verchalblue · 1 year
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blast-period · 2 years
Mood little buddy, MOOD
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snstse · 2 months
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Okay, so when the dreamland banner came out, I thought this hat looked SO adorable on the stage 1 Kotodummy. And I was sooooo excited when I got the hat.
And this is what it looks like for real:
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It is so oversized 😭
In retrospect, you can tell they shrunk the hat for the banner image, because the black outline is thinner. And I was mad I paid to insta-graduate for this lmao.
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stargazer-3373 · 1 year
「ことだま日記 」2023年5月イベント 「㊗️4周年❗️映画『ことだま日記』コトダミー賞・全部門総なめ!」アイテムデザイン
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iOS、Android向け 育成ゲーム「ことだま日記 」のアニバーサリーイベント「㊗️4周年❗️映画『ことだま日記』コトダミー賞・全部門総なめ!」の 家具/きせかえ/プロフアイコン/広報画像 を担当させていただきました! (イベント期間:2023年5月29日~7月2日) "I was in charge of furniture, accessories, prof icons, and promotional images for the anniversary event of the game ""Kotodama Diary"" for iOS and Android!" (Event Period: May 29 - July 2, 2023)
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「ことだま日記」の世界で行われた映画の祭典をイメージした家具・きせかえが登場! Furniture and accessories inspired by the film festival held in the world of "Kotodama Diary" have appeared!
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<🎞プロフアイコン(prof icons)/制作時間約5時間10分>
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イベントミッションをこなして、ぜひことだまっちをゴージャスに着飾ったり、お部屋で素敵なパーティーを楽しんでくださいね✨ Please do the event mission and dress up your Kotodummy gorgeous and enjoy a wonderful party in your room ✨
2023年5月29日に、「ことだま日記」は4周年を迎えました。これからもユーザーの皆様とことだまっちとの間に素敵なエピソードが生まれますように! On May 29th, 2023, "Kotodama Diary" celebrated its fourth anniversary.I hope you and Kotodummy will continue to have wonderful episodes!
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twerkyvulture · 1 year
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if you feed the word "dragon" to the kotodummy this is what it says lol. i love u, kotodama diary devs
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luvvyaina4ever · 1 year
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This. This game is literally therapeutic. It's called kotodama diary and it's like tamagotchi except you feed the characters words and they don't die. It's really cool and gives you emotional support and encouragement once the kotodummy is all grown up. Good for when your feeling down :)
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dollking081 · 8 months
My favourite kotodummy!! such a silly lad
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hughesation · 2 years
Do other people love Kotodama Diaries as much as me? Because I made a thing to support it, based on the fact this game haunts my tiny mind even when I'm not playing it.
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cutepixels · 4 years
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All the kotodummies I've evolved so farr~💕
I'm so obsessed with this game💕💕💕💕
Game: Kotodama Diary (mobile game)
If you play the game visit my room! My room ID is 87DB4680F336B9A3
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mothinflamesdoodles · 3 years
🍞 🐶
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drawingjester04 · 2 years
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This picture was taken because I wanted to complete my daily quests and get 30 diamonds but- here are my children TvT atleast- some of them anyway. I have old man rice out on an errand to walk in the park 👀 also- this picture is pretty outdated now since my latest kotodummy finally graduated!
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blast-period · 3 years
The best advice you could get
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stargazer-3373 · 1 year
「ことだま日記 」2023年3月イベント「ラブリーハッピーリボン」アイテムデザイン
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iOS、Android向け 育成ゲーム「ことだま日記 」にて新イベント「ラブリーハッピーリボン」の 家具26種/きせかえ12種/プロフアイコン10種/収集アイテム/各言語版タイトル を担当させていただきました! (イベント期間:2023年3月22日~4月9日) I was in charge of furniture, dress-up, prof icon, collection items, and title of the new event "Lovely Happy Ribbon" in the training game "Kotodama Diary" for iOS and Android!" (Event Period: March 22 - April 9, 2023)
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ピンク・リボンを基調にした、ドレッサーやアロマ、マシュマロ、アイドルあいにゃんのライブテレビ…とにかくKAWAIIを全面に出したアイテムが数多く登場❤️‍🔥✨ ぜひお部屋もことだまっちもキュートにデコってくださいね!💝🙌 Dressers, aromas, marshmallows, idol Ayan's live TV based on pink ribbons…Anyway, many items featuring KAWAII are now available❤️🔥✨ Please make sure to decorate your room and kotodummies cute!💝🙌
🎀家具・きせかえ(furniture and accessories)
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🎀収集アイテム・おみくじチケット(Collected Items and fortune tickets)
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🎀バナー・ロゴ (title logo)
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☆「ことだま日記」公式サイトはこちら ☆「ことだま日記」公式ツイッターはこちら
・使用ソフト CLIP STUDIO PAINT,Photoshop
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im-a-small-ghostdog · 3 years
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Daily kotodummy post to get rewards in game.
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hec-chan · 3 years
Kotodummy at it again being legendary
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dumboldingy · 3 years
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Drew some kotodummies
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