#krejong talks
krejong · 2 years
One more thing about Totes Herz though: can we talk about how Svetlana abruptly disappears as soon as the men in her life don't need her anymore? As soon as she isn't fulfilling the roles of mistress and caretaker, she just stops existing from one frame to the next?
Also how—even apart from him being an actual person—the reaction to Juri's death was so minimal on the parts of the detectives, given that
A. They spent the first 50 minutes on an active man-hunt for him
B. He was their only witness to the murder of Heike Teichmann. Like how would any of this even stand up in court?
Yet—somehow—at the same time, Karin and Leo also seemed like secondary characters in this episode (points were made on this by @lucy-in-space and @khaladriel); faceless tools to solve this mystery, whose interventions were merely meant to move the plot forward Hercules-Poirot-style. And if I had been sitting down to watch a Poirot mystery that would have been fine, but that wasn't what the last few episodes had led me to expect. Because, while Karin and Leo did solve the mystery in ‘Das Nest’ and ‘Katz und Maus’, they displayed a range of emotions (vulnerability/fear/frustration/anger) while doing so, which succeeded in humanizing them; no effort was made in this episode to do the same. Those two may have had more scenes together than in ‘Katz und Maus’, but whenever we saw them interact they were rattling off information to each other like they’re ticking things off a to-do-list. (Though I have to give them credit for the non-verbal communication parts, those were nice).
And one more thing that sort of ties in to my point in the last paragraph: what was up with the lack of continuity?? Other shows— like Tatort Zürich for instance—have successfully integrated overarching plotlines that run over multiple episodes (e.g., Tessa’s past suicide attempt) and tied them up satisfactorily. They (mostly) introduced elements because they would be resolved/answered at some point in the future. The impact of the gutpunch-ending of ‘Katz und Maus’ was quasi-nullified by the fact that all Schnabel apparently sustained from his near-death experience was a tummy ache that was mentioned only once, in passing, which was then used to criticize Karin for ‘fussing’ (excuse her). And no mentions at all are made of Leo's serious breach of Karin's trust with the video, which should undoubtedly have impacted their professional relationship, if not their personal one.
Anyway, suffice to say I wasn't the biggest fan of how a bunch of things were handled in this episode and it just fell flat for me, personally.
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fallingforfandoms · 8 months
@all-my-worlds-a-stage tagged me to share the last ten songs I listened to. Thanks - it's basically my writing soundtrack and it's just as chaotic as you might think 😂
Polvere - Giorgio Consolini
Salz auf unserer Haut - Santiano
Late Night Talking - Harry Styles
Houdini (Acoustic Tuesday Sessions) - Leslie Clio
Wild Grey Ocean - Sam Fender
No No Never - Texas Lightning
Die Bouzouki klang durch die Sommernacht - Vicky Leandros
Manchmal möchte ich schon mit dir - Roland Kaiser
With or Without You - U2
Dreaming To Fly - Andrea Vanzo
... aaaand I would also love to get a glimpse into what @mordsfesch @disappointingsalad @cinnamonbunsinmyhairr @khalaris & @krejong are listening to at the moment 👀 (no pressure though 😌)
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krejong · 1 year
What’s your headcanon about Karin falling in love with a woman for the first time?
I read your English fanfics on Ao3 and really love your style of writing. :)
Hi nonnie, thank you for your ask <3 (also thank you so much for the compliment, I’m so glad you enjoy my writing!)
Of course I can tell you more about that headcanon, though I’m afraid I didn’t give it much more thought beyond what I put in the second chapter of ‘your hands could be the church to my fingers’ steeple.’ (future krejong here: hi nevermind that, this answer to your ask got a little out of hand because I started actually thinking about this more in depth and now I’ve written 3 paragraphs)
I imagined for Karin the (tragically) classic falling-in-love-with-your-straight-best-friend-scenario in secondary school (which is essentially a rite of passage for most queer women, let’s be honest). In my head she would have been about fourteen/fifteen when this went down because she was a rather tough nut to crack friendship-wise, even as a child (as, please allow me to very pretentiously quote myself here, “distrust had been imprinted on her from birth”). She and Iga kind of knew of each other because of their shared heritage (maybe Iga’s family was super involved in the church that Karin and her mom also very sporadically frequented?) but mostly because Iga just decided one day that she was going to befriend the quiet girl who always sat by the exit door and didn’t rest until she managed it. I imagine Karin to have been reluctantly charmed, then having fallen for her hard, the way you do when you’re a teenager and you and your best friend are essentially glued together. Iga was the first person Karin told about her father (and sidenote, yes, Karin did in fact join the swimming team because of the mermaid barbie anecdote in das kalte Haus).
And then Iga got a boyfriend—who maybe was a little older than they were and could already drive one of those electric scooter things—and Karin’s heart was shattered. I do think Iga must have guessed her feelings at some point, but they never truly addressed it (maybe they did talk about it once, drunk on cheap wodka in a field somewhere during those hours of the late night/early morning that never feel quite real, but who remembers things like that?) Also an important addendum is that I firmly believe Iga was never cruel to Karin about it in any way, didn’t make her feel ashamed. I don’t think Karin could have asked for a sweeter girl to get her heart broken by.
After secondary school they then drifted apart, even more so because Iga eventually moved back to Poland with her parents when they retired. Still, I think Karin regularly checks her social media to see how she’s doing—'well', is how she’s doing. But that surprises no-one, least of all Karin. Iga had always been one to land right on her feet—And they call each other on their birthdays (on Iga’s end of the phone, there’s always kids squealing, a fond man’s voice speaking or sheep bleating and Karin is happy for her, always.) When Karin and Leo ultimately get together, Iga sends her a card. (It features The Rainbow Fish and a pun on the word ‘FIN-naly’. Leo has it framed.)
Anyway this turned into more of a ramble than I meant it too, whoops. Hope this answers your question well enough. Now my question to you is: what do you think? Do you agree, what’s your own personal headcanon on this? (My DMs are always open too ;))
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fallingforfandoms · 2 years
And another round of tagging games! :)
Thank you for tagging me @all-my-worlds-a-stage!
Rules: answer 10 questions and tag 10 people you want to know better
Relationship status: single and currently pretty happy about it :')
Favourite colour: Off the top of my head, I'd say black, but in practice, I'm wearing anything, no matter the colour, so, idk.
Three favourite foods: pasta, chocolate and grapes
Song stuck in my head: "Wenn's am schönsten ist" by Silbermond (probably gonna incorporate this into chapter 10 of my Italy fanfic, because ... sigh. It's like that song was made for that setting.)
Last thing I listened to: Mareike giving me and herself a pep talk of "let's go into the library and be productive, that was enough lunchtime for today"
Last thing I googled: "fernsehkrimifestival wiesbaden tickets" - might have to do with that Lenas Tante screening coming up in March, but what do I know, lol
Time: 2:44pm
Dream trip: ... anywhere, really. One of my core character traits is literally that I'm happy anywhere, even in the ugliest of places, as long as I can walk around with my headphones in and have some uninterrupted me-time.
Anything I really want: A way to trick my brain into thinking 'you don't have to do everything perfectly, it's fine like that, don't think too much about everything'
Currently reading: Nothing apart from boring uni stuff, sadly.
Last song: "Mackie's Coming" by Kabinett (please support your local artists, peeps <3)
Last movie: "Lenas Tante" (is anyone actually surprised by that? no? good.)
Last series: Die Bergretter (.... it was for research/inspiration purposes, i swear to god)
Sweet, savoury, or spicy: Sweet! <3
Currently working on: A way out of my sudden mental spirals that keep hitting the hardest when I least expect them.
Craving: An off-switch for my brain.
Tea or coffee: Coffee!
Tagging @chaoticpartners-incrime @carlomenzinger @poodlewithaguitar @karin-in-action @olgalenski @occhi-verdi-come-il-mare @farminglesbian @krejong @caromitpunkt @mistofstars and anyone else who wants to join in! <3
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