#kulsot amrida
contrastparadoxx · 1 year
kulsot gets a text from his favorite pyrite:
'hey, was thinking about you. you good?'
>Kulsot jumped, startled by his phone going off. He used the sleeve of his coat to wipe his face, glad he had taken some funds to treat himself to a day out while Omnius and Soliel baked together. No one in this hotel room to see him crying on the verge of a breakdown, after all.
>Upon seeing who it was that sent the message, his heart ached. That’s both exactly who he wanted to see, and exactly the last person he wanted around him. But he wasn’t around
“Hey Ruru, can’t keep me out of your thoughts eh? :P”
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cloudbattrolls · 1 year
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But I'm still begging for the Pale sugar water Eyes lazy for the truth Am I, still waiting like a Lamb to the slaughter Does your God believe in you?
Maybe, I'm a total wreck So drain my blood until there's nothing left Maybe, I won't repent Live a lie and let the vultures in
Kulsot is copyright @contrastparadoxx!
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
Hey Keonin how have things been going lately?
Keonin's ear flicked, showing that she heard you, but her focus seemed to be elsewhere. Her eyes were wide and round, anxious and expecting; her heart pounded in her ears, she couldn't hear the comforting murmurs of her matesprit as he walked her through the process. Two cocoons, rich in teal and red, were moving, twitching. She couldn't remember the last time she witnessed something like this.
It took her back to a night of old, roaring with fire and rife with the shouts of angry Trolls. Innocent lives were taken just so they could take hers. But they never did.
She was shaken from her thoughts when she felt Nyctea's hand on her shoulder. Keonin looked up at him. She hadn't realized she had been crying until the Purpleblood wiped the tears away from her face. "Your children need you," he murmured, then nodded to the cocoons Selene was checking over. She blinked up at him affectionately, then turned and hovered by Selene's side.
The walls of the cocoons shifted, and Keonin could see a little hand beginning to poke through the slips. Selene began gently pulling at the parts of the walls that were dead and peeled away to widen the hole the grubs-- no, wrigglers-- were trying to climb through. Then, the hole was wide enough to peer inside, and Keonin's breath caught in her throat.
Beautiful red eyes, looking up at her, already glistening with tears and his brows furrowed in stress. He had the curved horns of an Amrida, and the iconic hair swoop to boot. The grub had turned out to be a beautiful little boy with a round face and a gap between his teeth. "Anxsos," Keonin sighed, relieved. The kid recognized her voice and offered her a shy smile.
She helped him climb out and immediately wrapped a blanket around him. Nyctea set to work helping to clean the child of cocoon goop. The goop made the room have a feint unpleasant smell, but nobody complained as they helped the two boys move on to their next phase of life.
The next to emerge was the Dioxal, with long messy hair and a curious spark to his eyes. Selene held the walls apart as Keonin helped him out, "Khodia."
"Congratulations!" Nyctea's smile was wide as he helped to clean Khodia, too. "Should I get Kulsot and Omnius on the phone?"
"Let's find them some clothes first, and some food," Selene said with a nod.
"Oh, of course! Everything's already prepared," there was a sheepish smile dancing on the dragon's lips, "I've been waiting for this."
"Oh, thank you! I'll start checking them over for any unexpected complications, then you can show them their clothes and make the call. Keonin, could you get them food?"
"Of course," Keonin still had both boys near her, and there was a part of her that didn't want to be apart from them for even a minute. Her heart went out to them, enveloping them in a metaphorical embrace. She knew she would love them no matter what, though this love had rooted her in place.
"Hey, are you okay?"
Keonin blinked and glanced at Selene. Though half of his face was hidden behind his medical mask, she could see how concerned he was by the pull of his brow and the look in his eyes. She leaned into him and planted a kiss on his temple, "Yes. Never better, love." There was a brief flicker of doubt in his eyes, though Selene knew better than to question it right now.
With a deep breath, she forced herself to let go of the children and make herself useful in the kitchen. Everything felt like such a blur, like she wasn't even there. As she prepared the very first meals these freshly pupated Trolls would have, a smile spread across her face. Though nervous at first, over time pure joy replaced the anxiety of memories.
"Anxsos Amrida and Khodia Dioxal," she said to herself, "Welcome home."
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sunnetrolls · 2 years
Heeeey Ark, I have it on good authority Mr. Amrida recently tried to get in contact with you, is that correct?
He looks you over.
You're not part of law enforcement, so you're definitely not here trying to clear up what happened by contacting Kulsot's connections. You could be referring to the other Mr. Amrida, he thinks for a moment, but even then he just doesn't really care to indulge questions about his unofficial secretary right now.
He closes the door without a word and heads back to his desk, dialing the building security number on his phone. Well then...
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
KULSOT!!! BRO!!! I NEED YOU!!! OYE! OYE!! You a lonely fuck in the ☧itch quad, I know a guy~ Hear me out!! - Asaego @ Kulsot
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"I'm not LONELY, I don't NEED a quad, but ugh as long as they can show me a good time I'll hear you out I SUPPOSE"
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
It was hard, being alone in this moment. Rutaci had stopped responding to his messages, and he wanted to cling to Omnius, to be kissed until there was not a thought in his head and he could avoid thinking about everything for a while. But Omnius was helping Soliel, and that’s important, they deserve time to bond just the two of them, or three if Moreto is involved in her own way. A quick glance out of the corner of his eye was enough to see his own constant companion, and for half a moment he was tempted to turn to her for what he needed, but the memory of why she was dead made that hard. Maybe going somewhere public would be better. Then at least he would not be both alone and isolated.
The mall was busy, the music blaring over the speakers loud and aggressive, not that any of the shoppers seemed to notice or care. There were deals to be taken advantage of, fashion to be updated. Kulsot walked, hardly even window shopping, caught up in his own thoughts while actively trying to avoid such.
And that’s when he felt something crash into his legs, causing him to stumble and almost fall over. Looking down revealed not a something, but a familiar someone. Frilled, violet cusp fins, upturned horns, white streak in the hair… the red’s breath caught in his throat as the child looked up at him, with nothing but adoration in his eyes, and a bright smile on his face.
Something inside Kulsot broke. Entirely ignoring that he was in the middle of a busy mall he sank down to the ground, pulling the child close to him and just starting to sob, as little hands held him close.
“Marion, Marion oh I’m sorry baby mommas sorry you’ve probably been so so scared haven’t you.” There was no verbal answer, just quiet purring. After a moment Marion pulled back a little bit, hesitantly touching Kulsot’s throat, looking concerned. He let him, knowing he could feel the vibrations of talking “Momma’s okay, see, nothings there, not anymore”
Only one Marion was SURE did he curl up close again. This felt right, Kulsot had missed this, even in the middle of a crowd he did not want to move. Maybe for a few minutes everything could just be okay.
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Worst takes? Um. Vrayan “secret” soft uwu side that ends up being her whole personality to someone ? Kulsot being evil for dating omnius because [insert any reason here], or pidge being too innocent bean and doesn’t comprehend death or serious matters
You are so correct for all of these honestly
Vray would get painted as the damsel in distress UwU soft bean I think, of course all her quads are big and scary she needs them to protect her!!!
There are a lot of reasons to call Kulsot evil, him being with the man who rescued him from his abuser isn’t one of them even if said guy is an abuser himself to someone else
And yeah Pidge too pure too innocent would be the thing and the fandom would all pointedly look away with who his mate is and pretend he doesn’t know what he’s doing. He will bite all of them.
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Kulsot do you ever sharpen your teeth? I bet with how much you bite they're bound to get dull.
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“Oh that’s funny! You realize I bite soft flesh, not anything hard like bone, right?”
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“Though I uh, I did have one of my fangs fall out the other day when I bit My Omnom, so… that may be the natural answer to that? I’m not really sure… I should probably Ask Ptillo about it”
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
His sexuality is Whore next question
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contrastparadoxx · 2 years
Omnius softly knocks on the door, "Kulsot, darling?"
Kulsot is curled in a corner, tears leaving streaks on his cheeks as he holds his own hands wrapped softly around his throat. He jumps at the knock and looks up, looking for all the world like a deer caught in the headlights.
“…Yes, my love?”
He tried to speak clearly, but his voice cracked
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
hey kulsot, get deified, idiot <3
This one has caused a lot of thinking… I think he would be one of those gods with two wildly different depictions, to the point where it’s easiest to assume they were two different guys who got smooshed together into one. On one hand, hearth and home and family and fresh baked bread and all such things. On the other hand… vengeance, silver tongues and shark words, a god painted in the blood.
He’s often depicted as a swan I think, an animal so beautiful and delicate by virtue of being a bird, but easily turned fierce. And one capable of dying by broken heart if it’s family is lost. Other depictions include a wolf and a bear. In fact, he is said to be a god with all of these and more as masks, able to change form effortlessly by simply putting a mask on. He’s the champion deity of those who lashed out at their abusers, the ones broken so much they’ve become sharp, and it’s said he will grant you a mask of your own with which to hide if needed.
He is certainly known to be a married god, though it’s possible that who he is married to is not exactly clear.
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
kulsot, ru said he loves you
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“There’s no reason to be cruel and play with me that way”
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
kulsot.... YOU are the one waiting for him
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“It’s different”
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Oh my GOD kulsot he’s sitting there talking about how he doesn’t think he’s good enough for you either, you two should hold hands about it
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“Oh, he’s far far too good for me. I… I love him, if I’m going to be honest. And I have, for a very long time. I had my chance to admit that, and possibly get him, and I lost it, and now… how could I ever hope to be good enough?”
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Kulsot has unique ring tones (and vibration patterns) for everyone important to him in his phone
With the exception of Rutaci who has the basic one still so it doesn’t raise questions
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contrastparadoxx · 1 year
Whaaaaaaaats your faaaaaaaavoritest thing to bake, kulsot?
>A moment of consideration
“It depends I think. Sometimes bread and biscuits, sometimes cakes, really I just love making anything that will make someone else smile”
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