#inquisitior cadash
finelyageddragons · 3 months
Love the idea of a Cadash who is pro-mage because they've sold lyrium to both sides since long before this war and they know what an addict looks like. They know the hunger, the need in them. They also know what fear looks like when someone is running and only turns back to fight when they're caught in a corner. They see how mages and templars use their lyrium.
The way a templar has that hunger in their eye when they talk about hunting mages, that addiction to the thrill it gives them to wield that power. A templar doesn't run from apostates, they hunt them, they celebrate the violence to come.
The mages however, apostates and those planning to run, they're always ALWAYS scared. No matter how angry they are, there's still fear in them when they talk about the templars. They all just want to get away and the few radicals who want to fight are only fighting because they have no life left. They're the cornered ones with a good death to look forward to.
They know who the addict is and who they consume to get their high and no matter how dangerous magic may be, they trust fear, they can predict fear, they know fear. But the violence in a templars eyes when they say they're hunting mages? There's a hunger in that far harder to control than any demon.
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rimarzaarts · 2 years
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The style of DA: Absolution feels so right
Featuring, my inky and the ocs I made to add older subclasses to the inner circle. Also, for drama. And so I can have all my favorite romances in my brain's version of canon :P
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shaykai · 2 years
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Picked up a pen for the first time in a while
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fauxintellectual · 4 months
Inquisition crashed
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notebooks-and-laptops · 10 months
My next set of inquisitiors are all gonna be so fun and a little bit crazy and I can't stop thinking about them. I've made it this time so the worldstate at the beginning of the games is the same, and they all exist regardless of if they become inquisitor. And they have some personal connects with each other too which is fun; Caleb was made tranquil after an escape attempt which killed 'X' (whos body was later possessed by a spirit/demon a la Justice). Caleb was in the tower as a tranquil as Aimee trained and her spirit animal companions used to make all the tranquil, Caleb included, smile, something she did not understand the significance of.
Aimee's Uncle is an ex Templar who was renounced from his family when he quit the Templar order. He wanders from place to place on his horse, generally getting into trouble occasionally with Cadash; an older butch lesbian dwarf who is also his lyrum supplier.
And obviously depending on which one of these four becomes inquisitor will change the outcome of their life. Caleb will remain tranquil if he does not get the mark. Cadash will probably be killed by lyrum poisoning that's already made her loose feeling in one of her hands. If Aimee or Cadash become inquisitor then my ex Templar boi would join the inquisition but if it was Caleb or 'X' he would see it as a power grab my the chantry. If Aimee doesn't become inquisitior she is the first circle mage to truly master and begin the serious circle endorsed study of shapeshifting, whereas she's kinda too busy for that if she doesn't. 'X' corpse will fall apart a lot quicker without the mark, speeding up his decay.
But like it's all interconnected and I'm so excited. Prepare to be hit with a bunch of inquisitors, gang.
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sourcannelloni · 2 years
So you said to send you dragon age OCs and to tell you about them, so I thought I’d send you mine!
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This is Weryn Cadash, my dwarven warrior Inquisitor. He is, in my cousin’s words, a huge nerd. He loves learning about history, the cultures of other races, and most importantly, magic. Magic and the Fade fascinates him so much and he hates that he’s unable to use it. Before joining the Inquisition, while he was a part of the Carta, he helped house a runaway mage elf from the templars. The two became friends before she had to leave and she is what started his love of magic. His closest friend and advisor is Solas. He LOVES listening to Solas talking about his adventures in the Fade and will 9/10 times do whatever Solas advises him to do (the tenth time being with the Well of Sorrows which he drinks out of). Solas’ betrayal cut deep, but he’s determined to redeem him. He romances Dorian because A. He’s a mage so that’s a plus and he loves listening to Dorian talk about magic and B. Who can resist Dorian’s charms? Certainly not Weryn.
Well speaking of charms!! Weryn definitely has my attention!!! I'm so happy to see a dwarven character so interested in magic! ESPECIALLY a warrior dwarf!!
His compassion for mages is also incredibly admirable and hearing him befriending Solas is bittersweet... Although I'm morbidly curious about how he coped with the betrayal... Good angst is good...
Weryn was also incredibly fun to draw and I hope my doodle matches your view on his appearance! I chose purple for the background as in my mind i always associate the colour with Dorian! Figured it would be a cute lil reference to our charming warrior's lover.
Also thank you so much for sharing your character!! This was super fun and you obviously have a care for your Inquisitior!
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0dracoagec · 2 years
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“I may be Casteless, but underground I feel a connection with the stone.”
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Kove Tethras
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voracusrdr · 3 years
Just thinking what your companions see when you confront the "Lord Seeker". Like the dude grabs the Herald pulls them back a few steps only for him/it to be headbutted through a door and Envy getting up looking all kinds of pissed before teleporting away.
I mean Adaar? Sure might be plausible but Lavellan or Cadash? Can you imagine how unexpected it would be? 🤣
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urdnotcadash · 4 years
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| Sunshine Cadash | Here Lies the Abyss | 12/13 “Stroud....”
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lilypads17 · 6 years
Josephine having to bend down to kiss Cadash?
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briarfox13 · 4 years
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Dragon Age Inquisition
I made OC banners for when I answer asks or get tagged in stuff!!
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feministfangirl · 7 years
playing a new playthrough of dragon age inquisition supposedly as research for D&D. i made a cute little dwarven rogue archer and while she was flirting with josie she goes "you're not interested in a dashing rogue..?" To which Josie goes "Dashing Rogue? I should get Varric to write some fan fiction of your past." 😍💯
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Meet Endrin Cadash: rouge, treasure hunter and occasional religious figurehead.
Endrin was born in 9:02 Dragon in the Dwaven city of Orzammar and named for the first Dwaven Paragon. Despite his families banishment from the city in 9:10, Endrin has always held a strong connection to dwaven tradition, particularly belief in the Stone (a much misunderstood 'religion' on the surface).
Once they reached the surface, Endrins family used their contacts to get into the Carta. They also had more children; by the time Endrin was 16 he had 4 younger siblings, two brothers and two sisters.
Endrin was raised from a young age to become the leader of the family. He also showed a fine aptitude for looting expeditions in dangerous areas such as the Deep Roads and various old Tevinter Ruins around the southern Continent. When he was 14 he was second in command to his father on one such expedition, and by the time he was 17 he was leading them himself.
Endrin has thus always held a strong belief in his own capabilities. He prefers to do things his way, to take charge and to fix the problems in the world around him regardless of if anyone actually wants them fixed. In the Carta he snuck his nose into multiple places he probably shouldn't have, leading to the implementation of some innotive ideas on lyrium smuggling to circles.
By 9:30 Endrin was running his branch of the Carta. His younger brother was his second in command, but disappeared in 9:36. It is rumoured that after his disappearance he joined the group of Carta trying to kill the Hawke siblings and free an ancient magister from a warden prison, although such talk has been heavily hushed up in recent years by the Inquisitions Ambassador Josephine Montilyet.
In 9:41, after an argument with his younger sister, Endrin took her place at the Conclave and became the only surviving attendee after the explosion which began the Inquisition. Barely three months later he would be Heralded as the Inquisitior in the courtyard of Skyhold.
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rinbeastie · 8 years
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Jumping on the aesthetics challenge bandwagon! Cosplay picture photo and edit by @starparticles and the rest by me.
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drunken-drengr · 3 years
OC Interview feat. Karrie Cadash
@dungeons-and-dragon-age yo thanks for the tag! I think for this I'll have Sera interview Karrie, that ought to be reaalll fun, for the both of them. I'll be tagging @spitfiremabari and uhhh @little-lightning-lavellan if you haven't done this already!
Bold = Sera Italic = Karrie
Can you introduce yourself? I don't know, can I? Pfft, be serious! Serious interview! Why? Sera isn't serious. Do I know you? Come on already, so we can get this over with, yeah? Fine, fine. Well, I'm Karrie. "Herald Inquisitior,' pfft- 'Karrie "Bjornsdottir" Cadash.' I'm like, around 25, yeah? Think so.
What's your gender, orientatorpiss, and relationship status? Haha I already know all this. Beardy, hmm? Shush! I'm a woman, but honestly if I had a beard people wouldn't doubt I'm male. I am very very muscly you see. Yeah, yeah, I seeee. Eye-candy.... but, er, your tidbits would be a dead giveaway. Hard to miss, sorry. Not if my beard covered them! Ah, but anyways, I'm straight- No friggin way! I've seen the way you've looked at me. Piss off! I'll look at people however I want! ANYWAYS, straight... Don't know don't care. Not a huge fan of touchy touchy love, either. And you and I both know very well I have a thing for beards. Must be itchy when you do it. NO! Stop! Blackwall looks itchy....
Where and when were you born? Well, I was born in the Frostbacks, down South with an Avvar tribe. My Father was good friends with them, there on trading business or whatever. Carta shit. I was born on the third of Bloomingtide, 9:19 Dragon. You ever feel happy having Skyhold up here? Yeah. I didn't really grow up here, more in the Freemarches than anything, but looking out my bedroom window and seeing the mountains is... nostalgic, in a way. Feels more like home than home ever did.
What is your weapon of choice and fighting style? AXES BABY!!! Don't matter what kind! Greataxe, one handed, double axes, I'll rock your shit! Don't doubt it! You are a beast out there! Ah, didn't you become a reaver or whateva? Bull says you smell nice, heh... Yeah, drank some dragon blood, tasted like ASS KICKING- but I'm still a dwarven berserker at heart, y'know? I like to combine those two styles, makes for a mean wrecking machine! Carnage! Mayhem! Mayhem!!! We should like, totally stack up on Bull in battle one day... Do NOT let him toss me, though.
Lastly, are you happy? Well, it's the end of the world, I've been crowned leader of heretics, and I have a stupid fucking mark on my hand! Yeah I'm pretty happy. But.... jokes aside, yeah.... I guess I am happy. At least, happier than I ever was before. I didn't really have anyone before all this. I thought this shit was a curse, but it was a blessing in disguise, really. Now I have you, Blackwall, Solas... A friend, a lover, a... father... Things I never thought I'd ever have. Even if it's the end of the world, least I can spend it with you guys. Awww.... you getting sappy on me, Teeny? Yeah, don't get too used to it though, hah! Savor this while you can, Sera.
Family and Friends
What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them? You already know the answer to this, Sera. It's on the thing, sorry, but I don't control it! Fine, fine. My family was, I don't know... they were just them. Everyone was sort of different. It was just us 4, since, well, forever. Actually, we were a pretty normal family, given that my Father was the Carta's top dog. Lived in a lofty estate, Mom stayed home and took care of us kids. My Father, though, he had more of a warrior-like mindset. Maybe a noble man, gone a bit too far. He taught me to fight at a really young age, showed me all the techniques of a berserker. Maybe my Dad wasn't the best Dad in a Fatherly sense, but he was one hell of a good teacher. He was pretty cool, too... He enlisted to join the Legion of the Dead, hah! Fought down there for awhile, saw some shit, came home due to... reasons. Be glad he didn't die down there, or you wouldn't have the freakin-Herald-of-Andraste here! But yeah, I got most of what I know today from him. He raised me to be his replacement, fill in his boots when his time came to fall in battle. Taught me honor and leadership. Guess I was a bit too wild for even him, though, gave me too much freedom, because he felt it necessary to bound be down in marriage. Ugh, The Carta's not supposed to be like Orzammar! But here we are, acting like nobles with our castes, arranging marriages, blech. He always was obsessed with keeping the Cadash bloodline alive and pure. Yeesh. Just, yeesh. Yeah. My relationship with them is still broken. More with my Father than my Mother and my younger sister. Hell, I don't even know Seli that well, haah. Wasn't around to see her grow up. They've sent messages to me though, since Haven. None that I've bothered to respond to, though...
Have you ever ran away from home? Of course! At least, I tried. Ran away from the marriage, but I was inevitably caught. Carta has eyes everywhere, I tell you. Turns out, I didn't need to. They left me anyways.
Would you consider marriage or having children? Marriage? Children? Oooh yeah, ironic question given what I just told you, don't you think? So I'll take that as a no? Put that marriage option down as a maybe.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends? Yes. You. I hate you. Shut up! Joking, joking. I wouldn't be friends with my friends if I hated them!
Which friend knows everything about you? You! Well, I mean, not everything, obviously. But we're pretty close, yeah? Yeah! I know what your favorite color is, favorite booze, favorite book, favorite undergarments..... Not that close.
Asked by Fans
Are you literate? Have you been to school? What kind of fucking question is that? The kind that's on here. Of course I can read! I've gone to some academies, here and there. My Father was obsessed with my education, at least when it came to history and all things dwarven. Hell, he taught me a lot just by himself.
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true? This is gonna leave a scar.
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize? People genuinely wanted me to lead them? What? Did you think it was some sort of inside joke? A huge prank by the Chantry? Yes!
Do you have mental health or physical issues? Look at me. Take a good long look at me, Sera. You suffer from: being short, being angry. Dude I'm like 5 inches shorter than you. I'm taller than Varric! Or like, any other dwarf! Ah, there's the anger. Y'know, they say the closer you are to the ground, the angrier you are? Stop talking.
What is your current main goal? It WAS to like, oh I don't know, reclaim House Cadash's long lost glory? Become a Paragon? Now I just wanna get the fuck off Thedas, maybe save it, depends on my mood later.
Drink or food? Depends. If it's ale, first rounds on me!
Cats or dogs? DOGS. I'm not Orlesian, anyone who isn't Orlesian loves dogs. Also, allergic to cats! Only ever had dogs. Mabaris are truly the best....
Optimist or pessimist? We'll all die eventually.
Sassy or sarcastic? Both. Both is good.
Have You Ever
Been caught sneaking out? From a wedding? Yes. So relatable.
Broken a bone? Surprisingly, no. Fractured, dislocated, sure. Never actually broke one, though. Andraste's tits, a miracle! How?!
Received flowers? Blackwall's love language is practically flowers. What a gentleman.
Ghosted someone? I am exceptionally good at that, actually. I ghosted my family for like 7 years dude.
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get? No fuck you if I'm not laughing it wasn't funny end of story.
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