neopetpound · 4 years
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kriteny the Strawberry Wocky
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martinsvanags · 6 years
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Kritenis (at Slovakia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnJU8oHnLsf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=fq5jk9jw30bd
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eosenamor-blog · 7 years
Nevēlos gari rakstīt, bet stāsts sekojošs : Ienāk veikalā kundze gados, skaļi saka, ka šis ir veikals deputātiem, cenu dēļ. Viņas kaķa gaumei atbilstošo konservu cenas nebija kundzes makam, pensijai pa prātam. Bet, jāatzīst, ka kaķa gaume visnotaļ glauna - ēst tikai liellopa, želejas konsistences konservus nav tik lēts prieks, kā varētu šķist, vismaz kundzes prasībai - ne dārgāk kā 0,50€ - nekas neatbilda. Man komplimentus par pieklājību izteikusi, viņa devās prom neko nenopirkusi. Zinu, cenas nav tās tīkamākās, bet, ja tie paši 0,70€ par vienu konservu ir kriteni jo krietni par daudz, jāsāk domāt, ka kaut kas mums te valstī nav kārtībā.
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demonoflight · 11 years
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This is my Mass Effect Holiday Cheer gift for kriteni! In her likes she listed Shakarian and Boo the Space Hamster, and then I realized Garrus and Boo bonding needs to happen.
I'm kind of incredibly proud of this and I hope my giftee likes it too.
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solasan-blog · 11 years
kriteni replied to your post: I want to get a black pro...
shipping on eBay is usually too expensive and customs are a big problem :I
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eponymous-rose · 11 years
Top six food. And if there's no poutine I'll... do nothing, I guess :) Everybody's have a right to an opinion. (What's wrong with me?)
Alas, poutine doesn’t quite make the list for me—I love all the component ingredients, but it’s just a bit too much when put together. I’m such a bad Canadian!
Pierogi! All sorts, but especially the delicious variation my grandma makes that involves layerings of lasagna noodles with potatoes and cheddar/cottage cheese, topped with crunchy breadcrumbs and lots and lots of butter.
Watermelon. Augh, so good. WATERMELON.
Chicken fajitas. I found a decent Mexican place my first day in Oklahoma and just subsisted on fajitas the entire time I was there.
Hummus! In my apartment, the staples are pretty much milk, bread, cheese, and hummus.
Brigadeiro. One of my closest friends here is from Brazil and makes these for every party we have. I’m not normally a chocolate person, but I have so many good associations with these that I can’t help but adore ‘em.
Crème brûlée!
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servantofclio · 11 years
Normandy High 15 replies:
Also, the management is not responsible for any tooth decay occasioned by reading that chapter.
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sarinalina replied to your post: Normandy High, part 15
I think my Dad’s going to think something’s wrong. xDD I’m making noises far beyond my usual range. *squee-ing like mad* So impossibly adorable. =D And I would love to see, if Joker and EDI are somewhere around, too. ;)
Joker's popped up here and there. EDI's one character I'm not sure how to fit into the HS setting. Hm.
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cleopatradinekomata answered your post: Normandy High, part 15
This part it’s really cute! I think you can go headed with Tali and Kal, and Kasumi’s too *w*
I'm not quite sure who Kasumi ought to be paired up with. Hm.
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kriteni answered your post: Normandy High, part 15
It was fluffly and cute and then “I should go”. I laughed. Loudly.
It's a habit. She can't quite break it. I don't think she even realizes she's saying it.
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smile-shy answered your post: Normandy High, part 15
Ash and James <3 also, Grunt awkwardly giving Liara a blue rock because it reminded him of her would be adorable…now excuse me…*flails*
Ash and James could work.
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steph-squatch · 11 years
Mass Effect!
1. The first character I first fell in love with
Probably Joker. Because Seth Green 2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
Garrus probably. I always liked him but I don’t think I was expecting to turn into such a fangirl. But then again is anybody ever expecting that?3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t
I don’t really know… Generally I’m on board with the liking and the not liking. I’m such a conformist >.>4. The character I love that everyone else hates
Any of the Reapers maybe? I don’t know if people hate them exactly, but I love a good villain!5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer
There isn’t one really. I either liked them or I didn’t. Some I didn’t like and now I really like (like Saren) but I can’t think of any that go the other way. I’m not a Kaidanmancer anymore if that counts… I still like his character though.6. The character I would totally smooch
*coughGarruscoughcough*7. The character I’d want to be like
Commander Shepard. Sometimes I find myself stressed out over something or crying about something or just generally freaking out about whatever and I stop and think “Would Shepard do that?" I know she/he is just a fictional character but I look up to them regardless.8. The character I’d slap
Udina. Or the Salarian Dalatrass. She was kind of a bitch about the whole genophage thing.9. A pairing that I love
Shakarian .>10. A pairing that I despise
There really isn’t one. There’s a couple where I go “Uhhh… Okay, whatever generates your mass effect field, I guess" but none that I’ve come across where I just go “EW NO."
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anonymousfragger · 11 years
Woohoo! Does that give my a health bonus? +5 protection? Golden Pantaloons? All our bases are belong to us?
All of the above.
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tarysande · 11 years
ahod23 replies (pt 1)
servantofclio replied to your post: FIC UPDATE: A HANDFUL OF DUST...
The inside of Shepard’s head is such a sad place.
kriteni replied to your post: FIC UPDATE: A HANDFUL OF DUST...
I was happy to see Shepard remember something. Anything.
Hold that thought.
ladyamesindy replied to your post: FIC UPDATE: A HANDFUL OF DUST...
Ooooo I had a feeling things might go that way in the message from dad. I have my suspicions in regards to the dreams Shepard’s having, though. I’m getting a sneaky suspicion that this was set up by TIM to get vengeance on Miranda ….
Hee, as I said yesterday, I kind of LOVE that people have theories. Some of the ones I've seen have been wrong, some have been close, one or two have been almost right. It's really interesting to see what people pick up on.
Which is a long way of saying I NEITHER CONFIRM NOR DENY ;D
ursulacousland replied to your post: FIC UPDATE: A HANDFUL OF DUST...
saoida’sdf’al;sdkjfal;’skdjf;lksadjf;lkj More please! <3
Soon! Well, sorta soon... I'm hoping to get one more update out before I head back home next Monday. (And thank you! Gotta appreciate a good keysmash.)
allofthebarks replied to your post: FIC UPDATE: A HANDFUL OF DUST...
Ow. Just ow. I love how well you’ve picked up Samara.
Thank you!! She is one of my absolute favorites, and I'm glad I'm doing her justice (pun not intended). I was SO glad when she decided to come along for this story ;D
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fistfulofgammarays · 11 years
lady-halibuts-convos reblogged your post I was fooling around with pap... and added:
*grins* So Gamma, what was that you were saying about posts not getting a lot of replies? Because I think you kicked ass<span class="ellipsis">...</span>
No, no, you misunderstand. I was totally happy to languish in obscurity! I have no idea how this happened.
kriteni replied to your post: I was fooling around with pap...
I’m often amazed but the art found all over the internet. I’m rarely amazed by other creations. This is one of them. (I’m trying to come up with some witty comment about the material used but I’m so blown away, I can’t think)
Thank you! I appreciate the kind words.
fourth-age replied to your post: I was fooling around with pap...
Turned into something, he says. So tall is it? 8 inches?
Yeah, about 8 inches tall, counting the base. The figure itself is a little under 6 inches.
Also, thank you for all the kind reblogs. I'm kind of overwhelmed.
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solasan-blog · 11 years
Are you legally an adult in your country? (I know my question is cold but I didn't leave any ambiguity!)
Haha too bad I'm not :D I'm only 16, soon 17 and I'm a legal adult when I turn 18. Many people mistake me for an adult though
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eponymous-rose · 11 years
Another meme response!
kriteni asked you:
Quality and Xylophone (And I'm also a huge Habs fan!)
Yay! I thought you might also be a Habs fan. Getting to go to a game was one of my favourite things about living in Montreal. :D
Quality: Name three of your favourite blogs.
Ooh, I kind of try to avoid doing this, because I always just know I'll leave someone out and feel awful about it. Um. Okay, shout-out to tarysande, servantofclio, and w0rdinista, because I think their comments on some fic of mine were my first real encounter ever with the Mass Effect fandom, and they all have utterly wonderful blogs, and they're all frighteningly talented and lovely and great. <3
Xylophone: Do you play an instrument?
Piano, pretty hardcore! Started when I was seven (a bit late for the level of playing I was aiming for), and when I finished my last exam at age seventeen I was at the level and had the connections so that I could then have chosen to pursue a career as a concert pianist. Which, um, I would've been terrible at (I barely passed that last exam), so I chose instead to take advantage of my qualifications and charge fairly outrageous teaching fees to make a little extra money in university. Okay, so I also taught for free sometimes if it was fun. 
Otherwise, I took a couple years of violin as an adult beginner and one year of ukulele as a little kid. I would've loved to have been in my school band, but at the time we couldn't afford to rent an instrument or pay the fees, so it didn't work out.
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servantofclio · 11 years
Normandy high 14 replies:
kriteni replied to your post: Normandy High, part 14
Awww… So sweet, as the chocolate. I really enjoy this!
Mmm...chocolate. I mean, thanks!
yarnandteaisallineed replied to your post: Normandy High, part 14
Oh I love this so much. And bless James and Kasumi! Busybodies but good friends nonetheless. ^_^
There may have been a bit of a conspiracy. Tali and Kasumi may have talked things over. And I think James is really a big softie.
sarinalina replied to your post: Normandy High, part 14
Those flowers were such a cute idea. =D Thank you Kasumi and James, for helping these two get on the right path again! :) And those accurate little doodles. I wonder how many of them were as accurate as the one of her.
I think most of them are random doodles while bored. He put more time and effort into the one of Shepard. ;)
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fistfulofgammarays · 11 years
kriteni replied to your post: mystery-moose replied to your post: kriteni...
In school we had a lot of fun making them boom on purpose. Once I found a 1 farad. Yep, a whole 1. The result was… Smoky. We didn’t get caught ;)
A 1 F capacitor must have been really impressive! (I would probably have wanted to smoke it too.)
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fistfulofgammarays · 11 years
mystery-moose replied to your post: kriteni replied to your post: Having a drink...
Wait. You literally reversed the polarity? You get to say that and have it MEAN something???
Totally. I have to reverse the polarity on the neodymium motivator in order to degauss the flux capacitor all the time.
Nah. Some components require a higher voltage on one side than the other. If you hook them up in reverse, they won't work right, or they may outright fail, depending on the component and voltage in question.
kriteni replied to your post: kriteni replied to your post: Having a drink...
Reversed polarity, but hooked to what? A capacitor? ouch. Open the window ;)
Ha, yeah, there's a cap and a couple of diodes in here. And you're right, there is no smell like a smoked cap. (I used to know a guy who would put the capacitors in backwards on purpose, just to see you jump when they popped. No one wanted to work with him.)
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