#kolibri x ara
bumblingbee1 · 2 months
Random Ara x Kolibri headcanons because those two got such a hold on me
- Both of them are well aware that romantic involvements are severely punishable, so they know exactly how to be discreet about it. This is even more important, as they're in vastly different ranks and social status among the Replikas.
- When Ara feels overwhelmed and isolates herself, Kolibri covers for her, by "mistakenly" delegating tasks to other available Ara units.
- Ara in particular loves doing acts of service, so she likes to find books that are out of Kolibri's reach and give them to the latter. She manages to do so, using her secret passageways she paved to avoid suspicion.
- Kolibri likes to share her tea with Ara from time to time, but nobody else.
- Ara's flower garden consists of petunias (Black Velvet, Eagle Blue and Bingo Red), cardinal flowers, and trumpet vines. She grew them, hoping to show Kolibri some color and levity in Sierpinski. Kolibri has grown particularly of the trumpet vines and the Bingo Red petunias.
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autistic-dumbass · 3 months
I wonder, do you have any other Signalis ships? I, for one, am very much on board with the Star x Eule ship and Lilith x Alina :)
Any Kolibri ships, for instance?
Kolibri x falke, kolibri x storch, ara x eule, Star x ara, storch x mynah
Despite alder’s best attempts Sierpiński is a hive of lesbian replikas
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beetle-the-boy · 1 year
Assuming I'm nowhere near done with Signalis, I'll give my mid game thoughts on it now
Cool Things
The level design is incredible. Even with the winding rooms and multiple floors, I was never lost. Especially in the area with no map. The landmarks in that area were amazing and I literally never got lost.
The atmosphere is incredible. The lo-fi ps1 aesthetic was absolutely nailed, the ambience is phenomenal (especially in the previously mentioned area with no map), and the sound design is absolutely God-tier
The puzzles are all incredibly unique and varied. Some of my favorites include anything that uses the radio module and doing literal electrical engineering work.
This ties into the aesthetics but I especially want to laud the cosmic horror aspect. Humanity digging too deep and finding some old god that manifests as mounds of red flesh is done to death but the execution of it in Signalis is incredible. Whether or not this is thanks to Elster being unphased by it I've yet to say. My favorite part is that it only affect Replikas (as far as I know), contorting them into zombies.
It makes me feel weird to listen to the threat music and think "I love this groove
Things I don't Like
Starting with the most pressing thing for me: the world building is all over the place to the point where it becomes distracting. Many things are described with German words and phrasing but then literally in the same hallway see Chinese-esque kanji. It would've been much better if only one language was used (preferably German because it really helps give Signalis's world it's own identity) or if a completely new language was made.
Most monsters really feel like they all do the same thing: hobble towards you and swing with just different speeds and models differentiating them. I wish there were more enemies like the Kolibri and Mynah. The Kolibri are probably my favorite in the game because it requires to use a tool that doesn't have limited uses. And speaking of which
The modules should really just be base upgrades and not separate items. Hell I'll concede and say the photo module should be a separate item but a flash light that's mounted on the shoulder? I feel like the scenarios would more dynamic if there were more enemies that required you to uses other tools than gun x, y, and z.
I'll probably get flack for this but the character design is so weak. This game has a terrible case I could barely tell the difference between a Eule, a Storch, an Ara, and a Kolibri. The only stand outs are Elster because she's the protagonist, Alder because he's male, and Mynah because she's actually different with her massive suit and tiny face. The worst part to me is that these were all previously humans, so at the very least their faces would be different but no it's still just spindly thin white woman with hooves. Me and my friends would literally say "the writers barely disguised fetish" whenever any propaganda picture would crop up.
A story can sometimes be too vague. I get that it looks spooky but flashing red text in multiple languages only confuses me, especially when some of it may be important to the plot. If these sequences where replaced with the first person sequences where you walk around
Some slight accessibility options would be nice like: being able to see if an item can be combined with another, highlight important details in text, instantly swap to frequencies with data on them, have all healing items heal instantly
The scene where Elster does maintenance and meets Alina should've been put at the start of the game because the only reason I cared about Alina at all was the fact that I knew before starting that they were a thing and it was funny to yell "HAVE YOU SEEN MY WIFE???" like Marlin searching for Nemo. I can understand merit in keeping Elster's motives unknown until after the first credits roll but there really isn't any other indication that Elster should keep going down other than her really liking jumping down holes she really shouldn't go down.
Signalis is one of the best horror experiences I've had and one of the best games I've played. While it may be too soon to say for sure, Signalis holds the title of 2nd best game with gay people brutalizing each other.
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