks of it, it was either he ended up ‘accidentally’ stabbing the man or he shoved the guy out of his apartment, all the while acting as cordial as possible while doing said shoving.
As he still had dreams to fulfill, one of which being his side job becoming a full-time job, he opted for the latter, and made a move to close the door. While doing so, he had accidentally hit her hand as he swung his own to grab the door frame.
“Sorry.” he muttered, wondering why his cheeks felt hot all of a sudden at the contact.
“N-no worries…”
Oda Saburou rolled his eyes upon seeing the red-faced woman and shook his head. “Yeah right, you’re totally not married.” he remarked sarcastically.
“I already told you--”
“Whatever you say, I’m leaving.” before he removed his hand on the frame, he winked at the lone female among them. “I’ll take you up on that offer sometime. See you around.”
Motoyasu slammed the door as hard as he possibly could, rattling the shoe cabinets by the door. Upon seeing her wince from the noise, he sighed heavily before heading off to his room.
What a stressful day it was, having to deal with Oda, and now, the possibility of him visiting more often all because his roommate (was that how he should start referring to her?) had volunteered to cook.
Though… there was also that possibility that Oda would invite her over to his place and…
He thought he had suppressed every emotion related to wanting to kill that man decades ago; why was it making a comeback all of a sudden?
“Matsudaira-san, I’m sorry…”
He was so caught up in his rage that he had forgotten that she was still there, trailing behind him.
“... You did nothing wrong.” he said as calmly as he possibly could, despite the rage in his blood. “Go to sleep. And just so you know, I don’t need breakfast tomorrow.”
“You’re clearly angry at me.” she stubbornly pressed on, somehow misinterpreting his request for no breakfast. “Won’t you tell me what I did to offend you?”
As much as he wanted to not deal with this stupidity caused by his inability to control his emotions, she was forcing him to face the problem head on, which was something that he has been avoiding for the past few weeks.
Damn it all.
Damn Oda for taunting him.
Damn her for being so stubborn.
Damn her for being so damn nice that she was willing to cook for just about anyone who asks.
And lastly…
Damn all of his co-workers for making the things that he never thought deeply about turn into a sick fantasy that had been haunting him for months.
He was really going to regret what he would be saying next, but he had no choice. She had to back down before he did something idiotic. “... You did nothing wrong. Ask me again and you'll regret it, I guarantee you.” he threatened.
He should have known by now that she would never be one of those women who listened to him. Rather, she got defiant at times that he wondered how she could get away with that kind of attitude at her workplace… and how he was amazingly able to tolerate all of it.
It was either that, or she only became impertinent while in his presence.
He had half a mind to discipline her, but backed down immediately, knowing that she really was more of a roommate than a housekeeper, and he had no authority over her.
Still… maybe spanking her wouldn't be such a bad idea.
He stopped himself before his mind wandered off to place that shouldn't even be worth considering, yet his mind did, and conjured images it didn’t.
Ugh, this was such a pain in so many different ways, and he was feeling the effects.
“Tell me.”
That fucking did it.
He turned around and glared at her.
“... Don't say I didn't warn you.”
She didn't realize she had followed him to his bedroom until he turned around and gave her a look that told her she was in big trouble.
Why couldn't she had just kept her mouth shut?!
Time and again, her mouth was the very cause of the various problems that ended with her always getting scolded or, worse, fired from her job for ‘insubordination’. While she would rather have a roof over her head for an indefinite period of time until she could pay the deposit for her own apartment, it was still well within her roommate's right to tell her to pack up and leave.
There was always the option of going back home, but she would rather not.
Tokyo was much more fun than her hometown, which was already so overcrowded with tourists.
That, and her roommate was not at all unpleasant to look at.
Not at all.
… Unless he was glaring at her and he was looking like he wanted to pummel her.
She never knew what ‘paralyzing fear’ was until this very moment, when he slammed a hand to the side of her face as she shrieked from the loud noise and found her back pressing against the bedroom door, feeling herself shrink from him looming presence.
Was she seriously that distracted moments ago that she actually closed the door behind her, forgetting that she was not going to clean his room, and was not at all supposed to be in her ‘housekeeper mode’?
Hell, did she just potentially entrap herself in his room?!
A thousand profanities ran through her mind as she felt her heart race in panic.
He was seriously going to punish her.
‘Why did you even do that?!’ her mind screamed at her. ‘Are you seriously asking to be thrown out in the streets? And on winter even!’
She really, really needed to keep her mouth shut from now on.
That, and having the common sense to know what to say and what not to say during certain situations.
Before she could open her mouth to beg for forgiveness, all of a sudden, her peaceful world violently spun away from its orbit.
Oh. My.
The profanities that her mind was shouting nonstop had ceased, and was replaced with… dead silence.
How was she supposed to reach over the fact that her boss, no, her “roommate” was… well… to put it simply, he was pressing his mouth against hers while he leaned closer to her…? While she have had encounters like these, this was one of the only times wherein she did not recoil at the physical closeness of both their lips and their bodies.
It also did not help that he was not at all unattractive. No doubt, there were probably women who have tried to pick him up over at Roppongi in the hopes of getting noticed, but failed to do so. His angelic-like features belied the sarcasm that he kept in check, fooling nearly everyone around him. She, too, had also been a victim, both with lacking the oversight to notice the little devil behind the charming smile, as well as his rather colorful vocabulary.
Underneath it all, however, was an awkward man who had a hard time saying his true feelings. Despite her situation, not once did he force her to clean his apartment in lieu of monetary compensation.
… Was that why she was totally okay with him kissing her…?
She was seriously losing her mind.
The last thing she wanted was to get into some kind of situation that would make everyone, including her, very awkward and uncomfortable.
Roommate, boss… whatever the hell their relationship status is right now, she would rather not get involved with someone like him.
… Well, maybe after a few minutes, she would have the courage to tell him to stop.
This man was seriously too talented with his mouth. It had been a struggle not to moan as he coaxed her with his lips to open up, but as soon as a throaty moan escaped her lips, she felt her face flame in embarrassment.
He pulled away for a bit to take in some air, and she could have sworn she heard him mutter, “Too damn cute…” before kissing her once more. This time around, his hands were slowly making its way down her torso before wrapping his arms around her waist to steady her.
It was now or never.
She found herself wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on the tip of her toes, her tongue slipping within his parted lips.
There was no turning back.
He was such a deluded good-for-nothing maniac.
He was seriously going to get sued for taking advantage of his housekeeper, roommate… whatever the hell their relationship is at this point in time. Not to mention, if she does sue him, he could say goodbye to everything he had worked hard for in the past year, all because of his uncontrollable urges. Embarrassingly, something snapped in him, and… well… she had somehow thought it was a good idea to close the door behind her when she followed him to his room.
Then again, who was he to talk? At first, he thought it would be a good idea to threaten her, jokingly, and look at where it led him.
They were close to making out at this point, with her fingers unbuttoning the dress shirt he wore for work.
Fuck that, he would never see his plain old boring work outfit the same way ever again.
No doubt, his mind would associate his work shirt with the current scenario and…
God help him if he would be unable to concentrate with his day job after this—
Thinking about his day job had snapped him out of his lust-filled thoughts.
This has got to stop, he thought to himself.
Abruptly, he placed his hands on each of her shoulder and slowly pulled away from her.
“S-sorry…” why was he such a wimp, stuttering while apologizing to the person who had been supporting him for the past few months, only for him to suddenly assault her? He was such an awful person, he wouldn’t be surprised if she ran away after everything that had happened.
Hell, even he could not process everything that had happened just now.
“I mean… my apologies, I did not mean… for this to… happen.” he ended lamely, knowing that he had no reason at all for doing what he did, other than him acting like a hormonal teenager.
Before she could say anything, he turned the handle of the door to open it. “... See you around, I guess.”
All of a sudden, he was so looking forward to flying out of the country for a couple of days.
He needed to stay far, far away from her.
The sooner, the better.
He was such a mess, and so was his mind.
 Was he… telling her to leave his room, or his household in general?
As if on auto-pilot, she found herself bowing her head, muttering ‘good night’, and leaving his bedroom. How she had managed to do it so calmly, she would never understand.
It was difficult to think straight immediately after getting kissed as if she mattered, and that he could not get enough of her. Every gesture made her knees unstable that it had really been a good idea for her to hold on to him.
Which was why it had hurt when he told her that he did not mean for it to “happen”.
Just what exactly did he mean by that?
Was he regretting making out with someone like her, a nearly-penniless girl who was both his roommate and his housekeeper…?
She wish he didn’t; she didn’t regret any of it.
… Besides, it had been somewhat a wish come true, at least, for her.
Hell, maybe it was time for her to openly admit the fact that she was thoroughly attracted to the man who had been kind enough to take her in when her whole world came crashing down one day. He wasn’t perfect by any means, but he was not awful as he made himself out to be, nor she found him unpleasant to deal with.
That, and… well… there was also that one incident that had cemented the whole foundation of her infatuation towards him.
At that point, she was still in denial with regards to her feelings towards him, as she knew that the odds between them actually upgrading their relationship status was rather low. He never really interacted much with her, and vice-versa, as it had been all professional and rarely casual.
… Until that incident.
She had been minding her own business that Saturday morning when something else better than coffee woke the ever living daylights out of her for two days straight: the sight of her naked boss.
At that times, she was busy cleaning the wash basin of his second bathroom when, at the exact same time he exited the bathroom, she happened to catch a glimpse of him from the mirror placed above the very basin she was cleaning.
If there was one thing that she discovered that day, it would be that overworking one’s self was always a bad idea, as it led to poor decisions and judgments, and that the man she was living with was… well…
If she had to be honest, what she saw on the mirror was definitely… impressive.
The very memory of that impressive sight had been forever burned both in her retinas and in her mind.
That had been the very first time she had found out that Matsudaira Motoyasu was a workaholic, as he had been going home very late that week, only for him to crash and burn that Saturday morning. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, she could never decide, but for him to actually admit that he could not remember going into the shower that morning and exiting it as naked as the day he was born and passing out after he put his underclothes on, it was a conundrum, really.
On one hand, he did not know that she had caught a glimpse of him.
On the other hand, that incident had forced her to confront her feelings for him all of a sudden, which had kept her up all night for several nights.
After all, how was it even possible for her to see her ‘boss’ in such an… intimate way? The man had been nothing but forgiving in every sense, even if, at times, she wanted to hit him for his callous remarks about everything.
His sharp tongue aside, it was getting incredibly difficult for her to continue to ignore her growing feelings.
While she had been very good with running away from her problems, now was not the time to be doing such, especially since her current situation afforded her with little to no options of doing so.
The best thing she could do, for now at least, was to act as if nothing happened, and that she was totally not shaken to the core with what had happened.
Yep, that was the best thing she could do with her current predicament.
With him going overseas, that would definitely make it easier for both of them. Some separation time was needed, and she would be glad to have a few days all to herself, as the last thing she wanted was to make a fool out of herself in front of him by becoming too flustered over their interactions.
Hell, she had some growing up to do.
It was just a kiss.
People kissed other people all the time… right?
She grimaced at herself, knowing that it was always a struggle to convince herself to feel the opposite of her true emotions.
The worst.
[1]  “Really? Just a housekeeper? Yet she lives with you?” - If there’s one thing that’s odd with this phrase, it’s that it’s extremely rare for Japan households to have a live-in helper. If they do live in the same household, it means that the family that employs them are very rich and can provide lodging and such.
[2] Aichi Prefecture’s First District - good old Wikipedia helped me out on this one. First District includes Naka Ward, which happens to be the area where Oda Nobunaga was born. He was born in Nagoya Castle, by the way.
[3] Then again, he didn’t need fingers if all he did was use his personal seal to stamp everything in approval. - while some transactions in Japan can be completed with simply a signature, some traditional banks require you to use a stamp. Personal seals (私印) are used to complete transactions, and you do need to have one in case they don’t accept signatures.
[4]  Given that his western upbringing had made him immune to getting surprised when people called him by his given name - Calling people by their first name implies closeness that can range from ‘we’ve known each other all our lives’ to ‘s/he is my lover’. Most of the time, that rule applies. There are exceptions to this, as always.
[5]  Death from overwork was a thing - it’s called karoushi (過労死), and it’s very real.
Bonus: as for the title, remember, denial is just a river in Egypt. ;)
Oh wow I actually made it in time for Ieyasu’s birthday this year lmfao Happy Birthday to the Tanuki of Mikawa!
Apologies if my writing was all over the place. I’ve rushed it a bit to make it in time but I hope it was tolerable at least.
Lastly, this is the first of many planned one-shot/s involving modern AU and Tokugawa Ieyasu/Matsudaira Motoyasu x MC. Depending on the reception of this fic, I may or may not expound further.
Once again, thank you for reading!
97 notes · View notes
mikawa-province · 6 years
[Modern AU] Fic Preview # 2
Preview # 1
“A home-cooked meal, huh… haven’t had one in a long time.”
Just before the blond man could tell him to go home and have his own meal prepared to him by his staff, she just had to do the most annoying thing possible.
“If you’d like, I can cook for you sometime.”
Motoyasu did not know why, but he was suddenly seeing red, and the fact that he was feeling rather murderous when Oda’s taunts and teasing did not used to affect him so alarmed him. Either way, it was either he ended up ‘accidentally’ stabbing the man or he shoved the guy out of his apartment, all the while acting as cordial as possible while doing said shoving.
As he still had dreams to fulfill, one of which being his side job becoming a full-time job, he opted for the latter, and made a move to close the door. While doing so, he had accidentally touched her hand as he swung his own to grab the door frame.
“Sorry.” he muttered, wondering why his cheeks felt hot all of a sudden.
“N-no worries…” she replied softly.
Oda Saburou rolled his eyes upon seeing the red-faced woman who was totally Matsudaira Motoyasu’s housekeeper in name and shrugged. “Yeah, okay, you’re totally not married.” he remarked sarcastically.
“I already told you--”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m leaving.” before he removed his hand on the frame, he winked againat the lone female among them. “I’ll take you up on that offer. See you around.”
Motoyasu slammed the door as hard as he possibly could, rattling the shoe cabinets by the door. Upon seeing her wince from the noise, he sighed before heading off to his room.
What a stressful day it was, having to deal with Oda, and now, the possibility of him visiting more often all because his roommate (was that how he should start referring to her?) had volunteered to cook.
Though… there was also that possibility that Oda would invite her over to his place and…
He thought he had suppressed every emotion related to wanting to kill that man decades ago; why was it making a comeback now?
20 notes · View notes
mikawa-province · 6 years
The AO3 version is now available.
16 notes · View notes
mikawa-province · 6 years
Unlikely Pair [2/2]
Title: Unlikely Pair Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad: Party/Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran: Love Ballad Pairing: Tokugawa Ieyasu x MC Rating: PG-13 → MA Word Count (MS Word): 6,516
鴛鴦夫婦 (おしどりふうふ) [oshidorifuufu]   (n) loving couple; happily married couple
Might be better to refresh yourselves with what happened in Chapter 1, as it’s been a long time.
She was no longer snoring, but that was the least of his concern right now.
Her leg slung over his hip, while her sleeping robe was falling askew, showing quite an amount of skin and cleavage. Admittedly, he was used to the sight, but it frustrated him greatly that no matter how many times he saw her with clothing, with little clothing, or no clothing at all, his body reacted all the same, and it pained him.
… Not that she had to know that, but the fact that he was lusting over something so… so idiotic, he wondered what had happened to him to make him feel this way.
Lusting over his wife… Sakai would have a field day with that one, complete with not-so-subtle reminders that there were a lot of empty rooms in the castle that could be converted as a nursery.
As he shifted slightly to try and ease his discomfort, she, on the other hand, buried her face against his chest, sighing as she held onto the collar of his robes, nuzzling against him.
She was seriously going to be the death of him, he was so sure of it.
As gently as he could, he tried to pry her fingers off his robes, as well as lift her leg off his body, but not before awakening her in the process. At this, he cursed inwardly, wondering if he should’ve suffered in silence instead. She badly needed sleep, and he woke her up.
"Where are you going, Ieyasu-sama?" She looked at him while rubbing her eyes sleepily.
"Gonna take a cold bath." He informed her bluntly, expecting her to just nod and go back to sleep.
To his surprised, she tilted her head in confusion. "But why...? Are you feeling okay?" She pressed the back of her hand on his forehead. "Are you sick?"
He shook his head. "Just go back to sleep."
"Please tell me what is ailing you."
A part of him begrudged the fact that her kind-hearted nature would mean she would try and get an answer out of him until he relented, when she should be sleeping instead.
He pinched her nose lightly. "Go to sleep."
He smiled despite the annoyance he felt. His wife was becoming more and more stubborn, and even if he tried to lay her back down, she refused to do so.
"Tell me, Ieyasu-sama." She pleaded.
Knowing that he was fighting a losing battle with his rather meddlesome demon of a wife, he decided to tell her the truth.
About how he needed another cold bath because he was in pain.
About how it was easier to simply get up and take another bath than bother her.
About how she should just go back to sleep and not wait for him to return.
All the while he told her everything that she needed to know just so she would stop pestering him and would actually go back to sleep, to his own shock, she did neither what he had in mind.
Instead, she let her sleeping robes slide down her shoulders, exposing her body to his hungry eyes. While his expression gave nothing away, though barely, his body was another matter: a part of him had harden immediately after seeing her fully naked, hiding nothing from sight.
Fucking damn it, he thought angrily.
"... I am your wife. Let me help you relieve you of your pain, Ieyasu-sama."
Once again, Ieyasu cursed inwardly.
This was not how he envisioned his evening to go. She was supposed to mind her own business and go back to sleep while he doused himself with cold water to numb himself from feeling the lust that was surging from his body; instead, she was leaning towards him, untying the obi of his sleeping robes, as well as his loincloth, before taking that painful part of him into her mouth, but not before giving it a tentative lick.
All thoughts of not wanting her to go so far and be this undignified disappeared the moment her mouth closed in on his other head. It had been obvious that she knew little to nothing how to go about her actions, but the moment a strangled moan escaped his lips upon feeling her tongue lap up his head, she began licking his length, while her hand wrapped around him.
Her lips closed in on his head as she gently sucked. He tried in vain to bite his lip to keep himself from moaning and failed; in response, she took more of him, her lips wrapped firmly around his length as her head began to rise and fall in an attempt to mimic the act, albeit with her mouth.
This was so damn wrong, but all sense of propriety had been thrown away the moment she undressed him. Vaguely, he wondered where she had learned this kind of act, but did not dwell much on it. If there was one thing he wondered, what if he—
He called her name in a rather commanding tone and immediately, she looked up at him, her eyes wide in fear and hesitance.
"You should be on your knees as well, my esteemed wife. Do you think I’d forego this opportunity you presented?"
The moment he called her name, she assumed the worst.
In the bedroom, it was always he who gave her pleasure, teasing her until she was begging and sobbing for release. Ieyasu-sama gave in only when she had been, in his words, ‘properly educated’ when it came to voicing out her needs. Even before they had gotten married, he had always been a surprisingly selfless man, despite his rather cold and callous facade.
For her to suddenly initiate, it had surely caught him off guard. She registered shock and awe as she took care not to show that her hands were shaking when she undressed herself, even forcing herself to project confidence when she untied his robe and took a part of him in her mouth. Very rarely did she take the initiative, as Ieyasu-sama mostly did all of the work, except in rare circumstances wherein he would ask her to straddle him in order to ‘make her work’ for her pleasure.
Seeing the usually-haughty Lord of Mikawa gasping her name out loud while in the throes of ecstasy was enough encouragement to make her ride it out for as long as it was physically possible for both of them.
She did not want to admit it, but sometimes, her lord brought out the tease in her, which she always took advantage of in the guise of playing ‘innocent’, and acting as if she had no inclining on what to do.
If Ieyasu-sama found out the truth, she was sure it would end with her in bed for a few days, or maybe even weeks.
… Not that she would mind it at all, if she had to be selfish about it.
"You should be on your knees as well, my esteemed wife. Do you think I’d forego this opportunity you presented?"
She had thought that he wanted her to stop what she was doing, and she protested immediately, saying that she wanted to do this, only for him to cut her off.
As if reading her mind, he gave her a mocking look. “Obviously, I want you to continue doing it… just do what I tell you before I go all soft.”
She suppressed the urge to smile; for him to go ‘all soft’ when he was definitely aching… it was laughable.
He instructed her to face away from him while she was on all fours, her knees on either side of his chest while her hands were on either side of his hips. The position was rather unusual, leaving her to wonder what he was planning to do… until she felt his mouth brush against her inner thighs.
Immediately, her face felt hot upon realizing what he intended to do. “I-Ieyasu-sa—” before she could finish her words, his fingers were spreading her inner folds, exposing that sensitive part of her to his gaze. A cry of shock left her lips as he proceeded to run his tongue along her lower lips in a teasing manner, tracing her slit. For added measure, he pressed a light kiss against her inner thighs before briefly enclosing his mouth around the pearl hidden among her fold, which nearly weakened her.
“If you have time to scream like that, at least get back to what you were doing earlier. Why do you think I bothered asking you to do something this ridiculous?”
It was true; for them to be in this kind of position, it was certainly both embarrassing and ridiculous, but at the same time, it gave both of them a reason to be able to pleasure the other. Usually, it was Ieyasu-sama who laid between her legs to pleasure her whenever the opportunity presented itself, while she had very little chances to do the same.
But now…
Slowly, she began to lick to head of his length, while he proceeded to spread her further, his familiar tongue kissing and licking the most intimate part of her body. Despite her getting used to it some time after they became lovers, the sensation would always differ every encounter. At times, Ieyasu-sama would be gentle and would draw it out as long as possible; sometimes, he would be rough and demanding, wanting her to reach her pleasure as fast as possible. However, the conclusion would always be the same: it always ended with her panting and sated, while he drank in and tasted all of her.
This time around, it was no different, though she wondered if he would allow her to taste all of him as well.
She was familiar with how the male body worked, as the number of intimacies between her and her lord grew; once men were spent, it took awhile for them to recover before they could continue, and Ieyasu-sama was no exception.
As she slowly sucked the tip of his swollen head, she found herself moaning against her throat as she felt his mouth close in on the bundle of nerves hidden beneath the pink folds before roughly running his tongue over her sensitive flesh. The pleasure that flooded her senses was making it difficult for her to continue what she was doing, but realizing that her husband was probably feeling the same way as she did, she closed a hand around him and slowly began an up and down gesture. Her mouth was still licking and sucking the glans as she did the motions, and in response, Ieyasu-sama had latched his mouth onto her folds, sucking and licking the nub hidden beneath.
That had been enough to make her stop to catch her breath and yell out as she felt the lower part of her body relax, the tension that had been building up easing out of her, leaving Ieyasu-sama to lick every part of her clean.
“U-un-f-fair…” she managed to gasp out loud as he deliberately ran his mouth over her inner thighs and, once again, to her mound.
“What’s unfair is you being unable to give me the same pleasure as I did.” he hissed, albeit without the vitriol. “Have I not taught you that?”
“Clearly not, Ieyasu-sama, for I have much to learn.” without warning, she found herself move her knees just a bit. Before he could have time to protest, she pressed the apex of her thighs against his length, making him gasp both from arousal and surprise. Lifting her hips momentarily, she guided herself against his length, sliding within easily.
“... But this, you have clearly taught me well.”
He couldn’t think properly as soon as she began to lift her hips away from his own, only for her to guide him as she sat back down on him, his length easily slipping within her. The familiar sensation of her inner walls was enough to let him curse and gasp at how being inside her was enough to nearly break his self-control.
This woman...
She had no technique whatsoever, and she was rather sloppy earlier when it came to using her mouth, but she knew what to do to get him to have his own release. With her back facing him, she was leaning forward, her hips doing all the work as he tried his best to regain a bit of his senses.
As much as he would like to curse her for doing something so bold that it ended up distracting him, Ieyasu was impressed with the way she handled it.
… Though he had to admit, the position, while pleasurable, pissed him off to no end, as he had no view of one of his most favorite parts of her body.
He grabbed the sides of her torso, eliciting a gasp from her, until he slowly lowered her against him. As she struggled to sit back up to continue what she was doing, he began to move his hips upward to meet her backside. As he fastened his pace, the Lord of Mikawa lowered a free hand down her torso before rubbing it against the swollen nub between her legs.
At the action, she tried to muffle her screams by covering her mouth with her hands, only for her to fail when he had taken it upon himself to grab her left breast, making her gasp as he caressed her erect nipple using his forefinger and thumb in an attempt to tease her.
“This is what you get for trying to hide your body from my sight.”
Admittedly, it was a bit awkward for him to do the motions, yet he persevered with his thrusts after hearing her moans of pleasure echoing around their room, while she made it easier for him to give her pleasure after she had planted her calves on either side of his thighs to steady herself. In turn, he squeezed both of her breasts and ran his fingers over her nipples, making him smirk as she begged him not to stop. She had always been sensitive when it came to touching, his hands and mouth always bringing her to pleasure in minutes. Despite all their activities, she never failed to blush whenever he suggested something new, or made her do rather embarrassing things in an attempt to get her to relax. Somehow, she was putting up with his teasing, which pleased him, as it almost always ended with him getting rather turned on.
After some time, he felt her stiffened in his arms before moaning rather loudly as his fingers rubbed her clit faster. Her inner walls were constricting around his length, and he knew that she was about to reach her peak. In his attempt not to let her know that he was too affected, he sank his teeth on her right shoulder, licking the flesh with his tongue as he fastened his pace to aid her.
Before long, he vaguely heard her call out his name before she wrapped her feet around each of his calves, while he felt her relax against him, though she was trying to catch her breath.
With that done, he flipped her on her side, surprising her with that gesture. Before she could say another word, however, he continued grinding his hips while he grabbed unto her right thigh, supporting it with his right arm.
“Don’t think I’d let you get off easily… it’s my turn.”
“Y-yes, Ieyasu-sa—” her knees were shaking, and while he felt guilty for handling her so roughly after her orgasm, Ieyasu desperately needed relief. Even he could not think straight anymore, though he was thankful that at one point, she turned her head so she could give him a kiss.
Usually, it was enough to get him to pace himself and kiss her back.
Right now, however, he was so concentrated in the warmth of her that during the duration of the open-mouth kiss, he let her suck on his lower lip and tongue as he held her still, his hips giving some quick, successive thrusts before a low moan escaped his lips. She, on the other hand, pressed her hips against his own as she took all of him within her, seeking his warmth.
“I-I—” she whispered unsteadily, her breathing uneven.
“Go to sleep.” he kissed the side of her neck. “You’re exhausted.”
“Not without you.” she detached herself away from him, only to face him and snuggle under his chin. “Please…?”
He was glad that she was unable to see his face that was slowly turning warm. “... Fine, you needy woman. I’ll sleep beside you if that makes you sleep at night.”
“Your needy woman.” she corrected before yawning.
He said nothing in response as she wrapped her arm around his frame and fell asleep in an instant, though he was glad that she finally decided not to be stubborn and did what he had told her several minutes ago. Grabbing the blanket that had been thrown aside during the lovemaking, he draped it over the two of them, noting that despite the warmth that the blanket brought, she still snuggled to him.
"... What am I to do with you…" he sighed in exaggeration, knowing that despite the stinging commentary, his heart said otherwise.
Brushing back a lock of hair that was in disarray, he gently gave her a kiss on the cheek before wrapping his arms around her.
Within the depths of his heart, he allowed himself to say the words that he never said out loud unless he was in the throes of passion before falling into a deep sleep.
She woke up on the afternoon of one of the most important days of the clan, all because he did not wake her up.
It had taken a lot of effort for her not to snap right then and there, as well as trying not to make a huge deal out of it, even though all she wanted was to scream at her ‘beloved husband’ for doing this to her. She surprised herself when she called for Kiyohiro and had managed to keep her tone neutral when she asked whether it was possible for Ieyasu-sama to spare some time to see her. Apparently, the Lord of Mikawa had the ninja guard his chambers and had explicitly given Kiyohiro orders in forbidding her to leave.
She had no idea what he was planning and why he was doing such a thing. It hurt her that he was excluding her from this very important meeting with the Oda, and he was preventing her from doing her duties as his wife.
Was he suddenly ashamed of her that he had barred her from joining them?
She knew of how common she was compared to his standing as a lord allied with the most powerful man in the country, and how the clan had hoped that he be tied in marriage with another powerful clan’s noble daughter. Instead, he wedded her, a city girl with no wealth nor refined qualities to speak of. Despite the polite congratulations and praises from the majority, she knew that the older generation of retainers were stuck in their ways and could not abide her presence.
Maybe that had been a reason why Ieyasu-sama did not want her facing Oda Nobunaga, nor did her husband announce his marriage to anyone except within the clan. Frankly, she was hurt at the exclusion, but still… she had to confront him about this. No way was she going down without a fight.
… He’d never even see what’s coming.
Sighing to herself, she wondered when he would actually think of retreating to his room until the man himself slid the door wide enough to let himself in. From the corner of her eye, she saw Kiyohiro disappear.
"Oh, you’re awake." He noted, nodding at her before picking up a book and sitting on the tatami.
She decided to cut to the chase, her anger and disappointment giving her courage to voice out her thoughts. "Ieyasu-sama, are you so ashamed of me that you’d rather not let me be seen by Nobunaga-sama?"
He turned to her direction, looking visibly annoyed at being questioned. "... The hell is this about?"
"Why did you not wake me up for Nobunaga-sama’s visit? Were you afraid that I’d embarrass you in front of your allies?" She pressed on. "I may be a commoner, but I know my manners and I have the decency and common sense to act appropriately, no matter the situation!"
In an instant, she regret the way she spoke, for Ieyasu-sama immediately exuded a rather deadly aura that made her want to run far, far away from him. He was now glaring at her, and she knew that if she provoked him further, he would very much kill her.
"... My apologies, I have spoken out of turn. Forgive me, Ieyasu-sama." She prostrated herself before him. "I shall leave you to your—" she had been unable to finish her sentence as he grabbed her by the shoulders and laid her flat on her back in seconds.
"Ungrateful wench." He hissed before untying her sleeping robes open.
Her mind had been too shocked to take note of the fact that he had pinned her wrists above her head with one hand and used the other to tease her lower lips. His mouth, on the other hand, was on her breasts, alternately licking and sucking her aching buds.
"How dare you second-guess my thoughts." He bit the side of her neck, making her gasp and moan at the same time. "I’ve given you the morning off to rest because you’ve been doing nothing but worry over the Lord of Fools and his abrupt visit. You’ve fallen asleep during your bath last night from exhaustion, and you dare complain that I did not wake you up this morning?"
She gulped inwardly, knowing that she had opened a can of worms.
"The nerve of you. I treat you well, and all I get in return are complains about me being ashamed of my own wife, all because I let her sleep in a little." He forcefully slid his fingers inside her, while his thumb circled on the bundle of nerves hidden beneath the folds. "You think I relish the thought of entertaining the Fool when I could be occupied with something else?" as if to prove his point, he pressed his thumb harder against her clit.
"I-I’m s-sorry...!" She managed to gasp out between pants. "I-I won’t do it—"
"No. I’ve had enough of you making the same mistake over and over again." Scarlet eyes glared into chocolate-colored orbs, and she knew, in that instant, she was in so much trouble.
"My wife needs to be taught a lesson once and for all."
"Ieyasu-sama, are you ashamed of me so much that you’d rather not let me be seen by Nobunaga-sama?"
The nerve of her to make him feel like a failure.
Inwardly, he cursed the Lord of Hell for being a whimsical idiot and for causing her unnecessary stress. Oda had definitely not been extended an invitation to Hamamatsu, but the sudden announcement that he was visiting had put everyone on edge, her especially.
No doubt, she wanted to show everyone that she was a capable woman fit to be his consort.
On the other hand, damn those old geezers for making her feel out of place in the clan. They were cordial whenever possible, but behind her back, he knew they were bad mouthing her.
It angered him upon realizing that there were things that he was unable to shield her from, and that idiots like Oda and the old farts exist to make their lives more complicated than it was supposed to be.
He was not supposed to touch her last night, but it had been a necessity; he himself was tired and stressed out over Oda’s sudden announcement, but he figured that if they made love until both of them were sated and exhausted, she would be slumbering past noon. Which was why he made it a point to be very careful not to wake her up when he rose at dawn, bracing himself to deal with the Lord of Fools alone.
Admittedly, the visit had been more tolerable than usual; Oda dropped by to check in on him and his retainers, the konpeito she had made last night was presented to the Fool, and he left just as quickly, but not before noticing her absence.
"Oh? Your woman is not here with you, Ieyasu."
Giving out his usual smile, Ieyasu replied. "She is off to the market to gather ingredients for the feast to be held in your honor, Nobunaga-sama."
"Don’t bother, I am not staying for long." The head of the Oda clan stood up and headed for the door, but not before throwing a parting shot. "Wouldn’t want to overstay my welcome and intrude on the newlyweds."
It took everything in him to keep a poker face upon hearing the remark, deciding to pretend that he did not hear it at all.
Instead, he bowed his head when Oda made his way out of the main hall, wondering how the Fool knew.
As soon as the Fool left, immediately, he headed back to his room, eager to check up on her, only for her to second-guess his thoughts with accusations, even going as far as think that he was ‘ashamed of her’.
No matter; he would still protect her as best as he could, but for the meantime, he would have to restore her faith in him, even if it meant she had to be punished.
It was easy enough to torture her; with her seemingly accepting her fate and looking subdued and remorseful for her earlier outburst, he released his hold on her wrists, only for him to take the cotton belt that held her sleepwear and tied her wrists together.
"W-what are you—"
"The Lady Tokugawa doesn’t trust me to take good care of her, and had the nerve of accusing me that I am ashamed of her." He said coldly. "I will not take that slight lying down, and the only suggestion I can offer you is to accept your punish without protest."
It didn’t take long for his fingers to be slick with wetness, though he devilishly reminded her that what he was doing was a punishment, and that she was not supposed to enjoy it. Before she could protest, however, he cut her off with a kiss.
It was music to his ears, the way she moaned against his lips when he gently sucked her tongue while he felt her parting her legs further, a sign that she wanted more than just his hands between her thighs.
But he wouldn’t give her what she wanted.
Not yet anyway.
"You’re so demanding when you’re being punished." He nipped the side of her neck playfully and tasted his come-soaked fingers, before forcing it in her mouth. "It will remain a punishment until you learn."
He ached as well, but the thought of her doubting his every action still angered and hurt him that he knew he would also end up hurting her if he took her in his current state. With that, he withdrew his fingers from her, positioned himself between her legs, and lifted her hips, with both her calves resting on top of each of his shoulders. Upon realizing what he was planning, she blushed a bright red and had attempted to remove her limbs away from him. Smirking, he held on to her hips, drew himself closer to the apex of her thighs before parting her slick folds with his hands and plunging his tongue within.
Her startled cry was a sign for him to lick deeper, and he tasted every inch of her that was normally hidden to him as he spread her further open. While this was a punishment for her as she could do nothing but wait until he was done, he was thoroughly enjoying himself by torturing her. As he closed in on her mound, sucking and tasting the sensitive nub that made her body arch in ways he never thought possible, her ankles crossed over his back, putting him in a headlock as she orgasmed. In turn, he lapped her up, eager for a taste that made him want more.
As her breathing steadied and her hold on him eased, using his knees and thighs, Ieyasu placed them behind her back, lifting both her backside and her thighs further in midair.
After untying her wrists, he said, "Steady your ankles with your hands."
It made no sense, his command, until he used his wicked tongue upon her again.
It was embarrassing, the way her thighs and legs were lifted from the ground while his head was in-between them, until she realized that the intimacy of their positions made it easier to him to use his mouth and tease her, while making eye contact at the same time.
"Oi, look at me when I punish you." he growled.
She wanted to die from embarrassment over the fact that her boldness in confronting him had gone all wrong, and how he was using all methods of seduction to punish her. In hindsight, she knew she shouldn’t have done that, but…
She gripped on her ankles tighter as she felt another build up below her waist. As much as she wanted to avert her eyes, Ieyasu-sama was looking at her, his eyes smirking and gloating while he ran his tongue over her sensitive nub over and over again. Biting her lower lip to keep herself from moaning too loud did nothing as he licked harder and deeper in response to the absence of her moans.
By the time he was using his wicked tongue to tease and satisfy her from within, she was screaming and sobbing for his name. Upon reaching her peak, it sent her thighs and legs shaking as the waves of pleasure hit her strongly this time around.
Slowly, Ieyasu-sama gently laid her legs to her side and gave her a kiss on her neck and cheek as he laid down on his side on the bedding. "... Have you finally learned your lesson?"
"Yes, Ieyasu-sama." She said in-between pants. "I… I will never doubt you again."
"You’d better, you ungrateful wench." he huffed resentfully.
“What now?” he sat up, clearly irritated that she was trying to challenge him again, after all that punishment.
She surprised herself by managing to sit up in an instant, despite the tiredness in her body. Holding the strings of his hakama, she immediately untied them, ignoring his protests. "You yourself need to be more honest."
Maybe it was the adrenaline and the fact that there was still some boldness left in her.
Maybe it was because she wanted to finish what she had started before he stopped her from pleasuring him.
Either way, it had been easy to pull down his hakama, though it was a struggle to remove his loincloth. Before he could try and stop her, she gave him a taste of his own medicine by grabbing the cotton belt he had discarded earlier and tied his wrists behind his back.
“Why you—” all the vitriol that Ieyasu-sama was about to unleash upon her had been forgotten as soon as her mouth closed in on his aching length. “Y-You—”
She ignored his angry hisses and continued to softly suck his other head, pleased that he was moaning despite his foul curses. It must have been exhausting for him to have to entertain Oda-sama when he was lacking sleep; add to that, her unfounded accusations that he was ashamed of her…
All she could do was be remorseful and make up for it through her actions, and hopefully, it would enough for him to understand what she was conveying.
He was panting hard by the time she began to take more of him in her mouth, then resorted to calling out her name as she began to bob her head up and down his shaft. Despite all her experience in the bedroom, this was her first time to pleasure him, and she did not know what to do… until she realized that what she was doing was similar to the lovemaking act, except that she was using her mouth.
Despite her cheeks flaming over the graphic imagery in her mind, she was determined to bring him to his peak and return the favor. Ieyasu-sama never hesitated to do the same to her, and she wanted to please him as well.
His breathing turned sharp as soon as she fastened her pace, having an inkling that he was, perhaps, reaching his peak soon. To her surprised, her lord began to thrash about, hissing at her to back again. In response, she held down his hips as best as she could while he tried to move away from her.
In the end, it seemed as if he had no intention of resisting her anymore. In the moments before he hit his peak, she felt his body tense up, while she felt warm liquid slowly fill her mouth. The taste was not entirely unpleasant, though it was something she knew she could get used to. As he continued to orgasm, she swallowed his essence, all the while running her tongue on his glans and his shaft, wanting to take more of him.
“Enough.” he hissed, turning away from her. “T-That’s… enough…” he repeated, his breathing still irregular.
Behind him, she crawled towards him and kissed the side of his neck. “Ieyasu-sama.”
“... You shouldn’t have done that. That was beneath you to even attempt such.”
She resisted rolling her eyes. “Is it so difficult for you to realize that I am doing this because I wanted to, and that I am returning the favor?”
To her surprise, he looked guilty, his blood-red eyes aimed at the tatami. “... You… you shouldn’t be doing that…” he repeated. “You are… you are the lady of the clan and—”
“—I am your wife, first and foremost, and my duty is to make my husband satisfied.” she slowly untied the bindings on his wrists. “If I cannot manage even that, then I am a failure. Don’t you agree, Ieyasu-sama…?”
He knew he had nothing to counter her argument, seeing that she also had a point. Sighing, he said, “... Do whatever you want.”
In her relief at the fact that he was not angry, she hugged him tightly from behind and let him knew how much she loved him. In return, he held onto her arms that circled around him, saying nothing.
I love you too.
Unlike her, who freely said her feelings out loud and had no problems with wearing her heart on her sleeve, he hated being a coward who couldn’t even manage to tell her how much he loved her.
Still, she stuck by him, knowing that the way he spoke was more playful and devilish than malicious compared to most people. That, and she was actually willing to move all the way to Hamamatsu of her own accord just to be with him. While most noblewomen saw it as their duty to their clan and as a bride of a powerful lord, she was more than happy to simply be by his side as his wife, as she had reiterated to him several times.
While his outward reaction to her words was of resignation and indifference, deep within him, he was dying from embarrassment on her behalf at how easily she could declare something so intimate.
On the other hand, her honesty had always been one of the reasons why he fell for her.
… That, and maybe the dormant masochistic streak that she had awaken within him when she had enough of his arrogance and struck him with her hand.
Either way, he was very glad that she chose to stay by his side and was more than willing to go out of her way to please him.
Of course, that only meant that he had to also reciprocate, so that she would do the same, until they were caught in that endless cycle of wanting to outdo one another. The thought of it made him smile, which had caught her notice.
“Ieyasu-sama…?” he had been so deep in his thoughts that only now he had noticed that she had gotten dressed and was now clad in her everyday wear, with the clothing hiding her naked body from his gaze. “Are you alright?”
“Don’t mind me.” he shook his head, astonished at the fact that his hunger for her had hit him at full force, despite her easing his pain earlier. “Got distracted, that’s all.”
“Just don’t get too distracted.” she chuckled. “What would you like for dinner?”
It was on the tip of his tongue to say that he did not need any sort of nourishment, and that his hunger could be satisfied if both of them were to stay in his chambers the whole day; in the end, he informed her that he would leave it up to her. Smiling, she nodded, promising that she would prepare a good meal that would suit his palate.
“Another thing…” he blurted out before she could leave the room.
“Yes?” she turned her head at his direction.
“After dinner, you are to remain her and fulfill your duty as my wife. I have a need for you.” at this, she tilted her head in confusion, which he found adorable.
“Which is…?” she gave him a questioning look.
The Lord of Mikawa faked an exasperated sigh, as if he was losing his patience with her. “Obviously, to continue what we have ceased to do for the time being, all because a certain someone here volunteered to prepare a meal for me when we could have simply locked ourselves here, and continued the procreation process.” satisfied that his statement has rendered her speechless, her mouth gaping open in shock, and her face a bright red, he picked up the discarded book from the floor and pretended to read until she had actually managed to excuse herself by stumbling upon her words as her face became redder and redder.
Upon hearing her shut the door, he placed both of his hands on his cheeks, glad that she had left before she could witness such an embarrassing scene.
Him, Tokugawa Ieyasu, embarrassed over the fact that they were having a rather enthusiastic married life.
Before, he thought that this kind of life would never suit him, but somewhere along the way, she had proven him wrong once again.
Shaking his head, he fixed his clothing, determined to at least make himself look presentable by dinner time.
Dessert tonight was definitely something he was looking forward to.
I am so sorry for taking too long with this chapter. oTL
As I kept reiterating in my blog posts, I estimated this chapter to only have 3k worth of words, but as usual, I went overboard and ended up writing double than what I have predicted. I hope it was worth the wait.
With that, this two-chaptered fic has come to a close, and I will proceed with writing more requests and might probably even start a long chaptered fic.
... That is, if I don’t get swamped with work.
My eternal gratitude to those who have been very patient in waiting for this chapter. I did not want to post a half-assed chapter, and it ended up becoming lengthier than I expected. I hope it was worth the wait.
To all those who have managed to read through the end, thank you very much. May this fic turn you into an Ieyasu fangirl for good. :)
Thank you all again for reading!
149 notes · View notes
mikawa-province · 7 years
Title: Indulge Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad: Party/Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran: Love Ballad Pairing: Tokugawa Ieyasu x MC Rating: MA Word Count (MS Word): 2,328
痛快無比 (つうかいむひ) [tsuukaimuhi]    (adj-na,adj-no,n) very thrilling; extremely delightful; awfully pleasant; intensely satisfying
As requested by my friend, Sayou.
It was so unlike her to be so careless and be easily tempted by a mere request.
And yet, here she was, unable to move nor run away as she had been forced into a situation that had severely limited her means of escape. An arm was wrapped firmly around her waist, drawing her back closer to the person who had snared her, and no amount of pulling away was enough to loosen the hold over her.
All she could do was give it up and let him do whatever he wanted … for now.
It had been a struggle to keep her mouth shut, so she settled for biting her lip, only for him to take it as a challenge to make her scream out loud. Already, one of his hands cupped her breast underneath the robes she wore, while the other reached out from behind her, placed between her legs, his fingers teasing her, rubbing against her lower lips. She had been so stupid to fall into his trap and just when her mind was reeling over the fact that he had managed to undress her immediately after she had lied down on her side, his hands were all over her in an attempt to seduce and coax her into bed.
He made rather crude remarks over the state of her body, which she knew was more honest about what she felt over this… this trap he had set for her. While she wanted to be absolutely furious at him for doing this to her, the kisses he pressed upon her skin and his skillful fingers were enough to make her nearly forgive him.
She was still upset over the fact that she was stupid enough to fall for his skillful manipulation.
He brought his soaked fingers to his lips, taking his time to lick it clean, much to her embarrassment. Before she could protest, however, he had brought his hand over to her mouth, forcing her to do the same thing he did earlier. His other hand had drifted back down to her backside, and was stroking her between her legs again.
The sensation should have felt the same, but she found herself lifting her right hip a bit for his hand to seek the place where she ached the most.
The fingers in her mouth had thankfully muffled the desperate moans within her.
Noticing her spreading herself for him, he commented upon her being ‘so needy’ after she had protested that ‘they might get caught’, but she ignored the playful remark and surprised him by stopping what she was doing, tilted her head to the side and gave him a kiss.
Ieyasu-sama loved kissing, that she knew. More so if it was a deep kiss.
He had been caught off-guard but he responded back hungrily by leaning forward to meet her lips, sucking on her tongue as his soaked fingers plunged back within her while the other stroked the sensitive nub from the front. She arched her back in response, the sensation overwhelming, him kissing her senseless while she ached and urged him to go deeper with his fingers.
What a hypocrite she was, not wanting him to touch her at first, only to do the opposite when the need for his touch became unbearable.
She hoped he did not notice the change in her attitude, though she doubted that it was the case. Tokugawa Ieyasu was no fool, nor did he leave anything unnoticed under his watchful eye.
She was surprised when he broke the kiss, though he continued on by running his mouth down to her breasts as he laid her on her back, licking and sucking her nipples in an attempt to elicit a startled reaction from her. While she had managed to suppress her moans in time not to cry out loud, she was well aware that she had lost when he disappeared under the sheets, forced her legs apart, and began licking the folds beneath the apex of her thighs.
His warm and eager mouth was enough to send her reeling. Ieyasu-sama did not seem the type to be generous, yet he had proven her wrong… and in private, no less. He had no qualms using whatever means possible to elicit a reaction from her, though it came at a price. In return, he demanded the same from her, and while her inexperience had hampered both of their pleasures initially, she was more than confident with what she had learned from him.
With his mouth now licking and sucking the bundle of nerves beneath the folds, she knew she wouldn’t, couldn’t last long. His wickedly skillful tongue was alternating between a fast action and a slower action. While it seemed as if he was trying to see how she would react, she knew better. Ieyasu-sama was testing her, and would possibly deny her reaching her peak.
She wouldn’t have that.
He was the one who pulled her into this… this situation.
How did it even go from her being tasked by Sakai-sama to wake up their lord for breakfast from her to being in bed with the man she was tasked to awaken...?!
Sheepishly, she reminded herself never to trust him when he said that he wanted to ‘cuddle', all because it would up rather differently from what she had imagined nor anticipated.
"Ieyasu-sama, we must hurry. We need to get up and have breakfast." She remembered herself saying to him when he simply kept his arms around her and buried his neck on her nape. "Ieyasu-sama, come on…! Get up!"
"... I already am."
She shouldn’t have been surprised over the state of his body’s reaction towards her; he never failed to let her know whenever his body burned for her, and that he needed to be sated, but for him to be this… eager so early in the morning… it made her blush.
She could feel herself reaching her peak as his licking had quickened. Her body’s response to the tension building up below her belly was to lock his head between her thighs as her breath hitched, her pleasure reached the instant he used his hands at the same time.
As she tried to calm both her heartbeat and her breathing, he cleaned her up, with his tongue no less, planted a kiss on her exposed folds, making her gasp, and kissed her inner thighs before her legs loosened its hold on him.
Before she could even react and tell him that they were dreadfully late for breakfast, she felt him easing his way within her, gasping in surprise at how he had managed to easily slip in.
"So selfish." He remarked to her mockingly. "You think we’re already done just because you’ve reached your climax? How cruel."
His movements have been shallow at best, and while it brought her some amount of gratification, she wanted all of him, fully sheathed, up to the hilt. The familiarity of him never failed to help her orgasm, though she knew that reaching it a second time required some… requesting.
"Hmm?" He had always demanded that she voice out what she wanted, and while it had been awhile since they were lovers in the truest sense, she still found it embarrassing to say the words.
"P-please… m-more..." his shallow motions had been deliberate in order for her to voice out her desires, and it annoyed her that he was such a sadist who loved seeing her begging for more of him.
Not surprisingly, he gave her a smug look. "Surely the wife of the Lord of Mikawa can actually form proper sentences and voice out what she wants?"
With that, she finally snapped.
Before she could stop herself, she began a tirade, complete with crude and rather colorful terminology describe about how much she ached and how it would be beneficial to both of them if he simply stopped torturing her and just thrusted until they were both in bliss.
Just when she was having second-thoughts over her outburst, to her surprise, he gave her that familiar smile that always warmed her heart before giving her a quick peck on the lips.
"You never fail to amuse me." He chuckled.
It was over in a second; gone was the smiling and chuckling from him, only to be replaced by man who looked rather determined that it alarmed her. To her surprise, he had lifted both of her lower legs high up in the air, the back of her thighs pressing against his torso while her calves were hooked over his shoulders.
Immediately, she felt her face flame upon realizing that he intended to honor her outburst, as well as the position she was in. It was not what they would usually do, but she could feel all of him within her.
"Too late, Lady Tokugawa. Unlike you, I never break my promises."
The thrusts came in hard and fast, and she couldn’t help but moan out loud every time their hips met. It hadn’t been that long since the last time they were in bed, but somehow, this particular lovemaking session seemed more intense and intimate. Using his torso, he steadied her legs that were threatening to fall from the intensity of his actions, grinding against the bundle of nerves hidden beneath her folds while he used his free hands to hold her ankles in place. Each motion sent her screaming out his name, her moans unrestrained each time she felt her hips met his own.
She knew he loved it whenever she said his name out loud while in the throes of ecstasy. In the privacy of their chambers, they were simply husband and wife who loved one another; he, who had never been honest in front of others, could be more like himself when it was only the two of them. He had no need for pretenses; all that mattered was the both of them able to satisfy one another.
She felt her hands desperately cling onto the sheets beneath as her inner walls tightened around him. The familiar warmth filled her deep within as he reached his peak, his lips saying the words that he would never admit out loud outside the bedroom.
“—love… you—”
No matter how many times she heard those very words, it never failed to bring a blush up her cheeks.
Her ears were used to his playful teasing and wickedness, but when he was honest and loving, she would always turn bright red, while her heart would flutter without fail. In retaliation for such a reaction, Ieyasu-sama would mock her for it, beginning with how ridiculous she looked, and how her face made her seem like she was suffering from a bad sunburn. This time, however, he had been too distracted with catching his breath, as well as absent-mindedly kissing her knees and thighs. While her legs had unhooked itself away from his shoulders, he had supported it with his hands, holding her steady until the very end. Slowly, he laid her legs down on the futon, and eased himself away from her.
Wordlessly, he settled himself behind her, pulled the covers up to their chins, and buried his face against her nape. To her surprise, he was nuzzling against her while his arms were wrapped around her waist once more.
“Shush. I want to sleep.”
“B-but the breakfast with everyone—”
"Don’t know about you, but I’ve had my fill this morning." A playful nip on her neck caused her to moan for a bit before blushing a bright red at the double entendre.
She did have her fill too… of him, that is.
Now that he mentioned it, she did want more. Ieyasu-sama would understand her ‘hunger’; after all, he had been the same, and it was only now he was pacing himself, as she still found all of it overwhelming.
It was only now she understood why he found it difficult to keep his hands away from her in the privacy of their rooms; temptation was within hands’ reach, and it was easy enough to coax the other with the combined usage of one’s hands and mouth, as well as persuasion skills.
The realization dawning on her had her turning to face her husband and pecking him on the lips. Not surprisingly, he would blush and frown at the gesture, but this time around, there was no frown. Rather, he seemed… curious at her sudden desire to kiss him.
"... What are you doing…?"
"I can’t kiss you?" She made it a point to pout, even though she knew he did not like it when she did so.
"Tempting me to take you again is not exactly something you’d wish for." He growled as his hands made its way to the apex between her thighs, coaxing her open, his fingers testing her. "You can only take so much, yet here you are, shameless in your desire."
"I’d happily take all of you, Ieyasu-sama. After all, you alone have had me… countless number of times, even." Her cheeks were warming again upon saying those words.
Maybe it was this morning’s tryst that made her bold.
That, or his correct assumption of her being shameless in wanting him.
He shoved his soaked fingers into her mouth before tasting it himself, licking his fingers clean. Mesmerized, she watched him do so until he kissed her once more, slipping his tongue within while his hand made its way once more down her back and inside her.
"You really are shameless." He muttered under his breath after they pulled apart, her inner thighs drenched after the wonders done by his fingers while his length was pressing against her upper thighs once more. "You’d better take responsibility for this."
She chuckled, knowing that his complaint was directed more to himself.
All she could do was play along and love him more in the process.
"Gladly, Ieyasu-sama."
I’m back... kinda.
It’s been a very hectic autumn season for me, mainly because I changed jobs, something that I had to concentrate on because I had to adjust to the corporate life, while this whole November, friends and family visited me here. My weekends got really busy because I had to show people around and hang out with them, which meant I couldn’t concentrate on the fanfic writing.
This has actually been a long overdue request from my friend Sayou, who visited me last week. She and I, along with our friend, ended up going to Nikko exactly a week ago (Sunday), which left all three of us exhausted beyond words. Never knew what ‘pure torture’ meant until I climbed up the stairs leading to Tokugawa Ieyasu’s tomb that left me literally breathless and gasping.
[It was worth it, it was tiring, but still not as punishing as my Miyagi trip. More on that on my other blog.]
... Other than that, hope you all enjoyed that mindless PWP screwing between Ieyasu-sama and MC!  ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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mikawa-province · 7 years
AO3 version of the fic has been posted.
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mikawa-province · 7 years
Unlikely Pair [1/2]
Title: Unlikely Pair Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad: Party/Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran: Love Ballad Pairing: Tokugawa Ieyasu x MC Rating: PG-13 → MA Word Count (MS Word): 1,068
鴛鴦夫婦 (おしどりふうふ) [oshidorifuufu]   (n) loving couple; happily married couple
Takes place after the events of Tokugawa Ieyasu’s Revival/Returns Event in KoiRan called 「天下の姫君」(lit. The Peerless Noble Lady), as well as its epilogue and his POV story.
He didn’t realize she was a loud one in bed until now.
While he would have found that an amusing trait that he could use against her if she tried to annoy him, the fact that her snoring was keeping him up when he needed sleep for tomorrow’s war council made him feel annoyed instead.
Tokugawa Ieyasu knew she was tired to the bone today, preparing for the arrival of Oda and his retainers, worrying herself to death. Despite his assurances that she shouldn’t worry too much, as Oda’s visit to Hamamatsu, while a rare occurrence, was something that they always prepared for, she still took upon the task with so much seriousness.
"I do not want to disappoint you, Ieyasu-sama, by being ill-prepared. Nobunaga-sama would definitely find something wrong, and if he does..." her lower lip quivered in fear, her eyes downcast. "I refuse to dishonor the name of the clan."
Since when had she learned to talk big?
Before, she had only been concerned with not wanting to embarrass him, but now, she was speaking as if she was one of them, and that it would be a great shame for them all if she had messed up.
Ieyasu shook his head.
Of course she’s one of us. She’s my wife.
It had only been several weeks since they had a ceremony in her hometown, their witnesses being her family at Kyoto, with some of his closest retainers and the two female servants. Right after they arrived in Hamamatsu, wedding preparations were in order, and anyone who was connected to the Tokugawa was in attendance during that auspicious day. He had not wanted to inform the Fool just yet that he had married, especially since he valued both their privacy and their peace of mind.
But after Oda had sent word that he would be visiting, he knew that their wedded bliss was over for the meantime.
And so, she had worked herself into a frenzy, thinking up of the menu down to the snacks to be served during the war council. She never took a break until she was ordered to, and it took stern warnings from him to force her to call it a day.
Heck, she had slept during her evening bath, and had to be carried out of the bathing area and be dressed by him, which he did not mind, though he threatened to punish her if she did this a second time.
Ieyasu could’ve sworn that her response to his threat had been a smile.
Silly wench, he thought, pinching her nose, wondering if that would stop her snoring. With their respective futon laid out beside one another, it had been easy to reach out and temporarily cut off her air supply.
Unfortunately for him, it did not work, and she still snored after he had removed his fingers from her nose.
Irritated, he propped himself up with his elbow and pressed his lips against her own, wondering if this particular method would work this time around. Upon pulling himself away from her, the snoring did stop, and Ieyasu settled himself for the night, satisfied that this rather unorthodox had worked.
Too bad for him, it had work for about ten minutes or so.
With her snoring back in full force and his patience finally snapping, he shook her awake, just about ready to tell her that she needed to take responsibility for this when she opened her eyes…
… and gave him a dazzling smile despite her half-awake state.
"Ieyasu-sama." To his shock, she had managed to prop herself up and kiss him, even managing to slip her tongue in-between his parted lips, a product of his shock from her gesture. "Good morning. Is it time for breakfast?"
It had been a struggle to keep his hands to himself and to maintain a poker face. "... No, but your snoring was so loud, I thought it was time to get up for breakfast."
Her face fell, and within him, his own heart fell upon seeing the sad look on her face. "My apologies..."
"You’d better be." He did not know how he had managed to hold it together for him to be sarcastic enough to reprimand her. "I heard that snoring does not occur if one lies on their side."
She yawned. "I shall do—”
He lifted his blanket, as if to invite her. "I’m feeling rather generous, so for tonight, despite this disgusting heat, I am allowing myself to hold you in my arms—”
In a split second, she had rolled towards his futon, straight into his arms, and snuggled against his chest, even hooking her leg against his own, their bodies pressing intimately.
While he was used to her sleeping with him once in a while, as a married couple and with her readily launching herself towards him without any hesitation whatsoever, it had surprised him.
That, and after she had begun sleeping soundly and without any snoring this time, it should have made him glad.
Instead, he was in pain.
Damn her for doing this to him.
He was still quite sleepy, as his eyelids were forcing him to do what he had been struggling with earlier, but thanks to her, a part of him was quite awake, and it was paining him every second that passed. The two methods that would help him get rid of the pain did not require her help, though if he had a choice, he would ask her to relieve him of the pain. With the way they were positioned right now, there was no way he could handle it by himself, and logically speaking, it would help if she was involved.
Despite the upgrade in their relationship, he refused to use her without any regard for her feelings, preferring her eager participation in the bedroom, and while he knew she would most likely be alright with him rousing her from her sleep once more to help him from this pain, his conscience wouldn’t allow it.
She was exhausted, and she needed her sleep.
He, too, was exhausted, and he needed his sleep, but...
Inwardly, he cursed himself, wondering why he was so lenient and soft when it came to her, despite the fact that a part of him was hard right now because of her.
This is the worst.
It was going to be a long, long night for him.
Where do I even begin?
First off, I’m so sorry for the lack of updates both on my personal blog and this fanfiction blog. It has been a very hectic and stressful summer for me, but I am managing to hold on; hopefully, this will come to pass, and everything goes back to normal. Even I am sick and tired of this situation, but I am hopeful that it will all go in my favor.
Second, I am aware that I owe some translations. I will try my best to fulfill them.
Third, I am so glad they brought back this story event. This was my very first story event when I started playing KoiRan, and boy was I surprised to read a sex scene in the epilogue, complete with a naked Ieyasu. Nice pecs, Future Shogun-sama It was a nice refresher for me, as I think that since my vocabulary has improved, it was easier to understand the plot.
Fourth, for those who know Chinese, the yojijukugo might seem weird because ‘why the heck is there a kanji for mandarin ducks and married couples?!’?
According to good old Wikipedia:
In traditional Chinese culture, mandarin ducks are believed to be lifelong couples, unlike other species of ducks.
Hopefully, that made sense.
The story event had so much drama in it, as well as the epilogue, but I’m glad it worked out in the end, especially since MC had gotten the short end of the stick this time, as she was forced to be away from Ieyasu for quite some time (more than 10 days!).
Now, if only they would continue the Zenjitsutan/Prologue Arc for Ieyasu, I would be a happy gamer...
Anyway, thank you for reading. Hopefully, I can write a new chapter sooner rather than later.
I’ll do my best...!
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mikawa-province · 7 years
Wishful Thinking 1.5
Title: Wishful Thinking 1.5 Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad: Party/Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran: Love Ballad Pairing: Tokugawa Ieyasu x MC Rating: PG-13 MA Word Count (MS Word): 5,870
麻姑掻痒 (まこそうよう) [makosouyou] (n) things happening exactly as one pleases [wishes]; someone being very attentive to one's wishes
Thank you for your patience.
I am finally done writing Chapter 1.5 of the series, which I wrote to bridge the gaps that did not make sense in the previous chapter. Hopefully, this would tie up the loose ends.
Rating for this chapter has been raised to MA, which will continue on until Chapter 2. Hopefully, the smut is tolerable.
As stated in Chapter 1:
This fic was inspired by the recent Story Event involving Tokugawa Ieyasu called ‘Draughts of Starlight’ (星夜のあやまち lit. A Starry Night of Mistakes), and this is my take on ‘what-if Ieyasu and MC did sleep with one another that night, as ordered upon by Oda Nobunaga, sans the alcohol’?
Lastly, MC’s name for this fic is ‘Nishina Sanae’ [written as 「仁科 真恵」.
Nobunaga-sama was truly, madly insane.
Of course, Sanae did not dare say those words out loud, as she was rather fond of both her neck and her life.
But for the Divine Ruler to suddenly announce that the winner of the scavenger hunt would have the right to bed her...
She had to admit, the samurai were an eccentric bunch, especially Oda Nobunaga.
While she had wanted nothing more than to stop the madness and decline the command, she had no choice but to follow, unless she had a death wish.
Tonight would be the night she would finally experience a man’s touch… and that man happened to dislike her immensely, if truth be told. Tokugawa Ieyasu, despite his handsome face, had a very distinct trait that set him apart from the others: while camaraderie and brotherhood were the norm among the Oda, he chose not to do the same, distrusting anyone, and always keeping his distance. Only Nobunaga-sama’s orders had prevented him from refraining to join the various amusements that were held in his honor.
… Which was why it had concerned her deeply as to how they would go about the… bedding. She knew him for his cruelty, and she braced herself for the worst when she was led by Ranmaru to where he stayed, which had been very far from the main house.
Maybe he had been the type to torture the women who had been lucky enough to grace his bed.
Maybe he would start it off by threatening to hurt her if she did not satisfy him.
Maybe he would—
She stopped her train of thought that instant; there were too many ‘maybes’, and far too many worst-case scenarios that her mind thought of.
Yet, at the back of her mind, she knew it could not be helped; she hardly knew the man, and the most she knew of him was that he enjoyed inflicting pain upon others. Despite Inuchiyo singing praises of how brilliant ‘Ieyasu-sama was for his age’, she still could not bring herself to do the same.
He made her eat something to see if it was poisoned, for goodness’ sake!
“Sanae, Ieyasu-sama is waiting for you.” Mori Ranmaru announced as soon as they reached the room that had been given to the young lord of Mikawa.
It took everything in her not to flee that instant and make a run for the capital with only the clothes on her back, her personal possessions be damned.
Her legs were shaking underneath her kimono, but she forged on, forcing herself to be more courageous and to be more nonchalant about it. Commoners like her never really cared about keep one’s self pure until matrimony, as many of those around her engaged in pre-marital liaisons. She, on the other hand, could not easily bring herself to sleep with someone unless she felt an emotional connection with them.
For this instance, however, she simply resigned herself to the fact that she had no choice, and to hope that Ieyasu-sama would not be cruel to her.
The moment she stepped inside and the door was shut, he, who was sitting on top of the futon, immediately turned to her and said out loud, "When we finish, will you get out and never enter my line of sight again?"
As she sat on her calves to face him, Sanae refrained herself from outwardly making any type of facial expression, but failed to do so.
"What’s with the face?" he asked.
Grimacing, she said, "... I don’t think your request is possible, especially when you frequent Owari, Ieyasu-sama."
His eyes narrowed. "Then why don’t you do something about it? Asking me to cater to your whims… you are impossible."
You're the one who’s impossible!
Will this man’s selfishness know no bounds…?!
Why did he make it sound like everything was her fault?!
She did not want for this to happen; on the contrary, she would have been happy to stay out of his way if she lived in the capital while he lived in Totomi, as there would be nearly a zero percent chance of them encountering one another. Unfortunately, she was staying in Owari for the meantime, and he was allies with Oda Nobunaga, which meant there would be chances where they would cross paths if he visited.
And if their paths did cross… she shuddered upon thinking that he had the power to ruin her life. One word, and he could send her to her death if he chose to do so.
“... Understood. I shall stay out of your way after… after this, Ieyasu-sama.” she couldn’t bring herself to say the words out loud.
“You mean after our fucking?” he gave a sardonic laugh after seeing her wince.
“... If you put it that way, then yes, after that.” she refused to say those crass words out loud, no matter how much he provoked her.
In an instant, his eyes turned serious, and even accusatory. “Then you’d better make true to that promise.”
He wasted no time divesting her of her clothing, skillfully managing to untie her obi and letting her kimono fall down her shoulders. Her skin exposed, his lips began trailing kisses from her neck down to her shoulders, tugging the fabric further. Seconds later, she felt so vulnerable to his gaze that she used both her arms to cover breasts and kept her knees locked together.
She vaguely knew how this would go, but with him around… it was better to keep her guard up.
No one knew what ran in this cruel mind, and if she could minimize his touch, the better it would be for her.
No doubt, she may need to bathe a little longer tonight to cleanse her body from his touches… even if it did leave a tingling feeling both in her heart and in her body.
"You can lay off the virgin act, you know." He pulled her arms away from her breasts and kneeled in front of her. "It’s not going to work."
She shook her head, which confused him. "And why did you shake your head?"
"... Ieyasu-sama, I…" she let out a shaky breath, not knowing if she should just tell him the truth or let him believe that she slept around.
"We don’t have all night." He said testily. "The sooner we are done, the earlier you can leave."
Any woman at this point would have broken down in tears by now, but she did not let his insults get the best of her. On the contrary, he was helping her see through… this with an open mind and a practical approach.
"I’ve never been with a man before so… can you… can you please be gentle…? Just for tonight…?" Sanae figured it did not hurt to ask, though if he laughed at her, she did not know if she would be able to stop herself from lashing out at him.
So she was not like the other sophisticated women who had taken countless lovers to her bed. Big deal; she was far too busy and focused on her family’s restaurant to care about those. Same goes when she moved to Owari and started serving the Oda clan.
Romance was something that never crossed her mind; on the contrary, it was a low priority for her despite the threats of the magistrate, as she wanted to wait for her brother to reach his age of majority and run the restaurant. If it hadn’t been for Inuchiyo, who intervened on her behalf and asked for help from Oda Nobunaga, her family would have been left homeless and without a place for their business. Until the very end, the magistrate had been pressuring her to marry him, but had backed down in an instant when he found out that the Demon King of the Sixth Heaven was a benefactor of her family’s restaurant.
To her own surprise, Tokugawa Ieyasu gave her a questioning look. "... You’ve never done this before?"
"No." Came her simple reply, wondering why he had to clarify such a thing. She was so sure he would laugh at her state of innocence, yet he did no such thing.
To her surprise, he gently laid her down on the futon, and raised both her hands above her head, pinning down her wrists. She must have looked panicky, for he said, "Calm down, I’m not going to do anything strange… your arms are in the way, that’s all. Until you know where to place them…" to her own surprise, Ieyasu-sama had began trailing more kisses down her neck before stopping just between her breasts.
"Who knew you’d be hiding this kind of body underneath that kimono…" she heard him mutter as he flickered his tongue over her right breast, making her yelp in surprise from his action and from the pleasure that shot through her.
"So you weren’t lying. You really are an innocent."
It was on the tip of her tongue to inform him that she was no liar, and that she had no reason to lie when his mouth moved to her other breast and ran his tongue over her nipple. It took everything in her not to scream, though a gasp had escaped her lips. To her embarrassment, he chuckled, no doubt amused that every little thing he did made her react.
"You can scream, you know. No doubt, they placed me in this side of the castle specifically for this… and no matter how loud, no one will hear you."
She shuddered at his revelation, realizing that if he had been cruel enough to proceed with his plan of torturing her, he could have gotten away with it… worse, he could also have also left her for dead.
In an instant, his mood darkened. "You know, if you’re that disgusted with my touch, we can finish this immediately." He told her gruffly.
"N-not at all." She shook her head frantically, wanting to make sure she got her point across. "I-I’m fine… it’s just that… I need to get used to it… y-you know when… when the next guy comes along." She cringed at her rambling, knowing that there would definitely be no next time.
Not with him, not with anybody.
Tonight was enough to last her a lifetime.
If anything, his expression seemed controlled, which made her wonder why he was trying to conceal what he was feeling. "In that case, I’d better teach you properly."
Both his promise and his threat to ‘teach her properly’ had left her reeling.
He had been ruthless by not giving her enough time to register the sensations he made her feel as he used his mouth on her breasts, teasing her whenever she tried to muffle the sounds that slipped her mouth, while using his hands to massage and touch her in ways that she could never imagine.
Minutes after, he pulled away from her, only so he could part her thighs. At this, she mentally began to prepare herself for the act; that was how it usually happened anyway, according to the gossip that she heard from the more experienced women’s whispers to one another... until he began kissing her inner thighs, sucking the flesh, and leaving marks that trailed towards the place where she ached the most. It embarrassed her that with only the use of his mouth, it had left her a bit soaked between her thighs. Much to her surprise, he thought nothing of it; despite the wetness on either side of her inner thighs, he still continued to lightly nip her flesh.
At this point, she had sat up, using her hands to steady herself while her thighs were parted,Ieyasu-sama in-between them. She gasped when his fingers lightly touched her where she throbbed, his fingers tracing her lower lips lazily, chuckling as her labored gasps filled the room.
"You’re soaking wet already, and I’m just using my fingers." another chuckle, and she wondered if he was mocking her for her body’s responses to his touch.
She had no time to ask him about it, however; before she could even open her mouth to do so, he had parted her, exposing her pink folds, and began using his mouth, leaving no spot undefiled. His tongue teased her further by running it against the sensitive nub hidden beneath her lower lips, and when her screams became louder, with her thighs becoming more unsteady, he let his head be held between her thighs as he licked her deeper and faster .
She was well aware that Ieyasu-sama’s mouth was wicked, but she never knew that she would enjoy the wickedness of it in the bedroom. Prying her thighs apart, he had managed to completely spread her apart with his thumbs as his tongue lapping the bundle of nerves, sucking on it at times, which made her both gasp and scream out loud in response. Realizing that his tongue gave him the reaction he wanted, he pressed on, while she tried to calm both her labored breaths and her beating heart.
Vaguely, she wondered if it was possible to die from the overwhelming sensation that she was feeling tonight. While she was embarrassed that Ieyasu-sama was kneeling before her and using his mouth in a place that even she could not bring herself to touch, she had to admit, what he was doing left her breathless.
The pressure that was building up below her waist was something she had been holding for awhile; holding it in had been easy at first… until he began to use his tongue, and she lost all of her control. Her mouth gave way to a scream that had left her faltering, and she even blacked out for a few seconds before regaining control of her senses. As she tried to catch her breath, she vaguely realized that Ieyasu-sama was still between her legs… and was licking her clean. Embarrassed, she tried to push him away, but it made him all the more defiant; all the places where she felt the wetness that was slowly becoming familiar to her, he ran his tongue over it all.
And damn her, she could still find herself spreading her legs further, just so he could use his mouth and relieve her of her ache.
When she could only feel his warm mouth lingering between her legs, he pushed himself up, and, while still positioned in-between her legs, he began to disrobe in front of her, until he was just as naked as she was.
While she had seen her fair share of bare-chested half-naked men, she had never seen a grown man fully naked… which brought a rush of heat to her face.
“You’re getting embarrassed after I’ve seen all of you?”
She made the mistake of lowering her gaze, and she wondered if it was possible for her to simply burst into flames. His body seemed as if it had been molded into perfection, his chest, arms, and torso sculpted like a work of art; she had to admit, he looked very pleasing to her eyes. As for that part of him… while she had nothing else to compare it to, admittedly, she was impressed, though a bit nervous over the size, wondering if he would actually fit within her.
As if reading her mind, he laid her down on the futon once more, his expression unreadable. “Don’t panic and just relax.” he told her. “If you get all tense, it will be harder for you.”
“I… I will try.”
Slowly, he rubbed the head of his length against her slit, and at this, she hitched her breath, waiting for the pain that followed immediately after a man and a woman were finally joined together in the most intimate way possible...
To her surprise, it was not as painful nor was it as horrible as she expected it to be. Ever since she had entered his room, she had braced herself for the worse, even thinking that he would torture her. Admittedly, right now, she was uncomfortable, as her body was not used to him, but at least it did not hurt. As she gripped on the sheets that covered the futon they were on, Ieyasu-sama’s hands were placed on either side of her, his breath just a bit labored. He was taking it slow, she noticed, and for that, she was grateful.
It took everything in her not to wrap her arms around him to pull him close, knowing that he would not appreciate the gesture. He himself was careful not to touch her, and while she knew it would happen, it did not stop her from feeling just a tad disappointed.
“How are you feeling?” he asked her softly, surprising her with his tone.
He never talked to her this way until now… but she knew that she should not delude herself into thinking that he cared.
Tokugawa Ieyasu cared about no one but himself.
“I… I am fine, Ieyasu-sama.” she informed him, her hands still on the sheets.
Tentatively, he pulled back a bit from her, making her gasp. What she felt between her legs took her by surprise, as she had never known that kind of sensation until he moved. When he buried himself within her once more, she exhaled the breath that she was holding.
“Does it hurt?” upon the shaking of her head, she swore she heard him mutter the words ‘good’.
Just what did he mean by that…?
Before she could sit up to ask him, he grabbed her right thigh, hooked it under one of his arms, and slowly paced himself, his hips meeting her own. She was surprised over how easily he could slide within her, and how her worst fears had actually turned out better than she expected.
Maybe he did care for her and did not want to hurt her…
Maybe he did, but it did not change the fact that he wanted her to leave immediately after they were done.
How she wished she could be as nonchalant as he was over this arrangement.
His breathing was becoming heavier by the minute as he continued his thrusts; she, on the other hand, had been trying to hold back on her moans, but failed to do so. At one point, she had called out his name by mistake, which made her dread for the aftermath of… this. In an attempt to consoled herself, she knew she could always make a run for it immediately after they were done, just as he had ordered her to, which would save her the trouble of a confrontation.
No doubt he was angry at her for calling out to him.
After her mistake, his movements were becoming more desperate and frantic, his pace speeding up. At the back of her head, she wondered if this was his way of punishing her… until she felt the similar pressure from earlier build up below her belly. Ieyasu-sama showed no sign of slowing down his pace as he tried to catch his breath. Her inner muscles, it seemed, was working in tandem with his pacing, gripping the length of him as he pressed himself deeper within her. Closing her eyes, she screamed out his name once more, the pressure in her belly withering as seconds passed… though she vaguely noted that he was still deep within her.
His hips met her own a few more times before he completely withdrew from her. Immediately, she felt hot liquid coat her belly and her thighs, which made her wonder what had just happened.
Sneaking a peek to where she felt the warm sensation, seeing his essence on her made sense all of a sudden.
Back when she was still living in the capital, she heard from various women who have had liaisons that in order for a woman to have a baby, she would need a man to ‘plant’ a ‘seed’ in her. Sanae realized that the ‘seed’ they were talking about was mostly likely whatever it was that was on her belly and thighs, and that Ieyasu-sama had been careful not to spill his seed in her.
After all, lovemaking was reserved for one’s wife, as she would be the one who would bear his children.
As for them, she and him were engaged in fucking because they were simply ordered to do such.
As he laid beside her, trying to catch his breath, she knew she had to leave the futon. Her breathing was back to normal, she was feeling calm, and while she was sore, she was positive she could still make it back to her room before she headed to the baths to scrub away the sweat and the scent of him that lingered on her.
He did say that the sooner she could leave his room, the better it would be for him, and she agreed.
Staying here with him… she had an inkling she might do something that she would regret.
She sat up and headed for the low table that was designated as a small washing area, as it contained a jar filled with water, and a basin. Pour the jar on the basin, she took a washcloth and cleansed her torso and her thighs, doing just enough to keep herself clean until she could go to the baths. After she was done, Sanae grabbed her discareded kimono from the floor and began to dress herself as quickly as possible, knowing that he was probably impatient for her to leave.
With the obi now secured around her waist, she kneeled on the floor and faced the man whose back was now turned against her.
He really wants me gone.
“You— ”
Before she could allow the obstinate man to kick her out, she interrupted him.
She would not let her pride get crushed just because a man wanted her out this instant.
I know that already; you don’t have to remind me that you can’t stand my presence.
"Ieyasu-sama, thank you for the lovely evening. I… I am honored to have shared your bed." she pressed her forehead against the floor in a bow, even though she knew he would not notice nor care if she bowed or not. "As you have requested, I will do my best to stay out of your way and your sight. For the time being, I hope you continue to tolerate my presence until your return to Hamamatsu."
She waited for any words of mockery from him, and when she heard none, she pressed on, saying words that she thought was at least civil and appropriate right after… right after they fucked.
"Good night, Ieyasu-sama. Sweet dreams."
Her legs were still unsteady, and the place between her thighs were sore, but she ignored all of it, forcing herself to walk towards the door leading to her freedom. As not to attract attention from the hallway, she slid the door open as quietly as she could, looked at both sides before stepping out into the corridors. Slowly, she slid the door shut and forced herself to walk as quietly as she could back to her room to grab her bathing items and head for the communal bathing area for the servants.
It wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be, but still…
If only it have been with someone I actually liked, and he also likes me back...
It was painfully naive of her to think that way, but she was not a daughter of a samurai family. She had her choices, unlike them, and she could have had a lover who actually bore affections for her. Instead, she had to share the bed with a man who disliked her, tolerated her at most for tonight, and had repeatedly mocked her.
Tonight was the worst, but she figured that tomorrow would be better.
After all, he told her to stay away, and she would gladly do what he asked of her.
As long as their paths never crossed again, the better it would be both for her and her heart.
She had had enough regrets for one night.
“You stupid girl. What did you do?”
How had she gotten herself involved into something that she had been avoiding for the past few days?
Days after that night, Nishina Sanae had thought that her connection with Tokugawa Ieyasu was severed the moment she left his room after their fucking, and after she had promised to stay out of his line of sight.
Why had she gotten involved into something that she had nothing to do with…?!
So the man left in the middle of the night; that was not her fault. It wasn’t as if she had stabbed him and he ran away in fear. On the contrary, he had the option to kill her if that had actually happened, but it didn’t. Nor did she have it in her to stab him to his death, as she valued her life and safety above all else, which was why she took it upon herself never to offend any of these samurai before her.
Now, the man she served was getting agitated over something that she did not do.
Unfortunately for her, the man did not bother listening to her side of the story, as he was convinced that she had a hand in making the Lord of Mikawa flee in the middle of the night for no reason.
“Answer me!” Oda Nobunaga bellowed.
She supplicated herself on the tatami. “I have no idea what you are talking about, Nobunaga-sama.” with her forehead pressed against the floor, she struggled not to cry, hating the fact that she was being accused for something that she did not do. “I was just as surprised as everyone else when I found out that Ieyasu-sama had left in the middle of the night--”
“Don’t play dumb; you offended him somehow. If not in the bedroom, it was most likely after it.” he said crudely, reminding her of what she had done with the man the night after the scavenger hunt.
If I had a choice, I would have not gone with it!
The frustration within was tempting her to lash out, but she chose to keep calm, knowing that if she aggravated the situation further, the punishment that followed might be severe.
Akechi Mitsuhide spoke after assessing that his lord would not interrupt him. “Tokugawa Ieyasu is a valued ally of the Oda; the territories he rule over are in strategic locations, and it would do well to appease him as soon as possible. If we do not…”
Nobunaga snapped his fan shut in irritation. “Heard that?”
“... Yes, Nobunaga-sama.”
“Then what are you still doing here? You heard Mitsuhide.”
Tentatively, she raised her head, confused. “Nobunaga-sama, what do you mean by—”
“Get dressed and pack your things. You will stay in Hamamatsu and appease Ieyasu as soon as possible. Do not head back to Owari until I have sent for you, or he sends you back, whichever is first.” he glared at her. “I cannot stress this enough, but do not mess this up.”
The lord of the Oda clan raised an eyebrow at her defiance, and she realized that she had spoken her thoughts out loud. In an attempt to recover from that sudden outburst, she said, “B-but what about your desserts--”
He interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. “I can live without those for a few weeks; have you not been teaching the cooks here how to make desserts?” upon his questioning, she nodded tentatively. “They should learn how to function while you are gone.”
She shook her head in dismay. This was madness. “B-but how do I… how do I appease him…?”
Nobunaga gave her a faint smile. “You’re a woman. Surely, you can satisfy him in many ways possible.”
The innuendo did not escape any else’s notice; aside from both Oda Nobunaga and Akechi Mitsuhide, all of the retainers present in the main hall coughed uncomfortably, while she failed to stop her cheeks from flaming. From the corner of her eye, she saw Inuchiyo’s eyes narrowing at her direction.
“Remember what I said; you are not allowed to go back until you have appeased him.” Oda Nobunaga regarded her coldly. “If you want to go back as soon as possible, then you’d better make sure he won’t refuse us the use of his lands in the next battle.”
“... Understood.”
She had resigned herself to her fate the moment she uttered those words.
The first thing she did upon hearing Nobunaga-sama’s order was to send a letter to Sakai Tadatsugu-sama, informing him in advance of her arrival in a week’s time. While she and the elderly gentleman were not close, she knew he would be kind enough not to turn her away; his honor would not let him turn her away, and he would understand her predicament. After all, she was journeying to Totomi all to appease Ieyasu-sama into ‘forgiving her’, and to allow the Oda to continue the use of his territories.
Hopefully, he would forgive her.
Maybe if he was in a good mood and was nice enough on whatever day she arrived, he would allow her to leave after a few days’ time. The sooner she left, the better it was for the both of them; no doubt, he would still hold her up to that promise of never entering his line of sight, and she intended to keep it that way. For once, the both of them would actually be in agreement.
As she prepared her clothes and her essentials for the long journey ahead, she had half a mind to dress up as a man, knowing that it would be safer. If she dressed as a woman and traveled alone, she knew it would bring her more harm than good… and as much as possible, she wanted her journey to Totomi to be as uneventful as possible. Just to be on the safe side, she decided to imitate the way Oda Nobunaga’s page dressed, from borrowing his clothes to tying up her hair, though from what Inuchiyo had told her, she could hardly pass herself off as a man.
“Not with that face.” he told her bluntly when she asked him if her “disguise” could actually fool anyone.
Maybe she did have a girly face, but other than that--
"Who knew you’d be hiding this kind of body underneath that kimono…"
To her horror, she was reminded of that night when he casually complimented her body, causing her cheeks to heat up as she remembered the things he had done to make her moan.
The heck is wrong with you?! She berated herself mentally, knowing that now was not the time to be daydreaming.
Thanks to him, she was on the verge of losing her position as a chef of the most powerful man in the country… and the thought of it angered her.
I’ll show him…!
She had to go to Totomi, and fast.
While she had no solid plan on how to appease him, the best thing she had come up with was to convince him that they could forget the whole thing happened. Circumstances had both forced them to do something that they did not wish for, so it only made sense that they should both decide to forget about it altogether.
No doubt, Ieyasu-sama would approve of it, and would send her back to Owari in no time.
Feeling optimistic, she waved goodbye to the Oda retainers, promising each of them that she would be back in no time, while she gave her childhood friend a hug.
“Write back as often as you can, won’t you?” Inuchiyo, ever the older brother figure, reminded her.
“I will try. Don’t worry too much; it’s only Totomi, and Ieyasu-sama would send me back in no time after I negotiate with him”
As she turned her back to her childhood friend, she missed the worried look on the older man’s face.
“... That’s what I’m worried about.”
She had underestimated her pacing and the distance between Owari and Totomi.
While she had told Sakai-sama that she would reach Hamamatsu in a week’s time, the journey had taken her at least two weeks. Sanae had been unlucky enough to journey during the start of the rainy season, which meant unpassable roads because of the floods, or the roads have turned all muddy. At one point, she had been forced to stay at an inn for three days because of the floods.
By the time she had reached Hamamatsu, half of the month flew by, she was exhausted, and she was suddenly not feeling so confident with her plan to negotiate with Ieyasu-sama.
Not when the very first person who greeted her by the castle gates had looked at her with suspicion, not curiosity, and looked like he would rather send her back to Owari than welcome her in the castle, even if he had been informed in advance to expect ‘a guest from Owari’. Despite looking like they were the same age, Toramatsu looked very serious for his age, as if he was carrying the burden of the country by himself, which showed when he had led her to a small room, as he was unsmiling the whole time. Upon telling her to make herself comfortable, he then gravely informed her that he was going to see if Ieyasu-sama was available.
Clad in the cleanest uwagi and hakama she had in her possession, she tried to calm her beating heart over the various scenarios that played in her mind. At worst, he would throw her out without hesitation; at best, he would actually welcome her in the castle, let her stay for a few days, then let her leave so that they could go back to their old lives.
Upon hearing the sliding doors open, she pressed her forehead against the tatami, careful not to show her face for the meantime.
“Raise your head and show me your face.”
Has it been that long? Surprisingly, his voice had sent shivers down her spine, and she forced herself to ignore the sensation that ran down her back.
Now was not the time to be gushing over him.
She raised her head and did not miss the shocked look on his face. She bit down a laugh that was threatening to escape by looking at the dais instead. “Good afternoon, Ieyasu-sama.”
“I have been sent here by Nobunaga-sama to… to make amends for my… actions a fortnight ago. He was convinced that I may have offended you in some way, as evidence of your fleeing in the middle of the night.
When he said nothing in response, she continued. “It has been decided that I am to stay in Hamamatsu Castle until further notice, or until you have deemed that I have left you satisfied with my services. Until the time comes for me to return to Owari, I will be in your care.”
With still no reaction from him, she took it as her cue to bow once more.
“Please treat me well, Ieyasu-sama.”
Just tell me I can leave, and I will gladly do so…!
Hopefully, I can come up with Chapter 2 as fast as I possibly can.
Thank you for reading!
98 notes · View notes
mikawa-province · 7 years
AO3 version of the fic has been posted.
20 notes · View notes
mikawa-province · 7 years
Wishful Thinking [1/2]
Title: Wishful Thinking Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad: Party/Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran: Love Ballad Pairing: Tokugawa Ieyasu x MC Rating: PG-13 Word Count (MS Word): 3,664
麻姑掻痒 (まこそうよう) [makosouyou] (n) things happening exactly as one pleases [wishes]; someone being very attentive to one's wishes
As promised, this fic happens to be the one that I said I was planning on. Hopefully, it won’t leave you disappointed.
This fic was inspired by the recent Story Event involving Tokugawa Ieyasu called ‘Draughts of Starlight’ (星夜のあやまち lit. A Starry Night of Mistakes), and this is my take on ‘what-if Ieyasu and MC did sleep with one another that night, as ordered upon by Oda Nobunaga, sans the alcohol’?
No explicit content... yet, but some mention of the act/deed. Nothing too bad.
With that, enjoy!
"When we finish, will you get out and never enter my line of sight again?"
He had no idea that the very words he had uttered so indifferently earlier then would come biting him back so badly, and so soon.
He was well-aware of how flings went, as well as its rules, one of which was avoiding the awkward ‘morning-after' scenario. Ieyasu always made it clear that those he discreetly spent the night with to leave his bed before daybreak, and never show themselves again. There were no repeat performances for those women, something that he reiterated over and over again.
Last night, following the Fool’s verbal directive, he spent the night with the wench whom the Fool assigned the role of Kaguya-hime from The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter during the Fool’s treasure hunting activity.
What possessed him to agree was simple enough to understand: winning Oda Nobunaga’s favor was difficult enough, and so very rare, which was why every chance he had to curry the favor of the fool, he kept himself committed to finishing the task to the very end.
Which included bedding the kitchen wench, just because it was commanded upon her and, by some extent, him, by the Demon King himself.
To his surprise, taking her to bed wasn’t as horrible as he thought it would be, despite her inexperience. His expectations exceeded, he surprised himself once more when he took his time instead of rushing through; he could have taken her roughly and be over and done with it in mere minutes, but he found himself making an effort at least to make it tolerable.
Definitely not because he was her first sexual experience, and that he did not want to traumatize her into thinking that he was callous both in bed and outside of it.
Most likely it was definitely not because her moans and her gasps had actually stirred his blood and aroused him further.
And it was absolutely not because the way she called his name as he took her made him feel as if she was passionately in love with him, and not because of the prestige of his name.
That alone should have sent him running away; romantic emotions were something he did not want to be involved in, and yet…
He found himself feeling oddly disappointed when, after they had both reached their climax and had laid down on the bedding to catch their breaths, she wordlessly got out of the futon and began cleaning up.
Ieyasu fought the urge to tell her that she could stay a bit longer; not only would he contradict himself, but she might get the wrong idea, like some of the women he shared the night with. Often, they would stall for time to try and use their body in an attempt at a final seduction, hoping that he would change his mind into making the ‘arrangements’ into a more permanent one.
He rejected all of their attempts, wanting nothing more than to be rid of them. The deed was done, and there was nothing more for either side to gain from the setup. Sex was a rather mundane for him, viewing it as something that was done just to sate the buildup of lust within his body. He had no need for a lover, as it distracted him from his duties, nor did he want a disaster waiting to happen: an unwanted child. He was careful enough, and to his knowledge, he had no illegitimate children.
From the corner of his eye, he spotted her getting dressed, and he forced himself to turn away from her, not because he was trying to give her privacy, but because he did not trust himself.
Why was he desperate to make her stay?
It boggled the mind; it was just sex, and she would be just like one of the many women he had been intimate with.
Had been.
She would become one of them as soon as she leaves the room.
Ieyasu found his forehead creasing at the thought
He did not like the sound of that.
Not at all.
After careful consideration on how he would go about telling her that there was no need for her to hurry, just before he could speak, she beat him to it.
"Ieyasu-sama, thank you for the lovely evening. I… I am honored to have shared your bed."
He found himself wincing at her choice of words.
He did not have time to think, as she continued to speak.
"As you have requested, I will do my best to stay out of your way and your sight. For the time being, I hope you continue to tolerate my presence until your return to Hamamatsu."
If it had been any other person, he would have snorted, knowing that the words they sputter mean nothing. People break their promises all the time, given the right amount and incentive.
… Except to his ears, she sounded so sincere and determined to fulfill her end of the bargain.
She was speaking so formally, he wondered if this was really the passionate woman who held onto him so tightly upon reaching her peak.
"Good night, Ieyasu-sama. Sweet dreams."
Don’t go.
He wanted to say it.
He really wanted to.
Stay with me.
It was easy enough. A few words here and there, turn it into a command, and she would be by his side in no time; as a commoner, it would be difficult for her to refuse him, and in return, he would have a warm body beside him to keep him warm.
And yet, he burned in frustration both at himself and his inability to voice out what he wanted as soon as he heard the sliding door softly hit the wooden frame shut.
He should be happy that the situation was exactly how he envisioned it. She would leave after they were done, and he would not have to worry about clingy women who think they have it in them to change his mind.
The coldness of the empty space beside him unnerved him the whole night, and he was unable to sleep until a few hours before dawn.
As soon as there was daylight that filtered through his room, he was awake. Immediately, Ieyasu turned his head to the side to see if she had attempted to get back in; there was this off-chance that she was simply playing hard-to-get in order to fool him into thinking that she was keeping her promise when she had no intention to do so in the first place.
The futon was left the way it was last night.
The skeptic in him reached out to touch the bedding, and found it cold, devoid of warmth.
Again, disappointment and regret stabbed him.
He never woke up with another person in his bed to avoid the awkward morning-after interactions.
The empty futon that greeted him at dawn should have given him satisfaction. Instead, he wondered why he felt so hollow upon seeing no sign of her anywhere.
It was as if last night had never happened at all.
When he finally made his way to the main hall for the morning meal, he found her chatting with the Monkey, the scowling Fox, and the Dog.
Everything seemed normal, and he knew he should be happy over the fact that she made no demands of him, nor was she clinging onto him. He went on with his life, and so did she, as if nothing had changed.
As if nothing happened between them last night.
Suddenly, he didn’t feel so hungry anymore.
Heck, he did not even have the energy to do anything today, even if there was a war council scheduled after the midday meal. All he wanted was to lie down and stare at the ceiling, and maybe even contemplate
He picked his meal with the end of the chopsticks, forcing himself to eat a few bites, even if he was not in the mood to do so. Usually, he would be hungry enough that Sakai would go to the kitchens and ask for a bit of rice and salt. Then, he would make his own onigiri in the privacy of his room and eat, even though it was so bland, he might as well be eating soil.
Lately though, while he was here in Owari, she had actually taken note of his lack of enthusiasm to eat the meals prepared for him by the cooks and would try and concern herself to making him eat a full tray. Sakai would stand by her side while she prepared his food in the kitchen, then bring the tray up to his room and watch him eat every bite.
The kitchen wench knew it beforehand, and would probably use the opportunity to be alone with him later.
Shaking his head inwardly, he continued to pick on his meal before standing up and heading back to his room, deciding to read up on a few books before she goes to his room and bring in a tray.
… Except that when he got to his room, no matter how interesting the book was, he couldn’t seem to absorb the words.
The hell was wrong with him?
Stubbornly, he resumed his ‘reading', despite reading the first three lines over and over again and not being able to understand what it was… until he decided to give up and close the book.
Sighing, he was just about ready to lie down on his back when he heard footsteps by the hallway. Straightening his back, he didn’t realize he was holding his breath in anticipation until the sliding doors opened.
"Good morning, Ieyasu-sama." Sakai Tadatsugu greeted him, using his foot to open the door. His hands held the familiar tray that she always used whenever she cooked for him. "I have brought your midday meal."
Where was she?
He may have forgotten to keep his expression neutral, for the old man said, "Sanae-dono is currently busy, but she managed to make breakfast for you. Wasn’t that thoughtful of her?"
She probably placed too much seasoning, he thought to himself as Sakai laid down the tray of food before him.
This was probably her way of forcing him to be the one to do the approaching, that he would have a reason to chase after her.
Except that the food she prepared still tasted the same as ever, and he found that he had no complains. Everything was to his taste, from the miso soup down to the sea bream tempura.
"I’ll have you know that despite her not being here, she had reminded me to make sure that you eat every bite." Sakai chuckled.
Nothing had changed since last night. Everything was still the way it should be.
So why did he feel like overturning the tray in anger just so she would come running to his room and let her see the food she worked hard to prepare turn into waste?
The irrationality of it all puzzled him.
Nothing changed, he kept telling himself.
She was not disrupting his life, just as she had promised, and everything was going his way.
So why...?
Clenching his fists, he picked up the chopsticks and forced himself to eat.
They would be traveling back to Hamamatsu tomorrow.
Normally, he looked forward to this moment, as he never felt at ease staying in the Fool’s territory for long. Wanting nothing more than finishing his errands as soon as possible, then leaving for Hamamatsu was how he usually conducted his business.
Except now, he found that he did not want to go back.
Strange, as he was done putting up with the Fool’s whims, as well as diligently attending the war councils. There was nothing more for him to do, which was why the only logical thing to do was to head back.
Add to that, he was slowly going insane, he was sure of it.
He had to leave.
Before he did things that would haunt him and make him regret.
Indulging the Fool’s whims one last time, he smiled placidly as everyone began eating and drinking at the banquet held in his honor. Most of the Oda retainers were letting loose, shouting and having drinking contests, while the others were cheering and enabling the drinkers to drink more.
She was one of those who cheered along with the rest, clapping enthusiastically when the Dog was downing a bottle of sake. He did not know if she had been drinking, but why did he care so much anyway?
This was exactly why he wanted to leave after the war council, but Oda Nobunaga would not have it.
Between risking his life traveling at night and slowly turning insane just because one woman had done exactly what he had asked of her, he would rather choose the former.
Some distance was needed.
If he was far away enough, he would not be able to think of her, nor would he find himself looking at her direction in the hopes that she too would take the hint and look his way.
They say that when one was out of sight, automatically, they would be out of one’s mind.
He hoped that the phrase would be applicable to him as well.
For the whole day, she had kept her word, making sure that their paths would not cross while walking down the hallway, disappearing off to who-knows-where, only appearing when everyone else had gathered in the main hall. Even then, she kept her distance, making sure that they had no chance at all to converse with one another as she busied herself by making sure everyone around her had enough food to eat and enough sake to drink.
It worked; as she was a member of the Oda household, her ultimate concern would be the Fool and his retainers, unless ordered otherwise.
He watched with amusement as the Dog suddenly choke midway into the chugging, coughing violently. As the others laughed at the oaf’s predicament, she pressed a hand on Maeda Toshiie’s back and began rubbing his upper back soothingly. The gesture had been innocent enough, and yet…
He found himself bowing to the Fool, saying that he needed more time to rest, as tomorrow would be a long day for both him and Sakai. Gaining the approval to leave, he got up and walked to the direction of his room, waiting for the anger and disgust of what he saw earlier to die down.
It didn’t.
He was seriously pathetic.
Hours after he had excused himself, he was still tossing and turning in his futon, unable to prevent his mind from playing that scene between the Fool’s Dog and her. It wasn’t even romantic, but it annoyed him to no end.
He had no hold over her; they simply spent one night together, under the orders of the Fool, no less. It wasn’t like him to lose his head over something that involved his emotions but…
He hated this.
Tomorrow, everyone would see him and Sakai off, and he would be forced to be pleasant to all of them, and he had to pretend that seeing her and the Dog did not annoy him in the slightest.
Why did he have to go that far in order to win the Fool’s favor?
Because you don’t want any of those idiots to have her.
He finally admitted it to himself, and instead of feeling relieved, he felt angrier than ever.
This has to stop.
He was leaving for Hamamatsu this instant.
He had no problem rousing Sakai from his slumber. Upon hearing that his lord had more pressing issues to attend to that slipped out of his mind, the senior retainer was up in no time, and had been ready to leave after half an hour of preparing an dgetting dressed.
The soldiers by the gate had let them pass without incident, but it was clear on their faces that they were just as confused; after all, a lord rarely traveled during the night for safety reasons, yet he was doing such.
He was a prime target, yet he did not care.
He would rather risk an ambush than see her looking so happy standing beside the Dog during the send-off.
Besides, he had ordered Hanzou to scout ahead and see if they would run into any potential danger; so far, everything was going according to plan.
As Okazaki has been along the way, they stopped there for a short morning meal the next morning, changed horses, and made their way back to Hamamatsu. As there was now daylight, the risk of an assassination decreased, but he cared not for that right now.
He had to put some distance between them.
He had to, or he would completely go insane.
Riding non-stop, they arrived at Hamamatsu just before dawn, at the cost of riding at neck-breaking speed, and him half-dead from exhaustion. Ignoring his growling stomach, he made his way to the bathing room, scrubbed off all the travel dust that he accumulated, got dressed in his sleepwear, and collapsed on top of his futon.
He was not surprised when he awaken the next day by Sakai, with the old man frowning down at him. His most senior retainer could barely catch up to him during their ride from Okazaki to Hamamatsu, and clearly did not appreciate the reckless he displayed yesterday.
The recklessness had helped, however; not only did he manage to put a lot of distance between them, but he had been so exhausted from the journey that he slept through the night.
Ieyasu figured that maybe if he worked to the point of exhaustion, he would not have to think of anything else that involved her.
It would be for the best in the long run; the last thing he needed was a distraction.
"Ieyasu-sama, you have a visitor."
Two weeks since his return to Hamamatsu, Toramatsu sought him in his room while he was reading one of the books he had recently bought.
Strange for someone to be visiting him without any advance warning. "Who is it?"
"An Oda retainer named Yahiko. Probably someone who has just joined the ranks." Said the younger male. "I have never met that person before during our visits to Owari."
No doubt, the Fool had probably sent the newbie out on a whim to introduce himself to him. Sighing in irritation at being interrupted, he stood up anyway. "Lead the way, Toramatsu."
The faster he indulged the whims of that Oda retainer, the faster he could get back to his reading.
Toramatsu stopped in front of one of the more private rooms, meant for entertaining a small number visitors from their close allies, went down on his knees, and opened the door for him, his head down.
As he entered the room and made his way to the elevated platform, he noted that the retainer, upon hearing the opening of the door, had proceeded to bow down to him and steadied his position, waiting for the command.
"Raise your head and show me your face."
Was it his imagination, or did the retainer just stiffen?
Slowly, the Fool’s retained did what was asked and--
Ieyasu felt his eyes widen upon seeing the ‘Oda retainer’.
"Good afternoon, Ieyasu-sama." her eyes were anywhere but on his face, as she had affixed it on the elevated platform instead.
What was she doing here in that ridiculous get-up…?!
Was she trying to pass herself off as a man?
If she was, she was doing a rather poor job of it, as she was not fooling anyone.
… Well,  maybe she did, especially since Toramatsu had thought she was a man. While she might have tried to copy Mori Ranmaru’s look, from the ponytail down to the top and hakama, her face gave her away.
And yet...
She continued. "I have been sent here by Nobunaga-sama to… to make amends for my...  actions a fortnight ago. He was convinced that I may have offended you in some way, as evidence of your fleeing in the middle of the night."
What the hell was she going on about?
Did the Fool really think the wench had left him unsatisfied?
Still, he kept his silence, wanting to hear what she had to say about her sudden visit.
"It has been decided that I am to stay in Hamamatsu Castle until further notice, or until you have deemed that I have left you satisfied with my services. Until the time comes for me to return to Owari, I will be in your care." at this, she bowed once more, her forehead pressed against the floor.
“Please treat me well, Ieyasu-sama.”
This is so awkward for them in so many levels, you have no idea.
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mikawa-province · 7 years
Shock Therapy XXVII
Title: Shock Therapy XXVII Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad: Party/Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran: Love Ballad Pairing: Tokugawa Ieyasu x MC Rating: PG-13 Word Count (MS Word): 200
形勢有利 (けいせいゆうり) [keiseiyuuri] (adj-na,n) situation [turn of events] being favorable [advantageous]
Tagging [as requested]: @you-mass-effect-my-dragon-age, @frywen-babbles, @han-pan, @yellowcamellia, @dreamsinparadise, @held-hostage-and-happy, @small-and-nerdy
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Part XIX
Part XX
Part XXI
Part XXV
She was meticulously wrapping his salve-coated feet with linen, making sure that every inch of the skin on his feet was covered thoroughly. The last thing she wanted was for the wound to be infected, and the sooner his feet would heal, the earlier it would be for them to leave and go back to the castle. No doubt, Sakai-sama was worried sick about Ieyasu-sama going missing.
After making sure that the linen would not unwrap itself, she did the same thing on his other foot. His right foot had it worse than the left, probably because he may have favored it during the walk.
With the linen now snuggly wrapped around his feet and ankles, she said out loud, “... Done.”
She wanted to pat herself on the back for being able to say it without her voice wavering.
While she wanted to look up at him and see his face, she refused to do so, scared at what he might do in retaliation.
He said nothing in response, choosing to keep his legs and thighs apart while he sat… until he reached out and grabbed her.
Bracing herself for whatever it was he was planning, she closed her eyes.
Had to write a lot of chapters before I could post this again so that I can queue this fic.
Hopefully, I can write more during the upcoming long weekend here. :) It’s Marine Day on Monday!
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mikawa-province · 7 years
Quirk of Fate 8
Title: Quirk of Fate 8 Fandom: Samurai Love Ballad: Party/Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran: Love Ballad Pairing: Matsudaira Motoyasu x MC → Tokugawa Ieyasu x MC Rating: PG-13 Word Count (MS Word): 500
合縁奇縁(あいえんきえん)[aienkien] (n) a chance encounter between two people brought together by fate.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
What the hell was she wearing underneath these robes?
Why were women’s clothing so complicated?
Removing the obi should have made it easier for him to retrieve the dagger that she had shoved down her underclothes, but it surprised him when layers of linen were wrapped around her chest, and Ieyasu could barely make out the lacquered wooden scabbard. When he had noticed the familiar hilt discreetly tucked under the linen, he made a move to pull down the bunched up linen.
He was well-aware that the wench was female, yet…
And yet, he could not help but gape when her breasts sprung free as soon as he pulled down the linen.
It should not have distracted him; after all, breasts were simply natural, and were part of the body.
It should not have distracted him from grabbing the dagger that was conveniently placed on her cleavage, but it did, which annoyed the hell out of him.
Just when he was about to grab the dagger still position in-between her breasts, she sat up immediately, hitting her head against his chin. The sudden motion made him yelp in pain as his teeth hit his upper lip so hard, blood began to trickle down his chin.
In his anger, he retaliated by pushing her down the futon again, and tried to make a grab for the dagger.
In a move that he could only assume that was a miscalculation on his part, he had ended up grabbing the weapon’s sheath, while her hand was on the handle as both of them struggled to overpower the other. His rough tugging had caused the blade to be unsheathed and to his own disbelief, the sharp end of the dagger ended up cutting the whole length of his right forearm.
Wincing upon seeing the blood dripping down his arm, he was ready to stand up and grab his basket containing a wound salve when, to his shock, she began loosening her obi and began to unbound the linen that was wrapped around her breasts.
What the hell was she planning?
“Wait.” she called out to him. “P-please wait…”
The linen that she was still unraveling around her body… if he had been more honest with himself, he might actually admit that he was enjoying how it looked like she was slowly stripping in front of him, and on their wedding night even.
Right now, however, was not the best time to be thinking about these things, especially since both of them were stuck with one another, all thanks to some stupid dagger. Sakai had forced the marriage upon them, all for the sake of stopping the marriage meetings with power hungry men who did not hesitate to use their womenfolk as a pawn.
Clicking his tongue impatiently, he did not realize that he was distracted until he sensed her by his side, and her hands were on his injured arm.
“Stay away.” he snapped at her. “You’ve done quite enough damage for one day.”
Anyone else excited for Ieyasu’s upcoming story event?! I sure am!
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