#espimon hc
koushirouizumi · 1 year
Meanwhile with DigiAdvs' Koushiro [...and GG!Espimon?]
Koushiro, dozing: Espimon, waking up from dozing: Koushiro: .... Espimon: ... Hey. (*pokes*) Koushiro: Hmm?... (lazily opening eyes) Espimon: You've been resting a lot lately. Espimon: I'm up now, so if you wanna do something before I go out, get up. Koushiro: (*laughs*) I got it... (*slowlyyy getting up*) But, you know, you *should* ask first... Espimon: ... Hmmph. Espimon: But *you* said you wanted to explore together more. Koushiro: right. You're looking for "the real Hiro". I know. (I'll Help You Find Them) Koushiro: -But... since you're living with me temporarily, we should "get along" too. Espimon: ... It's not that we can't But, like Koushiro: Espimon: Like I know that -- like, you sleep {a *little*} too much. Come on and follow me. Koushiro: (*chuckle*) ("It's concerned about me. Like Tento---") (*stops*) Espimon: (What's wrong.) Koushiro: (It's nothing.) Espimon: (You do THAT A Lot too.) Can we go now? Koushiro: Fine, let's... (*stretches, reaches for Digivice-phone Specially Made By Izumi Corp., grabs jacket*) As usual, please lead the way. Espimon: YEAH, I Will. We're going 'there' first-- (*leads Koushiro out the door*) Koushiro: (It Is Somewhat "Like Me", And Somewhat Not, And That's OK.)
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variouscolors · 2 months
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Muse list + database (last update: Sep/14/2024)
Main muses • Low activity muses • Dropped muses
Daisuke [21yo • SG • Dec 1st • Pan • He/Him] • V-mon [he/him] → XV → Wingdra → UlforceV-dra ↳ Armor/Jogress
Lui [20yo • PS • Feb 29 (28 on non leap years) • Demi • He/Him] • Ukkomon [he/him] → BigUkko
Ken [21yo • SC • Oct 31 • Bi • He/Him] • Wormmon [he/him] → Sting → JewelBee → BanchoSting ↳ Armor/Jogress
Miyako [22yo • GM • May 30 • Bi • She/Her] • Hawkmon [he/him/they/them] → Aquila → Hippogriffo → Valdur ↳ Armor/Jogress
Iori [19yo • CP • Dec 28 • AroAce • He/Him] • Armadimon [he/him] → Ankylo → ??? → ??? ↳ Armor/Jogress
Takeru [21yo • CC • July 19 • Bi • He/Him] • Patamon [he/him] → Ange → HolyAnge → Seraphi ↳ Armor/Jogress
Hikari [21yo • LI • Sep 26 • AroAce • She/Her] • Tailmon [she/her] → Angewo → Holydra ↳ Armor/Jogress
Wallace [21yo • GM • Jun 8 • He/Him] • Terriermon [he/him] → Gargo → Rapid (perf) → SaintGargo ↳ Armor • Lopmon [he/him] → Turuie → Antyla (deva) → Cherubi (Virtue)
OG Taichi [24yo • AR • Mar 29 • Demi • He/Him] • Agumon [he/him] → Grey → MetalGrey → WarGrey ↳ Jogress
RB Taichi [11yo • SG • Dec 20 • AroAce • He/Him] • Agumon [he/him] → Grey → MetalGrey → WarGrey/BlitzGrey ↳ Jogress
Yamato [24yo • AQ • Jan 23 • Bi • He/Him] • Gabumon [he/him] → Garuru → WereGaruru → MetalGaruru ↳ Jogress
Sora [24yo • PS-AQ • Feb 21 • Bi • She/Her] • Piyomon [she/her] → Birdra → Garuda → Houou
Mimi [23yo • LE • July 29 • Bi • She/Her] • Palmon [she/her] → Toge → Lily → Rose
Jun [27yo • AR • April 17 • Bi • She/Her] • Pulsemon [she/her] → Runner → Tempo → LovelyAnge
[Advverse] Ryo [24yo • SG • Dec 20 • ?? • He/Him] • Monodramon [he/him] → Cyberdra (warp] ※ Able to turn enemy digimon into allies
Maki [27yo • CP • Jan 8 • AroAce • She/Her] • Bakumon [he/him] →  Monochro → Megadra → ???
Daigo [27yo • LI • Oct 18 • He/Him] • Bearmon [he/him] → Grizz → LoaderLeo → Baihu
[AU] Meiko [24yo • LI • Oct 30 • AroAce • She/Her] • Meicoomon [she/her] → Meicrack (Normal) → Rasiel ↳ Meicrack (Vicious) → Raguel → Ordine ※ does not evolve naturally like a digimon. But has mutations as some replacement of Digimon Evolution.
Menoa [24yo • CC • Jul 9 • She/Her] • Morphomon [she/her] → ??? ↳ Modified data to Eosmon line
[02 ep 36-37] Chef Digitamamon [he/him] ↳ line: Vee → V-dra → Digitama
Arukenimon [she/her]
[Drama CD] Natsu (Natchan) [she/her]
[OC] Blu Rhodo [he/him] ↳ line: Chibi → LordKnight (warp)
[OC] Noel Leblanc/Étoile [20yo • GM • Jun 15 • He/Him] ↳ Arsenemon line: Nyaro → Plot → BlackTail → Arsene
@projectmei [AU Meiko]
@himekawamaki [Maki; shitpost only]
@infinitycafeshop [Cafe Shop HC for Rui]
@crimsondigimonhunter [AU Tagiru]
Takuya [12yo • LE • Aug 7 • Bi • He/Him] ↳ Agni ↔ Vritra → Alda or KaiserGrey
Rina [ 21yo • CC • Jun 27 • Pan • She/Her] • V.V. (VeeVee) [he/him] → V-dra → AeroV-dra → UlforceV-dra
Hiro [14yo • TA • May 14 • ?? • He/Him] • Gammamon [he/him] → Betel → Canoweiss → Sirius ↳ Kaus/Wezen ↳ Gulus → Regulus • Espimon [he/him] → HoverEspi
[GG] Piemon [he/him] -- line: Imp → Wizard → Wise → Pie
[AU] Tagiru [13yo • AR • Mar 25 • ??? • He/Him] • Gumdramon [he/him] → Arrester → Arrester SM
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Digimon Adventures' KouTai{/shiro} [Koushiro x Taichi] {Post-Kizuna, somewhere around "The Beginning" x GhostGame}
Koushiro, collapsed in back of room on a comfy chair, reading (for once not on the laptop but...): Espimon, nearby, relaxing on comfy chair, ...fiddling with Espimon's "odd items" again: Taichi, walking in: Koushiro, turning page: Espimon, fiddling: Taichi, grinning: You two look like you're having a blast. Espimon, not looking up: Huh? I'm busy... Koushiro, not looking up quite yet: Taichi-san, just let me finish this one page and... Taichi: I know, I know. (*putting things down*) Koushiro & Espimon, returning to Those: Taichi, watching for some moments: Taichi, gaze drifting more in Koushiro's direction: Espimon: Espimon, blinking, looking up: You're looking at Koushiro funny. Koushiro, caught by surprise only slightly: ????? Taichi, lightly laughing: Koushiro looks cool. Koushiro: T-Taichi-san--- Espimon: ... Now your face looks funny. (In Mind, about Koushiro's current expression: "What is That.") Koushiro: You don't have to 'comment' on it...-- Espimon, missing the cue: But it does? Taichi: Guys, it's no big deal, I just... (*hand on back of neck*) Um, Koushiro, talk to me about what we're doing for food later. Koushiro, nodding, shifting away so Koushiro can finish reading that 'page' as Taichi goes to change: Espimon, glancing at Koushiro: I did "this" with Fake-Hiro too, you know. Koushiro: "This"? Espimon, shrugging in the direction of thing Espimon's holding: Like, "Relaxing"... but 'this'... Koushiro, Instantly: It's 'stimulation'. Espimon: "Stimulation"... Koushiro, calmly: Like to regulate, or recharge... Espimon: "recharge"... like (my) circuits?? Koushiro, blinking: Something like that... Espimon: ... Huh, ok. (*goes back to Stimming*) Taichi, coming back from changing: Koushiro, to Taichi, light-chuckling: It still needs some time. Espimon, ~suddenly~ finishing up: I'm done now... Koushiro, glancing at Taichi: Taichi, glancing back to Espimon: ...Wanna come with? Espimon: Is there good food? Taichi: THE BEST. Espimon: I'm there. Koushiro: (..It's similar to 'me', but not just 'me'.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Meanwhile with Steve and Frigimon [+Espimon] {DigiAdvs 02}
Takeru, glancing down at Espimon: Espimon, fiddling with "odd item" out of place that's caught Espimon's Interest, Ignoring: ... Takeru: ... Takeru, glancing at Steve: It's like Koushiro-san. Steve, nodding...: It's like Koushiro. Takeru: Takeru, glancing back up: It's "always" doing things like this? When did you meet it? Steve, shrugging but genuine: A while ago. It seems to "wander". It's looking for someone "Not a {'Fake'} Hiro Amanokawa". Koushiro can't find them yet, we searched the database and asked around... Takeru, bemused: That's... odd. Steve: Overall, it's a bit of a "different one". Takeru: Like Koushiro-san. Steve: Like Koushiro.(pauses) With a bit of a "tough"...-er side. Takeru, blinking in clear surprise: ?? Steve: Koushiro's clearly "tough" in ways too, but Espimon's even more *proud* of its ability. Not sure if the others have noticed as much yet how similar they seem, though. Frigimon: (Mimi is indulging it, and Jou is flustered by it as typical... Taichi is treating it in a friendly way too, if also a bit bemused by these things.) Patamon: (Isn't all that, the same with K---) Frigimon: (Don't ask me.) Espimon, finally realizing Espimon's being commented on: What? Steve, casually: Oh, nothing really, we just think you're really amazing. Takeru: Espimon: Got that right. (*goes back to Stimming*) Takeru, in mind: ("It's like Koushiro-san.") Steve, glancing at Takeru, lowly: (Koushiro also clearly likes being called "amazing", right? Even if Koushiro hides it more, Koushiro was happy.) Takeru: (When Taichi-san said it.) Steve: (When Taichi says----) Frigimon: (They're all very obvious.) Espimon, looking up: It's fine if you keep calling me "amazing", but I'm trying to focus on this... Steve: No, no, go back to your fun. Takeru: (It keeps missing---) Steve: (It's kind in its own way, though.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Koushiro, receiving the message N.Y Chosen Steve previously sent: ("'A cute'" "'Mon'" that "kind of acts like" me' 'showed up...' '?? ? ? ?'") Taichi, leaning over to read: Koushiro, giving Taichi a LOOK: (H-hey!!!) Taichi: (OK, OK, I won't look) Koushiro: (*...reads Taichi the message*) Taichi: Tell Steve I'm seeing a cute expression on your face right about now. Koushiro: (t-tAICHI-SAN---) Steve: (*receives the reply*) Oh--- (*laugh*) Frigimon & Espimon: (?????) Steve, showing the pic Taichi snapped and convinced Koushiro to send: They're really cute. Espimon: ...Che. I don't GET it, but they look "happy" here, I Guess. Kind of like "fake Hiro" when Fake-Hiro is with the others. Steve, mentally taking Note: And cute. Espimon, psuedo-nodding, repeating: And cu---- Frigimon: (Got you.) Espimon: ---Well, I GUESS. (*huff!*) Not me, though. Frigimon: (This feels like it might go on for a while.) Steve: (It's just genuinely really sweet, they're pretty similar, too...) Steve, laughing in mind: (Anyway, TAICHI... sure is going to keep Koushiro's attention today.) Taichi, later on: (You were messaging Koushiro ever since the meeting back in '02????) Steve: (Well, we're something like 'friends'... but Koushiro was always talking about you too, it just naturally flowed like that) Taichi: (!!??!?) ("Koushiro talked about me?!??") Steve, laughing: ("I don't know where Taichi-san would, even like to 'hang out' at? Taichi-san likes to eat but... Steve-san, do you have any advice? I'm rather bad at this kind of thing, I don't eat out often, my parents usually..." "Taichi-san seemed happy when I finally asked Taichi-san to 'hang out' the other day. I know I took some time to ask, but the level of confidence that was required..." "I'm trying to introduce Taichi-san to the concept of e-mailing for a while now, but Taichi-san doesn't typically write long messages." "Taichi-san wrote back. It was rather short, but... And, uses a lot of 'emojis'..." "I want to wear something a little 'different' - I know I did with Mimi-san 'back then', but I'm still a little, well, it's disconcerting..." "I gave the tickets my other American friend gave me, to go the football game, to Taichi-san, and Taichi-san was really, really thrilled. I can't obtain these all the time, but if possible..." "The football game was really loud, but Taichi-san seemed to have a lot of fun, and I can't help but admit it was a very exciting atmosphere." "Is it ok if we practice speaking again? I'd like to brush up on my French. Someday, I think Taichi-san would also like to go to..." "After making the new Digivices, Taichi-san began to call more, but as for proper communication over the phone, I wonder if I'm handling it well with Taichi-san..." "Is it all right to also invite Taichi-san to {gathering Koushiro was also invited to by Steve}?" "Taichi-san seemed to really enjoy the gatherings, so I was quite pleasantly surprised.") TAICHI: (oH) STEVE: (Go for it, "Taichi-san".)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Sometime post DigiAdvs 02, Steve & Frigimon encounter... an Espimon: Steve, walking around, observing Espimon from different angles without getting too close to Espimon's Personal Space zone: You're a cute one. Espimon, blushing: D-Don't call me CUTE!!! Steve: (Oh) Steve: ... You sound a bit like someone else I know. Espimon: ??? ??? ? ??--- Steve: I bet you don't know Koushiro, though. Espimon: Che. I bet that "Koushiro" doesn't like to be called "cute", either. Steve: (You'd be surprised.) Espimon: (...?? ? ?) Steve: (Oh) Espimon: Anyway, I don't really know this "Koushiro" person, but fake-Hiro might. Steve, actually confused for once: "Fake Hiro"?? ? ? Espimon: Yeah. "That guy", Hokuto told me Hiro was a "different" person he knew. Even if Hiro claims to also be "Amanokawa". Steve: ...Sorry, not sure I follow. I don't really know a "Hiro" or "Amanokawa", but Koushiro might. Espimon: cHE. I don't think "Koushiro" would know "fake-Hiro". "Fake-Hiro" is just, a fake. Koushiro at least sounds /somewhat/ more useful. But at least "Fake-Hiro" has some good food... Steve: (Ah. I get it now) Steve: Do you know what an online "message" is? Espimon: Of course. I send them on "Fake-Hiro"'s "tablet" all the time. Mainly to "Kiyoshiro", but... Steve: I might send Koushiro a "message" about you, if it's ok. We have to find the "real Hiro", right? Espimon, psuedo nodding: (YEAH.) I need to find the "real Hiro" quick. If that "Koushiro" can help, then I don't *really* mind... Steve: (Got you.) Steve: Let's do that then. (*sits down to begin a message to Koushiro, talking just loud enough so Espimon can hear*) Hey, Koushiro, a cute robo 'Mon turned up at my place today. It seems to be kind of lost, and like it wandered on its own a lot... Funnily enough, it scarily sounds like you. Almost even acts like you. By the way, do you know a "Hiro" 'Amanokawa'? Is "Hiro" or "Kiyoshiro" in the Network? As for the food it likes, (*rambles off examples as Espimon lists them*) Huh, that sounds kind of like you, too. It's a little bad at personal conversing, but so are you. It seems to possess amazing "Searching" capabilities, and it's good at divulging the "Knowledge" it can gather, and it gets embarrassed if you call it "cute"... Frigimon: (This is sounding repetitive.) Steve: ... Anyway, how are things going with Taichi? (*hits send*) Espimon, drifting back over: ...This "Taichi" person. You're saying it's Taichi who calls Koushiro "cute"?? ? ? Steve, cheerily: Yup. Espimon: ..... Frigimon: (It's almost getti...) Espimon: ... Anyway, but in that message, you mentioned "cute". Steve: I mean, you are... Espimon: But, I don't get it. It's almost like you think "that person" is cu--- Steve, laughing: But "they" are cute. Frigimon: (I don't think Steve was talking about 'just' Espimon.)
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koushirouizumi · 2 years
Just GhostGame Things
Me after watching GhostGame Ep38: Hokuto Did Not (Seem??) To Appear (Yet). But I DID get Tri!Koushiro-esque Hiro and 2020!Koushiro-esque Espimon speaking to each other. Along with /some/ Espimon sound bytes that sound very 2020!Koushiro-like in which case = Good. (OK, But Koushiro Doesn't Use "cHE" or "Ore"/"Oira" or "Aitsu"!! So It's Totally Not Meant To Actually BE Koushiro Haha right Toei??? rIGHT OK)
Toei, probably: ( Laughing in the background as they play these two seiyuu who have both played Koushiro against each other )
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