#konjin house
wheatlix-central · 7 months
This is sorta canon
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carlsaganftsh · 5 months
nobody remember konjin house? 👉👈 pepepepeperoni pizza❓🥺
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cosmicxd · 2 years
Here’s the storyboard for an animatic I’m working on
Source: Cut Scene from Konjin house episode 32
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dialphone-archived · 2 years
Konjin, Konjin House
KYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ask-spidermom · 2 years
now that harry and I have been living together so long, we really need to set aside time for sleepover activities. like doing dramatic readings of bad fanfiction in the dark at 3 am and having harry force me to watch the entirety broadway karkat or ratboy genius or konjin house etc etc etc he makes me watch so many things
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bunny-heels · 4 years
hey btw;
there is literally nothing wrong with connecting to joke characters in any way, whether its kinning or having them as a comfort character or any similar situation. if people can get away with loving the characters of konjin house despite 99% of the what the characters do being shitpost then the same can be said for literally any other shitposty thing that has SOME form of deeper story to it. just as long as you dont go against the creators wishes, which is not making porn of it, other than that you are completely fine doing whatever else is that you want
im putting this in the HLVRAI tag for very, very obvious reasons
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weirdwyvern · 7 years
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@its-winsstar ngl I have no idea if this is what u we’re going for but?? ta-daaa
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Folklore in Japan
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Japanese folklore encompasses the informally learned folk traditions of Japan and the Japanese people as expressed in its oral traditions, customs, and material culture.
In Japanese, the term minkan denshō ("transmissions among the folk") is used to describe folklore. The academic study of folklore is known as minzokugaku. Folklorists also employ the term minzoku shiryō or "folklore material" to refer to the objects and arts they study.
Men dressed as namahage, wearing ogre-like masks and traditional straw capes (mino) make rounds of homes, in an annual ritual of the Oga Peninsula area of the Northeast region. These ogre-men masquerade as kami looking to instill fear in the children who are lazily idling around the fire. This is a particularly colorful example of folk practice still kept alive.
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A parallel custom is the secretive Akamata-Kuromata ritual of the Yaeyama Islands, Okinawa which does not allow itself to be photographed.
Many, though increasingly fewer households maintain a kamidana or a small Shinto altar shelf. The Shinto version of the kitchen god is the Kamado kami, and the syncretic Buddhist version is the Kōjin, a deity of the hearth enshrined in the kitchen.
Japanese popular cults or kō are sometimes devoted to particular deities and buddhas, e.g. the angry Fudō Myōō or the healer Yakushi Nyorai. But many cults centered around paying respects to sacred sites such as the Ise Shrine or Mount Fuji. Pilgrimage to these meccas declined after the Edo period. But recently, the Shikoku Pilgrimage of the eighty-eight temple sites (commonly known as ohenro-san) has become fashionable. Popular media and cottage industries now extoll a number of shrines and sacred natural sites as power spots.
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There is a long list of practices performed to ward evil or expel evil. Salt-scattering is generally considered purifying (it is employed in sumo tournaments, to give a well-known example). A stock routine in period or even contemporary drama involves a master of the house telling his wife to scatter salt after an undesirable visitor has just left. Contrarily, lighting sparks with flint just as a someone is leaving the house was considered lucky.
No one now engages in the silent vigil required by the Kōshin cult, but it might be noted that this cult has been associated with the iconic three See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil monkeys.
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There are certain vestiges of geomancy introduced into Japan from China through Onmyōdō. The word kimon, "ogre's gate", colloquially refers to anything that a person may have constant ill luck with, but in the original sense designates the northeasterly direction, considered to be unlucky or dangerously inviting of ill-intended spirits (cf. Konjin). There is also a Japanese version of Feng Shui known as kasō or literally "house physiognomy". Closely connected is the Yin-yang path or Onmyōdō, and its concepts such as katatagae ["direction changing"] also known as kataimi, which was widely practiced by nobles in the Heian period. A widely known taboo advises against sleeping with your head faced north, though it is doubtful if anyone now seriously heeds this prohibition.
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strangeblueanimal · 7 years
Hey fam it’s lit send some drawing requests for shit like Konjin house and BNHA please
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