makorays · 1 year
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here's some isolated art from my sad cat dance video since i'm trying to remember to post my art here
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evilhorse · 2 years
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It is I—Nexus!
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lyrics365 · 2 years
Не Сходи С Ума
Не Сходи С Ума
Тону в мартини, моя плотина у реки твоей на пути Ищу причины остаться здесь, и ищу причины уйти Ну как в тебе я убить посмею без края веру в любовь Ну кто тебе я? Страсть, слёзы, Бог, боль? Ок, я просто исчезну, хочешь? А хочешь, буду звонить? Канаты рвутся, а между нами и вовсе тонкая нить. О нас с тобою не снимут фильма, в моём мобильном гудки Твоей тоски… Припев: Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о…
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catboii · 6 months
kreed says im not allowed 2 celebrate xmas bc of our religion but dave etc dont celebrate 4 religious reasons so i tried 2 argue but he says its bc we dont celebrate anything self fulfilling or materialistic 😿
im still allowed 2 hang out tho
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razorbeard · 4 months
📁@ Gustav
📁- Gustav is a part time black Smith, learned it from his grandfather when he was in his teens and it's always been a hobby he enjoys dabbling in, something about making something from nothing is relaxing and fulfilling for him.
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qazxswsblog · 2 years
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thatshadowgamer · 1 year
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Luke raises his hands in the air, a face of anguish on his face, like that one emoji passed through the internet
“Why, why is everyone so much bigger, whyyyy”
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notmyassistant · 1 year
Ugh, I don't want to listen to The Kreed of the Kromon again
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jasvvy · 2 years
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zenthizit · 2 years
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purrivacy · 7 months
kreed hunted me down and made me transform into something it could fuck
and i did
bc im weak
then it smashed my head open on a rock
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sassyshopwaxltd · 1 year
Best Seller - Kreede Wax Melt
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Shop creede wax melt online at best price with us. Our wax melts are vegan-friendly, made with natural soy wax.
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lyrics365 · 2 years
Самая самая
-3:45 Она любила кофе в обед И по утрам ее вкусный омлет. Она любила жить без проблем, Меня манила красотой колен. Работа 24 часа И добивается всего сама, Но она хитрая словно лиса Меня манили ее глаза. Меня манили ее губы. Я ее встретил и замер! Меня манили ее руки. До скорой встречи глазами. О Боже, мама, мама я схожу с ума – Ее улыбка, мама, кругом голова! О Боже, мама, мама – пьяный без…
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catboii · 6 months
╔                🩹                  ╝
Let's try something a little different, shall we?
Your name, is Kreedence. But your pets call you Kreed.
Today has been particularly disappointing. One simple task you gave to each of them, without the others knowing it was in fact a competition. To find a suitable devotee, to sacrifice. Not one of them returned with anyone worthwhile. Candor and Yale returned with absolute jokes dressed up in the guise of naive passersby, Tirade, Fusche and Pelt returned empty handed with stories they apparently believed you would accept, and Tiiamos had flat out refused to engage with your little game from the get go.
You're starting to lose your patience.
Yale picks a fight with Pelt, thinking that returning with anything was better than returning with an excuse, when in fact they're just as useless as each other. You think about breaking it up, but if they kill each other then it's one less job for you.
When Fusche butts in to break up the fight you do lose it, how dare it think it gets a say in what happens in your quarters? You raise a hand and bring it down like a karate chop, right in the centre of it's forehead with such force it splits it's entire skull open like a coconut, chunks of whatever spilling to the floor in wet slaps as its body flops to the ground. Candor falls to their knees, scooping up the bits and shoveling them back inside it's skull cavity, glancing at you with fear in their eyes as if you would cut off their hands for doing such a thing, but they're trying to save it some time upon their revival. You suppose you'll let it have that...
You straighten yourself up, click your fingers at Tiiamos and turn to leave. At first, it hesitates, looking over its companions as Fusche's body starts to steam and slowly reform itself. You give Tiiamos a pointed look, between itself and the other's, which presumably it interpreted correctly as 'follow me, now, or I will do another one', because it quickly jumps down from its perch and follows close behind you out of the room.
Once the door is closed and you're partway down the hallway, it touches your arm tentatively, then when you don't throw it off immediately, it clings to you as you walk. "Did you really need to do that?"
With a scoff, you pointedly keep walking. You don't need to answer anyone's questions.
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razorbeard · 5 months
☺ : What is your muse’s smile like? Do they smile often? For Cale and Gustav!
Cale usually has a slight smile on his face in most casual situations but when he's with people he actively gives a shit about he's a wide energetic smile, heartfelt and joyful. Gustav is much more subtle and usually laced with some kind of smug/playful energy to it. But if you're people he actively care about and look out for it's much softer and less filled with smug cocky energy.
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qazxswsblog · 2 years
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Kreed Kurtz
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