#kuh kuh ki
johbeil · 11 months
Wer ist Paladin Kuh?
1. Schreibfehler, passt nicht zusammen, ergibt keinen Sinn. 2. Timurischer General, lebte im 14. Jahrhundert, ist bekannt für seinen Sieg über die Taldschiken. 3. Ein von Microsoft erfundener Name für einen Spieler der X-Box. 4. Laut KI ist ein Paladin ein Paladin, während eine Kuh ein gezähmter milchspendender Wiederkäuer ist. – Cora Ebenezar (© 2023) (50 Wörter)
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
I was gonna ask how you guys pronounce valkyrie, so i went to fetch the IPA for both valkiri and valkyuri and then realised valkyuri doesn't exist in english (it literally did a bit ago?? I distinctly remember looking up the pronunciations when i noticed it's valkyuri in enst????) and apparently the real diff is Americans eat the first -i- while Brits put the main intonation on it.
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sayyourprayers · 1 year
5 7 23
5. Marathi
5. Hindi
5. Punjabi (native to my country but not a language I speak and my forever favourite song)
7. (Marathi)
कवडसे (kuh-vuh-duh-say): rays (☀️) coming in through slits or gaps
ख़िज़ाँ (khizaan) : autumn, fall
स्वाहा (swaa-haa) : it's used at the end of a mantra usually when an offering is made. It's also used in the phrasal form to denote sacrificing or burning or depleting something.
23. Rum and whisky. I recommend army issue Old Monk. My poison. There's also something called 'desi tharra' that's cheap and consumed by many and has varied recipes and may or may not end up in causing a person's (yours or whoever you end up brawling with) death.
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clarenecessities · 1 year
Belahd im ,Ahverghin,
Nahn w tiv khahsh im tiv ehkahm Nahn w tiv zhigamizh Nahn w tiv zhiworao im tiv dahmrrosh Nahn w tiv khaoghao im duhv skirno Nahn w tiv falkon im tov irahshahko Nahn w tov ehko kir zw :divilodh ki ,Rao, Nahn w tiv bahrishkil :dhoiu Nahn w tiv bor zw iahronives Nahn w samuhn finud Nahn w ehkahm urvishia Nahn w zrhuv :bemiu Nahn w tov woro im belahdiumo Nahn w zuget zw zrhynjahzh ki fazhur Nahn w tiv eul zw zrhynjuhsh vog osh tom faos shom
Takypzrhiguhsh rrov w tov im shahko tiv zhgehv? Taraozhives rrov w tov chehdehdhoim tiv giehrehvo Ta:gaolomahzh rrov w rrahn bim to dhagiehrahrodh ,Rao,? Tapiluhsh rrov kuhs w tov zrhykhaogo im ,:Zugiv,Ghim, zhehdiv rurrelahs? Tapahdhahrehth rrov w :jev fis to ,:Zugiv,Ghim, zhehdov zrhykhaogo? Taenaiosi rraopo w rrov bim to khaoghao du eul? Nahn zhrigia w ehworium zw ehworahrodh shokh doshehdia
nahn w tiv khahsh im tiv ehkahm nahn w tiv zhigamizh nahn w tiv zhiwöO im tiv dahmrrosh nahn w tiv khaoghao im 7 skirno nahn w tiv falkuhn im tov irahshahko nahn w tov ehko kir zw :divil^ ki ,O, nahn w tiv bahrishkil :dhoiu nahn w tiv bor zw iahroniv$ nahn w tiv samuhn finud nahn w ehkahm urvishia nahn w zrhuv :bemiu nahn w tov wöo im belahdiumo nahn w zuget zw zrhynj( ki fazhur nahn w tiv eul zw zrhynj* vog osh tom faos shom
¿kypzrhig* rrov w tov im shahko tiv zhgehv ¿raozhiv$ rrov w tov chehdehdho im tiv giehrehvo ¿:gaolom( rrov w rrahn bim to dhagiehrahr^ ,ao, ¿pil* rrov kuhs w tov zrhykhaogo im ,:zugiv,ghim, zhehdiv ruRelahs ¿pahdhahr% rrov w :jev fis to ,:zugiv,ghim, zhehdov zrhykhaogo ¿enåosi qo w rrov bim to khaoghao du eul nahn zhrigia w ehwöium zw ehwöahr^ shokh doshehdia
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saturniasxenos · 1 month
Orcagender / Orcakin
Or - Kuh - Jen - Dr / Or - Kuh - Kin
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A gender in which you has a deep connection with Orcas, also known as the Killer Whales. This gender may feel compassionate, strength, healing, and intelligent.
Can be used by therians!
Coined by me. There is no correct way to use this flag and term.
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Etymology: Orca, Gender
Some Pronoun Suggestions: Or / Orc / Orca / Orcas / Orcaself, Ki / Kill / Killerwhale / Killerwhales / Killerwhaleself,
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rupmoker · 1 month
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Kemenkumham Realisasikan 97,16% Anggaran di Tahun 2023
Jakarta - Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Menkumham), Supratman Andi Agtas, melaporkan bahwa Kementerian Hukum dan HAM (Kemenkumham) telah merealisasikan 97,16% dari anggaran tahun 2023. Pagu akhir 2023 Kemenkumham tercatat senilai Rp18,933 triliun. Dari angka tersebut, berhasil direalisasikan sebanyak Rp18,395 triliun.
“Besaran realisasi (anggaran 2023) yang telah dicapai adalah 97,16%,” kata Supratman dalam Rapat Kerja (Raker) bersama komisi III DPR RI tentang pembahasan evaluasi APBN 2023 dan penjelasan hasil pemeriksaan BPK RI 2023, Jumat (23/8/2024).
Anggaran itu digunakan untuk tiga program prioritas nasional, yaitu meningkatkan sumber daya manusia berkualitas dan berdaya saing, revolusi mental dan pembangunan kebudayaan, serta memperkuat stabilitas polhukhankam dan transformasi pelayanan publik.
Menkumham memaparkan terdapat 19 kegiatan sebagai penjabaran dari tiga prioritas nasional di atas. 15 kegiatan di antaranya, dilakukan untuk bidang polhukhankam dan transformasi pelayanan publik.
“Output prioritas nasional polhukhankam dan transformasi digital, yaitu modul UU KUHP, RUU KUH Acara Perdata, RUU Kepailitan, penguatan BHP, pengembangan kompetensi Pembimbing Kemasyarakatan, sampai dengan Implementasi kebijakan integrasi sistem manajemen pemeriksaan keimigrasian,” paparnya di ruang rapat komisi III DPR.
Dari sisi Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) 2023, Supratman mengungkapkan terjadi lonjakan sebesar 230,48% menjadi Rp9 triliun, jika dibandingkan dengan target capaian di tahun yang sama. Yang terbesar diperoleh Ditjen Imigraisi, Ditjen AHU, Ditjen KI, dan disusul oleh Unit Eselon I lainnya.
Sementara itu terkait pemeriksaan laporan keuangan oleh BPK, Supratman menyebutkan bahwa Kemenkumham telah menerima opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) sebanyak 15 kali secara berturut-turut.
Meski demikian, ia mengaku masih terdapat temuan dan rekomendasi pengembalian kas negara dari hasil pemeriksaan BPK tahun lalu. Ia menjelaskan terdapat satu temuan pada penyusunan laporan keuangan, dua temuan pada pendapatan, dan 14 temuan pada belanja.
Kemenkumham pun telah melakukan tindak lanjut terhadap temuan-temuan dan rekomendasi dari BPK. Baik itu secara administratif, maupun pengembalian ke kas negara yang dilakukan secara bertahap.
“Secara administratif telah diterbitkan nota dinas Menkumham tanggal 1 Agustus 2024 kepada para pimpinan Unit Eselon I untuk menyelesaikan tindak lanjut temuan pemeriksaan dimaksud,” ucap mantan ketua Baleg DPR RI itu.
Menkumham berkata akan terus menjaga soliditas di internal Kemenkumham. Juga terus menjalin komunikasi seluruh pemangku kepentingan di eksternal, termasuk Komisi III DPR RI sebagai mitra.
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rupaska · 1 month
Kemenkumham Realisasikan 97,16% Anggaran di Tahun 2023
Jakarta - Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Menkumham), Supratman Andi Agtas, melaporkan bahwa Kementerian Hukum dan HAM (Kemenkumham) telah merealisasikan 97,16% dari anggaran tahun 2023. Pagu akhir 2023 Kemenkumham tercatat senilai Rp18,933 triliun. Dari angka tersebut, berhasil direalisasikan sebanyak Rp18,395 triliun.
“Besaran realisasi (anggaran 2023) yang telah dicapai adalah 97,16%,” kata Supratman dalam Rapat Kerja (Raker) bersama komisi III DPR RI tentang pembahasan evaluasi APBN 2023 dan penjelasan hasil pemeriksaan BPK RI 2023, Jumat (23/8/2024).
Anggaran itu digunakan untuk tiga program prioritas nasional, yaitu meningkatkan sumber daya manusia berkualitas dan berdaya saing, revolusi mental dan pembangunan kebudayaan, serta memperkuat stabilitas polhukhankam dan transformasi pelayanan publik.
Menkumham memaparkan terdapat 19 kegiatan sebagai penjabaran dari tiga prioritas nasional di atas. 15 kegiatan di antaranya, dilakukan untuk bidang polhukhankam dan transformasi pelayanan publik.
“Output prioritas nasional polhukhankam dan transformasi digital, yaitu modul UU KUHP, RUU KUH Acara Perdata, RUU Kepailitan, penguatan BHP, pengembangan kompetensi Pembimbing Kemasyarakatan, sampai dengan Implementasi kebijakan integrasi sistem manajemen pemeriksaan keimigrasian,” paparnya di ruang rapat komisi III DPR.
Dari sisi Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) 2023, Supratman mengungkapkan terjadi lonjakan sebesar 230,48% menjadi Rp9 triliun, jika dibandingkan dengan target capaian di tahun yang sama. Yang terbesar diperoleh Ditjen Imigraisi, Ditjen AHU, Ditjen KI, dan disusul oleh Unit Eselon I lainnya.
Sementara itu terkait pemeriksaan laporan keuangan oleh BPK, Supratman menyebutkan bahwa Kemenkumham telah menerima opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) sebanyak 15 kali secara berturut-turut.
Meski demikian, ia mengaku masih terdapat temuan dan rekomendasi pengembalian kas negara dari hasil pemeriksaan BPK tahun lalu. Ia menjelaskan terdapat satu temuan pada penyusunan laporan keuangan, dua temuan pada pendapatan, dan 14 temuan pada belanja.
Kemenkumham pun telah melakukan tindak lanjut terhadap temuan-temuan dan rekomendasi dari BPK. Baik itu secara administratif, maupun pengembalian ke kas negara yang dilakukan secara bertahap.
“Secara administratif telah diterbitkan nota dinas Menkumham tanggal 1 Agustus 2024 kepada para pimpinan Unit Eselon I untuk menyelesaikan tindak lanjut temuan pemeriksaan dimaksud,” ucap mantan ketua Baleg DPR RI itu.
Menkumham berkata akan terus menjaga soliditas di internal Kemenkumham. Juga terus menjalin komunikasi seluruh pemangku kepentingan di eksternal, termasuk Komisi III DPR RI sebagai mitra.
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imigrasibaubau · 1 month
Kemenkumham Realisasikan 97,16% Anggaran di Tahun 2023
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Jakarta - Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia (Menkumham), Supratman Andi Agtas, melaporkan bahwa Kementerian Hukum dan HAM (Kemenkumham) telah merealisasikan 97,16% dari anggaran tahun 2023. Pagu akhir 2023 Kemenkumham tercatat senilai Rp18,933 triliun. Dari angka tersebut, berhasil direalisasikan sebanyak Rp18,395 triliun.
“Besaran realisasi (anggaran 2023) yang telah dicapai adalah 97,16%,” kata Supratman dalam Rapat Kerja (Raker) bersama komisi III DPR RI tentang pembahasan evaluasi APBN 2023 dan penjelasan hasil pemeriksaan BPK RI 2023, Jumat (23/8/2024).
Anggaran itu digunakan untuk tiga program prioritas nasional, yaitu meningkatkan sumber daya manusia berkualitas dan berdaya saing, revolusi mental dan pembangunan kebudayaan, serta memperkuat stabilitas polhukhankam dan transformasi pelayanan publik.
Menkumham memaparkan terdapat 19 kegiatan sebagai penjabaran dari tiga prioritas nasional di atas. 15 kegiatan di antaranya, dilakukan untuk bidang polhukhankam dan transformasi pelayanan publik.
“Output prioritas nasional polhukhankam dan transformasi digital, yaitu modul UU KUHP, RUU KUH Acara Perdata, RUU Kepailitan, penguatan BHP, pengembangan kompetensi Pembimbing Kemasyarakatan, sampai dengan Implementasi kebijakan integrasi sistem manajemen pemeriksaan keimigrasian,” paparnya di ruang rapat komisi III DPR.
Dari sisi Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak (PNBP) 2023, Supratman mengungkapkan terjadi lonjakan sebesar 230,48% menjadi Rp9 triliun, jika dibandingkan dengan target capaian di tahun yang sama. Yang terbesar diperoleh Ditjen Imigraisi, Ditjen AHU, Ditjen KI, dan disusul oleh Unit Eselon I lainnya.
Sementara itu terkait pemeriksaan laporan keuangan oleh BPK, Supratman menyebutkan bahwa Kemenkumham telah menerima opini Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) sebanyak 15 kali secara berturut-turut.
Meski demikian, ia mengaku masih terdapat temuan dan rekomendasi pengembalian kas negara dari hasil pemeriksaan BPK tahun lalu. Ia menjelaskan terdapat satu temuan pada penyusunan laporan keuangan, dua temuan pada pendapatan, dan 14 temuan pada belanja.
Kemenkumham pun telah melakukan tindak lanjut terhadap temuan-temuan dan rekomendasi dari BPK. Baik itu secara administratif, maupun pengembalian ke kas negara yang dilakukan secara bertahap.
“Secara administratif telah diterbitkan nota dinas Menkumham tanggal 1 Agustus 2024 kepada para pimpinan Unit Eselon I untuk menyelesaikan tindak lanjut temuan pemeriksaan dimaksud,” ucap mantan ketua Baleg DPR RI itu.
Menkumham berkata akan terus menjaga soliditas di internal Kemenkumham. Juga terus menjalin komunikasi seluruh pemangku kepentingan di eksternal, termasuk Komisi III DPR RI sebagai mitra.
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unfug-bilder · 6 months
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Die KI weiß nicht, dass die Kuh eine breitere Tasse braucht, damit sie mit der Zunge an die Flüssigkeit kommt.
Quelle https://images.playground.com/bc88326ecd1b4b7db56720d97a0d65c2.jpeg
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444namesplus · 1 year
a aa aach aaf aah aak aam aan aap aar aas aash aat aath ach ae aech aef aeh aek aem aen aep aer aes aesh aet aeth af ah аi aich aif aih aik aim ain aip air ais aish ait aith ak am an ao aoch aof aoh aok aom aon aop aor aos aosh aot aoth ap ar as ash at ath au auch auf auh auk aum aun aup aur aus aush aut auth cha chach chaf chah chak cham chan chap char chas chash chat chath che chech chef cheh chek chem chen chep cher ches chesh chet cheth chi chich chif chih chik chim chin chip chir chis chish chit chith cho choch chof choh chok chom chon chop chor chos chosh chot choth chu chuch chuf chuh chuk chum chun chup chur chus chush chut chuth e ea each eaf eah eak eam ean eap ear eas eash eat eath ech ee eech eef eeh eek eem een eep eer ees eesh eet eeth ef eh ei eich eif eih eik eim ein eip eir eis eish eit eith ek em en eo eoch eof eoh eok eom eon eop eor eos eosh eot eoth ep er es esh et eth eu euch euf euh euk eum eun eup eur eus eush eut euth fa fach faf fah fak fam fan fap far fas fash fat fath fe fech fef feh fek fem fen fep fer fes fesh fet feth fi fich fif fih fik fim fin fip fir fis fish fit fith fo foch fof foh fok fom fon fop for fos fosh fot foth fu fuch fuf fuh fuk fum fun fup fur fus fush fut futh ha hach haf hah hak ham han hap har has hash hat hath he hech hef heh hek hem hen hep her hes hesh het heth hi hich hif hih hik him hin hip hir his hish hit hith ho hoch hof hoh hok hom hon hop hor hos hosh hot hoth hu huch huf huh huk hum hun hup hur hus hush hut huth i ia iach iaf iah iak iam ian iap iar ias iash iat iath ich ie iech ief ieh iek iem ien iep ier ies iesh iet ieth if ih ii iich iif iih iik iim iin iip iir iis iish iit iith ik im in io ioch iof ioh iok iom ion iop ior ios iosh iot ioth ip ir is ish it ith iu iuch iuf iuh iuk ium iun iup iur ius iush iut iuth
ka kach kaf kah kak kam kan kap kar kas kash kat kath ke kech kef keh kek kem ken kep ker kes kesh ket keth ki kich kif kih kik kim kin kip kir kis kish kit kith ko koch kof koh kok kom kon kop kor kos kosh kot koth ku kuch kuf kuh kuk kum kun kup kur kus kush kut kuth ma mach maf mah mak mam man map mar mas mash mat math me mech mef meh mek mem men mep mer mes mesh met meth mi mich mif mih mik mim min mip mir mis mish mit mith mo moch mof moh mok mom mon mop mor mos mosh mot moth mu much muf muh muk mum mun mup mur mus mush mut muth na nach naf nah nak nam nan nap nar nas nash nat nath ne nech nef neh nek nem nen nep ner nes nesh net neth ni nich nif nih nik nim nin nip nir nis nish nit nith no noch nof noh nok nom non nop nor nos nosh not noth nu nuch nuf nuh nuk num nun nup nur nus nush nut nuth o oa oach oaf oah oak oam oan oap oar oas oash oat oath och oe oech oef oeh oek oem oen oep oer oes oesh oet oeth of oh oi oich oif oih oik oim oin oip oir ois oish oit oith ok om on oo ooch oof ooh ook oom oon oop oor oos oosh oot ooth op or os osh ot oth ou ouch ouf ouh ouk oum oun oup our ous oush out outh pa pach paf pah pak pam pan pap par pas pash pat path pe pech pef peh pek pem pen pep per pes pesh pet peth pi pich pif pih pik pim pin pip pir pis pish pit pith po poch pof poh pok pom pon pop por pos posh pot poth pu puch puf puh puk pum pun pup pur pus push put puth ra rach raf rah rak ram ran rap rar ras rash rat rath re rech ref reh rek rem ren rep rer res resh ret reth ri rich rif rih rik rim rin rip rir ris rish rit rith ro roch rof roh rok rom ron rop ror ros rosh rot roth ru ruch ruf ruh ruk rum run rup rur rus rush rut ruth sa sach saf sah sak sam san sap sar sas sash sat sath se sech sef seh sek sem sen sep ser ses sesh set seth sha shach shaf shah shak sham shan shap shar shas shash shat shath she shech shef sheh shek shem shen shep sher shes shesh shet sheth shi shich shif shih shik shim shin ship shir shis shish shit shith sho shoch shof shoh shok shom shon shop shor shos shosh shot shoth shu shuch shuf shuh shuk shum shun shup shur shus shush shut shuth si sich sif sih sik sim sin sip sir sis sish sit sith so soch sof soh sok som son sop sor sos sosh sot soth su such suf suh suk sum sun sup sur sus sush sut suth ta tach taf tah tak tam tan tap tar tas tash tat tath te tech tef teh tek tem ten tep ter tes tesh tet teth tha thach thaf thah thak tham than thap thar thas thash that thath the thech thef theh thek them then thep ther thes thesh thet theth thi thich thif thih thik thim thin thip thir this thish thit thith tho thoch thof thoh thok thom thon thop thor thos thosh thot thoth thu thuch thuf thuh thuk thum thun thup thur thus thush thut thuth ti tich tif tih tik tim tin tip tir tis tish tit tith to toch tof toh tok tom ton top tor tos tosh tot toth tu tuch tuf tuh tuk tum tun tup tur tus tush tut tuth u ua uach uaf uah uak uam uan uap uar uas uash uat uath uch ue uech uef ueh uek uem uen uep uer ues uesh uet ueth uf uh ui uich uif uih uik uim uin uip uir uis uish uit uith uk um un uo uoch uof uoh uok uom uon uop uor uos uosh uot uoth up ur us ush ut uth uu uuch uuf uuh uuk uum uun uup uur uus uush uut uuth
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mccarthymolly · 1 year
hk h
Weird b ok, nc,sth,hm,uh,ok,no,uh,sth,hm,uh,no,hm,uh,no,j,,j,
Ww dk uh,hm,ww,uh,hm,who,uh,no,h,m,k,
Ww, share eml,ww ltl,no,h,k,
My god no,h,j
Nt rd so lbr,no,hm,uh,hm,
Ww uh,dam,j,
Wwh no hk uj uk
Saying u like that,ww, hm, j,uh,
Saying go fast,ww, hm k,,j,
No I
Oh no uh k j
Discipline n wt,idk,scared hm,uh,
Ww uh hm jrd dk hm w
Wwno jm uh
Wwno hm kgmuh nohmj
Nt holistic or possibl
Boring encyclopedia, trn
K no, surprise, distrac,pran,oh,slp,uh,dk,hm,uh,n,m, no j uh hm
Pssv ag when sick uh ,no,care,uh,wt,ok,show,uh,ok,ww,j,,juh,dep by ambient,no,j,k,ok,ww,,j,uhk,,jn,i,uh,ok,focus,ok,ww,dk,surprise,uh,ww, hk o,ij,alert me,emer,smell>*,
When renew,uh,n,k,saften b dk,uh,no,h,j,uh,n,k,uh,ww,j,
Ww wt,no,uh,prsr,uh,mk btr nt prsr lk winning or being gd patient, no juh, nk
Wwj,,j,uh,no,uh,chat,uh,n,materials,too fancy,nt hlp,js dominey,j,k,
Uhwt y,j,j,j,
Road horribl,uh,y agn,uh,wt,uh,
Hopeless, reject pain
Other emergency,try, vc,uh,ww,hm,uh,
Ok ww
Wwj mk hk
Uh no idk, maybe,uh,y,uh,no,sunday,uh,no,,k,j,
Mk worse
Omg uh,no,j,,ok,uh,wt,
Bits n rushing,try, dif rank,hm,uh,
Left or ok,yh nurse redundant so idk if think heuristifwlly n engh empathy, b ncr,ha, lgh,hj,uh,no,ha,uh,no,hm uh no , nt let,nczhk,k
Spc fr calls ww uh eh
Trying physically exceed last person more than say interesting or from you not sth lk ego. Hm m uh, hw hv nc appearance n be bd, jku ww prej, ncjn ok hj
Hurt b parentified, js hug ig, no, pulling, hmun, uh,sth,no,dk,hmuyni ww hmun
Hmnohmuj hm hm uni ok stories, hm in j
Uh,dk, noh
When think o nt fcs on
No hjuhok hmo hk
N kuh i uh ww no k ki h fd, hm ki uh yh uh nkj
No hk u hi uwwn li h
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shenzens · 2 years
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teachercatarina · 2 years
Pronunciation Guide for English Speakers
It’s obviously FAR better to learn pronunciation by being heavily exposed to the language (it helps to use videos with subtitles) than by memorizing rules. This is just a reference point you can come back to.
Syllable stress:
Every word has a stressed syllable.
The vowel in the stressed syllable will OPEN.
The remaining vowels will CLOSE (either towards their ‘medium’ or ‘closed’ versions)
Exceptions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ijqsv-1g3k 
If there’s an accent on a syllable, that’s where the stress will be
If the word ends in U, I, L, R… the stress will be on the last syllable
Pronouncing vowels:
Open A: ah, as in cart
Closed A: uh, as in amazing
Open E: eh, as in meddle
Medium E: ey without the y, as in mayday
Closed E: almost no sound, like in accomplice (IPA: ɨ )
I: always ee
Open O: awe, as in off
Medium O: oh, as in mold 
Closed O: oo, as in mood
U: always oo
Nasality, NHs and LHs:
à - ung (as in “sung”). (manhã - muh-NYUNG)
ÃO - aung. (coração - koo-ruh-SAUNG)
ÃE - aing. (mãe - MAING)
ÕE - oing. (põe - POING)
AM/AN - aung. (acabam - uh-KA-baung)
EM/EN - aying. (também - tum-BAYING)
IM/IN - ing. (inteiro - ing-TAY-roo)
OM/ON - ong. (bonzinho - bong-ZEE-nyoo)
UM/UN - oong. (nenhum - n’-NYOONG)
Note: if after these ^ comes a vowel, it’s no longer nasal, you pronounce the M/N. Much like English - “and” or “amber” are nasal, but “sanitize” and “ameliorate” are not. Both have the letters “AN/AM.”
Examples in Portuguese:
antes - UNG-tsh ...but canela - kuh-NEH-luh. Both have “AN”.
fazem - FAH-zaying… but emotivo - eh-moo-TEE-voo. Both have “EM”.
nha, nhe, nhi, nho, nhu - nyuh, nye, nyi, nyoh, nyoo. ñ ny
lha, lhe, lhi, lho, lhu - lyuh, lye, lyi, lyoh, lyoo. ll
Pronouncing the S:
S at the beginning of word, or double S (SS) - S sound
pessoa - p’-SO-uh
santo - SUNG-too
S at the end of word, S behind a consonant - SH sound
bananas - ba-NUH-nush
castelo - kush-TEH-loo
S behind a vowel - Z sound
casa - KAH-zuh
preciso - pr’-SEE-zoo
Pronouncing Gs, Js and Cs:
ga, go, gu - hard G (as in “goat”)
ge, gi - soft G every time, the exact same sound as any J (which is the S in “pleasure”)
For “ge” or “gi” with a hard G, we add a U (gue, gui). 
E.g. guerra, gueto (the U is not pronounced, it’s just there to make the G a hard one).
ca, co, cu - K sound
ce, ci - S sound
For “ce” and “ci” with a K sound, we substitute the C with a QU (que, qui). 
E.g. queijo (KAY-joo), quilo (KI-iloo). 
If we want “ca”, “co” and “cu” with an S sound, we substitute the C with a Ç.
Eg. Peça (PEH-ssuh), maço (MAH-ssoo).
qua, quo - you do pronounce the U. 
E.g. qualidade (kua-lee-DA-d’), quota (KWAW-tuh).
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riwrite-a · 3 years
have i ever mentioned how much i hate a lot of the name pronunciations in the english version of p5 bc. hoo boy its bad
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amslife · 5 years
Ren’s laugh.
Reiji : the usual Kirarin is very cool and quiet. When we first met, I was worried that I think you were mad at me.  
Reiji : now that the three of us become a group for the unit, once again, Nice to meet you
Ren : Likewise
Kira :…best regards
Ren : If it with bukki and….gikki I’m sure it will be fun.
Reiji : woahh!! You already give him a nickname?! As expected of renren!
Kira : Bukki…?Gikki…?
Ren : Bukki because it’s Koto’buki’. Gi from sumera’gi’ and ki from’ki’ra added together become gikki. Since we became a unit partner, let’s drop the formality.
Reiji : yeah, yeah! Onii-san agree with that opinion! Then, from me….hmm….hm! can I call you Kirarin?
Ren : good one! A very bukki-like nickname.
Reiji : right, right? It has a good ring, it decided!
Kira : ……
Ren & Reiji : Eh?
Reiji : Ah!…sorry…do you think…it’s bad?
Ren : Ah….we’re the only one that having fun…Gikki too…if you want to say something, you can say it.
Kira : Ah….no….
Reiji : ehh….do you think ‘kirarin’ is too cute?
Ren : Certainly, a manlier(?) name suit his image better…
Reiji : but ‘kirarin’ is the one that popped into my head first! Ehh…. other nickname, huh…?
Kira : nickname!
Reiji : …huh?
Ren & Reiji : …yeah?
Reiji : ..ahaha….what the….so you were thinking about us!
Ren : ..hah…You look so serious, I was surprised, you know?
Kira : I’m sorry….you can call me….whatever you like….I don’t mind.
Ren : We are the one who usually give someone nickname, that’s why we weren’t really called by nickname a lot.
Reiji : yeah, yeah! If I was called with a special nickname, I would be happy!
Kira : then,….macho-san.
Reiji : geh! that’s my nickname!? Not from my name but from my catchphrase!?
Kira : machocho-san….is that…more appropriate?
Reiji : no! No! Why is the nickname longer? Also, it make me seem like I’m really muscular!
Ren : bfhht..ehe!…Machocho-san!? Ahahaha…!
Reiji : renren! Don’t laugh! Kirarin too! At least take it from my name! 
Reiji : I can feel that kirarin is a serious person that think carefully when you were quiet when we first met.
Ren : you’re right. We can see your passion in this etude.
Reiji : you have a serious face but you say some interesting things, huh?
Ren : I’m really glad you choose to call bukki ‘kotobuki-san”.
Kira : !…enough..about me…let’s go back…to the lesson…
Ren : are you perhaps embarrassed​ ?
Kira : no….
Reiji : oops! Mr. Look cool but embarrassed inside, nice! Nice! It’s really fun to know about each other.
Kira : kuh… let’s go back to the lesson!
Reiji : ehehe….yeah! yeah!
Ren : well then, let’s continue.
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letkeithinfodump · 7 years
one day i’ll talk about being part native and someone will ask me ‘aren’t you white’ and i’ll have no response other than 'yes. being mixed is fucking weird pal.’ hhdfhhf i still fear that no one will Believe i am mixed since i look so white and i call myself white bc it feels like stealing to call myself otherwise (i mean. i am white, mostly.) but that doesn’t change my choctaw great great great grandma being choctaw. like she was on the trail of tears but she never made it to mississippi she went to texas and married a white man so her documents are fucky but she was choctaw. i hope she was able to have a good life
#the tree is talking#being mixed is weird jgdhifd like if u look white but ur open about not being Completely White the Racism(TM) still comes#i remember when i was younger and i talked about it more often#that when i held my arms out at a weird angle bc i was stretching my teacher was like 'ik ur native are you praying to a sun goddess haha'#no?? i'm stretching u fuck??#and when i talked about pow wows everyone thought they were so weird#a few kids even /laughed/ at the name 'pow wow'#like what the fuck.#that's my culture u bitch#don't fuckin laugh#Felt Bad Scoob#and my NAME oh my god my NAME#(well. deadname.)#but all the 'exotic' comments i got on my /native/ name. native!! the opposite of exotic!!! the OPPOSITE!!!#shut up kevin ur name's the exotic one what language is it??#it's gaelic right??? how exotic!!!#and no one fuckin bothers to pronounce it right like even after i stopped talking about being native and i let people forget i was native#they still couldn't be fuckin bothered to pronounce it right#who the fuck thinks the syllable 'ki' would make the 'kuh' sound#what the fuck#it's ki!! like keys!!#i mean the name thing is gonna be there till people irl start knowing me as arbor but#the rest of it got a lot easier after i started letting people ignore my native heritage and that is fucked up#i can barely imagine what it must be like for people who don't have the option to let people ignore their nonwhite heritage#i had it a lot easier than they do#i hope they're all having a good day/night#aaaa i always feel like i'm stealing when i talk about being native but like that's just a mild inconvenience to me so
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