#kora the canary
itsdetachable · 24 days
At the vet with Kora, they took her back, and I can hear her "CHEEE....CHEEEEE" in the waiting room xD
She was feisty this morning, she bit me HARD. TWICE.
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Hi! It's springtime! I've had my blog for about six-months-ish? I have a little over 100 followers now! (thank you <3) and people are getting vaccinated for COVID! So even though the worlds still sucky- lots of good things. So, I thought I'd celebrate by making you stuff. Asking you to ask me to make you stuff.
Stuff means: Drabbles, Moodboards, Playlists (i've never done that before but i'll try :), and Fic Rec Lists!
Now, for fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Arrowverse (Supergirl, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow), Starkid!, Carmilla, and Brooklyn 99
(now here are my preferences for each of those)
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. : I'm up for any femslash pairing you can throw at me and you can totally go to town on the femslash rarepairs. Other than that, I'll write any polyship/ship combos with Fitz, Jemma, Bobbi, Hunter, Daisy, Elena, Raina, Kara Palamas, Kora, Piper, and Lincoln.
I'm cool with all the characters (pls no Deke Shaw or Grant Ward tho)
Supergirl: Supercorp and Sanvers
Characters i'll make stuff for: Lena, Kara, Alex, Sam, Maggie, Ruby, and Nia
Arrow: Smoaking Canary, Nyssara, Felicity/Thea
Characters: Oliver, Felicity, Diggle :), Sara, Thea, Laurel, Moira, and Roy
Legends of Tomorrow: Zarlie, Canaryshifter, Canary Vixen, Captain Canary, and SteelAtom
I'm cool with all the characters and as for ships, those are my main ones but I'm chill with pretty much anything so just ask if you're not sure <3
Starkid!: The only musicals i haven't seen are MAMD, AVPSY, Ani, and the second nightmare time ep. Feel free to prompt pretty much anything- Jazzalil, Emma/Paul, nb!Lex Foster, etc.
Carmilla: Hollstein, Zeta Society, and LaFerry
I will write any characters, but I haven't seen the movie so nothing from there please.
Brooklyn 99: Peraltiago and Dianetti :); don't have any no-no characters so feel free to prompt whatever
nothing NSFW; here's the link to my ask box & here's my Ao3
signal boosts are appreciated!
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SEJARAH INDONESIA Indonesia dikenal sebagai daerah penghasil rempah-rempah. Rempah-rempah dicari bangsa Eropa karena manfaatnya sebagai penghangat dan bisa dijadikan pengawet makanan. Selain karena harganya yang mahal, memiliki rempah-rempah juga menjadi simbol kejayaan seorang raja pada saat itu. Dari faktor-faktor itu, banyak Bangsa Eropa yang berusaha untuk menemukan daerah penghasil rempah-rempah, salah satunya Indonesia.
Portugis Bartholomeus Diaz melakukan penjelajahan samudra dan sampai di Tanjung Harapan, Afrika Selatan, pada 1488. Penjelajahan lalu diteruskan Vasco da Gama yang sampai di Gowa (India) pada 1498, lalu pulang ke Lisboa, Portugal, dengan membawa rempah-rempah. Portugis pun semakin gigih dalam mencari sumber rempah-rempah. Untuk itu, Portugis melanjutkan ekspedisi ke timur yang dipimpin Alfonso d’Albuquerque untuk menguasai Malaka. Ia berhasil menguasai Malaka sebagai pusat perdagangan rempah-rempah di Asia Tenggara pada 10 Agustus 1511.   Spanyol Orang Spanyol yang pertama kali melakukan penjelajahan samudra adalah Christopher Columbus. Ia berlayar ke arah barat melewati Samudra Atlantik sesuai Perjanjian Tordesillas menuju India sekitar tahun 1492-1502. Ternyata ada kesalahan, karena sebenarnya ia sampai di benua Amerika; yang ia pikir adalah India. Penjelajahan berikutnya dilakukan Magelhaens dari Spanyol ke barat daya melintasi Samudra Atlantik sampai di ujung selatan Amerika, kemudian melewati Samudera Pasifik dan mendarat di Filipina pada tahun 1521. Pelayaran Magelhaens berpengaruh bagi dunia ilmu pengetahuan karena dirinya berhasil membuktikan bahwa bumi itu bulat. Penjelajahan Magelhaens kemudian dilanjutkan Sebastian del Cano. Pada 1521, Sebastian del Cano berhasil berlabuh di Tidore, namun kedatangan mereka dianggap melanggar Perjanjian Tordesillas. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan keduanya, Portugis dan Spanyol melakukan Perjanjian Saragosa pada 1529.
Belanda Pada 1596, Cornelis de Houtman berhasil mendarat di Banten. Sikap Belanda yang kurang ramah dan berusaha memonopoli perdagangan di Banten membuat Sultan Banten saat itu marah. Akibatnya, ekspedisi ini terbilang gagal. Sekitar 1598-1600, pedagang Belanda mulai berdatangan kembali. Kedatangannya kali ini dipimpin Jacob van Neck. Ia berhasil mendarat di Maluku dan membawa rempah-rempah. Keberhasilan van Neck menyebabkan semakin banyak pedagang Belanda datang ke Indonesia.   Inggris Masuknya bangsa Inggris ke Indonesia juga bertujuan mencari rempah-rempah. Tokoh penjelajahnya adalah Sir Henry Middleton dan James Cook. Henry Middleton mulai menjelajah di tahun 1604 dari Inggris menyusuri perairan Cabo da Roca (Portugal) dan Pulau Canary. Henry Middleton lanjut menuju perairan Afrika Selatan hingga Samudra Hindia. Ia sampai di Sumatra, lalu menuju Banten di akhir 1604. Ia berlayar ke Ambon (1605) lalu ke Ternate serta Tidore dan mendapat rempah-rempah, seperti lada dan cengkeh. Sedangkan ada James Cooksampai ke Batavia tahun 1770, setelah dari Australia.
Di antara bangsa-bangsa tersebut, Belanda merupakan negara yang cukup lama berada di Indonesia. Hingga akhirnya mereka membuat perusahaan dagang di Indonesia. Meski telah bangkrut, sampai sekarang, perusahaan ini tercatat sebagai salah satu perusahaan terkaya di dunia lho. Ada yang bisa menebak nama perusahaannya? Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie atau lebih dikenal dengan VOC merupakan perusahaan dagang tersebut. VOC didirikan pada 20 Maret 1602 oleh Johan van Oldenbarnevelt. Kepemimpinannya dipegang oleh 17 orang pemegang saham (Heeren Zeventien) yang berkedudukan di Amsterdam. Tujuan pembentukannya adalah: (1) menghindari persaingan sesama pedagang Belanda. (2) Memperkuat Belanda dalam persaingan dengan Bangsa Eropa lain. (3) Memonopoli perdagangan rempah-rempah di Indonesia.   Keberadaan VOC tidak hanya sebagai kongsi dagang, namun juga menjadi kekuatan politik. VOC memiliki hak octrooi, yaitu monopoli perdagangan, mencetak mata uang sendiri, mengadakan perjanjian, menyatakan perang dengan negara lain, menjalankan kekuasaan kehakiman, memungut pajak, memiliki angkatan perang, dan mendirikan benteng. VOC pun memiliki beberapa kebijakan, yaitu: 1. Contingenten: pajak wajib berupa hasil bumi yang langsung dibayarkan ke VOC. 2. Verplichte leverantie: penyerahan wajib hasil bumi dengan harga yang telah ditentukan VOC. Kebijakan ini berlaku di daerah jajahan yang tidak secara langsung dikuasai VOC, misalnya Kesultanan Mataram. 3. Ekstirpasi: menebang kelebihan jumlah tanaman agar produksinya tidak berlebihan sehingga harga dapat dipertahankan. 4. Pelayaran hongi: Pelayaran dengan perahu kora-kora untuk memantau penanaman dan perdagangan rempah-rempah oleh petani.   Pada tahun 1799, VOC bangkrut karena pegawai VOC banyak yang melakukan korupsi, menanggung utang akibat perang, dan kemerosotan moral para pegawai. Dengan dibubarkannya VOC, maka kekuasaannya di Indonesia kemudian diambil alih oleh pemerintah kerajaan Belanda yang saat itu dikuasai Perancis.
Masa Pemerintahan Belanda Van der Capellen ditunjuk sebagai Gubernur Jenderal, menerapkan kebijakan dalam menghapuskan peran penguasa tradisional, menerapkan pajak yang memberatkan rakyat, sehingga muncul banyak perlawanan dari rakyat. Belanda juga mengutus Johannes van den Bosch untuk meningkatkan penerimaan negara Belanda yang kosong akibat perang dengan masyarakat Nusantara dan Bangsa Eropa lainnya. Van den Bosch memberlakukan sistem tanam paksa (cultuur stelsel) sejak tahun 1830. Penerapan cultuur stelsel banyak mengalami penyimpangan, seperti waktu tanam yang melebihi usia tanam padi, tanah yang seharusnya bebas pajak tetap kena pajak, hingga rakyat harus menyediakan sampai setengah tanahnya. Meski begitu, Tanam Paksa juga berdampak positif karena rakyat Indonesia mengetahui jenis-jenis tanaman baru dan mengetahui cara tanam yang baik.
Lahirnya Sumpah Pemuda Kongres Pemuda II dilangsungkan selama dua hari pada 27 dan 28 Oktober 1928 di Batavia. Hari pertama, kongres menempati Gedung Katholikee Jongelingen Bond atau Gedung Pemuda Katolik, sedangkan kongres di hari kedua diadakan di Gedung Oost Java (sekarang di Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara, Jakarta Pusat). Tujuan Kongres Pemuda II antara lain: (1) Melahirkan cita cita semua perkumpulan pemuda pemuda Indonesia, (2) Membicarakan beberapa masalah pergerakan pemuda Indonesia; serta (3) Memperkuat kesadaran kebangsaan dan memperteguh persatuan Indonesia. Kongres ini diikuti oleh lebih banyak peserta dari kongres pertama, termasuk Perhimpunan Pelajar-Pelajar Indonesia (PPPI), Jong Java, Jong Sumatranen Bond, Jong Bataks Bond, Jong Islamieten Bond, Pemuda Indonesia, Jong Celebes, Jong Ambon, Katholikee Jongelingen Bond, Pemuda Kaum Betawi, Sekar Rukun dan lainnya. Hadir pula beberapa orang perwakilan dari pemuda peranakan kaum Tionghoa di Indonesia dalam Kongres Pemuda II ini, seperti Oey Kay Siang, John Lauw Tjoan Hok, dan Tjio Djien Kwie, namun asal organisasi/perhimpunan mereka belum diketahui.
Gedung yang nantinya menjadi tempat dibacakannya Sumpah Pemuda merupakan rumah pondokan atau asrama pelajar/mahasiswa milik seorang keturunan Tionghoa bernama Sie Kok Liong. Gedung yang terletak di Jalan Kramat Raya 106, Jakarta Pusat, ini kini diabadikan sebagai Museum Sumpah Pemuda. Adapun susunan panitia Kongres Pemuda II, seperti yang dituliskan Ahmad Syafii Maarif melalui buku Islam dalam Bingkai Keindonesiaan dan Kemanusiaan (2009) adalah sebagai berikut: Ketua: Sugondo Djojopuspito (PPPI) Wakil Ketua: R.M. Joko Marsaid (Jong Java) Sekretaris: Muhammad Yamin (Jong Sumatranen Bond) Bendahara: Amir Sjarifudin (Jong Bataks Bond) Pembantu I: Johan Mohammad Cai (Jong Islamieten Bond) Pembantu II: R. Katjasoengkana (Pemuda Indonesia) Pembantu III: R.C.I. Sendoek (Jong Celebes) Pembantu IV: Johannes Leimena (Jong Ambon) Pembantu V: Mohammad Rochjani Su'ud (Pemuda Kaum Betawi) Hadir pula Wage Rudolf Supratman yang memainkan lagu Indonesia Raya di Kongres Pemuda II dengan alunan biolanya. Lagu Indonesia Raya juga dinyanyikan untuk pertamakalinya dalam kongres ini oleh Dolly Salim yang tidak lain adalah putri dari Haji Agus Salim.
Dolly Salim, “Indonesia Raya”, dan Sumpah Pemuda
Aksi WR Soepratman di Kongres Pemuda II
Isi & Makna Sumpah Pemuda
Setelah melalui prosesi panjang selama 2 hari, maka pada 28 Oktober 1928, para peserta Kongres Pemuda II bersepakat merumuskan tiga janji yang kemudian disebut sebagai Sumpah Pemuda. Adapun isi Sumpah Pemuda adalah sebagai berikut:
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, mengaku bertumpah darah yang satu, tanah air Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, mengaku berbangsa yang satu, bangsa Indonesia.
Kami putra dan putri Indonesia, menjunjung bahasa persatuan, bahasa Indonesia.
Menurut Azyumardi Azra, seperti dikutip oleh Asvi Warman Adam dalam buku Menguak Misteri Sejarah (2010), Kongres Pemuda II yang menghasilkan Sumpah Pemuda merupakan salah satu tonggak sejarah bangsa Indonesia dalam mengawali kesadaran kebangsaan. Sementara dalam buku Literasi Politik (2019) yang ditulis Gun Gun Heryanto dan kawan-kawan diungkapkan bahwa ikrar sebagai satu nusa, satu bangsa, dan satu bahasa merupakan ikrar yang sangat monumental bagi perjalanan sejarah bangsa Indonesia. Ikrar ini atau Sumpah Pemuda yang dibacakan di arena Kongres Pemuda II dan dihadiri oleh kaum muda lintas suku, agama, dan daerah, nantinya, 17 tahun kemudian, melahirkan Proklamasi Kemerdekaan Indonesia, pada 17 Agustus 1945. Makna yang terkandung adalah bahwa peristiwa bersejarah itu mengajarkan nilai-nilai persatuan bangsa. Sumpah Pemuda membuktikan, perbedaan yang dimiliki bangsa Indonesia ternyata dapat disatukan sebagai perwujudan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika yang berarti “berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu".
Sumpah Pemuda juga memuat banyak nilai positif yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sri Sudarmiyatun dalam buku berjudul Makna Sumpah Pemuda (2012) menyebutkan nilai-nilai Sumpah Pemuda antara lain: Nilai patriotisme, gotong-royong, musyawarah untuk mufakat, cinta tanah air, kekeluargaan, persatuan dan kesatuan, kerukunan, kerja sama, cinta damai, serta tanggung jawab. Maka, Sumpah Pemuda hendaknya bisa dijadikan sebagai inspirasi bagi generasi muda Indonesia sekarang untuk membawa negara ini ke arah perubahan yang lebih baik, bukan justru terpecah-belah dalam pusaran konflik antar sesama anak bangsa sendiri.
0 notes
GST Rate in India, GST Rates in India 2017
List of all Goods Covered under GST 5% Rate list, GST 5% Items List 2017
 GST Council finally decided GST Rates 2017, GST Items taxable under 5% GST Rate. In this article we provide Item wise Item list of all goods covers in 5% Tax Rate under GST Regime. Check List of all Goods Covered under GST 5% Rate list.
 Quick Guide on GST 5% Rate
·         Items like coffee, tea, spices, pizza bread; rusk, sabudana fish meat, cream, skimmed milk powder, branded paneer, frozen vegetables, kerosene, coal, medicines, tents and lifeboats will attract tax of 5 percent...
  Cashew nut (from 12% to 5%)
Cashew nut in shell (from 12%     to 5%)
Raisin (from 12% to 5%)
Ice and snow (from 12% to 5%)
Bio gas (from 12% to 5%)
Insulin (from 12% to 5%)
Agarbatti (from 12% to 5%)
Kites (from 12% to 5%)
Coir mats, matting and floor     covering (from 12% to 5%)
Pawan Chakki that is Air Based Atta Chakki (from 12% to     5%)
Postage or revenue stamps, stamp-post marks, first-day     covers, etc. (from 12%     to 5%)
Numismatic coins (from 12% to     5%)
      List of all Goods Covered under 5% GST Rate
 Chapter 7 – Edible vegetables, roots and tubers
·         0713 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split, put up in unit container and displaying a registered brand name.
 Chapter 10 – (Cereals)
All goods, put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name, namely:
1001 Wheat and meslin
1002 Rye
1003 Barley
1004 Oats
1005 Maize (corn)
1006 Rice
1007 Grain sorghum
1008 Buckwheat, millet and     canary seed; other
cereals such as Jawar, Bajra,     Ragi]
 Chapter 11 – (Products of milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten)
·         Flour [1101, 1102, 1105, 1106] Aata, maida, besan, etc., put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name.
 Chapter 36 – (Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain combustible preparations)
Handmade safety matches [3605 00 10], handmade matches mean “Matches, in or in relation to the manufacture of which, none of the following processes is ordinarily carried on with the aid of power, namely: –            
·         frame filling;
·         dipping of splints in the composition for match heads;
·         filling of boxes with matches;
·         putting labels on match boxes, cardboards;
·         Packaging.
 Chapter 50 – Silk –
Silk yarn [5004, 5005, 5006]
Woven fabrics of silk or silk     waste [5007] [With no refund of ITC accumulation]
    Chapter 51 – (Wool, fine or coarse animal hair; horse hair yarn and woven fabric)
Garneted stock of wool or of     fine or coarse animal hair, shoddy wool [5104]
Wool and fine or coarse animal     hair, carded or combed [5105]
Yarn of wool or of animal hair     [5106, 5107, 5108, 5109, 5110]
Fabrics of wool or of animal     hair [5111, 5112, 5113] [With no refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 52 – (Cotton)
Cotton [5201, 5203]
Cotton waste [5202]
Cotton sewing thread [5204]
Cotton yarn, other than khadi     yarn [5205, 5206, 5207]
Cotton fabrics [5208, 5209,     5210, 5211, 5212] [With no refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 53 – (Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn, woven fabrics of paper yarns)
·         All other vegetable fibres and yarns such as flax, true hemp, paper yarn, etc. [5301, 5302, 5303, 5305, 5306, 5307, 5308]
·         Fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres, paper yarn [5309, 5310, 5311] [With no refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 54 – (Man-made filaments; strip the like of man-made textile materials)
·         Fabrics of manmade textile materials [5407, 5408] [With no refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 55 – (Manmade staple fibres)
·         Fabrics of manmade staple fibres [5512, 5513, 5514, 5515, 5516] [With no refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 58 – (Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery)
·         Embroidery or zari articles, that is to say,- imi, zari, kasab, saima, dabka, chumki, gota sitara, naqsi, kora, glass beads, badla, glzal, [5809, 5810]
Chapter 60 – (Knitted or crocheted fabrics)
·         All goods [with no refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 61 – (Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted)
·         All goods of sale value not exceeding Rs. 1000 per piece
 Chapter 62 – (Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted)
·         All goods of sale value not exceeding Rs.1000 per piece
 Chapter 63 – (Other made up textile articles, sets, worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags)
All goods of sale value not exceeding Rs.1000 per piece
6301 Blankets and travelling     rugs.
6302.10 Bed linen, Knitted or     crocheted, Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar     terry fabrics.
6303 Curtains or bed valances; Curtains     (including drapes) and interior blind.
6304 furnishing articles other     than excluding those of heading 9404; such as Bedspreads, Pillow case and     pillow slip, Counterpanes, Napkins, Table cloth and table cover,     Towels, other than terry towel, Mosquito nets, Cushion covers
6305 Sacks and bags, similar to     what is used for the packing of goods.
6306 Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblind;     tents; sails for boats, sailboards or land craft; camping goods.
6307 Other made up articles,     including dress patterns; such as dishcloths, Floor-cloths, dusters and     similar cleaning cloths, Life-jackets and Lifebelts, Sets consisting of     woven fabric and yarn, with or without accessories, for making up into     rugs, tapestries, embroidered table cloths or serviettes or similar     textile articles, put up in packings for retail sale.
6309 Worn out clothing and     other worn articles.
6310 New or used rags, scrap     twine, cordage, rope and cables and worn out articles of rope or cables, textile     materials twine, cordage.
 Chapter 64 – (Footwear gaiters and similar; parts of such articles)
·         Footwear having a retail sale price not exceeding Rs.500 per pair, provided that such retail sale price is indelibly marked or embossed on the footwear itself.
 Chapter 64 – (Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof)
·         Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading, seed, grains or dried leguminous vegetables; machinery used in milling industry or for the working of cereals or dried leguminous vegetables other than farm type machinery and parts thereof [8437].
Any Chapter
Puja Samagri namely,-
·                     lobhan,
·                     mishri,
·                     batasha,
·                     bura
0 notes
GST Rate in India, GST Rates in India 2017
List of all Goods Covered under GST 5% Rate list, GST 5% Items List 2017
GST Council finally decided GST Rates 2017, GST Items taxable under 5% GST Rate. In this article we provide Item wise Item list of all goods covers in 5% Tax Rate under GST Regime. Check List of all Goods Covered under GST 5% Rate list.
Quick Guide on GST 5% Rate
 Items like coffee, tea, spices, pizza bread; rusk, sabudana fish meat, cream, skimmed milk powder, branded paneer, frozen vegetables, kerosene, coal, medicines, tents and lifeboats will attract tax of 5 percent...
  Cashew nut (from 12% to 5%)
Cashew nut in shell (from 12% to 5%)
Raisin (from 12% to 5%)
Ice and snow (from 12% to 5%)
Bio gas (from 12% to 5%)
Insulin (from 12% to 5%)
Agarbatti (from 12% to 5%)
Kites (from 12% to 5%)
Coir mats, matting and floor covering (from 12% to 5%)
Pawan     Chakki that is Air Based Atta Chakki (from 12% to 5%)
Postage     or revenue stamps, stamp-post marks, first-day covers, etc. (from 12% to 5%)
Numismatic coins (from 12% to 5%)
List of all Goods Covered under 5% GST Rate
 Chapter 7 – Edible vegetables, roots and tubers
 0713 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split, put up in unit container and displaying a registered brand name.
Chapter 10 – (Cereals)
All goods, put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name, namely:
1001 Wheat and meslin
1002 Rye
1003 Barley
1004 Oats
1005 Maize (corn)
1006 Rice
1007 Grain sorghum
1008 Buckwheat, millet and canary seed; other
cereals such as Jawar, Bajra, Ragi]
 Chapter 11 – (Products of milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten)
  Flour [1101, 1102, 1105, 1106] Aata, maida, besan, etc., put up in unit container and bearing a registered brand name.
Chapter 36 – (Explosives; pyrotechnic products; matches; pyrophoric alloys; certain combustible preparations)
Handmade safety matches [3605 00 10], handmade matches mean “Matches, in or in relation to the manufacture of which, none of the following processes is ordinarily carried on with the aid of power, namely: –          
·         frame filling;
·         dipping of splints in the composition for match heads;
·         filling of boxes with matches;
·         putting labels on match boxes, cardboards;
·         Packaging.
 Chapter 50 – Silk –
Silk yarn [5004, 5005, 5006]
Woven fabrics of silk or silk waste [5007] [With no     refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 51 – (Wool, fine or coarse animal hair; horse hair yarn and woven fabric)
Garneted stock of wool or of fine or coarse animal     hair, shoddy wool [5104]
Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed     [5105]
Yarn of wool or of animal hair [5106, 5107, 5108, 5109,     5110]
Fabrics of wool or of animal hair [5111, 5112, 5113]     [With no refund of ITC accumulation]
Chapter 52 – (Cotton)
Cotton [5201, 5203]
Cotton waste [5202]
Cotton sewing thread [5204]
Cotton yarn, other than khadi yarn [5205, 5206, 5207]
Cotton fabrics [5208, 5209, 5210, 5211, 5212] [With no     refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 53 – (Other vegetable textile fibres; paper yarn, woven fabrics of paper yarns)
 All other vegetable fibres and yarns such as flax, true hemp, paper yarn, etc. [5301, 5302, 5303, 5305, 5306, 5307, 5308]
Fabrics of other vegetable textile fibres, paper yarn [5309, 5310, 5311] [With no refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 54 – (Man-made filaments; strip the like of man-made textile materials)
 Fabrics of manmade textile materials [5407, 5408] [With no refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 55 – (Manmade staple fibres)
Fabrics of manmade staple fibres [5512, 5513, 5514, 5515, 5516] [With no refund of ITC accumulation]
 Chapter 58 – (Special woven fabrics; tufted textile fabrics; lace; tapestries; trimmings; embroidery)
 Embroidery or zari articles, that is to say,- imi, zari, kasab, saima, dabka, chumki, gota sitara, naqsi, kora, glass beads, badla, glzal, [5809, 5810]
Chapter 60 – (Knitted or crocheted fabrics)
All goods [with no refund of ITC accumulation]
Chapter 61 – (Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted)
All goods of sale value not exceeding Rs. 1000 per piece
 Chapter 62 – (Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, not knitted or crocheted)
 All goods of sale value not exceeding Rs.1000 per piece
Chapter 63 – (Other made up textile articles, sets, worn clothing and worn textile articles; rags)
All goods of sale value not exceeding Rs.1000 per piece
6301 Blankets and travelling rugs.
6302.10 Bed linen, Knitted or crocheted, Toilet linen     and kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry fabrics.
6303 Curtains or bed valances; Curtains (including     drapes) and interior blind.
6304 furnishing articles other than excluding those of     heading 9404; such as Bedspreads, Pillow case and pillow     slip, Counterpanes, Napkins, Table cloth and table cover, Towels,     other than terry towel, Mosquito nets, Cushion covers
6305 Sacks and bags, similar to what is used for the     packing of goods.
6306 Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblind; tents; sails for     boats, sailboards or land craft; camping goods.
6307 Other made up articles, including dress patterns;     such as dishcloths, Floor-cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths,     Life-jackets and Lifebelts, Sets consisting of woven fabric and yarn, with     or without accessories, for making up into rugs, tapestries, embroidered     table cloths or serviettes or similar textile articles, put up in     packings for retail sale.
6309 Worn out clothing and other worn articles.
6310 New or used rags, scrap twine, cordage, rope and     cables and worn out articles of rope or cables, textile materials twine,     cordage.
 Chapter 64 – (Footwear gaiters and similar; parts of such articles)
 Footwear having a retail sale price not exceeding Rs.500 per pair, provided that such retail sale price is indelibly marked or embossed on the footwear itself.
 Chapter 64 – (Nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; parts thereof)
 Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading, seed, grains or dried leguminous vegetables; machinery used in milling industry or for the working of cereals or dried leguminous vegetables other than farm type machinery and parts thereof [8437].
Any Chapter
Puja Samagri namely,-
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itsdetachable · 8 months
Kora update: she started calling as soon as she heard me get up to make breakfast, and as soon as I opened her cage she got out of her cage and spent a good twenty minutes energetically flying the length of the living room back and forth, taking breaks to chirp and call loudly from the chandelier.
Safe to say she's feeling better. I hope her weight thing resolves - it might still be a symptom of something going on inside, but I'm being hopeful.
Glad to see her being a supersonic menace again
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itsdetachable · 5 months
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Have some aesthetic pics of Kora my Mom wanted me to take xD it'd Kora's favorite spot. We call it her upstairs apartment
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itsdetachable · 8 months
Important Poll
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itsdetachable · 3 months
1) I love her "plotting" pose, you'll know it when you see it
2) you can see the gears whirring in her head as she tries to figure out what to do to harass me
3) her immediate reaction and change in posture when hearing me say "nasionka" 😆
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itsdetachable · 8 months
At the vet, Kora weighs a lot more than before (30 grams vs 24 grams) and her abdomen is distended. Unsure what this means, they're doing a respiratory swab to see if there is a respiratory infection for one bc shes been losing stamina flying. It maybe like a heart thing or fluid?
If the respiratory swab doesn't show anything we either do an x-ray (which can be difficult to read bc of her size) or we go home and see how she does.
I'm hoping at this point that it's a respiratory thing bc that we can work on treating.
Kora you better get better you gremlin
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itsdetachable · 8 months
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She is legit trying to take off the little rubber thingies on the tips of the tubes. Why? I don't know.
This is WILD y'all. She never did this before, at most she pecked at the glass rods. She never even paid attention to these rubber tips before. Now, after watching my mom and me take all the rubber and glass pieces off and put them back, she has started trying to dismantle the chandelier herself. For like 30 minutes at a time! Is she really that clever? How??? She's a bitty bird how did she correlate these things?
I'm going to ask the vet if this is normal or if she is a shape-shifting druid. Maybe an Animorph that got stuck in morph.
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itsdetachable · 3 months
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itsdetachable · 4 months
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She's started doing a thing where she sits in the food box and calls for me and it's hilarious because it's a BOX so it muffles her chirping a bit and she sounds like she's calling from deep down a tunnel far far away xD
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itsdetachable · 1 year
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She's such a dork
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itsdetachable · 5 months
8.20 pm and what do I hear two seconds after stepping out of the bathroom after taking a bath?
We didn't turn the light off and she's still up and partying. She wanted a very late evening treat lol
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itsdetachable · 8 months
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The funniest thing is that her reflection is in better focus than she is
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