#kore and bailey being sibling goals
faewritesfanfic · 10 months
Halloween Night
Just a short ficlet I put together of Kore and Bailey hanging out on Halloween while they wait for Eden to get back. This is almost entirely tooth rotting fluff, with a little bit of lore.
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It was late Halloween night, and Bailey and Kore were sitting on a bench waiting for Eden. Trick-or-treating could be overstimulating at times, and along the route the siblings had planned were several safe spots to pause and take a moment to rest or smoke a joint. Eden had taken a moment alone to run into a nearby store to get himself some water and maybe something to eat. Kore and Bailey had stayed outside to keep an eye on the machete that went with Eden’s Jason costume, and swap sweets.
“You got gummy bears?” Bailey asked, looking over at Kore’s bag. Kore was in her candy corn kitty costume, while Bailey was dressed as Leatherface.
“Mm, I have Gold Bears.” Kore said doubtfully.
“I can still use those. Gimmie.” Bailey motioned with his hand, and Kore handed him the sweets. She felt a little bad for whomever was going to be on the receiving end of Bailey’s plot.
“Can I have that apple in exchange?” Kore asked, pointing.
“You are so weird. Why do you want the apple? I have Flake bars in here.” Bailey gestured to his bag, but got Kore her apple.
“It’s not weird! I just…” Kore took the apple, pouting as she tried to gather her thoughts. “We don’t get a lot of fresh fruit. I feel awful saying it, but the apples are sort of the best part of Halloween for me.”
There was a long moment of silence as Bailey started to feel a vein throbbing in his head. “Fu-uuck.” He growled out at last.
Kore leaned over to get a better look at him. “Are you okay?”
“No, I’m not okay.” Bailey grumbled. “My fucking sister gets decent food so rarely she thinks apples are a treat. Fuck me.” Bailey pulled his Leatherface mask off, and shook his head when he saw the look of worry and apprehension on his sister’s face. “I’m not mad at you. I’m mad at Oakley.”
Mr. Oakley had been the caretaker at the orphanage for as long as anyone could remember. He was an unpleasant, plump middle aged man who’s thinning hair had already gone white. Oakley syphoned all the money he could from the orphanage, but it was never enough for the miserable git. He extracted whatever money he could from his wards, and ruled them with an iron fist. They all had at least one scar that was caused by him, and many was the time an orphan would disappear only for Oakley to scrub all trace of their existence.
Kore wrung her hands nervously, but tried to look hopeful. “He has to let us go once we graduate. He’ll have no excuse then.”
“I dunno.” Bailey shook his head. “Something tells me Oakley’s got another way to screw us over. I can just feel it.”
Kore was quiet for a moment, then scooted closer to Bailey to lower her head and speak conspiratorially with him. “Hey, this isn’t forever.” She said, gently bumping her head against Bailey’s. “We’re going to stick together, and we’re all going to get out of this. By this time next year we’ll all three be sharing a flat. We’re going to be working, and because we won’t have Oakley leeching off us we’ll have all the fruit we want. I can work full time at the spa, Eden was thinking of learning a trade, and you can take that beautiful mind of yours and go to university.”
“You don’t know that, Kore.” Bailey sighed, shaking his head. “Anything could happen between now and then. We’re still not in the clear.”
“Be that as it may, I refuse to live in fear of what might happen.” Kore said with a shrug. “Bailey, if you go through life only expecting the worst case scenario you’re going to drive yourself nuts.”
Bailey leaned back, looking up at the ominously red moon. “Yeah, I know.” The truth was that Bailey always felt like he had to be on the lookout for the next problem his family would face. If something bad happened and he hadn’t seen it coming he felt like a failure. He doesn’t tell this to his sister. It’s a selfish impulse, but he doesn’t want her to worry over him. “Hey, what are you and Eden gonna get up to after this? Unless it’s that. Don’t tell me if it’s that.” Bailey said, casually nudging Kore with his knee in an effort to lighten the situation.
Kore rolls her eyes at her brother, but reluctantly goes along with it. “We found a book of Victorian ghost stories at the library. We’re going to read that, have some sweets, Eden will braid my hair, and we’ll turn in early.”
“Wait, what was that?” Bailey asked, arching a brow.
“Well after all the excitement of tonight it’s best to rest and–”
“No, not that part. Obviously.” Bailey snarked. “The part where Eden braids your hair?”
“Oh, that?” Kore shrugged. “Eden likes to help me brush and braid my hair. It feels nice, and frankly I have quite a lot of hair so I appreciate the help.”
“You two are forty and married. Unbelievable.” Bailey gave a defeated gesture. “Well, don’t wait up for me. Me and some friends are going to go throw rancid eggs at Leighton’s house.”
“That sounds like a lovely evening.” Kore said with a nod. “Remember to put sugar in his car’s petrol tank.”
“Knew I was forgetting something. Thanks.” Bailey leaned over to look in Kore’s goody bag again. “Hey, can I have those jalapeno chips?”
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