#koy cadash
0dracoagec · 2 years
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Kova Cadash
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“The Casteless don’t have many opportunities. I did what I had to.”
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ironmars · 8 years
tag game! tagged by @atalto sorry this is like 2 days late lol but thank you!!
The rules are you answer all the questions, and then add one of your own.
1. coke or pepsi: both I ain’t picky
2. disney or dreamworks: mmmmm both again idk man haha
3. coffee or tea: COFFEE DUDE. COFFEE.
4. books or movies: movies movies movies movies movies movies
5, windows or mac: i’ve never owned a mac because i work retail and don’t care enough so windows lol
6. dc or marvel: Marvel but pretty much just Iron Man though and maybe some x-men
7. x-box or playstation: both but i don’t really play video games anyways so 

8. dragon age or mass effect: never played ‘em...

9. night owl or early riser: n-n-n-n-night owl
10. cards or chess: cards because I have to be taught chess everytime i play lol
11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

12. vans or converse: probably vans

13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: what..?

14. fluff or angst: fluff with angst tho

15. beach or forest: beach baby!

16. dogs or cats: both but i lean more towards cats

17. clear skies or rain: ahhh it’s so hard to choose um rain i suppose

18. cooking or eating out: eating out i’m a lazy bitch!

19. spicy food or mild food: Spicy food is life oh mah gah

20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: halloween. christmas pisses me off

21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a lil too hot idk i can handle heat better than cold

22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: phasing through stuff like kitty from x-men

23. animation or live action: ........both......again.... lol

24. paragon or renegade: what..?

25. baths or showers: showers

26. team cap or team ironman: TEAM IRON MAN

27. fantasy or sci-fi: sci-fi honey

28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: three or four?? how about one:  “My bond is with the people, and I will serve this great nation at the pleasure of myself. If there's one thing I've proven it's that you can count on me to pleasure myself.” - Tony Stark, the love of my life.

29. youtube or netflix: youtube. i haven’t gone on netfilix in so long 

30. harry potter or percy jackson: honestly percy jackson. way more representation and it’s just really amazing okay apollo is my bisexual dad

31. when you feel accomplished: when a customer picks up a cake and doesn’t bitch about it (i’m a cake decorator)

32. star wars or star trek: Star Trek so much!!!!! I actually don’t care for SW that much at all.... welp.

33. paperback books or hardback books: paperback because the flexibility is hawt

34. horror or rom-com: Neither.... 

35. tv shows or movies: MOVIES!! !

36. favorite animal: giraffe or koi fish

37. favorite genre of music: oooh that’s hard.. probably classic rock

38. least favorite book: the great gatsby 

39. favourite season: summer or fall 

40. sparkly or shiny: sparkly 

41. favorite character in a tv series: i don’t have many fav tv shows because i never watch tv shows i’m a movie hoe all the way so currently jake peralta 

42. do you have/want any tattoos and if you do, what are they?: I have 6 tattoos and I have so many plans for new ones but what I really want is a dumb tattoo like I LIVE for dumb tattoos. like steve-o getting a tattoo of himself is AMAZING and i’m jelly. I kind of want a tattoo that says “dinky nuts” because i’m weird and it’s from popstar never stop never stopping lmao
43. if you could only eat one type of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?: PIZZA. I want pizza all the time no matter what pizza is always amazing i want it now 
if you could live the plot of any book, movie or TV show, what would you live?: ooooohh that’s hard.... probably star trek i’m such a mother fuckin trekkie holy shit imagine a real live Enterprise and being ON IT. I’m gonna cry.
my question: do you prefer long ties or bowties?
I tag: @kay-marie19 @roscoesantangelo @fearofpop @drainbowss @uselesswhenitsraining
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0dracoagec · 2 years
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0dracoagec · 2 years
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“I may be Casteless, but underground I feel a connection with the stone.”
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Kove Tethras
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0dracoagec · 5 years
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