#kory or jason looking like buff ladies obviously
pentapoda · 5 months
Register to vote in the USA, get art
If you register to vote in the US 2024 presidential election, or convince someone else to register (and confirm they really did), then you can send me an art request.
Send me an ask or a tumblr dm:
tell me you registered to vote in the US for 2024
give me a request for one character to draw
fair warning, if the character you request isn't a woman / doesn't present as female, there's a nonzero chance that will change when I draw them. also if you want to weight things in your favor you should request kory and/or jason todd as wonder girl.
small print: i will fill requests as i have time / energy, if i have a backlog, i will pick one i can do. i will stop fulfilling requests shortly after the election, no matter how big the backlog. that means there's no guarantee i'll be able to fulfill your request, but 1) the earlier you register, the better a chance you'll have, 2) even if I don't, thank you sincerely very much for registering.
any details beyond character name will be viewed as optional. i'm offering to draw the character requested. any additional details will be viewed as optional. too many extra details might get the request pushed to the back because even though I said they were optional I'll feel guilty about ignoring them... but, like, you registered to vote and that's fucking great, so you do you.
anyway, point is! register to vote! you're great! I will draw you a thing, time and brain allowing!
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