#kouki is a medium
revasserium · 9 months
his rich + self-aware combination topped the CAKE. yeah… he’s like… so so so so so funny. i also love how he’s associated with purple because i love love purple. speaking of kag’s VA, do u play the game in chinese or jpn dub? i assume jpn dub with cn text since u mentioned being able to understand the game in cn. also, u studied in florence? was it also for art or a student exchange sort of thing? — @anonymilk
anonymilk i'm saving ur prev ask as a request u__u imma write that shit BINCH I AM SO HYPE.
i uh -- play each character w/ a dif voice pack bc i'm UNWELL i mean -- i just... have a thing for voices? so i went through the official tot website and like.... listened to all the va's and picked the ones that i liked the best:
marius (JPN)
artem (S-CH)
luke (T-CH)
vyn (KR)
and the ensemble cast speak jpn bc... i'm writing this game off as my jpn language practice.... bc yeah... that's totally what i play it for. uh-huh.
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greetings-inferiors · 21 days
Kouki Midori (HIS NAME IS LITERALLY MR GREEN LMAOOOOOOOOO) is one of the protagonists for my Personal Persona Project, Persona: Green. He’s an 18/19 year old first year uni student, average height, medium length hair, pretty average guy really. He’s kind hearted, with some trickster energy when he’s in a funny mood. He’s very empathetic, and loves hanging out with and interacting with others. He’s quite the optimist, too, believing that worrying about things only leads to too much worrying, and it’s best to move forward and tackle problems. This leads to a problem when he has issues which can’t be easily solved, in which case he tends to just… ignore them. He’s looking forward to his time at uni, being quite skilled at both the arts and sciences, though he intends to pursue solely the sciences. If only he had reason to, say, tutor someone studying literature (foreshadowing). He wears bright colours, like green and yellow, though his wardrobe is pretty basic once you get past the bright colour palette, shirts, jumpers, shorts, and trousers. He gravitates towards people that need his help, so the party members he forms social links with, Miyuki, Safie, Nenji, and Tsuneko, are all those that he can help find purpose and meaning in life, whether that be helping Safie find a passion in the human world, or helping Tsuneko cope with and live around her disability.
His persona is Arthur, of the Sun arcana, legendary king of England. He manifests as a knight in smooth, gleaming white and yellow armour, with a helmet in one hand and jewelled sword in the other, his hair flowing behind him. He is atop a steed, or at least half a steed, made of that same metal. His element is Holy/light, but he also functions as a healer. He maybe even buffs others, idk.
Kouki himself wields a sword, obviously. The foliage that lets him summon Arthur manifests as a wreath atop his head, that he slashes with his sword (because he just has to be that cool). His fighting style is strategic and graceful, fitting for the leader, and he’s ready to support his teammates that focus more on offence.
At the start of the story he’s just moved to a new city, when he notices a cough, and going for a check up, is informed he has caught a very early lung cancer, and that he should consider himself lucky he caught it so early, and so his chances of living are very optimistic with treatment. He has faith in humanity, having been shown kindness all his life, and he’s more than happy to repay that kindness to others, a belief goaded by a tad unprofessional doctor waxing poetic about humanity’s advancements when it comes to saving lives. Across his journey he sees both the good and bad in humanity, learning that while not everyone always are what they seem, everyone has the potential to do good, no matter who they are.
If I had to sum up his relationship with each of the party members:
Miyuki: The strongest bond on the team, he’s able to see through her walls and teasing and see who she really is. He’s determined to bring out the best in her, while not letting her off the hook easily when she messes up. He sees the best in everyone, but you have to put in work to be the best, y’know? He does genuinely really respect her, too, and finds her funny lol
Safie: She kinda forced herself into his life and is crashing at his place, but can see that she’s a lovely person, even if her grasp (or lack thereof) of humans, society, and boundaries can make it hard to get along. They’re practically siblings.
Nenji: They hang out at restaurants quite a lot, they just like to shoot the shit. Nenji is quite unconfident and Kouki helps him to come out of his shell and have confidence in himself, and stand up for himself.
Shin: Appreciates Shin’s professionalism and tactical combat style. Very much respects him in an academic context as well, constantly asking for insight into maths coursework, which Shin happily provides.
Yoshie: Kind of terrified of her, she acts quite manic around him. She’s a great fighter and her bubbly enthusiasm is great for the group, she’s just… a lot.
Tsuneko: He helps her counteract and live with her fatigue, and enjoys seeing her have more and more energy as the year goes on. Also enjoys listening to her rambling about whatever thing she’s interested in recently.
Johnny: Loves how enthusiastic Johnny is, and it drives Miyuki insane so he’ll go along with any of his antics. They have matching cowboy hats that Johnny bought for him.
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acalculatedfuture · 1 year
Attraction meme
Barry for Dawn and Kouki!!
attraction meme
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
The Cookie:
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
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whanaukaretao · 4 months
Statement of Intent
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Photo / Makoto Shinkai’s feature film ‘Your Name’ (2016)
14 November 2023
‘Honey Moon Valley Road’
Photography, moving image and/or mixed media with an anime-like appearance.
A love story (or stories) set in a futurist Auckland – perhaps 50 to 100 years into the future – with fictional characters whose romance plays out around what we currently know as K Road and other inner city streets and places.
Rather than a dystopian society – impacted by the worst impacts of climate change and other environmental and societal ills – I’m imagining an almost bohemian world. What if we listened to the young, to the dreamers, and others who love nature, the earth and only want peace and love for everyone? Imagine a city overwhelmed in the most beautiful way with wildflowers and nature’s beauty which we seamlessly co-exist with.
There is a country road near Kaitaia in the north called Honey Moon Valley Road. I’m imagining uprooting and dropping the romantic sentiment of that road onto K Road and building a story around that. The story will centre around two characters/one couple – or could even involve a handful of couples who have each found or celebrated love on K Road, in whatever shape or form.
I may borrow from my grandparents own love story. They were married at the top of Queen St, just around the corner from K Road in the late-1930s. My grandfather, a Swedish-Kiwi 20-something, lived in the Far North and my grandmother a teenage Māori woman lived in Hawke’s Bay. She bused from the east coast to Auckland by herself to meet up with and marry him. I doubt she’d ever been to the city. She must have been nervous and probably more than a bit scared – but she did it, for the promise of love.
Artistic influences:
a. Japanese anime filmmaker Makoto Shinkai’s teenage love story ‘Your Name’. His films begin in simple, naturalistic settings before the characters are pulled into a fantasy or sci-fi plot. In Your Name, “Two teenagers share a profound, magical connection upon discovering they are swapping bodies. Things manage to become even more complicated when the boy and girl decide to meet in person.”
This movie and my experience of seeing anime and manga in Japan sold me on the power of the artform.
b. Japanese artist Kouki Ikegami who creates digital artworks that look as though they're stills from an anime. I’d like to reverse this process and create photos that look like anime.
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c. Turkish photographer Akif Hakan who draws from the dark side of anime, such as the style of Tokyo’s Harajuku. His images are quite provocative. They weren’t what I was originally thinking, but do fit a K Road theme. At a minimum, they open up the idea of anime-inspired portraiture.
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d. Japanese artist Tsunotsuno who creates illustrations of inflatable balloons in the shape of anime girls. This is outside the frame of my early thinking – and current artistic ability - but it’s a useful reference all the same.
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e. Sim Kern’s The Free People's Village (book).
“In an alternate 2020 timeline, Al Gore won the 2000 election and declared a War on Climate Change rather than a War on Terror. For twenty years, Democrats have controlled all three branches of government, enacting carbon-cutting schemes that never made it to a vote in our world. Green infrastructure projects have transformed U.S. cities into lush paradises (for the wealthy, white neighborhoods, at least) …”
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f. Honey Moon Valley Road, Peria, Northland
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kirakhproject · 5 months
Animals of Natikah
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Some creatures, with their name in the Sanatakea language in the top, and their scientific name in the bottom, in a made up conlang that I quickly made for this.
List of creatures and the niches they were supposed to represent:
Laarecou: Fast running grazer (antelope, deer, or kangaroo analogy)
Renoulis: Lithe pursuit predator (wolf analogy)
Sazukaa: Supposed to be a sheep/goat analogy
Kouki: Small stocky carnivore (badger or wolverine analogy)
Zouxuyee: Armored herbivore (Rhino or cattle analogy)
Rehou: Giant browser (Giraffe analogy)
Zeyaaxu: Medium browser (Moose analogy)
Saakee: Small grazer (Rabbit analogy)
Leara: Supposed to be a mouse/rat analogy
Sanre: Arboreal predator
Keaxe: Arboreal omnivore (Monkey/squirrel analogy, closely related to the Kirakh)
Naaxi: Large omnivore (supposed to be a pig analogy, design might change later)
Neexou: Specialized insectivore (Anteater analogy)
Pentapodia: Bulky ambush predator (Large cat analogy)
Thanea: Bulky ambush predator (Bear analogy)
Sikhukhaa: Giant browser (Elephant analogy)
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There's only two of these right now, there might be more in the future.
Seakeli: Lizard analogy
Xanouthi: Kinda lizard analogy, but it is erect.
These are currently the only animal groups that I have, I would make more if I could.
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healbellls · 1 year
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@acalculatedfuture has sent: ღ The Sinnoh legends for Barry
attraction meme Inbox me a ‘ღ’ and I’ll rate you with the following: [Accepting, mutuals, SPECIFY MUSE]
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Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Romantic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sexual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Aesthetic attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme Sensual attraction: none | very low | low | medium | high | very high | extreme
Frontier brain Barry is with his head empty bc those two are holding his braincells hostage.
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greycaelum · 2 years
What does Kouki do when his eyes hurts and his cursed technique goes hullabaloo? [Ask kikufuku]
"I break the crystal marble. Papa said once the medium is broken, the curse technique is also released. I'm not that good at controlling my curse technique yet, Sho-chan heals my eyes when it gets too painful but I feel better and safer when Papa or Mama holds me while I wait for the pain to go away."
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furihata · 3 years
[AkaFuri] The President’s Guide to Furihata Kouki
Title: The President’s Guide to Furihata Kouki Pairing: Akashi/Furihata Summary:
“Actually, before we go, there was something I wanted to do for you,” he began, shifting in his seat as he spoke. He looked unsure, as he sometimes did when he was trying to surprise Akashi. “I don’t know if you can call it a gift. I mean, I can’t exactly buy you a yudofu restaurant, as much as I’d like to. So I had to get creative.”
An intrigued smirk crossed Akashi’s face, “Why would I need another restaurant? I’m sure whatever you’ve prepared for me will be infinitely more appealing.”
More snippets from my AkaFuri office AU, of various moments when Akashi can’t help but think Furihata Kouki is not your average assistant.
Or, three birthdays, and five times Furihata stole Akashi’s heart.
Notes: Happy Birthday Akashi! This is the third and final companion piece to  Whether Asleep or Awake, marking the end of my At All Hours series. Read: HERE @ AO3.
“One medium americano, please.”
As the barista behind the counter punched in his order, Akashi looked over at the assistant next to him. Under groggy eyes, he stifled a yawn behind his shirtsleeve. “And for you, Furihata-kun?”
“Huh? Oh, I’m fine,” Furihata tried to smile in light of the offer, only for another yawn to escape him.
“Please,” Akashi insisted, grabbing his wallet from within his coat pocket. “You look as if you’re about to doze off any second now. Allow me to buy you a coffee, at the very least.”
“Um, well… okay then,” the brunette scratched the back of his head, “I’ll have a caramel latte then – extra shot of espresso, please.”
Once their coffees were ready, Akashi picked up both drinks and directed Furihata to a table by the window. They were at his favourite coffee shop, a classy but quaint café that Akashi liked to visit some days before diving into work. He wasn’t in any rush to get back to the office, and the biting cold of an early December morning didn’t make him very eager to be outside again.
Continue @ AO3
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chemicalmagecraft · 3 years
Foresight is 20/20 Chapter 12
I axe kicked a giant rock in half. That was fun. I also found floating around not with demon sage cores but with glittery red fairy wings made from demon sage chakra to be enjoyable as well. Because I was pure chakra, I was actually a lot better at handling natural energy than weak, inferior carbon-based lifeforms and could absorb more without any kind of negative effects. Sure, there was some instability if I went too high, but it was nowhere near as bad as the side effects on a human, and I could expel the excess pretty easily. "Dang," Kouki said from where he was sitting on another rock. I turned to face m-him. "So I guess you're just default a lot stronger than me. Makes sense, you're basically a mini biju." I could tell through our connection that he was a little off about how he couldn't access the red chakra that was now me, but that was mostly overshadowed by his marvel over the potential of Demon Shadow Clone Jutsu, the jutsu that created me. He fidgeted a bit, causing his arm to mutate slightly, red scales forming instead of the frog limbs that comes from using toad oil as a medium. "Dangit." The demon sage cores orbiting him sucked all of the natural energy out of him, setting him back to square one.
I grinned and "sat" on the air in front of him. "You having trouble, bro?" Kouki had decided that with the extra control granted to him whenever we were separate, combined with the fact that he couldn't fall back on red chakra without me, that he should finally learn how to make sage chakra the right way.
He glared at me. "You know as well as I do that this isn't easy to do properly."
I grinned and started telekinetically messing with a leaf using my sage aura. "Do I really?" I spontaneously combusted it.
"Haha." He closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out in concentration.
"Right," I said. "Imma go see what else I can do." I melted into the ground, merging the energy that made up my body with the shadows of the grass. It turned out that, while I couldn't move fast at all when projecting myself as a shadow that didn't already exist, whenever I entered a real shadow, I could move... well, I didn't know how fast exactly because I hadn't gotten around to figuring out how to calculate that, but at the very least it was fast enough that it looked like teleportation even when Kouki pulled a little trick with the Shoraigan to slow down the "footage."
So yeah, I got to the the trees pretty dang fast. I flew out of the shadows in my "biju form," which was really just me as a fox with fur the color of my clothes with the exception of a "mane" the same color as my hair, and sliced a tree in half with my claws. I opened my mouth, compressing red and blue chakra in a way that just felt... right. Even with sage mode it was small and a little draining, but it was still a biju dama. I launched it at a tree, obliterating it into smoking mulch. I sighed at the relatively small AOE, but then grinned about the fact that I just made a biju dama. Unfortunately, my victory was cut short by Kouki calling for me to come back through our telepathic link. That meant it was time for our experiment, which he wanted to be whole for just in case something went wrong. I shrugged. "Guess it's for the best," I thought to myself. "Was probably going to just throw around dama 'til I ran out of chakra." I melted into the shadows and zipped off to Kouki.
I sighed as I felt Chikage returning to me. It was reassuring to have my red chakra back, even if I didn't really use it that much. Still, I suppose I did have the demon gems to fall back on, on account of how my connection to other sources of my own red chakra was uninterrupted. I crossed my arms behind my back and turned around, my eyes closed. "Finally," I said. "A project months in the making, about to be fulfilled. I'm assuming you're here to watch, eh, Tenko?"
Ai laughed. "That's a lot less intimidating if we know you can sense us, kid." I sighed and opened my eyes. "And wasn't it only one month?"
I shrugged. "Felt like more. Might just have been from that one part where they read my journal..." I held my hands out in front of me and the giant scroll I'd taken to sealing as much demon Sage chakra into as possible once I'd filled the demon sage seal on my body, the Scroll of the Demon Sage, appeared floating in front of me through a summoning instead of a sealing on account of how its power meant I couldn't seal it in my inventory scrolls and actually keep anything else in it as well. "This is it. What might be the second most powerful thing in Konoha." The scroll unfurled slightly, revealing a seal tag that as of then contained most of its power. Uzumaki are really good at handling stupid levels of energy, okay? At least I'd also managed to complete my first mini biju dama paper bomb... "Are you ready to receive this power?" I asked Ai.
"Is this really necessary?" Tenko asked, worried.
"No," Ai and I both said at the same time.
"But really, what's the point of amassing an insane amount of dangerously powerful chakra if you don't infuse as much as possible into the best known person for taking in stupid amounts of chakra just to see what happens?" I elaborated.
Ai nodded and gingerly took the demon sage seal tag from its place in the scroll. "Right, so I'm guessing you have somewhere you want me to stand?"
I slung the scroll on my back and pointed over to an area I'd prepared in advance. "There. I've already set up four cores with orders to use the Four Violet Flames Formation should anything go wrong." A nice thing about having multiple potent sources of chakra at my total command, I'd found, was the fact that I could potentially use collaboration nin- or genjutsu without actually having to collaborate with anyone.
Tenko sighed. "That's not reassuring."
Before Tenko could actually object, Ai slapped the tag on her chest. "Toolatealreadyusedit!" She quickly shouted. The red lines of the seal tag began to glow orangey-gold, then started to spread to cover her entire body in a thick chakra cloak. She laughed maniacally, floating into the air as nine tail-like chains made of the same chakra sprouted from her backside. The chains spread to curl around the entire training ground, a red, domed barrier coming into existence at the edges. I don't know if she meant to or not, but her barrier materialized just before the shinobi that I'd had posted nearby via Sandaime just in case of a worst-case scenario, cutting them off.
"Kouki-kun, what did you do to my wife?" Tenko asked worriedly.
I grinned. "'Wife?' So did either of you finally pop the question?"
She flinched, then blushed. "I... haven't yet... I do have the ring, though."
I shrugged. "Hope for the best with you two. And by the way, I'm sure it'll go over fine." Ai's maniacal laughter grew louder, causing me to turn my attention back to her. She put her hands in front of her, as if she was holding an invisible ball. Oh. "A thought occurs to me," I said, making sure to keep my voice calm.
"That doesn't sound good..." As if on cue, Ai started to slowly form a disconcertingly familiar-looking chakra ball in between her hands. In addition to that, countless streaks of energy began to slowly form in the air, gravitating to the epicenter. That epicenter being a modified biju dama.
"So there was this one clan with a Kekkei Genkai that allowed them to passively accumulate natural energy and then use that to mutate themselves. Because they didn't work for it, though, the natural energy caused them to become uncontrollable, entering homicidal rages. Because of that, they were almost completely wiped out." At that point, I started to feel a slight tug on my chakra, though I was able to resist it.
"So what you're saying is..."
"She's drunk on power, yeah. Whoops."
"How, exactly, did you not notice that'd happen with your eyes?"
"Figured out a way to make sure that nothing bad enough I can't fix it will happen while still not spoiling me on what happens. Use exclusively that for my experiments now," I explained. I noticed a bit of chakra chain straying near me and had an idea. "Hang on, let me fix this." I tried to grab the chain with a chakra thread, but it was just sucked in, so I aborted almost immediately and just lunged at it. It was starting to get to the point where I needed to have my demon gems actively cling to me to make sure they weren't sucked in. That would be bad. Thankfully, I managed to grab the chain and my theory was right. Just like how Kurama still held some link to my red chakra and Kaguya still had some link to his chakra, I could feel my connection to the chakra in the modified Adamantine Sealing Chain. I grabbed it with both hands, wrapped one side around my arm, then tugged the two sides in opposite directions.
With a bit of willpower applied, one link snapped and got spaghettified by the still-growing ball of impending doom, leaving me with a really long chain of chakra that I could control wrapped around my arm. "Right, let's hope this works or Konoha probably becomes partially made of smoking crater," I said, glad that I'd picked one of the farthest training grounds from Konoha proper, then pulled a leaf out of Ai's new book and sucked the chain into my body, making sure to strip enough natural energy off of it that I didn't become a glittery garden statue. "Oooh," I grunted, then sucked in a breath. I noticed that with one chain down, the chakra-sucking had slowed back down, though I knew it was going to pick back up if I didn't do anything.
"Are you okay?" Tenko asked.
"Yeah, just a bit of a rush," I said. "Sorry. Well, here goes..." I concentrated on the chakra that I'd absorbed. After a few seconds, I was able to form two purple chains of chakra that emerged from my sleeves. I drew on the power I'd stolen from Ai to lengthen the chains significantly, taking the shortest possible paths I could to intersect her chains with my own. Once I'd gotten all of her chains, I tugged on the chakra in them, converting Ai's golden chains to my purple chains. The effect cascaded, eating away at all of her chains until her chains were fully turned, making the barrier fall and stopping the suction effect fully. I jerked my arm, causing nine chains to sprout from Ai's arms and wrap around the biju dama. I started retracting the chains back into my body, removing almost every last trace of demon sage chakra from Ai's body. Thankfully, she didn't fall on her face, as she was able to recover almost immediately and shoot some now non-glowing yellow chains into the ground and lower herself down gently.
"I have no idea what just happened, but I'm assuming it worked because I can make chains out of my chakra now," she said.
I nodded, concentrating on the ball of dangerously explosive chakra I was slowly reeling in. "Tenko, I need you to take the scroll off of my back and open it up a bit." She did as I asked, holding the scroll up so I could easily access it. I slowly put my hands on the scroll, converting the chain into the seal. The chain, no longer attached to my body, continued to reel in the demon sage chakra. As it did that, I placed my hand on the chain, removing the impurities the chakra gained from being in Ai's system. I greedily absorbed those bits of chakra. As I suspected, my body accepted it as readily as it did Shukaku's chakra.
"What exactly happened there?" one of the shinobi asked now that they'd arrived.
"Science," I answered.
"What were we even supposed to do about that?"
I shrugged. "Sorry, I didn't expect that to happen. I just figured Ai wouldn't have very good control of her chains at first. Turns out that that much sage chakra means going crazy, though."
"So I'm guessing I shouldn't use that seal for a super mode?" Ai asked after walking over to us. I swiped the empty tag that still stuck to her.
"No, if I segment it to lower the dosage, then it both becomes multi-use and lets you keep your sanity, at the tradeoff of power, obviously. Just make sure to use it for emergencies only. And while we're at it, I should be able to eventually teach you how to enter proper sage mode, which you could do any time with just a few minutes to charge up." I looked back up to survey the mostly concerned, but with one happy, faces looking at me. "I'd say that this little experiment has been a success."
Yeah, I got chewed out by my dad. In hindsight, though, I really couldn't blame him. Thankfully, I was able to get off with just a tongue-lashing and promising to make absolutely sure to test out anything that could theoretically have a large blast radius by making a gem take it far away from Konoha and remote detonate it or just not do it at all. To be honest, though, I was bracing myself for a grounding, so I was actually fine with that. And he even organized a lesson on nature transformation for me. After giving me another lecture, this time on not doing things that could potentially destroy my hands or other parts of my body unless absolutely necessary. And so there I was, leaning on the wall of the Hyuuga compound courtyard. I'd made sure that there was a chain of shadows that Chikage could use to get away from me because I knew Kakashi was going to use that one chakra paper thing on me and I didn't want to have any interference from her/my power, yet still have her accessible once we started the lesson in earnest. "Sup," I said when Kakashi arrived.
"So you want to learn how to use nature transformation?" he asked.
I shrugged and licked my lips. "I already know how to use wind, but I'd like to learn at least the basics of the others."
"Right, learning it now if you have the chakra for it is actually probably a good idea." He pulled out a piece of paper. "I doubt you can do much with it at the moment, but at the very least, you'll be able to practice until you're ready for the big stuff." He used the paper, crinkling it. "This paper is made to test one's elemental affinity. Channel a light amount of chakra onto it and it'll react in different ways depending on what your primary affinity is. Mine's lightning, so the paper became wrinkled." He gave me a second piece of paper. "You try."
I complied, channeling a bit of my chakra into the paper. "Well what a coincidence," I said, referring to the fact that my paper was now as crumpled as his was. "We have the same element, don't we?"
"Yes, that's what that means. I suppose we'll start with the lightning exercises, then?"
I called Chikage back, and she reentered me without Kakashi even seeming to notice. For whatever reason, her chakra signature was muted whenever she was inside a shadow, and she could easily suppress her signature even more and spread herself out to lower the density of her chakra in the shadows, so the only way he would've noticed was when we joined or if his Sharingan was out. It would've been the perfect ability for stealth if not for the fact that she couldn't bring anything with her, and I was already trying to think of ways around that one little weakness. Well, there was also the little snag of how she needed shadows, but really, where aren't there shadows?
"Let's start this lightshow, then," I said with a smile.
And now for something completely different.
A rabbit bounded across a field near End Valley. It did not know what its destination was, just that something was... calling to it. It stopped by the roots of a great tree and began to sniff at the ground. Whatever it was looking for, it was there. It found it after a few minutes of searching. A small red stone, barely a flake, that glowed with some unearthly light. Now that it could see it, the rabbit's every instinct screamed to get away, that this stone was a predator, but it couldn't stop itself. Its body wasn't its own anymore. The now-terrified rabbit tried to fight back with all its might as its head came closer to the gem, but to no avail. The stone already had a hold over it, it just needed to touch it and it would be over. A spectre of death seemed to emerge from the jewel of death, ready to embrace the rabbit. When the rabbit's head was close enough, the stone lifted from the ground and adhered to its forehead. The rabbit screamed as a foreign presence entered its body, burning away its very soul to make room for something else.
I grinned a rabbitty grin and hopped around a bit, testing out my new rabbity body. It was a shame that I could only gain a proper body by stealing it from a living creature, but what can you do? I sniffed at the ground with my new nose. The rabbit's sense of smell was different from my original's, but when I took over the rabbit's brain I gained complete access to all its memories, so I was able to adjust soon enough. Plus I noticed that I could understand rabbits now. I sent a telepathic message back to Kouki and Chikage.
"You find a body?" they asked.
"Yup. Rabbit. Surprisingly good chakra affinity, despite being wild," I replied.
"Cool. Right, you should probably act natural for at least a month, to build up plausible deniability." they instructed. "Then you can start doing supernatural stuff. Cannibalize the body and continue your mission."
I sent a scoff through our link. "I know what to do, I have all your memories."
"Stop being so sarcastic, you're not supposed to be me."
"By the way, did you pick out a name?"
I gave a small rabbit grin. "Of course. If my first body after my 'resurrection' is to be that of a rabbit's, then why shouldn't my name be Usagi?"
"Cool. You'd better give at least one 'name of the moon' speech though."
"Certainly. I would never pass up such an opportunity." It may have purely been within my mind, but I was already preparing my cover by practicing my new mannerisms, at the very least those dealing with how I spoke.
"Right, I'ma get back to this stupid leaf, you go do your rabbit thing. Rabbit." I hopped around a bit, searching for some food. A deep cover assignment. It was going to be marvelous.
I growled as I passed my chakra through the leaf. No matter what I did, it just wasn't getting wet!
"Did you try turning it off and turning it back on again?" Chikage asked me as she floated over me.
I rolled my eyes, cut off the flow, then let my chakra flow over the leaf like water once more. "Don't think that helped."
"Dude it's been a day," she said. "You're not Naruto, you don't have an army of clones to poorly manage yet still somehow get your thing done. Just take a deep breath, accept that this is going to take some time, and do the other three exercises that you actually did make some headway in. You don't have Tsunade-levels of control when we're unfused yet."
I stared at her for a second. "How are you taking this better than me?" I asked.
"I mean, two heads are better than one. I have the perspective that you're being a lil dummy."
I stopped trying to wet the leaf and started trying to set it aflame instead. Because I already had experience doing it with and as Chikage, it started to smoke after a few seconds. I removed my thumb, seeing a smoldering thumbprint on it. Chikage picked it up, then it just disintegrated. "Showoff," I griped.
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kewltie · 4 years
OMG!! Your kids fic always get me everytime 💙💙 I always love kasumi and now the numbers!! If it's not too much, can you describe their physical appearance please? I've just reread the AUs and realize Yuko has gray eyes, did she's the one with the white hair? Did kasumi's hair still straight long?Thanks and hope you always in good health :D
thank you v v v much!! it’s so humbling that you guys would even care about my OC kids at all bc well they’re OC and it’s a hate/love for them tbh but im grateful!!
kasumi - blond hair, green eyes, and she keep her straight hair super long bc it’s one of her defining characteristic also someone once told her the longer your hair the more chance your wish will be fulfilled (in origingal kasumi ‘verse is izuku’s happiness; in re:kasumi it’s katsuki’s happiness/finding a mate for himself)
the numbers - Yuko (medium length long hair), Kouki (he wants to dye his hair REALLY bad bc he can’t stand the thought of looking at all like his sire who hurt him and his family, so he’s a point of contention w/ him and izuku who thinks he should accept himself more), and Akira (short hair bc long hair is inconvenience and she’s a bit of a punk lol) all have grey eyes and white hair from their sire. Only Hikaru looks like Izuku at all with curl of green hair and green eyes, which is something he’s really selfconscious about bc he doesn’t look like any of his older siblings and HE WORRIES that they dont think him of as their own which is not true at all bc they’re fiercely protective of their baby bro!!!!
i hope that help you a lil!!!! thank you so much for asking and i hope for good health for you too and your love ones!!!
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awkwardbsd · 5 years
21 for the ask meme?
21. Anime that made you cry
No anime or work of fiction has really made me cry. Some moments have been a little close, but that’s about it! I think the only thing that really made me cry was Hachiko when I was six, and that’s based on a true story I think. It wasn’t an anime.
Here are the anime that have given me strong feels. I’m going to be putting a line because there are spoilers. If feels are on a scale of 1 to 10, these have to place 5 or higher. They’re in order (mostly) from least to most.
Note: I have not watched Orange, Clannad, Plastic Memories, and probably a few more that would’ve been “why aren’t they on here?”
If you just want to know the names of the anime: Kimi no na wa, Angel Beats, Bungou Stray Dogs, Hotarubi no Mori e, Death Parade, Your Life in April, Ookami no Kodomo no Ame to Yuki, Boku no Hero Academia, Assassination Classroom,Anohana,Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood,Koe no Katachi 
Kimi no na wa (5/10 feels)
For some reason I got feels the first time I was watching it because of the pure rush I felt. Looking back on it, I’m not that mad at the ending anymore. They practically painted the picture. It’s our job as the viewers to interpret it.
Kudos to the RADWIMP’s OST and the voice actors who actually primarily did live-action stuff. The transition from live-action to voice acting can be tough, and they did it so well. I think they did deserve the awards they got.
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Angel Beats (kinda) (4/10 feels)
This had not as much to go for it story-wise. I personally think that this show wouldn’t be anything without this song. The voice acting and that song carry the whole show. Everything else relies on the melodrama of the story which doesn’t work at times due to the fluctuation in the show’s tone.
Hiroshi Kamiya and Kana Hanazawa. I know they both worked really hard for this. The English dub is also really good.
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Bungou Stray Dogs (5-6/10 feels)
Yeah, I just wanted to mention this one. I think we all know why. I didn’t get feels the first time I watched it, but I definitely appreciate how much I enjoyed it and how important it is for the storyline. This arc, this scene, and this moment right here are what makes Bungou Stray Dogs. 
Mamo and Junichi Suwabe make this scene work really well along with the art direction and everything.
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Hotarubi no Mori e (5-6/10 feels)
Considering this movie is under 50 minutes, they did a very good job establishing it. I would’ve never guessed that Ayane Sakura and Kouki Uchiyama would’ve been capable of this. It was really quite amazing. We even knew exactly what was going to happen, yet we still got roped in.
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Ookami Kodomo no Ame to Yuki (6-7/10 feels)
I wasn’t really satisfied with that ending. Nonetheless, this definitely deserves a spot here. If you haven’t, you should just watch the movie. 
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Death Parade(6-7/10 feels)
Oh my goodness, that soundtrack, that voice acting by Tomoaki Maeno and Asami Seto, that set up, Madhouse’s animation, the storyline, and everything about it made it fall perfectly into place. It was heartwrenching because it was so... realistic in a way. I didn’t realize how much of an impact this had until long after I watched it. 
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Your Lie in April(6-7/10 feels)
I watched the anime and live-action. Both were pretty good. It was just a very heartwarming story, and I think people were shocked by the fact that they didn’t go with the “miracle” route. They were expecting this movie to remain the heartwarming rom-com, and I commend them for sticking to the plan. Of course, the OST was amazing, and the voice actors Natsuki Hanae, Ayane Sakura, and Risa Taneda play huge roles. Not to mention, the art by A-1 Pictures was nice. Their final performance was magnificently done.
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Boku no Hero Academia(6-7/10 feels)
I’m putting this for the pure hype. Words cannot describe what I felt during All Might’s final fight. You know, Kenta Miyake and Akio Ohtsuka fainted during recording because of the amount of effort and retakes. When Miyake said, “Goodbye, One for All.” I was just so taken aback by how much that show has moved me and impacted me.
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Assassination Classroom (7-8/10 feels)
Talk about getting attached! Somehow, I guess it’s because I lacked having good teachers in my life, but this anime will just amaze you at the end. Sure, you might not know any of the classmates, but besides that, Koro-sensei! Jun Fukuyama and Mai Fuchigami are awesome in that final scene. I appreciate this anime so much. Tabidachi no Uta is also a really good song.
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Anohana (7-9/10 feels)
Anohana is one of the best 11-episode anime out there. I think the movie was a little bit of a cash grab (still enjoyable), but the TV series was so powerful. Miyu Irino, Haruka Tomatsu, Ai Kayano (it was her breakout role and one of her best roles to date!), Takahiro Sakurai, Saori Hayami, and Takayuki Kondou were amazing in this anime. The OST and writing were both extremely powerful and made one of my friends cry. Even the ED OST alone can bring back the memories.
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood(7-9/10 feels)
Oh man, where do I even start? This show... you have to watch it. You spend so much time loving these characters, and when it all comes together at the end, you just want to say everything’s going to be alright. The adrenaline, the heartbreak, and the pure emotions of the story. This is a masterpiece by all means. Hiromu Arakawa set the expectations too high for almost every other anime out there. The way it handles itself and trailblazes a mother’s pain during miscarriages, racism, a person’s sacrifice, immortality, and all the morals that go along with it. Some of these I haven’t seen before in anime. I highly recommend this anime. It’s one of my favourite anime ever, and it’s the reason I continued to watch anime.
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Koe no Katachi (7-9/10 feels)
This one hit so hard. It was like a punch to the gut, but I loved every single minute of this development and this movie. Kyoto Animation did such a good job with the art. It’s one of my favourite movies of all time. Trust me, just watch the movie. Its theme about redemption and self-growth are so strong, and that climax near the end and even the scene the movie ends at are so amazingly done. Miyu Irino and Saori Hayami could not have done a better job. This is truly what made me notice the both of them. This movie was so crucial and so important as to representation and why I think animation itself is such an important medium. This movie is a partial representation of why I like anime.
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Thank you for this ask! I enjoyed looking back on all these anime (that’s not sarcasm. I genuinely enjoyed these.)
[Send me an anime ask!]
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kamihoshi · 5 years
Seeing the latest chapter makes me so sad when I think about it ending soon. Both Yugami and Chihiro have really grown as characters so that on it's own was worth watching. Still, I'm sad that its ending right when they the distance between them is closing . Honestly, I think it would be so interesting to see their interactions throughout college and job hunting, etc.
I’m disappointed it’s not gonna get an anime before it ends. I still think manga is the best medium for this series but an anime would’ve been a nice starting point for people who don’t know about this gem. I likedUchiyama Kouki as Yugami in the CM too…
Yugami and Chihiro’s dynamic really is one of the main draws of the series and their development is hard to top in my book because of the slow but gradual build-up. They didn’t change dramatically over one event. Another thing for me personally, is that when I think about all their interactions throughout the story, most of them aren’t particularly dramatic even within the scope of a slice of life series and yet their dynamic manages to be poignant in its simplicity.
Yugami’s new year’s card to Chihiro in chapter 79, for instance, is so unbelievably austere but because of all that gradual development and subtle callbacks to previous chapters, there’s meaningful heft in its mundanity.
Oh and there’s no fanservice or pandering to speak of. Thanks.
And while I love their dynamic now, I also loved how Chihiro would give Yugami shit for all his antics at the beginning lol. They’ve both matured so much.
I think it’s fitting though that the manga ends with them putting some sort of name to their bond because the whole time we’re trying to figure out just what kind of relationship they have.
I’d love to see their lives after they graduate too, though.
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despairvania · 6 years
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“What you must remember, is that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing...”
What is up lads, we did it! The final roster for Despairvania is here!! 
Thank you all so so much for applying, both of us mods are so, so excited for this! Our condolences for those who didn’t make it in this time however, we struggled really hard deciding the final roster! So yes, another really large thanks to everyone! So, without further ado; Here is the text based roster! Congratulations to:
Marquette D'Airelle | Ultimate Bachelor 
Katsuo Yukimura | Ultimate Ski Racer
Silas Cameron | Ultimate Lion Tamer
Jotaro Ainara | Ultimate Bounty Hunter
Kimi Kanata | Ultimate Character Performer
Luna Rivero | Ultimate Swing Singer
Dareka Karano Tengoku | Ultimate Lookout
Shiori Kida | Ultimate Costume Designer
Matthew Wanderlust | Ultimate Spirit Medium 
Juzo Itami | Ultimate Tarot Card Reader
Kouki Yamasaki | Ultimate Bass Guitarist 
Alice Sawashiro | Ultimate Doll Doctor
Rikyou Masamoto | Ultimate Diplomat
Kaoru Inukai | Ultimate Dog Trainer
Clove Rosenburg | Ultimate Newspaper Editor
Red | Ultimate Cowboy
We’ll be in contact with the successful on skype muns shortly annnnnnnnnnnnnd one last thanks and congratulations I guess! It’s you guys who are letting this meme dream take off :0 
- Mod Kojima!! 
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Panic! at the hook-up (part 3)
Rating: M (this is a lie, It should strictly be T)
Pairings: AkaFuri. Slight Nebumibu, Murahimu and Midotaka.
Characters: Akashi Seijuro. Furihata Kouki. Mibuchi Reo.
Word Count: 4700+ words (this is NOT the final chapter, unfortunately)
Tags: Aged-Up Characters. One Night Stand AU. Fluff. So much Fluff. Awkward conversations are awkward. Dorks who don't know how to get their shit together. Reo the Angel Incarnate. Author is very sorry for splitting the chapter. Okay not so sorry. Just feeling Evil.
Parts: Part 1/Part 2/Part 3(here)/Part 4(coming soon!)
Summary: Akashi woke up after a drunk one night stand feeling at peace with the world. Unfortunately the brunet in his arms doesn’t seem to think the same way. (or an AU where Furi and Akashi have been scarred by terrible relationships in the past that one never wants to get into them and one waits in vain for someone to love him back)
Author’s notes : |||orz terribly sorry for cutting the chapter short! Its just got wayyyy out of hand and I didn’t want to dump too much in one go. So.....splitting into two! As always, thank you so much for reading and following this story!! It all ends with the next update! (which will be posted soooooooon!!)
AO3 Link right here!
Seijuro rapped his knuckles impatiently against the metal door of the nondescript building. The area the address had indicated looked like something anyone would miss in the passing, not offering a second glance. It had no discernible boards or colourful nameplates that made it stand out to the passerby. Nothing, to show that it was an art studio of one of the most sought-after names in the Art World. And yet, Seijuro stood in front of it, rather irritably, for more than twenty minutes in the frosty weather.
"Maybe he couldn't hear you. Isn't there a bell around here somewhere?" Reo was next to him, puffing clouds of air into his gloved hands before rubbing them. His hair was pulled back into a stylish yet unkempt ponytail, few strands tugged loose to drape his cheekbones artfully, giving him the Gallery Owner Look (whatever that meant, Akashi had waved it off when Reo started to explain enthusiastically), and the side clips had been abandoned - courtesy the aforementioned Look. 
Seijuro huffed slightly, straightening his coat - his trench coat that still smelled faintly of alcohol and sex, in spite of the cologne he had sprayed on it. He hadn't been able to let go of it long enough to give to Reo for dry cleaning. Yet. "I don't know. Why don't you give it a try?" 
Reo shrugged and looked around, careful not to touch anything lest it dirty his feather-soft leather gloves. Not even Eikichi was allowed to touch them. He teased Akashi more than once on his intolerance of tardiness during meetings. Besides, he needed Akashi in a nice enough mood to handle the client today. “Oooh, you are prickly today, Sei-chan. i wonder what has gotten into you today. Or,” he waggled his eyebrows suggestively and leered at Akashi, "should I say, I wonder what you missed getting into today."
Ugh. This wasn't going anywhere.
"Reo." One mild glare and a single word command. It was ample to shut up Reo. He knew what Reo was doing. And he knew, Reo had a point. He cannot go to this meeting without being calm. No matter how much he burned with the urge to go home now. 
Seijuro took a few deep breaths. The awkward morning, the acute absence of a proper shower, the slight - slight, tiny - stock dip in one of the Northern branches that had sent his phones and emails flying with notifications before he could set it right and mediate long enough to placate everyone involved and now, the actual act of getting a commission from one of the most finicky - and possibly too introverted, if he was being honest - artists he had had the misfortune to encounter, was getting on his frayed nerves. He just cannot let his mood get any worse. Not if he wanted this meeting to go well. Especially with this one. Especially for Father. (Which added to the irritability factor, but that’s a story for another time).
This artist had been fickle to a point where even Akashi, the Master of Negotiations and Diplomacy and the Embodiment of Patience and Politeness, was compelled to chuck the phone at the wall imagining it to be the artist’s face. 
Furihata Kouki had refused, even after countless wheedling on Reo's part - who was gifted with a silver tongue, so honed, strong enough to make the Devil dance to his wishes - to visit their premises, refused to take them up on the offer they proposed and kept mumbling about "too many people crowding him" and "money-minded midgets" and "suits made him wary" and “lawyers are untrustworthy leeches”. Akashi was ready to fling him bodily across the ocean and he hadn’t even met the man yet. 
It had been troublesome, tiresome and whole other -somes, but not impossible if it meant, for them to come to him with their offer and seek him out on his home ground, on his own questionable terms. They had had to pry him with a dozen phone calls to get this appointment and the bastard wasn't even opening his door. Seijuro swore.  
Akashi, normally, wouldn't have bothered with this Diva-type attitude, would have cast him and his newfound fame away like yesterday's newspaper. When he could have had thousands of artists who would willingly queue up around the block and answer to his beck and call, just to have a minuscule - one in a million - chance at displaying one of their pieces at the Akashi Gallery, this seemed like trying too hard for something that might not even be worth all that effort.
It was the newest, spiciest, freshest talk of the business world - The Akashi Group opening a huge gallery that displayed artworks from all over the world, portraying just one theme.
Be it any genre, any medium, any form of Love, Akashi Gallery would have it shown, after personally approved by none other than Akashi Masaomi himself. It was the brainchild of both Seijuro and Father, to give the Gallery as a gift to Shiori as a celebration of 30 years of marriage. A small token of appreciation as an anniversary gift to the woman who flawlessly managed to keep them both in line for all these years. 
And Father had apparently seen a work of this artist abroad and was immediately impressed (which had never happened before, and Akashi could second that statement veritably) and insisted Akashi to bring him in. 
"Use any means necessary. I need the best work of his to be the Centerpiece at the Atrium." He had looked straight into Seijuro's eyes and calmly said, "Don't fail me, Seijuro."
Akashi internally bristled, recalling the meeting.
It was for Mother.
All this was for Mother.
He chanted that a few times in his head, to calm himself and not show any indignation towards this Furihata Kouki guy, who had already pissed him off and he hadn't even seen his unfortunate face. And that wasn't the only hurdle he had to tackle. No. 
For anyone to be this private about their private life was good and respectable and all that jazz but in a business context it aroused nothing but suspicion. Reo had conducted thorough background checks but apart from a few cursory details from previous galleries where his works had been displayed, he hadn't been able to snatch a photograph of him anywhere. His contacts - extensive and exhaustive in their right - hadn’t been able to make out anything other than “an ordinary skittish guy who looked like any other struggling artist and worked only through commissions and was too choosy”. Believe him, he knew how ‘choosy’ Furihata Kouki was. 
Akashi did not like dealing with the Unknown. As a principle. He couldn't gauge his further actions that way, apart from a few calculated guesses and made-up possibilities. He liked to speculate sure moves beforehand and he, terribly, did not care for going blindfolded to this fight. And, if Furihata’s Diva-ness was any indication, there definitely would be a fight. 
So, in a word, frustrated. Added to the incidents leading up to this day, he was more on edge than anything.
 “I can’t take this anymore. Let’s go.” Seijuro nodded decisively to Reo before he pushed open the metal door and walked inside. Reo followed, a little stunned at the informality of his actions. 
The sunlight from the open door rushed to stream in to fill the darkness, as there was only one light switched on inside the huge studio. The sole overhead light was enough to illuminate the table underneath and cast shadows over everything outside of its circumference. There were strange whirring and thumping sounds coming in from the back but otherwise the spacious room was annoyingly unoccupied.
“Those noises must have droned out the knocking.” Reo mused, stepping in carefully. 
Seijuro curled his lip slightly, “If it didn’t, and he is playing with us, I am walking out of here. Father’s request be damned.”
“Now, now, Sei-chan,” Reo pushed one wayward lock of hair behind his ear and reached to pat his free hand on Akashi’s shoulder reassuringly, “Let’s not be hasty. He might just turn out to be alright.”
“Hasty?” Seijuro shot a glare at him out of the corner of his eye. He was still near the periphery of the studio, with his back to the outside world as he tried gathering his strength to face the man, “He has been testing my patience for months, Reo. And, not to brag, but I have dealt with far worse and had come out unscathed. Yet, something about him is getting me more hacked off, by the minute. And we haven’t even seen each other!”
Reo sighed, “I know. How could I not, Sei-chan? I was there for all those phone calls too, wasn't I?" He rubbed a tired palm over his face and took a deep breath, “Just try to give the guy the benefit of doubt, would you? We need him and he might just turn out to be a normal, scared-of-the-Big-Corporate-Guy, starved, validation-hungry creator for all we know. Now come on in, we can’t mope there all day.”  
They didn't bother closing the door as they shuffled in, observing the silent chaos of the studio. The windows were grilled shut, layers of newspapers stuck to them to avoid any form of light or dust to enter. The floor space and the numerous tables had art works on them, littering every inch. There were canvases - covered and uncovered and blank - and paints and brushes and tarpaulin and wood chipping and saw dust and knifes and paper mache - Akashi feared they had hardened to the bucket more times than they had been used - and marble and granite and rocks of various sizes and varieties and hammers and tools of every kind in a chaotic mess (Arrangement? This mess was by design? Akashi wondered, disbelieving) across the room. 
Reo gave an impressed whistle. Even Akashi was amazed.
“Usually artists dabbled with one medium, but this one seems to be versatile. Isn’t it good luck to find him here, Sei-chan? Now we know he is definitely worth his salt.”
Seijuro nodded grudgingly, “Either he was trying to be creative in everything he wanted to play with or he had an unreliably short attention span.” He moved around the room, judging the work propped directly under the light, “Based on the unfinished drawings and half finished sculptures, I am inclined to believe the latter.”
Reo caught on, hiding his smile, “But you can see how Akashi-san was impressed so quickly, can’t you, Sei-chan.” It wasn't a question. Reo knew. Akashi knew too. 
Seijuro said nothing as he turned his face away. The sounds continued, coming in from the back. They both strode gingerly towards it, the sole ceiling light in the studio not helping them much in maneuvering around the works. There seemed to be another room, off the far wall and nearly hidden behind the large shelves, the noises increasing in their volume as they neared it. 
Reo nodded to Seijuro before he opened the door and stumbled back slightly as a strong wave of heat engulfed them from the other room. They stood at the doorway as they watched the artist - definitely the artist, because he was also known for not engaging any assistant or student, as he had so snootily, Akashi might add, stated in one of their numerous, altogether unhelpful, phone calls - bang metal against metal, the heat from the continuous thwacks sending sparks flying every time the hammer attacked it precisely where he wanted.
Akashi cleared his throat rather pointedly and loudly over the din, announcing their presence. Furihata Kouki just raised a gloved hand like a stop sign and continued with his work. He was fully protected, the metal mask and the vest and gloves showing wear and tear and he didn't take his concentration off his task. 
Reo put a hand on Akashi's shoulder and made him take a step back, a small hesitant smile on his face. Akashi acquiesced. They could wait a little longer, he supposed. Furihata Kouki wasn’t going anywhere. No where to run anymore, he thought with glee. 
This sobered him enough to breathe easier. He felt relaxed now. In control. 
Akashi watched with concealed interest, as the guy expertly molded the metal to what he deemed to be content with - to Akashi, it still looked mangled but he wasn't the expert here and he admitted, with grace, that an artist would probably see things that he couldn't as a layman - and set the burner in a safe place slightly farther away and dip the hammer and other tools including the work piece in a tub of water. The water bubbled rapidly at the heat, fizzing angrily and sizzling at the surface.
The artist didn't acknowledge them as he walked past the doorway to the main studio, closing the door behind him and moving to remove his thick, sturdy, workman gloves, one by one off each finger with his back facing them. Akashi and Reo exchanged a look as they watched him, deciding whether he was purposefully ignoring them or waiting to talk to them without his gear on. 
He swiftly pried himself off his protective vest when Reo spoke up, unable to be quiet any longer. "Furihata-san, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person! I am a huge fan of your works! Good job with that wrought iron! What is it going to be, might I ask? A unicorn like the one shown in the Okinawa gallery?!"
Furihata turned with helmet still on, and chuckled warmly. “Ah, a fan? Thank you so much, it makes me happy you like that one - wait, let me get this off, I am being rude.” He shifted, taking off his helmet and letting the messy brown locks free. Some stuck to the back of his neck and the light sweatshirt he was wearing - which Akashi noticed, seemed a little too big for him - stuck to his lithe frame, due to the heat he had been in. That was a rational explanation. No need to salivate over a sweaty lithe body at all. No reason at all, Seijuro. Why was this affecting him, anyway? 
He stretched his back, highlighting his lean muscles, popping the kinks in his shoulders loudly with a satisfied groan - Akashi shifted subtly, thanking the shadows for hiding his blush - and faced Reo who had walked over to stand at his side. “I have been working on that one for a while now but, I don’t think it’s listening to me properly.” Furihata added with a rueful laugh, “Or, maybe, I don’t think I am hearing it right.”
Reo smiled understandingly, “Oh, but I am sure, you will get it right soon, Furihata-san.” He added, with a pointed look in Seijuro’s direction, “We all need to have a little bit of faith, don’t we? And besides,” Reo demurred, his smile turning coy as his eyes slid to Furihata again, “I never thought the artist of so many great works would be this cute!” 
“Look at you! So young and so talented, Furihata-san!” Reo prattled on, it coming to him like a charm, “You had us believe you were an old man, scared of the young generation, with all those calls. I was half convinced I would be shouting the entire proposal to you to get you to hear. See! I even brought my tiny magnifying glass for you to check things with.” 
Furihata rubbed his nape, blushing at the praise and vainly trying not to laugh at the tall, beautiful man with a ponytail - a ponytail, fuck - and dazzling turquoise eyes, “Ahh. Um. Thank you, I, uh, enjoy making things with my hands ha ha. Been always creative, my mum used to say. And ahhh, you shouldn’t say I am cute when, um,” - he scratched his cheek, eyes looking away from the tall, beautiful, skinny - fuck, he could give Tatsuya a run for his money - man who stood next to him - “you, yourself look like that. I mean, um, wow."  
Reo was practically vibrating in place, barely restraining the urge to hug the poor, hapless artist, at that point when Akashi gave him the Look, reminding him of their business. Reo can flirt in his own time. Akashi needed to get back to the office, as soon as he can wrap this up, lunch be damned. It was already noon and who knew how much longer the negotiation will take.  
“And ahhh, I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to be rude or anything! It may have sounded that way, but I, uh, I am very wary, you know?” Furihata rambled on, genuinely apologetic by his tone, and Reo nodded companionably by his side at proper intervals, “Wary of who is handling my stuff and I don’t want to deal with a lot of people because I get nervous easily and yeah....pretty much that’s why I make people come here. To the studio. So I can be relaxed when I deal with them. Well. Tiny bit relaxed, I guess?” He looked at Reo and smiled shyly when Reo sent him a winning smile in return. 
Hook, Line and Sinker. Furihata Kouki had fallen. As if there had been any doubt.  
This was Reo’s biggest selling point. Put the client at ease, charm them enough lower their guards, before Akashi went in for the Kill. Akashi stood further away, unseen by the dim overhead light of the room, observing the brunet. 
It looked like he had seen him somewhere, but he wasn’t completely sure. His voice, his body, and that bloody infuriatingly apologetic tone most of all, seemed too familiar, but he just couldn’t place it. The thought nagged him, too much, adding to his increasing frustration and worsening mood.
Calm. He needed calm now. He had the upper hand. Always. 
The Akashis had the upper hand and they were always Calm and Collected. 
Deep breaths, Seijuro.
And, definitely, don’t think about the brunet from last night, now. 
Fuck, that’s not helping. 
Or how Furihata’s messy hair reminded him of the brunet.
Seijuro, No.
Did the brunet also have a large sweatshirt that made Seijuro want to fuck him in it?
"Ah~ before things get out of hand," Reo gestured to where Akashi stood; and with an artsy head tilt, his hair dancing like they had been scripted to, he went on, "I would like to introduce myself, Mibuchi Reo - you can call me Reo-nee, please, won’t you, Furihata-san?" he pouted at the blushing guy, "And would like you to meet your prospective client, the one and only, Akashi Seijuro.” 
Reo stood to his full height and beamed at Furihata - he was starting to like Furihata, a lot, already - and with a sly wink, “And we, at Akashi Corporations, would certainly be immensely pleased if we had the utmost honour to display one of your illustrious works at our new Gallery.” He dipped his head in a slight bow, ending with a dramatic flourish.
Perfect Reo, Seijuro smiled fondly before schooling his features to a polite indifference. The upper hand, he reminded himself.  
Seijuro straightened at his name, stepping into the range of light, mentally going over the countless things he could say to placate the artist into commissioning a piece. It didn’t matter if he was dealing with the Unknown, he still had his contingency plans in place for each carefully evaluated scenario. He would just have to be flexible with the dealing now and craft a concrete plan that Father would approve. He would excel today. 
Furihata flushed and gaped at Mibuchi-san? - Reo-nee, now, his mind unhelpfully supplied - and slowly spun to where Reo was gesturing, a polite smile stretching on his face, braving himself for hours of bargaining and rightful pricing. God, he hated bargaining, but he would get paid shit if he didn’t. Necessary evil and all that. 
Red met brown. 
And time froze.
Reo’s eyebrows were in the danger of being swept into his hairline. 
One look at Sei-chan, and Reo came to startling realisation that Furihata Kouki meant something more than just an investment, badgered into by Akashi-san. The totally, too cute to be true, badly in need of good food and sleep, artist was frozen at his side, quite possibly just a scant few seconds away from hyperventilating, but Sei-chan - King of Poker Face, his normally unfazed Sei-chan - looked like the wind had been, frankly, punched out of him. Now, that was quite a revelation.
Shock was written all over his face but also...a tinge of hurt (??!!) before it was carefully masked by his perfect Professional Façade. Reo did a back-take.
His instincts rang off little alarm bells as he whipped his head around so fast, to analyse the person who had dared to bring about such a look on Sei-chan. He once-d over the artist with a different view now - a very critical, judging one - to pinpoint in what way he could have hurt Sei-chan. 
Furihata was looking like a fish out of water now, opening and closing his mouth wordlessly and staring at Akashi in horror. Or sheer terror, maybe. Reo pursed his lips and scrunched his brows to figure out what the hell had happened between them, delectable artist or not.  
There was no chance they had met previously - Reo was the only one close to Sei-chan since their school days, and nothing went past him without notice - and he knew Sei-chan's previous flings too, worthy, distinguished, well-known men all including that nearly invisible and awfully sarcastic man, but none had caused this much of an impact on Sei-chan. Not even when they left Sei-chan, and all of them had; Sei-chan had never slagged once in his competence and conduct, never truly showing what he felt. Despite all the fruitless prying on Reo’s part.  
Reo would have missed them if he wasn’t scrutinising with scary attention, when he noticed the nearly invisible reddish marks along the line of Furihata’s bony neck. Teeth marks, they had to be, for sure. 
Then.....this person could only be...Oh.
Oh my.
Sei-chan, you lucky bastard. 
Furihata Kouki at the precise moment, seemed to have gathered his power of speech and spoke in that cute, adorably squeaky voice of his, “Ehhh...ummmm, He-hell-lo...?” 
Thankfully, Reo had more control over himself, otherwise he would have started giggling at the way the brunet blushed to the tips of ears and down his neck and gripped onto the table until his knuckles turned white. He was staring at Akashi similar to something straight out of a horror film, and he was trying really hard not to run away. Reo wanted to hug him or snicker at his face. Or both. He couldn’t decide.
Oh. The sheer drama.
Deciding that these two wonderfully oblivious idiots needed a moment - a lot more than a moment, he corrected, hastily - alone, and they probably, most definitely, had already forgotten Reo was there - if the way their eyes never left the others' was anything to go by - he excused himself and walked away from the scintillating scene in the studio. It was hard, dreadfully hard walking away, but he did. He deserved a medal. 
Closing the heavy door noiselessly behind him, he leaned against it and cast his eyes heavenwards. And burst out laughing. He clutched his sides, leaning forward and felt tears prick his eyes.
Of all the places in all of Japan, he shook his head. 
Only Sei-chan.
Fate’s favourite child, Shiori-san would say.
Yeah. Favourite.
Reo tried in vain to control as the next set of helpless peals of laughter threatened to spill out of him. His stomach hurt and his eyes were moist. And the peeling paint of the building was dangerously close to touching him and tainting his expensive coat. He heaved heartily and gulped lungfuls of air and brushed himself off any imaginary lint that might have dared to land on him. He peered up at the building from the pavement, sighing to himself.
What he wouldn't give to witness and document the drama that was about to unfold inside.
But.....some things were better heard as a retelling than seen first hand.
Besides, he still had to extract the full story, piece by excruciating piece from Sei-chan before he got to the current part. He did not particularly care for spoilers, even though he could foresee the ending of this particular situation. He prayed for Sei-chan to not fuck up now. Or Reo would have to kill him. Slowly. Painfully.
And as an added bonus, he would get the story from Furihata-san as well, after Sei-chan eventually gets closer to the him. If, Sei-chan doesn’t fuck up and actually talked stuff now. Dear god, he better talk. Or else. 
Perhaps he should go back and make them talk.....no. 
They would figure it out. They were adults. Nearly 30. Oh, his Sei-chan was almost 30. How time flie-Anyway!
They would talk. Sei-chan won’t let go of the contract. Akashi-san had been almost adamant about it.  
And Furihata-san was interested enough to commission for them. 
So, they would work things out. 
He should take a peek, just in case. Check if things are going smoothly. 
No, Reo. No. 
He sighed again and sent a fervent prayer to any of the Gods who could hear him. Although....
If this turned out well, he would have a happy Sei-chan, a pleased Akashi-san, an impressed Shiori-san and most importantly, an adorably messy haired and ridiculously easily flustered Furihata-san. His Sei-chan would have a date now. A date who very well had Reo’s Stamp of Approval stuck on him. A boyfriend, hopefully. He could easily imagine him and Eikichi having dinner and movie night with Sei-chan and Furihata-san. Who would probably then be.....Kouki? Kou-chan? Kou-chan. Nice. Would it be too soon to call him that now? He would ask Sei-chan tomorrow.  
Humming a happy tune, he started walking leisurely, adding a little skip to his step from time to time. A couple of women passed by, glancing at him shyly, judging his artsy hair and expensive clothes and movie-star looks. He winked playfully at them as they tittered secretively. The meeting would go well, he was sure of it. Well. 79% sure. But, hey, that was better than a 50%. 
Concluding that he didn't want to wait outside in the chilly weather, he fished out his phone and tapped off a quick message. Besides, he was absolutely sure that Sei-chan wouldn't be back for at least a few hours. Maybe he would go out for lunch. That would speed things up quite nicely, he smiled to himself. 
Pick me up?
The reply came almost instantly. 
I thought you were with Akashi?
I was, but he will be busy for a while and.....my work here is done. So...
Reo bit his lip, Eikichi had a relatively free day today but what if he was on call soon? And, it was Reo’s turn to cook tonight so maybe he could get some shopping done before he got home. He was just about to send a “No need, I will come home on my own. You have a nice da-” when his phone pinged again.  
Shoot me the address. Ll be there in five.
Smiling to himself, he texted back and pocketed his phone. He could go grocery shopping with Eikichi now and be home with plenty of time to prepare pork cutlets for dinner. Maybe he should make some more and keep it aside for Sei-chan. 
Just in case. 
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sweetmaririn · 6 years
End of the year 2.5D Butai/Musical Asks!
Alright, I know this is really late since I finally got the chance to do this so let’s get it on to it~ 
Truth; I didn’t expect to be tagged along but I was. I have to say that I’m very happy that I got tagged. 
I was tagged by the lovely @allyyyyy0619
Once again, thank you for tagging me. My way of describing might be an odd way to describe a stage/musical/person and etc because in all honesty I actually don’t know what to say or how to describe it. And please, pardon my bad English!
Now let’s get to the questiosn! 
1. Firstly, how did you manage to find out about 2.5D butai/musical? Which butai/musical was your first and your impression of it?
I’m not sure which was exactly my first but it’s a Musical, it could be either Kuromyu (Musical 2) or Tenimyu. It’s either this two and my impression on both are somewhat the same? As it was something new for me because everyone is acting on stage, with wigs and full makeup on which I first find it quite funny but then I got used to it since it’s also fascinating. Hmm to say when it happened, I think it’s safer for me to say it was all in 2012, I was 14 at that time and only started using the internet fully. But it was a wild, fun ride for me. I like how I started from there to here.
2. Who was your first favourite 2.5D actor/actress? Why?
Hmm it should be Mizuta Kouki because of Tenimyu. I don’t remember how I got attracted to this guy but it was a love at a first sight. I find him very cool, especially when I saw his Kenya! It was awesome.. 
3. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai of the year?
1. Hyper Projection Engeki Haikyuu -Shousha to Haisha-
Since I’m also a fan of Haikyuu itself, I just love it when it comes to Seijoh since they are my favourite school after Karasuno. As this stage is the one when Karasuno lost to Seijoh during Interhigh, I get to see the touching scenes being acted out, putting me in tears. Of all thing is the music, I really like the orchestra theme going on, it gives you the bumps every single time and everything sounds so epic that it is as if there’s a strong wind swiping you along the way.  
2. Stage play Touken Ranbu -Akatsuki no Dokuganryu-
Hmmm what do I say for this one? Maybe because there’s Kasen Kanesada and Ookurikara. Kasen is my starter so I’m happy to see him on stage, besides Wada Takuma-san did an excellent job portraying him. I could stop fangirling over how elegant Kasen is? Besides that, it’s Tsurumaru. I totally love ‘Dark Tsurumaru’ , I was so shocked and that what a huge surprise for me. I’d always wonder how would a “ Dark version of Tsurumaru looked like” never thought it would really happen. Plot wise, everything is well written and well done. As usual Tousute has good music as well. 
3.  Joker Game
Okay this is quite unusual for me because I didn’t even watch the anime or read the manga to know the story but I definitely enjoyed the stage. It was very entertaining, everyone was so cool and despite it’s dark story, I actually really like it. The whole story isn’t my cup of tea but I watched it for Yamamoto Ikkei and didn’t thought it was be amazing.  
4. Top 3 (or more) least favourite butai of the year?
I don’t think I have one that I can list? Even if there’s some that didn’t fully caught my attention. . . . . . or maybe I didn’t watch much enough to actually have a least favourite. 
5. Top 3 (or more) favourite musical of the year?
1. Musical Touken Ranbu -Mihotose no Komoriuta- 
As usual, Touken Ranbu will win over everything. Anyways, for Mihotose’s storyline, I cried. I watched the musical and cried a lot. The acting was tip top, especially when I saw Yokota Ryugi’s real tears coming out, I couldn’t stop crying. Ishikirimaru’s suffering kills me, Nikkari’s observant kills me, Sengo’s uhhh self kills me, Tonbokiri kills me, Monoyoshi’s suffering kills me.. And the most would be because of Ookurikara, in this musical, we were shown the the softer side of him like when he said “that’s why I didn’t want to become friends” and how he actually cares. I love it.
2. Musical Star-Myu
I actually don’t have anything much to say about this musical since I can’t call myself much of a fan but I do like it and got hooked with the songs, and since I like Otori. (blame Suwabe Junichi for all of this) And since Kiyama Haruki did a good job as Otori.. 
6. Top 3 (or more) least favourite musical of the year?
I really do think I haven’t watch much so nothing to be listed.
7. Top 3 (or more) favourite actors/actress of the year?
1. Arisawa Shoutarou 
2. Mikata Ryosuke 
3. Ota Motohiro / Someya Toshiyuki
8. Top 3 (or more) rookie actors/rising actors whom you’ve high hopes for in the future?
1. Arisawa Shoutarou 
As we all can see, Shoutarou’s popularity is rising day by day now, from just an ensemble to an actual main character, that itself is a huge achievement and it doesn’t even take him that long to achieve that. I couldn’t be more proud of him, all I know is that he deserves all the love. And since Shoutarou is quite new, I want everyone to see Shoutarou’s true talent and he’ll prove the world that he is more than just “a rookie actor”. Shoutarou still has more years ahead but I know he’ll improve in no time, he already proved that to us from K Stage to now. And as I predicted, he’ll be in the new Toumyu next spring! I’m totally looking forward to that.
2. Kohatsu Allen
Allen has been around for a while now just like Shoutarou, and slowly I can see that he’s getting more better jobs now. But I still want to see even more for him. I was so happy when it was announced that he’ll be playing as “Shu” in Diabolik Lovers stage. Allen will totally be able to catch everyone’s attention once they see how he is on stage.
3. Shiraishi Judai 
I don’t know if Judai is considered popular or not but I know everyone really likes his Mattsun. I can’t say much since I haven’t seen other than his acting in Engeki Haikyuu or which stage was it with the one him being the villain(?) He was so cool in that stage, so I can say that he’s a great actor. Sooner or later, he’ll get something bigger that everyone can agree with me. I really do have my high hopes for him.
9. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai/musical related drama/movie of the year?
1. Yowamushi Pedal 
well since I love the manga, anime and the stage, of course I will love the drama as well especially when most of the actors in the drama were also in the previous stages. I get to see Pedal without seeing everyone running on stage, in a fixed position cameras I meant and with actual bikes. Pedal takes lots of stamina and energy so I admire all the actors that could bring us Pedal to live.
10. Top 3 (or more) actors/actress that you think have the best singing voice?
I’m bad at describing how beautiful someone’s voice may be so I’ll just rank it with a weird way of describing it?
1. Mikata Ryosuke
Ever since I’ve known him, I still think he’s the best of them all. I like it whenever he sings. I don’t know, his singing is just all dreamy for me. I love it. Mikatii;s singing isn’t the strong-windy type but he’s like the boyish type too. Easy for me to describe it, his vocals are like the when you went for a jog in the morning, the sun rise as you breathe in the fresh air. Or his vocals is like as if he’s pinning you to the wall. 
2. Ota Motohiro
Mokkun’s voice is the medium kind of strong. Most of the time I’ll hear him having to wave his voice and he did it perfectly. Mokkun’s voice is the kind that will melt your voice. It’s as if whenever he sings, he is trying to lure you into his honey trap and you’ll forever be captivated by him. Woooo goose bumps.
3. Yazaki Hiroshi 
I’m not even a fan of him but I really like it when he sings. This is due to Hakumyu where I’m exposed to his acting&singing. He has a very melodic voice and a gentle kind but strong voice? It’s like when you’re walking in a garden filled with roses. 
4. Spi
Spi’s vocals are the strongest and powerful but yet he could go softer when he has or wants to, depends on which song he’s singing. So Spi’s vocals are like the strong wind that will blow you away while you’re having your cup of tea during tea time, along with the table & chairs. His voice is that strong. 
Bonus: Unpopular Opinion (I think)
The person who I personally thinks has the best voice that could put me all over the world would be Arisawa Shoutarou. Maybe because I’m such a huge fan of him and I love him so much that I think that way. When I think about it, I really love his singing voice, his voice doesn’t sound so manly or strong. But people can improve. When Shoutarou sings, he sounded really boyish like when you’re having a moist chocolate cake. It’s sweet, concentrated and chocolatey. When I first heard him, I didn’t understand why I don’t see much people complimenting him? Like when I first heard him singing Heart to Heart in the Musicals, I could actually feel the song. Shoutarou’s voice is like he’s complimenting everyone. When he sings live or recording, both sounds excellent and I could tell straight away which voice belonged to him. It’s as if his voice has a personality on its own? I don’t know if this make sense but Shoutarou’s singing can make me teary too, it’s just too beautiful to me.. and I’ll say this, I got addicted to his voice. I really want to hear more, so I hope for Toumyu, next spring, he’ll get his solo. 
11. A (or more) butai/musical that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
I’m not sure about this... hmm
12. Top 3 (or more) anime/manga/game that you would love to see being adapted into a butai/musical in the future?
1. Free! 
I’ve been wanting to see Free! to be adapt into a butai since who knows how long. Imagine how fun would it be....It would be a nice thing to see all characters, especially my favourite ones to be portrayed by an actor. I don’t expect it to come true any time soon. Let’s just hope it can happen but somehow I feel like it won’t happen because some would prefer for it to be left as it is.
13. Top 3 (or more) favourite fandom on the year?
I’ll be honest. I don’t really like fandom/s because sometimes fandom tend to ruin my mood and fun for something. However, most of the time, fandoms are fun especially when you see everyone goes crazy when productions dropped news onto them hahahahaha.
1. Toumyu / Tousute
This is obvious since I’m in TKRB hell so it would be obvious I’m in Toumyu hell too. I honestly don’t know how I got way too attached to Toumyu? maybe because of the Shinken Ranbu Sai that made me feel like Toumyu fandom is such a solid fandom. Like fans can keep expect new things and it’ll keep coming.. The production is alive and not a dead one. Like some you might not even know if there will be more musicals/stage ? Maybe that’s why I’m so attached because somehow I know it won’t end anytime soon and I can keep talking about it. And since most of the people I follow are in this fandom, it makes it hard not to love the fandom even though I’d never really get the chance to talk to anyone.....in the fandom..or becoming mutuals...Anyways, It’s just really fun to see everyone’s reaction.
Tousute is different than Toumyu, it’s two different franchise but it’s still tkrb. Tousute gives more of the serious kind and it kills us with the amount of angst they give out, that sharp pain in the heart and I like that. So, I like how everyone has to suffer the pain too. But in truth I don’t have much to say because it’s the same for me since I like both franchises. 
※there are some fans that likes Tousute but doesn’t like Toumyu (or vice versa). So I guess there’s why there’s separated fandoms?
3. Enstars 
I’m not in this fandom as I don’t even play the game nor do I’m a fan of it but 70% of people around me do & really love the stage. And since I always see it on my timeline, somehow I became to like the fandom without actually being in it or becoming a fan. I guess I just enjoy seeing everyone goes crazy in here. Great fandom.
14. How long have you been in the 2.5D fandom?
I started late, as it was in 2012 when I joined so it’s been 5 years. 
15. Lastly, what is your overall opinion of the 2.5D fandom so far?
Back then, everything was free, whatever was uploaded will be shared by everyone just like that but it wasn’t really that easy to look for something and the community was much smaller so everyone sticks together however nowadays, there’s stricter & stricter rules and such so it makes it harder but it’s easier to look for something now. I guess all these happens when the fandom started having toxic fans, as usual toxic fans ruins everything so I can’t really blame anyone. But I do miss those days when I first joined, all the fans seems more mature and everyone was more understanding. It’s like everyone looks after one another. Now? it seems like it’s lacking of those. I’ll stop it right here as I don’t want to say too much. 
But I will say that I am glad that more and more people know about the existence of 2.5D, so there’s more people to talk about it. The fandom itself is fun, especially when everyone is having fun & fangirl/boy-ing together.
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hangover-meal · 6 years
六本木で刀削麺、サービス満点なのが嬉しい「中華風 居酒屋 高記」
中華風 居酒屋 高記
ランチメニュー 定食&丼ものご飯物 メインの刀削麺コーナー 特別な定食!
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