#koushiro and espimon
koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs' Koushiro [...and GG!Espimon?]
Koushiro, dozing: Espimon, waking up from dozing: Koushiro: .... Espimon: ... Hey. (*pokes*) Koushiro: Hmm?... (lazily opening eyes) Espimon: You've been resting a lot lately. Espimon: I'm up now, so if you wanna do something before I go out, get up. Koushiro: (*laughs*) I got it... (*slowlyyy getting up*) But, you know, you *should* ask first... Espimon: ... Hmmph. Espimon: But *you* said you wanted to explore together more. Koushiro: right. You're looking for "the real Hiro". I know. (I'll Help You Find Them) Koushiro: -But... since you're living with me temporarily, we should "get along" too. Espimon: ... It's not that we can't But, like Koushiro: Espimon: Like I know that -- like, you sleep {a *little*} too much. Come on and follow me. Koushiro: (*chuckle*) ("It's concerned about me. Like Tento---") (*stops*) Espimon: (What's wrong.) Koushiro: (It's nothing.) Espimon: (You do THAT A Lot too.) Can we go now? Koushiro: Fine, let's... (*stretches, reaches for Digivice-phone Specially Made By Izumi Corp., grabs jacket*) As usual, please lead the way. Espimon: YEAH, I Will. We're going 'there' first-- (*leads Koushiro out the door*) Koushiro: (It Is Somewhat "Like Me", And Somewhat Not, And That's OK.)
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izzyizumi · 10 months
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Digimon Ghost Game ~ Ending Theme #5 (Originally sung by Musical Artists/Group: Kobore) "Strawberry" ~ Hiro Amanokawa & Gammamon & (New Friend!) Espimon
"There are so many things in the world That you can't see with your eyes..."
{That's (Also) Friendship!}
Caps by @izzyizumi, {Do Not Remove Caption} (Please Ask to Use)
“I’ll save you, Hiro!”
“ME and YOU are Friends!
“…YOU and Hiro are FRIENDS!!!” - Gammamon to Espimon;
“…{Friends}”? [ 友達 ] ? ( “TOMODACHI?” ) - Espimon
-GG!Espimon & Gammamon (+Hiro in background); Episode 54
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detectiveichijouji · 11 months
Case 23 - Kido Joe’s strict rules of madness
[AO3 version]
Briefly, Ken and the others found Noel around Taichi’s university. But the moment his eyes encountered theirs, Noel decided to run away. Maybe he was still scared?
Daisuke stopped walking and glanced at Ken, “Noel had a fragment, but he got it stolen from him. He was going to give it to me so we could keep it in a safer place and without hurting anyone.”
“... I see.”
“I told ya, Noel is a good guy. You gotta apologize to him.”
“... I will, but next time ok? I have to go home.”
And then Ken left. The group went back to their own homes after that too. But Ken wasn’t going home… He really found odd Noel Leblanc being there, right there… Casually and all of a sudden… He was kinda curious about Noel’s alibi to being there…
… But he didn’t find Noel.
… Noel Leblanc was definitely there -- Ken was musing as he returned home. The moment he arrived at the Ichijoujis residence, he realized his parents weren’t at home yet so he just walked to his room and started musing about the information gathered so far.
“... Something does not sound right…”
“Hm?” Wormmon blinked, “What’s wrong?”
“Noel confirmed he’s a distant relative of Arsène Lupin’s creator,” he was reading the messages Takeru sent to him. 
It felt like Ken and Takeru had become some kind of Sherlock Holmes and Watson for this mystery. Funny though, because of the Lupin books having its own take of the most known British detective as ‘Herlock Sholmes’.
“Huh, is it?”
“Well, it can be possible… But it might mean we’re on the right path,” Ken rested the phone on the desk and looked at Wormmon, “It could mean the hypothesis that Noel Leblanc created Arsenemon is plausible.”
“Hmm…Ah, I see!” Wormmon nodded, listening to Ken’s musings quite interested.
“Maybe he sent Arsenemon to help us out. Noel was present when Hikari-san received Koushiro-san’s phone call…”
“Hmm… True true.”
“This means… Espimon might not be Noel’s only digimon partner.”
“He’s Arsenemon’s partner too.”
Joe and Gomamon usually go home late, because of the activities at the medical school and his internship there. Also, they were still helping the Digimon Arena -- which changed its localization to a better place, and kept training and challenging digimon and tamers. Except this time King Shoutmon had legit real prizes for them, from their village’s cuisine and crafts after all.
“Soooooo… Do you think I can beat TeslaJellymon next time and win the all-you-can-eat ticket from Delumon’s cafe?”
“It would’ve been nice, but don’t forget we’re not there to just compete,” Joe smiled, “we’re helping to keep everyone safe and treat their wounds.”
“Of course! But… Ah… I’d like to try out the Village of the Smiles’ cuisine someday…”
They laughed lightly, walking in the streets. Until they found the eyepatched Impmon… lying on the sidewalk.
“Huh…?” they blinked.
“Help… Me…!!”
In the morning…
“Aaaah I can’t believe I’m turning 17 soon!!” Daisuke seemed pretty… excited?? “Just a few more days… Uh… 18 days!!”
“Why? Do you want to get your presents already?” Hikari giggled.
“N-nope! I mean… Takeru, Ken and you are already 17! I’m always the last one of the 1991 kids to get older!”
“True…” Takeru smiled, “I’m the oldest. You can call me ‘Takeru-san’ now”
“No way!” he pouted.
Noel was also walking with them to school, again. At least this didn’t feel tense this time.
“... Ah! Noel,” Daisuke grinned, “When is your birthday, dude?”
“... June 15, but why?” The boy looked back, directly to Daisuke and with some curiosity about what Daisuke would do with that info.
“Oh! So you’re…”
“16 years old already. I was born in 1992… I think.”
“Makes sense…”
June 15…? -- Takeru thought, but this time he kept quiet. To not make Daisuke mad at him again. But why was that date interesting for him…?
“This makes him a Gemini!” Hikari commented, “Like Miyako-san!”
“Hm? Inoue-san… is a Gemini…?”
“Yes, her birthday is on May 30th though”
“Mine is December 1st!” Daisuke added, with another grin, “This means I get presents twice in a month!”
“Oh… Christmas presents too…”
“Well, there’s the ones who just give only one present for two dates” Hikari teased Daisuke with a giggle, “Right~”
“H-hey…! Don’t remind me of that!!”
The classes were completely normal for them all. But something kept bugging Takeru… Something wasn’t right… Something… was off.
Then, after class he just witnessed (by sheer accident of fate) Lune talking with Noel and Soleil:
“You shouldn’t be befriending those punks!” She said, “Remember, we have a goal.”
“...” Noel, however, did not say anything in return.
“Well… Let him be, Lune.” Soleil sighed, “Soon or later he will stop.”
“I made predictions, they won’t stay on your side at all!” she continued, “If you keep trying to be Motomiya Daisuke’s friend… You’re fated to misfortune.”
Takeru wanted to intervene and defend Daisuke, they were saying something so awful about his friend! And now saying Noel couldn’t stay friends with Daisuke?!
But Takeru’s phone rang, and he had to leave before the other three noticed him there. It was Miyako, asking him and the others to gather at the karaoke booth.
He, Daisuke and Hikari (plus their digimon) left the school and went to the usual karaoke booth. There, Miyako explained them the details:
“King Shoutmon said… Joe-senpai had gone crazy and took control over the Digimon Arena. Then, Izumi-senpai sent me a message saying he detected another fragment and a bizarre amount of data around this area here,”
She pointed to a marked area in the map of her laptop.
“Then, I went to check which area is and… Bingo. It’s the new place our friends picked to host the Digimon Arena’s activities.”
“Another fragment…” Takeru clenched his fist.
“Now they chose to attack Joe-san…” Hikari frowned, “First Sora-san, then Taichi… What are their goals now?”
“... I can’t see the pattern here” Iori commented, trying to connect the cases to each other, “Only that Arsenemon was right to warn us about the enemy targeting us now.”
“Hmm…” Ken mused.
“Did you notice something, Ken?” Tailmon asked.
“Miyako-san, please search for Ornismon data. I need to check a little detail.”
“Hmm??” They all looked at Ken, and then Miyako started checking the database about Ornismon.
“Hmmm… It is an ancient bird, possibly linked to… hatred?”
“Hatred??” Patamon repeated, “So this means…”
“They were exploiting our Crests’ power negatively” Hawkmon added, “isn’t it what you were thinking about, Ken-san?”
“Yes, as I suspected… Previously they were enabling the seven deadly sins, but now…”
“They’re goin’ after us and using our Crest power wrongly…” Armadimon mused, “So, this means… Takeru and Patamon can be targeted again, dagya?”
“... We need to catch those remaining pieces as soon as possible” Daisuke clenched his fists, then asked: “How many shards are left?? How many do we have? And How many Arsenemon have?”
“Whoa whoa, calm down Daisuke” Miyako said, “Hmmm… 7 for us, 9 for Arsenemon, and there’s only 4 left.”
Iori was recapping all the previous incidents with the fragments: “Taichi-san’s case was possibly exploiting the Crest of Courage. So if Joe-san has one…”
“Well, he was kinda acting cowardly don’t ya think?” V-mon commented, “So, what’s the opposite of Reliability?”
“Hmm… Deceitful, disloyalty, dishonesty, treachery, unsteadiness…” Wormmon answered.
“I think we shouldn’t go too literal here,” Daisuke sounded annoyed, “Let’s go stop Joe-san before things get worse.”
But someone else was listening to them… And before they could catch him , the one spying on them left quickly, not even meeting with the group when they left the booth and headed to the Digimon Arena.
The Digimon Arena was covered by… water!? At least it was a bubble filled with water shielding the building. The 02 group were confused about it though -- would they need to swim to get inside? Should they just send Iori and Submarimon?
Sending Iori alone sounded too troublesome…
So Ken had a strange feeling and approached the water barrier. He examined it for a second and then put his head inside it for a few minutes. Miyako and Daisuke gasped in horror and they were ready to go there when Ken took his head off the barrier and looked at them, deadpanned. 
“It’s not real, we can breathe inside.”
“NEXT TIME DON’T DO SOMETHING THAT RECKLESS!!” both Miyako and Daisuke hissed.
“A-anyway… Let’s go,” Takeru tried to interrupt their fight. They all nodded and got inside the building.
And then they just met Joe and what was supposed to be Gomamon, perhaps? A Neptunemon was next to him and they watched the Arena, TeslaJellymon and other competitors like Tenno Yuu’s Sparrowmon were… writing something on paper sheets!?
“What, is this a cram school now?” Daisuke blinked “Everyone’s doing homework??”
“No, it’s not homework it’s…” Iori commented as they approached the arena. Then he just glanced at one of those sheets and realized what they were, “... a contract.”
“A contract?!” The others (but Ken) exclaimed.
Daisuke immediately took a paper from one of the kids filling it and read it, “Huh…? It’s about the arena rules?? Wait, you have to agree with ALL OF THOSE to be able to participate in the battles!?”
Ken yanked the paper from Daisuke’s hand, and the others read it over his shoulder, “... ‘No running, no using projectiles, no weapons, no shouting, no chatting, no singing, no rough play, no drinks or food, no swearing, no tossing junk, no diving’… ‘Don’t break the equipment/building, use the stairs, play safely, use slippers’... ‘Please inform your phone, Digimon Arena ID, blood type, digivice type, digimon type, digimon field, digimon category, allergies, goals’…”
“What is this, a public pool??” Daisuke squinted his eyes. (※ he clearly didn’t read it at all)
“I think this is going too far,” Iori commented.
“Joe-san, please stop!” Miyako ran towards her, but suddenly a horde of Marching Fishes came in, blowing a whistle and wearing security hats.
“DON’T RUN INSIDE THE BUILDING!!” Joe shouted from a high lifeguard chair.
“A-ah!!” Miyako stopped immediately. The others came in, but walking calmly. Then she looked at the group and whispered, “How can we do something without breaking the rules?”
“... Have Imperialdramon deck that fish-like digimon?” V-mon commented.
“That’s Neptunemon,” Tailmon clarified, “I didn’t expect to see one here…”
“The rules didn’t say we can’t fly, so…” Daisuke grabbed his digivice, “Let’s go, V-mon!”
V-mon nodded and then… “V-MON EVOLV--”
“NO SHOUTING!!” Joe ordered, shouting again; then he snapped his fingers. 
“W-WHAT?!” The Marching Fishes came in swarms and then dragged Daisuke and V-mon outside -- “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaah, helppppp…!!” they shouted until their voices faded. Then the fishes left them outside the building.
Daisuke and V-mon tried to get inside, but… no success. Now the barrier was made of water and they couldn’t dive into it -- “DARN IT!!” Daisuke punched the barrier.
The other five couldn’t even react to that… Oh no, they’re in real serious trouble. If they can’t snatch the shard from Joe and Gomamon…
“Joe-san,” Hikari frowned, and then walked calmly there, “Why are you doing this?? Weren’t you helping King Shoutmon and TeslaJellymon to get stronger? Weren’t you here because you wanted to help the contestants to not get badly hurt??”
“Those fights ARE dangerous, so I put an end on them. If they follow the rules, no one will be hurt. I’m doing it for them, but I won’t allow anyone to disobey my rules.”
“That’s wrong!” she snapped, but still not raising her voice, “You know deep down that you’re setting too many rules to the point there’s no fun anymore! Yes, you’re preventing someone from getting hurt, but you’re also not allowing no one to do anything!!”
“You’re like them, disobeying norms and running amok in this place!”
“Aren’t you disobeying the rules too, at this point?” Iori said, deadpanned.
“You clearly said ‘No shouting’ while shouting,” Takeru commented.
“He also shouted when telling Miyako-san to not run too,” Wormmon nodded.
“The rules say no weapons, but Neptunemon is wielding that big spear right next to you,” Patamon added with a shrug.
“We can do those things! We’re keeping this place in order!!” Neptunemon hissed.
“That’s a lie, you just want to drop a ton of rules on us to ruin the fun” Miyako squinted her eyes, “How can the Digimon Arena work if you can’t even battle?!”
“Yeah,” Armadimon wagged his paw, “Bet y’all can’t beat us fair and square here, dagya.”
“You all are--!!”
“Checkmate, Joe-senpai” Ken smirked, “You know we’re right. You broke the same rules you made.”
“Should we go retrieve the fragment from him now?” Hawkmon asked them.
“Mhm! Miyako-san!” Hikari grabbed her D-3.
Hawkmon evolves to… Aquilamon!Tailmon!Jogress Evolution! Silphymon!!
Silphymon then used their visor to pinpoint where the shard was, so they could get it from Joe-or-Gomamon. They identified it as the whistle on Joe’s necklace.
“There” Silphymon shouted, but Neptunemon attacked. They dodged the spear and stared at the opponent, “Miyako-san, The Digimental fragment is the whistle” They (Aquilamon side) said.
“I won’t let you get him and ruin our dominion!”
“Since Joe-san broke the rules…” Takeru nodded, then used the Digimental of Hope to evolve Patamon into Pegasusmon.
“No!!” Neptunemon shouted, and then threw the spear at the boy and Pegasusmon. Everything was starting to get extremely BAD when…
“Un, deux, trois~”
Someone snapped the fingers and teleported Takeru & Pegasusmon out of the range of the spear.
“WHAT?!” everyone exclaimed.
“C'est l'heure du spectacle” Arsenemon appeared in the middle of the arena, “ Pardon, I’ve been appearing too early recently~”
“STOP RIGHT THEREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!” Daisuke and V-mon came in, running after they had been unblocked from the barrier.
“Oh, my favorite Chosen Detective was outside this time,” then he snapped his fingers and a calling card popped in front of Daisuke, which was caught by the boy:
Hello, mon ami. I’m here to steal the wicked fragment from Kido Joe. Enjoy the show~
“I won’t sit and let you steal it!” Daisuke growled.
Then suddenly, Kido Joe started to laugh. Quite scary, to be honest.
“Ah, you want this?” Joe showed them the whistle in his hand, “Well, I’ll give you if you could beat Neptunemon.”
“What? Do you think I’m not a trustworthy person?”
“Ken… We have to use Imperialdramon right now” Daisuke whispered to the other, who nodded in response.
“Then I will--” But suddenly a robotic arm sneaked in and stole the whistle from Jou’s hand “W-WHAT!? HOW?!”
“You’re all bark but no talk!” Miss Espimon appeared from the ceiling, “Now go back to normal!!”
“… He let it be caught,” Armadimon blinked.
“?!?!?! HOW COULD YOU--”
“He might not wake up like this. So allow me to help you, fine gentleman…” Arsenemon shrugged, “Oeil de Chat” he snapped his fingers and a small black cat with green eyes magically popped in front of Joe, having the glowing cat eyes synchronize with Joe’s and then making the man fall asleep.
“I… um… Sleepy…” Joe fell asleep, and with this Gomamon returned to his original form.
“H-huh?!” Gomamon blinked, “Ah I’m back to normal…?”
“ You. tried. to. kill. us.” Pegasusmon appeared behind Gomamon with a deadly glare. He was already charging his Silver Blaze when Takeru patted the back of his head.
“GAAHAHAHAAAA SORRY SORRY SORRY!! 💦” Gomamon hid behind Daisuke. 
Daisuke took Gomamon with his two hands and lifted the digimon, “So, you we’re really into it huh…”
“I’m soooooooooorry!! That Impmon inserted one of those shards on Joe and it also corrupted me!!”
Everyone stared at Gomamon, “Suspicious…”
“D-do you really think I’d try to hurt y’all!? I’m a good digimon!! B-Besides… There was something else that night…”
“A pair of eyes… They definitely cough Joe and me into some hypnosis spell… I recognized it… It was… Dracumon’s eyes.”
“Dracumon?”  The kids and the digimon exclaimed, but not Ken or Tailmon (neither Epimon and Arsenemon) (※ Silphymon jogress has undone and both Tailmon and Hawkmon were back to adult and child forms, respectively)
“Dracumon… that name…” Ken mused, “It surely sounds familiar…”
“Dracumon are vampire-like digimon, probably one of Vamdemon’s old acquaintances” Tailmon explained, “Might be… related to… That one digimon we met before…” 
“Ugh… I felt like I had a hangover…” Joe woke up, kinda dizzy though… “But I didn’t drink…”
“Are you okay now, Joe-san?” Hikari asked him.
“Yeah… Thank you guys… And sorry everyone…”
“Oh don’t worry you’re fine now right, Big J??” TeslaJellymon grinned, “we gotta catch those two digimon and snap their necks!!”
“No neck snapping!” Daisuke said, then he looked around and… “GAH, ARSENEMON AND ESPIMON ARE GONE!!”
Ken didn’t mind the lost fragment though… He was mostly interested in the fact that Espimon came out of nowhere. It only reinforced his theories that Arsenemon is linked to Noel, as partner or as some accomplice.
As for now, Arsenemon has acquired the 10th shard, while Team 02 has only 7. Only 3 are yet to be found, or to be used by Impmon and Dracumon.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' KouTai{/shiro} [Koushiro x Taichi] {Post-Kizuna, somewhere around "The Beginning" x GhostGame}
Koushiro, collapsed in back of room on a comfy chair, reading (for once not on the laptop but...): Espimon, nearby, relaxing on comfy chair, ...fiddling with Espimon's "odd items" again: Taichi, walking in: Koushiro, turning page: Espimon, fiddling: Taichi, grinning: You two look like you're having a blast. Espimon, not looking up: Huh? I'm busy... Koushiro, not looking up quite yet: Taichi-san, just let me finish this one page and... Taichi: I know, I know. (*putting things down*) Koushiro & Espimon, returning to Those: Taichi, watching for some moments: Taichi, gaze drifting more in Koushiro's direction: Espimon: Espimon, blinking, looking up: You're looking at Koushiro funny. Koushiro, caught by surprise only slightly: ????? Taichi, lightly laughing: Koushiro looks cool. Koushiro: T-Taichi-san--- Espimon: ... Now your face looks funny. (In Mind, about Koushiro's current expression: "What is That.") Koushiro: You don't have to 'comment' on it...-- Espimon, missing the cue: But it does? Taichi: Guys, it's no big deal, I just... (*hand on back of neck*) Um, Koushiro, talk to me about what we're doing for food later. Koushiro, nodding, shifting away so Koushiro can finish reading that 'page' as Taichi goes to change: Espimon, glancing at Koushiro: I did "this" with Fake-Hiro too, you know. Koushiro: "This"? Espimon, shrugging in the direction of thing Espimon's holding: Like, "Relaxing"... but 'this'... Koushiro, Instantly: It's 'stimulation'. Espimon: "Stimulation"... Koushiro, calmly: Like to regulate, or recharge... Espimon: "recharge"... like (my) circuits?? Koushiro, blinking: Something like that... Espimon: ... Huh, ok. (*goes back to Stimming*) Taichi, coming back from changing: Koushiro, to Taichi, light-chuckling: It still needs some time. Espimon, ~suddenly~ finishing up: I'm done now... Koushiro, glancing at Taichi: Taichi, glancing back to Espimon: ...Wanna come with? Espimon: Is there good food? Taichi: THE BEST. Espimon: I'm there. Koushiro: (..It's similar to 'me', but not just 'me'.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Sometime post DigiAdvs 02, Steve & Frigimon encounter... an Espimon: Steve, walking around, observing Espimon from different angles without getting too close to Espimon's Personal Space zone: You're a cute one. Espimon, blushing: D-Don't call me CUTE!!! Steve: (Oh) Steve: ... You sound a bit like someone else I know. Espimon: ??? ??? ? ??--- Steve: I bet you don't know Koushiro, though. Espimon: Che. I bet that "Koushiro" doesn't like to be called "cute", either. Steve: (You'd be surprised.) Espimon: (...?? ? ?) Steve: (Oh) Espimon: Anyway, I don't really know this "Koushiro" person, but fake-Hiro might. Steve, actually confused for once: "Fake Hiro"?? ? ? Espimon: Yeah. "That guy", Hokuto told me Hiro was a "different" person he knew. Even if Hiro claims to also be "Amanokawa". Steve: ...Sorry, not sure I follow. I don't really know a "Hiro" or "Amanokawa", but Koushiro might. Espimon: cHE. I don't think "Koushiro" would know "fake-Hiro". "Fake-Hiro" is just, a fake. Koushiro at least sounds /somewhat/ more useful. But at least "Fake-Hiro" has some good food... Steve: (Ah. I get it now) Steve: Do you know what an online "message" is? Espimon: Of course. I send them on "Fake-Hiro"'s "tablet" all the time. Mainly to "Kiyoshiro", but... Steve: I might send Koushiro a "message" about you, if it's ok. We have to find the "real Hiro", right? Espimon, psuedo nodding: (YEAH.) I need to find the "real Hiro" quick. If that "Koushiro" can help, then I don't *really* mind... Steve: (Got you.) Steve: Let's do that then. (*sits down to begin a message to Koushiro, talking just loud enough so Espimon can hear*) Hey, Koushiro, a cute robo 'Mon turned up at my place today. It seems to be kind of lost, and like it wandered on its own a lot... Funnily enough, it scarily sounds like you. Almost even acts like you. By the way, do you know a "Hiro" 'Amanokawa'? Is "Hiro" or "Kiyoshiro" in the Network? As for the food it likes, (*rambles off examples as Espimon lists them*) Huh, that sounds kind of like you, too. It's a little bad at personal conversing, but so are you. It seems to possess amazing "Searching" capabilities, and it's good at divulging the "Knowledge" it can gather, and it gets embarrassed if you call it "cute"... Frigimon: (This is sounding repetitive.) Steve: ... Anyway, how are things going with Taichi? (*hits send*) Espimon, drifting back over: ...This "Taichi" person. You're saying it's Taichi who calls Koushiro "cute"?? ? ? Steve, cheerily: Yup. Espimon: ..... Frigimon: (It's almost getti...) Espimon: ... Anyway, but in that message, you mentioned "cute". Steve: I mean, you are... Espimon: But, I don't get it. It's almost like you think "that person" is cu--- Steve, laughing: But "they" are cute. Frigimon: (I don't think Steve was talking about 'just' Espimon.)
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Espimon, Wistfully: ..I want to "evolve" too... mE, BANGING FISTS DOWN: I WANT YOU TO, TOO!!!!
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Me: *takes deep breath*
Me: I LOV-
anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love ESPIMON, we get it okay, you love Espimon, ESPIMON is a new brightest f*cking starshine in your life, you f*cking adore them, yes okay yes, you love & appreciate Espimon, HOW many times are we gonna go through this, yOU F*CKING LOVE ESPIMON
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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Digimon Ghost Game ~ Episode 62 + Character Progress + Friendship: Espimon & Aoi Udagawa (Ruri's Friend)
"YOU broke the contract!"
"Want to COME--" "with ME?"
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended AS SPECIFIC Characters (Aoi & Espimon) POSITIVITY. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting} {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a block}
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[Note: Tags/replies that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Digi-GhostGame Ep. 54 (J.P.N) ~ ESPIMON, GAMMAMON & HIRO + {Koushiro Izumi}-relevant shared C.V.: - Espimon (Yumiko Kobayashi) {2020!Koushiro} - Mutsumi Tamura (Hiro Amanokawa) {Tri!Koushiro; Kizuna!Koushiro; The Beginning!Koushiro}
“YOU’RE... {MY} Friend!!!”
- Gammamon (C.V.: Miyuki Sawashiro) to Espimon
“TOMODACHI?...” {“Friends?...”}
- Espimon, responding
Audio Clipped by @izzyizumi​ / @koushirouizumi​ {DO NOT re-post this clip} {DO NOT remove caption}
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{Additional note: this post is mainly intended SPECIFIC SERIES [GhostGame] POSITIVITY FOCUSED. please remember + RESPECT this when interacting {Failure to acknowledge interacting rules WILL result in a Block}
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koushirouizumi · 1 year
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{repeatverse?_ Parody} (KouTai Implied) x This Sequence from {A.n.g.e.l. B.e.a.t.s} Ep 13
(check img descriptions!)
imgs/caps by Me
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"What is it?"
"I came all this way to {protect} everyone."
"Ah, so you're the {source}.
So? What do {YOU} (INTEND) to {DO}?"
"Shut down all these machines. {Please}
right now."
"Are you sure?
Have you thought this through?
You still have time.
Quite literally, all the TIME in {the world}."
Let me tell you something {valuable}."
Humans don't have the "PATIENCE"
to wait EVEN 10 MINUTES for 'something'!"
-Y.u.r.i N.a.k.a.m.u.r.a
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Me, after re-reading up on "Crack Team" Digi-Lore: They had better stay away from Espimon if Espimon is in this series or else.
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
mE: (*falling over sobbing watching G.G. Ep 62*)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Ruri: ... What are you going to do with it? Hiro, automatically: I'm going to hold onto it. mE: (YES) (YES) ( Y E S )
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izzyizumi · 2 years
ME, Into The Void: Toei, you had better give Mutsumi Tamura (Tri! / Kizuna! / The Beginning!Koushiro; Hiro Amanokawa) and Yumiko Kobayashi (2020!Koushiro; Espimon) raises by the time this series, "The Beginning", and anything else with them finishes.
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izzyizumi · 2 years
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{Digi-T.C.G. reveal!} ~ Espimon T.C.G (Follow the link to Share!)
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