#kono oto tomare 109
tessenpai · 3 years
Kono Oto Tomare! Chapter 109 Scans and Rough TL
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Chapter Title: #109 Words of Dawn
Chika: After what happened yesterday... Was everything alright on your end?
Side text: Chika taking care of Natsu...
Natsu: Kudo-senpai, good morning
Chika: Ou
Natsu: I'm sorry for not calling
Chika: That's alright
Momoya: ...I talked to Sei for a bit before his parents arrived.
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Natsu: He said that he won't approach Kudo-Senpai or the club anymore
Chika: ...I see
Natsu: ...
Natsu: Um, Kudo-senpai
Chika: Hm?
Natsu: -----
Natsu: Are you ok with exams coming up? They are almost here
Chika: You idiot
Page 3
Chika: Why would you suddenly pop such a terrifying question?
Chika: I completely forgot!
Natsu: Glad I was able to remind you before it was too late
Chika: You brat...
Natsu[thoughts]: "Would you give Sei a chance to apologize?"
Natsu[thoughts]: This is not something I can say.
Natsu[thoughts]: He destroyed everything important to him. Then framed him for that crime and exposed him to the world...
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Natsu[thoughts]: Sei's issues have nothing to do with Kudo-senpai.
Natsu[thoughts]: I am sure the only one who would find comfort in an apology would be Sei
Natsu[thoughts]: For me to stay in the club in the first place...
Chika: Hey, Momoya-kun
Chika: You got work today?
Natsu: Not really...
Chika: Great, then you are coming with me
Natsu: --Eh?
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Sfx: Tan
Sfx: Ta Dan
Mittsu: Introducing ☆ Tecchan & Takezou-senpai's intensive exams studying session!!!
Kouta: Give a warm welcome to Momoyan on his first participation!!!!!
Page 6
Sane: My sources have told me, that Momoya happens to have really good grades.
Mittsu: I heard that just paying attention to class he has an average of 85 points.
Kota: He is at a teacher's level. He is Momo-chan-sensei!!
Chika: With that being said, we leave Yoshinaga in your care.
Natsu: Nononono, what?
Sane: I'm sorry, Momoya, but the situation is dire. You see, Yoshinaga...
Sane: He said his average in middle school was 40 points, but when I calculated properly, I realized his average was actually 33 points, and 40 points was his best score.
Natsu: ...Are you freaking serious right now...?
Tetsuki: Kurata-senpai and I already got our hands full with these guys
Takezou: It would be really helpful if you could handle Yoshinaga-kun...
Page 7
Yoshinaga: I will be in your care!!!
Natsu: ...
Hiro: --Right about now, the guys must be in the middle of their studying session in Takaoka-kun's house.
Satowa: Momoya-kun and Yoshinaga-kun also joined them
Hiro: It's something I wouldn't have thought of when I met them.
Hiro: But really, I'm just glad we are not falling apart. That was what scared me the most...
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Satowa: Me too
Hiro: Hey, Hozuki-chan. Why don't stay sleepover?
Satowa: Eh?
Hiro: I will lend you a change of clothes
Satowa: I don't want to be a bother...
Hiro: Not at all! Moreover, I would happy!
Natsu: So, for now on Math. This, this, and also this. Drill them into your head.
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Atsumu: Yes!!
Natsu: You can just discard all of this
Atsumu: Eh!?
Natsu: The test is designed in a way you can get a pretty decent grade if you hold down the basics.
Mittsu: It feels like watching the old us with Tetsuki.
Chika: There were times like that for us as well...
Tetsuki: Why are you talking like it's any different now?
Atsumu: But Momoya-kun, you are so good at studying! I had no idea.
Natsu: Not really...
Atsumu: Ah, but if you think about it your brother also goes to Meiryo--...
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Chika: That's right, he goes to Meiryo. So both brothers are smart, huh.
Kota: That!
Sane: Both my older sister and younger sister are good at studying tho--
Mittsu: By the way, didn't you have the option to enter Meiryo?
Natsu[thoughts]: They worrying about me again...
Sane: What are you talking about Mittsu. If he did that then Momoya wouldn't have met us, whom he loves so much--
Mittsu: Ah there's that too!
Natsu: Eh? Us, whom he loves so much?
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Sane: Hm? You love us, right?
Natsu: ---...
Sane: I mean, after all
Sane: Just looking at your face when we discovered you were Uzuki's little brother. You looked like an abandoned puppy.
Kota: That!!! He was totally a puppy!!
Sane: He looked so heartbroken. That was the moment I thought "This guy really love us"
Kota: I feel you!!
Mittsu: I should have taken a picture of that...
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Natsu: ----guh...
Sane: Momoyaa!! What is this, you are completely red!!! Bahahahaha
Sane: I am so sorry-- I was absolutely right in everything I said!!!
Kota: Momoyan is blushing---
Mittsu: Guys! Take a picture!!!
Natsu: Wai- Sto-
Sane: Hey, look over here Momoya.
Natsu: Stop it, damn it!!
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Sane: That's no way to talk to your seniors!
Natsu: Leave me be!!
Sane[flashback]: You too, if you need something, lemme know.
Sane[flashback]: Moreover, I'd like it if you showed a bit more of your lame side!
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Natsu[thoughts]: ...Ah- Dammit...
Sane[flashback]: We will make sure to laugh at you about it.
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Hiro: You told Chika-kun that you like him!!? That you LIKE him!!??
Satowa: Hi-Hi-Hiro-senpai shhh, shhh!!
Hiro: Aaaaah, so-so-sorry
Hiro: Something unimaginable suddenly just happened, my heart cannot take it.
Satowa: I am sorry.
Satowa: I didn't expect it would turn out that way either...
Satowa: Those guys just kept going on about how Kudo was lonely and not loved by anyone. And Kudo too was just accepting that...
Satowa: ...I got really angry
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Hiro: And what did Kudo-kun say?
Satowa: Just after that, you guys came to help us
Hiro: aaaah, I see...
Satowa: But today he acter suuuuper normal, too. He might have forgotten already.
Hiro: No, there's no way...
Satowa[thoughts]: That too might not have held any special meaning after all...
Satowa: Even so, I am ok with it.
Satowa: It's such an important time before the tournament. Kudo was able to regain his smile. If the club is at peace, then that is enough for me
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Satowa: Speaking of, Hiro-senpai do you plan on confessing to Takezou-senpai...?
Hiro: ...Eh? Di- Did I ever sa-sa-say that the person I like is Kurata?
Satowa: Ah, no... I kinda thought that must be the case... Since you said Takinami-sensei found you out...
Hiro: No way--!!! I am so easy to read!? Does everyone else know!!?
Satowa: Ah, no... I don't think the guys have realized...
Hiro: Isn't Momoya-kun really good at reading people?
Satowa: Geh... Bu- But Momoya would keep it to himself...
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Hiro: Aaaaaaah---- but I see... aaaaah---
Satowa: I- I am sorry?
Hiro: No...
Hiro: I am happy.
Hiro: The truth is, I have always wanted to have this kind of love talk with you, Hozuki-chan
Hiro: Eeeh--- That kind of thing happened!?
Mittsu: Tetsuki's curry is delicious, right--?
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Hiro: We got too caught up talking---
Natsu: Your are all wrong
???: Chika fell asleep---
Hiro: Is the size alright?
Kota: rock scissors paper to decide bath order!
Natsu: Wait, are we staying overnight?
Sane: Of course!
Kota: ---Huh?
Kota: Momoya fell asleep?
Sane: Yeah-- so it seems.
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Kota: Even though he kept saying that he never slept at other people's houses
Mittsu: Our voices must have been like a lullaby
Sane: Shold we paint on his face?
Takezou: He must have been really relieved
Takezou: What happened this time must have been tough on Momoya-kun.
Sane: That's right
Chika: But my plushy...
Tetsuki: It's not yours, to begin with
Chika: I cannot sleep without it
Tetsuki: Just hug a normal pillow
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*No text*
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San-baka: Yes!!! We all passed our tests!
Kota/Mittsu: We did it, we did it!!
Atsumu: Momoya-kun, I got 40 points in everything!!
Momoya: ...I see
Sane: Yoshinaga is a loyal follower of Chikaism
Hiro: That's a relief!
Takezou: Yeah. There's only the matter of whether we are allowed to go to the Nationals or not left
Sane: It's fine! There's also have that proof video that Hozuki-san took!
Kota: Speaking of--- I haven't seen that video yet. What kind of video is it?
Satowa: What kind, you say...
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Kota: I wanna see, I wanna see!
Satowa: Umm...
Natsu: It's fine by me
Chika: It's not like anything interesting happened...
Chika[flashback]: I want to be with them.
Kota: Eeeh this is really well taken!
Hiro: The Hozuki-chan that when first got her smartphone just knew how to take photos in burst mode has come so far...
Chika: Y-you guys I think that's about enough
San-baka: Oh?
Kota: What is this, Chika-kun? Is there something you don't want us to see?
Chika: No, is just...
Sane: For now, let's just kick up the volume
Chika: Stop messing with me
Chika: Give me that phone!!
Kota: Hey, Mittsu, pass!!
Mittsu: Hey, Kota!!
Chika: Give me that, Kota!
Kota: Say no to violence!
Page 24
Takinami: What is this fuss all about?
Kota: !
Kota: Suzu-chan!
Takinami: You guys are so energetic.
Takezou: Sensei! Wh- What happened with the Nationals!!
Chika: Are we going? We are going, right?
Takinami: Calm down.
Takinami: As planned---
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Takinami: Nationals are in half a month
Everyone: Let's goooo, we are going to Nationals dammit!!
Page 26
Kota: Uh? The video is still going The screen is dark tho...
Satowa[in video]: Because I love him
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Satowa: ---Eh?...
Satowa[in video]: Because I really love Kudo!!!
Page 28
Kota: -----... This... is... Hozuki-san...
Sane: Ummmm...
Sane[thoughts]: I think we just heard something we really had no business hearing
Satowa: !? !?
Hiro: AAAAAAH----!!? Th-th-that is.. You know... That... You know..
Hiro[thoughts]: Hiiiiiiiii!!!!!
Takezou: M- Me too!
Takezou: I love Kudo-kun!!
Chika: !
Hiro[thoughts]: Kurata----!!!
Takezou: In the way you love a cute kohai!
Sane: ... Ye-Yeah!
Page 29
Sane: I love you too, Chika!!
Mittsu: I love you as well!!
Kota: Yeah, Iove you!!!!!
Atsumu: Me too!
Sane: Momoya, you too right!?
Satowa: Eh...
Satowa[thoughts]: No way...
Satowa[thoughts]: I recorded even that!? I cannot believe this, I want to disappear.
Kota: Look at that, we all love Chika!
Sane: You are so popular!
Takinami[thoughts]: What in the world...
Satowa[thoughts]: I made everyone really uncomfortable.
Satowa[thoughs]: Just now that we are going to the Nationals...
Satowa[thoughts]: To bring this weird atmosphere...
Page 30
Satowa[thoughts]: What do I do... If I ruined everything...
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Chika: Hey, Hozuki
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*No text*
Page 33
Chika: I really love you too, Hozuki!
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Satowa: ---Heh...
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Natsu: pff
Side text: No worries about going to the Nationals!!
-------Kono Oto Tomare! Continues in the next issue!!!-------------
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yoh-nuh · 3 years
can we talk about how amazing the hiro-satowa friendship is, bc when the audio played, hiro almost immediately tried to shield satowa from everyone else and I just found that very adorable I'm in love
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also they're so fucking pretty how
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also also my two children are in love with each other i am bawling
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asheijia · 3 years
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it's a chika-only privilege to have tetsuki as a substitute body pillow u_____u
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squidokja · 3 years
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This part really lifted my spirit. It made my day.
Kono oto Tomare chapter 109
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maryroses · 3 years
Kono Oto Tomare! 109 SPOILERS
This chapter had so many great things in it, such as some much needed humor and smiles. I really missed the silly side of these fools!
This chapter is a great time though to talk about something I love about KOT but haven't written about yet: Satowa and Hiro are some of my favorite depictions of high school girls in love. All the awkward moments and stumbling that's typically in teen romance are there, but rather than lean hard on the comedy side of it, KOT feels grounded and dignified to me. These moments aren't flat, just there for laughs or cringing, they are part of their character development and taken seriously. They feel more relatable. Some of the best examples of this are:
1.) Hiro crying tears of joy when she realizes she is, in fact, allowed to love and can turn her feelings into her strength rather than see it as an unnecessary distraction.
2. Satowa in general is a strong character, but her delicate side is shown through her feelings for Chika. She needs to strengthen this side of her, but not get rid of the feelings themselves. The feelings themselves aren't the problem. One of my favorite scenes with her is when she cries after Chika bumps into her. Unexpected crying from BIG feelings is so relatable to me. I love the panels in 109 of her looking embarrassed for the same reason. She's upset, and has tears in her eyes, but the soft emotion is drawn so beautifully. I see myself in this face.
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3.) Satowa and Chika's awkwardness is handled with great care to explore how to respect personal boundaries. I love that when Chika asks for advice from another boy, it is serious. Tetsuki's advice is mature and thoughtful. They aren't reduced to monkey-brained goofs that don't understand women.
At the end of the day, KOT repeatedly implies that being in love is not a bad thing. It is not a silly weakness that will take your focus away from your serious goals. These feelings can co-exist with those goals and be taken just as seriously. This chapter continues that message. Satowa still has these worries about love affecting the club, and Chika just effortlessly crushes them by publicly stating that he loves her too, proudly and happily.
About his confession, I believe it is genuine and romantic. The only reason everyone reacted strongly to them both is because they know what they mean. But besides that, Chika is not the type of person who's going to see Satowa looking like that and then go ".....as a friend." He is good at reading people.
Lastly, I'm very happy that Momoya reflected on if it would be appropriate to ask Chika to allow Uzuki to apologize, and came to the conclusion it would not be appropriate. This is the kind of thing I was talking about in my last post about redemption. I'm glad to see that KOT is continuing its good streak on that stuff.
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edensania · 3 years
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I really love you houzuki ♡
•kono oto tomare (109)
•Colored By Me
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vhieeee-ann · 3 years
Ne, ne, ne, ne!! Oh my gosh!! I just read the latest update of Kono Oto Tomare (Chapter 109) and THIS!!!! OMG!!!! The Heck! I'm crying.😭😭😭
Chika, you're so sweet! And I can't believe you're so straightforward! Kyaaah! CUTE!
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muichirous · 3 years
saw the kono oto tomare 109 raws i’ve ascended 2022 is saved
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asheijia · 3 years
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You love all of us, don't you, Momoya?
I mean, don't you recall?
When it came out that you were Uzuki's brother, you had the look of an abandoned puppy!
You looked so sad about it, I couldn't help but think that
"This guy really loves us, huh?"
bonus: a blushy Natsu after being teased by the guys :')
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