#kuma fighting for his humanity to save bonney from saturn in one last act of love...
goldenblu · 5 months
i’m plotting out how the egghead arc is gonna go in my emotionless sanji au, and that + recent manga chapters have got me thinking about sanji and kuma potentially being parallels (or foils? idfk)
sanji, who is slowly having his emotions stripped away from him, for no reason other than the fact that terrible things were done to him before birth by an uncaring father.
and then there’s kuma. everything kuma did, every act of kindness disguised as cruelty, every choice he made—it was all for a hope in a better future, for a liberation he would not get to see. for a child he loved and was loved by.
both of them, meant to be weapons. neither of them wanted to be.
but at the end of the day, kuma is a father who sacrificed his humanity to save his daughter.
and sanji…well, sanji is a son whose humanity was sacrificed to serve his father. 
do you see it. do you see my vision.
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