#koushirouzumi koushiro
koushirouizumi · 1 year
(re last thing rb'd)
I've seen that post around before and like, yeah, I want to. I also believe fan base history + archival is super important. (There's a ton of stuff I've saved and archived from Adv-02, Frontier, etc fan bases over time too, including sections of many of my old mutuals' Adventure fics and O.C. site things, though I also don't have 'everything' there since I usually saved stuff just 'as I went'.)
I want to re-post everything I created (maybe even some stuff r.p.'d elsewhere, if I can manage to effectively 'summarize' all that somehow) before 2k10~2k15~ on This Site especially.
... But yeah it can be difficult. (Probably more than some people may realize.)
Some of my stuff is on my old laptop which is currently out of commission rn until it gets fixed, (it may not even GET fixed - it could be a hard drive crash - the power button isn't powering it) but a lot of the rest (of stuff that was on my site specifically) is still archived /somewhere/ or otherwise literally on my old 02 O.C. shrine C.D. Like I literally have a whole C.D. where the site still exists offline (You just can't view the backgrounds because it's not 'online' so to speak, so the white text is on a white background and I have to highlight to read it, until I fix everything via a lot of re-uploding and re-writing of some 25+ pages including the 'character profiles' sections that I also have to re-write for all Adventure + 02 Chosen.)
... But also, like, I made that site when I was literally Young Me.
I've found out a lot about myself since and a lot of my perspectives have completely changed for the better. But even if I re-created the whole site from scratch, it'd just be ... different. Now. I don't really know how to explain it well.
A lot of the imgs I used back then were much lower quality. I'll have to go through and re-cap everything on my own time, and even then... it'd feel different, wouldn't it? The low-quality caps I borrowed from other sites back then who allowed free use, those were kind of what made the feel of the site. That kind of thing.
So I could double the amount of pages - which would take a lot more work - a high quality, polished version; and the original version with the low quality caps. But even then...
Some sections would still have to change completely, just because I've grown and my mentality has changed from what I originally wrote.
Even then, the shrine is my own personal thing, I can 'archive' it in my own time and just use it to store my own works, caps, etc...
I completely lost some of my 1st D.G.M.N a.m.v.s as it was. The original Frontier "Warriors" one is completely gone. (The one I made since was a re-make going purely by my own memory of scenes and timings I likely initially included.) The one (two?) I made for Takuya separately, I never found again. The experimental other few D.G.M.N and super early Y.G.O D.M. A.M.V.s (possibly also a Sonic one or two) were also gone.
My 2 Naruto A.M.V.s got deleted when a sweep of purges happened, and at one point both got re-uploaded by other fans without full credit to me, then deleted from those fans' accts when those accts got purged ? /again/ and I still, between multiple comp + external hard-drive failings, never got the back-ups saved in time. (Even those 2 Naruto A.M.V.s were super experimental and mainly just emotional timing so used a lot of 'larger', un-trimmed clips. But I still appreciated my attempts with those and wish I had them back, especially since I never went back to making Naruto stuff again after.)
Idek. I just have some conflicting feelings still.
It's all kind of why I just started back up with immediately focusing on Koushiro post-all That happening. "One Week" was the most 'recent' A.M.V. I had available at the time and I really wanted it up-loaded, along with my Taichi A.M.V. But even then, my love for Koushiro's chara was definitely there, having snuck up from the days of the O.C. site to kick me from behind. I'm still upset I didn't get to get to Koushiro's full character arc in my O.C.s story way back in the day, when Koushiro had a lot more active positivity and support by other fans (and wasn't actively being constantly re-written and sidelined out of Koushiro's own canon story by them). It was semi re-written using inspiration from the original outline in "The Past World" and even then it's only in sections still.
I don't really know where I'm going with these thoughts.
Maybe I'll archive what I can someday, but... yeah.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Baalmon: You'll have to pass MY Test of Knowledge. Steve, nodding: Cool, cool. *Hour~ or so later*, Baalmon: ??!???!??!? Baalmon: HOW!!1! Steve, shrUGGING: ( " I read a lot. " ) Steve: ("Also, Koushiro rambles too much to me about virtually everything, but at least I learn from it too.") Frigimon: ("It really happens this way.") Steve: ("They don't know that I converse with Koushiro that much over this many years though.") Frigimon: ("Do they need to know?") Steve: ("...Good point.") Baalmon: ?????
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{Koushiros StimmingTM}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
( Koushiro's place-holder profile for my re-done Advs shrine is up! )
#koushirouzumi cof#koushirouizumi shrine#koushirouizumi advs#koushirouizumi 02#koushirouizumi koushiro#coftff koushiro#advs koushiro#(Again this is very vErY PLACE-HOLDEr)#(I used the base of original profile page I made for Koushiro as Young Me and made quick additions and expanding)#(using info from the J.P.N version implied)#(but I wrote this in super hastily just to see how it'd display and I plan to go in deep and overhaul profiles later)#(and also re organize all the info as a whole)#(Enjoy my old A.F. L.Q. imgs while they last)#(but I added one of my imgs in too and the usage rules apply to anything on this shrine as well)#(I'm very very done with people trying to convince me Koushiro's personality & Advs canon as a whole is '''~~so hard to understand~~'' lmao#(but again I'm going to go through and adjust info and basically dump my entire rp applications I use for games for Koushiro there)#(I also need to do the same for 11 other Advs chosens profiles AND make brand new to me pages for Meiko and Menoa etcetc)#(So yeah don't @ me I'm fixing this up as I go and I'll use my own references to do so thanks)#(I may also add in small sections explaining tri and Kizuna developments but that'll come later to prevent spoilers)#(since I have to find a way to relate the basic info without making everything related to them into Walking Spoilers for Some charas)#(I literally spent like 3~ hours just fixing it up tHIS Much l m a ooo)#(another thing I just discovered abt Neo-Cities is it absolutely wont display the ō character in 'Kōshirō')#(so typing it out in full It Is and again don't @ me over that yell at Neo-Cities and leave me alone)
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs' Koushiro [...and GG!Espimon?]
Koushiro, dozing: Espimon, waking up from dozing: Koushiro: .... Espimon: ... Hey. (*pokes*) Koushiro: Hmm?... (lazily opening eyes) Espimon: You've been resting a lot lately. Espimon: I'm up now, so if you wanna do something before I go out, get up. Koushiro: (*laughs*) I got it... (*slowlyyy getting up*) But, you know, you *should* ask first... Espimon: ... Hmmph. Espimon: But *you* said you wanted to explore together more. Koushiro: right. You're looking for "the real Hiro". I know. (I'll Help You Find Them) Koushiro: -But... since you're living with me temporarily, we should "get along" too. Espimon: ... It's not that we can't But, like Koushiro: Espimon: Like I know that -- like, you sleep {a *little*} too much. Come on and follow me. Koushiro: (*chuckle*) ("It's concerned about me. Like Tento---") (*stops*) Espimon: (What's wrong.) Koushiro: (It's nothing.) Espimon: (You do THAT A Lot too.) Can we go now? Koushiro: Fine, let's... (*stretches, reaches for Digivice-phone Specially Made By Izumi Corp., grabs jacket*) As usual, please lead the way. Espimon: YEAH, I Will. We're going 'there' first-- (*leads Koushiro out the door*) Koushiro: (It Is Somewhat "Like Me", And Somewhat Not, And That's OK.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
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{DO NOT Copy} {DO NOT re-post} {by ME / from my own copy}
It’s written from Tai’s P.O.V.
(Also once again, “Spell My Name With An S” happened, kind of.) [ “Izzy” Koushiro Izumi ] (It’s ‘ Koushiro “Izzy” Izumi ’ in Ep01 dub.)
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{OK but that Tai x Izzy Tho.}
Basically, This Book Gets Me TM . (Not just with that too.) {But basically everything it said here.}
You can tell this thing was well-loved because a) I bought it new, and b) on Izzy’s page in particular (and surrounding pages too, but), it’s literally coming apart at the spine. (Maybe because I read way too much.)
Also obviously, this is dub-verse, not based in sub version. (And, yes, I Know how to mentally separate the two, thank you.) [It’s still rIGHT]
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