#kousuke x shin-ae
denjidomination · 1 year
Shadows in I Love Yoo
spoilers up ahead!
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Specifically with nol, we see a lot of instances where he is in the shadows. Shadows obviously signify darkness and in this case, i find it to be the darkness within one’s self. Us the readers, as well as most characters in ily are introduced to nol as yeong-gi. Yeong-gi is the light; while nol is kept in the dark. But as the story progresses, we notice the appearance of nol slowly creeping up. We see it physically as we see nol in the shadows.
This first panel is from episode 19, and the second is from episode 112.
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Not only is nol facing the opposite side of yeong-gi, but he is also facing to the left. 100% this is a reach LMFAO but whenever i notice characters facing different directions, i like to point out what direction they are facing. To us who read left to right, going to the right means progression and the left is the opposite. Nol is alone and in the darkness; he is ultimately stuck with a depreciating mental state while everyone seems to progress with their lives.
Before his trial, nol spoke to yu-jing and stated that “if being a good person means sitting back and watching those i care about be wronged, then i don’t want to be a good person”. Once he said that, we see his face be covered by the shadows once again. Nol is the darkness slowly taking over yeong-gi. While nol as a concept isn’t inherintely bad, he is the other side of himself that he has been suppressing for so long. Nol is reaching his anti-hero moment. If people want to paint him as the bad guy, then fine, he will be the bad guy. Being “good” means being helpless and a pushover, and after so many wrongs, he finds that being “good” is not what he wants to be anymore.
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After his fallout with his friends nol is, yet again, in the shadows. The light is so close to hitting him but he chooses to be in the dark so that he doesn’t drag anyone else with him.
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With this last instance, nol is in the shadows, but also on a physical lower position than shin-ae. Shin-ae has grown a lot throughout the story, and that growth is what nol wishes to achieve. Within that same chapter, shin-ae speaks positively of nol to min-hyuk. Following those events, we see nol follow shin-ae as she moves upwards. This signifies nol slowly reaching for some sort of growth. These two are mirrors of each other. If shin-ae is capable of growth and contentment, then nol is as well. Him hearing about all the things shin-ae said about him made him believe that he can work towards that growth as well. Lastly, bringing back the talk of direction, we see nol chasing after shin-ae in what appears to be the right. *Right* means progression, *right* means growth. Shin-ae is growing, and nol is finally trying to be on the path that can grow alongside her.
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tooningtheweb · 3 months
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This is my happy place
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yootipweek · 3 years
Yootip Week 2021, Day 1 Prompt "Daydreams".
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By Firespawn (Yootip Amino).
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minyoongi-png · 4 years
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Also: Took screenshots from the webtoon and edited it myself- so don’t come at me for not crediting :)
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ship-personalities · 6 years
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somebody-909 · 3 years
I Love Yoo 151 Analysis (pt.2) - A Lovers' Goodbye
(Part 1 here)
In the episode, the characters show a level of deep concern for each other, but it's continuously contradicted by their hurtful actions and words. But why is it so contradictory? Answering this question helps us better understand the turmoil and complications involved in this heartbreaking scene, as well as what feelings are most genuine.
A Desperate Desire to Connect
Yeong-gi leaves his school to see Shin-ae standing in front of him. She confronts him as to why he’s ignored her calls and if he’s planning on leaving without saying goodbye.
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Yeong-gi walks past her.
But looking carefully, we notice that Yeong-gi is momentarily caught off guard. And we are given a glimpse into his feelings. Notice the way he first looks at her, his expression is almost violent; you see the internal turmoil he feels when Shin-ae suddenly surprises him. The moment is similar to other key moments where Shin-ae causes this look: at the balcony; when she put his earphones in; and when she looked at his healed scratches during their lunch break.
I'm going to argue this look is because he is suddenly confronted with something he's guilty of doing (avoiding and lying to her) and, like the other moments in the series, because he finds Shin-ae to be emotionally confusing.
His second expression seems to indicate guilt, and him contemplating whether to engage with what Shin-ae is saying. But instead he walks away, and his expression shows resigned resolution, as he's firmly decided he won't engage. This falls in line with those other moments, instead of engaging with whatever feelings Shin-ae invokes in him, he chooses to dismiss them. Here, this includes the dismissal of Shin-ae herself.
Shin-ae's Hands
She continues, accusingly asking him about how he deceived his friends.
“How long were you planning on keeping everything a secret? How long were you planning on keeping you a secret?”
But her questions are actually more redundant, it’s their implications that are meant to convey meaning. They insinuate that his friends would’ve wanted to see the real him. They would’ve wanted to be there for him. And as we see in the WcDonald's scene, she is part of this group. She would've wanted to be there for him.
Accordingly, she then shifts from her surface level emotion of anger to what she more desperately wants to convey — her compassion and desire to be there for him. Because she is scared — so scared to lose him that she so desperately tries to convey this compassion in hopes to reach him.
“Yeong-gi! I’m right here for you! Just as how you were for me! Please!"
After being ignored once again, she extends her hand to touch him and she yells out a different name, the one acknowledged by both of them to be his real name.
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We see the motif of hands and emotional distance again. Every instance where Shin-ae extends her hands, she doesn't actually reach Yeong-gi or she is met with refusal, with WcDonald's as the only exception (although Yeong-gi initially protests). Her attempts to reach him are denied.
Here, when Shin-ae extends her hand and calls out "Nolan", she reaches to connect with him once more, but this time with the real him — the one without the mask and the fake name.
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But he pushes her instead, rejecting her attempts to reach the true him.
It's Freezing Out
After pushing her, Yeong-gi quickly realizes what he's done and his concern for Shin-ae leaks when he says,
"The rain is freezing!"
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It's a callback to previous moments in the series where they express concern for one another after commenting on the weather.
This moment of unhidden concern contradicts what we saw just a moment earlier when he ignores and pushes her.
The entire episode is full of contradictory moments such as this, where the characters deep concern for each other is juxtaposed by their seeming apathy and disdain. So it's necessary for us to sift through what we see, and differentiate between what to accept as real and what to call surface-level and "self-sabotaging".
Yeong-gi's Hands
Shin-ae ignores Yeong-gi's concern over the weather and continues talking about her feelings.
"It kind of makes sense now. How you were able to see through my act. 'My facade.' Because you were the same...
I want to feel angry. I should distrust you. But I feel sad...
I don't want you to disappear. I don't want you to go away."
Shin-ae starts to cry here (you can notice a streak on her right cheek)... Does Yeong-gi notice this in the rain at this point?
Yeong-gi begins to extend his hand out to Shin-ae — he wants to comfort her. But he chooses not to.
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Despite his concern for her, he doesn't involve himself. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't touch her. Why?
"You deserve someone better."
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I've previously mentioned that the panels in Ep. 65 are purposefully ambiguous, meant to roughly reflect both Shin-ae and Yeong-gi's feelings of inadequacy. They both feel as though the other deserves someone better.
However, the panels with Yeong-gi strikingly reflect his movements, giving us insight into his thought process.
In this scene in Ep. 151, Yeong-gi's hands parallel that moment on the balcony, and his thought process is the same. He ultimately turns away because he thinks she deserves someone better.
However, I also want to draw attention to another parallel — when Yeong-gi reaches back towards Shin-ae when she calls him at the formal.
At that time, Yeong-gi is called by Shin-ae since he is the one who is troubled. He extends his hand back towards where he heard her because he wants to seek comfort in her.
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So, when Yeong-gi extends his hand to Shin-ae, it's not just for her. It's because he also wants to allow himself to rely on her.
But when he extends his hand towards her, the specific thought he has is,
"I don't deserve you."
What we see is that, part of Yeong-gi's hesitance is also because he has to fight that reaching for Shin-ae means something to him.
Because deep down he has also has a desperate desire to connect with her. But he hates himself. He doesn't think he deserves her. So he doesn't allow himself to pursue this "selfish" desire. He doesn't let himself reach for her.
As a result, he only allows himself to support her when he doesn't get that reciprocated, like when he stands to the side during her dance with Kousuke, when he asks Dieter to comfort her, or when he sits outside her hospital room... running away when she sees him.
Being there for her means something to him.
He doesn't deserve her so he doesn't allow himself to rely on her. Even though she wants him to.
Yeong-gi's Reaction
After Shin-ae's repeated attempts, Yeong-gi finally responds.
"I don't have anything to say. I'm sorry for leading you on all this time."
And this calm, blunt admission of guilt causes Shin-ae to be hit with the full reality of their relationship.
Perhaps during her inquiry this whole time, she was actually hoping to be somewhat proven wrong. That Yeong-gi would now show a desire to genuinely connect or at least have some explanation that wasn't just... because. and I'm sorry.
Her countenance changes and she becomes more mellow. She seems to change from denial and insistence, to acceptance. And she asks the last few questions to finally cement her worst fear — that it was all fake, right from when the masked boy asked to be partners.
"The night you asked me to be your partner... You said we made a great team... Our friendship... How much of it was genuine? I'm guessing it was all a lie too, huh?"
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But this time, Yeong-gi lets it get to him.
What changes?
Is it her expression? Maybe he notices she's crying this time.
Is it her words? Earlier, Shin-ae asks him "What happened to you? Do you hate yourself?"
Now, she questions their shared relationship which causes Yeong-gi enough anguish to act. We may interpret this to mean that concern for Yeong-gi alone is not enough to drive him to reach for her, but concern for something that affects her too, their shared relationship, is (which is fitting, as mentioned earlier).
Yeong-gi also doesn't verbally respond to her question, was it all fake? Does this mean the answer's yes and he can't bring himself to say it?
I'll argue that he doesn't answer because he can't — he doesn't know the answer. Surely, some of it was fake, but something was real.
Something was so real that hearing her so sadly ask whether it was all fake makes him feel enough pain to fight against his inhibitions... and he finally reaches for her.
A Lovers’ A Friends’ Goodbye
Yeong-gi hugging Shin-ae the way he does... is intimate. But there aren't protests from Shin-ae. Instead, she sinks into the embrace.
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When he looks at her, holding her face in his hand, and wipes away her tears, she quietly accepts.
I don't think I need to say how intimate this is. And frankly, how bizarre it is to see them do this. We haven't seen their relationship steadily progress to a point that would warrant them doing something like this in a way that feels appropriate. This is easily far too intimate for their relationship.
I’ve argued now and in the past that Yeong-gi has realized his (romantic) feelings for Shin-ae. His inner conflict simply meant there was a lot more exploration of his feelings that was shown in the comic.
As a result, I have not focused on Shin-ae’s perspective nearly as much. But there are moments where she seems to bear some undue fondness for Yeong-gi, especially due to her sudden role-reversal after the formal. She becomes quite friendly with him, she gives him soft smiles, she even reaches for him in her dreams... all of which may have been indicative of something that was there, something she didn't think about — something subconscious and unnoticed. Something romantic.
I believe this is shown here. Shin-ae wouldn't have ever initiated this, she wouldn't have even thought to. It makes a lot of sense that it's Yeong-gi who initiates this intimate moment (because he's realized those feelings, and it's been lingering under the surface for a while).
But Shin-ae's immediate acceptance is very telling... she feels something too. And she doesn't mind it. At least not in this moment.
There is this undeniable sense of underlying understanding between them. What they’re doing is not explicitly romantic. But it’s most certainly not platonic. They understand that the nature of what they’re feeling is unconventional and beyond friendship.
But alongside these feelings, there's something heavier — a feeling of desperation.
It feels like a goodbye.
Just moments before, Shin-ae seemed to have reached the final stages of accepting that Yeong-gi's gone.
They feel this impending sense of goodbye... So for one final moment, they entertain everything they purposefully hid behind their masks, what bubbled under the surface, what would've blossomed if given time. Everything that could've and would've been.
Their desperate intimacy in these final moments strikingly resembles what we may have seen elsewhere... but between lovers.
Lovers who know they will be separated, so for their final moments together share a moment of uninterrupted and unquestioned intimacy. No questions or qualms. After all, this could be the end.
But - Yeong-gi and Shin-ae weren't lovers. They were only friends, right?
Unless... this was also something that could've been?
However, when Yeong-gi places his hand on Shin-ae's left cheek, he touches her scars. We know that she got them from her accident in middle school. But all Yeong-gi knows is that he dropped her.
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After he finally allows himself to reach for her, he's reminded of how he's failed her.
And he remembers — he doesn't deserve her.
His resolution is cemented, and he finally severs their ties... walking away, and calling her "Yoo".
Conclusions and Ep. 152
At the peak of the conflict in their relationship, and the height of their emotions, Shin-ae and Yeong-gi are faced with the imminent end of their relationship.
Despite it apparently being brought about themselves, through their contradictory actions, we can easily understand that their disdain for one another is... faked. For Yeong-gi, it's a byproduct of his special blend of troubles — his affinity to lie and "manipulate", in accordance with his insecurities. He doesn't tell Shin-ae he feels that he's bad for her, because he understands she won't accept that. Instead he pretends he doesn't care for her at all.
And Shin-ae, who isn't privy to the thought process behind this, is left wondering why her repeated attempts to reach him are rejected. Perhaps the boy under the mask really didn't care for her at all. It was all fake after all.
But Yeong-gi hugs her when she asks him that. They share a brief intimate moment with no words. And yet this moment is the most honest. The intimacy and care they show each other in that moment easily supersedes their earlier moments in honesty. Their feelings are palpable to us, and we understand them to be earnest and open. In this sole moment, neither of them hide.
Episode 152 shows the aftermath this moment has on them — Shin-ae is left reeling — she stands in the rain, mentioning that her throuat hurts. Later, she lays in bed in fetal position — completely struck by grief. Dieter himself recognizes this pain to stem from her love for Yeong-gi.
Yeong-gi, parallels her pain — his throat also hurts, as he dry-heaves after the moment. His physical agony reflects his emotional turmoil.
Personally, I believe there is some optimism to be found in 151 and 152 — after all, the love these characters have for each other is genuine. Not even after, but during the moment, they already regret hurting one another.
If their love for each other is enough to already push back so violently against their insecurities and desire to run away, it's only a matter of time until that love wins.
And when that happens, Shin-ae and Yeong-gi will reach a place of genuine emotional connection, where neither of them feel the need to don a mask. A place where, instead, they willfully choose to cast it aside in order to truly see one another. Because that's exactly what they want, to love each other's authentic self.
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queenofshipping12 · 3 years
@Nol and his obsession with grabbing Shins chin??
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yootip-lover · 3 years
Shieter/Yootip Parallels
“I'm sure most of us already noticed these parallels, but what could they possibly mean for Yootip? It's especially interesting that the parallels are between these two pairings considering SA seems to have a small crush on Dieter right now, her first confirmed romantic interest. Let's take a look at these parallels again, shall we?”
Whipped cream face
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Holding hands
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And personal revelations
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“First off, I'm just going to come right out and say it: Shieter is not going to happen. They might give it a go, but it won't last. I am confident about this because of these two panels”:
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“And the meaning and significance of yellow flowers”:
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“While there is no doubt that feelings can change over time, the fact that the flower made a second appearance directly after the amusement park episodes sends a message to the readers who noticed it in the background: Shieter is not the romantic endgame. (Shieter also feels like a very high school, teenage relationship, which generally doesn't last long after high school)
So, now we ask: why did Quim put in these parallels? Is it to show that Yootip is the same as Shieter and not going to happen? I doubt it since the dynamics between the two pairings are completely different and it doesn't really make sense to create these cute and significant parallels just to send a message that the ship is going to sink. So what is the purpose?
Is it a subtle way to tell us Yootippers to hang on? That better days for the pairing will come after some painfully hard times between the two? Of course we, as Yootippers, would all hope for this to be the case. But how likely is it to be? Personally, if this isn't the case then Kousuke's role in the story becomes less than satisfactory. Quim has confirmed that she sees both brothers as equal leads, one is not secondary to the other. However, if Kousuke and SA do not end up having some kind of relationship and bond (romantic or otherwise) Kousuke will no longer feel like an important lead but rather just an obstacle in YG and SA's way to not only a potential romantic relationship but also to their individual character growth while not receiving any growth himself. Not exactly lead material and I doubt Quim would reduce Kousuke, the first character she created for ILY and one she clearly loved dearly when she was younger, to just be an annoyance and a jackass (because yes, he can be a major ass)
So overall with these points I believe it is safe to say that SA and Kousuke's relationship will get better and stronger than ever, that the second potential message from the parallels will prove to be the correct one. However, while I won't say that it is impossible that Kou and SA could only have a platonic relationship, I seriously doubt it. One, because we already have a great and extremely rare platonic soulmate bond between YG and her (and making it romantic would be painfully unoriginal), two, Dieter and her are obviously going to have a great friendship as well, and three, she has another wonderful platonic, sibling bond with Min Hyuk. Three strong platonic bonds between a boy and a girl, all in a different context.
Now we know that YG could potentially be romantic later, but the problem with this is that Kou and SA do not have a dynamic that works in a strong platonic way like her and YG/Dieter/Min Hyuk. I cannot see them being just friends, they don't have the vibe of siblings (and again Min Hyuk already fills that role), and there is no chance of Kousuke being a "father figure" to her (I've said this before, but the entire idea of Kousuke being a father figure when he's still young and in need of growth himself is weird AF). If anything, romantic Stalkyoo happening would render Kou and SA's relationship insignificant, even irrelevant. At that point, Kou's role is borderline nonexistent when it comes to SA and her arc. He's not in the story to be an obstacle that needs to be overcome.
If all three of the trio are equally important and connected to each other, then shouldn't all three of them have equally important relationships with each other? YG and SA's platonic bond as strong as Kou and SA's romantic one or vice versa? YG and Kou hopefully fixing their relationship with each other? If Kou and SA are unable to have a strong bond wouldn't that also potentially throw a wrench in YG and Kou's hopefully improved future relationship? It would be an odd and dissatisfying end to the story if one of the main leads is ostracized from one or both of the other leads. Such a well-written character deserves better than that.”
© u/Ren1717 on Reddit
(I really loved and enjoyed reading this on reddit. it made me notice things that I should’ve did.) 
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twynte · 3 years
official art too?????
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den-artss · 3 years
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Shin-ae Yoo | Kousuke Hirahara | Yeong-gi Hirahara
Ep 26 (chapter 28) ~ I Love Yoo Webtoon by @quimchee
Watercolor art by den_artss
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chaoticcpiscess · 4 years
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Thinking bout how me and shin-ae love a man w nice hands aka one of my fav scenes
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aurorafulcrum · 3 years
Yeong-gi x Shin-ae
Unspoken Feelings
Part 1
As soon as my shift at Wacdonalds ends I'm up and out of there. My clothes are dripping from coffee that some stuck up customer poured on me when she didn't get her way. Manager didn't see it happen so I still had to stay at the register until my shift ended at 12:30. I grip my coat tightly as I feel a cold breeze blow up my shirt. It's December now and the temperature has dropped. I continue to walk faster so I can get home and change. My damp, coffee-smelling, uniform doesn't help with the chill at all. All of a sudden I trip over a dent in the sidewalk and take a fall. My hands brace me for impact and take the pain instead of my face. I look down to see the gashes and cuts on my hands and blow on them. "What great luck I fucking have.." I say under my breath.
"Need some help?" .  'That voice..' I swear I can feel my heart drop to my stomach and head feels heavy. I look up to see his familiar silhouette standing over my with a hand out.
"Huh.... no" I say looking away embarrassed. Apparently he doesn't hear me and moves in closer anyway. His familiar scent of citrus and woods fill up my senses. It's been forever since I lost myself in his warm demeanour.
Instead of grabbing my hand he moves his arm under my armpit and hoists me up. "Yeong-gi, where did you come from?" I say keeping my distance. I don't know how he'll react if I am friendly towards him so I play it safe. Ever since he was leaving for England he was avoiding me and seeing him here now, after being away for university, was all the more confusing. "I just flew back today..." he pauses mid sentence to look me up and down. " And I went to WacDonalds to look for you." He says quietly and avoiding my eyes. "Wh-why didn't you say hi or something?" I ask kinda hurt. Dusting off my pants and avoiding his eyes. I didn't realize just how distant we have become from one another. I know it's partly my fault. When I found out he was going away I didn't want to say a teary goodbye like I did for min hyuk. He means more to me than that. So I didn't send him off because I knew it would be too painful. He looks at me and I can see his pain. "Why didn't you say goodbye?" His voice cracks as he whispers. I want to walk closer to him but the guilt holds my feet back. He looks down and his beautiful ginger hair falls to his face. I stare at him for what seems to be hours. Neither of us answered our questions. It seems we both have things holding us back. I don't even know why but I grab his hand and start pulling it. My feet ache and I haven't sat down since my shift start hours ago. He looks just as surprising as I am for dragging him. I sit down at the bus stop and let out a sigh of relief. God did it ever feel good to sit on my ass again. I turn my body towards Yeong-gi which causes him to turn away. For a second I swear he was looking at me before he turned away. The ruffling sound of his coat catches my attention and he pulls a bandage out of his inner pocket.
"Here" he says grabbing me hand. He rips the bandage with his teeth and wraps my hands. I can feel the buzzing sensation in my chest. The same buried feelings that I had before he left are still going strong. "Thanks...." I say taking me hand back into my pocket and shifting my body to a slouching position. The wind is stronger now and my fingers feel like ice. Sudden I feel pressure on my shoulders. I look behind me and see those same bruising hands placing his red coat on my back. "You looked cold" he says adjusting himself to the temperature. I let out a surpressed laugh and he looks at me, puzzled. "Déjà vu am I right?" It takes a moment but he soon realizes what I'm recalling and chuckles. " At least you're accepted the jacket this time. And you don't look so smol in it anymore ahaha" his laughter sounds so sweet and genuine. It's been a while since I've heard it. "Yeah I guess I have grown.." I say think about how much taller I've gotten. Not only me but Yeong-gi has got to be at least 6'4 ft now. He's gotten a lot more mature looking and it's only been about 3 years. "Yeong-gi... I'm so sorry I didn't say goodbye. There's no proper excuse for my distance.." I say out of the blue. I just can't stand how awkward were being. He looks at me with a sad smile and a little laugh. " it's alright shin ae. I would never hold a grudge." He says. At first I believe him but I look to see him gripping his shirt like I often do when I'm uncomfortable. I know he's lying and I know I hurt him. He hurt me too. He's been hiding so much but I don't want to pry, I'm in no place to pry. He's shivering from the cold which only makes me feel so shitty for taking his jacket. I move closer and he hits me with a what are you doing type of looks. I lift up the jacket and place it around both of us so we can share. "I'm not gonna lie, I'm freezing my ass off. So don't you dare refuse because I know you are too." I say. " there's the shin ae 'no shit taking' attitude I missed so dearly" he says laughing and covering his mouth. Our sides are pressed together but we're both pulling our heads away. "Shin ae" he turns his head and quickly noticed how close he is. "Yeong gi?" I say trying to surpress my blush to no avail. " We're friends right?" He asks me. That question seems all to familiar. I don't know how to respond to it. He sees my hesitation and his face drops. "Yeong gi... of course we're friends.. I just don't know if you want to be." He looks at me confused. " what do you mean?" He asks. I hate to bring it up but here goes nothing. " well before you left you started to distance yourself from me. I know you said you're not mad at me but I can't help but think you're lying. So I'd rather you tell me what I did wrong." I say feeling sick. I don't feel comfortable pushing yeong gi to open up. But I need answers. "Shin-ae I was never mad at you." He says with his voice trailing off, indicating that he has more to say. " I think we're just both hurt. And I'm so sorry. You mean so much to me and I hurt you"
He looks so distressed at this moment and he squeezes his hands in a fist. All of the moments that we shared together come back. Before I even realize it, I'm grabbing his hands all over again. He tenses up and let's go. He takes his hand back into his pockets. It's painful to see how he won't let me in. This is how he must've felt from me all those years ago.
"Sorry." I say bitter. We wait like this for a while for the bus. His warm demeanour is long gone. His smile is more fake than ever. This isn't the man I met who cheered for friendship points. "I broke up with Alyssa." He says suddenly. I look at him in surprise. Why is he even telling me this. "It set off a chain of events for me." He says leaning back and looking up at the sky. "What kind of 'chain of events'? I ask looking back to his tilted head up to the stars. He gives a long sigh before continuing.
"You know how spiteful Mrs.Hirahara can be. Alyssa was like her little pet. She was...looking up to her and was easy to control. I was pressured into a relationship with her." He says with a tone of scorn in his voice. " after I got with Alyssa, Mrs. Hirahara used her to keep me in check. To stop me from confronting her in fear of embarrassing Alyssa. In turn Alyssa would get her career. But once I ending things with Alyssa about two years ago, I noticed my grades were dropping. Mrs.Hirahara was bribing my teachers to fail me. I honestly didn't care about it that much until her threats included, you." He says sadly turning his head to see my reaction. I look down to my hands and fiddle with my pants. I feel like shaking but my body is frozen. I try to take this new information in. 'That spiteful woman was after me? Even after all this time she still remembers me. Poor yeong-gi. This is my fault she's still hurting him.' I feel a pair of hands grasp my fists. "Shin ae are you alright?" I look up to see his faces inches away from mine. He's searching my eyes from tears. He's grip tightens in my hands when he sees my visible fear. "I never wanted anything to do with that woman..." I breathe out. "I know ShinAe and I'm so sorry you got dragged into family drama. But she won't hurt you or threaten you again. You have my word." He lifts my chin to see that his serious. His word is always kept and I'm so glad O can trust him. But one thing is not right. He sees my face turn to confusion. "Wait. What happened. How did you get her to stop?" I say with concern rising in my voice. 'Don't tell me he...'
" I gave up my spot at the company." He says looking guilty. I pull away and shoot up out of the bench. His jacket falls off my shoulders. "Why- I never asked you for that! You shouldn't have done that for me. We're not even in a close relationship! I could have handled her in my own Yeong-gi!" I shout. He stands up and over towers me. But I don't care. He shows no anger, only sincerity. " I have no doubt in that Shin Ae. I know your incredibly strong but I just couldn't bare to lose you.." the pain in his voice makes me believe it's something more. "Yeong -gi , what was the threat?". He looks surprised at my cold tone.
" she said something about a repeat of what happened at the party." ShinAe's mind goes back to the horrible events at the formal. Those events that are still causing collateral damage three years later. "ShinAe," he calls me out of my thoughts. " I came back as fast as I could, to make sure you were okay..." he says looking at his feet. "Yeong-gi I'm okay. But you're obviously not." I say taking a step closer. I study his features. His head hangs low but I can see his tired eyes. It looks like he hasn't gotten any sleep after his flight. His nose is red and the chilly weather looks like it's bringing on a cold for him. I bring my hand to his head to check his temperature but before I touch I ask, because I remember he doesn't like getting to close or something. " hey you look like you're getting a bit sick. May I?". He tilts his head up and brings his head to my level. I place my hand and he flinches but let's me continue. "Yea your burning up. You should get some rest."I say putting my hand back in my pocket. "Okay Doctor. Smol." He laughs. "I'm serious. Do you have a place to stay tonight?" I say. He looks embarrassed. " No I kinda just hoped to check in a hotel but it's really late."
"Okay come with me then."
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tooningtheweb · 4 years
I was wondering who YOO (ha get it omg I hate myself XD) ship shin ae with from I Love Yoo? And also if you have read Phase?
Initially I rooted for the Shin Ae x Kousuke ship, but with how the story has progressed overtime I LOVE Shin Ae x Dieter. Like... Dieter is sooo sweet how can you hate him especially when he stands up for Shin Ae and can get serious (sometimes)
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As for Phase, yesss. I even read it during its “discover” days and I’m shocked at how different and more detailed it is now. And I’m all for it!
I made some posts about it under the #phase and you can see the difference in the art and a sneaky peak of what you’re getting yourself into 👍
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yootipweek · 3 years
By TheCharming_Girl (Yootip Amino)
Yootip Week 2021, Day 1 Prompt "Daydreams".
Fanfic Excerpt -
As usual, it was a busy day at Hirahara Corp. with people going back and forth. A brunette girl walked carrying a pile of sheets to her boss’s office, she opened the door and left the sheets on the desk where her blue eyed boss was working.
-Here, please check these documents and sign them before I take them to the president’s office - she said with a great sign of fatigue in her voice, which her boss noticed.
-Your working hours are almost over, Miss Yoo. I’ll take them by myself. Now please rest for a while, you seem pretty tired - the blue eyed male said without taking his eyes off his work.
-Oh, thank you. These heels are killing me. - she said, throwing herself on the sofa.
Both remained silent until he started talking again.
-So, about tomorrow…- he said, trying to get her to remember their plans for the next day.
Click the link to read further..
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i-d-e-g-a-f · 3 years
i’m convinced that if i love yoo were to come back tomorrow it would fix everything wrong with this timeline
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kirosenee · 4 years
you know who I miss ? quimchee and kousuke hirahara, I’m tryna see the angsts argument between shin ae and kousuke
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