dudiinx · 2 months
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Doeu desenhar eles nesse contexto 😔
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nikkxb · 1 year
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Happy White Day, @megara09!! I'm your secret admirer!
Canon divergent in the Feudal Era is definitely something I'm rusty on, but I did enjoy the challenge of piecing together what I could make it. It's been a rough year, so I wanted to focus on slice of life, fluff, and just the sense of being home.
I really hope you enjoy it!
Read Here!
(Thank you so much to @kogkagsecretadmirer for putting on this event!)
Tag list:
@beananchzplz | @crystalballa | @cryysis | @cynthiamaiel | @decaffeinatedfacestranger | @elohiniar | @fawn-eyed-girl | @hauntedteacakes | @hermionehostclub | @iinsomiac | @itsmeimthebrainrot | @lighthousebeams | @liz8080 | @loveyou-x3000 | @miss-mad-scientist | @mynightshining | @neutronstarchild | @pointyobjects | @purpledadan | @rue-tea | @thepallaspalace | @tmifangirl27
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chupicabri · 3 years
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fuckyeahkogkag · 4 years
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lush 🔞
“A gift for some very cool KogKag gals ✨ (Aged-up consenting adults ofc. The skirt's out for the colour coordination lol) #KogKag #Omegaverse #Inuyasha”
Posted with permission from the artist.
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pointyobjects · 5 years
And Sang Makes Three
I DID IT! My nonVDay, sort of VDay Kouga/Kagome Challenge Fic, that was supposed to be, like 2,000 words, but wended up at about 7,500...ENJOY!
Thanks @nikkxb for not letting me off the hook with this. I kind of like it a little bit.
"Even though she wanted to stare into his eyes like a silly schoolgirl, she zeroed in on the small cut and closing spot of blood blooming on the side of his cheek, telling herself that even if it was his, she didn't care. And instead of the stupid, sideways grin he was wearing, Kagome worried at her lip and thought about how annoying the stubble on his chin would feel against her face and thighs."
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maddieson-san · 7 years
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First apartment, first year of university, first chapter of her adult life. Kagome Higurashi was an independent woman who did not require any rescuing - especially not from her new, handsome neighbour. And yet, life kept forcing them to collide - literally.
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skittledoodles · 7 years
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When your dad wants to take you on your first hunt but you want mommy to come too :)))
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rilldineth · 4 years
Inuyasha :>
send me a fandom and I’ll tell you…Inuyasha!
the first character I ever fell in love with: Kikyou, love at first sight tbh.
a character that I used to love/like, but now do not: Kanna.
a ship that I used to love/like, but now do not: n/a, still pretty set on my ships.
my ultimate favorite character™: Kikyou
prettiest character: Sesshoumaru ( already gave the previous to Kik, I will let him take this )
my most hated disliked character: Moryomaru.
my NOTP: SessKag, SessRin, SessKagu, InuKik, NaraKik, KougaKag, SessInu.
favorite episode: brah idr any, maybe Sess and Kik first meeting at Mt. Hakurei, as I always go back and think of that episode/moment.
saddest death: …Kikyou…why can’t I have nice things.
favorite season: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
least favorite season: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but I hate dislike: Kagome man fuck her
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Byakuya lmao
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Kikyou
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but I still love it’ ship: InuSan
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and I lowkey ship them, but I’m not too invested’ ship: Kouga and Kagura.
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theranciddwarf · 7 years
Lost and Found ch. 10
The Girl Who Overcame Time. They danced, and danced, and danced. They danced until her feet ached and her head spun, but she couldn't bring herself to stop. Even as they wandered out of the restaurant and down the street she swayed, Kouga's hand never once letting go of hers, even as she shoved him into the path of a fountain, the water spraying up and successfully soaking him. He let out shout as he leapt out of the way. Kagome laughed, so hard that her stomach hurt and her cheeks were sore. "You'll pay for that." He growled. The miko let out a shriek as she stepped away, narrowly avoiding his grip. The game of cat and mouse continued for some time, demon and priestess, leaping over benches and fountains, over hedges and around bushes. Finally the wolf grabbed ahold of his Milo's sleeve, pulling her to him. She squealed, wiggling as she tried to escape. His hold on her was firm, tight. All she could do was laugh as he dipped her down into the fountain, the cold water soaking into her hair. "Not fair!" She shouted as he righted her with a smirk. He snorted. "You started it." He flicked the end of her nose, earning a pout. "Aww, don't give me that loo-" he had let his guard down, and now he was in the basin of the fountain staring up at a grinning Kagome. He narrowed his eyes and lunged, knocking them both back onto the pavement, careful not to let her land too hard. She gasped, squirming as she tried to get away once more. She laughed again as she gave up, letting her limbs go limp. "Alright, alright, you win." She huffed, clearly out of breath from the struggle. Kouga hovered over her, his body weight holding her in place, a hand on either side of her head. Even dripping wet, she was exquisite. "I win do I?" He growled, grinning down at her. She looked up felt her face heat. His growl shook her bones, sent tremors into her very soul. "Yes, you win. I'm no match for big tough wolf demons." She said, her hands finding his forearms. The heat that radiated off of him felt as if it should have burned, but it filled her. His demon purred. "Kagome, you've got it all wrong. It is I who was never a match for you." His words struck her right in her heart. Silence found her as she stared, those eyes, so full of fire and determination were soft, so full of light, and something else she couldn't place. And they were getting closer. Her breath hitched as he leaned down, his face hovering above hers. What was he doing? Their lips touched. A jolt of fire rushed through her veins, her whole body tensing until he jerked back. "I'm sorry, I -" "Don't." Her voice was soft, her eyes wide as she tried to get him to meet hers as she forced her breath to stay somewhat even. "Don't apologize." It was his turn to be caught off guard. Her thin arms reached up, locking around his neck as she pulled him down to her, pressing her lips to his. Over five hundred years of love, half a fucking millenium of waiting and yearning he poured into the kiss, his hand cupping the back of her neck. He could feel one of her hands slide into his hair. Could she feel it? Could she feel what she did to him? A small noise in her throat pushed him forward. He let her have some air, but it was short lived, how his lips had found hers, again and again, and again. She was drowning. Drowning in emotion and feeling, drowning in his touch, she could feel his body pressing down on her, and it brought a new warmth to her, not burning hot like before, but like sitting in the warm sun, the warmth that came with light. "Hey you! What are you doing!" The two sprang apart, Kouga rolling off of his woman and leaping to his feet and letting out a growl. A few feet away was an officer, flashlight shining on them. Kagome grabbed her dress over her heart staring at the man as she sat up. "Just going for a walk, officer." She said in between gasps of air. The man pressed his lips into a hard line before walking away muttering something about 'goddamn kids.' The moment he was out of sight the two laughed. Kouga slumped back to the ground, Kagome leaning against him as he got close. She still hadn't caught her breath. "Best... Night out... Ever." He chuckled, an arm sliding around her shoulders. "You can say that again." She wasn't the only one exhilarated. He had waited so long, so long, and now, maybe he had a real chance. He let out a sigh, closing his eyes as he rested her head on top of hers. Kagome smiled to herself, a comforting familiarity to the moment. She stared up at the sky, how few stars there were. No, how little could be seen. They were still there, watching over them as they had half a century ago. Guilt washed over the young miko as her mind strayed to that firey half demon. Was she betraying him? He had spent so long waiting for her, he had died alone, still waiting for the well to open, and here she was with Kouga, smiling. Laughing. Dancing. Would he be angry with her? She choked on a sob, suddenly jerking forward, her arms wrapping around herself as a few tears dripped down her face. This feeling had hooked its nasty claws deep into her flesh. It hurt note than any flesh wound could. "Kagome?" His voice was drenched in worry. "I don't know what to do." She said simply, squeezing herself tighter. Kouga could have kicked himself. He should not have pushed her. Inside of him, his demon snarled, whimpered. "You don't HAVE to do anything." He said simply, his clawed hand kneading her back. "I shouldn't have -" "Don't say that." Said Kagome, her grip tightening again. He could see the white of her knuckles. "I can't say I didn't enjoy it I just... there's so much. Too much. My brain hasn't had time to wrap it self around everything. For years I was alone, for years I thought all was lost, and now... and he... I just-" "I know." Of course he did. Kagome looked back to her wolf. In his sapphire eyes she could see the pain that only they could understand. The wounds that only time could create. Whoever said that time healed all wounds had clearly had too much sake. She leaned back into him, instead of watching the few stars that speckled the sky, she rested her head on his chest, her knees pulled up tight to hers. His heartbeat steadied her, his warm aura wrapped around her like a thick blanket, the cold that touched her heart, the sting of loneliness faded as he gripped her as hard as she had him. The light of the moon shone over the trees when the two finally moved. The miko stretched, looking back to her wolf. "So... All wolves can sing huh?" She asked, the offhanded comment by Ayame had not been lost on the raven haired beauty. She was desperate to break the silence. "Yeah, I guess. I don't." He muttered the last bit quickly, his voice suddenly more gruff than before. "You said don't, not can't." Said the miko as Kouga stood, shaking out his stiff muscles. He sighed and looked away. Kagome watched, moving so that she was looking up at him. "Kouga?" "You've heard of wolves howling at the moon right? In human form its singing. Kind of, I guess. I used to, when I was young. As I got older it held nothing for me." He gave a shrug, but she could see that there was more to it than that. "I don't understand." He sighed louder, his lips curled. The wolf prince stepped away, his fingers running through his hair, gripping hard on the strands, pulling hard. So many memories. So many years of loneliness, of longing. "You've been here for me. You pulled me out of the darkness of my own mind... let me be here for you." The prince dropped his hands. He wanted to be strong for her. He wanted to be her rock, not her burden, but how could he deny his woman's request. She wanted to be near him, share his pain as he did hers. It brought a dull warmth to the endless ache of time. "We bay at the moon in celebration, in joy. New mates, new pups, new life. I never had any of those things. I couldn't - don't get me wrong, I tried. Even with Ayame, but I just-" he turned away, leaning on the edge of the fountain. "Seven hundred fucking years." He suddenly snarled. "Seven hundred years of watching them celebrate. Celebrate things that I could never have." His voice cracked. Kagome felt her heart give a painful jolt. Inuyasha wasn't the only one waiting. The miko stepped forward a small hand resting on his back as he reached up to wipe his face. She dared not look, she knew he would not want her to see. "Maybe one day you'll sing again." He huffed at her words, shaking his head as he straightened up, bringing a splash of cold water to his face as he did. "Maybe." He turned to face her, jerking his head towards his car. It was time he brought her home. Hope, was once for the wolf prince a feeling of dread. Even though he still feared the aftermath, the disappointment that came at the end; for the first time in countless moons, he let himself feel it, bask in it. Just fucking maybe.
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deepinthemeadowww · 8 years
A Lifetime
Summary: It was 5 years before the well opened again. Something goes wrong. (Kouga/Kagome fic)
Oh and if you didn't know, I'm cinnybuns on ffn.net.
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sensitivesalmon · 9 years
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Decided to try out this screencap redrawing meme.  Since KougaKag is my OTP and I’ve sunk back into InuYasha it seemed only fitting...
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nikkxb · 5 years
We started doing prompts on the KogKag discord group, so here’s a short drabble for our first prompt: Mail carrier. 1039 words, teen rating with mature references, short little thing that was immensely fun to write.
If you’re interested in the discord group, PM me for the link.  If you enjoy, please consider sending me a ko-fi.
Your package is currently out for delivery. Expected arrival by 8pm.
Kagome had been checking the shipment’s tracking for a week now. Bad enough that she’d been so jumpy when trying to figure out what to purchase, but the wait? Absolutely awful. And she wouldn’t be in this position if Sango hadn’t finally talked her into it.
Though she had been curious. Everyone made comments alluding to their own personal toys and she saw enough online to start feeling like she was missing out on something. But it was far easier to think about buying a sex toy than it was to actually do it.
She thought she’d die the first she went on the website Sango suggested. It was so…so…so sexy. So explicit. Not that they showcased people having sex, but just the sheer volume of products, all for so many different uses she’d never heard of — it was overwhelming. Only the promise of discreet packaging, great prices, and reliable products helped her own curiosity finally win over mortification. Well, kind of.
Kagome didn’t know how many times she looked at that website before she actually took it seriously. She found the owner’s blog and a quick scan through their recommendations, she had her choice narrowed down to three different toys with excellent reviews. All ones she could afford, all ones she could hide in her nightstand, and all ones that had her blushing down to the tips of her toes.
And then she saw the add-ons and almost scrapped the whole thing. Why were there so many different types of lube? Did she need lube? She had so many questions and not enough fortitude to find the answers. Well, she tried. But after learning why someone would buy numbing lube, she hadn’t had the courage to do it again.
Kagome still couldn’t believe people actually did that, let alone enjoyed it. However, the many positive reviews from both men and women over the particulars of how that lube worked for both numbing and ease, she couldn’t deny that they did.
But that was getting a bit ahead of herself. The last thing she needed to think about was other possible pleasures when she was still having trouble accepting that there was a discreet package holding a simple vibrator heading her way.
A solid week of picturing how this was going had her antsy in her apartment. She couldn’t sit without fidgeting, she couldn’t pay attention to the TV, she couldn’t even read, she was so restless. So she cleaned. Starting in the kitchen so she would still be able to hear the doorbell when it arrived, Kagome washed all her dirty dishes, put them away, wiped down the countertops, and when she was rearranging the fruit sitting on her table, she decided to start sweeping.
Sweeping the floor was a good thing, she figured. Quiet, but productive and it would have her moving and hopefully expelling some of this ridiculous energy coursing through her. And she didn’t even know why she was so nervous! The website guaranteed discreet shipping, the blog had photos of the boxes they sent out. It’s not like she was going to receive a box painted with a neon pink, glow-in-the-dark dildo with a naked woman showing how to use it. She was going to get a plain brown box that only showed her name, address, and the return information, along with the simple brand logo on the top.
Simple. Easy. Discreet.
She could do this.
It’s not like she was living at home anymore. And it’s not like this was her first foray into sex. She was a grown, healthy woman. She was perfectly within her rights to explore her sexuality in the privacy of her own home
A knock on the door shattered her attempt at being calm and she didn’t even pay attention to the broom clattering on the tile as she strode toward her door. Maybe it was someone else. A solicitor or a friendly neighbor needing to borrow an egg. Or it could be one of her friends stopping by unannounced like they sometimes liked to do. Or—
The door opened and standing there was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen. A neat ponytail holding thick, beautiful black hair, high cheekbones, full lips, and broad shoulders she wanted to sigh over.
“Good afternoon,” he rumbled, his deep voice skating over her skin.
“Hi.” Holy mother of chipmunks, was he hot.
“Higurashi Kagome?” He shifted and she finally noticed the box he was carrying in one hand and the scanner he held in the other.
A discreet box.
With a logo.
Right on top.
She hated the heat that seared up her cheeks. “That’s me,” she said, reaching out to sign on the scanner.
Maybe he didn’t know what it was. Maybe he never heard of the website and she was safe. Maybe he didn’t know that this was her first attempt at the orgasm her previous boyfriend had been completely incapable of giving her.
His strikingly bright blue eyes took in her blush, in her sudden shyness, and then dropped to look at the package in his hands. Her face burned even hotter when a sly, sexy grin spread on his face, recognition lighting across his face.
“Here you are.” His voice dipped deeper, a little husky, and Kagome wanted to sink through the floor as she took the box from him. “Hope you enjoy.”
She was going to die. He knew.
“Thank you,” Kagome managed to stutter out.
That smirk grew and then he was pulling out a card and pen from his pocket. He jotted something on the back and then handed it to her, finally stepping away from the doorstep. “Have a good day.”
Kagome managed to close her door without slamming it, her body shaking as she looked at what he gave her. Kouga, his business card read, along with the phone number and social media information for what appeared to be a local woodworker. Maybe he built things on the side?
Flipping it over, she flushed.
I’d love to see that pretty blush again. Drinks? Call me.
As soon as Kagome could function again, she was going to kill Sango.
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chupicabri · 4 years
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Man, Kouga always gets to me with his passion 💔
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fuckyeahkogkag · 4 years
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lush 🔞
“A gift for @nikkxb ✨ #inuyasha #nsfw #kogkag #kouga #kagome #matchtheheadband”
Posted with permission from the artist.
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maddieson-san · 7 years
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P.E Teacher
Chapter 6
FFN }{ AO3
Jewel hunting, time travels, demons and past lives. Who would have thought that the most interesting part of her day would be her P.E class?
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theranciddwarf · 7 years
Kouga/ Kagome Fix Ch. 7
Lost and Found Chapter 7 Those Golden Eyes Light and darkness. Two sides of a coin. Without light, one would never know darkness, and it seemed the more light, the more painful the darkness seemed to feel. Kagome sat in her room, her knees drawn up to her chest, head buried in her arms. The darkness had crept up on her again. When she awoke from her slumber she was screaming, wailing for help. It wasn't until her mother splashed her face with cold water that her eyes sprang open, but there were void of light. The poor woman's mother prodded, begged for her to tell her of the dreams that plagued her daughter so badly, but the young miko fell into a dead silence, her eyes seeing but at the same time not. It wasn't until the doorbell rang that Miyu left her daughter's side. She peered through the peep hole to see none other than Kouga standing there, hands jammed into his pockets, the toe of his black boots tapping the welcome mat under his feet. Miyu heaved a heavy sigh as she pulled the door open. "Good morning Kouga." She said softly, her smile springing onto her face. "Mornin' miss Higurashi -" "How many times have I told you, it's Miyu." Said the woman letting Kouga inside. As he stepped in he let his enchantments fade, something that she'd become accustomed to in the last few weeks. "Uh - Miyu. I know there isn't work to be done, but I thought I'd stop by anyways." He offered Miyu a smile, but hers faded immediately. Kouga's heart sunk. He'd awoken covered in a sheen of sweat, a terrible feeling rooted in the pit of his stomach. It seemed his feeling was correct. They'd built three of the buildings Kagome had planned, and started the fourth when the funds ran short. Kagome had been using her school fund to pay for the renovations to the shrine, and he only had so much to spare without putting his pack in debt. Of course Kagome wouldn't allow that. With no work to keep her mind occupied, Miyu had expressed her worries to Kouga a few days before. She knew her daughter well. "Kagome is not well." Said Miyu shutting the door with a quick snap. "I don't know if seeing you will make things better, or worse." Kouga nodded. "It doesn't mean I can't try." He grunted, his voice barely more than a growl. "Please, do." Miyu watched as Kouga stepped out of his boots, not bothering to take off his jacket as he climbed the steps to her room. The scent of tears soaked the air, despair rolled out of the open door in waves. Nothing he could have done would have prepared him for the sight he walked in on. His knees gave out under the weight of her heavy aura. It was crushing him inside and out, he could only imagine how the young miko felt. Crawling like a babe, he pulled himself closer to her, drawing her into his lap, his arms curled around her along with her heart. How could he protect her from the demons that he could not see? He was never coming for her. The darkness. He was gone. She didn't have the strength to fight the darkness alone. It was so cold. Her very blood was frozen in place, her heart barely beating. She couldn't see passed the darkness, there was not even the light from the jewel. She couldn't feel it any more. She hasn't felt it for ages. There was no light left. The light was gone. Her light. Kikyo. She could have saved them all. But kagome was too late. She couldn't even save one woman, how could she fend off this endless darkness? She was so goddamn useless. She was so alone. "Kagome..." Her body stiffened. Inuyasha? Had he finally come for her? No. It couldn't be. He was dead, unless... Unless she was dead too. How bittersweet. "Kagome... I'm here..." No. That voice wasn't Inuyasha's. It was different. So warm. Like a wave heat washed over her, crashing into the darkness. Her limbs began to thaw. "Who's there?" She whispered, her eyes darting around the darkness. So warm, so familiar. "Kagome, it's me." Who! Who are you?! "C'mon kagome, come back to me. You can't leave us now. The pack is so excited to see you." Pack? Like a pack of dogs? No... A pack of wolves. Like the shattering of a mirror, her body jerked upright, the light that had been blocked by the darkness in her own heart broke. The sunlight burned as a sob escaped her lips, curling into the figure that held her so tight. "Kouga...' She whined, her hands gripping his jacked with such fierceness that she might have torn right through it. "Shhh, it's okay, I'm here now." He cooed, his clawed fingers running through her hair. "I'll always be here, Kagome." As long as she wanted him to be, he would be what she needed, whether that was a fighter, a friend, a light in her darkness, a shoulder to cry on or even a punching bag. He had waited half a millennium to see her again. If she needed a doormat, that's what he would be. As long as he would see her smile once more. "Kouga..." She managed a while later, peeling her face from his tear soaked jacket, and she meant soaked. Her cheek has stuck to the leather, making an odd sound as it detached. She blinked up at him. "You came... I - when did you get here?" "This morning." Grunted the wolf, his gaze avoiding the glowing red numbers of her alarm clock. It was well into the afternoon. He held her for so long, his limbs were nearly asleep from sitting in one position for so long, but he dared not let go. He would not leave her on her lonesome. Not when she needed him the most. She turned to the numbers that he was clearly avoiding looking at. Her eyes widened. It was just like that time in the jewel. It seemed like long minutes had passed, time stretched like cold butter across hot bread, but it had been hours. "Kagome... you can talk to me y'know? You mother, she's worried." "She won't understand. None of them will, they never - they can't even fathom the world of your time. They -" "I can." There was a simple truth to his words, he was right, of course he was. He had lived those times and years after. He had witnessed the darkness that was Narraku, he knew of the evil in the world, the dark magic that existed beyond what could be seen with the naked human eye. She sighed, turning so her legs were no longer draped across him, instead stretched out in front of them, her back pressed into his chest, his arms not once breaking the circle they had made around her. "When narraku was killed, I was trapped in the jewel, surrounded by darkness. No noise, no ground or sky, just the endless void. The void, and the jewel. It whispered awful things to me. It fed my fear, and I almost gave into it. What I didn't know was that I'd been trapped there for three days. Three days of nothing but darkness. The only reason I didn't wish myself free of the void was -" her voice caught in her throat. "- I made the right wish in the end, and the jewel brought me here... But the darkness... I still find myself lost in it." Kouga listened, his arms squeezing tighter around her. Guilt washed over him. He had turned away from the search for Narraku, he had turned away from her, and he wasn't there for her. "You're not alone." He managed, his voice barely louder than a growl. "You never will be." "Kouga..." She whispered as his head drooped onto her shoulder. He gave a small tremble. "I'm sorry that I wasn't there, I should have been. I should never have left your side I-" his voice cut off, he seemed to choke on his words. Carefully she wound her arms around his. "You're here now. We're here now. That's all that matters OK?" Her words were meant to be comforting, and they were, slightly, but the guilt lingered, like a deep fog in his mind. They stayed like that for a while, in a comfortable silence, until the doorbell downstairs wrenched them from their solitude. Kagome stretched, Kouga helping her to her feet. "What an unproductive day." She mumbled as she fixed her kimono, brushing her hair over her shoulder. Kouga snorted. "You need a break. All I ever do is see you working on something." He grumbled. "When I have nothing to focus on... my mind wanders too much." She stared down at the ground until Kouga grabbed her attention, tilting her head to look at him. "Than we'll do something." He said simply. It was never that simple. "Like what?" "I don't know, we' go for dinner or something, get out of the shrine for a bit hn?" He let go and she felt her smile surface again. "Yeah, I'd like that." She opened her mouth once more when her mother's voice called from downstairs. "Kagome! There's a visitor here for you!" The miko turned towards the door. Who would be coming to visit her? She reached out, her reiki stretching down the steps ahead of her, realization dawning on her as Kouga let out a soft growl. No words needed to be spoken between them, they could both feel the demon that stood impatiently in the living room. As the Miko rounded the corner, she was somewhat surprised at the figure perched on the couch. A man, perhaps in his late flurries, bald with large yellowing eyes stared at the stairway. There was something... familiar about him, but her memory seemed to fail her. "Good afternoon." Chirped Kagome giving her head a bow in respect. The man didn't bow back, but stood. He barely came up to her stomach. "Miko." He said back, his voice oddly squeaky, almost a high croak. Her eyebrows knitted together. "I have come on behalf of my m- employers. The Taisho Pharmaceutical Company wishes to make a donation to this shrine. The restoration of this shrine, and the historical figures connected to it has become of great interest to them." Kagome was stunned, staring down at the little demon. The company he spoke was the single largest medical company in all of Japan. "I- thank you." She bowed her head deeper, straightening up after a long moment. "This means so much. Restoring this shrine... remembering the forgotten history the world should never have left to gather dust." The little demon stared at the Miko, a perplexed look in his eye. It didn't last more than a second before he straightened up, narrowing his large eyes. "An honorable task." Said the man, nodding as looked down at his watch. "They will be glad to hear of your plans. Ready yourself, they should be here momentarily." Kagome looked over her shoulder at Kouga, there was a strange look on his face, stuck somewhere between amusement and worry. What was that look? Who was this little demon? Her gaze darted back to the demon who stared blankly at her. What was going on here? The doorbell crashed through her thoughts like the point of an arrow. Who was at that door? Why wouldn't Kouga look her in the eye? The door, from the other side she could feel all aura, like a mist of ice droplets that crashed into her skin. A gentle hail against her own aura. Kagome hadn't realized that she'd been moving until her palm pressed against the cold door handle. Her heart leapt into her throat. It was far from Kouga's warm wave, but it was... It was so familiar. Witg a hard yank, she pulled the door from the frame, swinging it open and letting out a short squeak, her hands clapping tight over her mouth as she stared into a deep gold. A gold she thought long forgotten to time. "Are you going to stare for an eternity, or let us enter?" The stern voice snapped her out of her gaze. How long had she been staring? "Stop that, Sesshomaru. There is no need, the poor girl is probably as shocked as we were." Came another voice as Kagome stepped back, a black haired woman stepping out from behind the suit-clad demon, and offering the bewildered woman a wide smile, her eyes closing. An image flashed through the miko's mind. A young girl clad in a checkered orange and yellow kimono. "Rin?" "Lady Kagome, it has been too long." The dam broke. Kagome launched herself forward, an arm wrapping an arm around the woman, squeezing her tight, the other, without thinking looped around the stoic demon lord who stiffened, clearly uncomfortable by the tight embrace holding the three of them together. He moved to push the woman off, but a glare from his mate made him still, though he made no move to console the sobbing woman as Rin had. It had taken several minutes, prying of fingers from a suit jacket, a growl from a daiyoukai and many hugs from a smiling Rin to move Kagome to the living room. She still sniffles loudly, dabbing at her face with a handkerchief. "S-so you saw the new report?" Kagome said through her tears, giving a little hiccup. "Yes, we didn't think it was you at first, but clearly we were wrong." Rin spoke, seated on the couch next to the watery miko, their knees touching. "I didn't think - I didn't know if - it hadn't even crossed my mind that you could be alive still." Kagome let out a sigh, letting out another sob of laughter. "Especially you Rin, you're human, you're like me." "But I am mated to a demon." Rin's words caused Kagome to jerk her head up, eyebrows raised. The cold demon lord gave a short nod. Of course. Kagome's face burst into a brilliant smile. "Im so happy for you!" She said, taking Rim's hands in hers. "I knew he couldn't be all bad, y'know." Kouga, who Kagome had almost forgotten about let out a snort, a growl ripping through the room. "He's a big softie under all those glares." Said Rin with a giggle. "Watch it, woman." He snarled, but as Kagome looked back to him, his face was not angry. That little human girl had melted the ice prince's heart. Kagome laughed again, this time loud and bright. "What is so funny, miko?" Snapped the demon lord. "She is happy." Said Kouga, his voice strained as he watched the little miko hold onto Rin, asking a million questions. How many children did they have? How was their lives in the new times? His eyes burned as he saw his woman light up, throwing her hands into the air as she spoke, occasionally turning to ask the dog something. A gentle hand on his shoulder made the wolf turn, Miyu was smiling up at him, a tissue in her hand. Kouga almost denied it, but as Kagomes laughter rang through the room once more, he forced himself to turn away from the demon lord, taking the piece of cloth and holding it behind him, just in case. "...well, we'd like to help." Said Rin after having asked Kagome of her project for the shrine. They had listened to the young woman tell her story of the closed well, and her journey to find herself once more. The miko felt her eyes prickle, but she was sure that she couldn't cry another tear. "Thank you." Kagome's voice cracked. "It's the least we could do." Said the woman shaking her head. "Jaken. Fetch the trunk and documents." Barked the lord, the short older man scrambling out of the room, the front door shutting with a snap behind him. They fell into a comfortable silence as Sesshomaru took a seat beside his mate, a hand gently wrapped around her free one. Rin sighed, leaning back on the couch, pulling kagome back with her, resting her head on the miko's shoulder. Kouga gave up watching, taking a seat beside Kagome. Her hand, without thinking reached for his, their fingertips resting against one another. "So." Started Rin, a smirk spreading to her face. "When did you stumble upon Lord Kouga?" "Actually... he found me." Kagome managed with a smile, turning her head to him. "He and the boys have helped me with the shrine. Even donated a few old pieces of armor to the collection. I uh... I don't know if I could have done all this without him. It took me days upon days to get half a building up." "Don't kid yourself Kagome, you work just as hard as me and the boys." Said the wolf prince gently clapping a hand to her knee. She felt her face head up, unable to look at him. He grinned. The daiyoukai cocked an eyebrow at the wolf over the women's heads. "You should see it. She uses her reiki to give her strength. The first time she lifted one of the huge beams I nearly dropped a load." "Kouga! That's gross!" She hissed, slapping his chest. He let out an 'oof' followed by a laugh. "Impressive none the less." Kagome was shocked, none other than the ice lord himself had spoken. "I uh - thanks." She said with another blush. To be complimented by him of all people was an honor. The front door opened again followed by heavy huffing and puffing. Kouga turned his head, letting out a sigh as he watched the little demon struggle with a trunk that he could easily have stuffed himself in twice over. "Hold on, Kami, you're going to scratch the floor to hell." He grumbled getting up. "I can do it you foolish wolf!" The little demon shouted as Kouga moved over to him, easily hoisting the trunk. It was heavier than he had expected, but not too bad. "How dare you boy! I, the servant of the great lord sesshomaru can complete the task he has asked of me, there is no need for your interference!" "Shut up." Kouga barked his foot knocking the little demon back. "I'm not going to let you ruin Mrs. higurashi's floor because of your tiny little pride." The demon let out a huff and raced passed the wolf, at least he could hand the miko the other of the things he was asked. He skidded to a halt in front of the miko, an envelope extended. She laughed at his determination. "What are you laughing at human?" He chirped, clearly annoyed. "Nothing Jaken. Some things just never change." Said Kagome taking the envelope. "Yeah, I grew up be he stayed just as small." Said Rin, causing a loud outburst, only making the women laugh. Even Sesshomaru gave a little smirk, much to Kagome's amusement. Kouga set the trunk down as Miyu set a tray of tea on the table. "I'm not sure what demons eat, but I thought I'd offer." Said the woman , offering the daiyoukai and his mate her smile, the one Kagome had clearly inherited. The lord stared at the woman for a moment before nodding a thank you. She had no qualms with a demon being in her house, serving them as she would any other guest. She gave a bow of her head and turned, taking a seat on an arm chair near by. "Are you going to open it?" Asked Rin, looking at Kagome who had calmed her laughter, but was still gripping at her sides. "Alright, alright." She said, wiping the tears from her eyes before gently tearing at the envelope, pulling out the sheets inside before letting out a loud gasp. "I can't accept this." She whispered.
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