#kortia main 7
genork-the-fandork · 3 years
Headcanons of the Main 7 Saying "Babe"
I did this once before for something, so I figured I should do it for Kortia! I like spoiling the Kortia fandom okay
So, without further ado:
Honestly, it does not occur to her to use the nickname
So Adventurer probably has to say it first
But of course, she probably doesn’t hear it the first few times
“Mornin’, babe!” while she’s reading and walking, she probably goes “Morning!” but doesn’t realize there was a second part
Adventurer probably has to grab her by the shoulders so she looks at them and go, “GOOD MORNING, BABE” for her to fully get it
Which of course causes them both to turn red
And Alexis says something like, “Uh... morning, babe”
Which starts the blushing all over again
Probably the first to use it, if he does decide to use it
Started as “mehehehe, let’s give Adventurer a little shock”
Sidles up to Adventurer and with both hands on his cane leans in and says, “Evening, babe”
Adventurer, without a beat, just goes, “Babe”
Dyclos was, of course, NOT expecting that
He has been one-upped at his own game
Adventurer gets all smug about it until Dyclos leans in and says, “Next time it’ll work, babe”
And then they’re both dying a little bit on the inside for the rest of the night
Naturally, Florus wants to be the one to say it first because Adventurer deserves it
She definitely tries to fluster Adventurer first, either by leaning in so their faces are close together or throwing her arm around their shoulders
And then she just gives Adventurer this smirk and raises an eyebrow and says, “How ya doing, babe?”
Adventurer, if they’re not already losing their shit, is definitely doing so now, because how does one respond when a princess just called you “babe”
Finally just stammers, “F-f-fine, and y-y-you, b-b-b-babe?!” with a little squeak at the end
Which Florus finds adorable and is just smirking that smirk and having a helluva time flustering Adventurer further
It takes a while for them to regularly do it (Adventurer, at least), but Florus basically keeps doing it
She especially likes doing it when a bunch of other people are around
Adventurer has to say it to him first
In general, not exactly one for pet names, especially in public, so when Adventurer’s suddenly poking him in the shoulder going, “Babe. Babe. BAAAAAAABE” he’s not expecting it
At first, he’s annoyed--why is Adventurer pestering him?--but then he realizes what they were calling him, and he’s just SHOCKED PIKACHU
“Babe?” Adventurer doesn’t know what to do when Gerald is suddenly not functioning
Gerald shakes it off and just glares at them before storming off, his cape rustling behind him
Adventurer hurries to catch up, because come on, it was just a joke! Hahahahaha (it wasn’t)
Suddenly, Gerald ducks into a side street or room or what have you and waits for Adventurer to catch up
That’s when he leans in and whispers in Adventurer’s ear, “Only I can call you babe” and walks away like nothing happened while Adventuer.exe is not working
Doesn’t even think about it when he says it, it doesn’t really matter to him
Takes Adventurer off guard one day by just saying, “Let’s go, babe” and Adventurer’s just like, “W H A T”
Kor is like, “What?” and Adventurer’s like, “WHAT did you just call me?”
“Oh, I just called you babe” and Adventurer just sputters because he’s just so casual about it
“You’re impossible!” they finally mutter while stomping along behind him
He’s just amused because it’s funny throwing Adventurer off guard like that
Adventurer’s wondering how to get back at him and finally just shouts, “Fine, BABE” really obnoxiously so that everyone around them looks at them
Kor just stops walking and turns around to look at Adventurer before they both start laughing hysterically for reasons mostly unknown
Adventurer barely hears Luna the first time she says it
At first they thought they misheard her and are like, “What was that, babe?” barely noticing they said it themselves (I think that’s a subconscious thing lmao)
Luna sighs and says, “You’re in my way, babe” which sounds so weird, I KNOW, but she says it and then seems to realize what kind of conversation is happening
Now both Luna and Adventurer have embarrassed and wobbly smiles as they try to navigate how to go from there and eventually just sidestep the other and go about their merry way
Once they both turn a corner, they both have a panik moment and it’s very funny to watch, cinematically speaking
Okay, next time they’re face to face, they’re determined to actually get through the conversation
They see each other, and at the same time go, “Good morning, babe--” before they both stop
It takes a few weeks before they can avoid become blushing masses of embarrassment, but Byrus has a helluva time witnessing it
Zeno goes above and beyond planning on how to first call Adventurer “babe”
I’m kidding, there was no plan at all
Zeno just suddenly got the urge to make Adventurer blush, because that’s always funny, and he does by of course taking Adventurer out drinking
They’re probably a few mugs of mead in before Zeno leans forward until their foreheads are nearly touching, hissing, “Psst, Adventurer?”
“What?” and Zeno responds, “Your shoes are untied, babe”
Adventurer needs a few moments to realize that 1) they’re wearing boots and they are NOT untied and 2) Zeno just called them “babe” WAIT WHAT DID HE JUST---
Adventurer is just blushing and shouts, “BABE, WHAT THE HELL” and Zeno’s laughing so loud and hard he nearly falls off his seat
Apparently “babe” only comes out when they’re both intoxicated and I’m not quite sure what that means
Hehehehehehe. Babes, the whole lot of them.
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eduardo200012 · 3 years
Kortia possible endings
Attention this post is made up of speculation and my reading of isekai and visual novel cliches, so don't wait for proof to prove my point in this post.
 Luna good ending 
The adventurer shows her that there is more to life for her and we help her discover herself, and in the end they both leave their work to live a life far away and full of adventures.
Luna bad ending 
The adventurer can't captivate Luna, so she decides to live the rest of her life as a maid and so the adventurer also decides to continue as a farmer to stay by her side, even though she has given up on the romance with them. A viriation would be for both of them to become servants of a possible villain/demon king for the rest of their lives.
Dyclos good ending
The adventurer helps him to abandon his habits of envy, obsessive pride and in the end after defeating the possible villain, Dyclos approaches us and praises us for our achievement and asks if we would like to join the imperial guard and maybe a possible marriage proposal.
Dyclos bad ending
Dyclos becomes obsessed with the adventurer and everything they did is better than what he did or jealous that someone might steal his adventurer, who resolves to kidnap them and keep them captive for the rest of their lives.
Florus good ending
the adventurer helps her to go through all her troubles and imprisonments for being a future queen and not letting her be corrupted by power, the end would be her coronation and i imagine a scene where she gives a "little flirt" at the adventurer about them becoming her future mates and in the end she said she was serious about it.
Florus bad ending
After losing everything, she becomes the coldest and cruelest queen of the empire, the adventurer realizes what she is becoming, but decides not to block it and in the end becomes her main guard/toy and so they lose the rest of the good sense that had
Alexis good ending
The adventurer helps her that the desire for revenge does not consume her and she remains the good Alexis always, in the end the adventurer would meet her in her study room where Alexis was studying and the adventurer needs her to come back to bed, after a lot of struggle they manage to take her and both fall asleep together.
Alexis bad ending
After her father's death, Alexis was never the same and the adventurer couldn't help her, so after the defeat of a possible villain, Alexis becomes the leader of a movement against the Kortian empire and the adventurer joins her, in the end a guard appears at the meeting ordering them to give up and Alexis order the adventurer to kill him, they then end the guard's life losing their senses for good.
Gerald good ending
In this ending the adventurer helps him to get out of the illegal world and clear his name, after some time they both decide to take a trip to Geralde's homeland and halfway through he thanks them for helping him change his life and a asked them to stay with him for the rest of their lives.
Gerald bad ending
Here the adventurer can't take him if his life as a thief and decides to run away with him, in the end would show a chase of them fleeing the guards where the adventurer is mortally wounded and Gerold is forced to leave the person he loves behind to survive.
Zeno good ending
 Some years defeat the villain, show Zeno and the adventurer at a party but both are more mature and with a more serious relationship, at this party Zeno declares all his love for them and proposes to them (I really don't know what to write to he)
Zeno bad ending
Here all his friends end up dying and leaving him in a deep depression, in the end the adventurer finds him crying in their grave and he asks that both should end as he can't continue with the relationship. The adventurer tries to stop it, but Zeno makes his final decision and leaving them in tears.
Kor good ending
Kor is unmasked as a traitor to the empire, but the adventurer helps her back to the light and help them fight the villain, in the end they both become autonomous adventurers go to Umi's shop to buy weapons, there he asks them about if they've already got married and Kor doesn't talk, but after that they both have a talk with Kor's daughter about a possible marriage
Kor bad ending
The adventurer finds out about Kor's treachery, but decides to join him and help the villain to take the Kortian empire, so they become the biggest traitors and hated by everyone, but they don't care about that as they are both on the right side ,it is not?
The hero
In this end the adventurer doesn't get any of the top 7, but helps them with their problems and was the main one to defeat the villain, here the adventurer decides to live the rest of his life in the kortia empire with the friends they made.
After failing to solve anyone's problems, the adventurer decides to leave the Kortia Empire forever and full of regrets for not getting anyone's help and leaving Kortia in a political crisis.
Back home
In this ending the adventurer finds a way to get back home, but for that they need to abandon everyone, they know it's a selfish decision and that this world needs them, but why can't they be a little selfish the end here doesn't their house, they didn't want it, i think abandoning them isn't a bad idea.
This is the end
in this ending it's the same as the hero's ending, but here some sacrifices are made and not everyone ends up alive and the adventurer has the choice of abandoning kortia or continuing and helping with the reconstruction.
my congratulations, you died
This ending would be if the adventurer finds the ending in some chapter or in the end the adventurer ends up being murdered by the villain.(can also be used as a joke ending)
The Villain
In this ending, the adventurer is corrupted by the death of his friends or lovers and by defeating the villain they take his place and only moved by the desire to destroy this world that took everything they had.
in the end the only way to save this world is with a sacrifice, so the adventurer takes the lead to give his life for everyone, in the end the adventurer would appear as a ghost and see that his friends built a statue in his honor and how his life has followed without them.
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
So this is based on a Discord discussion in DG server, but I figured I should write them down for anyone not in the Discord. c:
Also because it’s fun to simp over the LIs in suits.
Warning: I know nothing about suits so pardon my lack of proper vocabulary a;sldjkf;asldjkflkajs
Prophet 7 in Suits
He cleans up really well, contrary to any preconceptions you I might have
However, once he’s worn the suit for a while, he loosens the tie until it’s slightly askew
Eventually, he takes off the jacket until it’s just the dress shirt and the vest that goes under the jacket
And then he rolls up his sleeves, leans back in his chair and folds his arms behind his head
All while smirking that damn smirk of his
Florus would probably rock a white or magenta suit
She’d be the type to have the suit jacket over a sleeveless crop top because she is just that fabulous
Her hands are always in her pockets because we all know she radiates power with her smile
If she takes the jacket off, it’s to demonstrate her expert swordsmanship, but nobody’s looking at the sword they’re looking at her stronk arms
Also she is not opposed to leaning in close to Adventurer and making them nervous as all hell
Naturally, Zeno’s suits are purple. Duh.
He does not wear a tie. However, when he gets drunk, he does the frat-boy-tying-a-tie-around-his-head by stealing someone else’s tie
His dress shirts are always partially unbuttoned because he’s fun like that
His suits are always slim-fit and accentuate exactly why he’s a knight and also he’s got a pretty nice ass, if we’re being perfectly honest and simping (he’s not afraid to twerk while in the suit)
If you’ve ever seen the Just Dance thing with the song “Footloose,” that’s Zeno. Slowly losing pieces of the suit until he’s just boxers, undershirt, and the tie. But still fantastic.
She would definitely wear pantsuits, but she alternates between those and the ones that include skirts
Definitely wearing pantyhose or tights underneath the skirts when she’s wearing those
I have a feeling she’s capable of wearing some pretty decent heels with those suits, so she’s clacking toward you with the aura of someone you don’t want to mess with
When she takes the jacket off, she somehow gains MORE power, because Luna
She does not put her hands in her pockets at any point, but is always flicking her hair over her shoulder or folding them politely
He’s a lord, so OBVIOUSLY he cleans up nice--in three-piece, velvet suits (usually in a maroon color) no less
He’s always got his hand on his cane thing while the other is in his pocket, all with a slight smile on his face
He only loosens his tie if it’s a bit humid or something
You can often see him tilting his head, almost like he’s working out a crick in his neck, but that’s a sign that it’s too hot in the room
If he’s wearing one of those flower things (always forget the name) in his jacket, he’ll give it to someone who says all the right things ;)
Alexis’s suits are always a nice green color or something pastel, I think--and it’s usually the ones with skirts
She wears flats with her suits, because heels are not exactly her thing, unless they’re kitten heels
Ever seen women in suits with fancy jewelry? That’s Alexis, but it’s the barest minimum of it and it’s nothing too heavy
The jacket probably comes off early on, and her top buttons are already unbuttoned, so she goes from Fancy to Casual real fast and it’s a skill very few possess
Alexis with tights? Alexis with tights (and they have little sparkles on them)
Gerald doesn’t really wear full suits unless he’s absolutely has to--for the most part he at the very least avoids the jacket
This leaves him in just a vest and dress shirt with rolled up sleeves. Also a tie. (A casino dealer’s getup, if you will.)
He hates having to be so fancy, so he’s most likely in the corner, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, his usual frown on his face
If he manages to move away from there, his hands go to his pockets, and he just radiates “getmeoutofhere” energy
Imagine the power of Sanji from One Piece--that’s Gerald. If he needs to kick ass while in this getup, he will. And there will be kicking and much swooning from me specifically.
I hope you all like these! :3
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
Hello! It's my first time requesting, idk if you are accepting requests or if i can request that, but can you please make headcanons on how the main 7(kortia) kiss? *blushes*. Thank you in advance good lady<3
It’s no problem at all, Anon! I am always accepting requests about Kortia :D
Especially one where I can make myself and everyone else blush, hehehehehe.
How the Main 7 Kiss
Her kisses are very warm and sweet, and if it’s a thing, they’re medium length.
Listen, there might be some nibbling involved because she’s a catgirl, but you didn’t hear it from me.
Will also give you little kisses all over your face and it’s very sweet but you have to tell her stop, Alexis, people are staring, CALM DOWN
Yes, she is the type to leap into your arms and kiss you as you spin her around LET HER BE ROMANTIC LIKE THAT SHE DESERVES IT
She might be purring a bit whenever she kisses you, not that I have any proof of this or anything--
Who am I kidding, he will definitely pull you aside and do the pressing against the wall thing
He REALLY does not mess around, so his kisses are rarely soft and gentle, they’re kinda always intense, and I may not like him that much, but boy am I blushing thinking about this
Probably will hold your waist and get really mad if someone interrupts you like EXCUSE ME THIS IS HIS TIME
Listen, all I can say is you’re both blushing and disheveled by the time you’re done.
She does NOT mess around. She’s very much like Zeno in that she knows what she wants and isn’t too afraid to go for it.
Of course, she probably tries to make the first kiss as romantic as possible because maximum blushing must be achieved
So, yes, she is very gentle and soft and romantic and I may like men but I wouldn’t mind a kiss from her if I’m being PERFECTLY honest---anyway
She will definitely hold your face or do something with your hair, but only if you’re okay with that, otherwise she’s just going to keep on kissing you until you’re both out of breath
The plan was to make you blush, but it worked on her, too. Oops.
He is very tentative and cautious. It’s not that he’s exactly inexperienced, but he’s not experienced, either. If... if that makes sense. XD
That’s not to say he’s not a good kisser, because he very much is and not to be a simp but he’s very capable of taking your breath away
At first, he’s kinda timid, but after a while, he gets a little more confident and it’s very wonderful to be witness to
He will hold your face. Always. Or your hands. Mostly your face.
And yes. He blushes. Like a lot. Especially if you two aren’t alone (but he tries to avoid kissing you if you’re not alone because he doesn’t want Jack teasing him.) 
He’s not the type to think it’s a big deal, but am I wrong in assuming every Kor stan thinks it’s a big deal with him? Because it is. So he’d definitely just kiss you and then walk away whistling like nothing happened
Fun little tidbit, right before he does it, he says “dawg❤️” (with the heart and everything), so of COURSE you are caught off guard by the romance of it all
So of course you probably pulled him back to you and kissed him longer because EXCUSE ME, SIR, YOU’RE NOT JUST GOING TO LEAVE IT AT THAT, ARE YOU?
Now it’s his turn to be caught off guard, so now it’s just a huge mess, and what were you doing again?
His get kinda intense real fast sometimes so be warned about that al;sdfja;sldjkfa
She’s almost methodical when she kisses, like she’s figured out exactly how long to do it to make you blush to her satisfaction
Definitely the type to, uh, get more intense if the mood suits her. So she starts fires she can’t put out, basically.
Very much okay with spontaneous kisses, and she will give them as well.
I’m not saying she tastes fruity, but I’m not NOT saying it.
You know the leg lift thing from the old romance movies and such? Luna’s not the one to do it, but she’ll make sure you do.
I’ve mentioned this before, but he sometimes forgets to take off his helmet, so uh
There might be head trauma involved >w>
In general, Zeno’s not the type of guy to be very cautious about it. The man knows what he wants and when, so he will go for it (with consent, of course) as soon as he’s got it figured out.
He is a knight, yes. But when he kisses, it’s anything but gentlemanly. *cue Gen blushing a lot*
It’s a very good time, and that’s all I can really say without making us all die on the spot
I ended up saying “you” a;slkdjfslakdjf;lkjasd but anyway, I hope these were, uh... is “fun” the word here? I DON’T KNOW ANYMORE I’M TOO BUSY BLUSHING--
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genork-the-fandork · 2 years
Hello gen, could I ask for main 7 (from kortia) reacting to adventurer saying I love you for the first time? Or maybe how would they say I love you for the first time?
Hello! I hope you're doing well!
I would be happy to do both! (I'm a romantic, so I love expounding on romantic things.) I apologize if these are a bit shorter than you wanted, haha (I wanted to devote equal time to all of them).
Prophet Seven Reacting to "I Love You"
(from Adventurer)
Alexis probably flushes a deep red and sputters for a few minutes, flailing her limbs in a very Tohru Honda-like manner. Then she hides her face in her hands and leans against their chest for a moment to compose herself. She wasn't expecting this, but she might just sputter back an "I love you" if they're lucky. Or she might go hide in a corner, never to be found again expect for her tail sticking out.
Dyclos immediately says something like, "Well, of course you do! Who wouldn't?" and then freezes mid-gesture and goes completely tomato red. I usually compare Zeno to Tamaki, but it's precisely how Tamaki would freeze and blush. He stares off into space for perhaps a bit too long before coughing rather obnoxiously and saying he's grateful and appreciates your honesty.
Florus is somehow super chill. She gets a slight blush that spreads across her face and gives Adventurer this soft smile. For a moment, she doesn't say anything, but that's because she wants to make sure she says the right thing. Eventually, she says something along the lines of "I love you, too" or "you're adorable" and then there's a moment where she just pulls them in for a hug.
Gerald has a moment of "did I hear what I think I just heard?" and just freezes for a moment. So there's a minute where he just stares at them, hoping they're gonna say "just kidding" or take it back. Once he realizes they're not kidding, he sputters for a few minutes, becomes a bit of a wreck, and then he just pulls them into his arms and buries his face in their hair. Then he says it back.
Kor tries to brush it off. He says something along the lines of, "Nah, you don't. There's no way." But of course, if Adventurer insists, he probably tries not to look at them, because odds are, he's feeling the same way, but it's hard for him to admit. He's hard to get close to in general, and a part of him is wondering when the hell they got close enough for him to say he might feel the same way.
Luna manages to keep cool and composed during the confession, and then she has a moment where she asks what exactly they love about her. She does that to try and calm the beating of her heart, which is racing a bit, but also because she needs time to formulate her answer. Which ends up being a bit tsundere, something like, "I suppose I love you, too, baka." *blushes*
Zeno laughs good-naturedly. Not in a teasing way, in a "well, about time!" sort of way. He doesn't return the confession right away; instead, he probably says he wants to take Adventurer somewhere, which ends up being the tavern. Then he says he's got a secret, and he leans in all smooth and whispers in Adventurer's ear that he feels the same way, and he's all blushing and cutesy.
Prophet Seven Saying "I Love You"
(to Adventurer)
Alexis would probably say it rather spontaneously. There would be a moment, while she and Adventurer are hanging out together, that she would just look at them and say it. Then she gets all shy and says something like, "It's okay if you don't feel the same," but odds are if they've made it this far, Adventurer probably feels the same. Her tail will curl adorably in that case because she's just so happy.
Dyclos is used to being pursued rather than being the pursuer, so it takes him a while to muster up the strength to confess. When he does, he makes some grandiose gesture, maybe a horse is involved, or maybe he presents Adventurer with some expensive trinket, and then he declares his love. And nobody knows exactly how to react, least of all him, so hopefully it's not too awkward...?
Florus is rather smooth. It's most likely during some sort of training session. Knowing her, she knocks Adventurer on their ass and pins them to the ground or something, then she leans in, brushes back their hair, and says, "Heh. I love you. <3" And her face is just slightly blushing, and I'm not saying a kiss would most likely happen, but this is Florus. This is about to be romantic af.
Gerald keeps his true feelings rather buried deep down and isn't one to reveal them unless something happens. So most likely, something might happen to Adventurer, and then he gets so worried that he hugs them and tells them not to scare him like that again. The words "I love you" probably slip out, and then he has a moment of "oh shit" before the feelings are returned.
Kor is more likely to say it when Adventurer can't hear/isn't paying attention. I'm not sure precisely how he'd pull this off, but maybe Adventurer would be asleep while he's on guard OR they'd be quite a distance from each other and he just says it, so it's up to Adventurer to read his lips. Good luck getting him to repeat it. (He might, if you ask nicely, haha.)
Luna would do something rather similar to Kor. Maybe one day, Adventurer returns to the Byrathes estate late and practically falls asleep before they hit the pallet, and Luna comes in and just sighs at the sight. But she watches them for a minute and brushes their hair back and says the words before realizing that Adventurer had woken up and denying she said anything (but she did).
Zeno probably says it while drunk. I know I play with his drinking all the time, but I'm serious. He most likely took Adventurer out drinking and then was staring at them and just blurted it out. It takes a minute for Adventurer to realize he's serious, and the next day Zeno says, "Did I say I love you? Because I meant it." And then he just sparkles and grins and what is happening here.
I hope you like these! <3
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
Gen honey, your headcanons about florus, zeno and kor reacting to adventurer in a suit inspired me to draw my adventures in suits. Since im a curious gal, can you please make similar headcanons for the rest of the kortia mains? Sorry if it's too much queen
(I promise I'll show my drawings later)
Love ya♡
Hey everyone this is a shameless plug for Erre who creates beautiful OCs.
I would love to cover the rest of the Main 7 definitely not excited to do Gerald's! I hope you enjoy <3
(Long post incoming-)
Luna Reacting to Adventurer in a Suit
Luna already gets a little weak in the knees whenever Adventurer is in the room, because frankly, why wouldn't she be? (She's also waiting for an insult a;lsdkjf;asda)
So of course those knees start wobbling a little more when Adventurer shows up in a suit
See, this is even better if she's still dressed as a maid because now she's blushing from the power dynamic
While normally she wouldn't widen her eyes or show any emotion unbefitting a maid, she can't help but widen them a bit to take in the wondrous sight before her
It's taking a lot of effort to not fall to the ground right now as Adventurer comes striding over
Of course, there is banter. Of course, Luna is blushing. (Adventurer is, too.)
Honestly, the gazes of everyone else are glued to these two because it's sort of fun to watch them flirt so openly
Bonus points if Adventurer tilts her chin up a little and looks her in the eye hehehehehe
She has a hard time sleeping that night without thinking about Adventurer for a few hours first
Dyclos Reacting to Adventurer in a Suit
Obviously he is composed at all times, he is a LORD, he will not succumb to petty DESIRES--
Then Adventurer walks in the room in a suit and suddenly he is just not okay.
Everyone around him is wondering why he's walking like he's drunk. Which he is doing because he's drunk. Well, not totally, just enough to wobble because he needed some wine to handle this all
His eyes keep drifting over to Adventurer no matter how much he tries to pay attention to the conversations at hand
His cheeks are getting redder with each new glass of wine and each glance over at the be-suited Adventurer (and yes, I just made up that word)
Finally, he just kinda slumps into a chair in another room to try and process this all, and of COURSE Adventurer walks in to check on him
He's trying really hard not to look at them, but of course Adventurer has to lean down to check his temperature and all that
Does he pull Adventurer into his lap? Mayhaps. Does Dyclos implode a little bit because he didn't think he was going to do that? Yes.
Now they're both blushing messes and it's possible everyone has already spread the rumor about this scandalous development
Alexis Reacting to Adventurer in a Suit
Of all the Main 7, Alexis handles herself the most gracefully when faced with a suited Adventurer. But even then, she's dying a bit
Unlike the others, she immediately approaches Adventurer to compliment on how amazing they look, wearing this cute little blush that makes her even more of a cutie pie than she already was
So she goes about the rest of her evening minding her business and definitely not thinking a lot about how good Adventurer looks in a suit what do you mean--
She's not sure how it happened, but somehow she and Adventurer end up alone outside or in a separate room as the party or whatever event they're at winds down
I'm not saying Adventurer casually kabedons her (the sexy hand above the shoulder against a wall thing) but I'm not saying they DON'T
It was probably an accident, too, knowing them, and next thing we know they're both blushing like fools when they should be kissing or something, not that I want them to--
Then they hear someone coming and Adventurer basically has to dive away so they don't embarrass themselves, but obviously that didn't really work since they're both blushing a lot
But whenever the person passes by they end up laughing because how funny was that it's like they're in an anime or something
There might have been premarital handholding or some cutesy leaning against each other as they waited for the party to end
Gerald Reacting to Adventurer in a Suit
On the outside, Gerald is completely composed. On the inside, alarms are blaring and his mind is screaming "MAYDAY MAYDAY EVACUATE AHHHHHH"
Have you ever seen an anime gif where like the character combusts and smoke comes off their head? That is Gerald. He has combusted. And Jack is LOVING it.
"Hey Gerald look at how great Adventurer looks in a suit" he says for the billionth time, and Gerald is staring hard into his wine glass like he refuses to ever look anywhere but there ever again
Gerald takes a little peek. Just a baby peek, really. It was just a glance. Just a look. He just looked over his shoulder a little bit, not that much--
Instant KO. Gerald nearly falls to the ground from how amazing Adventurer looks and is just dead. His soul has left his body. Adventurer is too glorious for him to handle. (But he likes it.)
He's so disoriented from all the glory that he doesn't even notice Adventurer coming to check on him (it's almost like Jack planned all this) and he can't hear Jack teasing that Gerald saw something too beautiful for this world
He's about to rouse himself to tell Jack to shut up when he sees Adventurer blushing and looking at their feet because, well, they'd seen Gerald glancing over and have put the pieces together about what Jack meant
Now they're both standing there blushing like idiots while Jack watches, grinning, before saying, "WELL, I should leave you two kids alone--" and Gerald wants to tell him to come back. But he's already gone. Dammit.
Now the rest is up to you all, but I'd say they stand there blushing for the rest of the night before Gerald finally offers to walk Adventurer home hehehehehehehehe
I might have accidentally slayed myself with these.
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genork-the-fandork · 3 years
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Well, this isn’t necessarily an event, as I have something a little bigger planned for when Kortia Chapter 4 drops (hehe), but I wanted to do something for my favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day!
This is probably a thing elsewhere or for other games, but with my started semester, my brain don’t work all too well as is, so pardon any lack of originality on my part. 😅 
In any case, this is pretty simple!
Send me a character from the Main 7! (Gerald, Zeno, Dyclos, Kor, Florus, Luna, or Alexis)
Tell me the gender of Adventurer you prefer! (If you don’t specify, I’ll do gender neutral c: )
Give me a situation, scenario, anything you want! Are Adventurer and Alexis going on a picnic for Vallauria’s version of Valentine’s Day? (Does Vallauria have one...?) Is Zeno about to confess his love for Adventurer? (O_O) It’s up to you!
On February 14th, I’ll have written all of your requests, and I’ll post them on this blog for your reading pleasure!
Sound simple? Then feel free to send me a request!
You can send as many requests as you want (but please be reasonable, I have homework---) as soon as you see this announcement!
I’ll make another little announcement when I’m done accepting requests, which will probably be sometime on February 12th.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Kortia fans!
Love, Gen <3
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