#koralie coffee shop au
axels-corner · 10 months
Chapter 1 of the coffee shop au
Summary: Four months ago Kenric was hired as a councilor at the Council cafe after it almost burned down, not that anyone but the council knows that, and two employees left, one quit and one was fired. Now someone from his past is hired and he’s tasked with training her. But what’s going on with the employees that left and caused him to get hired? Was it truly an electrical malfunction that caused a spark like the news says, or is it something else?
Notes: It’s done, and I finally get to share it I’m so excited!!!! I came up with this concept around February and I’m so excited to see it written completely! I’m planning on updating every Monday. I hope you enjoy!
Words: 2,805
Characters: Kenric, Terik, Bronte, Emery, the rest of the council have a couple lines but those are the main ones
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48995623/chapters/123609124
It was a normal day of work at the Council cafe, though it was relatively slow, so being one councilor short wasn't as much trouble as it usually was. Though they'd been having a series of slow days like this one ever since the story got out last month, and Emery seemed to be getting concerned. Apparently a former councilor few months ago had allegedly been caught playing with fire which almost burned down the place, but as far as the public knew was that those sparks had been caused by an electrical malfunction. In reality there had been a small fire started by the councilor, but they couldn't find where it had been sparked, the only reason they knew it had happened was that the store next door had seen the smoke in the back. The councilor had been fired, no pun intended, immediately and Kenric had taken his place being filled in on the story and what he should say if questions were asked. The only people that knew there was an actual fire were the eleven councilors as well as one that retired, the councilor who did it and the shop next door. Another councilor had quit minutes before the other had been fired, at least as far as Kenric had heard. So, that was the other open position.
Emery clapped his hands trying to get everyone's attention, but the cafe was so loud nobody heard, so Noland let out a high-pitched whistle that caught everybody's attention. When they had all stopped and turned to Emery, he started, nodding to Noland in thanks
“Thank you Noland. Moving on I have big news,” he let the words hang for a few moments before continuing, “we are getting a new councilor.” He did jazz hands and the others looked relieved, a few even cheered. They could manage with eleven councilors but if someone called out or they got a big rush is when it became more difficult to manage. Not that it had been a problem in the last month, but hopefully with a new councilor they could not sweep the incident under the rug necessarily, but be able to focus on something else. The other councilors started asking rapid fire questions.
“Who is it?”
“What's their name?”
“When do they start?” Finally Kenric decided to throw his hat in the ring
“Who's training them?” Although he already was pretty certain on who it would be. Emery waited a minute for everyone to calm back down and get the questions out there.
“Well, going back to what you asked Kenric, you will actually be training her as you've been here the shortest amount of time and it's tradition for the last councilor hired to train the next councilor, and so forth and so on.” Kenric grimaced it wasn't that he didn't like people, he was commonly described as very outgoing and open. It was just he had a system and he knew how it worked, but he didn't quite know how to explain it to others for it to make sense, it just worked. Terik patted him on the shoulder whispering
“It'll be fine, you got this. We've all trained someone, I mean I trained you and look how you turned out.” Kenric smiled and turned to respond but saw the look Emery was giving him and decided not to. It was the classic look teachers would give him and Terik back in Foxfire when they would whisper during class.
“Continuing on, her name is Oralie and she will start next week on Monday. Any other questions? Yes Velia?”
“Oralie, as in the Oralie Edlyn? A family almost as famous as the Vackers? The ones that founded this place in the first place?” The name sounded familiar, apart from it being a common household name and like Velia said, the family that founded his place of work. But it was almost like he had met her before but he couldn't place when. Like a childhood friend who you remember from the summer but as you get older their face blurs, more and more till you just remember there was a point the two of your paths crossed before going their own ways. Before he could think on it more Emery's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
“I'll let her tell you that,”
“So that's a yes?” Zarina asked from where she was sitting on the counter, Emery shook his head
“No, it's a maybe I am neither confirming nor denying, we all come from families with various levels of notoriety and don't we all prefer it when we get to lead with who we are instead of preconceived notions about our families and who people think we are supposed to be?” there where various agreements as he paused before continuing, “that's all I needed to announce you all can pack up and after everything is cleaned you may go home. I want to see you in my office first though if you will Bronte?” He started walking towards where the councilor offices where, Brotne following behind him. Kenric wondered what they were talking about in there, the two had been sneaking of to speak in private ever since the fire and speaking in hushed whispers in corners, stopping when anyone- whether it be councilor or customer got to close.
“Don't worry,” Terik's voice startled Kenric out of his musings so much he would've fallen over if Terik hadn't caught him, he laughed “Wow, you are freaking out so much, it's worse than I expected. Which is to be assumed considering you're going to be teaching the Oralie from the Edlyn family, I mean they were one of the main people that founded this place.” Terik turned to look around the cafe a hand on his hip, but the arm he had draped around Kenric's shoulder suddenly felt twenty times heavier. He had forgotten that detail despite the fact he had learned it a couple minutes ago. He chose to focus on the topic his brain could understand
“It was only the Edylyn's that founded this place, the Vackers and the other families where just huge supporters in the first years. Plus Emery said that he wasn't confirming or denying her family name. ” Terik laughed a full body laugh, bending out the waist his hand that was on his hip moving to his knees.
“Please tell me you don't believe that! I mean when someone says something like that they're basically confirming that the guess is true.”
“Since when?”
“Since ever! Don't worry though,” he straightened putting his other hand on Kenric's shoulder that was closest to him turning Kenric so he faced Terik“We'll come up with a game plan, I mean look at the amazing job I did with you!” It was Kenric's turn to laugh, and he shrugged him off
“You taught me the ropes for about an hour and then said we where going on a business trip then we went to go get ice cream with Kesler.”
“and you're one of our best employees! Efficient, hardworking, caring.” Kenric shrugged and Terik sighed “Okay being serious for a minute you'll do amazing Kenric I meant what I said. I mean I've known you for how long and I've never lied to you”
“Even if what you said was true,”
“Correction it is true don't doubt or sell yourself short.”
“Fine what you say is true, I still don't think that it'll be as simple as my training was if she truly is an Edlyn.”
“Why not?” Zarina asked still on the counter with a coffee that was a caramel color. She took a long sip before saying “Their humans to are they not? Or are they elves?”
“At least than I wouldn't be alone in wearing these.” Bronte grumbled as he and Emery finally exited the office
“Hey that was natural consequences of your actions. Emery told you not to take the bet and you took the bet!” Liora shouted over her shoulder from where she was talking to Ramira “It's only until Oralie gets officially sworn in as a councilor then you're home free.” Terik turned to Zarina and Kenric
“I think we need to come up with another bet, get the whole cafe to wear elf ears.”
“I am not taking another bet that ends up with me in elf ears for the record.” Bronte told them
“That's what you think.” Zarina shoots back. As Zarina and Terik discussed plans, Darek migrated over and joined the conversation. While Kenric zoned out trying to think of plans on the best course of action, eventually he realized everyone but him and Terik, as well as Bronte who was lingering in the corners, had left. Terik placed a hand on his shoulder steering him out the door Bronte following behind to lock up.
“C'mon let's go home I'm starving!” When he noticed Kenric didn't laugh as much as he usually did he squeezed his shoulder “Seriously Kenric it'll be fine, we'll come up with a plan of attack.”
“Is this what you felt like before training me?” Bronte answered for Terik, locking up the door once they had all exited.
“Him, and pretty much every councilor before him. Me with Liora, Liora with Ramira, probably even Fintan with me.” He laughed getting a small smile on his face as he said the last name, a nostalgic look in his eyes. Kenric recognized the name, it was the councilor who had quit and he had replaced, Fintan had been a councilor that had been there since the beginning of when the cafe converted from employing just family members.” Terik leaned a bit closer to Bronte, putting a hand on his shoulder
“Are you okay?” Bronte seemed to startle out of his trance
“Hmm, ah yes, just nostalgia, past memories, you know how it is.” He started to head in the direction of his apartment a couple houses down from the cafe “well, I hope you two have a good evening, I will see you on Monday.” Kenric was about to ask why when they still had work on Friday tomorrow before he saw the look Terik gave him, a subtle shake of his head. The two headed to their bikes
“Do you want to get something to eat? I was serious when I said that I was hungry, but I really don't want to have a microwaved dinner again.” Kenric opened his mouth “and no, you are not using the stove, I don't want to get in trouble with the landlord again because you don't know not to put the takeout container in the oven to heat it up.” Kenric rolled his eyes with a slight laugh pushing off on his bike,
“It was one time it wouldn't happen again.” Terik followed him
“Still not taking any chances” Kenric looked behind him
“Like you didn't set off the fire alarm with your toast last week. Plus I took multiple cooking classes at Foxfire.”
“So did I, and it is not my fault I like my toast crispy!” They arrived at the first stoplight and Kenric pushed the button before looking over to Terik with a deadpan look
“Terik that is not crispy that is charred and burned.”
“Well that's how I enjoy my toast.”
After another thirty minutes of the great toast debate they arrive to the restaurant. It was one that former councilor Fallon had opened, it had since passed down to Alden and Della Vacker. They parked their bikes, and locked them up before entering.
“Ah my friends!” They heard Fallon say as they walked in, he shook their hands, “What can I do for you gentleman?”
“Just wanted some good food and not burnt toast.” Kenric said with a smile and glance at Terik
“I still say it's not burnt, it's crispy and tastes good.” Fallon laughed, he had been a mentor when Terik and Kenric went to foxfire, and it was always Kenric's favorite class. That was the class were the toast debate originally started, and it's continued on throughout the years
“Here I'll get you two a booth.” He led them through the twists and turns of the restaurant before gesturing to a booth “and here you are,” he handed them both a menu “a server will be with you shortly, it was a pleasure talking to you gentlemen, this is where I leave you though. Me and Marion are going to the beach to star gaze, and watch the waves.” They both nodded
“That's cool.” Terik said
“Yeah, that even after all these years you two still go on dates and stuff like that. I hope one day I have something like that. Is that why the walls are painted like under the ocean?” Kenric added, he remembered Marion, she was actually the first professor he met at Foxfire, and taught his first block his first year.
“Well she's my love, and we make it a priority to go at least once a week,” His gaze seemed to then focus on Kenric “and I feel that you might have something like that soon.” and with that he walked away to find Marion. Kenric sat there for a few moments, not even realizing Fallon didn't answer his question, before turning to Terik
“Is he always like that?” Kenric didn't remember him being so vague before, but he also hadn't seen him in a decade and a half, and people change, Kenric knew he had.
“Incredibly vague? Yeah, he's usually right though, I don't think I've ever seen him be wrong.” Kenric nodded “Actually there was a reason I asked you to come to dinner with me.” Terik sat a couple folders of papers on the table “These are the training files for each current and past councilor. Bronte let me take them when he noticed how nervous you where.” Kenric's jaw fell open
“There's less then I expected.”
“Yeah, for a couple hundred years it was only family-run, before switching in the past few decades so others can join, which is when Fallon, Fintan, and Bronte joined. Also it's rare that anyone quits so there haven't been too many.” Kenric nodded looking over the files, he had actually meant he had expected that their would've also been files from before it had opened to the public but it made sense there wasn't. After all it's probably someone you see on a regular basis, and they probably grew up around the business so it wouldn't make sense to write it down.
That's where they stayed until the end of the night, when they packed up and headed home. As they where about to go to their separate rooms he stopped Terik and asked about Bronte. Terik shrugged
“I don't know, Bronte is about as mysterious as Ramira, so I have no clue. I did hear through the grape vine it has something to do with Fintatn and the fire though.” Kenric thought about that he remembered that Fintan had been charged with arson and sabotage but he'd been found innocent and Kenric mentioned as much, to which Terik shrugged again “I don't know man, I heard a rumor that the construction that's going on by the Black Swan Cafe, you know the one run by the five people who dress up?” Kenric nodded he'd interacted with some of them a couple times, all the employees when they where on shift hid their identity's, and had code names since it was a superhero styled store. “Anyways,” Terik went on “apparently Fintan bought the lot next to them and is making his own cafe.”
“What's the name?” Terik shrugged
“I have no clue their being really secretive about the whole thing, but I overheard Emery and Bronte when they where in Emery's office,”
“How?” Kenric interrupts
“They where arguing so loudly they didn't notice me walk past, but that's not the interesting part, apparently there was the sign drawn in the ashes of the fire.”
“Was there anything else? What was it?”
“They said something about a message and things falling or being burnt to make way for the new but that's all I heard before Bronte saw me and I had to keep walking. I'm also not sure what the sign was but it kinda sounded like they were talking about an eye”
“That's weird, and a lot to process.” Terik nodded
“Yeah, I wish I knew more though, to make sense of it you know.”
“Yeah, I get what you mean, but there's gotta be something we can do.” Kenric leaned up against the wall rubbing his forehead, Terik turned around heading to his room, and waving over his shoulder
“Well right now we've just got to play the waiting game, bide our time and see what happens.”
Coffee Shop au taglist: (if you want to be added or removed just let me know)
@winterfireice @official-kenralie-fanbase @antisocialdork
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axels-corner · 10 months
The first chapter of the Koralie coffee shop au will be posted tomorrow!! Here's the summary:
Four months ago Kenric was hired as a councilor at the Council cafe after it almost burned down, not that anyone but the council knows that, and two employes left, one quit and one was fired. Now someone from his past is hired and he’s tasked with training her. But what’s going on with the employees that left and caused him to get hired? Was it truly an electrical malfunction that caused a spark like the news says, or is it something else?
3 notes · View notes
axels-corner · 9 months
Chapter 7 of the coffee shop au
Summary: Parts of what Fintan is planning is revealed
Notes: Sorry for the late chapter, I had a really busy week, the next chapter will be up tomorrow.
Characters: Emery, Terik, Kenric, and Oralie
Words: 2100
Coffee Shop au taglist: (if you want to be added or removed just let me know)
@winterfireice @official-kenralie-fanbase @antisocialdork
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axels-corner · 1 year
If you like to please ramble about your oralie kenric coffee shop au
I've been waiting for someone to ask me!!!! So I came up with this idea when I was in computer arts, and I kinda ran with it. It's kinda evolved past just a coffee shop but, the Lost Ciites are all chains of coffee shops, so like Eternalia is one, Ravagog is one, as well as where the rest of the species live, but in the back of the Lost Cities theres other shops as well, so it's like a coffee shop entrance and then behind is the mall, and there's also an entrance on the other side.
and the baristas are the councilors, and Oralie is the new employe for reasons revealed when it's released, there's also another mystery that I'm not going to reveal here (I love mysteries that get revealed as a series goes on and I currently have two major ones in here), and Kenric has to train her.
Some of the events of the books will be in here but changed a little, and not in order (some of them aren't going to be as violent as in canon? I'm not sure how to describe it) Like the flood in Ravagog I'm playing with the idea of it being a water gun fight.
Also Bronte still has elf ears here! (Reasons to be revealed)
I have the basic overarching plot mapped out I just have to write it and figure out the smaller arcs.
At longest the first chapter will be out by August, but I'm aiming for at least June if not earlier, I just want to give myself a little wiggle room, also I don't want to post it without all the chapters done because I have a bad habit of forgetting about series (looks at old summer camp au, and portrait series)
But I'm super excited to be able to share it!! I plan to announce progress updates when I finish each chapter, and choose a line to go with it, I'm working on the second chapter right now and it's sitting at around 2,700 words so it's one of the longest things I've written already! If you have any more questions feel free to ask! I'm taking advantage of the snow day I got to try to get the first five chapters done. if you have any more questions feel free to send them in!! I love this au, I can't promise I'll answer them all the way thoroughly because I want to keep some mystery but I will do my best
Also here's a quote from chapter 2 "Long story short I told them not to eat raw cookie dough, they ate the raw cookie dough."
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axels-corner · 10 months
Chapter 2 of the coffee shop au
Notes: Chapter 2 of the coffee shop au! You can read the first chapter here.
Words: 3105
Characters: Kenric, Oralie, Terik, Emery, Kesler
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48995623/chapters/124125160
By the time Monday rolled around, Kenric felt completely prepared for anything life could throw at him, of course until the person he was supposed to mentor walked through the door, playing that iconic sound of a bell, and he realized exactly where he knew that name and face from.
Kenric walked into class on the first day of school, he had gotten into Foxfire! That's where all the greats went! He realized a key thing though almost immediately, all of the seats had been taken except for one in the middle of the class next to a blonde girl who was doodling something in her notebook. He gathered his courage and walked over
“Hey, can I sit here?” not knowing what he would do if she said no, she looked up at him and then around the full classroom when she came to the same conclusion that he had she moved her stuff aside and gestured for him to sit. They sat in silence until the professor walked in, her doodling, and him awkwardly scrolling through his phone. The professor up front called out roll then introduced themselves as Marion. They talked a little about the class and what would happen during it, the class was a baking class. Professor Marion then announced that their first project would be with a random partner to create a dessert that they enjoyed, as a kinda shallow dip into the water to experiment a little and see what they knew to set a baseline. At the end of the semester they would make the same thing with the same partner to see how far they had come, as another part to be able to reflect they had to document the entire process. They started to read of a list of partners getting about halfway down the list before reading
“Oralie Edlyn and-”
“Kernic!” Someone hissed in his ear, it took him a minute before he recognized it was Terik
“I thought you had passed out.”
“How would that be possible I'm still standing, and my eyes are open.”
“Because you've been staring at the same spot for two minutes,” he cut himself off then gasped “oh my gosh, you like her!” Kenric felt his face turn the same red as his hair and he grabbed Terik's arm and pulled him into the closet nearby, which had a broom beside it that fell down every time someone walked by to fast, they all kept forgetting too move it. Muttering an excuse to Emery who was talking to Oralie as they went past.
“It's nothing like that!” Terik had a smirk on his face
“Really? Because you're trying awfully hard to convince me otherwise. Do you really think that makes me believe you have no history with her?” Kenric took a deep breath
“I will admit, you're semi right-”
“Ha! I knew it.”
“But, it was a long time ago, I was just surprised to actually see her.”
“So you two do have history? Wait, is it that girl you used to date, senior year?” Kenric twisted the ring on one of his fingers
“Yes, but I don't want to talk about it.” Terik raised his hands in surrender
“Don't worry I won't pry, I remember that being a sore subject for you, but if you want to tell me what happened you will, if you don't then don't, I'm here if you need to talk though either way.” and with that he walked out of the closet, luckily the broom had not falled down and locked them inside like it had done to Velia and Clarette a couple months ago. Kenric pulled out his phone and used it as a mirror to make sure he didn't still look like a strawberry and followed Terik.
“Ah, there he is.” He heard Emery's voice almost immediately after and turned his head to face him
“Yeah?” It was just then that Oralie stepped into view
“Kenric this is Oralie, you will be training her, Oralie this is Kenric.” Kenric nodded and stuck a hand out to shake hers which she luckily didn't leave him hanging. He didn't even know if she still remembered him, he wasn't sure if he would rather she did or not, but that wasn't what he should be thinking about,
“Where do you want me to start?” He asked Emery who thought about it for a second, hand on his chin striking his beard he'd been trying to grow and had actually made pretty good progress now. he then nodded and said
“Give her a tour of the place.”
“What about after that?” Emery gave him a look before realizing
“Oh, I don't mean just our part, I mean the entire place, show her the rest of Eternalia including Mystrium, Atlantis, Loamnore, Ravagog, Lumenaria, Marintrylla, Gildingham, and the Wanderling Woods.”
“That may take a while, can you guys hold the fort down with only ten councilors?”
“It's supposed to be a pretty light day with the snow storm coming through, plus we've done it with seven councilors before.” Kenric knew it wasn't just the snowstorm, but also the bad press.
“What happened then?” Oralie asked sounding exactly like he remembered.
“Long story short I told them not to eat the raw cookie dough, they ate the raw cookie dough.” Bronte said entering the conversation with a monotone voice
“No regrets, it tasted amazing.” Kenric told him with a wide grin, though he had learned his lesson Terik not so much. Oralie giggled, he had forgotten what her laugh sounded like, it was sweet, he had missed it. Bronte and Emery rolled their eyes.
“You two should probably get going if you don't want to be here all day.” and with that he and Oralie were off.
The first place they went was Mysterium, it was a mall a short walk away from Foxfire, which was the boarding school, and across the street from the Council cafe. Who's coffee was very popular with the staff of Foxfire. Marion usually came buy at least once a day to buy a drink and chat for a while if they weren't to busy.
The two were silent for the most part, Oralie looked around the shops with a look of wonderment like she was seeing it with whole new eyes.
“It's changed a lot since I've been here.” she noted, Kenric nodded
“They renovated recently.” he stuck to the story he'd been told if anyone asked why something was different, because of the suspicious circumstances surrounding the fire they didn't want anyone already in the know to know. Even though the story was out that an employe had been fired for trying to start a fire, the public didn't know he succeeded, but Oralie wasn't going to play by the rules.
“I heard about the fire, I'm glad no one was majorly injured, or killed.” Kenric sputtered
“How do you know about that?” she couldn't have heard it from the news, they wouldn't have known. She turned, looking at him over her shoulder and winked before turning back.
“I have my ways.” Before Kenric could ask what that meant, she changed the subject, “I remember when I was in Firefox and would come here almost everyday with my friends.” Kenric took the chance to ask the other question on his mind that had been there since he had seen her walk in the door that morning,
“Who where they, and do you still keep in touch? If you don't mind me asking” she shook her hand in a so so motion.
“Some moved away and we lost touch, and I see others weekly. As for who they are I doubt you'll know them but there was Edaline, Gray, Della, Alden, as well as Quilin, Elwin, and Livy.” He nodded his head, he remembered them, which just made him even more confused, had she forgotten him, had she intentionally left him of the list? Those weren't likely especially the last one since they where having a civil conversation, considering that the last time they had talked she had told him essentially she hated him and never wanted to see him again. He was so distracted that he missed Oralie's question and had to ask her to repeat it,
“What's that shop? I don't remember it from when I was in Foxfire.” she pointed a finger at a rainbow shop, with curved walls, and off center roof which added to the charm. Kenric felt a grin settle back on his face at the sight of one of his best friends shops, he was proud to say he helped to build it. He gestured over his shoulder for Oralie to follow
“Come on I'll give you a tour of the place.”
“Aren't you already giving me a tour?” Kenric thought for a minute then chuckled
“It'll be like a mini tour.” Oralie laughed as well
“Do we have time for that?” Kenric shrugged
“Emery did say we had the entire day to explore, it's important to know the area around where you work, never know when it'll come in handy.” and with that they entered with the door burping to announce them.
“Hello there! How can I help you today?” A voice called from behind the counter as a head of strawberry-blond hair appeared
“Just giving the new councilor a tour.” Kenric told him, upon hearing his voice Kesler's head snapped up and he stepped out from behind the counter
“Kenric! It's good to see you again,” Kenric returned the embrace
“It's good to see you as well Kesler.” He turned to Oralie
“Oralie, meet Kesler one of my best friends.” Kesler laughed
“Not even the best friend?”
“You and Terik are tied, and Kesler meet Oralie the newest councilor.” She waved
“It's a pleasure to meet you,” Kesler held his hand out and Oralie shook it
“It's a pleasure to meet you too ma'am,” turning to Kenric “so are you two looking to buy, or just passing through?”
“Oh, we're just passing through, I'm giving her a tour of the place, good to know you're surroundings that's what Bronte always says.” Kesler nodded for a minute before his face lit up
“I just remembered I have something for you, wait here a minute!” With that he darted into the back vaulting the counter, Kenric looked back at Oralie
“So what do you think?” she nodded tracing a hand along the walls
“I like it, it has personality. I prefer that to just cookie cutter stores.” They sat in silence for a few moments “Did he build this himself?” Kenric joined her where she stood looking at one of the boards in the wall
“Me, Terik, and Juline helped him but we built it from scratch, how could you tell?”
“The little crack in the drywall shows a board, and also there's little notes on the it, it tells a story.” She points at the board with a drawing on it and the words the turtly awesome five on the board with a drawing of the four of them and a turtle.
“Do you want to know the story behind it?” Kenric asked feeling nostalgic Oralie nodded
“I think that would be interesting, I'm curious where the turtle came from.” Kenric laughed
“It was the summer after we had graduated Foxfire..”
Kenric sat on the second level in a tank top with shorts drinking a slushie. It was summer time, and the sun was making it's presence known hanging high in the sky. Kenric leaned over a little farther, making sure to hang onto one of the support beams
“How's it going?” Terik looked up at him wiping sweat away
“You do realize you're going to fall right?” He wore a t-shirt in his signature green, and blue jeans. Kenric had no clue as to how he was not melting like the wicked witch did when sprayed with water, though being sprayed with water did sound nice at this moment. Kenric gestured with the hand holding his slushie, blue raspberry
“I'm holding on I won't fall.” Terik rolled his eyes
“If you do fall I'm not catching you.” Kenric laughed looking up at the sky through the glass roof that was open right now, how glad he was that he didn't have to clean that, he didn't mind heights, but being that high? No thank you is all he had to say to that. He glanced back at Terik, he wasn't measuring to cut a piece for the supports like Kenric thought he was, he was drawing something. Kenric slipped down making sure to place his hands so that they wouldn't slip, and same with his feet. He was sure that even if Terik had been joking, he wouldn't be fast enough to catch him, the boy may be fast and had even won nationals but he wasn't the flash. Kenric made his way to Terik's side looking over his shoulder, seeing the turtle that Terik had adopted about five years ago, named Bubbles. The surprising thing was that he wasn't on Terik's shoulder but on the board, as a drawing. Kenric almost thought it was the real thing at first.
“I never knew you could draw.”
“I took art classes for years at Foxfire, I found it relaxing.” Kenric nodded a memory popping into his brain reminding him of the times Terik would not go to bed until three in the morning as he had forgotten about an art project. Kenric asked him every time if he was going to do it again, and he always said yes.
“What are you drawing?” Terik without looking up said
“The five of us, you, me, Kenric, Juline, and of course Bubbles.”
“Why are you doing it behind a board? It's not going to be seen.”
“Kesler mentioned that he liked it when buildings could tell their stories, and that he liked seeing buildings with small cracks or holes in the drywall, because to him it didn't matter if it wasn't perfect because it told a story.”
“So what's your plan?”
“Why would you assume I have a plan?”
“Because you always have a plan.” Terik chuckled
“You're right there, me and Juline came up with the idea that we're going to put a little mark on the drywall where the boards drawing is, and make sure to make the drywall mud stuff thin there. Then when we're moving the shelves in, or something like that. I don't know she's figuring out the logistics of it all.”
“How are you going to keep him from finding out?”
“His oldest brother is retiring so we have about four weeks because they're going to drive which will take about five days, then stay there for about six days, then they're going on a cruise, and then they're driving home which is about another five days.”
“Wait, you said that in plural, is it just going to be you and me?” Terik nodded, but then shook his head
“Well, maybe, but I used to room with Darek and Noland, on track trips cause we were all runners, and they're about three years older than you which is why you never met them. Anyways they said they're willing to help, they also said they'd ask Emery as well since he's good with at doing mud and stuff like that, he renovated his house last year as a diy project.” Kenric's jaw dropped “What?” Terik asked turning around to Kenric
“They're councilors that's like the most famous coffee shop in town.” Terik shrugged turning back
“So? I mean it's an amazing position, amazing pay, but they're still human. Under all the glitz and the glamour they breathe, like us, eat like us, and live like us.”
“I guess that makes sense.”
“Of course it does, I said it.”
“Of course name one time I've said something that doesn't make sense?”
“Charred toast.” Terik slammed his pencil down, barely containing his laughter as he stuck his finger in Kenric's face
“It is crispy, and good and you know it!”
“And that's basically how it happened.” Oralie finished laughing
“Does he?”
“Still like charred toast? Yes, but it's not as bad these days, ever since he set the fire alarm off because it was smoking he doesn't set the temperature as high.”
“How did he discover burnt toast?”
“That is a story for him to tell and for another time.” Just as he finished Kesler came out of the back room with a plate of cookies and asked
“Telling the story of the turtely awesome five board?”
“I remember when that shelf box went through the drywall I couldn't believe it was that thin, it had barely grazed it, then I saw that and realized.” Kenric laughed
“I remember the look on your face.” Kesler joined him
“I'm sure you did.” He handed the cookies to Kenric “here, Juline made cookies but we couldn't eat them all so she suggested to share with you and Terik.”
“Thank you Kesler, tell Juline I said hi and thank you as well please.”
“I will, I hope you two have a good day, this place is big it's easy to get lost.” Kenric nodded to him
“We'll be careful, and even if we get lost, well it'll be a fun adventure as I say.” and with that they said their goodbyes and where out the door, but not before Kesler slipped a note into Kenric's pocket as they hugged that read
I thought she hated your guts? What changed?” Kenric saw Oralie looking over to read what it said so he folded it up and put in his pocket, he'd text Kesler later and fill him in, to Oralie he said
“Nothing exciting just a couple of ingredients he asked me to get for his shop.” He saw Oralie nod but could tell she didn't believe him, before she could pry he said “Next stop the Sanctuary!” Striking a pose like a dramatic adventurer.
Coffee Shop au taglist: (if you want to be added or removed just let me know)
@winterfireice @official-kenralie-fanbase @antisocialdork  
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axels-corner · 11 months
I’ve got two more chapters of the coffee shop au to write, and then the epilogue, before going back to edit, so the first chapter will be posted on either July 31st or August first depending on if I have internet, and then there will be updates every Monday. I’m excited to finally share this because it’s something I’ve been writing for a couple months and it’s the biggest thing I’ve written!
if you’re interested in being tagged let me know!
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axels-corner · 11 months
Chapter 6 of the coffee shop au is done and I’m almost at 10k words!!!!
Quote: Kenric could hear the sincerity in his voice, as much as he and Terik liked to poke fun at each other they still cared for each other, was the others rock, the shoulder to lean on.
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axels-corner · 1 year
Chapter 3 is done!
Quote: “It is, but I wouldn't call it fragile, after all the quiet beauties are sometimes the strongest.”
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axels-corner · 1 year
Chapter 4 is done and things are confusing Kenric even more and secrets are coming to light!
Quote: “If you say so Kenric, but just remember,” He leaned in so close Kenric could feel his breath on his ear “The past will come back to bite us in ways we least expect it, watch your back.”
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axels-corner · 9 months
I had soccer practice tonight so the next part of the coffee shop au will be out tomorrow
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axels-corner · 9 months
Chapter 6 of the coffee shop au
Summary: Kenric, Kesler, and Terik bake cookies while trying to sort things out
Notes: We're halfway through! I hope you enjoy the chapter
You can find chapter 5 here
Characters: Terik, Kenric, Kesler
Words: 1,782
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48995623/chapters/125896006
There was a sugary sweet smell in the air that made Kenric's mouth water, they had finally finished the chaotic adventure of getting the cookies into shape and prepping them for the oven. But after many failed attempts, and several runs to grab more chocolate and caramel chips, notable failures included the first time when they went to add the salt and one of the triplets had loosened the salt shaker at dinner that night, and well things got a little salty as Terik would put it. Though he would've much prepared the chaos over the discussion he knew they where about to have that he was dreading.
“So,” Kesler starts while hopping up on the counter, “Oralie huh, I thought she hated your guts? You know after the whole Blackswan thing”
“Me too.” Terik added leaning back against the counter eating some of the cookie dough from the bowl
“That makes three of us.” Kenric says, “Also Terik I would advise against eating raw cookie dough remember what happened last time.” Terik sighs
“So let me get this straight, you don't like it when I eat charred toast, but you don't want me to eat raw cookie dough either.” he dipped his finger in the leftover batch again “Also you sound like Bronte.” Kesler snorted at that
“Seriously? Charred toast?”
“It's got a nice crunch, don't judge it until you try it.” Kenric hides his smile by rubbing his forehead
“Fine, but when you get food poisoning I'm telling Emery and Bronte it's because you ate raw cookie dough.”
“I'm fine with that.” They all lapsed into a nice silence, Kenric wondered if he willed time to stop, if it would, but of course it doesn't work like that. As Terik put the bowl in the sink, Kesler crossed his legs on the counter.
“I suppose we should talk about Oralie now.” Kenric hung his head and sighed
“Yeah, probably.” Terik cut him off
“Wait, before we do I never got the whole story of the Black swan just bits and pieces. What happened? I mean you and Oralie where close.”
“Well we where in our senior year of Foxfire High school when Prentice approached me,
“So we still on for Saturday movie night?” Oralie asked smiling as she hugged him, he hugged her back
“We so are, what do you want to watch tonight?” She shrugged
“I'm not sure, we'll figure it out.”
“Or fall asleep surfing through what to watch.” They both laughed, this was nice, Kenric thought spending time around Oralie was easy, it was fun, it felt like she lit up whatever room she walked in. There was a light tap on his arm, he turned to see who it was, it was Prentice, with a very unpleased looking Tiergan standing next to him. “Hey Prentice and Tiergan, what's up?”
“We where wondering if we could talk to you really quick?” Kenric squeezed Oralie's hand
“I'll be right back.” She nodded
“I'll go find Terik, Kesler and the others, and save you a seat.” He nodded and jogged after the other two who where already walking off. They walked quietly until they entered a classroom, Which he thought was empty, but when the lights flickered on he saw that it wasn't. Juline, the Forkle twins, and two other kids where already in there. Before he could ask what was going on one of the Forkle twins, Errol he thinks, asked
“Do you know what the Black Swan is Kenric?” He shrugged with one shoulder shaking his head
“A good place to go if you want coffee?” One of the kids he didn't know laughed, while Loki shook his head.
“Partially, you know how there's a superhero theme so nobody knows who the employees are?” He nodded “Well what if I told you that's because it's true that they're superheros.” He raised an eyebrow
“Really?” He had a strong feeling this was a prank , but he'd play along for now “What do they do then? And why are you telling me this.” Loki sighed
“Because we need your help, well you or Terik but he has significantly more eyes on him with him being considered for the council and all, with the rumors of Councilor Augustin stepping down in a couple of years.”
“And what exactly do you need my help for?”
“It's hard to explain just watch.”
When the video started Kenric recognized it immediately. It was the explosion from so many years ago. They had ruled it as a misfire of the canon from the school play but something always rubbed Kenric the wrong way about that story, the pieces just didn't fit. He was willing to let it slide because nobody had been hurt and the only damage there was, was too the stage curtain, but know he knew why it had seemed a tad suspicious. At the end of the video there was security footage of two people tampering with the fake canon.
“Do we know who they are.” Kenric asked, and as the words left his mouth everyone's shoulder start to droop
“We where hopping you would.” Errol said, Kenric looked closer they where both wearing dark cloaks that made it so they blended into the background but on one of them there was a small piece of hair sticking out, a golden blond piece of hair. He pulled out his phone and frantically started searching through his text messages till he found the right conversation with the last text sent around three and a half years ago that told him and Terik to stop searching. He held it out to them,
“Could this be anything?” They all gathered around, Errol was the first one to speak up
“Well it looks like we've got ourselves a lead.”
Over the next few days he helped the Blackswan search, they found out they called themselves Neverseen but that was it. Eventually days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a month than months. With only dead end after dead end, it was like Ruy and Gethen had disappeared. He could also feel his relationship with Oralie straining like a rubber band but he was so close he just needed some more time.
Until their rubber band finally snapped, he and Oralie had a big argument in which he said some things that he would always regret. After she confronted him about sneaking away all the time, missing classes, skipping lunches, forgetting about their dates and eventually just not responding to her texts at all. He ended up avoiding telling her about his suspicions about Gethen, since Gethen was her brother and how do you tell someone you think their brother sabotaged people, plus would she even believe him?
“I never found out if she would've believed me since well you both saw how the conversation ended. I did text her once trying to explain about Gethen but she blocked me as soon as she saw his name.” He was no longer looking at Kesler, and Terik but rather the tiles. He wondered if he could count them enough if it would stop the tears from falling, but alas water has a mind of it's own and he watched them fall down onto the tile floor. They stood there for a long moment before he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders and pull him into a hug, Kesler joined seconds later. He isn't sure how long they stayed there, could've been minutes could've been hours, but eventually the tears dried, as a river does with no rain. Terik still had his arm around his shoulder,
“Are you feeling better?” Kenric could hear the sincerity in his voice, as much as he and Terik liked to poke fun at each other they still cared for each other, was the others rock, the shoulder to lean on. He was that for Terik when he had torn his Achilles in their junior year, and Terik was that for him now, as he had been when he and Oralie first broke up. Kesler broke the silence one again with a small gasp that had Terik and Kenric's heads snapping towards him. Almost as if reading their minds asking him what he said in a quite voice, like he was scared to speak the thought into existence
“What if Oralie's apart of the Neverseen?”
Kenric felt like all the air had been punched out of his lungs. Like when he was a kid and would drink a Capri Sun and then suck all the air out, except this time he was the Capri Sun. he felt the cold tile on his knees from where his jeans had holes in them, he really needed to fix that.
“Hey, you still need to breathe man oxygen is not optional.” He laughs and as he does a little air rushes back through his lungs, he takes a couple deep breaths nodding at Terik to say he's fine, thought Terik doesn't look to believe him, before looking at Kesler.
“Anyone could be wearing the hood after all, since there was no voice,, or features except for the blond hair.” Kesler nodded seeming to be deep in thought. Kenric looked out the window the moon now high in the sky, and he slowly got to his feet, Terik holding his arm as if he would fall any minute, he appreciated it though. He glance at his phone that said 12:47 “Me and Terik should probably be getting home.” Kesler waved, as they left the timer for the cookies went off and he turned back towards the oven.
As Terik and Kenric grab their bikes from outside the store both of them ask,
“Is he going to be okay?” Kenric shrugs, because he didn't have an answer this time, and it appears neither did Terik.
The ride home was mostly uneventful, until they passed the Black swan cafe and, the new coffee shop, and they can hear arguing from inside one of them though Kenric's unsure of which, but the interesting part was the dialogue. He could make out bits of pieces as they drove up, and after they passed, but as they where passing a door or a window must've been open because he heard
"This isn't going to work I've already almost blown my cover like three times today! He's getting suspicious! We need to abort"
"That'll look even worse just stick out okay, trust me in a couple months we'll be home free."
"Fine, but I'm getting acting classes and sending you the bill."
Then he heard a door slam and both coffee shops, both the old and new fell silent.
Coffee Shop au taglist: (if you want to be added or removed just let me know)
@winterfireice @official-kenralie-fanbase @antisocialdork
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axels-corner · 9 months
Chapter 5 of the coffee shop au
summary: the tour finishes
Notes: this chapter is a little shorter, but the next one is longer.
you can find chapter 4 here
Characters: Oralie, Kenric, and Terik
Words: 884
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48995623/chapters/125459422
Oralie didn't seem phased, she just stood there for a few moments before asking
“Who was that?”
“That was Dimitar, we call him King Dimitar though because he owns one of the tattoo shops next to ours called Ravogog.”
“Is there another one?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well you said one of, that implies there's more than one.”
“Oh, yeah. On the other side of us Hylda, but we call her Queen Hylda, runs a tatoo and coffee shop. That's one of the reasons he and Queen Hylda have such a rivalry because they both run tattoo shops.”
“What's the other reason?”
“It's good for business, gets the public interested in what's going on, it's how they skyrocketed their businesses popularity.” Kenric leaned into whisper to Oralie “Don't tell anyone but their actually really good friends.”
“Sounds cool.” Before Oralie could ask about what he and Dimitar was talking about again he changed the conversation
“Speaking of them the next part of the tour is the other main shops.”
“Who are they?” Oralie asked falling into step with him
“Didn't you got to Foxfire?” She shrugged
“It's been a while, plus its interesting to listen to you explain it. And before you ask I don't often come to this side of town I usually stay more towards the Vackers part since it's where my family is.” That was actually going to be his next question so he just nodded
“Well you've already met King Dimitar who runs Sadlitzagvatka-”
“I thought you called it Ravagog?”
“That's what it's called now, but when it first opened that's what it was called.”
“What are the other cities called?” She asked
“Well there's Nymtyranyth which is called Loamnore which is run by King Enki, he has a temper though so watch out. They're the building left on the mall, I'll point them out when we get there. They sell rocks and minerals and stuff like that also tools.”
“So kinda like a home improvement store like Home Depot.” Kenric considered it before nodding
“Basically. The building in the center right there is Serenvale, the best flower shop around.”
“I can smell them from here, it's amazing, it reminds me of when Ke- when an old friend would get me flowers.” Everything in Kenric wanted to ask so badly why she acted like they didn't know eachother, but he was able to shove it back down and to put the lid back on he immediately changed the subject.
“The building to the right of the mall was originally Weeriiduulooaa but is now called Marintrylla. It's a gym, but they also have classes on self defense, and cycling and stuff.”
“What's your favorite class?” Oralie asked as the walked out of the mall
“I enjoy doing the water aerobic, or yoga classes, I find them relaxing, occasionally Terik will go with me to then we'll go out to eat.”
“That sounds fun, I'll have to check it out.” Oralie said
“I would recommend it you can make some good friends, it's where I met Kesler in our high school years of Foxfire.” They started walking back to the Council Cafe as it was nearly closing time.
When they walked in they where greeted by a very long line and an even more relieved Emery. Turning his head to look at Oralie he asked
“Ready for your first rush hour?” She looked nervous but nodded nonetheless. The rest of it was a blur though he could see how desperately Terik wanted to talk to him as every time there seemed to be a lull in the crowd he would pull him away only for them to get slammed by customer again. Kenric had been working there for a couple months but he'd never seen so many people before, when he glanced at Emery, Bronte and the other older councilors they didn't seem to be stressed about the rush hour, they seemed relaxed and happy about it.
Finally the rush was over the day was ended and they where closing up shop. He saw Terik power walking towards him, but before he got there Oralie grabbed his arm and pulled him to the couch to talk. When he looked back at Terik he looked like he was going to explode, and Kenric thought he was supposed to be the strawberry.
“What did you want to talk about?” Oralie opened her mouth like she was going to say something but changed her mind at the last minute and asked
“Is it always that busy.” He filed the moment away in his brain with all the others and shook his head,
“Not usually, at least not in the time that I've worked her.” Oralie nodded
“Well, I won't keep you. See you again to do it again tomorrow?”
“Yep.” and she walked off, and immediately Terik took her place linking there arms together
“We have so much to talk about.” Terik said
“We do.” Kenric agreed, before stopping “Wait I have to get the caramel and chocolate chips.” Terik tugged lightly on his arm, limping a little as he did, his achilles had been giving him problems again Kenric knew. He just hopped it wasn't anything to serious.
“I already got them, we're going to Kesler's to see if we can figure this out.”
Coffee Shop au taglist: (if you want to be added or removed just let me know)
@winterfireice @official-kenralie-fanbase @antisocialdork
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axels-corner · 10 months
Chapter 4 of the coffee shop au
Summary: The tour continues in Atlantis
Notes: You can read the first chapter of this au here, the second chapter here and the third chapter here
Characters: Oralie, Kenric, Dimitar
Words: 1590
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48995623/chapters/123609124
They walked through the halls,
“You know I expected Atlantis to have more water.” He laughed
“We're not there yet.”
“But the guy at the front said welcome to Atlantis, is this just an obnoxiously long hallway.”
“Yeah basically.”
“Honestly no clue, they did it as extra security I think after what happened a couple months back.”
“You mean the fire? I thought the public just knew it was a spark?” She asked
“Yep, but some are suspicious if that was all that happened, after councilor Luna being fired came out. Which makes sense since we did cover up the whole thing, or at least attempt to, the public probably wonders if more is being hidden.” Kenric wondered what else was hidden as well. “I was hired to replace the person they thought did it and you can't hide a new hire.” Finally they reach the end of the hallway, and it was worth the wait. They where some of the only people in the entrance area due too it being the middle of the day, they was a field trip from Foxfire there, but no one else. Atlantis was even more breathtaking at night, he remembered when he Terik, Juline, and Kesler had been hanging out one day after working on the shop they had decided to see a midnight show, and it was spectacular. Oralie did a slow spin taking in the glass that surrounded them on all sides, animals swimming over their heads.
“Whoa, it's been so long since I've been here.” she said softly like she was whispering it to herself. She turned to him
“Have you ever been here before?” He nodded
“Back when I was in Foxfire me and,” he paused for a moment almost forgetting that she probably didn't remember it “and a friend would come here.” She looked like she wanted to ask who it was for a moment and he tensed, seeing this she apparently decided to drop it as she didn't ask.
“I used to go here with friends all the time, I forget how breathtaking it is.” They wandered through the exhibits swapping stories from Foxfire.
After about an hour of wandering the decide to get a picnic basket and go eat lunch. They set up near one of the exhibits so that they're out of the way, but can still see the animals.
“Remember the exam we had to do to get in to Foxfire?”
“Oh my gosh yes, I stayed up for weeks studying and was so stressed but it all payed off in the end didn't it.”
“Yeah it did,” Oralie said softly “I missed this Kenric.” her head on his shoulder it reminded him of all those years ago, he barely caught the slip she had made, but he had caught the slip.
“Missed what?” Her eyes shot open and she jerked up
“Nothing,” she said, trying to play it off causally he assumed.
“Oralie, what's going on?” She stood up
“It's nothing Kenric drop it.” The venom in her voice shocked him making him freeze for a moment “I'm going to go take a walk I- I need a minute.” Kenric was officially confused, he brought out his phone deciding to call Kesler. He knew that he had planned to talk about it tonight but plans change. It rang for a couple seconds before Kesler picked it up
“Hey Kenric, what's going on? I thought you where giving Oralie a tour.” Kenric sighed leaning his head against the glass wall,
“I was it's just... Did you notice something off about her?”
“Other than the fact that she's having a civil conversation with you despite her saying she hates you and-”
“I get it.” Kenric interrupts not wanting to relive that lovely conversation. He dragged a hand down his face.
“What happened?” Kesler asked, and he sighed
“We where having lunch in Atlantis, where we used to go, and she said that she missed this, and I asked her what she meant.”
“Let me guess it got awkward and she walked off.”
“Yeah, do you have any theories?”
“I have one but you're not going to like it.”
“Just tell me.”
“Are you sure?”
“Isn't the saying to just rip off the bandage fast.” Silence hung over the phone for so long Kenric thought Kesler had hung up, and when he said it Kenric could barely hear what he said,
“What if she's working with-” Just then Oralie walked back in looking around, when they met eyes he waved at her. She started to walk over “Well it was good talking to you, Oralie's back, I'll make sure to get those ingredients to you as fast as I can.” Then he hung up.
“Who was that?” Oralie asked
“Just Kesler from the shop, he wanted to know when I can get the ingredients to him.” Oralie looked at him like she didn't believe that was the whole truth. Which it wasn't but it wasn't a complete lie, Kesler had asked for Kenric to get some caramel and chocolate chips from the cafe, so that's what he told Oralie. “He wanted me to pick up some caramel and chocolate chips from the cafe, since we get it cheaper because we work there.” Oralie started to pick up the remnants of their picnic and Kenric helped her
“What's he trying to make?”
“He said that with Valentines day coming up he wanted to make some cookies for Juline in the shape of a heart.”
“If he needs any tips I'll be happy to help him, I used to specialize in deserts at Foxfire. I even invented some.” Kenric smiled along with Oralie
“Ohh, what kind?”
“Some new variants of mallowment, and custard bustards, I even combined them. Maybe I'll teach you how to make them sometime. Though we'd probably have to improve the recipe, the first time we-I made them they did not taste good.” Kenric caught her slip again, but decided not to call her out on it this time. Instead he made a mental list in order to start figuring out what was going on. On the outside he just smiled and said
“I think I'd like that. Call it a friendship date?” She smiled as well
“Sure, I'm free this Saturday if you want to come over? Or we can do it at your house?”
“I think you're house would be good I can't do it on Saturday though Terik's got an appointment, and because he might not be able to drive afterwords depending on what happens I'm going with just in case. Sunday might work though” She nodded
“I can't do Sunday, Grady and Edaline are coming into town with their daughter Sophie, maybe after work on Wednesday ” He nodded
“Yeah, that should work.” Glad that the awkwardness was behind them they went to set out when King Dimitar walked in with his daughter in hand, Rohmilda if Kenric remembered correctly, though she liked to go by Ro.
“Good morning King Dimitar, good morning Ro.” He called out and they walked over, Ro was Dimitar's daughter, if Kenric remembered correctly she was eight years old.
“Good morning councilors.” Dimitar said then turned to Oralie “Ah, you must be the new one I've heard about in the news.” Without waiting for her reply he turned back to Kenric “It was a pleasure seeing you.” He turned to walk away but turned around abruptly and said “Ah I almost forgot I was curious, do you know when the assembly is going to be to make her a full fledged councilor?”
“Yeah, it should be within the next couple months we haven't settled on an exact date yet, we also want it to be warm enough outside” As they whispered he saw out of the corner of his eye Ro going up to Oralie and complimenting her dress, he turned back to Dimitar as Dimitar asked
“Why are we talking in whispers?” Kenric sighed
“Because it's supposed to be a surprise party, and kinda a welcome to the team.”
“Ah yes, now I remember. I remember the look on your face when you walked in and everybody yelled 'surprise!'” Kenric nodded
“That was fun, yeah the party date will really depend on when reconstruction is done.”
“I see, how is it going?”
“I'm not sure I don't really use my office to much so I haven't really gone back there. We're going to go to the other shops and then head back over there.”
“Oh you're training her?”
“Yeah, why?”
“I just recall that big thing with the two of you hating each other because you got mixed up with the black swan.” Kenric rubbed the back of his neck
“Yeah, well that was a long time ago, we're different now.”
“If you say so Kenric, but just remember,” He leaned in so close Kenric could feel his breath on his ear “The past will come back to bite us in ways we least expect it, watch your back, especially around Fintan.” and with that he patted him on the shoulder and he and Ro where off to explore the aquarium. Kenric was chilled to the bone, frozen to the spot, but he didn't understand the last spot, what was wrong with Fintan? He had just quit, which made sense he'd been there longer than Bronte, also Kenric met him at his surprise party and he seemed like a nice guy.
“What was that about?” Oralie asked walking up beside him
“Nothing, absolutely nothing.”
Coffee Shop au taglist: (if you want to be added or removed just let me know)
@winterfireice @official-kenralie-fanbase @antisocialdork
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axels-corner · 10 months
Chapter 3 of the coffee shop au!
Summary: Oralie and Kenric continue the tour by visiting the wandering woods
Notes: You can read the first chapter of this au here and the second chapter here
Characters: Kenric, Oralie
Words: 956
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48995623/chapters/124530856
“So what's the sanctuary?” Oralie asked as they walked, without truning to look at her he said
“It's how we get to Atlantis and the Wandering Woods.”
“And those are?”
“Our aquarium and a memorial to past elves.”
“So kinda like a graveyard?”
“Yeah kinda, if a councilor passes away they get a tree in their name, same thing for regents, emissaries, Foxfire students, you get it.”
“So basically if you've achieved elf status, a tree will be planted?”
“Yes, with the persons name on it.” she nodded but then a realization seemed to come upon her
“Is that why you give out those little cards and if they get enough stamps they become an elf, then a regent, and so on?” He nodded
“Not only does it keep them coming back because eventually they'll get reduced coffee, as well as climbing the ranks, but also they'll be immortalized here.” and with that they stopped at the entrance Kenric spreading his arms wide, like a magician revealing his next trick “This is the Wandering Woods.” They were standing under a golden arch with white flowers on it and the words Those Who Wander Are Not Lost. All around them there where trees, each unique, birds sounds where the only that could be heard as they came in through the open sunroof. He watched as Oralie took it all in, she reminded him of when he first joined the council, bright eyed, and optimistic. He was proud that he had been able to keep that over the past rough few months, he hoped she would as well since he had a feeling things were going to get worse before they got better.
“Are those mountains?” She asked pointing to a wall in the back,
“A couple years ago Terik brought up the fact that it kinda looked plain, so he suggested we paint some mountains. Of course he did rope me into helping and eventually recruited Kesler and Juline.”
“And Bubbles?” She asked with a smile
“Of course, we weren't having a heat wave and there's a small pond back there so he was able to swim to his hearts content, though he still stayed closer to Terik.”
“How did he get him?”
“We were about 13 or 14 years old, and there was this kid who was moving and we saw him on our way home from school. He said that where he was moving to didn't allow pets but he would give us the tank to take care of him, and instructions. He also gave us his phone number in case we needed to call him.” They walked down the path as they talked
“Who was it? Did you ever call him?”
“Yeah, we called him regularly, he become one of the group, and one of our best friends. His name was Ruy, and after a couple months one of his friends Gethen joined the friend group as well, we talked to them like everyday, whether through texting, or calling.”
“What happened then? Did they eventually move back.” He was surprised but hid it, he had told Oralie all about Gethen and Ruy. Just what was going on?
“No, I'm not sure what happened we just fall out of touch.”
She nodded probably sensing he didn't want to talk about it, and changed the subject asking, “How did you and Terik became friends? It seems the two of you are attached at the hip.” Kenric chuckled
“We basically are, we've been friends since he moved here, like when we were in the second year of Foxfire, we both walked home and our houses where near each and the rest is history as they say.”
Oralie nodded, a smile on her face, he'd forgotten how beautiful it was after all these years. She wandered a little bit away, to a river that ran through the forest, crouching down to look in it, and he joined her. A peaceful silence settling over them, so different from her screaming at him, he barely remembered what happened, but now he wants to know. Why had she changed? Had she forgiven for what she thought at the time, was dumbest mistake of his like that he has made all those years ago? Oralie was the one to eventually break the silence.
“It's a strange beauty.” Kenric crouched down next to her joining her hand in the water
“What do you mean?” She looked up, not at him, but off in the distance
“It's fragile, and quiet, like one wrong move it'll shatter it.” He thought about that for a minute
“It is, but I wouldn't call it fragile, after all the quiet beauties are sometimes the strongest.” They both thought an that for a minute, lapsing into a comfortable silence. He didn't know what Oralie was thinking about, but he was thinking back on his friendship with Ruy and Gethen. He wished they hadn't fallen out of touch, but one day when they where fifteen they just stopped answering the phone, he didnt't know what happened or why it happened, but then one day he got a text that told him and Terik to stop searching, and days later a canon from the school play had a misfire. That's what was officially reported anyways, but he didn't buy it even all these years later. Before he could dive into his worry, and speculation further he stood up. He could dwell on this later when he talked to Kesler, for now he offered a hand to Oralie pulling her up.
“Where to next on our adventure?” She asked
“The lost city, Atlantis.” She smiled contagiously, he could feel himself also start to smile his fears leaving
“Well, lead the way.”
Coffee Shop au taglist: (if you want to be added or removed just let me know)
@winterfireice @official-kenralie-fanbase @antisocialdork
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axels-corner · 11 months
Both chapter 11 and 12 are done!!! the document ended up being 28 pages without the spacing and there where 18356 words!
Quote: “Dad! They have Capri suns!” Kenric heard Ro yell “Capri suns! You got to come see this!”
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axels-corner · 11 months
chapter 10 is done! I like this quote because I think it’s a sweet moment.
quote: she turns her hand palm up so their fingers interlaced.
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